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Myrrdin Jun 2018
I waited for you.
For years now
I've been waiting
Putting love aside
In case you arrived
Today, though,
Was the last time
I got to wait around.

You lost your health
Your liver, your life
You chose crystal
Over me, over you
Over everything
You ran out of time
Life couldn't wait.
To my first love. Addiction claims too many lives.
rexitals Jun 2018
‪”Just hold on a little longer,” she said
but my longer were the shortest.
I’m a ticking time bomb,
my seconds were not worth a waiting,
I might explode
in 1 or 3 or 10 more longer seconds.

How long can ‘a little longer’ be?
Danielle Jun 2018
This broken teacup of mine,
Lays on the floor.
Pieces scattered and crushed into the carpet.
A mosaic of pain.
This broken teacup of mine,
Stabs and slices,
As I pick up the shattered porcelain.
White stained red.
This broken teacup of mine,
I can’t put back together.
I remember it fondly from when it was whole
And admire its new beauty
As I wait, patiently.
Not the other poem I was going to post tonight, but inspiration comes at odd moments and I have no problems rolling with it.

Sometimes you can't put people back together, sometimes you have to wait for them to fix themselves. But that doesn't ever mean that you can't appreciate them as they were and who they are now becoming.
Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2018
I watch stars come out at night
These days they are my only friends
Giving me hope when all I have found
Are empty hallways strewn with dead ends

I look for an omen or sign
To tell me it's not too late
A burning bush will never appear
It's not meant to be, still I wait
Written 3-27-13
Lucas Kolthof Jun 2018
Before you kiss someone for the first time,
Just wait.

Take a second to look at them.
They are so new and so unfamiliar.
Right now you don’t know how they taste,
How their hands will intertwine with yours,
How they’ll exhale after touching your bones.

You won’t see them like this ever again

Stare into their wanting -
the apprehension
budding inside their pupils -
they don’t know as well.
In their mind
you are uncharted territory as well.

Isn’t that special?

Keep it.
That’s how you’ll never lose them,
Or so I think.
Every so often after this moment,
look at them through these
soon to be ancient eyes.
Find this vision,
this exact dialect
of witness,
find these
pair of eyes

And don’t lose this wonder.
Don’t lose the spark.

For if you do,
The burns will leave you scared of the sun,
While the sunlight will still dance in their hair.

Even the universe is jealous of this moment, and will take this away from you in years to come,

Just know
If you are the forest fire
I will be the rainfall calming smoke scented winds.

Skin is delicate
But this story could be beautiful,
As we dive into the unknown.

- an excerpt from a book I’ll never have the courage to write
stopdoopy Jun 2018
Do you ever wonder if they care as much as they say they do?

Why can't they answer your message?

Why do they only give a few brief words?

Why does it feel like you're the only one trying?

If you have theses or similar questions
then it might be time to cut yourself free and wait.

Wait until they ask you how you are.

Wait until they answer your message.

Wait until they try to put some effort in.

If it never comes, then they don't.
don't just wallow in your sadness either though
stopdoopy Jul 2018
The problem is
if you want someone to talk to you
you can't wait for them to
for they might never do so
go out and make the first move
for they might be doing the same as you
Boygene Borice Jun 2018
Dear Love,

I wait for that day,
Like the dawn waits for the sun,
When the glamour of us,
Will outshine the radiance of the sun.

I wait for that day,
Like darkness waits for the night,
When the affection of our hearts,
Will touch like a magnet upon an iron.

I wait for that day,
Like a flower waits for daylight,
When our souls will embrace,
Within the warm breeze of romance.

I wait for that day,
With vigor and longing,
To hold you close to my heart,
While our bodies touch in ecstasy.

I wait for that day,
When all barriers between us,
Will be a tale forgotten in the past,
And us will only be us.

My Love,
It may tarry,
But I will always wait for you,
For I’m only living for that day.
Love is a treasure worth waiting for
Lora H A Jun 2018
I realize
time is a gift.

Love is a need.
Forgive a key.

We are just bridges,
needing to be crossed.


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