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Megan Nov 2014
What if...
I'm as light as a feather and as heavy as lead.
What am I doing here?
Where do I want to go?

What if...
Now something stupid to think off.
We could run in the fields?
And pretend we are kings and queens?

What if...
I can't fathom the universe.
And we are just here?
And we don't exactly know where?

What if...
Let's live more lies.
Do we ever fall in love?
Do we ever know the worst from the best?

Takes hit.
And as the smoke billows out and away,
I wonder
What if?...
I'm too high to care for appropriate or approximate meters right now <3
Savannah Jane Nov 2014
don't do this
don't raise your hand up
not again
you're scaring me
now i'm crying
why do you do this
how can you do this
now i'll wake up with another bruise
but i know you don't care
how you leave me
you just care that i hurt.
Pilot Oct 2014
Last night, I hit a wall in my chest.
Like the sea, I came crashing down
and suddenly, I was drowning.

Last night, I hit a wall in my head
and I couldn’t process thought anymore.
There was only pain behind my eyes.

Last night, I hit a wall with my fists.
The drywall fell broken to the floor,
and blood dripped down my knuckles.
In between life’s mortal coil
where living teaches harshest real.
Mixed between the good and vile
this is the realm we learn to feel.

Our feelings good or very bad
often guide our way in life,
in many ways it is so sad.
Our past does cause us so much strife.

From early years I lived with rage.
Violence was just a way it seems.
Beatings from an early age
it took away our childhood dreams.

The first girl that I really liked
assumed there was some good in me
until my temper truly spiked.
It's when she wanted to be free.

I sit alone and sometimes cry
because of the things I have done.
In retrospect I’d rather die
or disappear and run, run, run.

It just comes out in angers run,
before I know it I strike out.
Just thank the Lord I had no gun
because I would use it there’s no doubt.

After many bad association
where violence has been used to quell
I hope that in this new relation
this time I do not go through hell.

I fight so hard now to restrain
my temper being what it be
From violence I must refrain
once and for all I can be free.

Free from anguish, free from blame.
Not to recall my younger days
Just talk instead of being inflamed
like others in more normal ways.

Now I am married with a wife.
Three loving children I adore
I think now when I feel the strife
No longer use my Satan’s claw.

Satan’s claw is what I call
my way of evil mindedness.
No longer to this way I fall,
now I can make this recompense.

Although my upbringing was quite bad
I feel I blamed my ways on this,
my parent’s lives’ were very sad
and something I shall never miss.

My life has gained in many ways.
My family I love more than all
and life is now something I praise
I thank God each day that I don’t fall
Avery Glows Aug 2014
He's black and tiny.

Dull but shinny.

Disgusted with its presence.

People swap him off

the tables,

the wall.

Their eyes blazing with flare.

Raising fists about to strike,

their food becomes trash

in a moment,

the fly flies,

not anymore,

squashed and lifeless,

where it lies paralyzed

and dies.
Winter Silk Jul 2014
Physics:                                                         ­      Love:
        It's not the fall that kills                          It's not falling in love that kills
             The fall is actually                                          The fall is actually
                 exhilarating                                                     ­    thrilling
                 invigorating                                                     ­ intoxicating  
                 breathtaking                                                     ­  vitalizing
         it's when you've finally                                    it's when you've finally
               hit the ground                                                  reached the end
                that kills you                                                     that kills you.
if there's one thing I've learned from physics that can be poetic...
i May 2014
only five,
clueless about
thinks it's all
rainbows and flowers,
but soon life
will be his worst
and it will be
the storm after
the calm,
life will come
to him as a
heavy rain shower,
in which he will
get wet and
catch a **cold.
i did it reverse, in this case it's not the calm after the storm, it's storm after the calm
Martin Narrod May 2014
Gold crown of Olympus, hair crown and
Skin gown. First we throw our bodies at
One another. Heaping piles of human soup.
Bold maneuvers, hands and mouths and
Boy meets girl lying down, on top, intertwined.
Skittish moves on a tryst. Wet fingers of freshly
Tendered infinite decibel pleasure screams.
Streamers above a long rooting movement.

Overture of Aphrodite. Sparkling, glitter woman,
Legs pressed tightly to the chest,
Loose appendages intertwined. Intersticed dactyls
In rapture, soothing. Bodies build to one heart's beat.
Two muses fused together. If I wasn't afraid I'd wake you up
I'd slip on my shoes and make a tropical fruit fondue.

Stage two:

Ice cream lover's delight. Opus to brown sugar.
To swimming again, a pursed lurking of lips
In the academy of the pastoral commonwealth.
We eat at our stations of the sublime. Today which was
A day of discord- you nursed me back to the land of the living.

Stage three:


Stage four.


Stage five:

As we earn our pageantry to take
Stride on this Earth, and string a
Great bow of eager success among all of us,
You, me, them. While I continue to
Gaze at you. If not dinner, perhaps a
Cup of tea instead.
Daylight 4U2C May 2014
I gave away my branches,
I gave away my leaves,
you chopped me up for housing,
then ran off,
leaving me.

I gave away my dirt,
and gave away my air,
I gave away the water,
you said you'd none to spare.

I gave away my patterns,
I gave away my age,
I gave away all I had,
and you'd just take and take.

And now that I have nothing,
I sit alone, and cry
I think how I am now a stump,
and you didn't even say goodbye.
I don't know why,
I give stuff to you.
I tell the others,
it's just what I do.
But I'm ready to jump,
right over the ledge.
You keep laughing,
and pushing me off the edge.
Then you come back around,
asking for solace.
I'd have hit the ground by now,
but i won't get stuck in the past.
So whether or not hurting me was your goal,
Take that you ***!
Being a bully isn't cool.

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