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Apr 2021 · 119
The model
Maxine Apr 2021
I sold my soul to continue loving you.

Your looking at the girl whose stick thin.

Maybe i’m wrong and maybe i’m Crazy.

(I wasn’t)

But we can’t deny you’ve been acting differently my baby.

She sold her body to the public.
I sold mine in silence.
Your eyes must flicker from her delight.
I’m ready to catch your flight.
May 2020 · 113
Maxine May 2020
I loved you more than anything else in this world and you.. you loved an app more than me.
Maxine May 2020
I hope one day you wake up and realise that success doesn’t last long.
That coming home to the sound of your kids laughter is more important that the pretty girls replying to your posts.
I hope your realise that all that fame won’t make people remember your name.

I can’t expect you to understand the love I had for you. But I now know that it wasn’t the same as what you had for me. I didn’t deserve that treatment from my one and only.

Here I was thinking you were dreaming of the ring you’d buy me. But you were only dreaming of your friend instead of me.

Your fantasies had nothing to do with me.
All I asked for was us to be a reality.  

We loved on different levels and I’ve realised I can’t make us both happy no matter how much I drain myself. I can’t give you all of me because you take it and leave.

You have no idea how much I really loved you because you haven’t met that kind of love yet. I don’t know if you ever will.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be the love that you were to me. Because while I was in love it was ever so sweet.
Apr 2020 · 160
The Crown
Maxine Apr 2020
Prince Charming pulled your sanity to the ground to keep his crown perfect.
Apr 2020 · 115
Believe it to be true
Maxine Apr 2020
What do you believe I should do.

With all your knowledge, all your care or with all your lack of being there.
What do you believe I should do.

Because when all of this has been tried and now untrue I still believe I’m in love with you
Mar 2020 · 342
Maxine Mar 2020
You searched to the depth of their profiles instead of searching for my soul.
You scrolled down endless streams of girls who gave you false dreams while I waited in reality.
You showed yourself to a few but never all of yourself to me.
I’ll give it to you. I believe in you and your career more than ever now. You really stuck to your role for an entire year. You made all my worries of you not loving me seem like a myth. You tricked me into thinking my feelings of unworthiness didn’t need to exist.
You won the Oscar for that one in my eyes. Congratulations you fooled me, you can fool anyone now.
Mar 2020 · 101
Maxine Mar 2020
i’m empty
You ****** the life out of me
But every time you reply I breath a little easier
How do I choose
To be empty and heal
Or to breath
Maxine Mar 2020
Your hands let me bleed
My hands let you live

My eyes saw your lies  
Your eyes saw my pain

But You didn’t bleed, you caused the pain. It’s not fair that the hands that hurt me aren’t even scratched at all.
Clean hands in heartbreak
Mar 2020 · 122
You broke me
Maxine Mar 2020
Your heart had been breaking for years. But you broke mine in one go. I couldn’t see the punch you threw. All I could see was me using the pieces of my broken broken heart to mend yours.

Your heart was full, you never looked back to check on mine.

I crumbled in your hands and you rose with the glory.
I kept you alive.
While you killed me.
You broke me
Feb 2020 · 290
Waiting for you
Maxine Feb 2020
I cannot wait a lifetime for you to realise how much you love me.

Love can last an eternity, but love cannot be put on hold.

Love cannot wait, why would you make me wait?
Jun 2019 · 353
You’ve met her
Maxine Jun 2019
She’s real

I didn’t even have to say her name, you knew straight away who I was talking about.

You made me feel crazy

You got defensive

I was right to be confused

Turned out it was bigger than I thought

You’ve met her, yet never mentioned her.  

I’m crazy, but I was right.
Mar 2019 · 369
Wendy’s dream
Maxine Mar 2019
I didn’t close the curtains because the night sky was speaking to me.
Clouds as soft as my king size sheets. But only one star staring in at me.. she’s just as lonely as me.
These windows make it seem like that universe up there could just engulf me.
I’m not afraid, please just take me.
Fly me across the sky like Peter taking Wendy’s hand.
Fly me to that star whose staring right back at me.
Mar 2019 · 148
Me (Family)
Maxine Mar 2019
We both screamed but mine.. mine you could not explain.
I didn’t make your ears bleed.
I didn’t force your eyes open.
I waited , I tried and I fixed.
But my hands couldn’t hold the concrete you all poured so I screamed a final cry so loud this noise was the last to ever fall.
I roared so violent my chest couldn’t bare to breath.
I tore us both from the inside out so much so that you confused it with self exploration.  

No I didn’t cry wolf so you surely don’t know how to tame this rare beast.
I am nothing like the other you’ve always seen.
This sweet face of mine is the most cursed that this family could be.
Jul 2018 · 674
From my night to your day
Maxine Jul 2018
Your stripy jumper will have to do,
but please know my heart will be searching for you.
Out on her voyage through the hidden sea of stars.
I hope we cross paths and marry upon mars.
Maxine Mar 2018
I gave my all to you
My skin, my lungs, my eyes, my soul.
Without you I would have to rebuild.
My depths would take years to refill.
My heart would have to be re born.
I would be made of emptiness, I would possibly be too empty to re gain strength.

I trust you'll keep me close to you.
This world is a much greater place.
Our souls synthesised make magic.

You gave your all to me..
And I promise to care for you entirely.
Feb 2018 · 228
Maxine Feb 2018
Oh so sweet and oh so fine.
He's mine and he's my valentine.
Feb 2018 · 194
Tangled in the universe
Maxine Feb 2018
My body is in my bedroom.
But my heart is tangled in the universe.  
Travelling, trying to make it home;
to you.
Feb 2018 · 323
Fill me up
Maxine Feb 2018
I never realised that I had that spare space.

That space behind me while I'm lying down in bed.
That space where my neck held your kiss.
That space where your chest warmed mine.
That space of legs intertwined.

You were in your place.
But it became, ours.

Our space.

But now your not in my place.
And all there is, is empty space
in your place.
I feel empty without you
Nov 2017 · 5.0k
Mary on stained glass
Maxine Nov 2017
Precious baby, counting sheep.
Tell me why your eyes can’t sleep?

Sweet baby..
No sheets.
This is different, not so sweet.

Darling baby, you can only laugh.
Memories they stay,
like Mary on stained glass.
overcoming the enemy
Nov 2017 · 349
Our distance
Maxine Nov 2017
If I had a mile for every tear I cried I would have reached you many yesterdays ago

If I had an inch of glue for every tear I cried I would have glued our lands together

I've cried the ocean that tears us apart, but that didn't make us any closer.. so I cried a little more
overcoming the enemy
Nov 2017 · 282
Melt me please
Maxine Nov 2017
I was walking on cold frozen ice
My feet numb to any of the feeling
You found me and lifted me to the sky
We sun baked on the clouds
I was safe in your arms

You had to leave
I started to worry that snow may catch up with me
It did .. now I'm back on that ice
Only this time I'm still being pulled to the blue skies  

One foot on the ground, feeling that icy burn
One hand touching the sun ( your heart)
overcoming the enemy
Oct 2017 · 214
11:11 - your my wish
Maxine Oct 2017
Your heart homed a flame
and when I touched your skin
it was the right kind of warmth that I wanted to hold onto forever
Sep 2017 · 429
Your gain wasn't their win.
Maxine Sep 2017
For every time they let me walk in.
I knew they had won and only wanted one thing.

I grew tired of waiting so eventually I gave in.

Then you took me by surprise when your gain wasn't their win.
Sep 2017 · 339
Maxine Sep 2017
Candy melting through my veins.
I'd do anything to see you again.

Euphoria with just one touch.
Silly me, just my luck.

Your cotton candy and I'm fairy floss.
But I'd do anything to feel our sugar rush.
Jul 2017 · 450
I think ...
Maxine Jul 2017
I think ...

I think about you.
I think about you every now and then ...
I thought about you today.
I thought about you last night ...
I've thought a lot about you lately.

I'd like to think that you think about me.
I'd like to think our minds trace each other's thoughts at the same time ...

I wish I didn't think about you.
I wish I had someone else to think about?

It would be best for me to stop thinking about you!


I'm still thinking about you ...
Maxine Jul 2017
How perfect I was to be the stars in your night sky.

You were my favourite midnight blue and I was the light to see you through.

But you never saw me did you?
Not once did you tilt your head high enough to see me shoot slowly over you.
You wanted to see that brightness but we both know I blinded you.

Just in case you wondered.. those stars don't shine anymore.

Light does travel faster than sound. Maybe my screams will haunt you years from now.

There's no sparkle in these eyes..
Have you heard yet? That you lost your greatest prize?

— The End —