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Cat Fiske May 2015
with open *fists.

like *maybe,

you're open,
to *stop,
ten words, that have always been a thought in my head. Its definitely a start to another poem, may not be the exact start, but similar.
Mike Essig Apr 2015
When you hear
the methamphetamine
buzz of a bullet
just missing your ear,
you wake up and know
you are really alive.
Somethings just jar us awake. This is one.
Lily Catalini Apr 2015
i want to walk this bomb field
without hitting the bombs
no dog with me this time
to sniff them out

Blunt force trauma
a blow to my psyche from your hammer of hands who pounded into my mind making me fear your preconceived ideas of my undying faith to your never ever loving thoughts about my, then, innocence. so many times-


How many times did I trust the snake who hung, from the oh sweet forbidden fruit who's aftertaste bit me every time?
Who's deep rooted poison made me a pile of decaying flash, leaving me with a smell that drew all vultures to my feet.


Every ******* one swarmed my flesh, biting, marking me with their jagged teeth that covered the tip of every finger, that kept the skin bloodied and bright red for identification.


The ID of the body I see in the mirror, Jane Doe to myself, and target to the man who mangled my soul even more that it's vessel. Who's voice rattled my bones and hands cracked the chest casing under my already blue and pruple skin he kissed with his knuckles just-
Just enough.


Enough of me he became and the red of my skin was no longer his favorite and I longed for my red to change hue and I checked its tone when I dipped into the rivers beneath my skin and all I did was make myself a prisoner to the body I painted different ****** shades to make him want me.

But my red turned fall and I was no longer a color he could see, but a place he had never been and my characteristics were as mysterious as the reasons I thought I deserved red.


Blunt Force Trauma
slam poem
Eleanor Rigby Feb 2015
You looked me in the eye
With the same smile you gave me
A long time ago.
You let me order your coffee for you
I knew which one
It's still the same
From a long time ago.

I laughed about the jokes you told me
You laughed at how unfunny
Mine were
And you playfully hit me
I frowned, you laughed,
I laughed, you laughed again
And said sorry
Just like you did
A long time ago.

The worst of it all
Was that when your hand
Accidentally brushed mine
I shivered
Just like I did
A long long time ago.

-- Eleanor
I saw you

I saw your brain spilling out its cerebellum, medulla oblongata, etc

All over- unrecognizable


I saw

I thought those were some kind of pink pulses

Lord knows, weirder things have been found

and seen

I saw

I saw

I hope there is justice for you

I will pray for your soul

My soul will meet yours
when the knell rings for me

I hope you find peace

I hope you know that I called

And called and tried and tried

To help you even though you were already gone

I saw your friend- his eyes, his expression

I really did try
Please find yourself another life

I hope your friend finds peace
Knows it wasn't all his fault
I hope his eyes lose the haunted shocked expression
I really wish he can drive again

I hope he can continue working
- he looked like one of those people
you know those ones?
working hard to make it out of drudgery?

I hope he makes it through this
And I really really wish you guys hadn't had a fight before this

Find peace
Go safe
Go softly

Your death was sudden
Ripped out of this earth
Like you were never meant to exist
That was meant to be me

I hope it didn't hurt too much

And those ******* that did this to you?
I hope they didn't mean it
I wish they hadn't been high before this

Your death shouldn't be meaningless
And although
You might be simply another obituary in tomorrow's newspaper

This poem will say

"I saw you.
I prayed for you.
I greeted you.
I witnessed your existence.
You meant something
Just as your death did.
I wish you peace and that you go
Safely, soundly
Wishing you that your loved ones
Remember you with love
And maybe some heartbreak
But they find strength.
s   a   w
The only way I know how to cope and deal is to write it out.
'Bounce my face off the floor,  maybe then you will recognize me'
Burn my skin so you will remember my scream
Pull my hair to feel colors slide between your fingers
Punch me
Make me feel something
Other than a lie you built during the day
Making people believe you are charming and handsome
When the true you is conniving and distasteful
Your teeth are never white,  
Rotting yellow behind your pale lips
Your hair is thin, and in places on your scalp disappearing
(like I wish I could)
I dream of knocking you down
And breaking your bones harder than you ever snapped mine
And knocking your teeth out
While I pack my bags and watch you bleed on that new tan carpet you just installed
And even adding an extra kick in the head
Just for laughs.
If I am lucky you will be brain dead,
But alive just enough to where you can watch me live my life fully,  loving heartily, And most importantly,
Speak my mind without fear, or your voice replacing mine anymore
The first line is a quote from Sons of Anarchy
I have someone I know that is in an abusive relationship, and is trying to get out.  If you know someone, do something!!
Kelsey Dec 2014
So one of my friends is dating this guy
And they're so cute it's unbelievable
But I feel bad because I can't help but wish
That I had a life like hers.

This girl is amazingly pretty
She's nice and outgoing
She's smart in class
Plus she doesn't do illegal ****.

I'm on the opposite end of the scale
Where I have guy friends but have never been asked to a formal dance
I'm probably not as pretty as her
At times i'm kind of shy, depending on my day.
I don't feel like I'm that smart because
I'm a white girl surrounded by Asians.
And then I do rebellious things to get back at my parents.
I drink and smoke and party and lie etc.

Every day I just wish
My life had turned out differently.
Just one different decision,
And it would all have been changed.

But most of all,
I wish I wasn't hit on by creepy  guys on the street
Just because I'm white.
This happened today
And the guy said he was a police officer
But I think he was full of **** tbh.

There was also this old guy, like 75
Who told me where he lived
When I was walking my dog
And then showed me his skin condition
But asked me to go to his house with him
I just walked away slowly

I wish that I was special
To some guy that actually knew me.
Not some weird as ****** on the street
Who wanted my facebook.
WickedHope Dec 2014
Some          times
I    want    to    kiss    you
as   much   as   I   want   to   knock
your        teeth        out,
Supposed to be in the shape of lips. Whatever.
You infuriating intoxication.
Jay Nov 2014
He hit her.
Fist to face, he hit her.
She bit the taste of blood from her tongue and inner cheek
And stared at the freak who beat her
A man she once loved enough to consider vows
The father of her child, once her protector  now she can't be protected from him.
He hit her.
When she wasn't looking he balled a fist in his fit and swung the **** directly at her lower lip.
What is she to do when the very man who took her hand and placed a ring on her left finger, is the cause of the sting lingering on her face.
Should she tell, yell, or scream
Wake up from this dream or realize that
He hit her.
He really did but the problem is he doesn't care.
His bare balled hand to her unexpecting mouth as she sat there on the couch.
His eyes blazed with fury, her eyes glazed with tears and fear of this man who stands before her.
Sorrow surrounds her as her heart pounds and tears drown her.
Mourning is she, for the man who she thought would be her everything for eternity but...
He hit her.
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