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"I have not seen
The likes of it!"
Reads a caption
On a Facebook
Uploaded utube
That fails not
To immediately
Grab attention.

A bird is seen drawing
Close to a pool
With a speed
Starved fishes to feed
Fishes, eagerly awaiting it
To regurgitate
And drop a seed.

I reflected
Making a paradigm shift
If a bird
In a way that seems absurd
Shows such magnanimity
How then we fail
To maintain unity?

Men are becoming on
Neighbors  brutal
Inflicting an attack fatal,
While animals
Are becoming humanistic
In a way that is fantastic.
In my country famed for unity in diversity phony politicians are breaking social fabric using divide and rule under the guise of ethnic federalism.
Angry a man began to beat his dog
"Conniving with a thief is wrong!"

Answered the dog

"What more do you
Want me to do dear?
After to my non-stop bark
Last night, dead asleep,
You turned a deaf ear!

When told to mend its  way
Adamant, the incumbent
Went astray.

After it is to late
It makes a dabble
To hold citizens to
The chaos accountable!
Paying for a deaf ear.
What worlds of wonders are our books
As one opens them and looks,
new ideas and people rise
In our fancies and our eyes
The room we sit in melts away,
And we find ourselves at play
With someone who before the end,
May become our chosen friend
We sail along the page
To some other land or age.
Here is our body in the chair
But our mind is over there.
Each book is a magic box
Which with a touch
A child unlocks.
In between their outside cover
Books held all things, for their lover


ገልፆ ለሚያያቸው
መሕፍት ምንኛ
ድንቅ ዓለሞች ናቸው፣
በምናባችን በዓይኖቻችን ማእዘን
ይከስታሉ አዳዲስ ሓሳቦች፣
እንዲሁም ልዩ ልዩ ሰዎች!
የተቀመጥንበት ክፍል ድንገት
ጅረት ይሆንና
ይዞን ሲነጉድ
እስከጥግ ሳንዘልቅ ገና
እንተዋወቃለን ሠዎች ደና
የሚያደርጉን ዘና፣
ምናልባትም ለዘልቄታው
የሚሆኑን የኛ
ምርጥ ጓደኛ!
አሊያም ገጾቹን ቀዝፈን
ራሳቸንን ናገኛለን
ወደሌላ ያለም ማዘን
ወይ ዘመን ተጓጉዘን
‘ዚህ ወንበር ላይ
በአካል ተቀምጠን
በምናብ ተሻግረን ዛነን፡፡

‘ያንዳንዱ መፅፍ
የድንቃድንቅ ማህደር ነው
‘ያንዳንዱ ህፃን ይዞ
ሚከፍተው ቁልፉን ጠምዞ፡፡
አጥብቆ ለሚሻቸው
በውጪ ልባሶቻቸው
መፃሕፍት ሸክፈዋል
ሁሉን አቅፈው!
(ኢሌኖር ፍራጂዮን) //
Yes it with wings of books we navigate ages and places
Bouncing back
From cold shoulders
And many a rejection,
Resilient,I throw
My full weight
To get
What me await
In the storeroom
Of fate!
Rejections or cold shoulders doesn't mean failure but the twist of fate.Even the most successful didn't find the ardours track of life a rose bed.
In the far flung

Corner of the country born

There are tribal

Women,still, with ash

Cosmetic, red-soil

-made hair lotions

And plates inserted

In their lower lips

Themselves  their way adorn!

When tourists

Pay such  women

A handsome money

To take  their photo

Young girls follow suit

"Slit your  lower lips

And insert a plate!"

As a motto! //
When a Suri girl reaches puberty her two bottom teeth are removed and a small clay plate inserted which is slowly increased. The larger the plate the more cows her father can demand in dowry when she marries
For ages
Saddled with
Domestic chores
Confined indoors
With a traditional muzzle
Devoid of a voice
With fellow housewives
We were sweltering
Under the class
And gender yoke
Seen weak though
We were strong as a rock.

Things taking
A positive turn,
When people about
Women's potential
Came to learn,
Enjoying a level ground
And expertise,
An outshining
Women farmers
We have begun to enjoy
A handsome return.

After unremitting exertion
In a special way
Drawing attention
Investor we have indeed
Created job opportunities
For numerous in need
On their turn who have
Many mouths to feed.

We members of the fair ***
If not denied a chance
Could outsmart
Many a man, in a given
Task, grappling with his part.

In the Science
And political arena
Ladies that prove brilliant
Must come to the limelight.

In the military
And peacekeeping task
On the athletics track...,
There are also women
Who merit a tap on the back.

Breaking the double yoke
Must be the era's talk
Gender based discrimination
Should  no longer  pose
In development's wheels
A spoke!
Let  this volubly
Resonate from
North to South
And from Beijing
To New York!
In some parts of the world women suffer double oppression gender and class.This is a poem in recognition to the motivation given to women farmers.
Who openly loathes you
Is by far better than
S/he with affectation
Adores you!
I think it is true!
I )  Transitivity

If X is a terrorist
And if Y supports X
Y automatically
Joins the blacklist.


By all accounts
A marked terrorist
For holding
Mirror to devil
Engaging in all acts
Revoltingly evil.

A terrorist why?
Now in the open,
Now on the sly
Nonstop it labors
The innocent suffering
Lacerating pain
To die.
It either kills
Or sponsors
The killing of toddlers
And women with
A bun in the oven
More often.

To maximize, selfish
Political objective,
Its duty,
TPLF knows no pity.
Its head
A box empty
Like a child naughty
Make noises
To swap
The victimizer &
The victim
And tip the balance
In the global
Political roadmap.

Long before
ENDF’s law–enforcement
Three out of 5
Women in Tigray
Were subject
To ****
Many heard the
Report agape.
The response from
The west was
Tossing it off
Like a ladies hair
Not tied
On the nape.

Pillaging food aid
Many were the
Instances TPLF its
Impish army it fed.

III) America

TPLF’s inception
To its tyranny
We were on the ball
That is why
We are mourning
Its demise &
Catastrophic fall.

Before our eyes
TPLF stands tall
‘cause it saw to
Our dictates all,
When we asked it
A room
In Ethiopia’s politics
It used to
Give us a hall.
For our satisfaction
It was on the toes
It sleeves to roll.

(Dear Meles Zenawi)
Our soldiers in Somalia
Are suffering
Ignominious defeat
Forced with their tails
Between their legs
To retreat.
Valorous march and  
Invade Somalia
‘YES’  it said
To diplomacy
Longstanding relation
Having  little
Or no idea.”

We know
Very well
TPLF, suffering
Death knell,
Is past master
In terrorism,
Not in store
Even in hell,
Seeing its deeds
That everyone
Could tell.

Devoid of
Mental health
TPLF was out
In East Africa
To spell death.

It was adverse
To peace brokers.

When TPLF said
An election result
It conducted was
Hundred % a hit
We (Susan Rice)
Laughed till
Our sides were
To split
But we showed
A green light
“Go ahead
Do it!”

To Bin laden
We showed
No mercy
But around
A horseshoe
Table with TPLF
You, peace-seekers &
Peace keepers,
Have to sit
With the
Worst terrorist
Defeated, exposed
On the retreat.

To meet our ends
We use
Carrot and stick
To terrorist
The former
And stick
To the latter.

Pulling off
A gigantic dam
By own head, arm
Defying our interest
Our arrogance,
Our image
Ethiopia did harm.
This way Egypt
Our bargaining chip
Is slowly but surely
Getting out of
Our grip
So on Ethiopia
, our pushover, let us
Use a sanction whip.
Ethiopia we have
To flog, to beat
Before it zooms
Africa’s head
To the East.

We wrecked down
Many nations
Under the name
Of peace waging war
From Libya
To Afghanistan far
Unless the
Global community,
Own citizen &
Specially the east
Our action bar
We are out
World’s peace
To mar.

America's latest action on Ethiopia to twist arm is unacceptable
O child of war, preserve your weapon,
For  future children let it stay,
For they will come and ask their question
What was the world like in our day?

For them, born under stars more lucky,
It will be hard to understand
How could the sky have been exploded
While battles raged on see and land?

How,flowing black with blood,could rivers
Rock,bridges bombs had battered down
They'll never see it-as you never
Saw sunshine in the world around.

Preserve your weapon,little eagles,
Of many battle it will tell
Of days ferocious and heroic
For grandson to remember well.

ሰባዊ ቀንበጥ አርበኞች

ምስኪን ልጆች
ሰባዊ ቀንበጥ አርበኞች
መሳሪያችሁን በደንብ በቅርስነት አስቀምጡ
ለአምሳያዎቻችሁ በዘመን ሃዲድ ለሚመጡ
ምክንያቱም በኛ ጊዜ
ሉላዊ ገጽታው እንዴት እንደነበረ
መጠየቃቸው ስለማይቀር!

ምክኒያቱም እድለኛ ሆነው ለተወለዱት
ለማስረዳት ስለሚያዳግት እንዴት
ሰማዩ እንደተናጠ በፍንዳታ
በመሬት በባህር ጦርነት
ሲካሄድ ያላፍታ-ማለት ልክ
እናንተ የሰላም ጸሃይ የምትስተዋልበት
ሰማይ እንዳላያችሁት!

ጠይም የደም ጎርፍ እንዴት አድርጎ
የቦንብ ድልድይ ፍርስራሽ
እንደወሰድ ጠራርጎ !

ለልጅ ልጅ ስለሚዘከር ስለበርካታ
የጅግንነት የአይበገሬነት ውሎ
አደራ መሳሪያች ሁን በደንብ አኑሩ ልጆች
ተናንሽ  ንስሮች !

በ  ሳሎ ሜዳ ነሪስ
ትርጉም አለም ሃይሉ

(ሉትኒያ በናዚ በተወረረችበት ወቅት ገጣሚዋ በግጥም ወታደሮችን ታበረታታ ነበር። አንድ ህጻን ወታደር የስዋን ግጥም ከጋዜጣ ቀዶ የደረት ኪሱ ይዞ በማሺን ጋን ተመቶ እንደሞተ ተገኝትዋል)
Based on a true story.During the time Lithuania was invaded by **** Germany, the poet experiencing an evolution of muse ,shifted her style from art for art's sake to life's sake.She way emboldening soldiers defending their  country with poems charged with patriotism.A young soldier was found dead having a portion of blood drenched news paper bearing one of her poems in his chest pocket.He was pierced by a machine gun.
If nostalgia beset your mind
Come to Ethiopia
A cradle of mankind!

Come to Ethiopia
With no hesitation
Ancient civilization
Will engross your attention!

Before identity quest
You smother
Come to Ethiopia 'cause
Lucy, your  great,
Great grandmother
You could watch closer!
A melting *** of
Over 80 ethnic groups,who
With cordial hospitality,
Will embrace you
Without standing to ceremony
Or formality.

Come to Ethiopia
A mosaic of culture
A true place for adventure!

If you need
An original taste of
Coffee Arabica
Come to Ethiopia
A beacon light to Africa
To freedom fighters
Up to America.

Come to Ethiopia
You will meet there
People who have to borrow
Valour from no where!

Come to Ethiopia
Triggering off no
Feelings of discomfort
Mosques churches abut.

Come to Ethiopia
In a way description that defy
A church by a Muslim name goes by!

Come to Ethiopia
An exemplary country
To deter common enemy
To spur development
In a spectacular bent
Muslims and Christians unite!

Come to Ethiopia
Whose name on the bible
Times beyond number bubble!

Come to Ethiopia
For his persecuted
Followers, the Prophet
Mohammed a high-heaven marked!

Come to Ethiopia
Now on the path of renaissance
Mutual regional growth and
A sustainable  peace
Are whose unwavering stance!

Come to Ethiopia
A country with its own
Alphabet and calendar!
Of course you will wonder
when you get
Yourself eight years younger!

Come to Ethiopia
To feast your eyes
On breathtaking water falls
Scenery and greenery
God-hand-made caves
Endemic animals and birds
Live volcanoes
Obelisks and
Rock-hewn churches.
You shall feast
Your eyes on Harar wall
For the Muslim
A holy city on row four!
You will stand a chance
For Ivangadi
A traditional spectacular dance
Also Konso's terrace.

Come to Ethiopia
Aside from adventure,
You could collect
Invincible athletes
And successful Olympians'
Your souvenir picture
With them you may capture!
Of course
You can board 'Ethiopian'
That was there when
The horizon of aviation
History we scan.

Come to Ethiopia
The celebration of
The finding of the true cross
The pilgrimage
To Sheik Hussein Mosque
And epiphany
That have no parallels by any!

Come to Ethiopia
To see first-hand
A country
13 months sunny!

Come to Ethiopia
To enjoy
A Teff-made
Flat bread organic
Found not carcinogenic!
You will gather
Like coffee
Teff and its bread chemistry
Age-old, with it, that were there,
Are blessings
To the rest of the world
Ethiopia Proffer!

Come to Ethiopia
If you want to understand
As to what is meant
By black pride!

If you worry about class
Ethiopia today
Has countless
Hotels shining with stars!

By Alem Hailu G/Kristo
A tourist destination,peaceful coexistence,a land where Christians and Muslims unite like milk and water,a cradle land of mankind, your origin
What a joy
What a joy
My little nephew,
Two decades back
Born abroad,
When a  guest here
A ride on
A piggy shoulder
Who used to enjoy,
To whom I bought
A motley toy
Out of himself
Made a brilliant boy.

“As per my choice
Could you buy me a donkey
Or a could you allow  me
A  tortoise
To touch
When we go to
The squalid market square
Or  the nearby church?”

Double mind
Is his nick name
Now crafting
Software is his game.

A small boy
He used to ask
“Tell me why
Flowers don't grow
On the sky?”

“Tell me quick
Why animals
Don't speak?
Also stars
Don't grow
On the meadow?”

“Why is the sky high
To touch?”
Such questions helped him
Racking  his brain
To come up with
Academic research,
That troubleshoot
Societal challenge
And afford
A nation a turnaround
Or  for the better a change!

Now, conversant in IT
It is no wonder
To observe
Binary operation,flowcharts
Programming languages
Are at the tip of his finger.

His study at
George Mason University
Has turned out a hit
Getting himself
In the Dean's List.

A boy that lends
To parents, relatives
And teachers
A heeding ear
Is really dear.
(To my Nephew who graduated recently)
Turning a blind eye
Also, intimidated to
Challenge the autocrats "Why? "
I condoned the slaying
Of the honest and workaholic
Subordinates on integrity's altar
Allowing on my conscience
An indelible scar.
A covert attack on the basis of affiliation
How could I,
The double-faced
WHO’s current leader,
On par with
A chieftain
Brigade general,
Tightlipped attend
My diabolic
Party’s funeral?

Though for
My criminal
Party’s tragic end,
I have to sob,
I must labor
To garner
The pity of
The credulous, elites
As well as
The mob
Round the globe.

At the same time
Dollars I have
To underwrite
In a bid remaining
Impish junta members
Beef up their might
Armed again
To wage a fight!

After ENDF’s law
Enforcement operation,
“I know not
The whereabouts of
My nephew,
In Micadra’s massacre,
Who might have
Victimized a few!”

Blood is thicker
Than water
Thus about
Genocide victims
Why should
I bother?
By defector as
I’m also
A victimizer.

I forgot
I’ve to seek
A scapegoat,
Though it was
The junta
Who released thugs
And cut throats
Before defeat
So that
They could
Run amok
To wreak havoc
—**** & looting—
I will dish out stories
In order hints not
To the gun the smoke!
If handsomely paid
Some media outlets
Could reverse the talk.
For the double-faced DR.Twedros,WHO"s current leader. He is being exposed by Genuine Ethiopians across the globe specially via twitter.Also read my earlier poem about him Like likes like.
The desire to wholly
Posses you
Was so great
Bitter and harrowing
Was the feeling,unfaithful
To memory's dustbin
You relegate.

At a loss how
My problem to solve
Crying out my heart
By a serene cathedral door
Myself to absolve
God blew on my way a dove!

With a tap
On the shoulder
A sympathetic
And cute girl
On par with
My ex-lover
If not better
"Believe me
There will come
A time you
Never recall
The heart sickness
Now you are
Taking tall!"

This way
In pure love
With this girl
I got on the ball
As she prophesied
Bitter memories
Forgetting all.

Cure a wound
Inflicted by one girl
Another could.
Unlike a glass a broken heart like a broken bone could be repaired
What do I owe to you
Who loved me deep and long?
You never gave my spirit wings
Nor gave my heart a song.
But oh, to him I loved,
Who loved me not at all,
I owe the open gate
That leads through heaven’s wall!
(By Sara Teasdale)


በደንብ ጠበቅ አድርገህ ላፈቀርከኝ
የምከፍለው ምን ወሮታ አለኝ?
ለነፍሴ ክንፍ አለገስካት
ለልቤም መዝሙር አልሰጠሃት፣
ግን፣ ውይ፣ ለወደድኩት ላላፈቀረኝ፣
ዕዳ አለብኝ፣ በሩን ያለው ከፈት፣
በግድግዳወ አርጎ ሠተት
የሚያዘልቅ ወደ ገነት!

(ሳራ ቲሰዳል) /
Sometimes ladies act this way!I think Sara who sadly committed a suicide was a bit rebellious.Goggle and read about her life!
What do I owe to you
Who loved me deep and long?
You never gave my spirit wings
Nor gave my heart a song.
But oh, to him I loved,
Who loved me not at all,
I owe the open gate
That leads through heaven’s wall!
(By Sara Teasdale)


በደንብ ጠበቅ አድርገህ ላፈቀርከኝ
የምከፍለው ምን ወሮታ አለኝ?
ለነፍሴ ክንፍ አለገስካት
ለልቤም መዝሙር አልሰጠሃት፣
ግን፣ ውይ፣ ለወደድኩት ላላፈቀረኝ፣
ዕዳ አለብኝ፣ በሩን ያለው ከፈት፣
በግድግዳወ አርጎ ሠተት
የሚያዘልቅ ወደ ገነት!
Compare this poem with my  latest poem Enigma
If willing
Their belief
On almighty
To relinquish
And  from
Their soul
For lucifer
A special dish,
For a while,
Devil will not be
Unwilling to grant
Sorcery and occultism
Blindfolded fools
The financial bonanza
They gluttonously wish
Or an earthly pleasure
They die to relish.

But at the height of
Their self contentment,
With a stab on the back
With a sharp knife
Satan will ramshackle
his subject's life.

Devil could
Not be God
However hard
he play-acts
When approached
Ensconced on his abode.
There are still people who go to witches and wizards and the like that have evolved changing faces

My son is late to night
A bit drunk
He may be staggering
In the dark.
God please return him back
Insulating  him from ****'s attack.


My husband is late to night
In a bar bewitched by enticing eyes
He may be inviting a **** for a dance!

Please devil throw him to hell
He is enjoying himself
Under a spell!
A humour based on a bitter truth. About the poet
In The Vortex Of Passion's Wind

Alem Hailu G/Kristos
In The Vortex Of Passion's Wind
Lessons from Wrong Turns (***/AIDS)
Format: 12 x 19 cm
Number of Pages: 106
ISBN: 978-3-7103-2109-2
Release Date: 09.09.2015
united p.c. publisher
The innocent

By the sweat of
One's brow
Their likes aspire
To grow.
For them
Bread and water
Is all right
So far as their walk
Could face the glare of light!

The corrupt**

Bugs, they are not averse
To fattening
By the blood and tears of others!
That is how I see it
Liberalizing democracy
To the extent of
Embracing *******---
Going out of one's way
To promote ****** orientation--
Is no less transgression
Than strangulating it
With iron censorship--
Simply touting
The government
Is immaculate!
Democracy west/east
Though they have
Different tongues
All religions
Have the same speech,
Peace,Love, Considerateness
And Hope
Are what each preach!

Is it not  then
A glitch
Under the guise of religion
To teach
"Spell death!'
To s/he who has
a different faith!
Terrorism under the guise of religion doesn't work for it is a glitch that contradicts religiosity.Hopefully it will ebb out soon!
Confused, fickle
I had been marring mine
And others' life to date
But this bent
I have grown to hate!
So God
Send on my way
My soul mate!

Before the prime time of
My life is gone
For my sins
I have to atone!

As I observed,
When it comes to delight,
To looking after an offspring
Comes close nothing.

Careless, to forget
To procreate
Is a folly I will live
To regret.

Seconded is by none
To dads and moms
Seeing grandchildren.

Charged with parental
And  a  spouse's  responsibility
I must discharge
Inherited-by-me duty!
Single, lovelorn, fickle, responsibility, duty
As migrant workers in dire need of buttering their bread
To Libya, the hardest way, some Ethiopians opted to head
They spent a portion of their life in a sweatshop
Clinging afloat a better-tomorrow hope.
Tragically, they were intercepted by ISIS members with
A brain, inured, petrified and dead
After blood-thirsty, heinous, ill-motivated and bad shaped.
ISIS demons, who lavish atavism, ironically the faithful behead
With faith-based hatred. Putting on a mask, they
Bullied 30 cross-necklace-bearing Ethiopians to a desert shore,
Showcasing the brutality they adore —the way a cat
Plays with an inescapably captured rat-
Rattling a sabre at the kneeling down victim's back
Making sure their brutality to others proves stark
Like a Hollywood movie they ordered 'attack! '
'Even slaying a sheep or a hen
Must be handled in a way that doesn't inflict a pain! '
The Prophet's word ISIS members misconstrued
"The Muslim Faith owes Ethiopian Orthodox a gratitude!
So Never attack a peaceful Ethiopian! "
What do they care, disciples of satan,
When an Ethiopian Muslim challenged them
"Where is your logic or reason? "
They shot him, taking his act as a treason.

It is martyr's soul that goes to heaven
While the unrepentant terrorists' souls
Are destined for hell's oven!
A true story that happened years back
Forefathers shedding blood
In a spectacular
Bravery and unity
"A violated-not sovereignty
And self confidence"
For posterity!
What is more
An unpolluted culture
And intact identity!

Thus, maintaining integrity
And hard-preserved identity
Getting poverty and lack
Behind our back,
For the coming generation
We have to pave the track
With Mega projects  Like
So that on a bright tomorrow
Our children embark!
Ethiopia today has locked horns with poverty mobilizing its citizens
Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam(GERD)-- A self-financed examplary project that could feed electricity to the horn of Africa and beyond!
Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam(GERD)!
Though among the chosen,
Judah opted to cross floor,
Out of his way
Heading to the path of the fallen!

In a spectacular way
Breaking loose from
The tight grip of the fallen,
Mary Magdalene braved
The ardours track of the chosen!

Heedless to a heavenly
Crown at hand,
Judah  hankered
For a monetary reward.
Giving attention
To soul's worth,
While Mary Magdalene
Gave a red card
To her cherished perfume,
Though to procure it
She saved hard.

It was with a kiss
"This is He
You should not miss!
Now, mission accomplished,
Give me the 30 Birr please!"
Judah betrayed Christ.
Repentan, while
Mary  Magdalene
Washed Christ's feet
With tears.

Regretful Judah
Put a noose around his neck,
While ,Mary Magdalene happily
Saw the resurrection of
Christ before a daybreak!
We have to take a step in the right direction
It should not come as a surprise
Though the right posture
A subordinate doesn't lack
"Do in Rome as Romans do"
With a curved back
S/he has to walk!

It shouldn't come
As a surprise
Watching journalists
Praise that shower
On a tyrant government
In power!
Modern slavery
A sheep and a goat once
Got locked in a fracas

“Off you go!
Don't you know
You are an embodiment
For an idiot!
How dare you trample
On the leaf down
From the stem of an apple
That dangle
And which I was apt
To cut and eat.

I really hate
A sheepish creature of your sort
With alacrity to a dictate
Going to an altar is whose fate
And that no offense on others inflict
Or none contradict.

A wet -blanket
A ****-joy
Or for the witty
A good toy!”   said the goat.

Dismayed and sad
The sheep replied

“In a futile bid
To satisfy your greed
With your horn blind
You scratched my feet
And began your complaint
To hoot.

Watch also what
You talk about
On doomsday
The likes of me stand
By the right of
The presiding judge
Jesus Christ.
While the likes of you
Cast to the left
Your lot
You shall lament.

An embodiment
of the devil
Indulge in all evil
It is your wont
Oft to rebel
Also snobbish, than
Labor fault in others to identify
Why don't you try
To see the bar
In your eye?

***** got, I also wonder
How come you care not
Your private part to cover!

You must not
Also forget
It is the addle-pate
Who are prone all to manipulate
And  call the poor- folk- in -Christ
An imbecile or
An idiot.

'Don't be a sheep in a goat's age
Is what is encapsulated
In today's adage,
You and I
Will never ever be
On the same page!

An Ethiopian
Will never ever
Change his skin,take note
Nor could a sheep be a goat!”
To the fickle who compromise their integerity!
My Foe cluttered down the pit
He painstakingly dug for me
         To pitch down
            Head first
In Amharic there is a saying "One will fall in the trap he designs for other's."
To such colleague of mine.
A husband -> a wronged wife

"My dear take a chair
Your affair is unfair
I can't stand
A suffocating air
This way you and I
Could no longer continue
A loving pair
Soon to my parents
I must repair!
How come for love of a ****
A marital vow
You thwart? "

This way since
You decided me desert
For what I did spurred
By transient lust
Chagrin my soul has hit.
As usual in deep slumber
When I extend my hand
To ascertain whether
You have slept sound
And stir you up
So as we sleep entwined
Yet get awake to a tragedy stark
That I but draw a blank
My heart indeed
Incessantly bleed
From the loss it incurred
Your obeisance and love divested.

If you can't find it in your heart
My folly to forget
Forgive me my dear
For without you near
My life turns insufferably sour.

A wronged wife—>A husband

After your body you befouled
And proved a down to earth cad,
After your spirits perfidy you debased
Impudently you demand
As before I should you hold
An esteemed husband.
Indeed this I will not!
For rancor laden my heart
Bleed incessant
It mustn't!
Away to my parents I fled
For you failed to abscond
After what you did.
'Once bitten twice shy'
Forgive you how could I?

A husband—>A wronged wife

Your forgiveness but
Nothing depurate
The blot
In your eyes
Down me brought.
I hope
Forgiveness is the least
Your impeccable heart
Me could grant.
Even the ocean of tears
I wept
Whitewash me still not
My dear there is a second
Man goes wild
And commits a deed
He condemns absurd,
My perfidy to nothing but
To this folly could be imputed.

Man is prone to err
So you should consider
What matters is his bid
Improprieties away to clear.
So my dear
Give me a chance second
To prove, you loving husband.
Your forgiveness will be a credit
That surely you catapult
To ensconce
In the apex of my heart.
A forgiving personality
Is a virtuous quality
Besides your heart
Me 'love' that taught
Which is also on me soft
Won't follow a policy
Watertight and
Once for all me smite

A wronged wife—>A husband

Raving ans volleying
Boisterousness nay, nay!
You stultify
Must not I.

My mind is bedeviled
Since you I missed.
On your misdemeanor
Brood I shall no more
To night
Come to the cathedral
We first met
As a jump-start
Together out
We have to spend the night.
The night's Zephyr wet
Will wipe away
Our disagreement!
We must have a forgiving personality!
It will be futile
To gather you into my arm
While my virility with
Ego-rocking words  you harm!
Before rushing to conjugal felicity lovers have to do ego massaging work or they have to sweet talk their lovers to bed
Cold, close-******
Gluttonous grave
Please release
My age-old friend
From gambolling fields
Working place
To blessed bed!

Cold, close-******
Gluttonous grave
Please release
My wife and my life
My life and my wife
My love and my dove
My dove and love,
For my heart is her tomb
She leased with love
From her mother's womb!
A n old poet friend of mine once told me he did  write such a poem which he lost.He is dead now.
Oh women
They **** a man
Who could die for them
Taking them a gem
And die for he
Who could **** them
With love's clem!
A remark by a woman about women. First I wrote it like
Oh women
They **** a man
Who could die for them
And die for he
Who could **** them!
Sir,I admit your general rule,
That every poet is a fool,
But you yourself may serve to show it
That every fool is not a poet.

እምቅ ድድር

(ገጣሚ ሞኝ ነው)
ጌታው በደምሳሳው
‹‹ገጣሚ ሞኝ ነው!››
የምትለውን ቢሆንም
ሞኝ ሁሉ ግን ገጣሚ
እንዳልሆነ ለማሳየት
ከአንተ ሌላ ምሳሌ
አያሻም ምናልባት!

(ሳሙኤል ኮልሪዲጅ)//
About poets and writing poems
The son of man
Jesus Christ
Headed to river Jordan
True to the prophesy,
To meet John the Baptist.

Opening the sky
Father above
Jesus in
Jordan River
The Holy Sprit
Incarnated in a dove
Were revealed
The 3-in-1 mystery
To  solve.

This as a backdrop,
Carrying replicas of the
Ark of the covenant
On their head,
Putting on
Motely religious robes
Priests go to a nearby river
By the laity
Tagged, flanked
And lead.
In white costumes attired
The laity
Who have dressed to ****
Leave no space
On the road to fill.
The colorful procession
Grabs undivided attention.

Melodies hymns
Pleasing Music
Of harps and many a drum
An electrifying
Effect is the sum.

History has it
Ethiopia has been
Keeping originality
As never before
“Ethiopia raises its
Hands to God!”
Is  witnessed
In Ethiopia’s Epiphany
Magnified manifold.

Reverberates the song
“Headed to River Jordan
The son of man! ”
Ethiopia stands out in marking Epiphany ,true to the Biblical saying Ethiopia stretches its hands out to God.
Fame is a food that dead men eat, —
I have no stomach for such meat.
In little light and narrow room,
They eat it in the silent tomb,
With no kind voice of comrade near
To bid the feaster be of cheer.

But Friendship is a nobler thing, —
Of Friendship it is good to sing.
For truly, when a man shall end,
He lives in memory of his friend,
Who doth his better part recall
And of his fault make funeral.//

ዝናና ጓደኝነት

ዝና የሙታን ቀለብ ነውና
እንዲህ አይነት ሥጋ፣
ቦታ የለውም እኔጋ!
በዛች ብርሃን በተበደለችው
ትንሷ ደብር፣
ይበሉታል ፀጥታ
በነገሰበት መቃብር!

ከቅርብ ወዳጅ
‹‹ደስ ይላል
ውለታ መላሽ
ያርገኝ! ›› ምስጋና፣
የሆነ ወና!
ትልቅ ቦታ የሚቸረው
ስለባንጅራ መዘመር፣
ያሻዋል ከታች መሰመር፡፡

አንድ ግለሰብ
በሞት ሲረታ፣
በርግጠኝነት በጓደኛው ትዝታ
ይኖረዋል ቦታ!
የሱን መልካምነት፣
አግዝፎ የሚያወሳልት
እንዲሁም የሚስፈፅም
የሱን ስሕተት
ግባተ መሬት!

(አውስቲን ዶብሶን/ ትርጉም ዓለም ኃይል ገ/ክርሰቶሰ)
Yes Friendship Matters.  It contrasts friendship and fame.One feedback on another blog runs//

Simple yet profound - the one true "constant" in life when love takes
various forms with its demands - and *** is often part of those
forms and demands.// Get me @ › authors
Fathers are wonderful people
Too little understood,
And we do not sing their praises
As often as we should...

For, somehow, Father seems to be
The man who pays the bills,
While Mother binds up little hurts
And nurses all our ills...

And Father struggles daily
To live up to 'his image'
As protector and provider
And 'hero of the scrimmage'...

And perhaps that is the reason
We sometimes get the notion,
That Fathers are not subject
To the thing we call emotion,

But if you look inside Dad's heart,
Where no one else can see
You'll find he's sentimental
And as 'soft' as he can be...

But he's so busy every day
In the gruelling race of life,
He leaves the sentimental stuff
To his partner and his wife...

But Fathers are just wonderful
In a million different ways,
And they merit loving compliments
And accolades of praise,

For the only reason Dad aspires
To fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of him
And to bring them happiness...

And like Our Heavenly Father,
He's a guardian and a guide,
Someone that we can count on
To be always on our side.
(Helen Steiner Rice)

አባቶች ግሩም ሰዎች ናቸው

አባቶች ግሩም ሰዎች ናቸው ፣
ምንም እንኳ ባይታደሉም በደንብ የሚረዳቸው
የሚገባቸውን ምስጋና፣
በስፋት አልዘመርንም ገና!

ምክንያቱም አባታችን
የወጪያችን ሽፋን ሆኖ
ስለሚሳል በእይታችን፣
በአንፃሩ እናታችን
ሐኪም የቁስላችን
ለሷ ህመማችን ነው የጋራችን፡፡

ቆፍጣና፣ የተንከባካቢነት፣ የአስተዳዳሪነት
ብሎም የችግር ፍቺነት ተግባር
ለማስጠበቅ የሚጥር ዘወትር
ለዚህ ይሆን ምናልባት
አባቶች ተገዢ የማይመስሉን ለስሜት
ግን የአባባን ልብ ብታዩት
ባትታደሉም ያን ለማየት
ታስተውሉ ነበር በውነት
ያቺን ቡብነት የሚያምሳትን
የልቡን ስሱነት!

በሥራ ከመጠመድ ነው
በዚህ አታካቹ ሩጫ የህይወት
ጉዳዮችን የስሜታዊነት
ለውሀ አጣጩ ለሚስቱ የሚተውላት!

ግን አባቶች በጣም ግሩሞች ናቸው
በሚሊዮን መንገድ
የፍቅር ምላሽ ምስጋና የሚገባቸው
ብቸኛው ምክንያት፣ አባባ ሁሌ የሚሯሯጠው
ቤተሰቡን ለማስደሰት ለማኩራት ነው  
ልክ እንደሰማዩ አባታችን
ሁሌ ያለ ከጎናችን
ነው መከታችን

በሄለን ስቲነር  ትርጉም  ዓለም ኃይሉ
In connection with fathers day!
Fathers are wonderful people
Too little understood,
And we do not sing their praises
As often as we should...

For, somehow, Father seems to be
The man who pays the bills,
While Mother binds up little hurts
And nurses all our ills...

And Father struggles daily
To live up to 'his image'
As protector and provider
And 'hero of the scrimmage'...

And perhaps that is the reason
We sometimes get the notion,
That Fathers are not subject
To the thing we call emotion,

But if you look inside Dad's heart,
Where no one else can see
You'll find he's sentimental
And as 'soft' as he can be...

But he's so busy every day
In the gruelling race of life,
He leaves the sentimental stuff
To his partner and his wife...

But Fathers are just wonderful
In a million different ways,
And they merit loving compliments
And accolades of praise,

For the only reason Dad aspires
To fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of him
And to bring them happiness...

And like Our Heavenly Father,
He's a guardian and a guide,
Someone that we can count on
To be always on our side.
(Helen Steiner Rice)

አባቶች ግሩም ሰዎች ናቸው

አባቶች ግሩም ሰዎች ናቸው ፣
ምንም እንኳ ባይታደሉም በደንብ የሚረዳቸው
የሚገባቸውን ምስጋና፣
በስፋት አልዘመርንም ገና!

ምክንያቱም አባታችን
የወጪያችን ሽፋን ሆኖ
ስለሚሳል በእይታችን፣
በአንፃሩ እናታችን
ሐኪም የቁስላችን
ለሷ ህመማችን ነው የጋራችን፡፡

ቆፍጣና፣ የተንከባካቢነት፣ የአስተዳዳሪነት
ብሎም የችግር ፍቺነት ተግባር
ለማስጠበቅ የሚጥር ዘወትር
ለዚህ ይሆን ምናልባት
አባቶች ተገዢ የማይመስሉን ለስሜት?

ግን የአባባን ልብ ብታዩት
ባትታደሉም ያን ለማየት
ታስተውሉ ነበር በውነት
ያቺን ቡብነት የሚያምሳትን
የልቡን ስሱነት!

በሥራ ከመጠመድ ነው
በዚህ አታካቹ ሩጫ የህይወት
ጉዳዮችን የስሜታዊነት
ለውሀ አጣጩ ለሚስቱ የሚተውላት!

ግን አባቶች በጣም ግሩሞች ናቸው
በሚሊዮን መንገድ
የፍቅር ምላሽ ምስጋና የሚገባቸው
ብቸኛው ምክንያት፣ አባባ ሁሌ የሚሯሯጠው
ቤተሰቡን ለማስደሰት ለማኩራት ነው
ልክ እንደሰማዩ አባታችንሁሌ ያለ ከጎናችን
ነው መከታችን

በሄለን ስቲነር ትርጉም ዓለም ኃይሉ
In connection with fathers' day. I love the sweet and uplifting poems of Helen Stiner Rice(An ambassador of sunshine) from America. I have translated many of her poems including her book in The Vineyard of the Lord.
She lived 1900-1991
I) A Child

Though comfortably asleep
With a doll by my side,
Often I was terrified
A chimera could lurk
In the dark!

Also from a distance
When a dog bark
I saw it stark
A hyena with a
Horn was out
People to attack
Capable to pose
Its grotesque face
Behind my back.

II) A boy

Smote by
A dream object
To anxiety I was subject.
As she was
Inaccessibly beautiful
Self conscious
I couldn't be cool
"What if
Before her eyes
I prove a fool!"
Nor could I pursue
The endeavour
--winning her heart--
'Cause, topsy-turvy, to me
She turned an object of terror!

III)  An adult

I was questioning myself
Whether"With my collogues,
Could I rub a shoulder?
If not better."

Compared with neighbours
Why,why and why
Financially I could not stand
Stand shoulder high?

IV) A senior citizen

Putting under a question
Mark my health,
I was beset
To lustfully inherit
My wealth
My son or wife,
Conspiring with
Heinous neighbours,
Could spell my death.

Enemies in the past,
What is more
The misdeeds of my wife ,
Which are rife,
Trailing by my mind
Bad days me remind!

Oft  with an axe
To grind
My self I find.
I found true what I learnt in developmental psychology.
Expect us not to believe
You could miraculously fetch
Water with a sieve!

Till we return to dust
You, nothing better than a rust,
Could not quench our thirst.

Collecting taxes
Without combing out lechers
That spare not even the broke
Or the stone to siphon
Rather has an impact adverse,
For it is allowing few
Nation's wealth unfairly amass
At a cost of harm to
The credulous and
For air gasping broad mass!
Tax in  most developing countries infested by rent seekers.Tax is enforced but tax out flow is shrouded in mystery.
Tearing off
Imperialists' mantle
True to his name Fidel
He had lit
To the oppressed masses
And to those in the dark
An much-needed candle.

Weighing things from
Fraternity's angle
And the truth,
Fidel was not remiss
In dispatching own troops
In far off beyonds
To fortify for freedom
Mounted battle.

Considerate Fidel had taught
Innumerable orphans,
Whose combatant fathers lost.

Frowning up on
Amassing personal wealth,
He was building
The human power
Of the 3rd world like Ethiopia,
Among others,
In agriculture and health!

To glittering things
While many leaders worried
To hanker for personal gain,
Fidel Castro,magnanimous,
Opted to assuage
The marginalized's pain.
For doing so
The shameless&bloodsucker;
Imperialists were trying
To **** him again and again.
Yes, Fidle was their bane!

Though Fidel is no more
His legacy we shall live to adore!//

Fiedel Castro was a true friend of Ethiopia!
Fiedel Castro was a true friend of Ethiopia or the whole world for that matter!
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice
From What I tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if I had to perish twice,
I think I knew enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

እሳትና በረዶ

‹‹ይህች ዓለም
በሳት ትጠፋለች!››
ይላሉ አንዳንዶች
‹‹በበረዶ!›› ሌሎች፡፡
ፍላጎቴን በምኞት ሚዛን
እሳት ከሚሉት ጎራ ነው ያለሁት!
መጥፋት ካለብኝ ግን ዳግም
ለውድመት በረዶም
እንዳለው ትልቅ ጉልበት፣
እንዲሁም ተመጣጣኝነት፣
ከምሬት ፣በስፋት፣
አግኝቼአለሁ ትምህርት!
(ሮበርት ፍሮስት) //
Dooms day retribution
In the political arena
Playacting one's
Ethnic group's vanguard
Head to toe  they
Indulge in corruption grand
Spawning many of
Their brand
Eager to seize
Every advantage off hand.
Politics in my native land nowadays
I want to relive
That moment why?

An eighth grader
I watched you
A full-brown
Chocolate rose
On the stair sashay
To a classroom
On the row,
While passing by.
That moment
Couldn’t forget I
Till I die.

I want to relive
That moment why?

In the dictionary of
My childhood
I added love
Observing a girl child
At her virginal beauty
Leaping into womanhood
What is more I understood
Bewitching, swing
From earth to sky
A man’s feeling,
And mood
A metamorphosing
Girl could.

I want to relive
That moment why?

I dawned on me
“From my love object
Could I win
A kiss?”
Is what revolves
A man’s axis.
“How could I be
On  romance’s ball
Before her eyes
To stand tall?”

I want to relive
That moment why

That day’s
Fond memory
In the cherished corner
Of my heart
I want to carry
Along with my body
The immortal feeling
Men couldn’t bury.

I want to relive
That moment why

I found it hard
To study
Unable to control
The lower part
Of my body.
We shall make
A recourse to the gun,
If for election we run
Devoid of ideas,
Sell which we can,
We could hardly win
The heart of a single fan.

Also labelled
And narrow nationalists"
They can
Put on us a ban
So that sinks on us
The Sun.

Climbing into
A political ivory tower
Is not for us,
Let us beat
The drum of war
To garner
And to monger to power.
recalcitrant, retrogressive, detractors,mongers,war
God gave you your daughter
For such a little while;
He put a bit of heaven
In the sunshine of her smile.
He took dust from
The brightest twinkling stars
And made her sparkling eyes;
And now, she’s gone back home to God,
To play up in the skies.
And though she left so quickly
That your hearts are grieved and sad,
We know she lives with God
And her small heart is glad.
And though your precious darling
Was just a rosebud small;
She’ll bloom in all her beauty
On the other side of the wall.

ለጥቂት ጊዜ

እግዚአብሔር አላችሁ
“ሚጡን ለጊዜው እንካችሁ!”
አቤት ከንፈርዋ ሲፈለቀቅ፣
የፀሐይ ጮራ ሲለቅ፣
ናሙና የገነት፣ የታተመበት!
ደሞም ሰራ፣
ዘግኖ አቧራ፣
ከብሩህ ከዋክብት፣
ዓይኖች የሚረጩ
የቀለም እርችት!
ግልፅ ነው እንደምትኖር፣
ከእግዚአብሔር ጋር፣
ደሞም እናውቅ፣
ትንሻ ልቧ
በሐሴት እንደምትጥለቀለቅ!
ምንም እንኳ ውድ ልጃችሁ
ብትሆንም ለጋ እንቡጥ ፅጌረዳ፣
እርግጥ ነው በስቲያ ከዛኛው ግርግዳ፣
ደምቃ እንደምትፈነዳ!
(በሔለን ስቲነር ራይስ)
Words of consolation to parents whose daughter is cut short.
As mother nature's
Punitive measure
Against a society
In maintaining
The statuesque
That doesn't bother,
Our rivers
Had become subject
To a water thirst,
To the extent
Of projecting
Rocky ribs
Terrifyingly protruded out
For easy count!

But now thanks to
The all-out, terrace making
And reafforestation effort
Of each catchment
Farmers have made a point
And also  to the afforestation
Move of the government
Rivers aside from quenching
Their insatiable thirst
Have resumed
To brim over
With floods
Drinking water
To their hearts' content.

Our forests once stripped of
Their wooded cover
Have started, fast, to recover
From afar they are seen
Robed eye-catching green
From a fry-pan sky
Allowing a shelter
Also busy
Carbon to sequester.

Wild animals
That migrated
Have preferred
Back their way to find.

Now farmers don't have
Deep to dig
To sink a water well
Or find a nearby spring.

Birds are heard chirruping
Be it winter, summer or spring,
While Brooks bubbling.

Buzzing and hovering
From this to that flower
Bees are producing
Organic honey by the hour.

Promising a bumper harvest
Farmer's plots have
Fortunately continued
To resuscitate!
Those leaving
Their denuded abode behind
Away, who preferred
To stay
'We will return back
home soon! '
Is what
They  say.

Happily enough
Mother nature
Affords us a second chance
Imbued with
Environment stewardship
If  we are willing to mend
Our wrong 'Feast today
famine tomorrow! ' stance.

To dispel the spectre
Of climate change
And systematically face
The global challenge
True to the adage
'We have either to
swim together
or sink together! '

Hence in fighting the challenge
Or adapting to the change
Back scratching,
We have to be on the same page.

Indeed, irrigation must
Not slip our mind
For erratic rainfall
A  lasting solution
If we must find.//

Once a famous Ethiopian Poet  Pro.Debebe Seifu Who had passed away had  penned down a picturesque poem lamenting the land degradation, deforestation and change of climate the country was suffering.The bad scenario seemed unrecoverable.Now a days Ethiopia is reversing that sad episode.I have therefore to write a poem on this
#change   #trees   #erosion   #climate   #deforestation   #enviroment   #degeradation   #desertification
Once a famous Ethiopian Poet  Pro.Debebe Seifu, Who had passed away, had  penned down a picturesque poem lamenting the land degradation,deforestation and change of climate the country was suffering.The bad scenario seemed unrecoverable then.Now a days Ethiopia is reversing that sad episode.I have therefore to write a poem on this.
As it sounds sad
For a reason
I can't understand
Even after I extended them
A helping hand
Also a good Samaritan
I shook off their dust
And pulled them up
From the sand,
There are people
Who do  me
Things bad
"Do good to s/he
Who did  you
Things bad!"
On its head stand.

But up on
A bit reflection
Something bubbles up
To my attention
Despite His
Benevolence untold
That is exactly what
I am doing on God.


"Forgive your erring friend
Seventy times seven
If you want Me
To welcome you in heaven!"
For some friends and colleagues who did me bad as a reward for the good things I did them.Strange!
Although fate,
Distance and time
Cruelly put asunder
You an indifferent girl
And I a self- concious
Boy lover
Two decades later,
Lately ,I saw you
A mesmeric lady
With a son
And a daughter,
Full of life
And laughter.

Once again
Your voice
In my cloud -
Shrouded heart
Rang a bell
To a paradise
That could
Change a hell.

Your sunrise
"I know you exist!" smile
Still has power
Me the cantankerous
To beguile!

Alighting from
Ultra-modern car,
Transfixed, I saw you
Recede far!
Timeless sight love
Tying a string to loan
Coercing a poor country,
Under the yoke of poverty
To squawk and groan,
Also making
The noose tighter, tighter
So that aid it fails to garner,
Allow a hypocrite donor
To flog the receiver
Into a restricted domain
To every donor’s whim
Saying “Amen.”

Tragically, this way receiver’s
Development wishes
And growths’ talk
Will go up in smoke.

In such manner,
With malfunctioned cog,
Receiver turns
The tail of the donor dog,
On the other hand,
For donor’s
Geopolitical advantage,
With preferential treatment
The ingratiating donor’s pet,
Pampered, will enjoy
Jealously -strewn
Dream’s fulfillment
To its heart’s content,
While the pushover
Smothered, maltreatments
Has to suffer.

It is such strings
The pushover-made
Ethiopia managed to cut
To generate much-needed
Over 5000 Megawatt.
Megawatt, which commands,
On the back, many a pat.

In so doing
Ethiopia has set an example
Emerging countries
Could realize
Developmental take off
By own dabble
Ramming home donors’
Double standard is
What they can
Do without, while in
Birth cry bout.

Chopping the string
With a self-esteem knife
Ethiopia born GERD to life
Tapping Abay (Blue Nile)—
A confluence of rivers,
Which are rife.

Ethiopia is
Tapping its gigantic river
That originates from its soil
To do away with women’s
Back-breaking toil.

Ethiopia is harnessing
Its prodigal river
To avoid fetching firewood,
Chocked with smoke,
To prepare food.

Ethiopia is subduing
Its God-bestowed river
To outreach with light
Students that study
Late into the night
For want of
A reading lamp
That use smoky lantern
In far-flung corners of
The country’s
Schools’ map.

Ethiopia is
Forcing the river
Yield a hand
So that
Nation’ demand
Mushrooming industries’
Soon, will flow
Like an irrigating flood.

Ethiopia is
Taming the wild river
In a bid
GERD starts
Generating hydropower soon
To let the region enjoy
The unprecedented boon.

When GERD materializes,
The heinous, covetous
Donors’ pet ,
Which claims to date
The river is
Its exclusive right
Will be
Coerced to stop
Eclipsing the country’s
Affluence hope.

The less privileged
Round the globe
Which are
Under the same fate
Development ******
Could emulate.

Soon Ethiopia will
Join the club
Countries marked
Industrial hub.

You know something?
Arm twisting
Is the mystery of the string!
So go for bootstrapping
Use shoestring.
Current unfolding
Corrupt, we were
******* citizens' blood dry
Devoid a conscience
That asks us "Why?"

As they have
Unseated us
From power,
When democracy is mentioned
Since it is our bent to cower
As a retaliatory measure,
We shall make
Them take with their blood
A shower.

We shall shift
From ******* blood
To soaking  our hands
With blood,
Which we love to see
Flowing like a flood.
For a corrupt leading party embezzling a poor country and threatening citizens with  the arsenal it bought by tax-collected money.
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