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Ahmad Cox Feb 2011
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
A bunch of roses so she won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
7 maids a waiting
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
8 new yachts
7 maids a waiting
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
9 airplanes flying
8 new yachts
7 maids a waiting
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
10,000 dollars
9 new airplanes
8 new yachts
7 maids a waiting
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of flowers
So my honey won't **** me
At the last minute of Valentines
I got my honey
11 new purses
10,000 dollars
9 airplanes flying
8 new yachts
7 maids a waiting
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
So my honey won't **** me
The last thing I got that truly broke me
12 different houses
11 new purses
10,000 dollars
9 airplanes flying
8 new yachts
7 maids a waiting
6 roundtrip vacations
5 mercedes benz
4 sets of earrings
3 diamond rings
2 box of chocolates
A bunch of roses
After this she better marry me
This parody is set to The 12 Days of Christmas
Judypatooote Feb 2015

Back in the 1940's when I was young
Valentines Day was so special

Everything was homemade
from the Valentine box,
the Valentines,
and Valentine cookies.

As the room mother one year
my mom was asked to make a large
Valentine Box

I remember the doilies that we
colored in, we had ruffles,
glitter on little hearts,
everything was pink, white and red.

The big Valentine box was put on
the teachers desk
Then as each child came in
they deposited their Valentines
in the beautiful Valentine Box.

I can't remember seeing the teacher
remove the Valentines from the box
but somehow she did, and a couple
of us kids got to pass out the cards.

We took them home in a paper bag.

But first we opened them up....
Always excited to see if we got
a special one from someone special...

Did you get one from Jimmy,
or best friend Sue
Here's  one from the teacher
with a sucker too...

As the years passed by, and I became a mother
I helped my children make their own
small Valentine Box.
With Doilies, red hearts and
the most important part was glitter....
and they came home from school
filled with cards picked up at the
Valentine Store...

as years passed on
the Grandkids were more creative.
A Valentine Box
that looked like
a Lady Bug
each year they became more creative.

none as beautiful in my eyes
as the big large Valentine Box
my mom made.


by judy
Zane Safrit May 2018
Death metal
This Valentines Day
Mass shootings and
Congressmen pray

This Valentines Day
This Valentines Day

Trump says he’ll pray
This Valentines Day
Does he know the words
Can he read them?

This Valentines Day
This Valentines Day

Way-Out Willie
On the stage now
Hand jiving us
This Valentines Day

This Valentines Day
This Valentines Day

Copyright © 2018 by Zane Safrit. All rights reserved.
I wrote this on Valentine's Day, sitting at a little club, enjoying the band and the ambiance. Forgot about it until last week.
Monotone Feb 2021
Happy Valentines Day to those who are alone,
wishing and wanting for someone to be there.

Happy Valentines Day to those who are happy,
even if I'm not, because I'm glad someone is.

Happy Valentines Day to those who hate me,
because, hey, at least you are sure of something.

Happy Valentines Day to those who have hurt me
given me bad memories, as well as some good ones along the way

Happy Valentines Day to all,
because I want everyone to have a Happy Valentines Day.
Thomas clark Feb 2016
Its fast approaching
Valentines day
So my darling Clare
I,d just like to say
I love you with all my heart

Valentines day again
Our fifth together
Love you more with every year
I,m so glad were together

I,ll get you a big card
And a cute little cuddly toy
Just to say I love you
And I,m glad to be your boy

I,ll fill it full of verses
And hearts and kisses too
I,ll even write a sloppy poem
To prove my love is true

So never leave me darling
I don,t know what I,d do
If I had to spend my valentines day
Without my love so true

So happy valentines day
And thanks my darling Clare
For giving me a valentines day
That me and you can share
The Day After Valentines

It's the day after Valentines
And Cupid did not come
So I wait at my bedroom door
And put bullets in my gun

I waited until midnight
And then today rolled around
So now if I get the chance
Cupid gets knocked out

At first I planned to scare him
For all he's put me through
But ****** seems a better choice
Since I've had a drink or two

I may be drinking way to much
I think im seeing things
Cupid may have slipped me drugs
To get away from me

Did I just see a Santa
I'm hearing Reindeer on my roof
My drinking could be trouble
Cause Giggling Goblins are afoot

I think I saw a bunny
Is that a beer or a green elf
Cupid he won't raise his head
Afraid to show himself

Did I hear a turkey chuckle
I see pink arrows everywhere
Maybe I should take a nap
I could just have another beer

Well its the day after Valentines
And Cupid did not come
He gets maybe one more year
Then Cupid's days are done

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
This is an updated version of Last Years. If you like it please add to a few Collections.
Allen Wilbert Feb 2014
Valentines Day

It's a day to show extra love,
flowers, candy, teddy bear or a golden glove.
Love should be extra, every day,
Cupid deserves some extra pay.
Flowers die, candy gets eaten,
it's not a good day to get caught cheating.
Give a card with a little poem,
if rich maybe a trip to Rome.
A romantic night with crazy ***,
maybe a wife, girlfriend or even an ex.
It ***** when you're all alone,
everything ringing except your phone.
Maybe a diner and a drink,
everything including the kitchen sink.
We all know about the history,
Valentines Day is no mystery.
I know I love my better half,
she loves the way I make her laugh.
Best woman, I've ever seen,
we often play student and dean.
I'd give anything to stay with her,
life before was such a blur.
It doesn't take me a non day off holiday,
to take my ******* some romantic hide-away.
Valentines day should be spent twenty four seven,
whether you're on the highway to hell, or the stairway to heaven.
Megan H Oct 2016
As Halloween nears,
I think back to that Valentines Day
In February 2011,
My dad died.

As Halloween nears,
I think back to the pain I felt
Losing my father at such a young age,
My coach.

As Halloween nears,
I think back on my family
And how I had to be the strong one,
Still hurts

As Halloween nears,
I think about how much I hate death
How much I hate Valentines Day,
But I'm not alone.

Your father died today.
As Halloween nears for the years to come,
You will understand,
Why I hate Valentines Day so much.
Caitlin Feb 2015
Happy Valentines Day,
To those who have Valentines,
And to those who don't.
To those married,
And those searching for love.
Those who love and fall apart,
And to those heart broken.
To those who'd rather  be single,
To those afraid to love.
Happy Valentines Day
Ember Evanescent Nov 2014
Valentines Day is still pretty far away
But I have made my plans already
I was thinking eating chocolate I bought myself all by myself
Watching a really ****** love movie depressing myself
Probably eating enough ice cream to fill a truck with
Straight out of the bucket
And I shouldn’t worry, I’m young
There’s still plenty of time to fall in love
But watching everyone around me who is in love
Makes me want to impale cupid with his own arrow
Because I always fall in love…alone
The word “unrequited” should be stabbed
The word is best friends with “lonely”
I don’t expect anyone to see past my imperfections
Long enough to give me a chance by February 14th
So I’m planning ahead of time
Making my grocery list: Sad Movie, Kleenex box, Chocolate, Ice cream, blanket, tea.
I’ve had my eye on you since the very first day I saw you
Any chance you want to ruin my Valentines day plans?

Repost if you expect to be alone... again on Valentines Day, even though it is far away.
Neville karlos Feb 2014
valentines day my oh my
not for *** for making love
spend a day with your boo
buy her sweets and some high heels too
roses will do but you should smell good too
think about your ex I'm sure he misses you
don't call him let him call you
sometimes the best valentines gift to your loved ones
is time for time can never be paused or played back

but moments memories shared with laughter, hugs and kisses  
can never grow old or get any younger .

Time  yes just time happy valentines day url=

nvz and sweet C
mel Feb 2019
Love is fake
Romance is a lie
I will be alone
Until the day I die
I'm always going to be alone.
The Dedpoet Feb 2016
You buy flowers and a card as an excuse to write a poem, even though you're single.

2. When " How Do I love you, let me count the ways"... And you literally lost count.

3. When Cupid calls you corny.

4. When you make a poem out of those little heart candies.

5. Cupid throws up a little in his mouth after reading your exceedingly sweet sonnet.

6. You bought your kid Valentines day cards for his class and wrote haiku's on every one.

7. You ponder the box of chocolates, and how it is like life, though it sounds familiar, you title your poem "Life is Like a Box of Chocolates".

8. You buy roses and a card filled with your sweet words for your ex, though she calls you a stalker, you are glad she called you.

9. You recite Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, and you're in the shower.

10. You suddenly bulk up on Pablo Neruda, ready to take on the romantic world.

11.As you look at your hellopoetry site while driving, you see a smear of blood on the windshield, two small wings, and what looks like a bow and arrow.

12. When you write a poem and have no one to give it to, suddenly Mom is the best Valentine ever.

13. When you go on the big date, secretly you have your own penand paper in your back pocket, writing verses when you excuse yourself from the dinner table.

14. When you write a poem for your wife, your side girlfriend and your mistress, just because it feels romantic, it is Valentines after all.

15. When you give the wrong poem to your wife, instead of the mistress.

16. Your girlfriend is suddenly a diabetic due to your sweet poem.

17.When you write a poem on hellopoetry and dedicate it to your Valentine, even though you don't have one.

18. When you buy yourself roses and a box of chocolate, write a beautiful poem to yourself, you might be a romantic poet.

19. When your secret admirer is you, the secret poems don't have the same effect.

20. Last but no least, you might be a poet when you wonder if Cupid is lonely and write an invite in the form of a sonnet to see if the little guy will join you for a poetry reading.
I took a glance in her glimmering face,only to notice that it was standing next to a "sea of faces" but stood as one,one can wonder. The glimmer makes my eyes dimmer so I close them because I don't  think I should be witnessing heaven while my soul is one with my body.

A month of love,am yearning for love. With "Valentines day" coming,am I gonna hold the one I love close or even cuddle with her,everyone is relevant except her and i choose her. Am lost in trying to perfect perfection while   it turns disastrous.

One more glance and I glanced down this time her glimmer is not the reason,am loosing my mind and control at the same time. Only GOD knows,but I just know she's the one. Everything I missed before is right here next to me. Did Valentines visit my doorstep. Am I one with the month of love.

I beg the LORD to give me a sign saying she's the one,may his grace show me how to handle this grimace. "Valentines Day".
Asking for answers
Sally A Bayan Feb 2015
valentines? me? nah... two red hearts
dim thoughts, on soft lights.

i'm swimming in red
burgundy wine...but

valentines? nah...just
Michael Franks, Kenny Rankin
my shadow....and me.


Copyright February 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***just some pre-valentine thoughts flowing, on a Monday afternoon...***
Steele Feb 2015
Violets are purple, and roses are red.
Because romance and the color blue are somehow different tonight.
On this one day of the year, the refractions of light
aren't bent to the left, romance just tends to mess with our heads.
So, what I'm saying is, this year let's just watch Netflix instead.
Because why be blue on Valentines day, amirite?
Someone asked me for a Valentines poem.
Burak Meral Feb 2019
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Todays valentines day
But we're still far away
I wish I could take you out
But I guess we have to wait

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

You're always on my mind
Especially on this valentines day
My heart beats for you
Be well and be Safe
Without you it would all be different
I get sad when I see others together
I wish that was us
But I believe in you
And together lets believe in us

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy valentines day
Even though you're far away
I promise soon we will be together
I hope this lasts forever

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Donall Dempsey May 2019

Oh my how red **** struts(thinks he's a sultan)    
striding in and out among his harem-scarum hens

talking to themselves
like some lost senile sentimental souls.

Foolish fowl!

They lay eggs for gentlemen
and kids on long hot summer holidays

they hide their eggs like broken hearts
like old love letter secrets

safe in unseen places.

But see Auntie Nellie *****-nilly as a fox
stalk the chickens and expose them

cruel as the NEWS OF THE WORLD.

See her raid the haystacks
(backseat of the old car)    
rain rusting machinery

her apron pregnant and precious with
the warm and brown gift of eggs.

Red **** crows loud against the morning marigolds
while children's voices babble sleepily into wide awakefulness

love letter secrets staining their lips
sad valentines for breakfast.
Deenah Feb 2015
It's like I said up there,
There's no need for Valentines.

Your *love
, a robe, encrusted in jewels and diamonds,
That I wear with pride.
Your heart, that single rose, so crimson like my love,
I've kept inside.
Your mind, my companion, as travellers across this road of life,
And my thoughts only for you.

*It's like I said up there,
There's no need for Valentines.
LovelyBones Feb 2015
Valentines day is drawing near
A time of love, joy and cheer.
But those words are not familiar to me
For I am never truly happy.

And the concept of love is hard to take
Fear of making another mistake.
How this heart continues to ache.
I can't seem to understand.

So on this coming Valentines day
No romantic music will I play
Instead at home is where I'll stay
With my loving family.
Valentines Day challenge thing. Hope I tagged it right...
David Ehrgott Feb 2017
There were sixty-five
valentines for you
I colored the one from me
your favorite blue
I didn't know
the whole world loves you too
with sixty-four adversaries
I guess we could be through

So did they all say
"I Love You"
or "be mine today
& every day
I want to be your valentine
Be Mine"

or did they say that "I
only want to love you"
and after twenty solid years
could it really be we're through

There were sixty-five
valentines for you
I colored the one from me
your favorite blue
Ja Feb 2016
In honor of you
Our ladies sweet
Who make men’s hearts
Skip a beat

For your walk and your looks
We extend our praise
For your love and compassion
We our glasses raise

A toast, to all of you
With blushing wines
Because for us
You are, Valentines
B S Sep 2012
Twice did our love see the roses of
St Valentines rising sun.
That which follows,
worse than the one foregone.
For we were never
the type,

The fourteenth day,
of that second month,
he came to me,
and I heard him say:
"My darling, for you I bestow a gift! -
the gift of irony
No gift at all."
He knew me,
and he knew

O' then the second Valentines,
saw that this year,
I had a gift for him.
A gift he'd rather not hear.
A gift I'd rather not bear.
The gift to end

Autumn blessed me,
with the deterioration of his memory.
And Winter cursed me,
with a heart of stone.
Spring breathed life,
into that which
I thought I'd

And he's happy now.
He has another now.
And I'll be okay so long
as the sky remains blue,
and the setting sun leaves
the clouds
a rosy

Remove these photographs
from inside my skull.
Can't you see they're
making my heart too sore?
Take these rose-tinted glasses
from upon my eyes.
For I cannot bear

Hannah Byrne Feb 2013
I've never liked Valentines Day
Don't think I ever will
Never received a single flower
No bouquet to put on a window sill
No heart box full of chocolates
No card with a cute, witty note
No red balloon or small stuffed animal
No tiny gift wrapped with rope
Single, all alone, that's how its always been
No one to be romantic with
Just me, myself, no men
Some people say it's for the better
Don't have to deal with heartbreaks
Never understood why this is
always assuming I've made too many mistakes
I blame this all on me
Don't try to ask me why
I guess you could say i'm scared of being hurt
So to myself I have to lie
I've never liked Valentines Day
Don't think I ever will
Never received a single flower
No bouquet to put on a window sill.
Sarah Marshall Mar 2016
Happy valentines day
my love,
although you're far away
I'll send this to you by dove.

I miss you
and I can't wait to see your face
I hope you miss me too
how our meeting day comes with such slow pace.

Happy Valentines Day
my love,
and I just have to say
too bad I don't own a dove.
Bob B Feb 2017
Please don't be my Valentine
UNLESS your heart's sincere--
Unless you get all tingly
Whenever I come near.
You can't be my Valentine
If dreaming's obsolete--
If without me in your life
You wouldn't be complete.
How can we be Valentines
If we cannot laugh
At all our idiosyncrasies
That speak on our behalf?
There's NO way we'll be Valentines
Unless you find me charming--
Unless you find my silly habits
Pleasantly disarming.
We cannot be Valentines
Unless it means forever--
Unless our solid love is one
That even death can't sever.
No, we won’t be Valentines
Unless my words ring true,
And feelings that you have for me
Are just like mine for you.
But IF we CAN'T be Valentines,
Nothing else then matters--
My WORLD will be an empty shell;
My HEART will be in tatters.
- by Bob B
SquidInk Feb 2021
Happy Valentine's day to my ex
I will always smile at our pictures
I will always find you funny
I will always contemplate saying something to you when I see you
I will make fun of you to my friends to help me cope
I just wish that I hadn't completely lost you
Towards the end, we weren't in a healthy relationship
But I still miss you being my best friend
I still miss texting you good morning and goodnight
I hate that we have shut each other out
Because no matter how much you ****** me off I wanted to be there
Because you were my best friend
i miss the other parts of you i lost when i lost you
Lauren R Feb 2017
I watch myself fade and wilt in your eyes like valentines flower petals from their vase, falling onto the white desk dirtied with graphite and candy wrappers below. There's thirty one letters from colleges and three love notes left there to peel up at the corners and get stuck with bubblegum but nothing leaves the taste of metal in my mouth more than "Michigan". I'm terrified every day of you leaving. I'm more terrified of your hair being out of place and your smile not being the way I remember it. Do you ever think of the way it would be if you loved me back? Sometimes I wish you'd force yourself into things the way I always do when I'm fitting into prom dresses or looking into my own eyes in the mirror, trying to decide if they're green or hazel like my mom insists every time I fill out a passport application. Think of how my hands would look in yours, the way my chipped nail polish would match your veins, thinly creeping up your arms like you haven't tried to carve them out with office supplies and hours of crying in circles. Sometimes I think I ought to just kiss you, remind you that it's easy to fake things. You should know. Sometimes I dream of holding the side of your face in the bold and silently rotting static of my room and saying "let's run away" and we don't really go anywhere, it's just us, the very edge of the half moon of our shoulders touching, warm like sunshine on pebbles. Most of the time, I don't wish for much. I just wish I could stare into your eyes for even a second without feeling the blood run into my face. Or just that I could look at you. You feel like forever and a universe away and I don't know if that's because you're so perfect or because I only ever see you after your hockey games, which ended exactly five days ago, by the way. Not that I'm counting or anything. And not to say that I miss the way that when I hugged you, I could feel your shoulder blades and the gentleness of your hand on my back, but I'd give anything to feel that again. I never knew if it was as awkward for you as it was life saving for me. You still have no idea how much I looked forward to seeing you even for those painful few minutes where, despite us not making eye contact once, you'd smile at least three times, every time. Again, not that I've been counting. Maybe it was just because you were anxious, but that's okay. They say it helps. I don't know who "they" are, but at this point, I trust anything that holds hope to make you happy. To be honest, I'm not really even sure what your voice sounds like, but I know your laugh like I know the crooked tip of my nose or the smell of vanilla incense. It's all I can think about when I go to sketch anymore, but I can't get the lines right. Amen to that, because I never want to be so in love with a single moment again and because really, I never want it to be over. I just want to make you laugh forever. I just want to see the way your eyes crinkle like that until the sun swallows itself whole and then we all can't see anything ever again. I'd want it just like that, the last light flickering as you come as close to happy as you can be. I'll make you laugh until you're dumb and dizzy and maybe then you'll love me. And maybe you would have to be dumb to love me. But I'll still kiss your nose every night in my dreams and pretend I mean anything to you like you do me.
This is as honest as it comes
kavisha shah Jul 2014
A lifetime of Valentines
Have passed by us
And a lifetime of them remain
Having you here, right by my side
I would live them all again

The roller coaster of life
Was no fun
Untill you came along for the ride
Since then it was a smooth one all along
A few bumps thrown in in the side

The sum of all kisses
Would be hard to find
But I still remember the first one
The softness and the sweetness of your lips
Under the golden February sun

Your hand in mine
is all I want
As I did all those years ago
The gentle strength of them is the force
That helped me face life's brutal blows

A harmony of the sweetest music
We created between us
A song that soothes the soul
The melody of your heart's beats
Was the one to fill my heart's hole

I promised to support you
In sickness and in health
To protect and cherish you
Till death do us apart
Those promises, today, I renew

As I gaze back
On the lifetime of Valentines that have passed us by
And all those that remain
Having you here,by my side
I would love to live them love, all again
makeloveandtea Feb 2019
a rainwater memory
of fresh trees
smelling green,
and dreaming to songs
under a pastel sun.
and always in mood
for a hot cup
of anything;
i never remember
or valentines.
passionate and mad,
then utterly over it —
i never know to define
making paper boats
in puddles,
on a floor
and on restaurant tables,
i have made
a rosy world.
for worse
or for better,
never been heartbroken enough
or for too long —
life has been sweet to me.
on eyelashes,
and starry skies
i have made
a rosy world
of rainwater
and songs.
is a cornucopia
of pink, inexplicable
all things grey
come here
to become
new days,
new chances
and miracles.
never remember
or valentines
but i'm thinking of you
and wishing
you well.
Four little chests all in a row,
Dim with dust, and worn by time,
All fashioned and filled, long ago,
By children now in their prime.
Four little keys hung side by side,
With faded ribbons, brave and gay
When fastened there, with childish pride,
Long ago, on a rainy day.
Four little names, one on each lid,
Carved out by a boyish hand,
And underneath there lieth hid
Histories of the happy band
Once playing here, and pausing oft
To hear the sweet refrain,
That came and went on the roof aloft,
In the falling summer rain.

'Meg' on the first lid, smooth and fair.
I look in with loving eyes,
For folded here, with well-known care,
A goodly gathering lies,
The record of a peaceful life--
Gifts to gentle child and girl,
A bridal gown, lines to a wife,
A tiny shoe, a baby curl.
No toys in this first chest remain,
For all are carried away,
In their old age, to join again
In another small Meg's play.
Ah, happy mother! Well I know
You hear, like a sweet refrain,
Lullabies ever soft and low
In the falling summer rain.

'Jo' on the next lid, scratched and worn,
And within a motley store
Of headless dolls, of schoolbooks torn,
Birds and beasts that speak no more,
Spoils brought home from the fairy ground
Only trod by youthful feet,
Dreams of a future never found,
Memories of a past still sweet,
Half-writ poems, stories wild,
April letters, warm and cold,
Diaries of a wilful child,
Hints of a woman early old,
A woman in a lonely home,
Hearing, like a sad refrain--
'Be worthy, love, and love will come,'
In the falling summer rain.

My Beth! the dust is always swept
From the lid that bears your name,
As if by loving eyes that wept,
By careful hands that often came.
Death canonized for us one saint,
Ever less human than divine,
And still we lay, with tender plaint,
Relics in this household shrine--
The silver bell, so seldom rung,
The little cap which last she wore,
The fair, dead Catherine that hung
By angels borne above her door.
The songs she sang, without lament,
In her prison-house of pain,
Forever are they sweetly blent
With the falling summer rain.

Upon the last lid's polished field--
Legend now both fair and true
A gallant knight bears on his shield,
'Amy' in letters gold and blue.
Within lie snoods that bound her hair,
Slippers that have danced their last,
Faded flowers laid by with care,
Fans whose airy toils are past,
Gay valentines, all ardent flames,
Trifles that have borne their part
In girlish hopes and fears and shames,
The record of a maiden heart
Now learning fairer, truer spells,
Hearing, like a blithe refrain,
The silver sound of bridal bells
In the falling summer rain.

Four little chests all in a row,
Dim with dust, and worn by time,
Four women, taught by weal and woe
To love and labor in their prime.
Four sisters, parted for an hour,
None lost, one only gone before,
Made by love's immortal power,
Nearest and dearest evermore.
Oh, when these hidden stores of ours
Lie open to the Father's sight,
May they be rich in golden hours,
Deeds that show fairer for the light,
Lives whose brave music long shall ring,
Like a spirit-stirring strain,
Souls that shall gladly soar and sing
In the long sunshine after rain.
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
The heat of summer sizzles
to  seek the embers of the heart
to nurse and nurture those feelings that rise
and burst-star flung into distant galaxies
dense, crisp  memories of the past
where poems fizzle and burn
through the summer solstice
until we arrive star struck
at Valentines Day. Warm and delicate.

Who  now,
waits to hear those succinct words
that untangle all the years waiting
into a warm embrace, naked  in naughtiness?

Roses. Flowers. Chocolates.Kisses
Symbolic of deep red lust in scented secret gardens
where the dark chocolate, lies licked and limp
until the kisses awake the senses.
You are special
and Everything.

Its the day of eternities compressed
and solidified in a moment
which we share together
to  look forward to anothers years waiting!

Begin today.

Author Notes

Valentines Day!
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
Zoe Feb 2012
the inflicted hallmark love is in the air
teddy bears
stuff you can buy all year
now made important
i love this foolish holiday though
with its cute glances
and little nik-nak gifts
its cute
the inflicted hallmark love is in the air
for its valentines
Dear Future Wife,

I know that it wasn’t easy going through the tides of life. It will never be easy. You might find yourself looking for someone who would fulfil the emptiness that you would feel inside. It is my strongest hope that you won’t entertain anyone who would try to take your heart. I would like you to focus on your studies at this point. I know that studying could sometimes be boring or somewhat hard, but I trust you with this one. You can do it.

I’m writing this letter for a purpose. I would like to tell you some things before I marry you or before you become my girlfriend or even before I meet you. I would like to start this message by thanking you in advance. Thank you for choosing me out of the billions of men who are better and more handsome than me. I know that I never deserved somebody like you, and it’s kind of unfair for me because when we would be together, I know that we would look like beauty and the beast. You’d be beauty and I’d be beast.

Thank you for the patience that you will have with me for the next 10 to 70 years. I appreciate how you would make me smile and laugh and even cry at times. It wouldn’t be hard to be with me, because I beat a girl in terms of emotions. Thank you for being faithful with me. I just want you to know that I would not look for anyone else but you. You’re the one I am praying for every night before I go to sleep and every morning before you get up from bed.

It may not be my season yet to be in love. I promise you that I will wait. I will not rush anything with you. Forgive me if I wouldn’t give you flowers and chocolates for valentines while we are still students. I promise you that I will give you something more than that at the right time. I would reserve my hands for you, you and my mother will be the only women who would be able to grasp my very hands while walking. I would reserve myself for you. There would be lots of temptations, but beloved, I promise you that the only one who would control our relationship is God.

It would not be easy being with me. It will never be. But I thank you for choosing me. Forgive me if I can’t be as handsome as the celebrities you watch in movies. I may not be handsome, but I promise to love you with all I am until my final breath.

I’m Excited

I’m excited to be your boyfriend and experience butterflies in my stomach whenever I’m with you.

I’m excited to give you gifts every occasion.

I’m excited to text you the words “I love you” every morning.

I’m excited to see you walking on the altar.

I’m excited to hear the words “You may kiss the bride”

I’m excited to be your husband.

I’m excited to forestall you in waking up just to cook for you.

I’m excited to have dogs (we’ll name them Bacon and Goya)

I’m excited to start a family with you.

I’m excited to roam the world with you.

But while our story is not yet clashing to each other in His book, my excitement would not stop me from waiting. I will wait for you. I promise. I love you.

Your Future Husband
For 18 years of my life,
I've never dedicated Valentine's Day
to the true love(s) of my life.
I've wasted years
attempting to make artificial temporary women
...only to be left stranded weeks later.

This new epiphany
forces me to dedicate today to the women
who've stuck by my side for all my life,
not once wanting or attempting to detach themselves.

To my Mom,
you gave me life
and you continue giving me life.
You're far from openly emotional
but there has been a myriad of times
where I've derived some sort of buoyancy
within you,
forcing your heart to double its beats.
There have been times where
...I've witnessed you at your worst,
tears streaming down your face
as you comfort me when it's you who truly needed the comfort.
You're a strong beautiful woman
and you are my Valentine,
I love you and wouldn't trade you for anything.

To my Aunt,
sometimes I fail to see how you're human.
You're more like a radiant sun that never sets.
If I need someone for absolutely anything,
I know it's you to run to first.
You go out of your way to ensure
my success and positive energies remain at their pique.
There isn't a thing you don't know about me
but no matter how extreme,
the love you emit towards and for me never seems to change.
Our relationship goes beyond,
aunt and nephew.
We're more like best-friends
and you are my Valentine.
I love you and wouldn't trade you for anything.

I've been through so many futile relationships
and these two are my only lasting ones,
seemingly sempiternal.
No matter how many women enter my life,
my aunt and mom will remain the top women in my life.
Happy Valentines Day.
Andy Cave Feb 2013
Red roses
violets so blue
the perfect gift
from me to you.
With candy of course
you have to have that
and a Valentines card
with a cute kitty cat.
This day is so sweet
but I just wish it would end
because I almost forgot
we are only just friends.
Maddy Tidrick Feb 2013
**** your consumerist
There is nothing special about
I might be bitter,
about being alone.
but, I don't see the point.
Cheap little cards,
****** candy.
For love?
For money?
Valentines day is not
for you
and your
sweet heart.
It is for
the corporations.
Selling their confections,
their cards,
their lingerie.
Bet it doesn't feel special
Does it?
If I were a cup of black coffee you take me just the way I am.
If this were a thanksgiving dinner you'd be the turkey and I'd be the ham.

I'm the water and you're the sea
I'm the sailor and what I really mean is; you complete me. 

If this were a battery you'd be the positives and I'd be the negatives.
If I were a holiday you'd be the festive's.

If this were space you'd be the stars that form my galaxy.
If I were a driver in New York, you'd be my taxi.
If I a flower and you the bee, then it's clear to see that what I really mean is; you complete me.

One ways, u-turns, dead ends and yields, green lights, left lane merge and a squashed bug on my windshields.

If I were a Bic ballpoint pen then you would write out every sin.
If this were it, it would be the greatest love there has ever been.

Road signs and paper, fantasies and nature cannot help to say in such a little way that all I try to convey that what I really mean is; you complete me.

If I were a song you'd memorize my lyrics 
If this were February 1990 it would be Hold On by Wilson Phillips

If I were a comic book, you'd be my nerd.
If you were a photographer I'd be your bird. 

If I a cold night and you the book by a fire, then I'd be the Hobbit and you'd be my Shire.
If I a cup and you the tea then all there is left to say is...
Ignatius Hosiana Feb 2017
Roses* are Red
Violets* are Blue
Valentines is Dead
ever since I lost **you.
Dry Saphhire Gin Oct 2012
By Janis Ian

I learned the truth at seventeen
That love was meant for beauty queens
And high school girls with clear skinned smiles
Who married young and then retired
The valentines I never knew
The Friday night charades of youth
Were spent on one more beautiful
At seventeen I learned the truth...

And those of us with ravaged faces
Lacking in the social graces
Desperately remained at home
Inventing lovers on the phone
Who called to say "come dance with me"
And murmured vague obscenities
It isn't all it seems at seventeen...

A brown eyed girl in hand me downs
Whose name I never could pronounce
Said: "Pity please the ones who serve
They only get what they deserve"
The rich relationed hometown queen
Marries into what she needs
With a guarantee of company
And haven for the elderly...

So remember those who win the game
Lose the love they sought to gain
In debitures of quality and dubious integrity
Their small-town eyes will gape at you
In dull surprise when payment due
Exceeds accounts received at seventeen...

To those of us who knew the pain
Of valentines that never came
And those whose names were never called
When choosing sides for basketball
It was long ago and far away
the world was younger than today
when dreams were all they gave for free
to ugly duckling girls like me...

We all play the game, and when we dare
We cheat ourselves at solitaire
Inventing lovers on the phone
Repenting other lives unknown
That call and say: "Come on, dance with me"
And murmur vague obscenities
At ugly girls like me, at seventeen...

— The End —