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Jun 2023 · 356
Black Petal Jun 2023
Naked in plain sight
Mortifying and holy
To be truly seen
Feb 2023 · 2.3k
To stare at a bowl of fruit
Black Petal Feb 2023
To stare at a bowl of fruit

To become intimately aware of a pear's curves,
The pores of a lemon peel.
The velvet of a peach.
To meditate for hours on the shadows of grapes.
I long to stare at a bowl of fruit.
To hear nothing but wind and paint strokes.
Jan 2023 · 594
Black Petal Jan 2023
I will not conform
Contort myself in a cage
I'll fly, arms outstretched.
Jan 2023 · 861
Black Petal Jan 2023
I can breathe again
I once choked on your poems
Laced with arsenic
Dec 2022 · 459
Monkey Mind
Black Petal Dec 2022
Does it ever leave?
The voice which says "No, girl."
"This joy ain't for you."
Sep 2022 · 1.3k
Flowers, my teacher
Black Petal Sep 2022
There is a plot of land near my home which once housed an abundance of flora and fauna.

Turtles, birds, rabbits, snakes, wild dogfennel, pines, periwinkles, alamandas and southern river sage thrived in this space which now boasts only an open plot of beige mounds, cement cylinders, and monstrous machines.

I grimace at its "progress" daily.

Across the street, a large patch of wildflowers sit up and gaze upon this scene.

Day after day,
Erupting from the blue-eyed grass,
A family of spanish needle
and Mexican petunias
turn their blooms toward the beeping and the clunking of machines.

White peacock butterflies and red-tipped dragonflies dance around the feeding bees. I'd like to be like the flowers. To bloom rebelliously in the face of greed and destruction. Even though soon, they will be gone too.
Sep 2022 · 1.8k
Black Petal Sep 2022
Swirls of fragrant steam
Rise from its porcelain well
A cup of love, made.
Sep 2022 · 1.4k
Black Petal Sep 2022
Sparkling diamond bead
Rests briefly upon a leaf
I bow to its grace
May 2022 · 483
Black Petal May 2022
After the storm's wake
Remember there's still beauty.
Bow to the rainfall.
Nov 2021 · 975
Mr. Wonderful
Black Petal Nov 2021
He's tending the garden.
Earth on his hands
Sweat on his neck.
Sprinkling seeds
From freshly spent flowers.
I can't see his eyes behind his Ray Bans
But I know they're focused, delighted
Observing the occupants and visitors
In his cultivated oasis.
To keep the garden nurtured,
is critical.
He worries when the storms roll in.
How will they fare?
But he does what he can.
He rids the area of weeds
And cares for slender stems.
It's a promise kept
To tend and till.

In the garden he's a father too.
May 2021 · 1.7k
Body Armor
Black Petal May 2021
Soft folds of stretched skin
Guarding my delicate core
Deserve reverence
Apr 2021 · 203
Black Petal Apr 2021
Turning a new leaf
She stretches towards the sun
Displaying her truth
Apr 2021 · 968
Orange Grove
Black Petal Apr 2021
Sweet fragrant citrus
Awaken my tired senses
The essence of home
Apr 2021 · 321
Black Petal Apr 2021
There is only now
Boiling and blistering now
Sit and breathe through now
Apr 2021 · 1.0k
Black Petal Apr 2021
I am the howling wind
I am the cold mist kissing your skin
I am leaves and branches dancing
I am swollen waves and sideways rain
I am black sky
I am the storm.
Apr 2021 · 1.7k
Last Summer
Black Petal Apr 2021
The world was frantic.
Nature, the only escape.
You and I skipped stones.
Mar 2021 · 1.7k
Night Bird
Black Petal Mar 2021
Moon glitters on waves
Blackbird sings in the shadows
Nature's midnight song
Mar 2021 · 865
Libra Moon
Black Petal Mar 2021
Stay, luminous moon.
Orbit my heart forever.
Shine through its deep cracks.
Mar 2021 · 1.3k
Black Petal Mar 2021
Breathe in and breathe out
Rooted like the banyan tree
Watch thoughts come and go
Mar 2021 · 395
Wild River
Black Petal Mar 2021
It seems easy for you
to shut off
your affections for me.
Of this, I am envious.
My love is a strong current
in the wild river of my being
Slamming into rocks and timber
without mercy.

Attempts to build dams in this stream
fail miserably
when its roaring waters tear through them
like paper.
Mar 2021 · 349
Secret Song
Black Petal Mar 2021
You cannot hear me
When I sing behind these walls
I have sealed them shut
Mar 2021 · 1.0k
Black Petal Mar 2021
Iridescent bird
Pauses for sweet red flower
Lightning bolt stands still
Mar 2021 · 473
Black Petal Mar 2021
Among the Cypress
Portal to an untouched world
Where life reigns Supreme
Mar 2021 · 863
In Between
Black Petal Mar 2021
I'll wait while you mend
And fill the empty spaces
With color and song
Mar 2021 · 494
Black Petal Mar 2021
A single flower
Blooms among the tangled weeds
Beauty in the mess
Mar 2021 · 1.4k
Spring Sun
Black Petal Mar 2021
Sitting in the sun
Soft grass below my bare skin
A lovely moment
Mar 2021 · 3.0k
Black Petal Mar 2021
No matter what comes
I'm making it beautiful
Here in this refuge
Mar 2020 · 128
Black Petal Mar 2020
Glittering only for a moment
Like the lip of a wave in the sun
Surrendering its light
Ever flowing

— The End —