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Jan 2016 · 861
Shazia ullah Jan 2016

Who said paper isnt important
It keeps secrets in a form of a diary
Notes in form of a notebook
And love in the form of letters written by you to her
Jan 2016 · 9.5k
Shazia ullah Jan 2016

"**** the adults, save the children"
Plea of parents from war torn Syria
Children being killed for 'throwing stones'
Parents dying from broken hearts
Worlds most immoral army
Fabricating the deaths of men, women
Young, and old
The world is quiet oh so quiet
There are humans but no humanity
A word known as justice
But nobody here to deliver it
The world is a cruel place
None will speak until its them that suffer :(
Why is it so hard to let each other live in peace?
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
Romance :)
Shazia ullah Jan 2016
Romance :)

Walking with you in the realms of night
Where the stars lead the way
And silence is our music
Jan 2016 · 1.9k
I couldnt
Shazia ullah Jan 2016
I tried to separate your thoughts from my memory but i couldnt
I tried to throw you out of my heart again i couldnt
I tried to separate you from me after we went on different paths.....
I couldnt
Jan 2016 · 1.2k
Me and you and poems
Shazia ullah Jan 2016
Me and you and poems

Ages ago i used to love poetry
I could write anything
Anywhere any time
Even my dreams consisted of poems
I would wake up middle of the night
Looking frantically for paper
So the poem that had formed in my dreams wouldnt disappear
All i would write about was you,
Me, me and you, and us
My poems were happy with
Those few moments we had spent together
Poems that contained fragments of memory in them
Of me and you walking together
They were happy poems
They'd make me smile and blush
And then i stopped and the happy poems stopped
Me and you, we stopped
I dont know why but after that
There were no more poems
I had nothing to write about
Poems as i knew them had to have
Smiles and laughter and love
I didnt have that with you gone
So i stopped
But then you came back and
The poems started again
And here we are
Happy again
Everything is beautiful again
But now theres question in my poems
An uncertainty a lack of trust maybe
Will these poems ever stop again
Jan 2016 · 740
One world
Shazia ullah Jan 2016
One world

Once upon a time
I used to feel safe
It was safe to play outside
To have fun
To be a child
Be free
Play until the street lamps came on
Or until mum called from the
Unlocked doors
But everywhere i look
I know
Our children now
Are not safe
They are being watched
They are feared
Shunned out
And hated
Simply for being
For believing in a religion
That is different from
Their own
For being the wrong colour
For grandparents
Or parents coming
From the wrong country
Even schools
Watching to see
Which one they fear to be
A 4 year old terrorist in making
But i want to tell them this
We also bleed
Red - the colour of your blood
Red - the colour of mine
This world is for you
That world is for us
Remember theres only one world
And it is for all of us
Living in a world where now everything and everyone needs an explanation. Its sad :(
Jan 2016 · 1.8k
Just a thought
Shazia ullah Jan 2016
Just a thought

You remember me
I will remember you
Come to me walking
I will come to u running
Commit a sin ask forgiveness
I will forgive u
Such is the mercy of Allah
If the almighty can forgive
Us puppets made of clay and water
Who are we to hold grudges
Against each other
Love forgive forget
Jan 2016 · 543
Tell me
Shazia ullah Jan 2016
Tell me

Should i write my thoughts
Or should they stay locked away
Cant decide, tell me...
Jan 2016 · 44.2k
My baby girl
Shazia ullah Jan 2016
My baby girl

My baby girl,
She doesnt speak to me
But i know what she says
I know what her gibberish means
I know why her tantrums are
My baby girl
Beautiful as anything ive ever seen
Maybe more
Innocent pure unique
My baby girl is special
Jan 2016 · 1.2k
Awkward silence
Shazia ullah Jan 2016
Awkward silence

Awkward silences
Where i am angry
And your ego is in the way
Silences where we want to talk
But your too proud to say "sorry"
Same bed but we are miles apart
Where i wait for you
To run your fingers through my hair
Like usual i wait for you
To help me fall asleep
But your miles away
Too proud to make the first move
'She'll get over it'
The thought is in your head
Maybe i will
But still it would be nice to see
You care
Waiting in awkward silence
Jan 2016 · 5.6k
Shazia ullah Jan 2016

I watch the fireworks
Dancing away in the sky
Pinks blues greens reds
Fireworks dancing with the music
They sing "watch me, watch me"
And i do, i am mesmerised
What sweet syncronising
I catch myself dancing
With the fireworks
I am on cloud 9
They're still going
So much energy
So much passion
Twirling twirling
Shooting up high
They light the sky
Just like the stars
Blue purple yellow orange
Sweet sweet harmony
They are alive
The sky is alive
I am alive
I am dancing away
To the beat of the fireworks
They have the sky on fire
The suns turned off its light
And i am mesmerised with
The fireworks that have lit up
The dark with their own lights
Dancing away in their own world
Wow! The patterns!
The colours combine
Into one huge explosion
Beauty at its peak
Its brought the world together
They are one like the fireworks
Dancing hand in hand
Laughing singing dancing away
They are one
Dec 2015 · 465
My other children
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
My other children

My children are sleeping
Warm and snug in their beds
Sweet slumber, they dream away
Their gentle soothing breaths
Have my heart at peace
My children are asleep
Safe and sound in their beds
No worries no hassle no war
Just sweet sweet sleep
They dream of sunshine
And flowers and beautiful colours
They dream of beauties of this world
Then there are my other children
My children born of different mothers
Bless their tiny eyes, they cant sleep
They have no bed to keep them warm
Theres an empty space where a sister or a brother should have been
Their mother lies awake
Fearing for their safety
Scared for their future, if they have one
Their mother who loves her children
Just like me
A mother whose heart screams at this world to give them justice
Give them quiet, give some peace
These children are having nightmares
Of the realities of this world
Dec 2015 · 11.2k
Beauty vs Beast
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
Beauty vs beast

The petals of the rose
Draw all the attention away from the thorns
It is fascinating how a single flower can be so beautiful
Yet contain a hint of ugliness in it to
Just like the peacock
Which has a million stunning feathers on its tail
Drawing attention away from its feet
It saddens the peacock itself
When it compares its beauty to the deformity it contains
Nothing is perfect in this world
Dont expect it to be
If these beautiful creations contain imperfection
Remember somewhere we are also flawed
Dec 2015 · 477
Shazia ullah Dec 2015

Each new year
A new resolution is made
I will loose weight
I will be nice
No more drinking
No more anger
No more war
Yet here we are
Year 2016....
How many of us
Made these resolutions
Last year
The year before that
Or even before that?
Look, even now
Theres so much evil
So much anger
So much war
Noone sticks to their resolutions
They break just like empty promises
Made by every other man
To every other woman
Made to be broken
Just abit of fun
Resolutions are a way of saying
"Yes we are wrong"
"Yes we do wrong"
"We will not change"
Happy new year
The number has changed
But expect no more
Happy New Year
Dec 2015 · 331
Haunted dreams
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
Haunted dreams

My dreams are haunted
A dream because its beautiful
And then haunted
Because you show up
And i know you shouldnt be here
But theres no way i can stop you
You werent here when i was awake
Why do you show when i am asleep
Let me dream in peace
The only place i felt i could forget you
Yet here you are again
An illusion in my life
Just like this illusion in my dream
Dec 2015 · 272
Shazia ullah Dec 2015

I watch her
As she reads my words
I hesitate
Will she figure it out
Will she know
What she reads
Is not just any ordinary poem
It is all my secrets
Wrapped away
In a poem
And there she is
Looking at me
Directly into my eyes
She knows....
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
Warm warm bath
I watch all my problems evaporate
With the steam rising
And vanishing away
It takes away the rush of the day
The big and small worries of the world
It calms me, calms the rhythm of my heart
And all burdens lift and float away
They return to me later
Just like the steam
As it becomes droplets of water once again
Running down the wall
Only for a few moments
Just those small moments
I am free
Dec 2015 · 365
A friend in the dark
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
The night has so many secrets
No one notices what is hiding in the shadows
Someone is crying
Someone is hurting
Someone is running
This night conceals it all
Unfamiliar sounds which dont panic us in daylight
Scare to the roots in the dark
Everyone sleeps
But the night is still awake
Theres no friendliness about it
Its black its claustrophobic, scary
Yet there is beauty in the dark
For it holds the moon and the stars
And somewhere out there
Someone sits by the window
Heart broken, alone
And speaks to them like
They are her own
She pours out her heart
She cries out infront of them
She hurts under their light
She doesnt know if anyone listens
But she knows that the dark
Will absorb her tears,
Take in her sobs
And keep her secrets safe
However many she may tell
The dark is beautiful for her
A silent friend
There to wipe it all away
Dec 2015 · 391
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
He takes my soul with him- The Angel of Death
Dec 2015 · 385
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
Sand, every small grain
Takes on the shape you want it to
It slips through fingers
Just like the seconds
Slip away from life
Make something big with these grains of sand
And make something bigger from the life given in ur hand
Mould the sand to show your desires
Mould life so you can fulfil those desires
Sand castles arent easy to make
The more your struggle for it
The more beautiful it becomes
Dec 2015 · 662
Me and my religion
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
We are not them
Dont judge me because of my religion
Dont judge us all the same
My religion teaches me peace
It teaches me love
It tells me to show compassion
Not like what you think of us
My religion is beautiful
Same as yours
Dont label us of crimes
Not comitted by us as a whole
There are muslims in the world
Just like there are the idiots
Idiots who hide behind false faces
They are not me and i am not them
I represent me, they dont do the same
So many religions
All struggling to get into heaven
Similar beliefs, same goal
Together we conquer
Divided we fall
Not just 1 religion
But the whole world
Hand in hand
We stand tall
Muslims stand in prayer
Shoulder to shoulder
To stop the devil winning
The world should do the same
Not to be muslim
But to be human,
To stop the ones separating us
Giving the terror they cause the name of Islam
Dec 2015 · 304
My book
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
That feeling you get when you start writing in a new book
I use that feeling to describe all the chapters of life ive written with you
Dec 2015 · 327
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
Words are meaningless
Everyone has something to say
From sweet whisperings
To bitter truths
Everyone has something to say
Actions speak louder than words
So when u want to say "i love you"
Because i will already know
Words are meaningless
Dec 2015 · 291
A Game Called Love
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
He loves you
Or so he says
Hes loved you
So many days
He wont hurt u
Thats a promise
Can he keep it
Is the challenge
Stay with him
Is his request
But then he leaves
U in unrest.
See if he loved you
He would marry you
Its simple
The picture he painted
Wasnt true
You may have wanted him
But he wasnt yours
You may have loved him
He was without heart
Not yours, not anyones
Just playing
Quenching thirst
Plain, simple and clear
He failed in
The game called love
Moving onto the next victim
Leaving you broken
Leaving you hurt
He loved you
Or so he said
He hurt u
He broke his promise
Its a game, just a game
A game called love
Dec 2015 · 278
Mirror on the wall
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
Mirror on the wall,
Do you lie and make us fall?
How do we trust you?

You show us smiling
Why do you not show the tears?
How do we trust you?

You show us beauty
But not the scars on the heart
How do we trust you?

You ignore the signs
Turn a blind eye to our pain
How do we trust you?

Show us what is true
Show more than just reflection
Be one with us, mirror
Poem constructed of 5 haikus
Dec 2015 · 325
My baby x
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
Sweet innocent smile
Pure unconditional love
And i love him back
Dec 2015 · 334
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
Death will come one day
Till then live to the fullest
You wont live again.
Dec 2015 · 202
It was written
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
It was written that we meet
It was written that we fall in love
It was written that we marry
I dont know what else has been written
All i know is that it involves you
And i know it has been written that i'll love you for all eternity
Dec 2015 · 234
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
When should we give up
Do we struggle all the way
I'm done, its your turn
Dec 2015 · 232
The Chance
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
The chance

If i was given the chance
To go back in time,
I was put where
I was not yours and
You were not mine,
I would pick you
All over again
Simply because
You let me be me
You let me be free
Thats what i love
about you
You're my cup of tea
Dec 2015 · 227
The stars
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
The stars
They listen to my secrets, they listen to my pain
The stars
They whisper to me comfort, night after night,
Again and again
The stars
See me shiver, see me break, see me laying
Wide awake
The stars
Oh the stars.....
Dec 2015 · 729
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
Its raining
Cold and wet
They sit there,
They pray
They hope
They pray some more,
Darkness falls
Someone breathes their last
Its the last breath and
It kills all around him
Dec 2015 · 213
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
Mother, you sheild me
You hold me tight when i'm scared
You are my heaven
Dec 2015 · 248
Shazia ullah Dec 2015
She was given to u to love
She was given to u to care for
She was given to u to make a family
She was given to u to make a home
Husbands remember, Allah counts her tears!

— The End —