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May 2015 · 585
Catch Me
Florence Maude May 2015
If only someone could save me
From falling off the edge

If only if someone could catch me
When I fall off the ledge

If only I had a savior
If only I could be saved

Alas, I'm to far gone
I've fallen to far

And no one would ever catch me
Without making me spar
May 2015 · 1.4k
Never Good Enough
Florence Maude May 2015
I will never be
As smart as the other kids

I will never be
As happy as the other kids

I will never be
As good as the other kids

I will always be
The loner

I will always be
The worthless

I will always be
**never good enough
Perspective of a fictional character
May 2015 · 806
His Approval
Florence Maude May 2015
I want to make him proud
But all he sees is loud
I want to prove that I'm worthy
But everything I do seems to come back to bite me
And it be real

Why do I crave is approval?
When the reaction I get seems to be wishing of my removal
Why do I wish that he'd say
You did good today
And mean it

Why does he keep hurting me?
That's not the way its meant to be
He's suppose to keep me safe and warm
Instead of the one who brings me harm
May 2015 · 3.2k
My Dove
Florence Maude May 2015
She smiled like sunshine
I can't believe that she's mine

She kissed like raindrops on a summer after noon
I hope she comes back soon

She'd whisper in my ear
So only I could hear
"It will always be you and me
And together maybe we can be free"

She is my love
And she fluttered away like a dove
Apr 2015 · 862
The Widow
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Everyone says
You need a lover
But all I can say is
I'll never find another

Life is a glass half full
Since he was taken from me
And I wish that they could see
How I cannot be free

I was once a wife
Who would always open the window
But not anymore since I've become
A Widow
Apr 2015 · 1.6k
My Foolish Mistake
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Please don't go
Our love was only starting to show
Please don't leave
I let you put my heart on my sleeve
I should never have let you in

Please don't let go of my heart
I couldn't bear for us to part
Please don't leave a mark
I thought there was a spark
I should never have let you in

Tears stream down my cheeks
As I wait for you for weeks
Not learning a thing from my mistakes
No matter how many times it takes
I still won't learn

I should never have let you in
Apr 2015 · 803
Little Love
Florence Maude Apr 2015
What joy I feel
To see little children running about
Without a care in the world
The stars shining in their eyes
Hope glimmering in their hearts
Laughing at the littlest things
Loving everything and everyone with all their little hearts
Giving the world
The little love
That it needs
Apr 2015 · 853
Midnight Raid
Florence Maude Apr 2015
An abundance of hope in her heart
Light dancing in her eyes
Who could imagine such a horrible thing could start
To take that all away

She use to do these little dances
On her way to the kitchen
Now she barely takes these little chances
For shes afraid what she has now will be swept away

How could this be?

How can no one see?

They took it away
In a midnight raid
Now she has to pay
For the damage made

How could they
Take it all
And have nothing to say
But goodbye

Where did it go?
I can't find it
If only someone could show

Now she drags her feet
To the kitchen

Now her eyes
Are dark

Now her heart
Is missing a piece

And all she hopes for now
Is to go back to the way she was
Apr 2015 · 913
Send Out A Flare
Florence Maude Apr 2015
If you can hear my disguised screams

Send out a flare
Bright red
Into the sky

And tell me to have hope
To teach me to fly

If you can see me crumbling

Send out a flare
Bright red
Into the sky

And tell me that I can be fixed
To teach me to not be tricked

If you can see me trapped here in this cage

Send out a flare
Bright red
Into the sky

And tell me how to get out
To teach me others ways rather than to flail about

Save me
Save me
From this misery

Save me
Save me
No easier could it be

To help me be free
Oh please do not flee

Just please help save me
That's all I ask of thee
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Florence Maude Apr 2015
As the ashes slowly turn to dust
I slowly begin to rust
For my love is gone

He took it all
Along with my heart
And I slowly begin to realize how hard my body took the fall

But this isn't the end
My story can't end here
I just have to take my time and mend

Then once again I'll rise
When someone new comes and picks up my broken pieces
And breaks through my disguise

So I must wait
Standing here exposed like bait
Until someone takes the time of day
To despite my now heartless chest
Love me anyways
Apr 2015 · 851
The Ashes And Smoke Of Us
Florence Maude Apr 2015
My weary heart begins to bleed
Bleeding all the lovers tears that i'll ever need
How could I have had so much greed
To wish for true love

How far above the clouds I went?
I shall never know
But I know that all my love for him has been spent
How could I have been so foolish

I light a match
And set afire
The dreams
The hopes
The moments
The love poems
Until there is nothing left
But smoke and ash

How could I not see
How mad could I be
To not notice
His hatred for me

I have to get him out of my sight
For everything to be alright
And here I thought our future would be so bright
Instead this

So I set my love for you ablaze
Til there's nothing left
But my little black heart now lays there charred
Oh how I never knew it could be so scarred.
Apr 2015 · 587
Across The Way
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Hes right there

Shes right there

Just across the way

He looked at me, I hope he didn't notice me blushing

She looked at me, I hope I didn't blush

He blushed when he looked into my eyes

She blushed and I realized that I was blushing too

She smiled at his blushing and giggled a bit

I blushed deeper as she smiled, and I smiled back

He smiled back

She was smiling

I probably looked stupid

But I don't care

I love him

I love her

But he doesn't see

But she doesn't see

I hope he likes me back

I hope she likes me back

This whole thing may have been a bad idea

What if my heart gets broken again?

Stop thinking that

It'll be worth it

*That's why you fell in love in the first place right?
Apr 2015 · 953
Our Dream
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Once upon a time
In a dream
There was just you and me

In the dream
You took my hand
And lead me away from everything else
So it was just you and I
It all happened so fast I though I was flying

We talked
We laughed
We danced
The perfect fairy tale romance

To bad it isn't real
To bad we've never had the chance

To dance under the stars
To feel that we could go far
To fall in love with each glance

Oh only
Just only
If we were given the chance
Apr 2015 · 789
Florence Maude Apr 2015
You can't play me
Like a chess piece

You can't slay me
Like prey

You can't treat me
Like I'm lesser

You can't
You can't
You just can't

For I am a human being

I have
And dignity

I have
And trust

I am not some puppet in your play
I am not some punching bag at the gym
I am not some target that you can shoot at

I am alive

So you can't
Shoot me down,
Kick me when I'm on the ground
Hurt me and think I'll come back around

I am alive

And I have the right to be free
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Given Color
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Just Grey
Black and white world
Black and white life
Black and white heart
Nothing special



Like color to a canvas you lit up
My world
My life
And my heart

Now because of you I have color
And with that color
Came hope

A hope that things could change
That things could be better
That this wasn't the end

That my fairy tale dream of life
Would no longer be fantasy

And it can't
It just can't be a fantasy any longer
Because of you

And I thank you for this spark
To light up my life
And to keep my dreams of love alive
Apr 2015 · 1.9k
Monster In The Mirror
Florence Maude Apr 2015
I looked into the mirror
To see
A terrifying monster
Staring back at me

I took a step back
And the monster did the same
Perfect timing
Perfect time frame

I made a confused face
And the monster copied me
A reflection of my actions
Oh what a sight it was to see

To test this beast I smiled
The monster smiled back
And I realized

I'm afraid of it
And it's afraid of me
Neither of us would hurt the other you see

And I learned
That the so called beast
Wasn't looking for a feast
Only someone who could love it

I became friends
With the monster in the mirror

And I discovered
What love really is
Apr 2015 · 3.3k
Florence Maude Apr 2015
There is a hole
In my heart
And it's shaped
Like yours

There is this emptiness
In my lungs
And it's all because
Of you

There are these flutters
In my stomach
And they appear when I
See You

How do you make me feel this way?
Any time of day?

Where are the wires?
Where are the tires?

Where are the strings?
Where are the backstage things?

How do you do it?
You must be a magician
To make me feel this way
Apr 2015 · 448
Alone Today
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Today is the day
The day that I feel utterly
And completely

I scream out to the world
But all I get in return
Is the empty echo of my voice

I listen to the world
But all I hear
Is my black heart beating hollowly in my chest

I look at the world
But all I see
Is the blur of life passing by without a care

Just who will be there?
To listen my cries by choice?

Just who will be there?
To call out to me instead of myself and all the rest?

Just who will be there?
To help me crawl out of the hole filled with the burdens I bear?

Who will be there?
Who will be there?
Who will be there?

Or to more simply put it,

Who will care?
Apr 2015 · 976
Set Ablaze
Florence Maude Apr 2015
It was your fault,
That this happened,
That this sparked,
Its all your fault.

It really is,
No matter what you say,
No matter what happens,
Its all your fault.

For if you set a fire under me,
Expecting a petty spark,
You instead get a wild fire,
Its all your fault.

It won't disappear,
It won't die down,
Its all your fault.

It will only grow,
And start up new flames,
Its all your fault.

You wonder why its all your fault?
Well the answer is simple,
Its all your fault,
For setting me ablaze.
Apr 2015 · 798
What Happened?
Florence Maude Apr 2015
What happened,
To the guy who always wore his smile,
To the guy who was positive for at least a little while,
To the guy who was my friend?

Where did he go?
Such sunshine can't fall away so suddenly,
It can't just fade away... can it?

He's a monster now,
Filled with rage.

And I'm the prey.
Apr 2015 · 1.6k
My Angel Save Me
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Oh save me my angel,
From this mad insanity.

Oh save me my angel,
I don't like him the way he does me.

Everyone pressures us together and he doesn't mind,
I can't let my friends down it would not be kind.

I do not love him the way he does me,
I love him like a brother,
Not a lover,
As he does me.

Every time I try to secretly turn him down,
He just comes back around,
Paining me at the sight of him.

Oh my angel save me,
From the pain in his eyes that I see.

Oh my angel save me,
Hurting him makes me unable to breathe.

My angel,
My angel,
Wipe the tears that I shed.

My angel,
My angel,
**** his love that's been bred.

My angel,
Please save me,
From this torturous misery.
Apr 2015 · 744
Mr. Perfect
Florence Maude Apr 2015
People think he's perfect when he's not,
People think he just breezes through life without a care when he doesn't,
People think he can just shrug everything off but he can't.

Nobody sees the real Mr. Perfect.
Nobody sees that he works for it.
Nobody sees how hard he tries.
Nobody hears his silent cries.
Nobody... but me.

I see the man behind the mask because I wear one too,
I see how hard he works on it though just like me,
I see how every shard of him is driven to be perfect just like me,
I hear his silent screams because I scream the same things,
Only nobody sees... at least I think.

I think he can see the girl behind the mask when he looks into my eyes,
I think knows how hard I work when I ask him for help,
I think he can sense that all of me is driven to being perfect when he stands near,
I think he can hear my silent screams when he hears my voice,
I think he's like me.
Apr 2015 · 5.5k
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Beautiful dreamers,
Heart broken believers,
Don't let your cracks show.

Glistening stars,
Chasers of cars,
Where did our luck go?

The monsters,
Are hunting us,
The demons are getting faster.

Look out,
Look out,
The horrors are real.

Watch out,
Watch out,
Some how to their tastes we appeal.

Keep your eyes open,
They feast on fears.

Keep your eyes open,
They are your peers.
Apr 2015 · 664
The Message to Stay
Florence Maude Apr 2015
This a message to those who can't speak,
To those who haven't eaten in a week.

To those who cry late into the night,
To those who lie and say they're alright.

To those who want to die,
To those who tars trying not to cry.

To those who can't breathe,
To those who cover scars and cuts with their sleeves.

This is a message saying,
"Just hold on,
At least one more day,
Things can't get worse anyway."

This is a message saying,
"Believe in yourself,
believe in hope,
You don't have to be a saint or pope."

This is a message saying,
"I haven't met you yet,
But I care,
So stay long enough so we can get there."

Oh this little message of mine,
Is to remind you that things will turn out fine.

Just hold on,
And the pain will soon be gone.

Just be here,
And I shall guide you off the oath of fear.
Apr 2015 · 10.3k
Wishing Star
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Stars bright,
I wish I may,
I wish I might,
Please grant me this wish tonight.

Or so the stories say,
That wishing stars,
Though oh so far,
Grant Wishes.

If you ask,
By saying the rhyme,
Or try again another time,
The wish will come true if you wish with all of your heart,
And then maybe,
Just maybe,
The magic will start.

So wish you may,
And wish you might,
See a wishing star,
Apr 2015 · 601
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Noticing from afar,
hands being held,
Small glances made,
Imagining how it feels to be that way.

Witnessing the first kiss happen,
Watching as he gets on one knee,
Hoping that's what my love we be.

Alas, I only watch,
For no one looks at the quiet girls,
Like they're the only star in the sky,
The apple of their eye,
The northern lights in their life.

But I can only dream,
I can only wait,
I can only hope,
That the love I will have is true.
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
My Beacon
Florence Maude Apr 2015
For th washed,
The splintered,
And the torn.

For the withered,
The bitter,
And worn.

This is a beacon,
A flare if you must,
Into the sky,
Telling you that it's okay to cry.

Cry a river,
Cry a storm,
It'll make you feel better.

Cry a pond,
Cry an ocean,
It will only help.

Just don't leave,
I'll be with you every step of the way,
And then finally we shall see the day,
Of eternal peace prosperity and love.
Apr 2015 · 26.8k
People of The Night Sky
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Some people are like stars,
so close yet so far away.

Some people are like the moon,
Shining so bright, but rarely noticed.

Some people are like comets,
They burn so bright and so fast that they don't last.

Some people are like constellations,
They look so put together when really everything is far from it.

Some people are like the night sky,
They look so dark far away, but really are filled with light.
Apr 2015 · 2.4k
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Thoughts spinning round my head,
Making me wish I was dead.
But I cannot die,
I can only cry,
Wishing that my wings could fly.

Ideas March around inside me,
Like a humming of bees.
Twisting me down dark roads
To the croaks of lemon toads.

Spiral pathes,
Brick bathes,
This is insane!
Vibrant colors,
Flowers like 'find anothers',
Are all over.

Here in a world of my own,
The madness here has grown.
So please save me,
By lending us a bit of sanity?
Sorry if it's a bit random, but that's what madness is.
Apr 2015 · 2.4k
Skinny Love
Florence Maude Apr 2015
They can't tell how the other feels,
They can't see that there's something real.

What bitter sweet tragedy,
That they can't see.

She secretly loves him and he secretly loves her,
A mystery how such thing can occur.

They don't tell one another,
How much they love eachother.

Such a shame,
That life had to put them in this game.

Keeping the truest of love apart,
Never giving it the chance to start
Apr 2015 · 15.9k
The Mask
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Shallow tears,
Plastic fears,
Show me who you are.

Open up,
Don't cover up,
I won't leave a scar.

Let me in I want to see who is behind the mask,
So far it hasn't been an easy task.
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
Breaking My Walls
Florence Maude Apr 2015
If you see with your heart and not with your eyes,
I will let you see past my disguise.

If you seek with your words and not with your hands,
I will share with you my mind's wonderful lands.

If you love me with all you are,
I will never leave a scar.

If you work to break down my walls,
I will never let you fall.
Apr 2015 · 5.2k
Florence Maude Apr 2015
Perfect clothes;
Perfect hair;
Perfect make up;
Perfect perfume in the air.

Perfect grades;
Perfect outlook;
Perfect act;
Perfect,not even a little crook*.

I wonder how perfect people think;
Do they see their own perfection?
Do they strive for it?
Do they know their direction?

I will never know;
For I'm far from perfect;
I'm far from normal;
But I'm worth it.
*crook as in a bend of sorts.
Mar 2015 · 841
Hurt By Words
Florence Maude Mar 2015
Accusing of wrong,
Hurdling insults,
Calling names,
Really they're all the same.

Making fun,
When will this be done?

The only cure for this,
Is not to ball your fists,
Or to start a fight,
But to defend peacefully, before taking flight.

Make sure you keep your head high,
Keep your eyes bright,
Stand tall,
And don't let them see you fall.
Mar 2015 · 990
New Love
Florence Maude Mar 2015
Soft touches,
Little glances,
Small talk,
Taking chances.

Brighter colors,
Fuller skies,
Bigger smiles,
No painful cries,

Something new,
A new begining,
Maybe you'll lose,
Or end up winning.

No one knows,
It's only a start,
A chance that can save,
Or break your heart.
Mar 2015 · 2.2k
The Beautiful Cassandra
Florence Maude Mar 2015
Cassandra, Cassandra, Cassandra.

How else can you write another name in its place?

To match your dark eyes and hair,
Your smile and the fancy dresses you wear,

How does one compare?

To the books you read,
To the music you play,

To the songs you sing,
To the stories you write,

The dances you dance,
And the light you shine on the world.

The answer is:
You can't.

Nothing could be better about you,
The Beautiful Cassandra
'The Beautiful Cassandra' is actually a story that beloved author Cassandra Clare wrote in her early days of writing. Lucky me -I have a friend named Cassandra, I often call her The Beautiful Cassandra as reference & as a compliment. This poem is dedicated to her, my beautiful friend.
Mar 2015 · 2.5k
Florence Maude Mar 2015
Run, run, run;
It's all we ever do.

Hide, hide hide;
Don't let them catch you.

Watch out, watch out, watch out;
They're coming for us.

Darling, darling, darling;
Don't be afraid.

Promise, promise, promise;
Everything will be okay.

As long as we run, Run, RUN;
We'll be alright.
Mar 2015 · 15.9k
Florence Maude Mar 2015
Chin up,
Look ahead,
Back Straight,

Keep in check,
Don't act out,
Don't let them see you cry,

It isn't easy being queen,
It's harder than it seems,

Ruling the world,
With a firm steady hand,

Showing the world the picture perfect image they want to see,
Unable to be free.
Mar 2015 · 6.8k
Florence Maude Mar 2015
What is this feeling in my chest?
It's like a thousand fireworks going off at once,
Mending the shattered parts and rejuvenating the rest,
Making me more alive than ever.

What are all these new colors I see?
They make the world so much brighter,
Kissing life into the dark places and thoughts
Making me feel lighter.

Why do I feel this jealousy?
When he looks at another,
Darkening the clouds and making things once again gloomy,
Making my blood seem to boil.

What is wrong with me?
Thinking thoughts such as these,
Twisting reality making me wish I was normal and free,
Making me drunk on this sudden highlightation of life.

They say I have a crush,
But really I'm a million miles away,
Hoping in a rush,
That it is alive on both sides instead of just one.

— The End —