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Janvi Shree Jun 2021
When things get tough,

She cries a little.


Every single time, she contemplates it,

If it’s portraying her as weak,

Or is it okay to cry a bit?

What if it’s actually making her weaker?

What if her biggest fear is creeping it’s way out of the pit?


She holds herself, push back the tears,

But all her efforts aren’t worth,

All it takes is two words,

From someone, her presence who seeks,

And she lets two drops roll down her cheeks.


When things get tough,

She cries a little,


She buckles herself up,

In the end, only she gets a little tough.


Love ❤️
Odd Odyssey Poet May 2019
Many of these tears passing by
They ain't too shy
Just wishing you goodbye.

Slept well on moonlight kisses
Awoke upon rays of day
Building upon the morning on a few pieces.

Guess I'm feeling a little better today.

Cries so long wishing me near
Like Death's cold kiss, I'd rather lose my own lips.
For the ticking time close to sorrow is that close to fear.

Take a load of life's bitter drink in a couple of her sips.

Life's gunning down on me with hollow bullets
Shells of her heavy shotgun
Till she's fulfilled on my despair but she won't be the fullest.

Guessing still, if I threw myself to the world who would surely catch me
A stylish life but I can't speak that fancy.

Her pretty tears, rivers of waters trying to drown me
Fighting waves of chaos trying my best to at least break free.

Pretty weeper, are you not my pretty little weeper.

Pretty weeper, pretty little weeper
Life don't be a another deceiver.
Maahv Z Sep 2024
Everybody says me weeper, gloomy
gentle in pain
everybody thinks me pain, weeping
delightful weeper
I am a delight force, my weeper
bitter delight
my words are the companion
tasteful but alone

O the weeper, the gloomy heart
take me to the river
and tell me; why do I love?
Cover my heart and my soul
from thickness of your sheet
Or else, I will die
by the coldness of hearts

Because I love ardently
and I am alone; You listen
for your needs, for your needs
I give every drop of my blood
and You take delight, calling me weeper
gloomy but beautiful

Who are everybody; but you
alone do I cry; my weeping heart
take us to the mountains
in heights where we sing together; loud
intense but gentle
What do you want more
and you call me gloomy

I am like a beautiful smile, my gloomy
sweet but short
I am like a taste of intense, weeper
bitter but powerful!

Do you want more, the weeper
my words are the only one left out here
Along with my heart
the departing heart!

- June 2011
Hail, sister springs,
Parents of silver-footed rills!
  Ever bubbling things,
Thawing crystal, snowy hills!
    Still spending, never spent; I mean
    Thy fair eyes, sweet Magdalene.

  Heavens thy fair eyes be;
Heavens of ever-falling stars;
  ’Tis seed-time still with thee,
And stars thou sow’st whose harvest dares
    Promise the earth to countershine
    Whatever makes Heaven’s forehead fine.

  Every morn from hence
A brisk cherub something sips
  Whose soft influence
Adds sweetness to his sweetest lips;
    Then to his music: and his song
    Tastes of this breakfast all day long.

  When some new bright guest
Takes up among the stars a room,
  And Heaven will make a feast,
Angels with their bottles come,
    And draw from these full eyes of thine
    Their Master’s water, their own wine.

  The dew no more will weep
The primrose’s pale cheek to deck;
  The dew no more will sleep
Nuzzled in the lily’s neck:
    Much rather would it tremble here,
    And leave them both to be thy tear.

  When sorrow would be seen
In her brightest majesty,
  —For she is a Queen—
Then is she drest by none but thee:
    Then and only then she wears
    Her richest pearls—I mean thy tears.

  Not in the evening’s eyes,
When they red with weeping are
  For the Sun that dies,
Sits Sorrow with a face so fair.
    Nowhere but here did ever meet
    Sweetness so sad, sadness so sweet.

  Does the night arise?
Still thy tears do fall and fall.
  Does night lose her eyes?
Still the fountain weeps for all.
    Let day and night do what they will,
    Thou hast thy task, thou weepest still.

  Not So long she lived
Will thy tomb report of thee;
  But So long she grieved:
Thus must we date thy memory.
    Others by days, by months, by years,
    Measure their ages, thou by tears.

  Say, ye bright brothers,
The fugitive sons of those fair eyes
  Your fruitful mothers,
What make you here? What hopes can ‘tice
    You to be born? What cause can borrow
    You from those nests of noble sorrow?

  Whither away so fast
For sure the sordid earth
  Your sweetness cannot taste,
Nor does the dust deserve your birth.
    Sweet, whither haste you then? O say,
    Why you trip so fast away?

  We go not to seek
The darlings of Aurora’s bed,
  The rose’s modest cheek,
Nor the violet’s humble head.
    No such thing: we go to meet
    A worthier object—our Lord’s feet.

Beat! beat! drums!—Blow! bugles! blow!
Through the windows—through doors—burst like a ruthless force,
Into the solemn church, and scatter the congregation;
Into the school where the scholar is studying;
Leave not the bridegroom quiet—no happiness must he have now with his bride;
Nor the peaceful farmer any peace, plowing his field or gathering his grain;
So fierce you whirr and pound, you drums—so shrill you bugles blow.


Beat! beat! drums!—Blow! bugles! blow!
Over the traffic of cities—over the rumble of wheels in the streets:
Are beds prepared for sleepers at night in the houses? No sleepers must sleep in those beds;
No bargainers’ bargains by day—no brokers or speculators—Would they continue?
Would the talkers be talking? would the singer attempt to sing?
Would the lawyer rise in the court to state his case before the judge?
Then rattle quicker, heavier drums—you bugles wilder blow.


Beat! beat! drums!—Blow! bugles! blow!
Make no parley—stop for no expostulation;
Mind not the timid—mind not the weeper or prayer;
Mind not the old man beseeching the young man;
Let not the child’s voice be heard, nor the mother’s entreaties;
Make even the trestles to shake the dead, where they lie awaiting the hearses,
So strong you thump, O terrible drums—so loud you bugles blow.
Aisha Ella Jan 2015
When she was born
Her relatives spat on the ground,
Called her mother a witch
And said "The only thing she's good for is dowry".

By 6 years old
She understood what being a girl meant;
Be still and quiet
Your opinion is irrelevant .

At 11 she watched her brothers go to school
As she sat in the kitchen,
Doing 'the work of a woman',
With tears of longing streaming down her face.

At 17, she slept with a man who was 67
Living with the cruel hand she'd been dealt;
How did she raise 2 children
When she was still a child herself?

At 35, no longer a child bride
She was replaced,
With a girl that had not
Even come of age.

She held the young woman
And dried her tears.
She understood her sorrow
She had felt it for years.

But this was her destiny,
Her role from birth.
To be the silent weeper,
The cleaner, the mother,
The lover; who would never know Love.

At 65 she's died,
Buried next to a man she never even knew.
Not a single male cries,
Her funeral attended by few.

So why the abuse?
Why so much pain?
Why raise such a brave soul in vain?

One rebellious voice cries,
With tears streaming down her face
"If only she were male!"
She looks to me and says

"You wish to know,
why she could have had no joy?
The answer is simple
They wanted a boy"
Sean Fitzpatrick Nov 2013
Read, sailors, read
Try your best to make blinking your only sleep
Time is so tightly wound that
All the blinking, crying birds could not fathom

You have been given a mighty, starstung ship
With sails so wide they could cover your reality
Use these sheets not to sleep, but
Fly them like monster kites

Rest, doves, rest
The fear that you feel at the bottom of your breast
Will be spat out like a pacifier
In time
On time, you'll glide into familiar arms

No farms could reach you there
You're no chicken, no better but
Your claws no longer scratch earth's flesh
Your hands have no need for dust

Peace, hawks, peace
All your empty handed armies have no hands
Softly stroking your mud won't do
It has taken its own shape
Of some concern to your mould

Speaking of which, moss grows soft
It has its own place but
Beds are for sleepers
You, friend, are a weeper

Time, patience, time
There is so much time you should not rush
Rather, be pushed by the hush
Come home to your family
A weary, winded traveler

Pull up a windmill
Grind up piecemeal
Some flesh cracks
and crystals don't relax
Thanks to Bob Dylan and his poetry in Baby Blue.
Dark n Beautiful Aug 2015
Stop badgering the witness!

Love is a mysterious thing poker face
Even though we tend to think of soul mates
as a symbiotic union, we have to be open-minded

Marriage is a business transaction
We've all had nights we can't remember...
or wish we could forget

as we all recalled it was the mindset
that triggered strong emotion into an explosion
that separate the thing called love.

It’s have been more than twenty odd years since
the Weeper's victims left over tears, that never faded.
the dead  never felt neither pain nor anger

The jury is still deliberating long and hard with miles
  to go on the public views, so once again
if the gloves don't fit you must acquit
  Stop badgering the remaining witnesses America
Love is a mysterious thing, poker face
HOW many of you remember the O.j Simpson case..
We are, each of us, equals
our stories capable of producing sequels
Forged in the fires of love
in the eyes of makers above
every one, from the richest of all
to the lonely weeper
we are all equal in the eyes of the reaper.

time has made us weak
and the end is what we seek
all of us, created the same
whether or not we are bathed in fame
from the mightiest beast
to the birds of the feast
we are all equal in the eyes of the reaper.
Nat Lipstadt May 2014
Trending Tags
#love #life
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#sadness #heart

this is my concession speech

having dabbled in the above black arts,
what needs saying, been said
and pun pardon,
not too alive,
like fav jeans,
pretty much worn to holey death,
put aside for a well needed rest

I am losing,
a real loss,
not candor, not inspiration,
but finding new ways to say new things,
well aware that Balanchine said
"there are only new combinations"

nature, I have dabbled,
but ready, easy to concede
this is Harlon's
River, his wilderness territory

he without peer,
unequaled in essaying on
this planet's essentials

as for the magic of daily grinding,
nothing could be finer,
than to see the family and the daily bread
made, fed, and put to bed,
than by the hands of
makes me laugh,
with his wifely wisdom and jokes
and the humanity of his insights
and prods deeper,
make me a
keeping us all
real and unplugged,
journal's mysteries illuminate and spice
the places hidden,
by me, from myself

man who has got his shoes impudently railing,
cap'n never complains or whines,
but in precious few,
he rivets you to the earth,
fixing rooting you to a rooted place,
he intoxicates with
southern simple and pithy,
and makes the title poet,
a worthy one

could I go on naming names?

said, "chile, it ain't necessarily so,"
adds beautiful,
and I agree with her rose
that grows even in her rugged soul's clime,
a child who writes
old wisdom from where acquired unknown,
Oliviaputs the
on my mouth smiling

anyway can't,
write so good no more (see),
voices now
in my head,
careful boy,
you already wrote that
in a single consorting chorus voice

been authorized to dribble drivel,
but that don't cut for prideful fools
like yours true and truly,
tho looking at this,
what lies above,
would be doing
an inaccurate accurate,
calling this worthwhile,
feels like
a phony smile

so what to pursue?

silence not an option,
for the brain inferno'd
and the devils pitchfork
pinpricking with stabs of
visionary guilty judgements

so of what to write?

the answering simple uncomplexity,
so here are the things I tell myself

forget the me in we and write
of thee, let that be my solitary
pray god don't make a hash of it,
write of new poets uncovered,
play thru ego and play hard to
recover thyself
by focusing on
the new poets who
will lead the way,
bring this old dog~man,
way back from astray
A quiet Saturday and the poems are shedding themselves, right and left,
for I am feeling so/do much love, from across the world from so many of my crew
GaryFairy Apr 2018
Let Me Go

Let me go I'm not a keeper
I feel your touch getting weaker
No more crying, no more weeper
Even when I'm sinking deeper

Let me go I'm not a holder
I feel your touch getting colder
No more leaning, no more shoulder
Every memory getting older
I had quite a few friends here who have disappeared. Ugh
G Reaper Apr 2016
I saw her sitting there
In a small round chair
Locks made of gold
Just like her soul

She looked up at me
But surely couldn't see
For to all I'm invisible
But she was truly incredible

A voice like a whisper
"Who are you mister?"
I flashed a small smile
And looked at the child

"It matters not who I am
My sweet little lamb
Your time has run out
No need to pout"

Slowly she started to stand
And reached for my hand
She wasn't a weeper
Just a girl with the Grim Reaper
Audrey Howitt Nov 2011
Penitent weeper,
Why weep you on this dew-kissed morning
When life so justly fills every crevice.
Prostrate yourself not
Before the idols of man.
Man knows little enough
And of that,
Respects not
That which he cannot use easily
And without mercy.
Rather, dry your eyes
The better to clearly see
Stand, the better to be closer to the sun
and feel its light fill your face.
See the person who shines before you
and know who you are.

Copyright/All Rights Reserved Audrey Howitt 2011
Nat Lipstadt Jun 2013
Sandy Hook: When the Fates Allow...

December and the replay endless:

"From now on our troubles will be miles away,
Here we are as olden days,
Happy golden days are yours,
Faithful friends who are dear to us,
Gather near to us once more.
Through the years we'll all be together,
The fates allow"

This careless, unguarded atmosphere,
This season...this irony...

Grief besotted, Secret-weeper,
Days/hours-hours, now months later.
All of us perishable, all of us diminished.

Days pass, anguish angry persists,
the bitter herb remorse greater grows,
You, devil, in the details,
The fates don't easy permit to let
Time succor sorrow to leave.

All of us, joined, hand holding,
The living and passed,
In the valley of dried bones
Where dreams-dismembered,
Rivers  of desperate-dismay
Turned aside and

And on that day when:
The breath of the fresh fates
Wash and bleach with great tenderness,
The evil put upon the broken bones.
The shrouded shadows of the valley,
Bent, banished, sundered, yet now,
Surrendering to the only
Immutable law of human emotion,
A hopeful voice.

For the radio reminds us!
T'is the season to remember
Our peculiar, American anthem,

Faithful friends who are dear to us,
Gather near to us once more,
Through the years we'll all be together,
Not if never if but when,
When the fates allow.

Dec. 22, 2012
Updated: June 8, 2013
Jacobo Raymundo Dec 2012
The Grim Reaper
Is an alcoholic weeper
Searching the earth
For souls lost at birth

He lays his bare knuckle against my door
I welcome him, another sailor washed ashore
He offers a drink which I do not take
I am allergic for goodness sake!

However, I offer him an ear
Everybody needs someone to sit and hear
What he does not know is that I've been to hell and back
I have walked through his abysmal black

I have lived where there is no life
My world tends to be nothing but trife
I feel his pains, as I have felt
I cannot deliver what has been dealt

The Grim reaper has left my home
Left free to wander and roam
He walks out looking like me
Walking around triumphantly

He became me
Before I became bones
A couple of things to comment on this poem. 1) I am legitimately allergic to all kinds of alcohol. 2) If you didn't pick it up, I am the Grim Reaper
"Sleep no more."
The girl hangs her head in shame.

"Sleep no more."
Says the rich man in vain.

"Sleep no more."
Cries the mother in pain.

"Sleep no more."
A teenager lies alone.

"Sleep no more."
Whispers the wind all alone.

"Sleep no more."
We say as our true selves are shown.

It does not matter who or what you are.
If you are a rich man or a lonely weeper
We are all equal in the eyes of the Reaper.
M Tamura Dec 2014
A pact was made in a creek under the conopies of green trees
the water cool and the air fresh with life
You asked for my hand, placing it by your beating heart
promise never to let go, we'll find our way through the dark
I never questioned your intention, Believing with all I am
Every word off your lips. I  the sacrificial lamb
Words in our hearts forever not to break or fade
On my heart, you carved your initials with a blade
Not the promise but its keeper not the promised but the weeper
The creek has run dry. the air thick with regret.
Derrek Estrella Oct 2017
Let you know a story of the sweepers
They were no fools, they did not take the weeper
Every dime they made
They built their own brigade

She tinkered on, she did, the sulky sailor
He dreamt another job, the timid tailor
Surely, they’ll cross paths
Where the money’s at

A fantastic sail
Carried by a gale
Gallop down the windpipe
Of the sea-coloured stripes

The beggar found his riches off the starboard
We reach for that which we can never afford
A sandy rune in time
Our happy, crooning crimes

When pruning eyes quickly peruse the wheel
The boy quickly rises to show his seal
Beyond comprehension
Beyond condescension

Do away with looking glass
Steel your ship with trumpet brass
The world will only sway for you
If you take heed and start to move

A fantastic sail
Carried by a gale
Gallop down the windpipe
Of the sea-coloured stripes

When they reached the land they became meek
The weary scrambled to seek out the creek
To drown their riches in
And start alone again

Is it such a crime they are now strangers?
Fast and loose, when you befriend for flavour
They hold the memoir
They know that they’ve come far

The fantastic sail
Carried by the gale
They galloped down the windpipe
Of the sea-coloured stripes
anony Oct 2013
in the dark my value haunts me.
"you're a worthless failure",
"you're never going to amount to much"-
those words attack on repeat
and are only calmed by a lover's touch.
but why don't you drive your daggers deeper
and reduce me down to a thoughtless weeper
who feels nothing but despair and deep, deep anger?
all from words from the one i call "father".
don't you see what you're doing?
don't keep coming for me, don't keep pursuing
me as your daughter! i know why i'm running
away from all the pain that you're causing.
don't try to repair it,
your damage is done,
and i'm gone...
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Oh Somnus, tell me something,
Why not my Muse
in my dreams?
I’d long to see him for anything,
Or at least be with him in the streams.

But alas, other Muses which I never called
Kept on taking me to Lethe.
I’d clasp my hands away from them, and behold,
Be onto Elysian Fields
where I can breathe.

I long more for his hands to reach
And take me up for Olympia.
Maybe Hera
can permit our breach
For to enjoy a taste of ambrosia.

But what of my Muse, you say,
That inhibits him to see me?
Is he too pure like how we pray,
Or is he really my reality?

Then decree, “Awake, O Sleeper!
will show the passage,
And perhaps Aphrodite* will hear you, weeper,
Grants your wish of a love lasting than age.”

So for now, I shall await for my Muse,
Even if Fate* says we’ll meet after a long time.
Then maybe to Hermes* I will fuse.
After all, is sending my blessings to you not a crime?
Mythology + no show in dreams = crush problems in literary form
Olivia Kent Mar 2015
Candles burn brightly guiding the sight cruising from midnight unto daylight....aforesight dreams of daily scenes, images in magazines, all at the turn of the hands of the clock.
And so the **** crows.
He gets up your nose, he begs you awake.
Strangle the noisy beast.. the tone on the cell phone that steals your sleep.
Where cobwebs hide behind the eyes of the sticky sleeper, tear filled weeper. starlight sweeper, secret keeper, chaste with tight, secrets hid in the night.
Locked inside here where shadows hid, where love's denied and shall all shall hide, for never ever rest in peace ,of raging dreams and stolen sleep.
Of parapets and parakeets that keep you away from rest,the
noisy birds they are the best.
Locked inside there was two of us now there's only one.
He melted in the heat of a vibrant summer sun.. a puddle on the pavement, a melted mess of sticky stuff, missing sleep, mourning love.
***** tonic and all that stuff.
(C) Livvi
Inspired by a chat conversation with noted lyricist Martin Brisland.
Thanks Martin!
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
On the road to self-recovery, there's a lot I discovered about me.
The different perspectives and views of my path shed the light to reveal the good and bad that I have.
On my way to self-discovery, I find out who I want to be; able to release the negativity positively.
The choices I make and the paths I take are the ones that could break any strong man and bring him to wake.
Taking a trip to transcendental realization with simple meditation is an education to an eye-opening sedation.
Finding a purpose is lifelong and never ending; mind bending along with spiritual rending and mental mending.
Different levels beyond our comprehension in other dimensions await our explorations.
Eyes are the true window to the soul; the hole to see us whole.
Look deep enough and see the journey of our being and all the beautiful things.
Look deeper and gaze upon the weaker, inner weeper silently accompanied with the reaper.
Various vibrations and universal sensations connect all creation in abstract deviations.
To feel so deep, to laugh and to weep, to close your eyes and see all the beautiful things are what set us free.
Youthful One, Blessed God's Fingered Hands Youth
How we met in this White Dimension fill
And read your Verses with Roads of Fine Truth
Does mend my Doubtful Moments for the ****
Such were the Visions imprinted at Hand
Which the Gun and the Weeper beg for Place
Yet *** these Minuses for Creation's land
Your Fashion by purpose ignites my face
Now, for your friend's Warring Moments let Balm
So your Connection induce their own Growth
Just let those same Verses promote their Calm
And see how long will Inspire their Worth.
Then she arrives. And your Gift no longer kept
To feed this Dying Earth after she wept.
Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
Heartbreak and disappointment
dimmed by the laughter that escapes
and jokes that are made
letting me escape
the aching pain.

Forming a defence of
flowing endorphins  
preventing it from sinking deeper.
Although I am sure by night
I would be a weeper.

Which is alright,
pain and disappointments
are a part of life
there is no harm to feel,
to acknowledge to heal.

But one must not dwell
for it is a part of a
better plan that
awaits for ones fate.
Tears on my cheek are of sorrow blended with happiness
Squint your eyes and wade a little deeper
cry a lot and next time,
hold on and you will keep her.

'Loser, weeper
wade a little deeper
drown your goodbyes in the sea,
perfect but not

Salt and water mixing well,
squint your eyes and they will tell
of sunlight bouncing off the night,
you might be deep enough right now
cry some more
see how it feels,
if time heals everything
you'll be okay,
the sea weighs nothing on your mind
find yourself and
squint again as you wade out
once more.
Ash Jun 2016
Does it not Make sense,
To want to end
Your own life?
To comence the deed
That for you,
MUST be done
To undo the life
That was so carelessly
Bestowed upon you
That all these 'Little things'
Are causing my miseries
That they have written my ending?
That these DRAMA'S
Have destroyed the beginning
Before it has begun!
The Bell! The bell!
The bell has been rung.
And down they slide
A poison a knife
More tears for sacrifice
Help! Help!
The Heart is gone!
Anguish has taken,
The lights been forsaken
The song...the song!
The song has been sung.
No going back.
To smiles and cheers.
All that is left...
Is pain and tears.
Because the DEAD cannot DIE
Without leaving behind
More hurt to be sold.
Leaving love to cry Why
And letting it shrivel away
The bell...the bell
Yes the bell hath been rung.
A beginning Destroyed
Long before it begun
This is no prayer,
For the lovers and weeper
Or the pleaders and mourners.
This is no prayer at all.
For death and the Dying ,
Now in their coffins they lay
Have made their beds,
So you see
This is a poem for the dead.
# death # too late # suicide
xpzlol Sep 2018
Just after midnight
The first hour strikes.
A shiver in the dark.
Blood runs still in the soul.

The clock jerks forward
Like the knife in the
Killer’s hands.

There goes the chime
The third hour comes.
The clutching of rigid fists.
Immobile, yet feverish.

Then comes the wicked crimes.
A banging on the wall, silently sharp.
No one notices a thing.
Just a lonely person berating walls

A tear drips
From the soul of the weeper.
The hours that struck
They took the night deeper.

A splitting cry worse
Than the
Hummingbird’s flapping wings. Silence in the night
The clock had struck
Aid was never

Time was lost track of.
Chime after chime faded into sound sleep.
The thirteenth hour was called.
Could anyone do a thing?

The pleas were never answered. Because they
Were never
The fourteenth hour has arisen.
The other hours faded in comparison.
Tita Halaman Sep 2021
Maybe then I’ll meet
My secret weeper, in public places
My yesterday’s plea, my shade of blue
Yet, I can never look her in the eye
Jump high instead, would I?
Leap over, overcome
So I can laugh, like it’s no harm done
A poem for a painting
Celestial Feb 22
A redundancy,
I smell disdain.
No escape from the pungency.
A failure to break the chain.

A hole grows,
Inside while only one knows.
You, the keeper,
of the inner weeper.

Why wasn't there a difference?
No time to change?
A guess made from inference.
With 10 years, how strange.
longer than i could remember, this king (who still rules) invited excited spenders.

once drawbridge got let down, the floodgates of humanity poured into the city to snap up bargains.
no sooner than vendors set out merchandise, a swarm of fingers grabbed goodies.

wallets bulged with wads of cash itching to be spent by buyers swept up via mania.

like an organic being, a pandemonium prevailed infecting shoppers with feverish frenzy to stock bags with paraphernalia.

atop high perch, matthew felt ecstatic at what appeared as one swollen black shifting grounded cloud that swallowed shelves of wares.

Where can my family receive a little boost er shot of cash? just a small *** (about $1000.00) would be a welcome respite from my bankrupt account. 

u fill in the expletive colorful bleep
per that i yam not a lurch ching Munster creep
juiced a harmless troll bait rent asunder tabula rasa
boot angst of penury doth penny tr8 real deep

dark cyber sea inundated with other earth-linked yahoos
lying amongst in a ur i ah heap
since bin ages since oye goot a peep
***** riotously footing ogling wealth to reap

wool lee ya be generous
fur shear lee Yukon give me legal tender
   ta help me sleep
oft times unable to suppress
   the unstoppable force to weep.

hashed out about 123456789 hours ago
when i felt the bottom fell out - per no dough
helplessness ringing clangorously - no where 2 go
except...where many a G. I.

(which initials
  by the way mean galvanized iron) joe
so i rage against penurious
   dime men shuns of no mo'
- nope not even a red cent -

   filthy lucre, thus find ma self a po'
papa pressed withiN perdition of poverty,
where psyche under a ******>slash burn - argh - only i can rid this monetary
   impotence akin to TiVo
clearing application
   to blitz krieg commercials - thus woe....

angst begot from money woes.
ah...the glorious thought,
   whence never again
to cull demise and forever hibernate

feeling crushed by the egregious atrocious,
heinous, and nemesis, poor ring in of late
and thus this obituary epitaph of sorts
(no matter,
   he will opt for cremation) finds frenzied
strychnine, poison

   or hemlock appear savory to this pate
a chance pair of perusing eyes
may find this blurb unable 2 eke quate
this plea sprung

   from plethora of purse son hull wreck - i rate
anxiety sweeps across me
   mental nada so healthy state
which panic wrought from poverty
per prone nouns mints

   uber viz zit with undertaker tete a tete
of decades long bout with a psyche riddled
angst lee
   waiting for Godot - Becket ting

this papa, who **** courting escape from posse aye
misty eyed in midst of his own financial catastrophe
he loathes resorting to pan handling to help him get free
of pauperism, which haint no joke,

   and would find a scabrous reply
ample reason to still his life,
   though ma lovely daughters  
suffered psychic injury
and forever be psychologically marred

   if aye did merrily
row me figurative boat over the abyss prithee
and hope for instant death of mine aura,
charisma, and karma see?

tis probably pointless n frivolous
to expect presume salvation 4 this mw male
yet nothing ventured....
could do no worse as my psyche doth quail
for being nearly penniless

   (in this cornucopia of plenti), and rail
ling against fate may bring derision
   per an unpredictable scale
argh - doth hardly shed light
   on my penurious travail

cuz thy current checking account gasps
with a death rattle does wail...
boot juiced....maybe lady luck shall draw
the gaze of one philanthropic facebook peeper
(at least enough largesse

   to stave off self destruction of spouse)
welcome mat would willingly
   be laid out for grim reaper
to whisk me away -
  so i kin become an eternal sleeper
though each surviving loved one,
   would be inconsolable weeper.
Logan L Feb 2018
I’m not happy
I’ve become intimate with the thought
Of my own cold, isolation
I'm not depressed
I can’t call it that
Even if I wanted too
I have no second opinion
No diagnoses of the problems I think I have
I am no one
Just an attention seeker
A midnight weeper
Crying when i'm alone
And dying when im not
Just who do I think I am
To take their thoughts away from you
Autumn Lewis Sep 2018
I listen to the songs that once connected us together
And I begin to weeper
I also smile and jam out
New Found Glory to Bob Marley, they are amazing memories without a doubt
You hit my emotions with a heavy clout
I needed you but you needed someone else
My heart still melts
Like a warm puddle of water in your hands
Was this part of your plan?
I'm just confused
The land is calling for me absurdly,
To be loved and exploited no more,
I must drench in this blood spilled earth,
Encharging me to reclaim it as my purpose,
The sky,a gazer,
And oft a weeper for the lands man,
The world has never felt so woven,
And melancholy slipped itself back in this sinners hand,
My world has never felt so scattered ,
I felt so shallow and all felt so bland,
Though in these marshes I find,
An escape for a life time,
The path unfollowed follows my mind,
The path unfollowed mocks me blind,
And entrenches deeply in my wound,
Now in the path of the wild I must swoon,
To reclaim my sight,
To dream of nature is to dream of youth,
Although the flowers and their wilting ways have me doubt my days,
She is held so high,
And her wilting has me escape a sigh,
She awaits as if betrayed,
From the remedy that the nature has made.
I think I love nature truly
Cecelia Dec 2019
I am face to face with the Grim Reaper

Not yet has he grasped onto my shoulder
But in time this will happen
Much quicker than it should

Face to face with death itself
Meeting him is just a stroll down the lane
That so many have gone down

I have yet to turn around
And face the flowers and light

So I see the Grim Reaper
And I am turning away
Goodbye to this dangerous weeper
Not today
Cecelia C.
quick nymph,
tell me a story;
teach me to
speak to the
Magic may be a
secret, gone
for the telling
but language,
she needs to breathe.

Do the beeches creak
or grumble? I’m sure
the pines are rustling
whisperers and the willow,
old weeper,
is sighing
near the oak
who admits in a moan
that times they’re
always a-changing
the sapling soon
will be grown.

sweet girl,
I’ll join you
near the babbling
river, that fool
together we’ll sing
to the ancients
within us
their knowledge
will pool. In
time our ankles
will lengthen
earth-hungry, plunge
into the ground, our
amber and gleaming
will reach
bark-clothed, sky-bound.

dear rowan,
do you remember
all that we
used to be?
Boughs tangled, roots
curled together
weave our tale
in the language of
The sky,
a gazer,
And oft a weeper for the lands man,

— The End —