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Mar 2018 · 949
The same light
Danielle Free Mar 2018
The light dances on the sea’s waves like those little skater bugs that hop on a pond. The jitter of tiny lights reminds me of a time that I was fainting; the same specks of glitter shimmering in front of my eyes as I tumbled onto the bed in a cold sweat, mother at my side with a damp, white flannel. But now, as I watch the same twinkling flashes surfing the tide, in the warmth of the sun, they seem not to be as intimidating.
Feb 2018 · 883
She the Sea
Danielle Free Feb 2018
She’s slow dancing for lovers,
She’s crazy jazz in the moon light,
She’s still when it is silent
On a cold, tidal night.

Wavy air turns to a silver mist,
Shimmering on delicate cheeks,
It falls beneath the surface,
But the Sea, She cannot weep.
Jan 2018 · 761
Naked Jim
Danielle Free Jan 2018
He stood in front of her ****,
He was in an extremely rude mood,
But she wasn't paying any attention
Because Jen was a bit of a *****.

When she finally noticed,
Jen started a miniature protest,
"James put on some clothes; at least cover up those" (she said pointing at his testicles).

James swayed his body side-to-side,
He felt he had nothing to hide,
He walked towards her (a masculine stride)...
Jen blushed and covered her eyes.

"James, it's not very funny
To come running towards me"
and Jen whisked off in a flurry (of anger).

James saw his reflection
and poked his midsection,
"Maybe she's right, if my stomach was tight
Jen might not have had an objection"

He sighs and puts a top on.
Oct 2017 · 637
Danielle Free Oct 2017
Rain sieved through my window screen, leaving clear freckles upon my cheeks.

The stars blanket the sun, but still flashes of white light up my room.

The sky roars and it cries as though it's fed up and the air rushes bitter down my side.
Sep 2017 · 485
Finding Peace
Danielle Free Sep 2017
Ever changing
No shape
All Grace.
No name
No features
No face -
Apart from when I need you
and then I'll start to call
You appear amidst my chanting
in all your glorious form.
Maybe you're a Michael;
a Mary or a Zeus,
You might even appear as the Lord Almighty, Jesus.
Just for me
You're a gentle mist of compassion,
Light shimmer,
You're an energy that'll help me transition
from negative
to positive.
I trust.
I believe.
Sep 2017 · 435
Too Soon
Danielle Free Sep 2017
Calibrating circles behind the eyes,
Making me twitch;
Startled. Surprised.
Like deer in the woods with antlers intertwined, your embrace consuming me.
Erroneous mutterings heard in the dark
The vibrations tingling the shallow hole in my heart.
Sep 2017 · 497
The world is a woman
Danielle Free Sep 2017
The world is a woman with thighs soft as moss, walk bare foot to the crook in her spine, stopped in tracks by her spiraling fronds that hang loose by her waist.
Tread higher and higher 'till you reach the peaks, a scenic view worth keeping a secret.
Explore the whirlpools that tumble the tide, green and blue on the surface, but dark and mysterious deep inside.
Sep 2017 · 488
Aubergine Dreams
Danielle Free Sep 2017
Aubergine hair falls straight to her thighs.
Tantalizing the spine with it's delicate waves.
The air is deep green and she can't decide
Whether to stay in this dream
Or to open her eyes.
Sep 2017 · 398
Black is the Knight
Danielle Free Sep 2017
Black is the Knight after the storm,
the tumultuous tide swallowed him and now
he's alone.
Rivers, seas and rains all collect in the Heavens, but the waves have paused. No aggression.
Deep lunges in the sand, he makes his way to optimistic land.
His shell is bruised but his soul, soothed. The squall has cleansed him, he needed clarity
from his life filled with misery, jealousy and tyranny.
He takes off his armor as he walks further, over the shingle
the stones, the mud and the grass, in the distance the clouds gently crash like a cymbal.
The air is pure, damp and refreshing,
he falls bare to the earth.
Caressing and stretching.
Mind wide open although he's been tested.
No more guessing, he's his own possession.
Sep 2017 · 342
Danielle Free Sep 2017
Do you know what it's like to be me?
Overwrought with anxiety; controls my mind and blocks my creativity.
Presenting itself when it's least expected,
like some kind of superiority
making itself my first priority.
I try to do Reiki, connect with my inner spirituality, ground myself like the golden tree, look to my spirit guides for sincerity - but all of this is just transitory. Even with moments of clarity and scrupulous wisdom guiding me, a sense of feeling divinity is only ever temporary.
Anxiety wants to be my destiny, holding it's grip tenaciously, keeping my confidence locked up in a hidden treasury - one day that'll be a great discovery; the day that being called 'Free' will no longer be an irony.

— The End —