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 Apr 2022
the sun wears a cape on its shoulders
and when it fades below the horizon,
the cape cloaks the world in darkness.
the moon finds its place in the sky
to help the sun bestow its light
and guide us out of the shadows.
the stars twinkle to support the moon,
and we find the light in the darkness
until the sun returns to the sky.
Escapril Day 30! Prompt: it's getting darker.
I can't believe it's the last day of April! This challenge was so fun, and it helped me practice my writing skills. I also love seeing how other poets interpret the prompts.
I would love to do more challenges like this in the future!
 Apr 2022
I jump into a handstand,
flipping my world onto its head.
the tree dangles from the earth
like my feet in the air.
my hands seize the grass
as I attempt to hold on.
so I reunite with the ground,
and my hands release their burdens.
Escapril Day 29! Prompt: inversion.
This was an interesting prompt! I would love to see how you all interpret this poem and prompt. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
 Apr 2022
baby ducks are enveloped
within their mother's shadow,
gliding across the pond.

but under the surface,
the ducks furiously kick
to stay above water.
Escapril Day 28! Prompt: only an illusion.
I stuck with a simple metaphor that could be applied to many situations. I hope you enjoy this poem!
 Apr 2022
the air parts like the Red Sea
so a spaceship can soar,
even as the world
drags it down.

she breaks orbit
to release the earth.
she is now free to float,
and the universe guides her.
Escapril Day 27! Prompt: the astronaut.
I think this poem could have many meanings. What do you think of when you read this poem?
 Apr 2022
shrug off the shoulder aches
as laughter bounces off the walls.
shimmy out of the daily traffic
and into the well-lit streets.
clink glasses to accompany a song
in which everyone shouts the words.
when it's over, float atop the world
with hearts buoyed by love.
Escapril Day 26! Prompt: night out.
This is my idea of a great night out - one in which I can enjoy my friends' company and have a wonderful time. I hope we all can have amazing nights with the people we care about :)
 Apr 2022
constant companion
that puts me under its spell -
the world falls away.

it scatters my thoughts,
leaving me in a thick fog
until I slam it shut.
Escapril Day 25! Prompt: computer.
Here are my two haikus related to the prompt. Let me know if this resonates with you, and I hope you have a wonderful day.
 Apr 2022
the jagged cave summons me
with its stark shadow.
crystals bearing sharp knives
greet me at the entrance.
my hands stay at my sides,
but I keep an eye on the knives.
as the cave envelops me,
the crystals harness sunlight.
their guidance sees me through,
and the cave is now behind me.
Escapril Day 24! Prompt: crystals. I am learning that nature is one of my main sources of inspiration. What are you inspired by when you write?
 Apr 2022
fragile umbrellas are strewn
across the cluttered forest floor,
nourishing strong connections
from all over the world.
their gills are loaded weapons
that fire spores into the air
at the speed of light.
if we blink, we miss it -
and the umbrellas multiply.
Escapril Day 23! Prompt: blink and you'll miss it. I've been thinking about nature a lot lately, especially fungi, which are so interesting. Fun fact: fungi are more closely related to animals than plants! I never knew that, and that fact blew my mind.
Anyway, this poem was inspired by fungi. I hope you enjoy it 😊
 Apr 2022
when the ocean resides in the cavity of my chest / and the world freezes over / icicles bare their teeth as their menacing shadows creep closer to my sternum / and I choke on frigid air.
he carefully wraps my heart in a blanket / then collects sun rays between his lips / bestowing them onto my heart with warm kisses.
the icicles melt away / and I bask in the sun.
Escapril Day 22! Prompt: intimacy.
This poem is inspired by my current relationship. In all honesty, I could write a book about our love. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I encourage you to celebrate the love you have in your life (no matter what form it's in).
 Apr 2022
dew rests on sheer leaves
as saplings lilt in the wind  
and I follow suit.
Escapril Day 21! Prompt: dew.
I have been tired lately, and this poem was inspired by that. I hope you are all doing well.
 Apr 2022
I am forged in a ceramic kiln,
and the sweltering heat embrittles me.
their withering stares set the kiln ablaze,
expecting me to stay rigid and brittle.
I attempted to constrict and be good,
but the fire slowly cracked me.  
the heat still scorches my pieces,
but each piece inches closer
to the outskirts of the kiln
so I can find the sticky glue
and put myself back together.
Escapril Day 20! Prompt: trying to be good.
I had a few ideas for this poem, but I wanted to use one major theme.
I hope you enjoy this one! I loved writing it.
 Apr 2022
their fingers twist around strings
that are tethered to firm balloons.
whenever we see them,
they fly above everyone else,
their taunts trailing behind them.
but when their balloons deflate,
they crash into the rocky earth,
and their taunts are buried.
air always escapes.
Escapril Day 19! Prompt: vanity.
To be honest, this prompt stumped me for a while, and this is what I came up with. Thank you all for reading :)
 Apr 2022
ink melts through paper
during heat, cold, rain, and snow
to mark every heart.
Escapril Day 18! Prompt: creation.
This is my take on it, and a haiku felt right. Happy Monday :)
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