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1.7k · Sep 2018
unhappy birthday
phoebe fructuoso Sep 2018
verbal abuse always had been a ruse
words exploding like a bomb, she never tried to control the fuse

it’s a never ending struggle
like an unsolvable puzzle

the missing piece is buried deep under levels of pride and mental disability
- it caused my instability

and from it I was never really free.
1.3k · Oct 2018
phoebe fructuoso Oct 2018
who would love a girl like me
a girl that has always been struggling to be free
yes she’s fun, she’s crazy, but that just masks her anxiety
peace is a word that’s long gone and missing from her dictionary
1.3k · Nov 2018
phoebe fructuoso Nov 2018
if your mind’s troubled by the emptiness
remember who you are, don’t you ever settle for less
you are fearfully and wonderfully made
1.2k · Apr 2018
I love you
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
I don't care if you're a storm
I'd stand through all your thunder and rains.

I’d pick you over sunshine any day.
August 2017
phoebe fructuoso Dec 2021
now I'm questioning everything we had since the beginning.
this is my longest anxiety attack
990 · Oct 2018
phoebe fructuoso Oct 2018
a story
a reason
a place
a season
if only you got to know the real me - the Phoebe hiding underneath all the mystery
885 · Dec 2021
loved and lost
phoebe fructuoso Dec 2021
I grieve a mother that's still alive and a bestfriend that died, do I have to grieve you too?
815 · Apr 2018
I am a creative.
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
Art to me, is a release.
Music keeps the peace when I’m in pieces
I dance to express, not impress
and I write - to destress.

They say poets are either sad or in love
and it’s true, I write poems
about people
who may never even read them.

I write about different stories
and different phases of my life
each one is basically a diary entry
- because this, this is for me.

When I write,
I am honest with myself
it is a form of self-help
it helps me figure out what I feel,
it also helps me heal
I get my emotions out,
and I realize the things
I’m too afraid
711 · Nov 2018
breaking boundaries
phoebe fructuoso Nov 2018
I break my boundaries by self improvement, by always pushing myself to be the best me I can be

by feeding my soul,
doing everything that makes me feel whole
figuring out my purpose - my existential role
“follow your dreams” I was once told
so im living now, don’t wanna regret when I’m old
“Everybody has a little bit of the sun and moon in them. Everybody has a little bit of man, woman, and animal in them, Darks and lights in them. Everyone is part of a connected cosmic system. Part earth and sea, wind and fire, with some salt and dust swimming in them. We have a universe within ourselves that mimics the universe outside. None of us are just black or white, or never wrong and always right. No one. No one exists without polarities. Everybody has good and bad forces working with them, against them, and within them” (Suzy Kassem)
709 · Apr 2018
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
for ****'s sake give your superficial ego a break‬

‪it masks your insecurities‬
‪but an empty person is all I see‬
‪all your potential has been absorbed by chemicals‬

‪all the pain has messed up your brain and I tried to refrain ‬
‪but I want to help you go back to yourself again‬

‪p.s. i dont like you, i dont love you‬
October 2017
707 · Dec 2021
phoebe fructuoso Dec 2021
When was the last time your special someone told you that you're beautiful?
655 · Oct 2018
game changer
phoebe fructuoso Oct 2018
I always write about people but when will I be the kind of girl someone writes about?

Like the girls on the cover of magazines
or the leading lady in movie scenes?

I crave the kind of love that sparks literature
one that is worth it, with a future

654 · Dec 2021
You never fail.
phoebe fructuoso Dec 2021
My portion, guard my mouth and my thoughts
Here I am in a dark place
but I know you are my light
with me, always.

I have purpose, no matter how everything hurts or how everything seems so far away
I will not give up because you have proven in my life, time and time again

that when everyone leaves, You are the one that remains.
People will fail you, but God never will.
644 · Dec 2021
I want to kill
phoebe fructuoso Dec 2021
the part of me that keeps trying to find home in a person.
I've seen this film before.
633 · Sep 2019
a little better
phoebe fructuoso Sep 2019
steady, though I’m still haunted by the memories
your love was like ecstasy

now it’s crashing down
I’m a fool, might as well dress like a clown
cause I fell hard for your lies
I’m left to deal with the side effects of that temporary high
love will ******* up more than drugs ever will
565 · Oct 2018
damn d
phoebe fructuoso Oct 2018
under rose quartz skies you’ll find
a girl who always has you on her mind
oh **** im *******
513 · Dec 2021
Dear future daughter
phoebe fructuoso Dec 2021
I hope you fall in love with someone
that would never let you cry yourself to sleep
feeling unloved, feeling like a burden

You deserve a love that's certain.
Imagine someone learning all about you, your traumas and triggers. The greatest love language is understanding.
510 · Jun 2020
maybes and i don't know's
phoebe fructuoso Jun 2020
before you told me you loved me, it was already felt just not said
at this point I guess we really had to come to an end

...and as soft and as painful as this is
maybe I just need one last kiss
I tried to love someone that doesn't love himself, he's like my mirror from years ago, it felt like he really loved me but now I don't know
509 · Apr 2018
thunderstorms and waves
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
there’s beauty in everything
~ even thunderstorms

they prove that
even the heavens lose control sometimes
and just like the waves

it will pass.
January 1 , 2018
505 · Sep 2019
unhappy birthday pt. 2
phoebe fructuoso Sep 2019
What else could I do?

Every night I vocalize my troubles to the heavens, to the One that I know will always listen

these recurring problems never seem to end
taking in all the pain of the words you never fully thought of before hitting send

I grew accustomed to a life where the bad outweighs the good
yet I continue to be patient... I continue to be misunderstood.
"Phoebe talk to her she wishes you best, she wishes you well"
I know that's true and that I should not dwell
- but mother sometimes you speak so evil, like a demon straight out of
479 · Apr 2018
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
My mind is filled with questions
with ‘what ifs’ and what should have happened

In a flipped universe what would have been the notion?
Would we be together or would I still be the only one with emotion?
December 2017.
460 · Apr 2018
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
/ spark, soul and a connection to make me feel whole /
November 2016
454 · Apr 2018
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
I’m a walking contradiction

a hopeful drowning in anxiety

just trying to stay sane in a chaotic world.
453 · Apr 2018
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
I don't know much about you
all I know is that I sure would love to

Boy for some reason, you're stuck in my brain
and it's so hard but I'm trying to refrain
because you have another girl
who probably feels the same
I thought you were different.
447 · Apr 2018
temporary sanity
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
I’m ashamed
I need certain substances to keep me sane
and pills at night to feel alright
440 · Sep 2019
I'm sorry
phoebe fructuoso Sep 2019
I thought love was when you made me hot tea in the morning because I was sick

I thought love was how you stocked up on tissues because you found out I had allergic rhinitis

I thought love was when you hugged me in your sleep, without knowing that I was awake and silently crying

I thought love was your commitment to waiting for me, being patient with me knowing that I was not in an easy state

I thought love was the way you dealt with my intoxicated breakdowns

Man, the list could go on because I honestly thought maybe love was all the things you did that I wasn't used to because you made me feel that for once, the stars finally aligned in my favor

but you were just in a phase of infatuation while I was in a phase of breaking down walls, learning to accept the "love" I was never used to.

Real love, my dear is how I am hurting;
is knowing I deserve better
but still wishing you were the better that I deserved.

I miss you
I should stop
but real love doesn't just go away so quickly
which is why I'm left to wonder
why you're so okay with losing me

I guess that just means you never loved me.
I'm sorry I fell for your *******. Thanks for reminding me of why I built my walls up so high in the first place.
436 · Apr 2018
don't rush
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
In love? Not quite.
But falling maybe.
January 2017
426 · Apr 2019
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2019
leave the details to those that are true
instead of wasting your time and energy
on those who have no intentions to pursue
418 · Apr 2019
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2019
a universe within her soul
and alone she is whole
some embark on a mission, take a rocketship to fly towards her heart
but instead they shoot for the stars, get lost in the process.....and depart
408 · Jun 2018
no apologies
phoebe fructuoso Jun 2018
I do not owe anyone anything.

Do not disrupt my long overdue peace of mind,
I owe myself happiness.
407 · Apr 2018
Views 2.0
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
"Forever" is just a concept.

I've accepted the fact that we live in a hookup generation where *** got easy and love got harder to find.

At my age and as of the moment, I'm tired of games.
I'm a hopeless romantic but I'm a realist too.

I don't date expecting "forever" .....a shot at it, sure.
But it's a definite maybe.

What I do expect though, is something worthwhile.
Someone I can grow with and from thereon, we have yet to see.
I'm just here realigning my chakras & focusing on my priorities. I'm open to anyone who would want to join me but I'm not stressing on finding company.
406 · Apr 2018
serotonin deficiency
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
/ getting rid of toxins, or at least trying to /

3:45 - gotta lessen happiness intakes via chemicals
I want real happiness, and to fall back to love that is radical.

We’re all addicted to something that takes the pain away, or keeps us sane
But when your stubborn self finally realizes that it’s all temporary,
Fall back to the One that could really set you free.
“Lead me out of darkness and into your Light”
  No one else can save your soul or make you whole.
[Radical Love - Victory Woship]

“Come like a rushing wind, come light the fire again
Come like a burning flame, Have your way.”
[Hands to the Heavens - Kari Jobe]

May 2017
400 · Apr 2018
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
I badly need an escape, a sweet surrender
from all the madness
but its all idle

...and I hate feeling stuck.
393 · Sep 2019
phoebe fructuoso Sep 2019
you eased my ailing
made me so ******* happy despite what I was going through

then you broke me
now my depression’s a million times worse
you are the reason by calum scott, but in a different context
388 · Apr 2020
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2020
Optimistically, I'd see pain as strength
I'd use it in a context :
that I could get through whatever else life throws at me
because I believe that I've already been through the worst.

Through time, other kinds of pains introduced themselves through the years
each one was uniquely different, and each one felt devil sent
tapping different kinds of fear, to the point where I've felt so much
and didn't even shed a tear

Dealing with pain to me, is a choice
a choice where you stop seeing it as strife but a drive
a drive to not get lost within, but to take it in
I wouldn't say let it go, because it isn't always as easy as people show

so my only advice for people who strive
is to choose to see it as a drive
in a different context, get in the car and DRIVE!

ride your pain
and survive
for pain,
will always be a part of life.
just don't let it consume too much of you
369 · Apr 2018
The Greatest Of All Romance
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
Fulfilled and overwhelmed with His love,
beautiful enlightenment unlike any other  
- it circulates my system and I radiate it.

Despite all my worries, thoughts and anxiety,
love overpowers.
I’m back.

And better.
364 · Apr 2018
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
Why does sadness feel like home?
363 · Apr 2018
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
‪‪Fake smiles, bloodshot eyes

a heavy heart
from a never ending war‬

‪....with myself. ‬
mental illness is so debilitating
363 · Apr 2018
fuck february
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
**** the people that hurt me and their
insincere sorries

Years have passed but im still
Feb 2015: Replaced
Feb 2016: Abused
Feb 2017: Manipulated

Feb 6, 2018
354 · Apr 2018
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
“-a poem about you….quite short, like us”
you ******* up too soon
353 · Apr 2018
Cloud Form
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
An endless ripple of problems pretty much sums up my 2016
I started the year unsteady and not so long after it led to a tragedy
I put my life on hold ;  a story yet to be told

I found myself lost and oh dear that wasn’t the only cost
I **** right felt like I was cursed
because the aftermath was so much worse

I felt stuck on this never ending downward *****
where my only option was to cope
I went from trauma to self hate, extreme anger
to pity and depression - the cruel cause?
I couldn’t even mention.

Everyday from then on was just a matter of getting through the day
but “I’m okay” is what I would always say.

My anxiety got worse ; insomnia on a high
- sleepless, for the future I feared
while drowning in tears

I had zero motivation to do anything,
felt like such a useless being.

My family misunderstood me, perceived it as lazy
couldn’t quite see that depression was eating me

There were so much things I wanted to do,
didn’t even bother asking anymore because I knew
that the answers would be the usual:
‘No Phoebe’ or ‘It’s for your safety.’

But despite all the madness and deceit
My family and I still believe
that God is good, all the time.

for In 2016, my relationship with God grew so much deeper
To Him I have cried out so much rivers

Breaking down often became my norm
Then one day, I saw myself in cloud form

(it was a cloud shaped like a side profiled girl with her hair tied in a bun)

It was so beautiful, it made me so happy
but you know what that cloud was that I wasn’t?


That cloud was like a message, that soon I would be.

“Phoebe be patient, continue to Trust in Me.”

The night before I took that photo,
I had a pretty normal, untriggered breakdown - it wasn’t as bad as the rest.
I guess at that time I was just wallowing in self pity
But wow God was there, listening to me

and that night my hair too was in a bun,
whilst balling my eyes out until the morning sun.

Weeks later yet again things got heavy,
another problem that made me unsteady
There were wars inside my head
that didn’t let me go to bed

It was a battle between
my mind  vs  the  spirit of my soul
I had so much faith, dreams, plans and goals….

then all of a sudden, I wasn’t so hopeful.
I wanted to rise, but a part of me wanted to bid goodbye
One quick fact: I am afraid to die.
But this….this was no lie

A self inflicted death was all I had in mind,
to end the struggle and put everything to rest

and I thank God, for I held until my birth month - September
where things started getting much, much better
and I thank Him again, because even if I was a mess,
I am blessed. Blessed with family and friends
that got me through the toughest.

To my mom, who probably even felt more pain
Even if we don’t always understand each other ;
drive the other insane
I promise you sunshine after all the rain

God’s got us, He continues to provide
I know we’re gonna be alright
through every heavy fight

To my best friends, I am so sorry
for making you all worry
For that latter point when I shoved you all away
because none of you would ever understand my brain

I was so stubborn but thank you, for choosing to stay
It was stupid, to be angered at your concern
but eventually I did learn
That that was when I needed you guys the most

And for anyone now reading this post :
I just want to say that whatever battle,
problem or struggle you’re going through

Nothing will ever be greater than our God, and His love
you can cast all your worries to the One above.

The photo continues to remind me to hold on,
to keep in mind that God has a plan, He is our strength and refuge
And He gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers.
He won’t ever give you challenges you can’t handle.

One day for sure, after everything I still have to face,
I will then share my case ;

a tragic memory to a beautiful testimony of how God is the remedy
351 · Apr 2018
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
The only constant thing in my life is *******.
341 · Apr 2018
Note To Self
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
Trust, always trust.

You may not see what God has in store for you yet and you may be stubborn but always remember that great things take time,
be patient and have peace in knowing that
He is always in control.
335 · Apr 2018
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
If you ask me if I believe in love, I do.
I believe that it exists, but it’s difficult in our generation.
A generation that lies, cheats, and does not know what VALUE is.

Everyone’s a little ****** up, a little confused or simply just don’t care.
….or at least try to act like it.
Examples? There are people who are in love with the idea of being in love.
There are people who NEED a relationship, they gotta have one right after the other
There are people on crossroads, maybe having more than one lover.
There are people who “go with the flow” on a mentality that whatever happens, happens.
There are people, a lot - who have been hurt.
And they tend to hurt other people too…..some even become the person that broke them.
There are people who see see love as cheesy instagram posts, surprises and whatever.
Everyone’s tryna make it last ‘forever’.
Everyone’s focused on these “relationship goals” or are so fed up to live up to the standards of the millennial.
But seriously,  what is love?

Do you know? Cause I don’t. All I know is I feel lonely and I want someone around, someone to be there when I have problems, someone who actually cares, listens, wants the best for me and wants to grow with me. Someone to hold, someone to kiss, someone to defy the odds. Someone to become my drug. Someone to make me feel undeniably ecstatic without a doubt. Someone to break my walls for, someone who understands me, my anxiety and how I can never escape it. Someone who is sensitive and most importantly someone who knows God.

It all sounds like mission impossible.

It’s all so crazy you know? To put your happiness into one person, to get used to someone.
Cause I expect it to come crashing down at one point and when it does,
It’s hell. Its sadness. It’s more depression.
But eventually I’ll get back up…..and then I’m back to square one.

It’s a cycle I want to end.
May 2017
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
He sees himself as Christian Grey
but I’m not the Anastasia to make him quit the game
I don't think things will ever be the same
probably cause he left me to chase after “”fame””
He was blinded by his vision of fame. | July 2017
308 · Apr 2018
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
My pillow is drenched
I can’t breathe
All I need now is bleach.
306 · Apr 2018
black hole
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
When depression ***** you in
it’s just something I can’t explain
Its untriggered - one minute you’re fine
the next minute you question why you’re even alive

— The End —