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Hasan Aspahani Nov 2019
I just sit on the stairs
I gave the entrance ticket
to someone, a few more minutes
The show begins, I already know what story
that will be on display, and I'm bored

I just sat on the stairs
Crowds come cheerfully
coupled with wry lies
I know who they are, but
they pretended not to see me

I just sat on the stairs
in front of a performance house
actually, who lives and what is there
in this house? Is only hope that must be
I bought with a very expensive ticket?

Yesterday I read in the rest of the local newspaper
articles that are far from the headlines
someone wrote a review about
the theater is dim, the actors are getting worse,
and bankrupt show management.

I just sat on the stairs
see people pretending to be happy
buy a ticket with the remaining savings
that should be paid
for health insurance.
Hasan Aspahani Sep 2017
by Hasan Aspahani

1.   Is prison only behind walls and iron bars or is it also in a free land that wants to be erased from history and maps?

2. Is killing possible only by the army and with weapons or also from the silence of the person who should speak?

3. What fears are now making you unable to feel the fear of hundreds of thousands of people whose homes burned, as well as mosques and rice fields left behind?

4. Can not you just imagine what they want to do is go home, study, and sit on the edge of the bed waiting for the dying mom?

5. Is it still beautiful that peacock dance when in between the tail feathers prepare army troops opened fire on people who do not understand why they must be expelled or die?

6. Do you want to once again get The Nobel Peace Prize for something you have to do that I should not mention in this question?
Sep 2017 · 680
A God's Quatrain
Hasan Aspahani Sep 2017
GOD said,
"There is no god,"
And I believed
in Him.
Aug 2017 · 1.7k
Felis Catus
Hasan Aspahani Aug 2017
I a m hungry, therefore I am -  Garfield

IN prayer he will never utter
    it waits for the rain of milk,
       a heavy rain, because of him

the cat with thirsty tongue, see with
      its own eye, when mother was disappear.

In prayer he never dared to ask
     it wants a fishy fish neck,
         the smell of a fisherman,

no care about salt salinity, or its own sweat.

In prayers he will never say
       it expected the lap, the fire on that stove
                warm, and maybe also sear.
Hasan Aspahani Aug 2017
WHAT is the color deserted? He hides from the eye catch, over time, blooming orange gerbera, we plant it in the wounded land.

What is the scent of lonely? Blood that does not drip, the sap that does not flow from gerbera stalk wound, when we pick it.

What is the taste of lonely? Leaves fall not brewed, imagined what is dissolved in our cups, which once did not get to the petals gerbera.
Hasan Aspahani Aug 2017
HE stroked a white cat. The cat slowly turns into a cloud. He was about to cup the cloud but the whole cloud came into his eyes. She became sleepy and fell asleep.

The cloud that had entered his eyes became cloudy outside his eyelids. He dreams about a sheet of sky that will rain. Then woke up with slightly wet eyelashes. But it was not the tears.

Who cried in my eyes last night?

He did not see, the cat or the cloud wanted to answer but they were stuck in a holy book that on one page of inserted a brochure course an easy way to reach the paradise that has been long past the date of its operation.
Aug 2017 · 843
Nothing Stops Here
Hasan Aspahani Aug 2017
WHERE are they who want thousand bottles of wine?
Just a bunch of cowards and clowns went away...

Fake cartographer and some roadside circus guys

The restraurant's waitress asked them to get home,
Removing lip globs in the corners of their lips ...

Did not know there was a Dead reaching out to the neck,
Did not stop in the marching room of a bottle of wine,
Just a poet on the edge, hiding in the rhyme line!

Where are they who want thousand bottles of wine?
Jul 2017 · 722
At Tenway Garden
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
THE cypress trees there translate
season into color.

A line of boulevards for guests like
me: a hungry one.

I may know what it is
they plan.

Splash and swish. Sweet. Ripples and
breezy. Lyrical.

After the song I used to remembered
and always wanted to hear.

I may know what it is
whispered the water to the wind.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
THE WORLD is an office asking for your sweat. Before lunch. Officeboy turns off the aircon. Stuck in line in front of the teller. Number is empty, on bank account.

This world is a city asking for your blood. An old friend who grew into someone who was getting less and less understandable. A monster that feeds on its own body parts.
Jul 2017 · 834
I Follow My Shadow
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
HE took me
To the dirt road
Along the creek
The flow of time.

We met a child
Who can not swim strongly
But good at fishing.

He took me to the cemetery.
We saw
A child and his father pray
Visiting women
They are very dear

He pulled my hand
To the banana garden
Which bear fruit on long bunches,
And it knows
Will soon be cut down by a machete.

He was lying with me
On a night
And awakened by various things
The scramble wants to be a dream
In a rush sleep.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
: Janet E Steele*

And what is the body? And what is a house?

The body is home to pain,
there was a mouth that held back a scream
there are wounds that show the face of blood

The body is home to the spirit of layover,
and there he felt at home, listening to the song
time, clock & heart rippled

And what is a house? And what is the body?

The house is an area where there is none
the shadow of the body, in a corner
gramophone placed & prayer sent to far.

Home is where you come back
from a small meeting, and there you are
happy, because you have time to say love.
Jul 2017 · 606
Dirty Cloudy
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
LET'S stop by, just take off the tired helmet, and
Put a weary suitcase, year and year in the age line,

Then we stand up at the height of the tower,
"That," I said, "a ***** cloud, will there's a mud rain,"
you shook your head and stared on the motor lock.

"Chevolution, chevolution," I heard

Like that word you hissed over and over again.

You reach for the handlebars of the motorbike,
slamming in the direction.

Which far refuse comfortable cage and shady wells.

I plucked a banyan branch, for a pointer to
read again, a Book that we can never finish ...

The air is lagging after you step on the gas,
Drove in the far direction, I knew it was perfume,

A man who leaves no trace, except
Spilled coffee on the tablecloth, and dried cauliflower.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
YOU may be in the museum about cheese, glass art, bicycle history, or history of wooden bags. Not waiting for anything. And I just have time to steal travel brochures, offer a route around town, at the door of the hotel restaurant, after a lazy breakfast I chewed.

You may be among the crowds at the Arc de Triomphe monument, at the end of the Champs-Élysées. A digital screen is spread out, a row of chairs is laid out, and the big flag is flown. An ordinary man, preparing an unusual speech, that evening.

You may be in the departure room of the Frankfurt Airport, with the Arab Emirates airline tickets, disrupting the chaotic time, saying goodbye to the cold German weather, which I had previously tried to greet.

You must be somewhere, making some sort of experiment with distance and time, testing a hypothesis. And you smile, imagine the witty thing you will later conclude. And I do not stop guessing what's possible.
Jul 2017 · 764
June Dust
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
JUNE hid from me, on a forgotten calendar sheet on the kitchen wall. In vain, I shied away from the dust. Dust did not care about June on that calendar I'd never had.

Me and June, almost did not know each other again. Me and dust still greet each other just as a matter of praise. Dust and June as usual, still deceiving each other, yellowing on the paper.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
MY HOUSE is Your home. Your house is my home. Now, if I'm going in, I do not have to pry Your window anymore.

But, last night I tried to steal again in my own home. Silently sneak into Your heart, and hope You catch me.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
I am a leaf and you are a voracious caterpillar. I'm gone, when you turn into a butterfly, develop the color of your wings.

I'm late night and you're polite dew. I was not there when on the leaf, morning and the sun brilliant you.
Jul 2017 · 638
A Memo for A Memory
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
THE remembrance upon you is a ****, I pluck it, then you grow again with the patience of time. With perseverance you endure, to me who can not stand it.

The memory upon you is the spider's thread, the never-ending nest, knitting itself, I'm trapped in it, helplessly, can not be free, and can never be cleared clearly.
Jul 2017 · 1.3k
I want You to Simplify Me
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
I want you to simplify me with your love. Like the gratitude of paddy field to rain, with which it grew rice.

I want you to simplify me with your love. Like the prayer said by grass for the soil, which gave it life and in turn, enlivens.

I want you to simplify me with your love. Like works of the sun: rising-setting, giving names to morning, noon, eve and night.
Translated to English by Gilda Sagrado
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
ARE those love poems that do not mention my name?

I often get lost there. Surprised at a word I never knew, what they wanted to say to me.

I often tripped over there. Walking in complicated stanzas, which I did not know was going to take me anywhere.

But I feel at home there. As if hiding from many sounds, which for years forced me to deafen myself.

Ah, what a dictionary you are. How narrow is my tongue. I wonder if those poems you wrote for me?
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
MAYBE on the lips? Because there I like to interpret bitterness.

Or on the arm? A pair that is not long enough, but enough
to always embrace, dim, nervous.

Or on the neck? The circular ladder, like a rubber tree, and
I was a tapper who could not bring heart to wound there.

Or on the forehead? A thin line of hair, always silent.

"Ah, do not have much guessing," you say, "let me read it,
The old verses of poetry, which I have always kept secret ...
Jul 2017 · 770
I Went on a Plane
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017

IT should have written your name, in that column.
Do I have to care about the name of the city and the airport?

It should have been the reason for my departure:
go home to meet you, for longing. "Repeat the word, completely
which can fit in empty space, on my ticket paper, "

I will say so, to the registrar.

2. Baggage

I WILL not give this to a haphazard officer.

My backpack will just hug me along the flight.
"It's an unfinished longing, longing to worry me.
There are many who are not caught. It's an incomplete longing, "
I will say so, when I get back to you.

I'm not going to let what is tightness scattered carelessly.

3. Waiting Room

I AM worried about you. The airport in this country is not fair.
There is never a good waiting room for pickup.

I'm worried about me. This heart's longing is also never fair.
There was never enough waiting time, for a moment to be patient.

4. Emergency Door*

WHY does the stewardess always, like telling anxiously?

I already know very well where and how to open
Four emergency exits, wear safety jackets, put up
And removing seat belts. I've been very anxious ever since
Bought the ticket I mentioned in stanza number one. Tickets are on
there I want to write my own name, flight date and time,
And the reasons why you so badly missed.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
I do not want to be your metaphor, said rain to my tears
Then cry me with the sky, so you can no longer
Separating: between gloomy weather and unstoppable sadness

I do not want to be your metaphor, said the flower to my love
Then I put on the worst clothes and I became your gardener,
So you do not realize: what you picked every morning
Jul 2017 · 699
I Will not Blame Him
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
My love is saltiness in your sea. The sun thinks he can vaporize me from you, making me a cloud in an unfamiliar sky. He was wrong, but let me do it, I do not want to blame him.

My love is the nutrient element fused in your garden's soil. The sun thinks only he who grows you and blossoms your flowers. He was wrong, but I will not blame him.
Jul 2017 · 555
Dictionary of Lost
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
WE are like a pair of Dictionary Lost lexicographer,
Asked all words, adept at interpreting the Atlantis,
carefully describe the ***** dog and Almighty God.

For a word, we have a long debate,
You want to just forget the word. While
I want that word we describe it, as clearly as possible.
Jul 2017 · 1.5k
Amor Amatoria
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
MONTHS are mature, the moon comes, I pluck you, with a doubtful hand and an abundance of anxiety. Night is ripe, night comes.

Moon hungry, wild moon. You make me a bat, take out. I am from the blind stone cave, hunting you. Night hungry, wild night.

The moon is sharp, the moon is deep. I'm a diver fisherman, long sharpening. Spear, on you I shut my eyes-wounded. Night sharp, deep night.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
YOU delirious about the coastal span - from
the country that went on a hot year - then become the
beach your body: spread out - fragrant and hungry!

Like the perfume ad page, which is torn off
thick copies, magazines that chock short of pictures!

The one on you lies, I, which is released by the wind,
large pickaxes, mooring the sky, then sprinkling wildly

I started this guerrilla, facing my own shadow,
your spicy sand bath, quartz that grows hearts

Late afternoon. The sun goes past: yellow past
soon it was broken and glowing, the blood of a snake
I've repeatedly looked at digital numbers,
Casio - waterproof, 200 meters - an hour of the day

If the sea yells, the sentence is the waves!

He did not carry any name, until he called the bay
Place turtle loggerhead, from far journey,
Thousands of miles pilgrimage, to the sand he had hatched,
littered, food wrappers and beverage cans

This *******, like undesirable verbal abuse!

What have I found? Or broke it? I'm a farmer
threatened insect pests, certainly can not keep, seeds per
Seeds, immature rice. The season is short-lived.

When I see the location of the taxi to the North,
I also had to go back there, fold the map, then
stepping like a man's footstep -
like the song I heard from Springteen - and
write down a poem that I am afraid of his verses.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
How Can a Moon Make a Shadow from a Boar's Body in a Forest Feeling The Entire Night?

2. Is the River in The Forest Choosing Himself Where He Was Turning or He Should Ask the Wild Boar Frequently Crossing It?

3. How Many Wild Boars in The Forest Have Ever Realized That There is Always a Moon-shaped Shadow from its Body?

4. If the Boar is Dead, Is the Shadow Dead or Staying and Hiding in The Shadow of The Forest?

5. Has The Wild Boar Ever Thinking That Moon Is a Boar Stuck at the Elevation Then Slept and Sleep Is On?

6. Is the Forest to Which There is No Boar Still Worthy to be Called Forest? Why No Boar Moon? Night Boar?

7. Can Later When I Die and Bury in the Forest, Then from My Grave Go Out a Wild Boar Without Shadow?
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
A pair of lovers is a pair of tongues that say the word alternately, the same word, which moves from mouth to mouth.

A pair of lovers is a pair of eyes that never tired of looking at each other, lyrics to each other, closing each other, in the light and dark.

A pair of lovers are two travelers searching each other, and steadfast wait until finally found each other.

A pair of lovers is a pair of names that ask each other for a place in memory, so as not lost in the loss.

A pair of lovers are a pair of farmers who rush to the fields do not wait for the rain to die, because love is a fertile morning.

A pair of lovers is a pair of eyes in the night, there is a beautiful dangling light, and there is hope that gee, rampant.

A pair of lovers are two lines on a gurindam, longing for revenge, mutual opening and closing, harassing, muffling.

A pair of lovers is a pair of longing hands, stalling to the empty, as if to rub a love on the forehead full of sweat.

A pair of lovers are a pair of hearts at a glance, bristling, as you imagine the longing will be very torture.

A pair of lovers is a pair of interconnected books, the first book, continues into the second book, and vice versa.

A pair of lovers is a pair of books that amaze each other on the cover, because it knows very well what is written on them.

A pair of lovers are two books, writing and reading each other, without ever interchanging the pages.
Jul 2017 · 541
What is It?
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
DOES it feel like to be in love with you as a punishment? I repeatedly appealed, requesting that this verdict be exacerbated and expanded.

     Does it feel to love you as a prisoner? I am happy that you are a warden who is never far from my lockup.

     Does it feel to love you as a kind of forgiveness? I do not care, love still love, no matter proven guilty or free from lawsuits.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
MORNING is the way the earth teaches me how to love you, what I seem to routinely do, but in fact never repeats the same.

Morning is the way the sun teaches me to be faithful to you. He was never silent but did not move from him. Thus, true love is a love that does not ask.

Morning is the way the dew tells me about sincerity, and it wants me to imitate. It will only be there for a moment. But on the leaves, the traces of the story remain legible.

Morning, earth, sun, and dew, are my way of doing things for you, that is finding myself in who is not me, as I got from my love for you.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
LIKE rain fingers play a sound in your leaves,
Clinging to the overwhelming silence I recognize.

I once had the courage that turned out to be frightening.
Without you, I'm a coward, pervert already in the first step.

I want to write any sentence, with words
cried "Oh .." at first. And "Ah ..", in the end.

I imagine it's in melodious lyrics, which are sung
singers - who like me - are never good at dancing.

As for the song - after you hear it - meaning:
leaving you, that means I leave
myself,  that's why only on you I'm back.
Jul 2017 · 446
Signs That Time Has
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
TIME was not there. But there is. On the crease lines around my neck, for example. It's lined up like a ladder. I walked there, not knowing I was on the way up, or down the stairs.

It was not there. But there is. In fat bags hanging outside my gastric sac, for example. Slowly he lowered his head. Being so full of where I should not be.

It was not there. But there is. On the tangle of wrinkles on the back of my arm, for example. Also the shadow of the scars, whose pain had been long, so intimate. I accepted.

Also on the hair that has been clear, the color of the fishing line, and I am an anxious fish, wielding its own age - a sign that time exists - that drowns, subsides, and shrinks.
Jul 2017 · 541
Doomed to Surrender
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
A non-compulsive lung asks for a laksa sauce: what sense can you always hide from me?

An urgent hand, saying to the crumbly crumbling cup: what injury are you preparing for me?

A non-threatening eye, whispering to the cauldron: what spice do you add to my boiled hooves?

The wobbling heart, suspecting the gaping gap: when should I be immersed in the flamy oil of yours?

Jul 2017 · 612
Sketch I
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
WITH a fractured beak, he stirred his own shadow, until he was dissolved in it.

With a weak wing, he hugged himself, until he could no longer be separated from the tightness.

Jul 2017 · 494
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
IF we are sheltering under our own shadow
Who should fly higher in this confined space?

Morning come, evening come, shift the direction of the shadows
Space: a giant cage, not embraced with a wing of a span

Let me incubate your eggs, I'll take care and feed your kids
World: a big nest, we are held together, won't be exhausted warmth.
Jul 2017 · 525
It is About You, She, and I
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
YOU are the book that he wants to keep reading.
I'm just a bookmark, that reminds,
but always end up scattered, forgotten.
Jul 2017 · 677
Atrium of a Plaza
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
LIGHT, dreary light, on a plaza, surrounded by
unexpectedly hopeless hope. And you, stubborn man.

This plaza is a placenta. And we are
the fetus that can never get out of
there. The maturity of pregnancy, and we
are not ever dare to actually be born.

If our mother dies, dry the umbilical cord.

— The End —