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5.2k · Apr 2016
Happy Birthday
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
Surprise! Surprise!
It's your birthday today!
Many gifts, many presents, you'll open before the next sunrise?
Happy birthday!
Here are your presents!
Merry birthday!
You feel my presence.
Yes, yes! It is today!
As you know, I am your friend,
I know what's best.
And as I am your friend,
I am your guest.
A poem I wrote for a friend's birthday.
1.2k · Aug 2016
The Grim Reaper
Dracol Noir Aug 2016
The Reaper's true name
is the name of Death.
A forbidden word,
an unspoken truth,
the name of Seth.
970 · Sep 2016
The Song of the Birds
Dracol Noir Sep 2016
I search the sky,
I see the clouds,
I watch the shattered fragments through the greenery.
I hear their calls; those chirps and squawks,
I find the birds,
I listen to their sweet music.
I feel grateful for their kindly chatter.
I am glad for my early morning solitude.
A walk in the park inspired me to create a poem after listening to bird calls in the early morning and taking pictures and videos of cockatoos, a noisy miner bird and parrots.
It has been edited quite a few times.
953 · Jan 2017
Sleepless Night
Dracol Noir Jan 2017
Sing me a lullaby Aunty,
I can not sleep.
I wish to hear your beautiful voice.
You are the one, and my only.
If you were gone, a river I will weep,
You'll leave me with no choice.
Cheesy poem I wrote for a close friend of mine. Heh, well was kind of like a joke but I also couldn't sleep so I just chatted with my friend. :) In our close-knit group of friends, we're all like family. So, yeah, aunty. xD
910 · Apr 2016
Red Dog
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
Tall tales and true,
Tally **, Paraburdoo,
One tail that's Blue,
Australian dog, town Dampier,
Another Kelpie, Cattle Dog Cross,
Red Dog, the pilgrim wanderer.
Dried, barren landscapes,
Tally, Blue, Dampier Salt,
Wounds, numerous fights and scrapes.
Inspiration looks us down,
Dampier folks will look up,
Overlooking Dampier town,
All but just a memory.
Had to write a poem on the 2011 film "Red Dog" in my junior years. You'd understand it if you know what the movie was about, or even the novel (by Louis de Bernières).
861 · Mar 2017
Amore Peribat
Dracol Noir Mar 2017
I'd like to say, you are my muse.
If you were to leave me, I'd refuse.
The choice I made, I know I won't regret.
You are somebody I could never forget.
Title translated from Latin: "Unrequited Love"

"...if there's one thing I can never regret, it was my decision to follow that faint light in all that blackness..." - D.N.

Love, it really is confusing...
704 · Feb 2017
Dracol Noir Feb 2017
I hate you.
I hate you for loving me.
I hate myself.
I love you.
I love you for loving me.
I hate myself.
I love you for being you.
I could never love myself.
684 · Apr 2016
Fear Nothing
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
Fear what you will find.
Fear the canines and their terrible bark.
Fear them.
Fear the things that lurk in the dark.
Fear it.
Fear the victim's blood curdling cry.
Fear it all.
Fear the blood eagle body and the killer's eye.
Fear death.
For do you know
Where you go
After death?
And do you know
Truth from lies?
Or what it's like so
To lose your eyes?
What did you hear
About the unknown?
And why do you fear
Just being alone?
But why should you fear
Anything at all?
Fear makes you panic;
It makes you feel nervous.
You'll cringe at the sound of a breaking stick
Then you'll start feeling anxious.
So don't fear,
Fear nothing.
What they say, you don't hear.
False are some things
But in truth, they're also in your mind.
"Reveal thy true self."

Mandatory poetry task for school, on the topic of fear.
Also, "blood eagle body"? Yea, I had been reading a detective series at that time, "Traces" I think it was called.
669 · Sep 2016
Dracol Noir Sep 2016
One, the friends you shun.
Two, darkness they eschew.
Three, a caged bird will die when set free.
Four, you are the hunted, the prey; the boar.
Five, nobbut a bee in the hive.
Six, they've forseen your deceit; belay your tricks.
Seven, a cursed soul shan't return to heaven.
Eight, death is every living being's fate.
Nine, if God is the Devil himself, who do you worship at the holy shrine?
Ten, time tells the day of your damnation.
Original version.
643 · Jun 2017
Muerte a todos
Dracol Noir Jun 2017
I want to die.
I want to ****.
I want to help.
I want to live.

Life is a lie.
You need the will
To not give up —
Will to survive.

You learn to lie.
You learn to steal.
You will not stop.
You don't believe.
Title translated from Spanish: "Death to all"
608 · Apr 2016
Words Left Unsaid
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
You do not answer.
Why do you not?
Please, don't leave me here.
It's too dark, I can't see a thing.

Do you still remember?
You used to hug me a lot.
You are the one thing I do not fear.
I love you, I want to hear you sing.

I love your voice,
It is so beautiful.
I love you for who you are.
There's no need to change.

But you leave me no choice.
You have grown forgetful.
The light is fading from your star,
Yet still we have words to exchange.
577 · Aug 2016
Dracol Noir Aug 2016
The shampoo that makes you put your hands in the air
and scream and shout because you like the smell of your hair.
Disaster strikes when you find you've emptied your share.
So next day, you hurry back to the dragon's lair,
only to find a sign that says, "Buy one, get one free, if you dare."
You wonder why it doesn’t say, “Ferocious beast. Beware.”
Suddenly, you hear something scampering – a hare.
The beast is approaching. You escape but end up taking the pair.
You emerge from the shops feeling like royalty – the heir
to the magnificent and brilliant throne of Garnier.
Something strange is happening. You can feel it, on skin so fair,
with the wind chilling you to the bones and frizzing your hair.
Your ****** features tell it all, a reaction like that is rather rare.
In fact, one man notices you and continues to stare.
Sensing eyes, you turn around, see the man and glare.
You believe that men have no manners, something you should declare.
Yet many oppose your sentiments. They have faith in the mayor,
albeit they complain about the bus fare.
Return to reality. Why is it, your body feels bare?
Glancing at the empty bottle in your hand; a picture of a mare
and some words. You read it out loud, “Take care.
I made this poem as part of a joke for a friend's birthday...
Poems can tell a story too. ;)
552 · Apr 2016
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
547 · Apr 2016
Edge of the World
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
What will you find at the edge of the world?
A portal,
Mythical creatures,
Acid mist swirled?
Magic dust,
Talking animals,
Or a world full of mammals?
What will be at the end of the world?
Flying dragons,
An unknown land,
Money at birth?
Strange new creatures,
An endless maze,
Or a light brown haze?
540 · Jun 2018
Dracol Noir Jun 2018
What is life and what is love?
What is death and what is pain?
To all those who live, what is freedom?
And to all the living corpses, what is sacrifice?
What is honesty, faith and compassion?
What part of it is being human?

Why begin wars when you can end them?
Why follow others when you can walk your own path?
If memories exist why do you forget them?
But if memories are painful then why not erase them?
Why please society when you can be yourself?
Why is being human the most difficult challenge?
"What is life and what is love?" This first line was in my head for days like it wanted me to continue and so I came up with this short poem. Though I'm not happy with the second verse.
539 · Sep 2016
Cipher (OEV)
Dracol Noir Sep 2016
One, the cater-cousins thee shun.
Two, darkness they eschew.
Three, a cag'd bird shall kicketh the bucket at which hour setteth free.
Four, thou art the did hunt, the prey; the boar.
Five, nobbut a bee in the hive.
Six, they've forseen thy deceit; belay thy tricks.
Seven, a curs'd soul shan't returneth to heaven.
Eight, death is every living being's fate.
Nine, if 't be true god is the Flibbertigibbet himself, who is't doth thee worship at the holy shrine?
Ten, time tells the day of thy damnation.
Old English version. ;)
530 · Apr 2016
Lord of the Flies
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
Lord of the Flies,
As a golden yellow book,
Lord of the Flies,
Has a very boring look.
Lord of the Flies,
With a brand new cover,
Lord of the Flies,
Still has no new lover.
"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.
I did not enjoy reading this book in my junior years, as you can see.
499 · Apr 2016
Last Breath
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
You bury your head in shame
in a pit full of snakes,
but despite all your fame
the creatures will not wake.
Try, try,
as you might.
Try, try,
but you cannot take flight.
This is the world you fight to live in,
this is the world full of suffering.
Oh try, try,
as you might.
Try, try,
but you'll never again see the light.
This is Earth,
this is home.
This was where you were given birth,
this was where dinosaurs did roam.
This is where you take your last breath,
this is where your body now lies.
This is where you experience death,
this is where you say your goodbyes.
So try, try,
as you might.
Try, try,
your spirit dances in the moonlight.
Oh, so try, try,
as you might.
Try, try,
and feel the pain as the creatures bite.
Someone once mentioned burying their head in shame on some trivial matter, and so, I had a spur of the moment.
Then I was called weird.
471 · Apr 2016
You Lie
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
When you see a guy
So proudly eating his pie,
Does your mum make you cry?
So much, that you'll lie
Even about a fly
That's about to die?
So hear me now sigh
And say you're high,
Then you'll see my goodbye.
Just don't ask why.
Does it not make sense?
It's absurd.
468 · Apr 2016
Darkness Be My Friend
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
Here in the darkness,
I will hide.
Come find me,
I shall await you.

Here in the blackness,
bona fide.
There are three
true shades of dark blue.

You ask, what are they?
Lay to rest.
Must I say?
Black, blacker, blackest.
450 · Apr 2016
Rain is Red
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
Rain, rain, rain.
It's really such a pain.
When the creatures see the rain,
You just want to have them slain,
To see the crimson light rain
And the thoroughbred horse with the bright red mane.
All goes swirling down the fiery red drain.
Rain, rain, rain.
It isn't just a pain.
I like rain. My friend kept complaining.

Years later, I'm going back through my old poems and reading this trivial one... To think, this could have a vastly different interpretation despite its pure randomness on the topic of rain. It was a spontaneous creation worded around a mindless comment, meant for laughs, thus held no deeper meaning.
Intriguing, what hidden meaning do you think it holds, dear reader?
437 · Aug 2016
Demon God
Dracol Noir Aug 2016
The Light, the Dark,
Death and decay.
Angels take flight,
Countless souls saved by Noah's Ark.
A fallen Guardian, by the name of Seth.
Humans who pray,
Worshipping the Demon God of Night.
From a being of Light to a being of Dark;
The Grim Reaper it became, for it itself is Death.
A millennium has passed. Unbeknownst to all, the Dark Lord's Day.
422 · Apr 2016
Christmas Sandwich
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
I woke up early on Christmas Day
but everybody else just slept in.
I'm not the religious type so I don't pray,
instead, to make my breakfast, find my toast is mouldy, and throw it in the bin.
What a great way to start this merry day.
A sandwich: The truth sandwiched between two lies.

Well, in actuality, I had ran out of milk for my cereal. So, no mouldy toast for breakfast — there wasn't even any bread left.
414 · Apr 2016
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
When night turns to day,
shadows come out to play.
411 · Apr 2016
Poem From The Messenger
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
Look under the bed
But don't touch the floor.
Many tears to shed
But don't go knocking at the door.
The title is just a name I thought up of. It's not from a film, book or anything at all.

Bit of a backstory with this poem; I was up late at night doing homework but my mind kept on drifting. I was remembering a horror story about a serial pet killer on the loose and a little girl, home alone with the family dog under her bed. Hiding under the blanket, she would put her arm down and let the dog lick her hand...
364 · May 2016
Forgotten Ones
Dracol Noir May 2016
Angels of Light,
Can you not see?
Glorious flight,
Under the sea.
Hell opens
Up for all,
Foxes' dens,
Raven's call.
But we never,
Because we are
What will ever
Be the Dark Star.
So be it.
We will know
Not to sit
But for show
Shall we not fight?
It just be might.
Forgotten memories don't always make much sense. I wonder what this is about?
363 · Apr 2016
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
Before you choose to end your life,
I'll give you a piece of my own advice.
Today the world will end in strife,
Be sure to hang on with a grip like a vice.
In the end, if you still wish to use one's knife,
Do not hesitate, for your desire will suffice.
349 · Apr 2016
The School
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
I saw children,
And friends.
I heard thunder,
Pelting rain.
I felt tingling,
Hairs stand up.
I smelt bad breath,
Perfume and more.
I tasted sweets,
Burgers and more.
The five senses.
341 · Apr 2016
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
Scars and open wounds.
Lies and treachery.
Soon all will be doomed.
Live in misery.
339 · Apr 2016
Who am I?
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
Do you love me?
Do I know you?
I don't understand, I just cannot see.
I am confused, I don't know what to do.
333 · Aug 2016
The Light
Dracol Noir Aug 2016
The light.
Far, far away,
Too high up,
How can it be reached?
It can't.
We can see its glow
And the scattered fragments through the foliage
But we can't touch it.
We aren't able to,
It is simply impossible.
Rather, the light reaches through,
Into the dark
And into our eyes,
And it touches us instead.
The light cannot be reached
But we still have to find it.
Just some random thoughts that I attempted to make poetic.
330 · Apr 2016
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
It is feeding.
Memories. Flashbacks.
You are drowning.
Sweet, black impurity.
You are drifting.
The world is evolving.
Time stops.
It is feeding.
Darkness consumes.
"When darkness seeps in and blankets your mind in the cruelty of blackness, the one thing your mind rests at is the kindness of death accepting your pain as it devours what is left of your pitiful soul."

Did you know? Original title was "Insanity". I almost always decide on titles after writing.
326 · Apr 2016
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
Say you may
And then we'll pray.
So now, let's stay
Until that day.
Stay awake to have your say
Then rest your head on the bed of hay.
The night will be darker than dullest grey
When silver bullets start to ricochet.
Day by night and night by day,
You will dance until you pay.
Answer one question, if you may.
How many eggs will the dead hen lay?
Answer one more, if you'll stay.
How many times did the dead horse neigh?
Who ever said that dreams and nightmares always made sense?
Also, pun intended. :3
316 · Apr 2016
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
I'm always on my phone,
Just what can I do?
Because every time I think of it,
I am alone.
So on every other day,
Can I ask you,
What is it
That you do when you're alone?
Just a poem.
308 · Apr 2016
My Life
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
If I try to be happy
they pull me down
and make me angry,
then paint me a clown.
With this sad life
I will be nobody's wife,
but I don't want to be.
I want to be free.
I don't want to be bound
by another vow or oath.
I just want to be found
and not have to loathe.
292 · Apr 2016
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
I can't focus, this music is distracting me.
It's pulling me away from reality,
from where I currently prefer not to be.
I'm losing my mind, I cannot see
but frankly, I don't care anymore. Gee.
273 · Apr 2016
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
There are some who thrive
and others who perish.
There are those who strive
but not all who cherish.
What is there left for a bee in its hive
with nothing at all to relish?
272 · Apr 2016
Riddle Me
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
One day, you see a fly.
The next day, you tell a lie.
On the third day, you're being sly.
The day after that, you're acting shy.
On the fifth day, you witness someone die.
The sixth day, you notice the weather was dry.
One day later, what is it that you finally decide to buy?
Written as a poem. Turned out like a riddle with no answer.
If there is, it'd be open up to viewer interpretation.
271 · Apr 2016
Dracol Noir Apr 2016
You can't write a poem now? That's fine.
It takes hours to edit and refine?
That's something I don't do for mine.
But I guess you'd want yours to shine.
Had a contest with a friend on who could come up with a poem in under five minutes. Guess who won?

— The End —