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Aug 2017 · 407
Oh Four Love Jones
Jay Aug 2017
She's my manifest destiny
Queen of my whole being
She brings out the best in me
Sees me for wholy me
****, this **** is freeing to be seen for wholy me, only me
******* I've been living lowly
Living without the curves of her mouth
The spouts of sweet songs her voice moans strongly
The acceptance without judgement of decisions I've made wrongly
The commitment to forgive what we have grown from
The acceptance of the fact that we attracted life lessons that shed blessings on the future we both will be bold from
There's certain **** I can't replace like
The simple caress of my face as I lay cross her supple breast
Hearing her heart beat in her chest in tandem with mine
Heaven sent is her presence
It's life changing
Time frames hold limits within loves parameters
Don't matter to her or I for all we got is time
Time is what made us realize realness
Oh four loves jones turn out to be my whole life, whole wife, future baby mom type...
Crazy how it all turns out, how every obstacle paves the way for greatness
Blessed is the life I pray we get to make
She's destiny, I'll leave the future to fate.
May 2017 · 596
Jay May 2017
Thought about my ex today.
Reminisced about the *** and such.
I know I said that I'd still love that girl,
But Lord knows I've never lied so much.
My ex girl is a good dream about a bad time that I mistakenly got away from.
My ex girl is a good dream about a good **** that could one day ***.
My ex girl is a bad *****, with the thick hips and the *** to match, lips that softly slip so sweet with every kiss; I loved that.
My ex girl has that pretty face that makes necks break and men chase and she knows it.
My ex girl is a flirt and knows I want her bad and she shows it.
She looks at me so deep and sneaks through to my conscience and can switch it off so quick.
My ex girl got the magic; she could make you quiver in just one lick.
My ex girl could get it.
But I can't **** wit it.

My ex girl ain't wife type.
And I'm at that point in life where I'm tryna live that wife life.
So she could be bad all she want and it's sad she don't want that wife hype.
She could be so good but she's bad at being honest; more concerned with "likes" than love.
More concerned with quick *** and rec drugs.
**** gonna catch up to her one day and she'll learn that she should've used that beauty on the runway.
But I'm done bae, no matter how amusingly your beauty continues enthusing me.
But you slept while you couldn't be working to be the One bae.
Oct 2016 · 542
Four years different
Jay Oct 2016
This is what happens when little girls cry
They make little girl noise and bat their little girl eyes
And think their little girl plight is something of significance
When in reality it's a demonstration of ignorance
Constant reminder of her lack of life experience
Not trying to embarrass her so I won't ask what the difference is
She's crying to apologize while unaware of who the victim is
But I will let her know 'cause I really want her to get with this
Now don't get me wrong, my attitude's not belligerent
My sole goal alone is to grant her her deliverance
So she can understand that this revolves around malevolence
The result of my greed, my power and my selfishness
My constant arrogance
Self-proclaimed excellence
Lack of establishment
Fraudulent elegance
Unstructured sentiments
All rolled up in one and bowled down her lane
But I've changed
I was just a pretty face and okay base layer
But underneath I was as filthy as Ethiopian feet
Think of this as a feat, that you were the winner of
I could've given you everything but I'd have never given love
If number one was you, I'd have another number two
And you were number two until I made you number three
That's why I'm puzzled that you're apologizing to me
When you should say sorry to you, and '*******' to who I used to be
But I respect where her heart is now
She'll mature and evolve, life will show her how
With God's grace and patience your future will be amazing
And continue to race after all those dreams that you're chasing
Find a love so real that it's bracing
Make sure it's your heart song that they sing
Know that you're always in my good graces
Present yourself as if you are who the ace is
Take my apology and dig my grave with it
I'd hate to hold you back from what your true fate is
God Bless
Oct 2016 · 570
Jay Oct 2016
Beauty, poise, and dignity dancing a three-way tango
Was the essence of her iridescent message
Told to the world at the sight of her presence
Every man goes head sprung to see her hips graze as the
Wind's swift nip tips her midi to lay smooth on her left hip
And her hair whipped by whisks to sift sunlight drips
Eyes dip-dyed in henna she burns passion on a
Narrowly paved road into a man's soul.
But she's just a fabulous face and glorious shape
Protecting her chaste from
Men who's glancing trails she can trace to
That untapped place she takes pride in and embraced.

So this woman who goes on a date
With the fraudulent fake who was gay to
**** her to her face and
Resulting in the corruption of her precious womb and
Transforming it into a tomb for
His devil spawn to be drawn from,
Has one of two fates?

She can get down on her knees and plead with
Jesus to be free from this ghastly beast that
Grows deep within her integrity
Pray that a robber could steal this
Non-consensual deal that
She can't yet feel multiplying inside her.
Let fate take the reigns and pave the lane
For the blood to drain from her vaginal pane and
Her popped cherry will miscarry?


As dignified a life she lives, she could take back all that freedom she was stripped of in the first place
She could make a choice and have a voice about her own birth space.
Because it's hers and he didn't understand that in the first case.
The jury rests; Her body Her rules, at Her pace
Jan 2015 · 423
Unconditional (10w)
Jay Jan 2015
Love me like it's the last thing you'll ever do
Jan 2015 · 449
Peace. Please. (10w)
Jay Jan 2015
Internal violence will be the ultimate death of us all.
As humans, as Americans, as poets... We are fighting each other when we should embrace each others differences, ignore those who don't and move on with life. Peace. Please.
Dec 2014 · 564
Recovering Cutter
Jay Dec 2014
As the aches of sadness quake and shake me
I lie awake trying not make that mistake again
That mistake that left these holes in my skin
The mistake that cost me a lifetime of shame
The mistake that I'm still too embarrassed to claim
That mistake that forces me to cover with sleeves
That mistake that's so permanent and never leaves
That mistake I'd make when I just needed a friend
The mistake I said I'd never make again
Yet each time a tear drips past my chin
I remember the chair I used to sit in
I'd remember the edge pressed on my wrist
I think of the hand balled in a fist
I think of me thinking of dropping the edge
I think of me thinking of jumping the ledge
I remember that I would choose to press deep
I think of the blood and how it would seep
I remember how warm it was as it fell
If it was blood or tears, how I couldn't tell
I think of the night I trashed the edge
And to myself I made a pledge
From this night on if sadness quakes
And upside down my world shakes
Then I will bow down on my knees
And ask the Lord for purity, please
So now when I'm sad, the mistakes not an option
I vowed to God and I know he's watching
Dec 2014 · 472
She's still ENTRIGUING
Jay Dec 2014
Exactly the way I remember you
Natural sun kissed skin so moist and crisp
Tantalizing eyes sending shivers thru me
Restless hands touching and teasing, please!
Instead of breathing I lose my breath in your
Good, sweet kisses oh how I've missed those
Uniquely silk lips woven by gods
I taste the memory of our last encounter
Now yearning to create something new 'cause
Getting over you is hard to do.
Dec 2014 · 327
I put you first (10w)
Jay Dec 2014
I tend to sacrifice my smile so that you can.
Dec 2014 · 472
Unfulfilled (10w)
Jay Dec 2014
I only stick around so that you will remain happy.
Dec 2014 · 526
I want to be friends.
Jay Dec 2014
I want our friendship to bloom.
Grow like ivy on trees and around chimneys.
I want our love to soar.
Fly high like shooting stars in the dark night sky.
I want our bond to flourish.
Thrive like bamboo in an everlasting dry spell.
I want us to break up.
So all of this could be possible.
Because we would be better off as friends.
Dec 2014 · 590
I live to love you
Jay Dec 2014
I live for me; yes selfishly
For seeking to find my lost integrity
I live for love, for you and me
For your adoration; your reciprocity

I live to hear the cries of joy my heart's eyes roar as they spy on you
The rifts and melody drifts that we sing harmoniously
The sound of the breeze trying to squeeze between us

And somehow,
In the living of these moments,
I will become what I have chosen to behold
Adapted by a poem by Heather K. O'Hara

An assignment, fill in the blank poem sheet thingy, bleh.
Dec 2014 · 856
Ferguson... Home
Jay Dec 2014
Don't shoot!
Can't you see my white palms
Not the black end of my black hands
Guilty until proven innocent
That's the predicament I was raised in
When I walk onto the subway, privilege holds for dear life the bag her daddy gave her, and yes by privilege I mean white.
Because based on my skin I'm automatically framed as a thief that lives too cheap to afford the Kors bag that she has.
Don't shoot!
I just found out my dog passed and decided I'd run fast and hold her tight before her last gasp.
But since I'm black and I'm running, the pigs start coming after me as if I created a catastrophe since the mask of me is black.
They corrupt the laws, use excessive force and pin me down to the ground when I was just trying to get to my hound.
Don't shoot!
Yes my windows are tinted and my skin is a shade the same but when you pull me over I'm not to blame for the drug ring that has your people suffering.
I sweat in fear for my life as I see red and blue lights wondering if I will live to see tomorrow's sunlight.
Because based on my tints and my rims and my skin I must be some criminal uncaught.
So as privilege approaches my door I must place my white palms on the wheel and plead to retrieve my license from the passengers seat.
Don't shoot!
Because if I was white I wouldn't need to fight for my right to life.
And I wouldn't have to fear the man that society told me would pull my hand if I raised it in a plea for help and welp,
That just isn't the case so based on my race I must remain on thin ice for the rest of my black life, yelling
Don't shoot!
Nov 2014 · 509
Unfriended Friend
Jay Nov 2014
I built an apparatus that allows me to hold the entire world on my shoulders all day.
I just need to find the one who will be able to give me a back rub when my day rests.
Always solving everyone's problems,  dealing with others' stress. But who's gonna be there to take care of me? :/
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
He hit her.
Jay Nov 2014
He hit her.
Fist to face, he hit her.
She bit the taste of blood from her tongue and inner cheek
And stared at the freak who beat her
A man she once loved enough to consider vows
The father of her child, once her protector  now she can't be protected from him.
He hit her.
When she wasn't looking he balled a fist in his fit and swung the **** directly at her lower lip.
What is she to do when the very man who took her hand and placed a ring on her left finger, is the cause of the sting lingering on her face.
Should she tell, yell, or scream
Wake up from this dream or realize that
He hit her.
He really did but the problem is he doesn't care.
His bare balled hand to her unexpecting mouth as she sat there on the couch.
His eyes blazed with fury, her eyes glazed with tears and fear of this man who stands before her.
Sorrow surrounds her as her heart pounds and tears drown her.
Mourning is she, for the man who she thought would be her everything for eternity but...
He hit her.
Nov 2014 · 740
Sharing Thanksgiving
Jay Nov 2014
Turkey, stuffing
Mac and cheese
Ziti, mussels
collard greens
Cran sauce, ham hocks
Candied yams
Brisket, corn bread
Sizzling lamb
Stuffed shells, Sausage
Yellow rice
Chicken, mash potatoes
Pumpkin pies
All the food I had on my plate
Blessed and thankful that I ate
Knowing others don't have the same
But we shared, the needy came
Ate with us as own our kin
There was where new friendships begin
Giving back makes all feel good
Serving to our neighborhood
In our home, you're invited in
We pass the plate with you as kin
Nov 2014 · 605
My Fault (10w)
Jay Nov 2014
I must like the feeling of having a broken heart
Sad, love, end, blame, guilty, depressed, scared
Nov 2014 · 785
Falling Online
Jay Nov 2014
If I could watch you, indiscreetly
I'd find the truth in our facade
The loop hole in your portrayal of perfection
That you  so effortlessly masque
I remain on edge, my heart on guard
Because I know you only allow me to see one piece
Of the anomaly of thee
And for me it would only seal the deal if
I could be a wallflower, to find if you were real
Internet, dating, love, lust, caution, real
Nov 2014 · 322
Don't let go (10w)
Jay Nov 2014
Love me like the world will light on fire tonight
Nov 2014 · 2.7k
All Fruits Ripe (10w)
Jay Nov 2014
That savory flavor that lingers between my soaking wet fingers
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
Ms. Temptation (10w)
Jay Nov 2014
She is trying to make a philanderer out of me
Nov 2014 · 407
Gaze in your eyes
Jay Nov 2014
Your soul
A place all your own
But meets light at opening of
Your beautiful brown eyes that only
Can be stared into for moments
At a time for the beauty
within is blinding
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Repeat cheater
Jay Oct 2014
Diving in ***** waters
Yet again, toes at the dock
Itching to submerge myself
But knowing I should stop
Staring at the ***** water
Reflections show a face
Of tempted eyes where mischief lies
I've seen in this same place
This is not my first encounter
***** water has met me before
But what I must learn is to make the turn
And head back for my door
For ***** water is toxic
I know from many swims
The thrill to see what's in the reefs
The depths where light is dim
Alluring is the notion
To dive into the muck
I take a leap and dive in deep
And come up screaming, "****"
I knew I shouldn't do it
It's never been good in the past
Yet I return and take the burn
This time won't be my last
***** water intrigues me
And I fall in every time
But if she heard of the dives that occurred
She'd drop me like I'm grime
I'm full of grotesque dirt and filth
After every single dive
Began my heart to fall apart
How am I still alive?
Because after every encounter
I turn and close my door
And depths so deep of the waters sleep
Knowing I'll be back for more
Oct 2014 · 421
Passing Life
Jay Oct 2014
Passing time
By passing        12        Time passes
Pass me by             |                 Passes by
Find life to                 |                  By passing
Me to find    9              /              3    Passing life
To pass me               /                  Life happens
Happen to                                Happens by
You happen       6          By passing
Passing you
To be read clockwise and continuously
Oct 2014 · 812
7 years later (10w)
Jay Oct 2014
I said I'd love you forever, and I didn't lie
Oct 2014 · 303
How I found faith (10w)
Jay Oct 2014
I woke up and stared hope directly in the eye
Oct 2014 · 529
Eat the Peach
Jay Oct 2014
Sweet peach
The fuzz
The juice creeps
The buzz
The hard bite
The shape
The soft slurp
The juice
The drip drop
The wipe
The mess made
My shirt
The new stain
My love
For sweet peach
Just eating a peach and being mind full of it and came up with this within a minutes time. Could be taken differently, it your mind is there
Oct 2014 · 455
Miss Ya
Jay Oct 2014
One night without holding you
Is an eternity of kisses missed
When I don't see you before I rest
My good dreams are dismissed
And I slip into a shallow rut
Swishing in the waves
I try my best to stay away
from anyone awake
Cause I'm afraid to be alone
Without you I am weak
My crippled heart just falls apart
Without you at my feet
I need your love each day and night
So I can be content
You put my heart in your shopping cart
And didn't ask consent
So now each night I'm without you
I miss you with such pain
But when I see you tomorrow
My heart will sing in the rain
Oct 2014 · 781
Love Sail
Jay Oct 2014
Kiss me as the moon rises
Tell me forever is real
Teach me how to love you
And how to make you feel
Take me into the ocean
And bathe me in your love
Wrap me with your warm embrace
Fit us, like a glove
Tell stories of our future
Brag about our past
Tell the world I love you, girl
And maybe we will last
If everyone knows us
To love steadfast and strong
We give hope to all who know
And we're pushed to carry on
Letting go is easy
Living free is hard
So let's just let love sail us on
And throw in all our cards
No more playing games
This time let us be free
And ride the waves the ocean gave
Solely just you and me
Oct 2014 · 574
Rated ♡
Jay Oct 2014
As we lay spooned, the smooth caress of your body dips into unison with my hips as if we're intertwined in time and we make slow rotations in rhythmic formations simulating love making

Then my lips press dense to your neck and the scent you present becomes combined with mine and you take each of your breaths with every ****, bite, caress my lips have left. As you turn your body around to face me, though we can't see I can feel your eyes gleam and the steam of our passion reside in my sheets

And my hands slowly run up the sides of your frame and feel for the tip of your ****** and squeeze ever so gentle as you wince at the  sensation of your breast as the catalyst for the creation of heat in your sweet crease.

Then I trail sweet kisses along the length of your ear, softly ******* the lobe and a single probe of my tongue inside your hearing hole makes your hips raise from my bed frame.

Your natural call says it all and you lead my head low but I pause to embrace and graze in your womanly hills. My lips perch on your ****** and **** soft then hard rifts of chords sheet music couldn't even record as I play in tune to you and your needs my tongue meets and retreats in a rapid repeat against your **** and your private parts begin to pulsate with anticipation of coexisting relations with mine.

In time I make sure to graze and embrace each of your womanly hills and the thrill that chills me as you claw my back and wrap your gravity around me pulling down, down.

Here I find myself at the valley of your mountains where I want to dive into your lake but I don't dare to taste with out making my trail to the peak and back down to where you leak sweetly. So I allow my tongue to trace licks of alphabets and soft nips from my teeth sealed with the kiss of my lips trailing wide across your inner thighs to the fold of your knee and trail kisses back down slowly.

You can call it teasing, but I'm pleasing you as I'm breathing you in and out letting my warm whisp slip over your **** and your legs split open with yearning for my long awaited sip so I part your lips before I grip each of your thighs and pin them aside.

You welcome me into your pink dream with the lift of your hips to the tip of my tongue as I open my lips and let my tongue trace a flick from the top of your prepuce to the tip of your **** as I **** firmly on your sweet drips in tandem to the flicking licks my tongue emits.

Deep in your gut you start to feel a fluster that thrusts thru you sending you numb, I say "babe, ***" as I continue my quest and your breaths tremor and your legs give out in a fit of quivering weakness as your body collapse as you reach your ******.

I let your body rest before laying spooned with you as your body dips into unison with my hips as if we're intertwined in time and we make slow rotations in rhythmic formations simulating love making all over again
Like a love song on repeat
Oct 2014 · 294
It's over, but I'm not done
Jay Oct 2014
That incredible bond we shared fell through
But here I am, still in love with you
Jay Oct 2014
Upon searching "not a poem"
Almost nine thousand non poems popped
Each one a slightly separate suggestion
On the mental conception of non poetry
A common theme that seems to seep into the souls of some
What makes words poetry is the purity that protrudes from paper
The song of sweet cries and lullabies
Escalating rage and hallucinations of bliss
So if,
A set of words no matter how weak, seeks a path past a draft in a memory shaft
It is a poem
Upon searching "not a poet"
There's a familiar theme of wannabe e.e. cummings
That can't see they are poets indeed
There's no prerequisite set of concepts to adhere to
What makes you a poet is your gift of expressing life through letters
Not just trendsetters and regretters
So if,
You can sit and explore a language and handpick the words that create magic
You are a poet.
Oct 2014 · 467
She loves me, not my poetry
Jay Oct 2014
She can't comprehend my word trend
My blue pen and the dent it left in my hand
Not art she sees as she veers at my leaves
That I paint my heart's drawn blood on
She can't understand my word play
My mix of melody and irony combined in one line
The talent it takes for my brain to relate fate with mistakes
She doesn't get aroused at the spout of my mouth
Spewing words of hatred and love by the ounce
The effort I bring to depict love as rain
With no attempt to learn, she sends my confidence south.
She doesn't care to see the deepest creases of my poetry
But when it's her last call and her curtain falls,
I'm always there through it all.
Why should I watch her gallop and prance
On a stage of uniformed choreo- trance
And be her number one fan for her talent in dance
When my talents, she continues not to take a glance
I cannot love she who openly does not love poetry
For she indeed must not fully love me
Oct 2014 · 539
Jay Oct 2014
With every breath of crisp autumn breeze
Harbor another secret to keep you warm through winter's storm
Hibernate from truth and reality
When awakened, release all your secrets held deep
And free yourself from the burden of shame and deceit
And watch the show as people go from their seats
And leave your pagaent because they can't take the heat.
When you only wish you could breathe autumn's breeze
And hoard all your secrets like mice saving cheese
And not have to awaken to people to please
But telling your secrets' what life is indeed
Oct 2014 · 543
She loves a stranger
Jay Oct 2014
She don't know you quite like I do
If she even got a whiff she would be through
Should I let her know her king is a masquerader
Stepping out on his queen to sleep with crusaders
Blind to his lies, she dreams of perfection
When another ***** is the one enjoying his *******
Should I let her know her man calls me home?
That nobody sings like me on his microphone?
Or should I get what I want and just walk away
Because I know him that much better than she could say
Should I live with the fact that she's the next me
Or should I let her in on his pattern of fuckery
Should I hate him alone or get her on my team
He doesn't deserve love; he's just another broken dream
Best friend was going through this with her ex and his girlfriend. Decided I'd write a poem about it because I have nothing else to write about.
Oct 2014 · 818
Thnks fr th mmrs (10w)
Jay Oct 2014
She smelled like you today...

                                                 ­     ...It felt like I cheated
You just won't go away, will you?
Oct 2014 · 695
Thank you, Poetry
Jay Oct 2014
Poems pose as pathways into me
By me I mean the depths that can't be seen
With the naked eye pryed open wide
Instead they pave a passage into my personal pods of passion
My inner solitude, my sour moods and attitudes
My attributes and traits that relate all of me to each piece individually
Poems create the most realistic vision of me
Deeper than a glazed over gaze into my soul
For in poetry rests the ability for normalcy to retreat from me
Exposing the roads closed and accelerating on them at speeds untold
Unprepared for what words my wit will wrap wildly entwined
As the thoughts flow so, in their prime from my mind
Travelling through my veins and exiting at the grip of my fingertips
As the ink drips in calligraphic patterns of raced mess appearing to make sense.
Each time I pick up my pen and write
I fight for the freedom within me to flee free
Thank you, Poetry
Oct 2014 · 6.7k
Guilty yet guilt-free
Jay Oct 2014
Angry and disturbed
Perturbed by your absurd words
Their rhythm ring sing songs on & on
Wrongly depicting me as the beast who depletes we
Condemned and prosecuted for convoluted convictions
Incarcerated despite fair trial meanwhile
Defendant roams free, though guilty
So I suffer when her rough mood cannot bebuffered
And somehow the blame is on me, what a shame it would be
If I had a fair trial, and you were beguiled by my vengeance
But Corinthians bestowed on me that love hold no grudge
So I won't budge,
This time.
It literally cannot always be my fault.
Sep 2014 · 1.7k
Autumn's Foreplay
Jay Sep 2014
Summer brings such beauty and bliss
while the misty dew summer mornings and rain help sustain
Yet when dawn breaks near week eight
and beauty is nipped with the whip of autumn's foreplay,
The beauty holds strong to hang on to what's left
and the greenery screams til it's out of breath
and nature's carpet takes a blow to the chest
And the flowers that once stood tall.. fall.
Jay Jun 2014
The walls are caving in on you and I
I hate to admit, but I like it
The sight of your smile excites me
And I long for the walls to close in more
Forcing us to touch
Your *** appeal is undeniable
A lioness atop the sole mountain of lust
And trust, I'd **** to join you
And join us in unholy adultery
How ive never longed for lust so much as with you
Your soft skin on the palm of my hand
Your lustrous lips combined with mine
Your hands crawling up my back
And snap. Off comes the chastity of we
As i gently place my silky lips to yours
We pass chemistry with flying colors
Colors of blue hue and secular tension
As our kiss turns into magical roughness
Extraction of clothes and integrity
Insertion of love and longing
Exclamation of... Yessssssssssssssssss
Satisfaction of waterfall dreams
Contemplation of the next step
To take in a relationship where I'd cheat...
With the creator time and time again.
Jay Apr 2014
It got swept away in the storm of unforgiveable betrayal.
Apr 2014 · 424
Why's your neck red?
Jay Apr 2014
I want to apologize but
Is it right if my eyes size you
And find wary warnings
Of what I dread so?
What I don't know is,
Is it my fault to speak my mind
In time to save it from invention
Of my own dimension of unlivable existence?
I felt not, but tried hard to stop
Sorry from oozing out...
Is it that I felt bad for doubting your part in we
Or your loyalty,
Or your fidelity,
Or your integrity,
Or your respect for me?
Or your honesty,
Or our chemistry,
Or your love for me,
What goes to say you're truth-ing to me?
Or abusing the youth in me, my naivety?
That manifests in the core of your love.
It's a push and pull of emotions
My trust in you VS the love I have for myself.
I'll continue to contemplate
But the benefit of the doubt is granted
Just don't **** it up.
It's gonna be a sleepless night...
Feb 2014 · 874
Dry Valentine
Jay Feb 2014
My flicking lick
Not the trick to get your **** sticky?
Rather a thick ****, light brown if you're picky?
When I'm sick the words drip
And I sip, sip
Then **** it back and spit it
And behold an angry love poem untold
Never bold enough to hold it to you
Just not something I'd do
But these words are true...
Thoughts in my envisions
Nightmares ask permission
To intrude on my hopeless solitude
And they do.
You're my dry Valentine
I could wonder why, or cry.
But I'll just call that old thing back, goodbye.
Oct 2013 · 3.1k
Stripper Love
Jay Oct 2013
How ******* clad lassies
Get the pass to show their ***
Long as nobody touches
Jiving gyrations
In counter-clockwise rotation
Seldom unescorted by damnation
By God, sense the relation
She's losing her patience
Can't afford to be a patient
So being patient...
That **** is ancient
Swanging ******* before eyes
Eyes that can't see
Eyes blind by the fuckery
***** get hickory
And the tic tickory of the clock
Drop drop
Shake that body for the coin
Make those men yearn to join
Their meat to your groin
Blind men throw out the presidents
Nixon Jackson Benjamin
Facts is
That these hoes stay cashing in
More than ****** busting traps
And toting gats to make stacks
How a ***** sell and smoke ****
High off they own supply
Baby mamas multiply
Covered all the **** by a lie
Making these young girls cry
And the innocent have to die
For this boy to strive
When you mad at the *** clap
Fat *** on a mans lap
Slow wine then fast
Slow grinding for cash
But no harm is caused
No obstruction of laws
But men be a "Boss"
& a woman... A loss
My opinion, in an according dialect
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
My Lost Integrity
Jay Oct 2013
Still here
Right where you left me
Remember that day
That day we played
The day we loved and sang and
Danced so gay
You picked me up and we swayed
This wayyy
That wayyyyy
This wayyy
But then...
She called and you took off
And threw me astray
I'm old and defeated now
My purpose is naught
I was left too long and spoiled to rot
I cannot serve you
Though I've always deserved to,
But who needs me anyway
Oct 2013 · 968
Suicide Note
Jay Oct 2013
You love me
In a way so unimaginable
Your kiss takes me to places
I could never even dream of
Because when I dream all I see is me
Beside you
God, I yearn for your love
In a fiendish way; you are my drug
And I suffer without my dose
Of you, my muse
My queen of all things pretty
Prance on my heart
Why don't you dance and
Play and after your long day just
Kick your feet up and stay awhile
Get acquainted with the space I paved
For you to lay inside me
I won't evict you, in fact I'll put up bars
And imprison you, so you can never leave
You see, without you I'm just not me
You're that extra piece to make me complete
And if I leave you be, there's nothing left
I will love you so hard it will bleed from you
I swear there's nothing I need from you
But the love you give to continue as strong
I will never do you wrong
If you just love me
I cannot see the day you say "it's through"
Because that's the day I say "me too"
So goodnight to the love we had
Now shed
Jul 2013 · 669
Open Letter
Jay Jul 2013
I'm not the problem kid
Your girl continues to come back
And I'm not the only cat
She's kicking it with
Behind your back
When she has her two weeks free
Free is what she be
Laying up on me and Courtney
Falling in spoiled love with us
Like she don't give a ****
About that relationship cuff
Chained from her heart to your nuts
But ima continue to see her
Kiss her and tease her
Because you must not please her
If I still appease her
I guess we could agree on this
She holds the best kiss
the best neck the hold, lips so bliss
An *** made to squeeze on
Body so soft and patient
We know the rest
I'm just saying
I'm her NY girl
Along with the rest
And im loving it
Because "ex" *** is the best
The memories still get her wet
Like the time we ****** under the desk
And I'll continue to **** it dry
Because she still wants me to
Best Regards
Jul 2013 · 616
10w: Mental Breakup
Jay Jul 2013
I no longer wish to love you so good bye
I don't like to explain my poems, but I feel a small need to for this one. Sometimes, it's hard to break up with someone, especially when they haven't done anything wrong. It's just you who wants to let it all go but it will never be that easy. As easy as making an order, for the loss of love and for it to never return. To shut love down like a PC, would be great. But the reality of a break up is that the love remains when the person leaves and that's the hardest part to deal with. If only it was this easy... ahh well.
Jul 2013 · 545
Rose Within
Jay Jul 2013
The rose that grows some
Slow but wholesome
Is a product of perfection
But those thorns point upright
Toward any form of sunlight
Blinding the beauty altogether
The bad takes over
Because the good is no fun
And the thorn prevails again
But once that flower is picked
And that first hand bleeds so
The thorn will fall in shame
And realize it should've just been a rose
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Bottled Up for the Better
Jay Jul 2013
My feelings don't matter
They're just wasteful words
I blurt out for my own well-being
Because they will never be heard
Listened to but not heard
Why, because they're unimportant
My feelings are hurtful
Because they're not what you want to hear
And they don't fit into your time schedule
I want to apologize on behalf of my feelings
We will take a back row seat
We understand that we were wrong
For being expressed and well...
It won't happen again.
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