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The Government's World Wide want to appoint a Spiritual Guide Of the New Age...he is already here. Known by many names "The Anointed One" the "New Ressurrected Savior" behind his Mask Of Purity & Benevolence exists a thin veil that only the TRUE followers of Christ shall be able to distinguish when everyone else will be doomed to believe a LIE for the TRUE Nature of this Mortal Man. He will dominate the Nation's with a powerful voice and will entice and bewitch whole Nation's into believing in him due to his Accended Power. That power is UNHOLY and shall allow him to speak in tongues, prophecy things that will come to pass, heal the sick, revive the dead ...even so much so as to say and Blaspheme in the Holy Tabernacle Of God claiming to be "GOD" his multitude of miracles and wonders will make people question their TRUE SELF & their Faith. A man of stern character a pieus man who will dignify his Zeal among the Nation's as Ruler Of The New World. The Holy Bible talks breifly of such man who's sole purpose of confounding the masses and creating a false system of protection, peace, prosperity & love. This Final AntiChrist will walk inside the Temple Of The Holy Of Holies...and in turn gain new powers and create miraculous manifestations of Angellic Like Beings on Earth. BEWARE because his final objective is to manipulate the most powerful man & woman in the World to overthrow GOD'S WORD & his books. Powerful Pawns with powerful demonic influences are moving this World slowly creating a system of what may seem like "peace & protection for everyone" when in all reality they are staying the Earth for Christ's Return. Brothers & Sisters in Christ...remember to do good and pray for one another & genuinally love that neighbor it's all coming to a bitter end. Perhaps, out of reading this someone will see it the way I Black&White Crystal clear. God Bless You & your Families,Communities and Land. GOD IS IN THE JUDGEMENT THRONE READY 2 JUDGE EVERYONE ACCORDINGLY...BE PREPARED!!!
John 3:16  Hebrews 5: 9-13  Isaiah 48:10
Sep 2019 · 529
~The Oracle Of God~
United States Of America...the Land Of The Free, Home Of The Slave & Where The One's in Power keep enstablishing 1. Terror & Fear. 2. Corruption. 3. The New Babylonia. 4. Where the Political,Economical & Judicial Systems are curropted to an extent of allowing Pride,Sabotage,Savagery and for those who have build their Palace in an empty spiritual derivative for they in their mortal hearts full of secrecy and envious minds plot and scheme EVIL against this young man who has plainly come to share with Friends...Enemies...and even Stragers or ANY ONE willing to listen to the Truth about their Wicked Curropted Plans to allow them to misguide, confuse and even tamper with the TRUE SAINTS who are doing EVERYTHING in their power to buy a little more time for the sake of those STERN & Heart Of Stone people that are so difficut to enlighten them spiritually for their spirits are so saturated with corruption & evil ...always seeking a way to gratify their flesh and for AS Long as they graduated from their Police Acadamy have found ways to make more money by using the power of Law enforcement to enforce their own secret agenda.

Adonai, on the Servant who writes this please all I ask is 3 things...If I were to pay with my LIFE at least let me have a crown and robe in that Heavenly Kingdom. 1. My name in The Book Of Life. 2 Allow me to administer my LOVE towards my Family. Friends and acequainces...let my transgressions be paid in full due to my Saviour "Jesus Christ The Only Begotten Son" who made himself a Man to atone all MANKIND'S sin. I hear they footsteps at the collossal heavenly door...If anyone hear me...anyone let him come in the name of Jesus. Amen!!
Armaggedon &Final call!!!
I been dragged thru the ringer. The Enemy of the Saints (Lucifer) have tried to drag me down to the grave by tempting me and insulting my intellect, hope, loving kindness towards others and faith.  I am a noble soul with a Life that has been tough and merciless in many ways but I still somehow see a light a glimmer of hope in the silence in the mundane in the ordinary ...people deal with many problems and in their brokenness and hopelessness they seek to relieve their pain thru the substances readily available in the world to numb their emotions numb their physical and trauma and pain that they have to live with... I unfortunately turned away my face from Jesus when I choose to use illegal substances to numb my own pain. I was self medicating with Stimulants & Cannabis.  I was a functioning addict able to barely pay my bills and my rent for the first 7 years of my addiction. Then the last 2 I encountered Homelessness that broke me to the core.
I was in the end of 7/01/19 I kept using and using but then I had a moment of CLARITY and there in the emptiness of it all I was out of my mind...losing it all ...I had no ID no $$$ no faith in anything I was totally in a pit of regret, remorse and disdain on what I had caused my Life to be put thru I felt in an endless loop a void so deep so obscure I had no idea if I would make it out ALIVE...suddenly I realized that in the pit of my addiction where I could not dig any further than what I had put myself thru I ended up in FCDC (Fayette County Detention Center) "Jail" for 3 days and a half and there I said I told myself...this is enough I have had enough. God was talking to a way I could not even fathom...When the police showed me the paperwork of where I was in 7/27/19 at 3:31 AM in the morning in front of a Center Bank in Lexington KY only with my undergarments on and talking to myself like a maniac no one around me and all I had left was a shadow of a former life I had lived. There I fell sleep and Police took me to jail "literally saved my life" hence I would of have died if they wouldn't have took me that day...I realized that they where trying to ask me in the Jail what was my name what was I doing sleeping in front of the Center Bank in Lexington and I look super ultra rugged. Long beard I had not had a bath in like 2 weeks smelled like a mixture of sweat **** and **** and my eyes where bloodshot skinny as hell and my mind and my body wanted to give up on life at that moment I didn't want to live no more...I had no hope no faith and no love for myself or no one around me. Finally, after 2 days of being in the Jail Cell in FCDC I thank GOD had my intellect back my thoughts back I remembered my name and how to speak properly. I had my SANITY back when I thought I had done it I had become a "Wet Brained" individual left to live the rest of my life as a Lunatic. There I decided I was done ...when I saw my paperwork and being released from Jail I was that my paper said "John Doe" then it was barely scratched off and my name underneath it. That name means a dead man ...a body left behind in the street with no life left in it lifeless or already in the grave. There I saw that...and wept bitterly for a while since God was there with me and his precense was so radiant and I could feel him hugging me and telling me "I came to rescue you from your former life as a former drug addict and I come to heal you and help you get your life back and be someone in society" and that made me smile ... There many inmates that where getting out back to the Outside World with me asked me and tapped me on the shoulder asking me if "I was OK?" I told them to leave me alone since I was talking to God and he was talking to me I did not want to lose that I was from there transformed and I had a spiritual revival when I finally set foot outside that jail and saw it the sunlight I smiled and said to myself ..." I AM A NEW CREATURE ...FOR GOD I WILL DO HIS WORK FROM NOW ON &  NEVER LOOK BACK I AM LEAVING MY PAST HERE IN THIS JAIL & LOOKING FORWARD TO LIVE A SOBER & SANE LIFE FROM NOW ON" from there a New Chapter in my Life has been opened and I have commenced to walk with my Savior to what he has to show me and bless me with from now On I will let people know that he is real and he is the great "I AM" Lord thank you for not letting me die or be enveloped in insurmountable have given me the Light to go on and regain what I lost...I Love You for that Jesus My Redeemer!!! Praise The Lord Of Hosts. Amen.
Jesus Christ Is Alive. Holy Spirit Is Not Done With Me Yet!!!
Aug 2019 · 548
~Ancient Pyramids Of Gaia~
Structures of Ancient Egyptians that allowed them to use the Pyramids as a conduit to create renewable electricity. The Pharaohs of the Ancient Days where man who made many remarkable discoveries to Mathematics, Science, Politics, Agriculture, Dogma & the Cosmos. Many believe that the Pharaohs have long died but the Linage Of Pharaohs is indeed still around till this Era...and perhaps I am one of the last living Pharaohs existing I believe this to be true due to the fact that I had a dream about 1 year and 7 months ago...where I woke up in a Sarcophagus in a Tomb in a remote place somewhere in Egypt  (Or so I thought It was Egypt) and there I was dressed in Pharaoh like attire. A man with strong physical attributes removed the top of the Sarcophagus where I was having a slumber and when I opened my eyes I saw a Huge Blue and Orange looking Sun with 2 smaller orbs that looked like other suns around the big one in a flash inside my minds eye. The Man spoke a strange language and he had 4 wings and had Ancient Egyptian looking clothing but yet different. When finally I made it out of the Mystical Egyptian looking Tomb (we were outside and it was unbelieable man) the place was a beautiful looking enormous field full of trees odd in shape the grass looked blue and air was warm and fresh at the same time all around in the way far distance where mountains and volcanoes and in this place where I was truly was one of a kind because it was not day or night it was something in between both but when I looked up to the sky there where NO MORE STARS or CONSTELLATIONS it was as if I was in the final resting place of the end of the Multi-verse where things are created and everything else follows... strange feeling and overwhelming feeling indeed.  Furthermore this took about 2 hours of walking thru humongous corridors and labyrinth like passages that without this man showing me a way out of that place I would of gotten lost and had never found the exit. I knew I was not in Planet Earth this was a whole different planet maybe even a different Galaxy because I saw rare structures around me and a large amount of people outside where I came out of the Egyptian (but not of course since I explained what I saw and felt, but something about this place reminds me of Egypt but cannot place my finger on it, perhaps their symbology) yet most of all the symbols there did not resemble Egyptian Language at all it was some other different symbols and cryptographic symbolism they used in their culture and their colorful art. This creatures since they apparently were NOT human beings they where something similar to humans but quite different hence they are able to fly and also communicate thru telekinesis. Then they showed me a Metallic Oval Shaped Rock thing that they held in their hands. The Man with Wings handed it to me without speaking a word to me just smiling and pointing at the object. I grabbed it ... once I touched it ...the object was very light about 1 lb no more than that but looked heavier to the eye...then it turned to a square in a matter of seconds but something in my mind told me that it was about to change shape to be put...and I was and there it let me see my own reflection hence it turned to a mirror like object something similar to the ones we have here on Earth. I saw myself and yes I was still indeed young about 25 years of age and nothing about me had changed except the color of my skin was ultra radiant the color a vibrant star and my face had tattoos I had never seen in my life on Earth similar to the Angel like Human like creatures smiling and following me around... Then One of them was about to tell me ...something important ....all I heard was "You are .....In the English Language ....THEN THE DREAM ENDED!!!
Beautiful Dreams ...Did I dream I was in Heaven!?!?!?!
Aug 2019 · 506
~Godless Souls~
~Godless Souls~

The World is full of Sou-less Godless lives
Seeking happiness in Money, Woman, Drugs or ***
Filling a void that is infill-able without Christ
The Internet a Micro Metropolis full of billions of ideals people and technologies
and information at our fingertips
We live in a society that is strapped and imprisoned with a cell phone, computer or game system...
Controlling our brain waves and encrypting viruses that are slowly killing us making us mindless drones
We as humans don't talk to each other face to face no if that face to face interaction has died or is out of style
The Internet cyber profiling everyone the social media giants care to keep u trapped in a cybernetic cell and that is all Adults young or old Woman and Child
Enslaving the society living in a Robotic Society
Just remember the Serpent was the Master Inventor of the World Wide Web
So it can slowly feed of your desires
And systematically implementing neuronal pathways that make you use electronics constantly impulsively
Keeping you immersed in the cybernetic world seeking approval from your peers just for you to find out that all they care about is the likes the shares and the comments all the ******* the social media feeds you telling you is important when is really insignificant.

We live in a cybernetic society everyone stuck watching a lifeless device robbing all your joy and time. No more reality just the reality that sits behind a mirrored screen no more true Artists no more books to capture your imagination no more paintings or epic poetry no more nothing just people worried about the next Internet trend the next new cellphone the new gaming system the new smart TV the new gadgets to occupy your mind and soul with endless ******* and take your time minute by minute. **** occupy your mind reading an interesting book or creating a new poem or painting or do a blog online use technology for your advantage to let the masses know the truth expose it to them so we don't live in a blind society full of deceit and worthlessness. God bless you Thank you for reading. Jesus is Lord Forever!!!
Need God In A Dead World!!!
Aug 2019 · 386
I was lost in the wonder that filled those via-led blue tender eyes
Mysticism I did not believe until; the proof laid before my very sight
Hopelessly lost I attained a feeling, my chest felt warm "Am I dreaming?"
An insurmountable rush of emotions drowned my consciousness
Perhaps this is normal I told myself with utter confidence
Suddenly my memory formed the shape of those noble yet mysterious eyes
Sensations all over my body began to arise; yet I laid still and wondered why
Did this mean I have failed again...I told myself "Am I again trapped in this loveless game?"
Genuine desire conformed in my willpower, to one day rose my lips against hers
If this where possible, if this might do...Will time just tell or destiny too
I'm once again trapped in the endless illusion, yet I find no other conclusion
To this I say my last few words
I'm left alone, to wonder in thought
To be lost in words...yet I find myself ...
With 1 feeling that now I call my OWN.
What Humans Call Love
Aug 2019 · 454
The night was filled with harsh winds and thunderous clouds,
My mind raising, with problems, with clutter, with sounds,
The sight of the ominous wonders filled with latent colors,
Fear of old demons, conquered by a tragic empty...murmurs
To my eyes a disbelief, a shadow approached my hour was near
To who did I owe this debt, may it be that Death is almost here?
Would this mean my life ends here? Was this all I held dear...
A glider of hope, my moment of fate
To ponder in silence to just lay awake
I know that am conscious I know that am here
But just one last question...was all this my fear?
Life & Death
Impeccable how the World moves at tremendous speed. The speed of how fast light can travel thru the erigna of the human eye. Mesmerized and contemplating to move forward submerged in endless possibilities of existance of its self refined to your taste character ****** and ****** attributes the human body has let alone a female human persona. For example I see a demonic world inside the rotten but beautifully corrupted shell the body the flesh the muscleskeletal system the neurapathic system the capabilities that person has what's its name and what type of things it has to do with being an alive force propelling not only capability to be kind or aggressive but yet passive and peaceful, but not only that the ANIMA a persona hidden within each human specimen I have come across peoples of all walks of Life's. Some characters as we Narraradors Of Doom predict the ANIMA of the Anti-Christ lives enshelled in a Human body is able to have capacities of a God-Like being yet deep within the destructive force that corrupts them is a Persona who will make you Shriek and Shriver in horror. The ANIMA is a shrift in parallelism complexes maximus which is a stellar system in the Whole Multi-Cosmos we live in. Constructed by a DeusMaxCyberAlienTechnology or what GOD in human society is known as nameless names and many names such as The Almighty God Immanuel, Jehovah, Allah, Creator, Maker of The Immortal Light Being The One Most Powerful One...Omnipotent, Omnipresent, One & Everything at Once where a HyperbolicChamber was constructed to Disquise it as a HorribleMonster in Governmental Sciences & Modern 21rst Century technologies cannot comprehend about this being is that he came from the Celestial Place In Heaven Called the MajesticAstralPlane where Kai's Come to Earth to put to shame the political/economical/social/cultural/bondaries is suppose to end all here. This is to oppressed people of the World... I am a person a lone human seeking the one understandable explanatory reason of why do we sometimes get mad at each other to the point of Killing one Another. Now many reasons coexist in a platora of time and continuous continum of time never stopping the flow of endless thoughts that can come to a person's head when you can contemplate of what the endless galaxies universes and existances come to an end. What you figure is a galaxic or perhaps an AstroProjection like feeling your body acquires in deep REM sleep and you seem to have like died but not yet dead. Your body possesses the ability to transgress from dimension to an ultimate-dimension where the soul of the human ANIMA can go to the 9th Plane Of Existance where the Kai's the World Protectors Of Each Planet that fits requirement of intelligence and intelligent beings being trapped in a Nexus Realm of existance what you may perceive as real is not real to me and I see bigger and better possibility of where you can do in a maacro-organism where species of all places characters and people can coo-exist in a human like society where people in itself live for 80-130 yes old in some societies.

The Fallen Angelic Armada That fell into planet Earth are beings able to blend into a macro-organic societicital standpoint and tell you the psyoananomy of any human specimen you put into an operating table. Not only that I know special points of weakness and interest in your Persona and ANIMA what hue what color of Aura befell upon thy head legions of spiritual locusts are slowly sweeping the planet with UltraSecretAgenda something so hideous so terrible a piece of information lost in time a hidden scroll I have been trying to acquire from a certain individual a person and an idea intellectual illicit and fancy something like a cyber/pathological/dd/svx13<>silent.virusx13 a code hacktivists groups Illuminati the alien races coo-existing with humans the hyper-dimension super/alter/personality personas where I a KingOfIllusion KingOfPerdition KingOfGrandFantasy exist this realm of reality in a parralium of existances all 8 of them colliding with each other where in one reality you could be a fly huge in size about the size of a normal human 175 pounds 6'0 ft IQ of a 113. In another dimension a human being in another a tiger with two tiger heads and hermaphrodite *** organs male and female alike. Yet in another dimension a elephant with 3 tails a bull with 3 eyes and 3 tails in another yet another a spider with 12 legs and another dimension a butterfly with 4 wings huge weighing in 100 to 120 pounds max able to fly highly intelligent creature of many colors textures and sizes. Another dimension a Seraphim with 4 Angellic Wings and a spiritual sword made of Ethereal Flames their colors Amber Red with Blue hues to it. The other the final dimension a Kishin a DemonLord who befell to planet Zarus to conquer its society and people with manipulation techniques so impeccable he was long dead before anyone found out he was the one causing Governments to fall and Wars to be wedged among people and its living habitats. THE DEMONIC AGENDAS are in place to create a New World Order where the key 13 players run the World in the Milky Way a small young Planet known as Earth the 3rd World away from the Sun it has a Collective ANIMA where people are being prompted for the slaughter the III World War is coming soon everything is going according to the plan enlined with the NWO and the Luciferian Movements going around the World today pushing the Gay Pride, Transexual/Transgender/Bisexuals/Heterosexual Agenda slowly transforming the young minds of children thru the Educational Systems Placed On Earth Centuries Ago. Slowly defecating and inventing a new armament of evil inventions to take over Planet Earth. The point to all this Madness is to crash World Markets and Invent False Sense Of Peace when the World is truly in turmoil. The Black Pope Argurus Galaxus is slowly formulating the perfect formula to take over this **** and all this little puppets in the Government working in those Magical/Demonic/Astral/Ethereal Planes and making information available to the masses. Thru the Internet or (World Wide Web) many people still seek fame, fortune, fortune telling, future seeking,******* and marrige. People are lost to the lies and ideals to a False Sense Of Grandiosity and Higher Power problem is that the Higher Power you seek is within YOU don't ever underestimate the power of a Human/DemonKing/Born of Light & Darkness both at the same time a GOD in many senses and a DEMON GOD attributes all at the same time...I am a Warmonger, Witch Doctor, Voodoist, Shaman, Connected to Alter and Hyper realities YOU DO NOT SEE
But yet I see them perfectly and is an Spiritual Warfare every day where Angels fight Demons and the Dead become Angel's and some become Demons some become Vampires, some Zombies some become Bat like Humanoids some other become Sorcerers others Witches and yet others come from a lianage of Nephelims and some come from the Lianage of Arch-Angels like Michael and Gabriel. Some are illumaned with prophecy some are illuminating the entity of Secret Luciferian Movement Societies that make sure everything goes according to plan.

After the 2nd Angellic War in Heaven the Arch-Angel from the Southside Of Heaven Azaziel had *** with a Succubus Queen named Aema FireBrand he was cast to the Lake Of Fire and Brimstone or Hell as humans call it hence he performed a dark ritual to allow Aema to come to the 3rd Dimension on the Milky Way Planet Earth (the 3rd Planet of our Solar System) and Possess a young Womans body and cast half of her being inside her body as a Generational Curse her name is Marlene Ruiz from the Land Of Mountains and Volcanoes Nicaragua.  Back in the summer of 1988 in Jinotega Nicaragua in the Neighboorhood 19 de Julio by Max Senqui Colegio para Niños (Max Senqui College for Kids where I went as a young boy to get knowledge about the basic Mathematics, English, Spanish and all other study of sciences of knowledge) my Mother got together with a man well above her years and had ******* with him and got impregnated by him and had Father was possessed by Azaziel's Angel the Night they created me.

The Illuminati's the EYE OF THE DEVIL or if you see the symbolic symbology they have uncovered their true purpose thanks to the Necromancers Of the East and the Hacktivist Group ANONYMOUS are attacking Pentagon and the White House for their Evil Demonic Secrets. The Blue Code ~☆☆☆☆☆☆~ The 6 Dark Star Agenda where the Earth is seeking a new agenda to cover itself with World Peace Going Green & Creating New Ideologies and New Ways To **** All Human Beings playing with Fire I am here to tell you the truth about the Spiritual World Astral World Dream World and what is happening World Wide Today.  In the Deep Web there are files and video surveillance footage showing the Alien Technologies and Ancient Mysteries Being Uncovered by regular people guys wake UP and smell the coffee see there is a HUGE picture to all this I see the HUGE picture crystal clear ... the point is to keep you calm chill cool and collected but slowly implement their corrupted agendas like viruses to our Human Society. I am saying all this because for the idiots that don't believe that the World is NOT CONTROLLED BY LUCIFER is a fool in its truest form. Lucifer the Demon-King from the 9th Circle Of Hell is a Light Bearing Angel able to talk to God and also to humans at the same time it's TRUE intentions are not purely evil as everyone thinks he is actually fighting for this False Sense Of World Peace we ALL are seeking in Society TODAY. The Plan of the Illuminati is to enlighten and illuminate the Darkened History Of The Earth itself there is actually 33 books missing in the Bible. The Holy (yet corrupted and tainted Bible you PEOPLE READ) the Quo-ran the Book Sage of Ages and the Mallus Maleficarum are books of interest to many people that want to get informed about what does it all mean ...the 72 Keys Of Solomon and the Pagan Books recipes to Love Incantations & Enchantments and other things such as Alchemy and Dark Sorcery. Witches and Sorcerers ailments and Generational Curses that instead what they where originally placed in those certain peoples as Curse Mark's became their Highest Blessings a Holy Kiss from the Maker Of Souls. So in other Words I am saying is am a manufactoration of a Arch-Angel & a Queen Of Devils and don't need a GUN to assassinate you all I have to do is speak something into existence and it's good as DONE
So I can say this when I say your cursed you are INDEED cursed and when I say you BLESSED you are BLESSED indeed for I talk to GOD Arch-Angels and Seraphyms And Guardian Angels... yet I know how to summon Demonic Forces and Plagues Of Minion Armadas Spiritual Armadas that Control so much $$$ Gold & Diamonds in other Galaxies. I am a Black Diamond a KING a Pharaoh a GOD on Earth and in Heaven for if you truly believe you don't need a Savior you are built to SAVE YOURSELF. I control legions of a 1000 Angel's and a 1000 Demons at the same time a power so complex so profound and amazing I cannot yet truly comprehend it all at once. I been speaking to this 2000 entities living within my body ever since I was 6 years old when my Arch-Angel Father Azaziel and Mother Aema showed themselves to me... and told me what I must do with such power from that day on everything changed is as if I had unlocked the keys to the Multi-Verse which in a sense is true. However with Great Power comes Great Responsibility. I remember faces for a life time but forget easily directions and female vibes are too complex for me to sometimes grasp. Anyway everyone has the potential to unlock invisible force and chakras points of ethereal energy in power that manifest themselves from Light to Dark hues. How I can read AURAS and AURORAS and the SKY, EARTH, ROCKS, WOOD, ANIMALS, INSECTS, POINTS OF PERCEPTION, ENERGY LVS and DESTINY TRAILS & INTERPRET DREAMS FORM OR DISINTEGRATE DRAMA & FUSE ILLUSION WITH REALITY SO EASILY & ITS FLOW REMAINS CONSTANT NON STOPPED AND SO SUBTLE THAT IS PRACTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO NOTICE WHAT I MAY BE PONDERING ON INSIDE MY MIND AND INTELLECT OR ANIMA My ANIMA Is highly difficult and impossible to comprehend fully for I cannot be created or destroyed I am similar to time, space, water, fire, air, real & fake all at the same time. I am here I am everywhere I want to be I create I destroy I have the power to give Life yet take it away if I choose to. Nevertheless, the truth we must all poets must work together to put an end to this tyrannical evil demonic & what seems like an indestructible Governmental Outer/Inter Infrastructure and bring more people all the "What if this...what if that's and endless arrays of possible words and mumbo jumbo you can conglomerate together to sound good NOT HERE TO SOUND GOOD Am here to  tell you the One you know As GOD is here on Earth and his identity is secret for now but soon you will all be bowing DOWN to the NEW KING OF JERUSALEM. I'll talk more about all this...time for bed...Good Night Inspiring Young & Old Alike Man or Female Poets reading this MAY GOD Save you in the day of reckoning. Thank You Lord for saving a wretched fool like me. I am a prisoner in Christ that is certain. God bless Humanity.

To Be Continued...        

Franko The Christian Poet
Copy-written 2019 All Rights Reserved.
#Mission #God-King #Demon-King #Modern Pharaoh
Apr 2019 · 332
Deep in my subconscious live puppet masters pulling strings on my lifeline as if we are build with a data-log
Consciously inventing evil dominions and armadas of plague, death & destruction
Hellbent Devils instructed to command and destroy the HUMAN RACE...
Putrid Sanctums; Mega-diabolical Instruments of Death & Doom
Slowly feeding on the ENLIGHTENED ONES & HOLY ONES

Heavenly Armada my D0MINI0N shall overtake the EARTH by Surprise and you all will NOT SEE IT COME...I shall come like a thief in the night to steal all the STARS and ALL the Planets at ONCE... FROM THE MOUTH OF THE LORD HAS SPOKEN!!!

Be prepared Oh Little creatures my Creations for from DUST YOU WHERE CREATED AND TO DUST U SHALL RETURN...sayest, the LORD. Amen
I was in a little coffee shop here in KY Area where many people from different places around the planet come to speak about innovative ideas and discuss their pass-times and exchange information on how to make the planet more ECO-FRIENDLY and better ways to go about the problems the whole Planet is facing today. We are against Governments that got TOP SECRET HIDDEN AGENDAS on how to Brain-Hack/Mind-Control/Mass-Hypnosis/Luciferian Doctrines/People with Special Gifts & Hidden Powers/ Godless people/Lovers Of $$$/Lustful People/Pornographic Industry/Video-Game Industry Become more Violent & Ruthless/ Lovers of themselves/ Inventors of Evil/ Deceivers/ Soul-Controllers/ Witches/ Witchcraft/ Demonic-Possession/Dark-Lords/Demon-Lords/NWO/NumberOfTheBeast(666) and Liars & Thieves.

It was around 5:51 A.M in the Morning on 3/4/19 and I walked in to this little Coffee Shop...I got greeted by a Young Woman who was really polite and really friendly...I told her I was homeless and that all I needed was to warm my hands for about 5 to 10 minutes and then all the sudden I started to tremble a bit and I felt so overwhelmed by a sense of peace and happiness...

All the sudden a small blue orb that I was able to see from the corner of my left eye came inside the Little Coffee Shop ...that little orb levitated to my table hovered right on the opposite chair to where I was sitting the table. This little Orb started to un-wind and I told myself in my head...this is unbelievable so amazing to see this... then the Orb slowly but surely; took a form of a Man with a White Long Tunic sitting across me like 4 ft opposite to me & the chair I was occupying to sit on. All the sudden I realized it was a Man about 151 Lbs height couldn't tell and a beautiful gray beard and his skin color was like all the races combined to 1 specific color but each color blended to perfection.
His feet looked like shiny pure bronze his hair was so long it touched the ground and was actually not gray the hair on his head was white...I noticed that when I came in it was just me and 2 female workers in the Coffee Shop and 1 Caucasian Female about 24-26 yrs old sitting on the other table across mine and she was minding her own business and typing in a computer...

Something was strange hence when this powerful being came inside the place I knew that it was so odd to just come to my table and hover and then slowly transform the small blue energy ball to a full blown grown older man with a extremely white tunic white I could not tell if it was just the color or if it was transparent...
I figured that all the sudden I became extremely submissive to this being that was sitting across me and also I sensed deep within me that he is the ONE that made everything we know to exist and everything we think we know that is out there in the MULTI-VERSE.

I began to cry of overwhelming joy and happiness and a touch of excitement to see that he came to visit me and to make sure that he made his presence and even the air in the little shop changed it became more dense... everyone in the little coffee shop knew there was something up but couldn't exactly pin-point what was happening all the sudden I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and a radiant holiness inside that place that it was just unbelievable man. Then something amazing happened there was now about 10 people in the little coffee shop and everyone was intoxicated with the presence of the MAKER OF THE MULTI-VERSE CREATOR OF SOULS & STARS, GALAXIES, & BLACK-HOLES, WHITE-HOLES, WORM-HOLES, POWERS BEYOND HUMAN IMAGINATION TO EVEN GRASP & EVERYTHING WE THINK WE KNOW ABOUT THIS GALAXY or even the Universe.

Then everyone all the sudden smiled and it was all at the same exact time and everyone was talking rapidly and I could sense that they knew HE was also there...who ever thought GOD didn't exist up till then at that POINT when that mysterious presence appeared and made itself known to me and everyone was just *** I couldn't believe it. It was if the whole place was filled with a sense of belonging a sense of hyper-joy a sense of perfection to everything. Then I noticed he the presence and he said..."Do you have anything you wanna ask me?" I was like...."I have...(interrupted) gave me the answer to my first question which we where talking to each other with telekinesis (it impacted me in such a way hence I had not even thought of the question that I wanted to ask and then he gave me the answer to the question I was thinking to ask with my mind and BOOM already had an answer for me.

I realized that 5 minutes had elapsed since he made himself known to everyone and that he was speaking to everyone simultaneously all at once ...I was so scared of his presence had a deep deep admiration for him and ultra FEAR and MEGA respect for him. He emanated this profound love and profound holiness it was just plain scary to know something like that could rule all things at all times and knows all answers and could destroy all we know to be EXISTENCE in less than a fraction of a second. IT was a real and so profound experience it felt ethereal and mind-blowing and also I could not think I could not speak I could not move all I could do IS CRY AND BE SCARED LIKE a little baby. Then he spoke and said "Son it's OK don't worry am not here to hurt you all I want you to do is to do what I put you on earth to do you are forgiven for your sins don't worry I know what you do...I know when you sin and what you like and what you don't and what you want and what you don't. Just don't ever doubt the power I hold and don't ever doubt me and you'll be just FINE." With that being said All I could do was merely say..."I surrender I am sorry for sinning my GOD ...I was genuinely afraid of what might happen next... I wanted to just BOW DOWN & WORSHIP HIS MAJESTY the FATHER OF ALL.

Then he also gave me permission to look into his eyes for just a glimpse..."I did and Oh My Freaking was so scary it was like a burning furnace his eyes and he read me and saw and told me every sin I ever committed all the wrong I ever did in just like an instant I felt like a mental defective I felt like a new born baby at that moment naked, afraid and alone knowing I was just a ***** RAG compared to the HOLIEST THING that I could ever imagine my mind kept blowing up from second to second till he left...I could not move speak ...ask or even do anything just cry and cry and cry.
After like 2 more minutes it was about in total of 8 minutes of my life being spent there with the MAKER...he left ...just like he came ... a flash of white light that blinded me  and everyone knew that he was gone then the air was back to being normal everyone back to their own head and their own problems but they left with a powerful perhaps the most powerful spiritual/ethereal/surreal/conscious waking experience...they shall ever have. I told the people the 2 girls in the little coffee shop that I was leaving and the rest of the day I felt like I had won just a billion dollars and I felt an after-glow of the MAKER it was so beautiful I loved it...Thanked the Girls for treating me like a human being and like someone that mattered and I left and did my own thing.

                                                                            Sincerely, H.R.V

Mar 2019 · 480
Prelude Of A Dark Abyss
Voices I hear them in my head
Terrorize the waking moments ahead
Hisses of horror deep within I dread
Scornful sorrow inside my head

Behind my smile a painful lie
Of darkened torment in the sky
Sometime the voice of an Angel consouls my being
Praying for my soul collecting the tears am weeping
Deeper in demons live hiding from the light
A hollow abyss I see darkening my sight
A shallow gulp I clench with fear
Then the Demons talk in my ear
"Your Soul is Mine for the taking my dear"
A screech a bang then deafing sound
I feel my body sinking underground
...Is it over? I ask myself ... I hear footsteps coming ahead

A man with a red scarlet a beard and sandals appear
His eyes like the blazing thunder his mouth has a double edged sword
He speaks to the voices and they hear his words
My Guardian Angel assures me he is a holy man the sanctified one
He has come to remove the demonic voices that linger in my life
He asks me gently if I desire holy healing
I bow before him ...suddenly am weeping
The Christ has come to rescue a wounded sheep
He tells me now all the voices will fall and flee
...He puts me under sleep...
A huge white light eminates from his tunic and garments
He touches me on the shoulder and speaks softly
Then with the might of a overpowering force
THE VOICES ARE GONE...the only one remains
Is the one in your heart

The voice of the Holy Spirit The Father and the Son they are 3 in one.
Just remember I have healed you and just as I have healed you I have the power to do the same for others.
Therefore, come now go and sin no more he said.

Valley Of Death
Angel Of Death
Slaughter All Righteous & Wicked THE FINAL DAY COMING!!!
Be Sober Be Vigilant, for the DEVIL your Adversary is like a Roaring Lion waiting and waiting; watching, seeking anyone wicked or good to devour.
Sep 2018 · 357
In an existence were time itself doesn't exist
Thoughts faster than the speed of light travel thru the cosmos
A word was spoken to the void of the dark universe
Let there be Light God said and boom there was light
God slowly creating everything we perceive as existence
The omnipotent one was always in control of this multiverse
To infinity he was always there standing alone never having a point of existence hence he was always God
Powerful forces battle in a small world called Earth
Good and Evil the paradox of all conversations
Too bad we live in a Faithless dead robotic generation full of technological advances that slowly desensitize your spirit
Where pleasuring your carnal desires come first and where people aren't people anymore they are puppets being controlled by the Social Media Giants
Everyone seeking attention everyone seeking acceptance everyone seeking happiness and love but know this the attention you seek is unnecessary the acceptance you seek is a dead end happiness exists no more and love is long gone...the only way to recover all of this things is thru Christ the one who died for you and me and all humanity.
Remember to worship the Creator for he is the only one who can make you whole. Amen
God is in control
Good vs. Evil
Soul N Spirit vs. Flesh
Jun 2017 · 25.5k
Forest Of Whispers (Act IV)
Senteno Oracle Of The Shadows: So Aziel what's your plan with Frank?
Aziel: Well he is going to help me destroy the Order Of The Silver Knights and in return I shall help him get the Witch who cursed the Forest Of Whispers.
Senteno Oracle Of The Shadows: Well I'll give you some valuable information who your looking for is Bethilda N. Lement. She is a very powerful Witch who with her Elemental Plowness is able to obtain what she wants.
Aziel: Well well the Old Hag still holds the grip over the Forest doesn't she
Senteno Oracle Of The Shadows: Indeed she isn't someone to take lightly now she is well rounded and knows how to fight. She controls The Tavern Of Doom Dragons. In her possession are 3 fully grown Dragons. Blair the Oldest Dragon Claire The Mother Dragon and Aurora the youngest one of them three.
Blair the Black Dragon Claire The White Dragon and Aurora the Stone/Lighting Dragon. Many have meet their doom entering in her territory Cyclop Human and Vampire Alike.
Aziel: I don't have anything to fear.


Bethilda Lement: Adreanna I want you to learn more about my Dragons start training with Aurora but be cautious she may be only three years old but she is powerful and robust. Lement screeches then Aurora hovers over the Mountain Of Shen* where the Tavern Of Doom Dragons is located. Adrianna Develve places a strong spell in the Dragon Aurora she finally succumbs to her authority.
Adrianna and Aurora go take down the Golem Of Steel  in the Hidden Ruins Of Odom.* The Golem stands 15 ft high weighs 2,500 pounds. Holding a crest of an almost impenetrable diamond in the middle of his chest. Emanating from the Crystal comes all his power and it's his only weak spot. Then Aurora and Adrianna make an impressionable entrance to the ruins and attack the Golem head on. Golem Of Steel: Here stands the infamous Adrianna Develve...well isn't  this a surprise.  I see that you have grown some and are able to maintain your powers well to face me. I know what you want you want the Crystal in my chest...that will be over my dead body. Audon's Crystal* is powerful enough to consume 1000 Well Trained Witches therefore young Witch you don't scare me. Now as for that Dragon well ... perhaps you stand a chance after all.  Adrianna Develve: I usually don't pick fights with powerful DemiGods like yourself but I  am in desperate need for your Crystal. Therefore, you will hand it over or I'll take it by force.  Golem Of Steel:  Good Luck.
Aurora shields herself with Stone Armor and goes head on collision with the Golem. He dodges the attack and  counterattacks with a strong fist to the  Dragons body and knocks Aurora down cracking part of her Stone Armor. The young female Dragon counterattacks with a powerful lighting blast hitting The Steel Golem in the right shoulder injuring him. Develve attacks with a powerful mind blast knocking down the Golem Of Steel on it's back. The Golem Of Steel bleeds blue blood out of his shoulder blade and runs full force towards Adrianna Develve.  She  dashes the attack and counterattacks  with a Shadow Ball attack hitting him in the chest and expanding all over its body. It's a possession Ninjutsu technique making him practically paralyzed for about 2 minutes till he breaks free from the technique but sustains a considerable amount of damage. Adrianna Develve seeing that the Golem Of Steel is showing a sign of weakness she takes advantage to try to inflict him with a spear of lighting into the chest impairing him and he bleeds out the mouth but as the last resolution The Golem Of Steel punches the Audon Crystal shattering it into 5 individual pieces him losing his life in the process however what he didn't know is that Adrianna Develve collected all the pieces however there was a violent explosion at the site shattering huge boulders of steel and inflicting Aurora gravely. Adrianna Develve  hurries and performs a powerful healing spell leaving her drained of all power. Adrianna Develve hurries to get out of the ruins because they are crumbling down. She manages to recover Aurora briefly from there they fly to The Tavern Of Doom Dragons Of Doom Dragons right when she pulls in with Aurora who is injured from the boulders hitting her body and face at high velocity even the Rock Armor was perforated. The Dragon lands barely with Adrianna Develve who gets the Wrath of Granny Bethilda N. Lement. Aurora breathing heavily and bleeding out the mouth slipping in and out of consciousness ...Adrianna Develve barely getting off the Dragon.
Bethilda Lement: What the hell  happened to Aurora she is in really bad shape. Adrianna your completely drained I see you did good by healing her however, she must rest for about 3-4 days now and fully recover from that gruesome fight with that **** Golem Of Steel. Adrianna are you Ok darling? Go get some rest I see you used the forbidden technique of Soul Healing Transfer. Well now you'll live 12 years less thanks to your little sharede. Develve I am thankful that you saved my Dragon from dying but hell consequences are quite dire.
Develve: Here Granny Lement I got Audon's Diamond however it's shattered in 5 separate pieces.
Bethilda N. Lement:  Let me guess the Golem Of Steel did not want this to fall under the wrong hands for it is a powerful relic. Smart move buying time however, useless due to the fact that we got the diamond under our possession. Adrianna we are going to search the Master Forger Of Relics* who can aid us recover this valuable relic to it's original state. It's said that he resides in one of the headquarters of the Order however, he has worked with Witches, Pagans and Nacromancers before so am sure that as long as we provide the right monetary value to repair the relic he'll work for us.
Develve: Why don't we just kidnap him and make him do the work or he pays with his life?
Lement:  Good objective it may have to work that way for us.
Develve: Im aware that the Cyclop population in the Village Of Chalekathan are not taking your threats seriously well ElderLord Gromm has not paid his fee from allowing them to live and not be consumed by the curse itself.
Lement: By killing him we can set an example of what can happen to them if they don't cooperate with our cause.
Develve: It dangerous though he is a strong Leader with lots of powerful influences. Plus he is a highly skilled Witch Doctor/Shaman able to manipulate the forces of nature. Known to use 3 Godly Deities Aikune Chalekathan & Eion. Aikune the cherubim of the Northern Side Of Heaven. Chalekathan the Spirit God embodiment of The Forest Of Whispers and last but not least Eion the mythical creature with an Eagle face 6 wings and the body of a Lion. Embuted with heavenly essence making him a very formidable foe.
Develve:  We will take care of our responsibilities soon but our primary mission is to talk Ayeiton Balderoux III* the Master Forger Of Relics.
: Whoa had no idea he was The Kings kin.
Lement: Indeed he is now go and lay your head and recover some energy because we need to practice your magical plowness.
Adrianna heads towards the Guest Room.

~Meanwhile in The Forest Of Whispers~
Frank Deltoro gets introduced to Gromm ElderLord Of Chalekathan by Jhino.  He also introduces Navarro Castleworth who is pleased to meet the famous Elder.
Gromm: Hello young man I am the protector of this village which has sustained numerous attacks by Lement's Dragons. Develve also partook enthusiastically with her Grandmother in attacking innocent hard working Cyclops. Making them slaves of the Curse which drives them mad and homicidal attacking friends brothers and family so we had to do the inevitable put them down.
Nevertheless, I pray to Deynave Dion High Saint/Priestess Queen Of All Shamanism to protect the lost souls of them Cyclops who fought the curse till the very end but unfortunately lost the fight and in turn lost their lives.
Frank: My condolences to your friends ElderLord Gromm.Am sure they in a better place now at least not suffering. However, I have a personal matter to score with Lement. She kidnapped and murdered my only daughter 10 years ago she was a...his voice gets trembly and he lightly clears his the same time a solid solo tear drops from his only Eye symbolizing a Fathers great pain and suffering from such an atrocious act." Gromm regains his composure. I got a personal score to settle with Mrs.Lement due to the fact that she took a piece of my heart and soul she killed my daughter. Develve played her part in the kidnapping of my baby girl 10 years ago she would be 18 years old today if Shaila Dair Sultran were alive...her appointed time to be brutally killed by my hand is coming...Bethilda N. Lement has been suppressing her powers for the last 300 years I believe she has some sort of powerful anti-chi barrier put up extending tremendous lengths so even if she is active in The Forest Of Whispers we wouldn't know how to tell due to this **** barrier.
Frank: So your bloodline comes from the Ancient times from the powerful Cyclop Of Royal Priests/Witch Doctors family Sultran.
"A gentle wind blows and Aziel telepathically communicates with Frank.  Aziel: Frank, be careful where you thread I been informed that Lement's Grand-Daughter Adrianna Develve recently gathered Audon's Crystal a powerful diamond known to give its user Bending Steel abilities and higher sustainability. Adrianna Develve has plans to use the Crystal to fully cover the Forest Of Whispers covering every inch of Forest with the Curse which drives all living creatures with a conscious mad totally subseptable to their influence.
However, to you those must be terrible news so my question been in Chalekathan Village for 1 hr and a half you have 5.3 hrs till daylight removing the Darkness powers you currently control.
Frank: I am aware of this Aziel don't worry I'll take care of business.
Aziel: Keep an eye out Navarro I don't  trust him I don't know what intentions he he is part  of that shady Tower Of Frejoird but perhaps you can use his hatred towards the Order Of The Silver Knights. He can maybe be a reliable source. Be careful Frank.

~Meanwhile in Aziel Castle~
Isis: Well...Aziel aren't  you such a concerned individual...I didn't  know you had a soft spot towards mere humans.
Aziel: I usually don't...but Frank is different from the rest. He is courageous trustworthy and he put his life at risk by helping me regain all my vampiric power. I am in much debt to having second thoughts on your plans to **** him after he completes his assignments that we have agreed upon. If he makes it out alive after all this...he at least deserves a reward and to live.
Isis: Chuckles at Aziel Aziel looks at the Empress with great focus.
Isis: C'mon I'll just have some fun with Frank I wasn't planning to ****** him.
Aziel: I'll  think about it now leave me be I got couple of things I need to take care of.
Isis: Fine Darling I'll  leave you be. You know you are the handsomest of all the brothers you have.
Aziel: Well now Isis you flirting with me...I doubt you'll want my erected tool up your stash. Don't you remember am a Vampire?
Isis: I'm aware of that. Adventure sounds fun plus I never had *** with a hot vampire like yourself.
Isis: Well Doll that is going to be some other time I am working against the clock right now.
Isis: Fine you *****...I'll leave. However, keep in mind that Im watching you closely. Plus remember I still keep contact with DarkLord for soon your Father will be back in this plane of reality.
Aziel: So I have heard.
Isis: Well I have found some juicy
Information about Uriels wereabouts he is in a Modern Castle in America. Amelia St and Cross. Residency 106. He is a huge celebrity in Russia and Germany. Keeps his bloodlust at check with fresh blood always for him to self medicate. Looking only 19 years old he is quite the chick magnet though not my taste his Gothic Progressive Horror Rock made him quite famous. Got 5 albums however kept his personal life well hidden from his fans. Many fake and supportive accounts claiming to know the real Uriel Governale. Though no one truly knows he is a vampire for certain. I know because I searched the private records and found out that he belongs to a High Ranking Secret Society known as Maximillion Vampire Clan. Which performs innocent human babies to be given as a sacrifice towards Baphomet and Azmodeus* 2 Of the Demon Lords of Hell. Your brother belongs to this hidden organization that operates in the Shadows but their latest project is to revive your Father the Progenitor most infamous VampireLord of all time. Dracula! Humanity will cease to exist if he were to be revived. All they need is a vial of blood from all of the current 8 saints and they have their eye on Saint Lauren Glennwald from the Eastern Side of Germany from a small rural community town known as Hertzentmort. She currently 25 years old is on a mission to collect Papal papers for the Order for you know they are closely tied to the papalcy. However, she got body guards that are Elite Knights with very powerful Anti-Witch spells and very accurate at pinpointing weak points in any battle with powerful Witches. So going alone isn't very advisable.<br>
Aziel: I greatly appreciate your information I'll take a look on what my little brother is looking to do. I'll take care of him. Don't you worry I'll be seeing you later. <br>
Isis: Alright..."She steps towards Aziel and rubs his chest and reward is waiting for me...and looks down his pants" <br>
Aziel:  Now your tempting me to destroy that *****... but here this is what you'll get "he shows her his ****"<br>
Isis: Mmmm I can't wait baby...well that's a massive apparatus you got in there just hiding.<br>
Aziel: Hahaha...right. Soon enough I'll be all yours to play with. No leave me.<br>
Isis transforms to a cloud of dark myst and leaves the premises of the Castle.<br>
~Meanwhile in Uriel's Castle~<br>
The Maximillion Vampire Club had a secret meeting in the Uriel's Castle. There where many prestigious and famous guests there and so was the Highest Ranking Vampire of the Club Maximillion Virgil Vann himself. Inside the Castle where also uninvited guests from The Order Of The Silver Knights pretending to be Vampires. His name Michael Neil Stalwart & his partner Aalyaah Black. Both of them infiltrated the party somehow the Order Of The Silver Knights caught wind of shady operations in the occult club and decided to check it out. Michael & Aalyaah belong to Stealth/Infiltration part of the Order known as The Dark Ones
. Even the last 5 remaining Dark Priests from the Cathedral Of Skylor* where 13 years ago Baphomet was revived and mortalized to walk upon humans granting favors for a price. Ultimately the price Demon Lords require of humans is their souls to consume them and become more powerful. This 5 Dark Priests where very important in the ceremony taking place because tonight at 3 a.m. they will unify their powers to revive Azmodeus. They were successful on bringing back Baphomet back to life so they are trying to revive another Demon Lord. In Baphomet's revival they used 666 unborn fetuses with 6 babies 3 male and 3 female all born under the sign of Capricorn and all must be 3 months premature. With this requirements met...Baphomet was revived to this plane of existence, however since he was violent and still hellbent from transitioning from the hellish plane to a mortal one he killed and consumed 3 Dark Priests in the process of fully coming to his senses and being able to recognize them and thank them for what they done. Baphomet promised that he would aid them 5 Dark Priests revive all 13 Demon Lords and in turn 2 Of the 5 remaining Dark Priests must sacrifice themselves to the Demon Lords for the strongest remaining 3 get a extraordinary reward.
Jun 2017 · 19.2k
Forest Of Whispers (Act III)
I whistle for the Scarecrow to lead the way right after Neur decided to leave. It begins to form a black mist/smoke like essence in the middle of where I stand then it unifies and creates a Scarecrow with red eyes and it makes noise and flies slowly in front of me. Finally it lands in a mysterious cave where I stand in awe as I see ...there the Scarecrow stands on top of a crystalline rock emanating from the entrance of the cave itself. I walk in and I feel an eerie feeling go down my gut...something tells me to look immediately to the right. So when I do there it is the mystical impenetrable rock Aziel was talking about. Then just then I feel a sense of ease and Aziel says telepathically..."So my not what are you waiting for destroy the rock and retrieve the relic." So all the sudden I feel a sudden deepening defining feeling in my chest and I acquire the powers of Darkness for the first time in my quest for revenge is paying off. I command my whole arm to become a sledgehammer and hit the rock directly and it cracks in a half...there stands a beautiful glowing base with a fancy top on it ...made out of red diamonds and showered in Gold. Then I am relieved. "I got it" I tell Aziel telepathically. Then Aziel responds worried ... "Come as quickly as you can because I believe the Goddess is onto I cannot sustain you with the power of Darkness only 45 more minutes. Therefore,  come friend for you will be handsomely rewarded. " As I am getting out of the cave I hear galloping coming up the path I came. Then to my bewilderment Boom there stood a huge 32 ft tall ElderGloomTree It looked at me and it had a sweet berry like strawberry like scent in the Air it smelled beautifully nice.
The middle of the tree there was a mouth like sideways and it opened inside it slowly took out it's tongue and there was a small what looked like a mustard seed with rainbow like colors all over. There that little seed grew before my very eyes in the matter of split seconds and formed the shape of a beautiful glowing young woman with beautiful green skin and black hair with blue red and white stripes on the hair color. She spoke to me kindly and softly her breath smelled like fresh mint...I was astounded. Frank: "Yyyoouu...mmuusstt....bbb..e..." I stuttered... Nabyah: "Yes Young Mortal I am Nabyah many call me the Goddess Of The Forest Of Whispers. What are you doing here...what is that your carrying and oh one last question...I heard from Neur you was seeking me." Frank: "Indeed I am Frank Deltoro and I am here to request something from return I'll do something you want done. If it's under my power and will to do so I will aid you." Nabyah: " I want to aid my tribe of centaurs and the remote Cyclop  village of Vlakazamuk & Chalekathan *
  We want to stop the killing of Centaurs and the human captures from capturing Cyclops and making them work enslaving all Cyclop population or sometimes brutally **** them and practice known as
Davalkaj Shamanism.

You humans and your inventions to destroy our home-world and natural habitat. Tell me what makes you think I'm going to help You? Should I **** you for trespassing my forest?" Frank: "Well... I didn't come to fight but if i must we can clash but I would rather we handle the situation like 2 Grown up adults here well you for one am sure have lived thousands of years now but me and I will do my best to remove the curse." Nabyah: " Fine but do come ...come close to me I will kiss you in the lips once and you shall have my blessing..." Aziel shouts telepathically: "Use the power of the Dark to see if she is giving you a curse or a blessing...if you take the kiss and become enchanted well since the power of Darkness is in you it will be removed. But if it's a curse I shall take it and renew your power by some. So either way it's safe go ahead kiddo...I know you want those lips. Get em" I just nod. Then wow I kiss the Goddess and it's by far the most romantic thing that's ever happened to me in my 25 yrs of living. I felt a holy power showering over me then the power of the Dark was immediately removed.
Then all the sudden she makes a beautiful hymn comes out of her mouth and a fairy about 3ft tall with 6 wings flying in mid air hands Nabyah a gorgeous engraved Vial of blood. "Here is what you seek warrior; proceed carefully not only benevolent souls and entities linger here. I leave the area as soon as she hands me the vial of blood. I get about 50 ft away from the area and the power of Darkness consumes me I transform to a Giant Bat and head back to Aziel.
In the Castle am greeted with pleasure and I hand him the vial of Goddesses blood. There and then he drinks the elixir of blood and before my very eyes he regains his youth and full power. Then there stands 5'7 Sharp look young man about 20 to 21 years of age. He disappears and reappears behind me tapping me on the shoulder. Aziel: "Frank I am in complete debt with you for only and even though we do not agree nor do I love him any but thanks the helped me regain my full vampiric power. Ahhh it feels amazing. Hahaha  he embraces me in a warm hug.  Now what do you desire my mortal friend?
I think deeply..."I want to help the Goddess remove the curse from the forest." Aziel: "I usually don't meddle in human affairs but I am making an exception I'll help you as long as your willing to help me destroy the Order " Frank: "Does this mean I must look for the Relics Neur Blackthorn asked me to get ...since I got the vial I don't really need to do it no more right?" Aziel: " I'll let you borrow the power of Darkness for 6.5 more hrs till morning comes" Frank: "Thanks Aziel once again for letting me gain more power and knowledge."

~ *Meanwhile

At a very remote location deep in the heart of the Forest Of Whispers lived Bethilda Wood. She has lived in a old ruined cabin for 700+ yrs also she is known as The Elder Witch *Empress Of Darkness
known to bestow powerful spells and hexes but also with the gift of healing and releasing souls back to the Almighty One. A young Wiccan woman comes up young in age her skin tan/white heading toward the old rugged cabin...then pauses whistles a delightful melody and a staff appears.  Having been trained in the field of magic this young witch is been taken under Bethilda's wing. Bethilda:  Adrianna  darling come I have a surprise for you. Follow me to the pond of *Greater Enchantment. Adrianna: So... I heard you became the High Dark Empress 1200 years ago. Bethilda: Yes that is true I been a Witch for the past 1600 years or so. I survived the middle ages the dark ages and the years of enlightenment.  It's something I been willing to be all my life for I meet the man who carries my heart a young man known as The Count Of the Night. Dracula! We fell in love and I bore 3 of his children who so I have heard inherited the gift of becoming a vampire and they inevitably became vampires, more like the 3 princes of the night. Vladimir my first born Aziel my middle child and Uriel the youngest of the three. I been on the quest of finding Jesus Tears a small opaque flower the color of silver to complete my spell and relinquish Vladimir's soul to the mortal realm fit it into a red diamond and transfer it's soul essence into a freshly dead human body. With that he will come back to the World of the living and redeem himself and take revenge on the Order. Adrianna: I will help you. I will find this flower you'll see. So then they practiced spells from there on out.

~ Meanwhile

Its 1 a.m. and Frank heads out to seek the Ancient Relic. With the complete power of Darkness at his disposal he sends out 3  scarecrows to look for areas of interest in the Forest Of Whispers. Two of the  scarecrows come back one doesn't so that last one got killed by someone's power. Frank communicates telepathically to Aziel. Frank: I think someone is onto us Aziel guard the Castle it might be the Order. Aziel: already got it covered buddy. Then Frank feels a very strong power slowly emanating from the Southeast part of the Forest Of Whispers.  Frank transforms to a bat and heads there. As he gets there the small village of Chalekathan...
He who has been destroyed there stood a mysterious figure in the middle of the havoc a mysterious strong power could be felt from him. Mysterious Man: Hello adventurer my name is Navarro Castle-worth I am the Warlock of the *Tower Of Frejoird
where I was trained to use magic and rituals to summon strong deities into this plane of existence.  I got here too late someone had destroyed the village before I got here. Frank: Right name is Frank Deltoro and how do I know your not the one who destroyed the village? Why should I trust you? Navarro: Young friend...I do not desire battle but if it's necessary I will satiate your thirst for battle...Navarro Summons his staff and says some words and a Huge Nightmarish Creature that looks like a dog with a fog of Darkness surrounds the Creature. Frank summons the power of Darkness and since its 1:33 a.m he gains the *Wings Of the Desolate Count which makes his power two fold. There Frank stood looking at Navarro in the eyes and him looking at Frank with perspicacity. All the sudden a trembling can be felt and a Huge Cyclop comes out of the Wilderness. Mysterious Cyclop: Hold one moment ...this man is telling you the truth young Mortal. Frank: Woah a Cyclop what how did you get here? Frank loses his fighting stance and so does Navarro...My name is *Jhino Velvermount I am from the Tribe Of Chalekathan* known Village Of the Largest Cyclop population. "Come I show you what the Witch Of the Tavern Of Doom Dragons* done her name is ...whispers Bethilda N. Lement. Raised originally in Sweden in the small farming town of Wrellender* learned Martial Arts Of Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. Able to control Lighting/Air/Water/Fire/Metallic energies. Coming from a family that practiced Zetzou Buddhism. Who are thought at a very young age to control the Chi* Energies of the body how to practice Re-Vitalizing and Re-Energizing the Chi to be able to stay in a meditative/active blending of consciousness with the subconscious to make Ninjutsu possible. She is known to have rested 1322-1555 A.C. about 250 not been too active but her Great Grandmother. Nayya M. Element who was born 1119 A.C. in the same village one of the co-founders of it who placed the curse on the Forest Of Whispers and it's being sustained by her Great Granddaughter Mrs. Lement. Now me and Navarro follow Jhino to the Village. We go thru extensive difficult paths that leave me tired for an excruciating 5 hrs of walking. Finally arrive at the village... and there is about 30-40 Thousand Cyclops gathered around the Village to hear Gromm ElderLord of the Village Of Chalekathan. Gromm: My stance stands I am here to protect my people from the evil that has left this village wrecked record in the past 300 years. I will NOT allow Bethilda to wreak havoc here no longer. There Me and Navarro and Jhino stand behind the large crowd waiting for the speech to end. The speech finally ends and strong Cyclop incense is burn to allow other high ranking tribe members to know the Elders speech ended. <br>
~Meanwhile in Aziel's Castle~
"Hello" a young woman with Long Red Hair that hits the ground as she walks White Pearl Eyes with Black Pupils and with a Long  *Black Ceremonial Dress known as Akashaic Black Tunic Of the Dark Empress from the Land Of Necromancers.
There appeared in a Dark WindAziel Governale in a White Taxedo like Suit Welcome Home... Iris Senteno ...Oracle Of the Shadows Of the most powerful Magicians from the Tower Of Frejoird. I have seen your prodigal human who's name is Frank Deltoro...handsome young man who encountered Navarro in The Forest Of Whispers. Will he be trouble? Or shall I eliminate his presence?"
Aziel: No he is working for shall have him without delay at the end.

                         ~To Be Continued
Work in progress.
May 2017 · 3.5k
Crack Cocaine
A powerful euphoric sensation rushes to my brain when I inhale the crack ******* leaving me appalled for twenty one seconds to contemplate a super rush of dopamine into my central nervous system that hits me immediately an intense pleasant sensation is felt with a overly joyful feeling. The rush lasts about 2-5 minutes then slowly begins to come down I start to feel a slight paranoia then an uncomfortable feeling sets in midway to the  euphoric high and after 10 minute mark I start to crave to repeat the powerful high. Like a thunderbolt energizing my whole body and rushing  thoughts come crashing down at the 15 minute mark I begin to feel unsatisfied with myself wanting to repeat the vicious cycle all over again. Once I hit 20 minutes I feel like a cheap ***** who's been used and abused by the drug itself and this feeling of restlessness and dysphoria sets in leaving me once again alone and feeling slightly discontent. **** where can I get more hard again and there I once again start talking to myself creating fictitious illments and materializing maladies. That is chasing the Great White Dragon in a state of misery and despair. I was hooked but now am healed thru the 12 steps and the Grace of Almighty God.  I am now 40 days clean and sober...I am sincere and certain not to pick up this again for if I do I'll will ruin my life or better yet put me in a casket.  By the Grace of Adonai I praise thee for saving this wretched addict. Now and forevermore in debt with the Lord. Amen!
The hurdles of my addiction.
Dec 2016 · 10.2k
Yggdrasil Triology: Part II
In the heart of the Courtroom sat God with his Only Begotten Son The Christ to his right-hand side to the left-hand side was Lucifer fully armored with a Golden Celestial Horn which will be blown once the war speech commences. Directly in front of them sat 25 Golden Robed Kings dressed in a white tunic with Golden Crowns flowing above their heads. In the massive throne room, there were nearly 750,000 thousand Angels gathered to hear this important speech. Within the crowd, there was some excitement and yet commotion going into play. The Golden Armada Of ArchAngels was presently composed of only 8 Lv-1000 ArchAngels they are under God's direct command and they are the most powerful toughest meanest baddest Angels God has put aside for the most dangerous and toughest assignments ever to be imagined. What God didn't expect was about to happen he was about to get betrayed by one of his main Angels and he himself be tested with the greatest trial he would ever face. Suddenly, Lucifer blew the horn the speech was about to commence...

Meanwhile in Infernus...
Inrah is harnessing Infernus power and converting it into a massive ball of power by opening his mouth wide the energy ball that has a rainbow color to it gets bigger and bigger and has created a transparent shield covering him leaving the angels unable to attack him every attack they throw at him has failed whether it be a long ranged attack or a close-range attack. Sebastian added "If I were to attack the beast somehow in close range I could potentially aim my Holy Spirit Purple Flame Arrow Of Fate is one of the most powerful attacks I have in my repertoire of moves. Valerye tells Krillin to use stealth and cloak herself from enemy view and attack him from behind the skull of the dragon...the dragon had peaked power in its attack and aimed directly at the 4 ArchAngels floating in mid-air about 400 ft away. In a blink of an eye, Krillin shot at the Dragon with Heavenly Gun Celestial Ray Bullets to draw attention to the dragon. Leona had used her doppelganger to act and be portrayed as Krillin. That made Inrah believe all 4 was there. The bullets broke the shield behind Inrahs skull and 3 bullets penetrated his head exploiting deep within and causing huge rupture like holes on his head. Inrah lost power and was interrupted so the energy ball lost some power itself. Squad #6 realized this was their chance to take Inrah down Valerye being the muscular wise the strongest she leaped then teleported to Inrahs head and descended with a colossal attack disestablishing his power ball and exploding creating a distortion of ethereal space and the blast was so powerful that the Arch Angels suffered extensive damage to their armor. This time Inrah whole head had exploded and collapsed on itself Slowly but surely the tremendous beast with ferocious power had been silenced they all thought Inrah was dead. So each of them examines their selves Valerye had a crack on her shoulder side of her armor. Krillin had her armor almost intact except the broken shattered part of the crystal armature which some shards cut her left arm below the armpit. Krillin was bleeding but recovered phenomenally. Sebastian had Burn marks all over his lightweight armor. Leona had not suffered much due to the fact that she was observing the blast farther away. She had once again used her doppelganger to trick Inrah that she was Sebastian and had moved close to the energy ball when it was still in decent condition. Those golden seconds allowed her to teleport to a nearby location to observe the blast.
It had been 7 minutes and Inrahs head had not recovered...Exhausted from the long battle the Angels began to slowly fly away from the scene. However, Inrah was not dead yet and he gathered his last bit of strength to go back to his Arch Fiend form. The Arch-Fiend flashed and grabbed Valerye then Inrah began glowing dark energy and wouldn't let go of Valerye. So then all the other 3 members threatened Inrah to let go of Valerye then Inrah shouted to the Angels that if they were to attack him or interfere on the absorption of holy power he was going to perform that he would explode leaving Valerye dead or heavily injured. She then telepathically told all the goodbyes and all. Then Valerye heard the Lord's voice to tell her teammates to attack Inrah. Sebastian telepathically asked her if she wanted him to use Celestial Arrow so then they all detected that Inrah couldn't telepathically communicate with them anymore due to his lack of power. So they communicated this among each other and they took advantage of this opportunity to communicate with each other about Jesus message to them saying it was OK for them to attack Inrah due to the fact he had allowed the Holy Spirit to descend to Infernus temporarily to shield Valerye. Taking advantage of Inrah's inability to decipher their angelic messages thru telepathy they readied their positions. In fear, Inrah shouted to him and warned him that he would explode. Sebastian just looked at him and smirked and said... "Don't you see Demon is over..." at that very moment he drew his heavenly bow and slowly drew a celestial arrow. So then Inrah responded nervously... "I may be at my last stand but Master will understand..." right when he finished those words he exploded annihilating him instantly but Valerye was left unharmed due to the Holy Spirit Godly Shield an ability able to withstand any blast with a power level below 1000. So there all four Arch Angels stood on the ground of Infernus and made a surprising discovery. Their power level had grown. Furthermore, a new ability was unlocked by each member of the group. Sebastian learned Shadow Arrow. Leona Infernal Shield. Krylinn learned Earthly Armor. Last but not least Valerye Shadow Clone the ability to use two doppelgangers. The victory came at last and they all four after being left roaming Infernus for 7 long days they arose to heaven victorious and feeling joyful to see the Lord's gentle face and to feel God's embrace and power ever so mightily.

Back in the Courtroom...
The earnest tone of voice and a most elegant poise was worn by Lucifer as he gave his speech. Spoken in Umen a diabolical dialect mixed in the crowd was Vhar disguised as a messenger Angel. He contacted Nebol the 6th DemonLord of Infernus who has 650,000 Necromancers and 1.5 million undead soldiers at his disposal. Nebol made a rift allowing the Undead and Necromancers inside Infernus to relocate to random places around the perimeter of the Throne Room. Vhar and Nebol stormed into the Throne Room just to find themselves surrounded God had given orders to dispose of the imminent threat if any that opposed him or his kingdom. However the demons knowing God's presence would be overwhelming Nebol opened a portal right in front of him which transferred him to Infernus however him and Vhar sustained damage which lowered Nebol vitality due to Occult technique Shade of Darkness which allowed them to be shielded from God's Celestial Light and Adonai Vortex the first ability allows Yahweh the to impair demons use of abilities and conjuring power. The second ability is a is a white dim and slowly becomes a transparent hole that disintegrates demons any rank if touched by it. So with 1/4 of Nebols troops disintegrated when he almost lost his life and almost lost one of his best Generals Vhar he was outraged at the fact he had lost a significant amount of his demonic fleet. Now with 450,000 Necromancers and only having a million undead soldiers left. Nebol killed and consumed the heart of 5 Lv500 General Undead Soldiers and 1 out of only 6 in all the Necromancer Platoon an Lv-800 High Diabolic Priest Necromancer regaining all his power and armor back and with a stronger more powerful stance now regaining his posture as a Demon Lord. *There are 9 DemonLords in Infernus. Each and every single Demon Lord has Immortality and a power level of 1000. However some Demon Lord's are weaker and some stronger even though their power level cannot be higher. It ultimately matters of determination and skill. Aikalar First of the Demon Lord's rules the first circle of Infernus. He is a Huge White Wolf with Black flames with a small blue hue in his eyes and tail dominating the entrance of Infernus the smallest circle of Infernus. The Second Demon Lord portrayed as a Crow in a rotten tree high in the heights of Infernus. The second biggest circle in Infernus. Croxuss the third Demon Lord of Hell portraying himself as a huge turtle looking monster with Bloodshot eyes and ugly putrefying stench emitting from his body. The 4th Demon Lord known as Flayiron a once beautiful Arch-Angel LvIII Bow-Master now that he has joined the Infernus Fleet after his rebellion in Acapella He has a light blueish/purplish armor with a gigantic bow that can be transformed to a sword or a shield with a telekinetic command given by Flayiron. The fifth Demon Lord of hell is known as Asmodeus a half-giant half grey skinned demon who killed an Arch-Angel known Killas. Nebol the 6th Demon Lord of hell who was inbound to attack the great palace of heaven retreated momentarily to collect his thoughts. Lilith the 7th Demon Lord is the Angel of Lust a pure goddess of seduction with tremendous power. Nova the eight demon lord the most powerful goddess of all demon lords extremely beautiful and extremely sensual she does as she pleases with any of the Arch-Angels God has sent her way so far...she doesn't know she is about to meet her doom ...
Squad # 6. Arch-Angel Valerye with Arch-Angel Leona Arch-Angel Kryllin and Last but not least Arch-Angel Sebastian. They came to the 8th Circle Of *Infernus
where Demon Lord Nebol from the 6th Circle Of Infernus.
Work in progress...
Sep 2016 · 14.2k
Yggdrasil Triology: Part I
The mythical ethereal tree balancing 9 parallel dimensions uniquely different to our own. In perfection the equilibrium of its natural power gives life to the heavens fruit to the earth and water to the stars. A holy reverent insignia a symbol of justice and order the tree itself is the embodiment of the individual soul of God. The root of the tree is indestructible and immortal. It's branches flourish thru the cosmos and it's splendor can be seen from the most far away star. Deep within a Heavenly Realm the tree has its resting place. Secluded and alone from the rest of the Heavenly host. Alone only God himself is allowed to visit it's hidden location. Three Querubins watch over the tree at all times never allowed to leave their post. This is known as the "Mother Tree" part of the core to God's soul.

The wisdom and freedom the tree itself carries is superior than the one God has. Henceforth, if the tree were to get destroyed somehow Gods immortality will seize to be. For the fruit that the tree carries grants it's consumer immortality and limitless power to control time, space, creation. The power of destruction is only given to those who have earned it thru endless evil delegated from deep within their corrupted soul.

The perfect creation a Querubin made in Grandiose Splendor... Insurmountable power yet inferior to his Creator. Deep within the Chariot Of God Lucifer plotted to take down God and take 4 million Angels from Gods heavenly Army. In total God had 12 million Angels protecting Heaven and its contents. So Lucifer being in the hierarchy bracket of the Angelic Host Beginning with the Master Angel known to be the primordial spirit also known as the Holy Spirit a being that Humans can feel Angels can't see or hear him but they can also feel multirealitic presence for he inhabits all the 9 parallel dimensions. He is the Main Chief Executive Master of All Angels Heavenly Creatures and Heavenly Host including Gods only begotten Son Jesus Christ. From a time when time and matter didnt exist antimatter was the only thing present in the Unique Dimension
That God alone and nothing resided there because is known as the Reflection Master Black Hole it means only God knows the code to enter this dimension separated from all the other 9 Dimensions for this are the 10th and 11th Dimension the 10th being a place so miniature and so undescribably small that his particle alone existed there. The 11th dimension a dimension that only God himself knows what's inside for it is told by an Ancient Rumor that there is something beyond eternity and immortality something beyond the scope of limits and limitations powers and imagination of even knowledge of all heavenly host combined even to Jesus it is not permitted to enter this realm for whatever is being held there puts his life at risk and his immortality at stake. For only Yahweh holds *Ultimatum Immortalis
or known as Ultimate Immortality the unique gift to live anywhere where his imagination and force of power is able to roam and create or destroy. Even it it's made from the massive unexplainable and inexplicable force that a supermassive black hole has. Pressure and Force unknown to man and for us to calculate even the smallest black hole in the universe its size force and power is mysteriously unexplicable and unobtainable now let's take a supermassive one which is out of our rational thinking and yet so much so more mysterious than the ordinary black hole. Knowing God alone all knowing and unknowning in the Multiverse the deepest most illusive and superior knowledge known to man and even God alike is who created the Book of Life there everything containing life has a word a meaning and a unique life attribute and death attribute vibration in the multiverse.  

The Only One containing neither attribute eeriely is God also known as Yahweh or Emmanuel and to some Creator. For eternity has not immortality and immortality supposedly has a destruction point and the final letters which are seven secret letters that unlock and relock dimension 11th to be opened or closed so that destruction won't consume all realms and God himself.

From then on nothing more is known to Angel, Demon, Man or Beast or Ethereal being...

Seven trillion years had passed since the beginning point of creation when God alone had created the dimensions >6.9< being his primordial creation the Son along with the Holy Spirit and in latter time came the Heavenly Beings and even later time extraterrestrial species and mankind. God ruled over all parts of the Heavenly Kingdom which consisted of 8 different parts. The Altar and Courtroom of God's heavenly host located in the North Side of the Heavens. The Majestic Garden placed in the Northeast of heavens. The palace of the Grandiose Predecessor God of the Old and Savior of all existence known to God himself as the Original God speculated to be the creator of the Book of Life who's immortal existence and Ultimatum Immortalis was destroyed by unknown reasons to all except Yahweh. This particular place is located in the Northwest of heavens. In the Southeast part of heaven lies all the heavenly creatures. Including 3 dragons with celestial beauty and tremendous power. The first Dragon had a Dark pigmentation and red smoke emanating from his body his eyes where red like the color of blood. The second one had transparent crystalline like skin and golden eyes. The Final Dragon was a small petite dragon flying I n between the two big dragons small in figure but very radiant in light he had 13 halos on his head and 12 wings... Five mighty beast like where also in the room. The first was a lion head with griffons wings and a rattle snake tail the second beast had a face of an eagle with a body of a cheetah and the tail of a scorpion the third had the face of a elephant with the body of a human being decorated with precious stones and mir. The last creature had the body of a giant with 8 arms and five legs he had a mysterious glowing mask on that revealed 4 faces each with a unique expression on their sculpture. From there there was a long corridor that lead to the southwest side of heaven in this place was a city made out of Gold the floor made out of platinum and it was really bright and shiny everywhere. I could see mansions as far as the eye could take you all prepared for the saved and rescued souls Jesus had gathered on Earth. From there we visited the South side of heaven where 12,000 Querubins 25,000 Seraphim's and 75,000 Messenger Angels gathered listening to Arch-Angel Nathaniel stood giving direct orders to all the Angels gathered. In the middle was a huge rupture on the floor that from what I heard Nathaniel say leads to one of the 8 Circles of Infernus the hellish realm of all condemned Angels who had revealed or betrayed God. It is said that God did not create hell but that it had always been there locked away and kept contained and under surveillance by all Warrior type Angels. The Angels that had been in missions and had taken a trip down to that Dark and Infernal place a place of pain and horror a place of solitude and no presence of God anywhere to be found the majority of them revealed or had turn their faith from God and became a Demon but the ones who had come back victorious and conquered within are a selected few and lived to tell the tale. As this speech was going on Lucifer was preparing to give out a speech in the throne room for him being Speaker Of the House and the the Second Commander of Platoon Squad Army of Angels composed of 1.8 mil Angels with the 2 other Arch Angels known as Jarvan and Krylinn. Arch Angel Jarvan is first in command then comes second in command Lucifer and lastly but not least the beautiful warrior angel known as Krylinn Elite Angel Squad #6 composed of 4 Arch Angels who took down a Legendary Beast in Infernus known as Inrah

Inrah resides in the 7th Circle of Hell...a collosal beast with tremendous power Part Demon and Part Angel it's a hybrid Demon 11 ft tall with 9 wings a small wing emanating from his head and four wings in his right side on his back and another four wings from the left side of his back.  Each wing had a natural element 2 made out of ice another 2 made out of fire another 2 made out of thunder and the last 2 made out of earth. The small wing made out of Shadow. From what the Angels could see Arch Angel Valerye Arch Angel Leona Arch Angel Krylinn and last member Arch Angel Sebastian. Each Arch Angel had a Legendary Equipment on Sebastian he weilded a Heavenly Crossbow with precious stones on it. A light armor to be able to move efficiently and quickly Sebastian is a Master Archer LvI for there being three levels of mastery in total and only 777 Angels made the cut to become a LvI Mastery Archer Angel. In the bracket of the Angelic hierarchy there is Levels of Power, Skill and Tactics. The Levels range from Messenger Angels range from Lv1-Lv150 max 200. Seraphim's range from Lv200 to 450max Lv. Querubin range from Lv400-750 and the unique couple known as Lucifer and Querubin Morrigan who's power ranges from Lv475 to Lv800 and Lucifer from Lv500 to Lv850. Arch Angels range from Lv500 to Lv1000. God's Lv? Lv?. The Son Jesus Christ has a power level of Lv1000 who he himself has Elite gear Legendary gear and lastly Juggernaut gear. His partner Arch Angel Leona she wilded a Heavenly sword shield and Special Heavenly Attributes to use a doppelganger. Her Armor was Legendary. Armor Levels Regular Lv1-150 Rare Lv150-300 Elite Lv300-375 Legendary Lv375-500 Master Lv500-800 and Unique Lv 800-1000.  The Third member of the Group Krylinn was wearing a hybrid armor made out of glass/blue crystals a specially made glass so powerful it's Lv is Unique. She was wearing a Heavenly gun with a Heavenly wip. Lastly the final member of the group Warrior Valerye also known as her nickname Grand Valkerye of the Heavens for her wings are slightly bigger and her body anatomy is muscular. She wore a platinum armor with a large Heavenly Sword. From what it seemed it was a two handed weapon. Each Arch Angel range from 6ft to 8ft rare ones 8 and a half. This Hybrid demon however could talk each of their Angelic Tribe Language...and they where all surprised. Inrah being from the Southwest side of heaven had revealed over 2 years ago and was never seen in Heaven anymore but now he had resurfaced more powerful and a total corrupted Arch Angel who's level was Lv502-747 now he possessed a Lv of 1000. There it floats slowly but directly toward the Angels ... About 400 ft away floating in mid air and slowly depending to the ground of Infernus. To the Left what seems like a Lunatic Army of Lesser demons all decapitated and a Demon Lord killed deep within a crater of Infernus. Telepathically the Hybrid demon Inrah said to them in their native Angelic lenguage "Come form a pact with me and obtain Ultimatum Immortalis by me consuming your delicate feeble and frail immortal link between you and the spirit of God...hahaha you cannot defeat me."

Valerye looks at Sebastian in an instant like .4 seconds Inrah disappears and reappears so quickly that his immediate attack punching Valerye in the face and leaving a small bruise and a cut...As soon as she put her eyes back into focus with Inrah he lays headless in the ground It was Lv4 Cosmic Light Arrow that hit him directly in the forehead...says Sebastian to Valerye who still rubbing her eyes due to the force of the punch...9 seconds later ...
Valerye: -Inside her head...I hear something as they where 366 ft away from Inrah who Sebastian and Krylinn checked his head and it was literally browned to pieces skull and all. Even his power level diminished slowly right after getting killed...or so they thought as much. Then Valerye quickly teleported directly in front of Inrah and suspected the worst his whole head was slowly rebuilding and reviving itself so before she even asked for help from the others they teleported directly to her location in front of Inrah. As his head was slowly yet increasing speed as time moved on from second to second so Krylinn took out her gun and shot him in the head about 100 times...then took out her special weapon the RocketGalacticGun equipped to be a minigun and a rocket launcher. So she used all her attacks on the body of the demon dispersing his body parts was a grotesque scene. The main part of the demon the torso was heavily damaged exposing parts of heart lungs and backbone. The wipp made huge holds with gushy wounds everywhere one lash hit Inrah so hard that it cut off his whole arm. They all looked at the extensive heavy damage they done to the Powerful ArchFiend. They all communicated to each other and agreed that Inrah's power level had hit 0 and they have waited 5 minutes for him to pull a stunt and reform but nothing so as soon as they come to agreement to leave the exact moment they decided that telepathically to each other Inrah pieces of flesh started to move and we're turning a metallic silverish goldish color. They tried to stop it but all of their attacks where somehow ineffective. Then they looked at the pieces all gathered in the ground they slowly started flossing and at first creating a small transparent shield slowly turning the color black till it was pitch black and huge about 25ft tall and 30ft wide. It then all the sudden standing in woe the Angels saw the horribly demonic ugly and ferocious zombie dragon. Green blue and red in color with soars all over the dragon licking fluid from the soars and this transparent white smoke coming from it. It had perfect denture but it was putrid and smelled like sewer waste and water. Yellowish black smudges and smears all over the dragons teeth. It roared and it's powerful battle cry made the Angels be a bit uneasy and scared to some degree...

The dragon with a whopping power level of 1000 yet Valerye a Lv 787 Berserk Warrior Angel couldn't dodge the attack of the monstrous dragon which spat a bubble of toxic liquids with a mixture of awful fumes that hit Valerye and she crashed to the ground...all the others came to her rescue...Sebastian using the Heavenly Crossbow Explosive Holy Rod Shots being the biggest and most heavy arrow with a powerful explosive ability creating a whole in it'd victims. The dragon oddly stood there calm and getting hit by the shots which where 5.  He shook his body as the last rod arrow hit him and wow only 1 stuck his body penetrating his body creating a wound and it gushing green thick with bluish lines liquid from its body. As Krylinn was hitting the dragon in the face causing it a couple lacerations. Trying to shot him in the Eye Krylinn gets smacked by the dragons hand and crashes to the ground cracking part of its armor. They telepathically get communicated by the dragon and he says "You shall not win this battle Angels for I have trained long and hard for 2 and a half years ever since I left heaven to seek for more complete power. Now you shall bear the fruits of my training. Now die...

*In the second part of this sequel we will review what happens to the Angels and with the speech Lucifer will conclude to give in Heaven in the Throne Room.
This is an Epic Poem/Tale similar to the epic poem Beowulf. However with different ending and different mechanics of how it was written. It's a Trilogy so therefore it has 3 parts to the sequel.
Aug 2016 · 4.3k
Forest Of Whispers (Act II)
As I am exiting the Abandoned Castle to retrieve what Aziel asked me to get for him a thought comes to mind.. - I wonder what he is going reward me with- I follow a short trail that quickly leads me to the Forest of Whispers suddenly I hear Aziel's voice echo in my head. Aziel: "Frank follow the Trail of Tears Northwest about 12 miles from where you stand there you will find yourself in front of a small creek follow it to the end and to your left there will be a small cave and to your immediate right there will be a huge stone that's been there for thousands of years it's practically impenetrable. However, I will land you my power to pass thru it but first you must enter the small cave and retrieve a sacred relic from it. Good luck my Mortal friend." Frank: Aziel what if I get lost? What about this relic and what do you mean you'll lend me your power?" Aziel: "Don't worry I will explain everything in full detail once your at the site and don't worry about getting lost...A raven will follow you from now on and if you get lost just whistle as loud as you can it will fly ahead of you to show you what route to take" Frank: " Thank you Aziel I will keep all that in mind." As I press on deeper and deeper into the Forest I am fascinated with its Beautiful scenery.

It's 11pm and I class start to get weary so I sit down in the midst of the woods in the Forest. Suddenly I hear a weak gallop like some sort of horse coming closer and closer to where am I get up hesitant and finally I see a figure come out of the wilderness and to my surprise it's a creature half man half horse and I whisper to myself "Whoa it's a centaur...." The centaur gets closer to me and it speaks to me in a cold voice....
"What are you doing here in the middle of the Forest almost at midnight human...don't you know it's dangerous to be out here?" I look at the mighty centaur his lower part of the body is indeed a horse with furs at it's feet and the color of his full fur is golden yellowish. I examine his human half and he is covered by battle scars and he seems quite strong in his upper body. I also notice he has green eyes the color of emerald and what seems like 3 claw like scars in his face. I sit quietly for a moment then reply ... Frank: " I made a promise to retrieve something for someone and I am here to fulfill my task." He smiles at me and proceeds to talk. Centaur: " My name is Neur Blackthorn I am the Leader of the Golden Centaurs protectors of the Forest of Whispers. You see am looking for a sacred relic known as Ghruthemtox it's a breast plate made out of the skull of a Cyclop known as Mathalam who lived 3000 years ago here in this very forest and was the Creator and protector of this very place known now as The Forest Of Whispers. Legend tells that whoever finds all the pieces of the breast plate and wears it will be granted 1000 years added to his life span and tremendous magical power. I want this relic in my possession. I heard there are 5 pieces to the breastplate all scattered in this very Forest. If you are able to come across the relic itself it will guide you to all five remaining pieces so legend foretold. It's some sort of magical map the relic itself...but I heard it can only be touched by human hands because if it's touched by anything else the creature or being itself will perish immediately." -Neur looks at me attentively- Frank: - " So let me get this want me to get this relic for you? Am I right?" Neur: " That's return I shall grant you what you seek from the forest. So tell me what is it that you want to retrieve?" Frank: " I want a vial of her blood from the Goddess of the Forest...Nabyah." Neur: " I will talk to her in your behalf...but I cannot guarantee the blood itself." -I look at Neur with some disgust and disappointment- Neur: " Fine Mortal I will do my very best to retrieve this for you as long as you can find me the relic..." -All the sudden I hear Aziel telepathically communicates to me and he says "Frank what are you doing meddling with Centaurs you cannot trust them...It's a dangerous task he asks of you plus he might **** you after retrieving this relic I advice you play it safe and tell him you will do what he says but with your own mission." Frank: -I speak to Aziel telepathically and I can do this due to the fact he lands me his power to do order for both to speak to each other without no one else knowing...- "Right don't worry I am going to pretend to aid him then do my own thing..." Aziel: " Smart young lad ...don't worry he won't know nothing and by the way I advice you try to stay away from this Centaurs I think they might be linked to the Goddess herself...somewhat." Frank: " I will proceed..."

All the sudden Neur looks at me with curiosity...Neur: " You look like you where day dreaming for a while...fine I will leave you alone, but please find this I will reward you with what you seek I promise. Now get some rest I will come back to you at midnight" -He dashes towards the darkness of the Forest and disappears in the wilderness...-



Trail Of Tears the path where many knights from the Order have shed blood sweat and tears. Many of them have never made it out alive.  Golden Centaurs Protectors of the Forest of Whispers who settled in the Forest 1000's of years ago. Accursed by a Powerful Witch they where once human but no longer have retained their humanity. Now creatures of the forest some of them seek to lift up the curse.
Ghruthemtox An ancient relic worn by a Cyclop Shaman Creator/Protector of the Forest Of Whispers that gave him strong magical prowess.
Protectors Forest Of Whispers ...they where those should work something out. Thanks man.
Aug 2016 · 2.0k
Forest Of Whispers (Act I)
I walk alone contemplating the scenery of an abandoned castle
Beside the Forest of Whispers an amazing view am baffled
I contemplate the thought if I should walk inside or not
All the sudden I hear a voice in my head inviting me to come in
I gather all my courage and enter the castle
I stop briefly to look at the entrance of the castle itself
It has Two Giant Stone Cyclops statutes and a huge metal door
The scenery is captivating yet am a bit nervous to press on
I look everywhere but there is no one there and I get closer to the entrance...

Without warning I see the huge metal doors begin to slowly open
Lots of dust and smoke emanate from the ground as they slowly sway open
I think to myself (What's going on this is just weird) I hear the voice again...
"Come inside adventurer I have something for you" I carefully step inside the Abandoned Castle
Inside the Majestic Palace it's beautiful...I carefully examine everything insight
A Old Painting with a Young Man dressed in an 1800's Draco Tunic (Black & Red Colors)
A Gorgeous Staircase that looks like it has been recently cleaned and polished
Many pieces of Marble Art all over the Main Hall Room -The part of the Castle am in- and many doors up the staircase and where I recently occupy
I ask the voice "Who are you?" and it replies (The voice itself sounds a little rusty and hoarse a bit old in fact) "I am Aziel Count Of the Darkness the 3rd Prince of the Night, I have lived here in my Castle for 750 years" As I survey the Main Hall Room in the middle of the room above the stairs that lead to the second part of the Castle itself there hangs the painting I briefly looked at. It's a huge painting a beautiful masterpiece carefully detailed and crafted with a young man dressed in a handsome Draco Tunic. His long dark hair deep black eyes and the black and red garments his wearing truly make him stand out and make him look like a Count of the Night...I think to myself (Could this be him...Aziel?) and just as soon as that thought came to mind I heard the voice again..."Yes that is me Adventurer the one portrayed in that painting is me, now tell me may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" then I swiftly reply "My name is Frank Deltoro" As I get closer to the painting ...
All at once five scarecrows come out of no where ...from various parts of the Castle I assume and they all get together and commence to form a shape...about 10 ft from me.

Then I realize the form it's human and there I stand in awe it's an Old brittle man shirtless with silver eyes his skin pale as chalk and his pants wore out and thorn down. I get closer and closer to him then am about 3 ft from him and he says "Stop right there...I want to request something from you my mortal friend." Then he proceeds to speak again "Hello Frank my name is Aziel Governale. I am one of the 3 princes of the Night. My 2 brothers Vladimir my Elder Brother and Uriel my younger in fact the youngest sibling of us 3 reside in different abandoned sites long forgotten by mankind. It's 1933 in England in the remote sites of the burned down village of Qwutzentok. It was 13 years ago that the Order Of the Silver Knights burned down the village due to their iniquity and blasphemy against the one true God Almighty. The village conducted dark rituals to try to revive the Lord of the Night my Father...Dracula, but their attempts where in vain and futile. I still command to some extent the power of the night but my powers have been weakened by the Order of the Silver Knights and their Holy Crusade to conquer and extinguish the Night forever. I have hid here for 700 years after a Silver Knight known as Joshua Villamont defeated me and I was cast into hell periodically until I was revived with a blood ritual from a woman known as Elizabetha a young mortal woman who had fell in love with me when I was a mortal man. (He pauses for a second) (I analyze him head to toe as he speaks but I am in bewilderment and tremendous fear.) -He begins to speak again-

"I want to extract revenge on the Order regain all my power and might as one of the princes of the Night and revive my dear Elizabetha. She was killed by a Silver Knight back in the year 1225. I had just become a Prince of the Night and shortly after the Order raided our family and killed me or so they thought in the Father had about 12 years of being dead and my 2 other brothers where no where to be found. We had all been scattered by the Order. I had been a Vampire only for about 3 years and then I was defeated by the Order and cast into hell and she rescued me and saved me. We stayed together for a while but I was too weak to make her a vampire and then the Order raided me once more and killed her. Now I want her back and I want understand?"

Deltoro: "Yes I understand. But why should I help you?"
Aziel: "Due to the fact you have some distrust and hatred in your heart towards the Order. You was denied to become one of them due to your visual impairment in your left eye you can only see blurs and part of your right hand it's movement is restricted due to your born defect you can't move 2 fingers from your right hand. To be exact those fingers are your index and your pinky finger."
Deltoro: -Stands there in complete awe and shock- "How did you...know?"
Aziel: "Am a Count of Darkness I can read man's hearts. I control to some extent telepathy. I can read 97.5% of individuals. It's a perk you get for being a Count."
Deltoro: " have swayed me I will help you. But wait why can't your brothers help you if you can telepathically talk to them both?"
Aziel: "Oh mere human. Vladimir is dead...he was extinguished by the Order. Uriel I do not know his whereabouts I know he isn't in England. Therefore am here alone just I finally got an opportunity to extract revenge so that's it's exactly what I plan to do."
Deltoro: "OK so what must I do?"
Aziel: -Thinks to himself for a minute- "Have you heard of the so called Goddess Of The Forest?"
Deltoro: "Oh yes I heard that myth before Nabyah The Goddess Of the Forest Of Whispers."
Aziel: "It's not a fairy tale you know she exists and she is in the heart of the forest itself. All you must do is convince her to give you some of her blood willingly and if she isn't cooperative you must take the blood from her anyway and bring it to me."
Deltoro: "But she must be a powerful deity am sure she is going to fight back if I try to do such a thing."
Aziel: "Well ...those are the risks you must take in order for me to grant you my reward."
Deltoro: "Very well challenge accepted. I'll depart now."

(And so Frank Deltoro departs swiftly towards the Forest)


Draco Tunic= A Robe worn by Counts back in the 1800's. It displays Dragon scales in them. Only the true Counts of the Night had real Dragon scales placed on them however.

The Order Of the Silver Knights= Founded in 1000 the first millennium by King Nathan Bulderaux III. It fights the powers of Darkness ever since it's formation. It became famous after defeating the High Lord Dracula King of Darkness and vanishing his soul into hell.

                                                                                                      ->TO BE CONTINUED...
This short story going to consist of 5 individual Acts I,II,III,IV,V Finale. It's going to make it to the best sellers in NY Times short stories.
Aug 2016 · 928
Disciples Of Light Finale
The Destiny Of A Disciple Of Light
To maintain a spiritual connection a unique one
Therefore, it's you and God alone
Make a commitment to gain spiritual growth
Seek deep inside your inner self and ask yourself this question
Do I stay with God thru everything or do I favor the world?

Meditate on this question then come up with your answer
If you are willing to make the sacrifice of serving God now I tell you
The road isn't going to be easy so make every second count
Hence in the very end it's you facing God in the Final Judgement
What will it be will you reach Paradise or be condemned to the Lake of Fire?
Furthermore, for those people who serve Lucifer their souls
Are so corrupted with evil is hard for them to see the Light
Make yourself a servant of God he will reward you handsomely at the end

Focus on helping others reach Christ in time
We are all running short and out of time
For our lives is like a blossoming flower
Today it grows tomorrow it dies
Mark God's words in peoples hearts don't let them forget him
©Franko the Christian Poet
I'm very intrigued to see where my community is going to go. We are expanding don't forget to check out the links on the main page.
Aug 2016 · 2.4k
Disciples Of Light
The Disciples Of Light is a brotherhood to bring Souls to Christ
Our mission is to bring peace and faith to the people of the world
We have a God that is caring, knowing, loving and powerful
The Lord is Immortal he controls the Universe
His power knows no beginning or end for he is the Alpha and Omega
God loves the world and his creation which is mankind
He created your soul which is the essence of your very existence
However, your soul is Eternal and its focused on the spiritual journey
We all have different paths we must follow in Life
Nevertheless, is important to have a relationship with God
When you are spiritually broken he will come to restore you
God works in mysterious ways and he knows what's best for you
Just let him lead you to where he wants to take you
Trust one thing ... It's better to follow the Lord closely
Hence if you follow your own path alone without him your life
All your efforts all your prayers all your wisdom
Will be just empty attempts to reach Holiness
Due to the fact that you must know what is Holy
You can never attain such a thing without the Lord
But becoming a disciple of Christ is the first step
Give your daily prayers to the Lord he will hear
Because rejecting the Lord is the fastest way to go to hell in here...
©Franko the Christian Poet
Giving back to God becoming a new you...slowly transforming and becoming what you wanted to be.
Aug 2016 · 16.3k
My favorite # 1 Life experiences enhancer stress and pain reliever the magical psychotropic attributes it has makes me go loco. Cannabis Sativa/Indica or Hybrid I love it all...the only bud I won't smoke is "Reggies" that seedy nasty ****. It gives me a headache. All other qualities strains and methods of ingesting or using marijuana welcome. The *** oil is so strong yet so dreamy and good. All around is excellent medicine and I will always remain to use it even after I quit my other habits. Makes people rejoice and come together happily with each other and commune and be kind to each other respectful to each other. That is what u love about cannabis.
PotHead4 Life 4/20Friendly
©Franko the Christian Poet
I use marijuana for spiritual communion too. I use it to ponder in the presence of God and ask questions seek answers and form methods of spiritual recovery and healing. Cannabis is a Gift from God.
Aug 2016 · 808
A toxic substance lurks in the shadows of the underworld
Recesses of use crowd the masses to those addicted to a powerful jolt
Threading and entangling it's user and feeding on it's host
A powerful spell of the destructive malign force
Too weak to resist its temptation I must take another toll
Step in the booth and be served at the store
Where hard candy is toxic and the ice melts by flame
A steady flush of adrenaline followed by a calm forceful rush
Oh how feeble I have become...
The speed got me tripping I hate yet embrace
A dance with the devil I must cling to faith
But am happy I say won't sleep for two days
I dread those night terrors they don't stay away
Hearing those voices that talk in my head
Feeling paranoid what can I say?
Should suicide be the answer I'm asking away...but no one yet hears this the final breath?
Inhaling the poison that triggers the euphoria
Am feeling ecstatic deep in and yet dysphoric...I know is the devil I must stay away...
But into a high thats long here to mind says 13 hours my body 45 minutes and should go away...
Capturing moment by moment analyzing deep within the monster should stop I can't feed him today...
A cycle of addictive behavior has come and is here to stay ...
I must let go now I don't want to be this way...
My doppelganger is speaking I must listen to he ... but he is dark and tormented should I go or should I stay?
Let me do this my way I told him briefly...but with only a gesture my will broke just kneeling..
A part of me is devilish and slowly feeding...
Learning the ways of the world i must stop him soon he's living
I realized I'm the only one who can come against him and battle this fight...but I need some help oh warriors of light
Come bring me some comments and encourage me to go on thinking I can break my destrucive habit...
For this is the Devil trying to **** me am dying...
**** I slipped again **** I did it sorry to cuss I don't mean to offend.
I know I should be holy I know I should be a light...
But my light slowly dimming just flickering with flight.
BUT...I do promise this...I may be high and obscene at this moment already more evil on my mind...
But what can I do am human I cannot let this animal rush vanish like it has raised...
With tears in my eyes and blood in my soul I ask in lamentation for forgiveness your grace my Lord. Your highness...
Then the doppelganger part of me jumps in interrupts says " you must be stupid he isn't listening your high and your a mess"...
Your right I quickly come to respond and then I lay in my bed to think I still awake...
It's three eleven in a quiet morning of Wednesday night August 25th...
I should of been sleep long ago my body says...I come to think of my health yes...this must go away. Need to break this addiction it's a heavy heavy chain.
Must carry my cross to the tip of the mountain must pray there alone to the God of above...
I'm here Lord am here...please hear me I've come home.
©Franko the Christian Poet
I have realized I have slowly gotten addicted to this non sleeping recreational drug use of methamphetamine. I must stop it as soon as I can get my spirit to align with my mind and body. Due to the terrible and tragic fact that both of those parts of my body don't want to give up the drug easily. I just pray for spiritual strength and virtue to follow my own advice. Please Lord allow my mind to make the final decisive decision to stop. It's a direct attack to the temple of Christ with innocent blood on the Devil's hand. My blood. Pray for me, I need your prayers. Thank you for reading sorry it was ultra long.
Aug 2016 · 481
•The Holy Path•
Emptiness fills the void where the Warriors of Light pass
I walk a narrow path where many souls have failed to cross
Inside my temple lives a GOD known as Christ
My spirit talks to him is in communion with God
Arise my fellow Warriors lets search for lost souls

Lets solidify our faith so the darkness won't take hold
We battle against demons high places and a curse
Lets show the World that Christ lives thru us
I tell you that we have earned our salvation thru the holy spirit
For the righteous things we do today may disappear tomorrow
Glorify the Lord in everything you do
Due to the fact you don't know when it will all end
Live your day as if it were the last enjoy what you have
For in the end is you and God on judgement day.
-God blessed the readers who read this poem-
©Franko the Christian Poet
Solidifying your faith in the Lord strengthening your weak and feeble fleshly desires.
Aug 2016 · 379
*The End of Times is Here*
War and turmoil over sweep the Earth
The prophets wrote about its apocalyptic curse
Thru the eyes and the ears of the innocent
The blameless are guilty for turning down the beast
Creating miracles yet claiming souls
The false prophet condemn us all

We live in a world where evil is worshiped
Yet the multitudes are confirming it's good when it truly worthless
For the Lord says "The evil shall become good and the good evil"

Beware of this false teachers and Antichrists
They claiming your soul do not turn to evil my fellow Christian Disciples
Bring the light to this world for its full of darkness
May God himself guide you where you need to go
Don't let yourself be defeated stand up and defend your beliefs
Therefore darkness can no longer bind you and death cannot longer hunt you
For in the name of Christ, The Father and the Holy Ghost will stand...
By your side till the end of times. Amen!
©Franko the Christian Poet
We been living the end of times ever since Jesus Christ left the earth 2000 yrs ago...We must prepare for a Final Onslaught.
Aug 2016 · 823
**As the Beast Awaits**
Lord I come to you as a servant of your gratitude
My future is agonizing from here on out the battle is here
The signs and your people await your arrival
Let your justice and your light fall upon us your word... the bible
Rescue us from this inevitable evil

As the beast awaits in his throne of hate and despair
Consuming billions of non believing souls out there
And so it's said the Earth is dying collapsing on itself
More tremors more war more famine more death
Where to turn to...What to do? Where to go?
Sanctify our hearts and let us bring your name to the world

For our ears need your words our hearts your wisdom
We are all prisoners of our minds and this world but your words feed the soul
Awaken to the truth let Satan tremble at your wake O Lord
Come close my friend let me show you how to walk with the Lord
I ain't perfect but none one is only God himself
If your reading this pray to Jesus... save yourself
However more importantly talk to others let God work on them too
Don't let others walk away from God let them hear him thru you
For when you do heaven shall rejoice and so will God and you

The Apocalypse is near...Wake up don't let Satan win
Show God some love and some fear
Believe me my friend he will hear your prayer
Your soul will finally coming home Jesus am finally here.
©Franko the Christian Poet
A poem I wrote copied from my PoetFreak page profile.
Aug 2016 · 404
Paradise Lost
Between worlds drifting from awake to sleep I am bewildered to see that I am dreaming something important. A paradise that the soul rejoiced within the perimeters of the paradise garden. Deep inside the garden was standing tall The Tree Of Life where only the Goddesses and Gods where allowed to consume from it. An everlasting gift of eternal life given to mankind by Jesus Christ who loved the world so much to give himself as an ultimate sacrifice the atonement of all sin. From spiritually dead to sparkling alive for Christ we must unite talk to God. For you have been bought with the blood of Christ now you can become born again. This does not mean you'll become perfect. But the challenge is stepping up to the plate and doing it. Survival of the fittest it's a cold world and it's slowly melting. Hell is where we live in and there ain't no coming back once you choose where to thread...

Active and under control my mind racing with clutter and problematic thoughts
Am under difficult circumstances and in a situation where I cannot fully control
Becoming a hypocrite day by day by disobeying my Lord all I can ask is you'll  forgive me Lord
For I have committed grave sins against you and heaven
Just listen to my plea I ask for a pardon once again...
Fell on your feet begging you for a chance

Knowing that I may get another chance I still feel ***** from the inside rotten for what I did...
Under the Devil's spell
The one who can heal all is Christ get to know him well
For restrengthening you and fortifying your faith in him
Be well now brethren I'll see you another day
Holy protection be among your families (the readers) and may the Lord accompany you to your final destination.
©Franko the Christian Poet
Insomniac altered senses no sleep.
Victory within my grasp a direct connection with my little sister
I'm her elder brother there exists a deep tied that binds us alike
Created by the same mother but a different father but that don't matter
Thankfully we are blessed by the heavenly father
Orders from above we must sustain each other battling sin and death
Revelation of the path I must take in order to remain faithful to my faith
In God I trust wholeheartedly but am my sister's role model in love I embrace  
Along the path of righteousness we must tread to show God and myself that destiny is not predestined it's up to us to make.


Little Precious Sister's Name.
©Franko the Christian Poet
Love you Victoria.
Aug 2016 · 532
Surrender Today...
At times I feel like everything and everyone and the universe itself conspired against me. Henceforth, I feel like I been wronged the truth far beneath me. I cannot reach it I cannot grasp why has the love I longed for so late to come to pass
Stuck between sanity and insane
Am I going crazy or is this normal
All in all I feel the same
Been heart broken a billion and one times
Why has my kind heart and my gentleness been taken advantage of so many times
Perhaps I have to become a Wolf something I didn't want to be
All I wanted is to enjoy the rest of my days as a Lamb a Child of see?

However, it's a world of ruthlessness and the wise say the good die young
So am I predicting my own death is that what must be done?
Let it be what God wants it to be
But if I were to depart soon let me leave a message to thee
Do not wage war against the Holy one for his reign is everlasting while the King of the Earth promises money,woman,fame and even a name he cannot take what the Holy One ordained...the promise of everlasting life whoever believe upon his name and his sacrifice shall be saved. Don't get it twisted you are to push and to strive for excellence in an orderly fashion for perfection in a your actions and sound judgement in your holy yet spiritual journey you have been in control of this whole time
Don't act out on what the fleshly desires want
Focus on slaying each and every single demon corrupting your temple a temple belonging to you and to God
Let Christ guide you through your spiritual struggles
Your worldly battles and your carnal pleasures
The fight is real your mind in an estate of despair
All alone writing this and the words that rhyme
All I want is peace
A quiet deepening feeling
I have hardened this soul of mine
Beyond the limits of my capability
Now the shell has rusted and become unbreakable
No one understands love all I know my love is unattainable
Sorrow and Lamentation are my only escape now
I am alone walking with Christ talking to God  
Some say am a lunatic
To some spiritually alive
But here I am God
Don't let me perish without acquiring everlasting life

Motives behind the force that drives my impulse of thoughts
All I know is am ain't getting younger
It's time to get my love life together
Lord knows when the time will be right for me to get what my heart desires
I'm still looking into the vast sea
Waiting and looking for the mermaid that will accompany this sailor an it's Captain come aboard my ship.
©Franko the Christian Poet
My Love Life is Dull.
Aug 2016 · 620
My Solemn Desire.
To be able to talk to you without no limitations. To be able to get to know you without hesitation. You are the one I LOVE deeply oh so intensively am willing to give my Life for yours if it must be. You are the Girl of my dreams ...she is beautiful her height about 5'7 her eyes hazel to honey brown at times depending on the day how she feels and the weather her skin as smooth as a baby's face the perfect tan a combination of 2 ethnic groups AA and Caucasian and not a 100% sure about that either. Her name I cannot give you it but her hair is oh so delightfully scentful her smile melts my soul right at the most intimate part of my sacred temple. She holds the Master Key to my soul and heart. She is my day and my night...she is the air I breathe in the morning light she is the presence I feel alone in the whole being revolves around her but she is a mystery to me since we never get to talk freely. I am bound by the chains of love and extreme bad that I am just the Guy that works were she eats just a mere abstraction.

I know am not an important person in her life or even got the type of class or status to be at her caliber. Nevertheless, I am the man that adores her I would give anything to converse with the Goddess that owns my very soul for I am lost in words describing her reflexion the only part I been able to see. I am so eager to see if the beauty that encompasses her physical being is similar to the beauty that reflects her spiritual being. Am also curious to see what type of personality she obtains but from her looks am sure she is far from my personal gain. Perhaps her morals are similar to mine...who are her friends what does she like...what's her favorite food? But am simply lost I don't know what else to say.

She hasn't come to eat at the Restaurant and am bummed out about that fact. Haven't seen her in a while...I wonder were she is at...perhaps enjoying life to the fullest with her BF that I have never seen. A man well established with high education and a professional job with a expensive car and lots of money...and then there is me a mediocre Dishwasher 2yrs of college but dropped out at 45 credits has student loans to pay...a cheap car to get me from point A to point B and a small tight budget that allows me to pay my bills and have a little extra to barely have fun in here sitting alone it's 12:33 AM in my Mother's house having my 7 day vacation thinking about her...her then her and only her. She is the one who has conquered my heart but sadly I remain a broken mirror a pitiful reflexion of the shattered and scattered portrait of the lone poet who loved, loves and will forever love that one girl...that one day came into the establishment I work at and gives me light and hope but yet darkness and pessimism due to my failures in life and her triumphs in it.

Alone am here trapped thinking...what would be to have the honor to be her man and she my woman to love her caress her and care for her every need. A lone soliloquy of a soul in the in endless loop tangled in love but withering away due to the fact I am just the lonely man who may be the beggar the homeless and strained in the rain.

No where to turn no one to aid where has God gone to...I lost him somewheres.
©Franko the Christian Poet
The Love Of my Life. The one who has been given my soul and my heart. The gatekeeper of my life.
A wanderer of the cycles of Faith. A simpleton made to follow in desperation the God creator of endless possibilities and the flow of time and it's ultimate fate. We are headed to our death my friend don't you try to get ahead of yourself. Remember Life moves on with each passing moment so no big deal make your trail of experiences give insight to the reader who ever it may be. Know that your words may be trash to some but more precious than Gold or Emeralds to others. Inspire this generation to get detoxified of the Demons, Satan drugs and depression. Defending my faith and relationship with Christ the begotten Son the Holy Lamb.

Know that my experience may be small and insignificant but I let you know that this words will not fall on deaf ears. Let it be what God wants it to be. I am sharing my poetic expression and experience of how I see Life and it's context. Don't know where all this sharing of poems and experiences will take me or lead me to but one thing am sure of I will be able to transform your train of thought even if it's to the smallest most insignificant degree I still will play a part on your decision making. Just look at my Life and myself see I am a mirror of you. Who I am truly for I am real and I am here to aid you with whatever you may be going thru due to the fact that I am a fellow human concern for my fellow neighbor. Therefore, we are not different the only thing that may change is your *** skin color and faith in something bigger than yourself or it may be nothing and you choose to live life as a Atheist.

Don't worry am not judging simply conversating to your inner being. Come close let's share our lives with each other from all in all we come from the same source and the same God ...Creation. Seeking a soulmate to share my Life with I haven't found the Queen that will make my life complete. I been asking God to aid me on my quest but without success.

I won't give up I know there is someone out there in the endless sea of lost and saved souls 1 of them is the one holding the master key to my soul. Awaiting but am becoming  impatient  at times. Lord allow your wisdom and guidance to show me what I must do to ensure this trial.

Each of us are headed to Judgement and concealed within lies the eternity we shall endure when the your fate is decided by the Immortal One. Furthermore, if the Book of Life isn't a fairytale I pray that my name be in it. Still must struggle with the daily spiritual and carnal battle that rages on in each and every one of one excluded from its tests and trials. Leave me a comment or a like or share my poem or even give it some sunlight for I will do the same for your work if it pleases the one who inspired you to create it.

Be brave have faith build your destiny on a happy belief system stay positive and optimistic. Just be YOU and if people don't or cannot accept you for who you are then they are to feeble minded to understand your perspectives and your outlook on how you view life and live and experience life.

Stay Strong. God Bless You. Thank you for reading.
©Franko The Christian Poet2016
Sharing my poetic expression and experience of my outlook on my latest trials in Life.
As you get older and you realize that you will die
It makes you think ...what have I done with my life
Did u receive Christ when you had the chance
Or do you still reject his calling for you?
Didn't you know that you will suffer in Hell
If your name isn't found in the Book Of Life

I pray you find comfort and peace with the Lord
May the Holy Spirit descend upon you once your done reading this
Go ahead just talk to God he will understand
Because there is more Darkness in your heart
It is poisoning your soul... consuming your life my friend
It is the evil that resides in all of us
Go to God find your salvation don't do it for us do it for you

Do remember your body is a temple
The Lord is the Light
May you defeat your darkness
That hunts you inside...
©Franko the Christian Poet
Where are you headed? Keep in mind that was is given can be taken away.
Your body is the bearer of Holy Light
Remember that Demons roam at Night
Let your soul be satisfied with the Lord
Warriors of Light remember your at war
May you show lost souls the path to eternal life
Continue to have faith... Live with Christ
Remember we are not perfect
But we strive to have spiritual holiness

Stand for your beliefs fight for your salvation
Until God returns you will get your redemption
Do not give the world misconception
Pray for this evil and wicked generation
Give someone words of wisdom
Let the seed that you planted grow with freedom
For the Lord will be there to comfort you
Even if your soul is enveloped in darkness
He will heal it and it will shine with brightness

Live your days with spiritual happiness
Do not let the sadness overcome your joyfulness
He will fill your emptiness destroy your madness
For he is the Master of the universe
Just converse with him he knows your perverse ways and sadness
He knows your secrets he knows your heart

Familiar with your sins knows where your soul stands
Do not reject him he's whispering to your soul again
Accept him now he will bring you Light
Since your soul was dying influenced by smite

Lets fight this spiritual battle together am here for you
Just let God know you'll be loyal too.
©Franko the Christian Poet
Fight a battle with Christ.
Aug 2016 · 931
Shadows(A Dark Poem)
Malign Shadows Lurk in Darkness
Sanctioned Souls Condemned and Heartless
Deviants of the UnHoly
Destroyers of Light
Cursed Phantom Death hunting DayLight
Slaves of Perdition, Martyr and Chaos reigns High
Trapped and Cursed to Consume Light
Wicked and Lustful Users of Darkness
Satan Consumer of Souls Hungry for Holy Light
Abandoned Souls seeking Forgiveness
Relentless Spirits Confined in Emptiness
Soulless Harlots Lost in Darkness
Seeking Petition from Your Royal Highness...
The harsh truth for lost souls.
Aug 2016 · 460
Against Death
A silent and dark night
I heard some sounds waiting to recover sight
A sound lead by tumultuous whispers
Afraid of darkness afraid to fight

Suddenly a hissy sound
Silence deepens the soul of man
Comforted by peace
Structure of light contour so faint

Nocturnal Trances
Untold stories unfold fragrances
holding emotion in
Uncontrolled animalistic instinct

Fear of death
Paranoid to lose my breath
Dark inquiries
Ascending to my death

Fire burning flesh
My spirit being consumed within
Finally ending
Colossal sensations held in

©Franko the Christian Poet
Aug 2016 · 716
Shining Star
New King Born in Zion -
Revelation of my destiny, outcast and branded
My face bringing profound joy but yet sadness
Was born to lead away, not to follow the rest
Yet hated for what I was born to do
I provide them (doctors) my  brain to tamper with

Vexed and poisoned, from beginning to end
Take my job seriously with the present hackin'
Will it be heaven or hell; a limbo effect sways
The choices we make here (earth) we live n' we pay

Parallel patterns, continuous thoughts, remark of events
A trail of evidence never stops, engulfing in stress
Eternal pain from on out; cannot escape now
Depiction of admission to safety (lies) to each it's own abyss

Drowning in my own flesh and blood, bone too
The world swallowing me whole spitting me out though
The elders, the conman, the snakes, the cops, the terrorists,
The nurses, the rich and the poor tell me to stop...
Yet I know it's too late for me to ever go back

               - THE END -
©Franko the Christian Poet
Aug 2016 · 1.3k
Drugs are an Escape.
Yeah I may be a Christian and I may be a poet but that doesn't mean my Life is picture perfect. An addict to the Ice and a slave to the Mary Jane...I have learned to cope with it all. Yes I am a full functioning addict I work I pay my bills and I save my money. However, whenever I have extra I like to treat myself to my addictions. It's self medication and a solid connection to an altered state of mind. Meditating on what has gone wrong in my Life I am seeking help for consolidation perhaps my best friend long gone abandoned me to my own destination. What else to do where to turn...I don't know but it is a direct confrontation with my inner being and the devil and he wants my soul. So here I put it in writing and hope for some explanation. God is there with me but I only feel lamentation. So many paths one can choose but I am seeking spiritual exploration...but my soul is weary and tired of loneliness and isolation. Sometimes I feel am not good enough for God's grace or mercy or even salvation...but here I am writing about my experience alone battling my addictions. When am high I feel like I have secluded myself from my Life's many problems and trials forms of testing my caliber against the world filled with agony and despair. My life is in a point of turmoil and descending to an abyss. However, what am I to do am just a lone human seeking God...what else is there for me?

Inside my head are many fears. Unimaginable, uncontrollable the urge to feel accepted by society to just fit in to motivate myself to feel loved and appreciated by all mankind. Though the Age and time we live in that is just a far away dream...logically knowing it's impossible to please the masses with knowledge that is impeccable admirable and clean. To them am a lunatic a fanatic of dogma and God. What they don't know or understand is that am a sinner awaiting my redemption and also my the one and only that provides the breath of Life and it's known creation.

Thinking on **** I am not contempt with the erroneous ways I have dealt with my life in the past. Will it all end one day will I be granted the glory of God? Or is it all im my head and I will end up in hell for being who I am today? Questions only God knows the answer to...questions upon questions...what ifs upon what ifs...doubts upon doubts. I am what I am today due to the decisions I made yesterday. But just let me be me and let God show me a I can find my way back home and be there to stay.
©Franko the Christian Poet
Questioning God & my Morality? Addiction & Recovery.
What we all got in common we are all sinners. Never judge others. We all have a soul a heart a consciousness. We know right from wrong. We all disobey our heavenly father. We all have failed our heavenly father. Most importantly we forget to forgive and restrain to love others as ourselves...God have mercy on us all for I know am imperfect and have failed you and keep failing you daily. All I ask Oh Almighty One is that you have love for me and patience for me...I am here on this earth to be your servant and to serve others. Just remember me when Judgement Day approaches...all I ask is you do this and I'll remember to ask for forgiveness and praise and humble myself towards thee. May the credit of my words be yours Lord, today tomorrow and forever. Amen!
©Franko the Christian Poet
Speaking to God alone in my apartment...
Aug 2016 · 3.6k
The Lone Black Rose
In the endless of the Universe in an Unknown World exists a Lone Black Rose that flourished at the beginning of when time itself did not even exist. Its mysterious mesmerizing power drawned the God Of Immortality towards it's enigmatic eerie existance. The unimaginable beauty perplexed the God that he drawn himself closer to it not knowing the outcome of what might happen He asked himself ...what could be there in the endless void of the multiverse that has not been created by my hand doing here? All the sudden tremendous power eminates from flower and it's beautiful tentelizing petals begin to transform it's root begins to take shape and the rose itself the color of the purest form of the shades of black materialize to a gorgeous young woman a Godess the color of the void.

God known by endless multiple names mainly known by the human race as Yahweh* or Immanuel* the immortal one the one in charge of creation the ultimate light or radiant one stands there petrified at what he has just witnessed. At the brink of an instant the mysterious Black Rose that transgressed to recreate itself to the image of a woman telepathically communicates to Yahweh calling him by his nameless name a name not even the Son his primordial creation knows. I am the Goddess of the Void the one in charge of ending the endless cycles of Galaxies, Stars and Universes. I am the opposite of you and I am the ultimate force that will always remain aware and alive to complement your divine power and will. We are the Gods of creation and destruction you being the Creator and I being the Destroyer. You who's boundary of power is limitless and forever changing, transforming and evolving into the purest form of Light ...and me who's power is limitless like yours but is never changing forever staying the same and always and constantly destroying and disposing of matter and at times even anti-matter who's sole purpose is to bring death to all things excluding you. We need each other for the Cosmos to coexist peacefully within the Multiverse. For your time and my time has no boundary no limitations therefore we are linked to each other we share the fate of immortality and unimaginable power a force so that immense that in itself you are me and I am you.

You are the White Rose the Divine God of Light. Maker of the Multiverse,Time and Space. I am the Black Rose the Ominous God of Darkness. Maker of Parallel Dimensions, Ultimate Death, Dealer of Destruction. Without us...Nothing can exist without us no source or essence can withstand to be able to be created without us what makes everything work in the past,present and future cannot be. Our sustainability depends on the link we share as God's of the Universes. As you know and I know we are ONE made to share this power and to never abuse or unbalance it's nature. Hence the moment we do that will be our last instant alive and upon us self destruction shall be made.

From that moment on destiny changed the Gods in charge of all reality. The Immortal Gods balancing everything together making sure creation itself is sustained in the everlasting balance a equilibrium so perfect that even perfection is not good enough to describe it.

From there on the God of Light and the Goddess of Dark became close and discovered a force even greater than themselves...LOVE. Finally unified they made the races of many kinds to inhabit the cosmos to worship them. In time imperfect they all became due to disobedience to their makers and that created disharmony and hate among each other.

That displeased the Gods and in the end and ever since the beginning it all stayed as it always was...The Right to have Free Will. Lastly, we can search for the immortal ones but they can be found within you...for you and I where made in their likeness and their image. So come now search deep within your soul and find the God in you and awaken the ONE who gives eternal life and ultimate bliss...

Who is the intermediator...his name is Christ. Talk with him in your heart and he will change you. Allow love to exist in your life and it is the first and last step you will ever make to getting to know the path you must take to gain salvation. May the Light of the Radiant One shine in you and may the Darkness be embraced carefully but do not allow evil to roam in your heart. Allow love to flow thru you so you can die knowing where your headed.

May the Gods bless you. Thanks for reading.
Franko The Christian Poet® 2016
The Two Immortal Gods
Deities of Alter Reality
Aug 2016 · 425
God's Fugitive
Searching deep within the confines of my soul I talk to God in my own way...Thru the eyes of a young Latino male who has battled Drug Addiction to this very day...I am imprisoned in a shell of the former me. A vagabond and slightly deranged slowly being consumed by death. The clock is ticking I must confess I am not perfect but neither the rest. Unbound by the soliloquy of fate stuck between the fine line of gambling with faith. The dread of the night followed by unquenchable terror I lay alone in my bedroom apartment wondering how far have I drifted from Creator the ultimate source of divine love, mercy and fate.  I try my best I still fail and receive the poisoned part of me filled with solitude and silence but full of sinful acts and thoughts of hate. Knowing apart from love and hate from sin or simply obey I am a lone fugitive running from the destiny that awaits. Lord once again I have failed and am miserably crawling back to kiss your feet or face...but at times of turmoil and it's frail test I am again found pleasuring my flesh. Perhaps I will remain balanced between obeying your commands or disobeying fully with a worldly yet temporary smile on my face. I'm here Christ the fugitive that fell from God's pearly gates.

I am God's Fugitive that I cannot ever change...I have received God several times in my Life but none of them made me feel completely safe. Nevertheless it's my fault for falling apart from his glory. I fear for my salvation to be at stake in here. Due to the fact that assumed responsibility for what I couldn't fight for...don't leave me now holy spirit for I stand alone in the impending darkness. Let your light shine thru the eerie shadows of death.
©Franko the Christian Poet
Fighting for salvation Warriors of Light Unite
Aug 2016 · 5.9k
From Immense Darkness
Demon of destruction has set out to destroy me...
From morning to night it feeds out to control me...
But the Light of Christ has enabled to comfort me...
Mandated from Darkness it sets out to capture me...

Fortified by the Armor of the Almighty...
I fight the battle with Divine Splendor...
From the deepest part of your soul your Umi tries to control and overpower Yami.
From the deepest part of your soul your Umi* fights control Yami* (Umi:Darkness Yami:Light)
Objective is try to not let Umi win over Yami.
We shall fall in battle weary, armor broken, divine splendor shattered...
Ready to give in when the Highest...
Saves us from doom from complete darkness...

The Radiant Morning Star shall emulate light into your soul essence...
Furthermore, restore the power of your Divine Armor...
Conquering the pestilence that roams in the dark...
Destruction demon weakening prayer empowerment rising...
Then we drawl in the Heavenly sword...
Which shall slay the demon decapitating his head...
Hallelujah the judgement from heaven has been made...
Stand united Brotherhood of Light...for this is an ongoing battle between your Life and your Soul...
1 being alive to do as much good as possible pleasing The Almighty daily and at all times. 2 Allow God to be in control and your outlook on Life and what it brings the good the bad the ugly...Christians must stand war ready for our spiritual temple to wedge war against principalities, dark powers, witches, witchcraft, spells, plagues of doom, prophecy from the other realms, dreams, illusions, perdition and lastly soul contracts.  Jesus Christ the intermediator and The Father and the Holy Spirit...
Lucifer doesn't sleep doesn't eat doesn't give up from the day you take your first breath till the moment you take your last...

Let God help you can truly feel free of worldly chains... disobedience to The Almighty and Denial of the Work of The Spirit Of Fire...
Eight blue flamed tongues...
The immortal and unimaginable power he holds...
The Holy Spirit the doppelganger of The Father...or The Almighty One...

Allow spiritual sleep come be awake and allow the force of God the Omnipotent, Omnipresent the One Ethereal Benign Being...

Love is his ultimate power the Alpha and Omega. Beginning and End. Existence recreating itself within itself...a world of random possibility. But with direct order from its atom microorganism the human being. We choose right from wrong we are given "Free Will" and in the end God shall judge all...

~Stand Prepared for Judgement Day~...for HIM known as God shall judge according to his divine will and perfect impeccable truth within truth a experience so drastically real you will know exactly where your headed....the Heavenly Realm situated in the ultimate realm of the Multiverse. Or Hell the Eternal Sanctum and punishment of Wicked Corrupted Souls, souls that denied The Holy Spirit Of God. Within the Heavenly Realm this majestic immortal being  exists the entity known as God...
From there inside the Holy Throne to the right of The Almighty...sits the Only Begotten Son (Ultimate Atonement for Humanity: The Lamb, Jesus Christ) then his Querubins,Seraphims and Messagers. Followed by Holy Beasts and 24 Holy Kings...

The power of Lucifer Prince of Darkness...God Demon. Ruling over Leviathan, The Black Legendary Dragon, a hierarchy of Demons from Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Wrath etc.

Are you with us...Christians Warriors Of Light...or against us...

Decision is crucial here we are battling for your eternity your salvation...

Come now calls the Lord come home...

To a Wicked Generation Lost in it's inevitable end and final resolve.

Don't be Godless remember Love is what God is made of...come ye weary lost souls come...Amen
©Franko the Christian Poet
Demons vs Angels the battle rages on. Love vs hate battle rages on. The color of your skin... racism must be abolished.
Jul 2016 · 566
The World is a mirror
Heaven is a gate
Our Soul fighting for light
Yet is enveloped in darkness and hate
From daylight to moonlight
The fruit of eternity
A curse to mankind
The World teaches sin
God teaches love
Living day to day as if it were my last
Christ saved me from Death and my past
Redemption at last
The battle isn't over it just begun
God knows deep down am a humble soul
The holy spirit descends upon me
The hand that created this poem is Celestial
This words inspired by the Holy Bible
Let the name of our Lord be exalted
Forever and Always...Amen.
©Franko the Christian Poet
We must all fight for this redeem our lack of works and lack of faith in the Lord.
May 2016 · 657
The Lords Pastures
The Lord is good talks to me in midday and afternoon
The Lord is grand reconciles my soul has me in favor
The Lord shines the light where darkness conveys to

Majestic is the Lord's faith keeps my heart at check
I sing to the Lord worship him morning and noon
I trust the Lord fully, He keeps me alert too
Has given me words of power lets rejoice in his name

The cup of wisdom the crown of eternal life
Entrusted in my hands spiritually given sight
The words are the rhythm the poet God's hand
he has given me wisdom and given me the sword
Shall we worship his Kingdom, his name his Holy
Word ...forever more ....forever more. Amen
©Franko the Christian Poet
A calm scenery.
Apr 2016 · 856
Seeking God
I came to look for you in the temple
I came to look for you in the mountains
I came to look for you in the dessert
I came to look for you in the rivers
I came to look for you in the oceans
My spiritual journey keeps moving on
With or without me...why have you abandoned me
God I simply want to be your servant
I miss the company of the Holy Spirit
I know I'm not perfect am a ***** rag compared to you
However, I have build my faith upon your name
Forgive me for my evil transgressions Lord
I have walked away from you once more
This is my prayer this are my lyrics
Allow me to worship... I hope you can see it
I come to you empty I need divine healing
I pray that one day I can reach many souls
To give you Lord the glory, honor and worship
You deserve it all
I looked inside me a light I could see
I'll leave you for now may my words reach thee
Master of the Universe A God among ye
Apr 2016 · 495
A Prayer to God
From the dust of the Earth man was created
To the dust of the Earth, man shall return.
I open up my soul so you can confine words of wisdom to me
From the Holy Mountain of Zion
You have bestowed me with a Holy mission
May your power help me Lord for my soul stands
in the Holy Fire.

From the Abyss of Fire and everlasting torment you
Alone landed me your hand and rescued me from the lake
Of everlasting fire, darkness and brimstone.
Your gentle voice warms my heart you alone are the Christ.
I have put my faith in you Lord I try hard every day to commune
With the Holy Spirit. My mouth shall be like a double edged
Sword for my battles are spiritually inclined not from the flesh,
I seek lost souls to come and meet the Lord who saved me,
Who knows who I am. Lord is me your humble servant and him against a dying world
Filled with Hatred, War, Despair and Desolation. Let my words
heal the sick let my words shine a ray of Hope to the Hopeless

Let them give peace to the restless and send the demons
we all fight back to Hell where they belong. For I know for
Certain I am the final messager who will convert the
Non-believers to Christian Followers.

I thank you God for giving me the strength to go thru trials
And tribulations that I have been thru so that in that sense
I know you are in control of everything. Let me be your
vessel your mouth piece let the crowds of all the nations
Hear your word and tremble in fear if they don't repent.
The End of the Age is here let the Gentiles come worship
You Lord let their prayers reach your Kingdom in Heaven.
Let my eyes and my mouth become spiritually sacred
So when I speak of you I will never give into worldly desires.
Let your angels come to represent your Holy power God. Amen!
©Franko the Christian Poet
Prayer is a powerful tool to bring to spiritual upheaval is a must do if you find yourself of little faith.
Apr 2016 · 880
Surrendering Your Soul
Words become entangled in my mind
Were the sane become insane with calligraphy
A poet paints a picture graphically
The rhythm flows systematically
Opaque and gray tailored eloquently
Containing a message invented genuinely
Embracing the thoughts that my brain transmits
Good or Evil what will you pick?
Am here to decipher my darkest abyss
To the right Angel of Justice and freedom
To the left Angel of Death and destruction
What will it be? What will you choose? Will your
soul be redeemed or will you be a fool?

Choose Jesus Christ and be welcomed as a child of God, or
choose Lucifer and remain another lost soul. God will condemn
You to hell for eternity if you ignore his calling
So remain lost or accept Jesus today as your savior
and be saved. I am here sharing this words today to bring you
Under God's grace may he bless you and comfort you in everything
you do. Amen!
©Franko the Christian Poet
Surrendering is the most humbling thing a person can do with the Lord it teaches you humbleness humility and over all knowing your a simple servant and a worshipper to a greater force "God" than yourself.
Apr 2016 · 2.3k
You are my Rock, Jesus
The essence of the pure spirit
The path to the Holy of Holies
Inbuted with the Holy Spirit
My Soul roams in a world of darkness

Dear God allow your light to shine thru me
Let your prophecy land upon my shoulders
Allow your parables flow thru my mouth
Heal my soul from my worldly afflictions

Do not delay Lord for I am weak
Silence consumes me
When I was naked, you clothed me
When I was hungry, you feed me
When I was lonely, you accompanied me

Lord, your hands created me in my mother's womb
I thank you for my 26 years of living
You are the living God I praise thee
For your Kingdom be sustained forever

You are King of Kings Lord of Lords
May your Holy Grace fall upon us
Please forgive us for our evil transgressions
Deliver us from Evil I pray Lord...Amen!
©Franko the Christian Poet
Jesus Christ the Alpha and Omega King of all Prince of Justice and peace. He shall sustain order in the final call.
Apr 2016 · 461
Divine Armor
A young prophet born to lead, everyone follows their own greed
Religion is the weapon and mankind their tools
What was once holy is now *****, keeping the masses blind folded
Spiritually condemning them and seeking their own favor

I plead to you my fellow christian...wake up the world is ending
Put on your holy armor lets go convert souls
From death to life from life to eternity ...
This is the Gift that God grants thee
The world is dying full of neglect
It only promotes violence, partying...death

Do not succumb to your weaknesses, pray to God he will fix this
Clean the dust from your Divine Armor and equip yourself with it
Let God use you and you will see that many will turn to God
Be an example to others and let the Holy Spirit guide you
Evil entities and spirits will try to reclaim you
But you belong to God now they cannot touch you

At the end of your life you will realize it was all worth it
You may be poor in life but rich in spirit
Let your light shine on the darkness that surrounds souls
Allow others to see that God exists within you
Perhaps you may save a soul today

We the Warriors of Light fight spiritually against demonic forces
We will eventually win this spiritual war God is with us
Don't lose faith brethren Let your tongue praise God
I hope you find an answer when reading this poem
Give God a chance that may be the greatest choice you will ever make in your Life.
©Franko the Christian Poet
A spiritual armor we all have to wear when we awake eat and sleep.
Apr 2016 · 941
Wicked Sanctuary
Curse of a thousand year
Dear follower of darkness
Constricted and ashamed are the souls of the wicked
Dormant emotions fooled by vile peace
Wrathful demons...succubuses of darkness
Sacrimonious enchantments, fornicative souls

A trillion visions of the feeder of light
King of illusion, darkness, perdition
Why feed on the blood of the innocent?
Why feed on the words of the noble ones?
Child of doom prophet of chaos...

Oh vile Woman...Witches of destruction
Who has come to fornicate and defile
Silent killers dressed as nuns
Darkest of dark white blood in your hands
Why should this be endured?
Why should my mind flesh feed of your ghastly imagery, your seductive ways, your fornicative acts?

As I write this poem and words are portrayed in this paper I myself ask
Why is being a believer make us hated by the world?

Narrative stories, concrete facts
Now I portray myself onto paper
I am a noble. My heart enjoys peace a stary night, listening to the wind,
the birds human this a crime?

God listen to me for I write again.

Hollowed spirit defiler of light
I have seen you come to the house of God and prey upon the living...
Lucifer temptor of mankind prince of darkness
How do I differ, how do I mend, how do I worship, how do I beg?
Spiritually you have come to attack me
My heart my soul my temple

I now dress as a warrior of light...
Holy armor I portray. Followers Of Christ unite talk to God,
for its Judgement shall be passed we remain holy.

Kingdom of righteousness, Father of Justice
Oh Jehovah I call upon your name.
Still water, serene spirit my mind...Is within me but the spirit of God
lives he has blessed me. I come to you all to share this poem
whom God has told me to write...I am fascinated am lost in words...
My heart is pumping my hand keeps moving, like a mighty
Mountain your eyes gaze at it's beauty Oh mystic like river, a trance
I sense within me, the graphite being spent here rejoices my every word.
I have held you long enough let me leave you this message
May the Lord be with you all of you let him into your hearts
For he will keep your soul safe and protect you from your own sinful
nature for the day you let him in, is the day your words become alive.
©Franko The Christian Poet 2016
#GodVsLucifer #LightVsDark #SoulVsFlesh #Divine Message

— The End —