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xmxrgxncy Jun 2016
I can't stop listening to Paramore.

And inside my head there's a sparkly tornado
That won't stop turning, holding together
All the thoughts I love and hate
In a fine frenzy of the deepest shades of
Black and brightest shades of white
That there are...and yet...
This storm, I know, won't stop,
It'll just keep pelting me with stinging memories
That sing as the fervor only increases,
Leaving me spinning, spinning, spinning....

And I can't stop listening to Paramore.
XxX May 2015
Late nights in your car, listening to turnover and drinking coffee.
For the longest time I was that girl in the Paramore shirt and converse.
Eventually you asked me my name and to be friends.
Friends didn't last long due to the fact that we clicked instantly.
From music to mannerisms we were in sync.
When I think of you, I smell coffee and cigarettes.  
I feel warm knowing I'll always have your jacket and arms to keep me warm.
I'm always cold because I know we're both terrified to lose each other.
But when I started to drift from you for the first time, you didn't say anything because you didn't want to be over-barring.
After a while you caved and finally told me you missed me.
But what I miss, is the way it feels when you hugged me and i breathed in your scent.
When you touch me, I have no thoughts, all I hear is complete silence.
I'm always nervous but more calm than ever with you.
You know my struggles and have seen my scars but still tell me its okay and I'm beautiful anyways.
I like the way your eyes light up when you talk about the new sextape single; your smile is contagious.
You say I make you jealous when I talk about all the boys who've touched me,
But no one is more jealous than me when I think about all the girls you've held and told THEM that you LOVED THEM.
I don't think I can handle us being "friends" much longer.
Every time I'm with you I go to grab your hand but never reach it because I'm scared for your hand to slip out of mine.
I never thought of my future because I'd rather be dead, but if you're with me, being alive doesn't sound too bad.
about a boy
Lunar Sep 2014
And i would listen to paramore
to find those words i relate to
And i would turn the volume up
to numb the pain

The drums rock my mind
In tune with my heartbeat
As i scream out the lyrics
Those words i yearn to tell you
With the strums and guitar riffs
Which my heartstrings play out

I keep paramore on play
To express and numb it all more
It's not that i'm afraid of pain
it's just i'm not afraid of hurting anymore
Miley Cyrus Dec 2014
Up down, up down
round and round
zig zags
and a little bit of throw up
and you have life
it's fun
but it's also a *****
but what i've learned so far is...
be a bigger *****
look it in the face and say
i know the ******* that your gonna throw my way
but im invisible and im gonna kick your ***
and then do it
Anais Vionet Feb 2024
This was last Saturday night. We were at a rooftop party in downtown New Haven thrown by ‘DocHouse.’ Doc-House is kind of a frat-house, owned by Dr. Melon, where he and seven doctoral students live. My BF Peter lived there once - before he graduated and took a job in Geneva - that’s how I met Dr. Melon. I think Peter asked Melon to ‘keep an eye’ on me - because he texts me an invitation every week and people with multiple doctorates and doctoral students don’t usually hang with lowly undergraduates.

The invitation said ‘rooftop’ but we’re mostly on the third floor - not on the actual roof - because it’s about 39°f and windy out there tonight. The floor space was about seventy by a hundred feet, there were pillars but no walls. The space was lit by a million strings of white Christmas lights.

The party was packed and loud - so loud I was wearing ear plugs. Beach chairs and card tables were the furniture. There were foosball, pool and two ping-pong tables (one of those being used for "Beer Pong"). A karaoke machine patched into two Marshall amps and speakers acted as a DJ.

Of course, there was a bar. Everyone was supposed to bring something. We brought two bags of ice, two magnums of Gordon's gin, two fifths of Cinzano vermouth, a jar of large green olives and a box of toothpicks, because there’s always room for the proper anesthetic. Martinis aren’t a shiny, new hobby with me - they’re a lifelong passion that I only indulge in on weekends and in psychologically safe environments.

There were 7 in our party - Sunny, Lisa, Leong (three of my suitemates), Lisa’s BF David (a Wall Street M&A man), Andy (a carrot-topped chain-smoking divinity-school undergraduate friend of Sunny’s), Charles (our escort, and driver) and me.

We’d been there about 30 minutes when Jordie, a guy I’ve been sort of crushing on for several months, showed up - alone. Lisa turned to me and yelled, “Uuu, lookie lookie,” when she saw him - I barely heard her - but I read her lips. I’d never really talked to Jordie, but when I looked at him, through the warm, martini mist, my tummy felt like Jello-excitement.

As the night wore on, Jordie and I started hanging out. We lost at foosball, 8-ball and ping-pong before we went up on the roof to get some air. The silvery ½-moon crescent was obscured, off and on by clouds, like a shell game where the moon was a jewel on blue velvet. You could almost hear the operator’s smooth, practiced patter, “now you see it, now you don’t, place your bets.”

It was quiet up there, so we actually talked. Somehow, the vast night seemed intimate. As we talked, the conversation was delicate and careful, like the words were made of crystal.

A while later, Jordie and I were back downstairs dancing. The entire floor was coated with that gray-speckled covering - so you could dance anywhere - but a rectangle of police tape in that flooring defined the official ‘dance floor’.

Two hours later, we were watching Sunny sing karaoke while holding a fuchsia martini (just add raspberry liqueur) in one hand. When Sunny goes, she totes commits and belting out an angry, screamo version of ‘Ain’t it fun’ by Paramore, she tried for a Beyonce-like head-spin (don’t try this at home), and slung half of her drink on the crowd - but it didn’t slow her, or them, down. After finishing, to huge applause, she took several bows and coming back to our table, she asked Andy, “How was I?”
Andy held out his hand and lampooned her by waffling it, in a so-so gesture.
As Lisa handed Sunny a replacement cocktail, she told Andy “You don’t get it - it’s supposed to be awful.”
“Then it’s the best version of the song I’ve ever heard.” he replied, holding up his hands like she had a gun.

Jodie and I danced some more and after a while, someone played a slow song. As we moved close together, his subtle, boy musk was torturous and intoxicating. How come guys smell better when they’re all sweaty and I smell like a horse? Eight weeks of lonely boredom and three martinis (4?) were almost enough to churn the sweat of desire into the intoxicating liquor of consent. In my secret heart I wanted him. Badly. I wanted to take him home and smash against him for hours. Alas, I have a (missing) boyfriend and I don’t believe in oopsies.

At that very moment I saw Charles, standing silhouetted in one of the dance floor lights - he had our coats in hand. I swear, that man can read my mind. I glanced at my watch, 2:30am. I stopped close dancing with Jordie and stepped back. “I gotta go,” I told him.
“It was fun,” he said, shrugging and smiling.
“It WAS fun,” I agreed, taking my coat from Charles who’d come over. “(I’ll) See you next week,” I added, as everyone in our little caravan started to move.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Lampoon: to ridicule with harsh satire.

totes = totally
Amber Jade Dec 2011
Today we started over,
And it became easier for me to breathe,
It felt like i found a seven leaved clover,
I feel completely reprieved.

Now i can work at fixing things,
Instead of driving myself insane,
Thinking we'd never be the same,
And now that we are starting again,
I hope i can take back everything i said,
Let's act like i never liked you.

We were always perfect strangers,
And now we want to try and be friends.

Let's believe,
I didn't like you in that way,
I never said I love you,
You were never the one thing always on my mind,
And you have never made me cry,
Or ask myself why,
I've never lost myself in your eyes,
My heart never held a flame for you.

All of that never happened,
Because we were always perfect strangers.

I've never talked to you before,
I don't know you like 'Where every you will go by The Calling,'
I have no clue your favorite animal is a dog,
I don't know if you like purple,
Or if you like paramore.

Because we have never talked before,
We have always been perfect strangers.

And most important of it all,
You have never seen me,
At my worst,
The incident never happened,
We never had that problem.

Because you didn't see me,
And we are still perfect strangers.

Now my dear,
We have started again,
Strike up a conversation,
After all we are perfect strangers,
Who know what we'll find out,
We might fall after all,
But don't just sit there in silence,
Otherwise we might always be perfect strangers,
And i don't know a greater loss,
Then never getting to know an amazing stranger,
Like you....
Jon gregg Dec 2012
Waiting at the Bus Stop

I'm sitting in the back of the bus where the heater is and I'm gazing into the isle of the bus. The heat is very strong, it's not very comfortable but neither is my position. My tangled dark blue track earphones are trying their best to blast "Move Along" by All American Rejects from my 3rd generation iPhone that sits in my flannel pocket. My friend in the seat next to me is reading Grendel while blasting Paramore, the freshman in the front of the bus are fooling around, once the bus goes over a *** hole they fly back into their place. Two seats infornt of me there are two girls sitting next to each other, probillily talking about a boy or how great the swim meet was. Th bus starts to go up my life threatening hill, many car crashes happen here. When we get to my stop I stand up mid drive, I feel like I'm surfing. And when the bus comes to it's sudden stop, I jolt back because I know I will fall. I walk down the isle of backpacks and freshman looking at me as if I was a big tough guy, I'm only 5 foot I would say. When I get off and cross our road, my dog is waiting for me. I start to cry. Kids should be allowed that right to be able to come home and see their dog waiting for them at the bus stop.

Prayers for Newtown
"All I Want" (A Day To Remember)
is for "You And I" (Anarbor)
to "Shine On" (Jet)
but it's not "All About Us" (He Is We, ft. Owl City)
and "If I Leave" (A Day To Remember)
will you come "And Run" (He Is We)
"A Thousand Miles" (Vanessa Carlton)
with me "When The Darkness Comes" (Colbie Caillat)
but let's not "Blame It On The Rain" (He Is We)
and don't think that my "Darkside" (Kelly Clarkson)
exists just to "Prove You Wrong" (He Is We)
I know "It's Complicated" (A Day To Remember)
but "Since U Been Gone" (A Day To Remember cover)
I've been feeling like your "Number One Enemy" (Daisy Dares You, ft Chipmunk)
and all I want to do is write you a "Love Song" (Sara Bareilles)
to show you that I'm "Still Into You" (Paramore)
So don't think that "Big Yellow Taxi" (Counting Crows)
is going to be your "Savior" (Rise Against)
but "Here It Goes Again" (Ok Go)
so don't think about "Everything I'm Not" (The Veronicas)
while I just sit here with "My Shiny Teeth And Me" (Chip Skylark)
trying to catch "Fireflies" (Owl City)
in a jar shaped like a "Skyscraper" (Demi Lovato)
so don't act like "It's The End Of The World As We Know It" (REM)
because in "One Week" (The Barenaked Ladies)
we'll all just be "Heroes And Thieves" (Vanessa Carlton)
Take the stones that break your bones
And build a house that is a home
Etch your eyes into the mirrors
So you can see yourself clearer
Drag your hands across the walls
Walk your paramore through the halls
Walk up to the attic and rehash old memories
Of adolescence, music, and psychedelic drugs
Run through the forest of trees that surround your house
and bring you to your knees
Take the stones that break your bones
and build a house, that makes you feel at home
it's ok Mar 2014
i've been to enough shows to know how people act
when I saw Three Days Grace, people seemed to
avoid each other at all costs
when I saw chevelle, the room was filled with nostalgia
however, I was far too young to understand
I just loved their music, and the way they arranged words
when I saw New Found Glory, I made a friend
People were goofy, fun to be around
when I saw Paramore, there was so many people
no one really cared to interact, but the one girl
who held my camera up for me because I'm not tall enough
when I saw of mice & men, with Bring Me The Horizon
everyone was so full of energy, and took care of each other
and in all these places, and being surrounded
by all these strangers
it all felt like family
i know this isn't exactly the TYPE of thing to write about or not something that most people would enjoy, but I adore going to shows, and so I kind of needed a little outlet to express my love for them haha

I didn't list all the bands I've seen live, I just listed my favorites.
Set me on fire like a wooden mirror
full fledged desire a night seen so clear
a moonlit night, but try as I might
a paramore, a beauty, a sultry sight
skeletal trees imposing upon our sleep
we're taken apart and thrown to the breeze.
can't you see? with the smoke in your lungs
and the fires burning us down

In the longing of a falling star
A cascade of near and far
these blackened lungs with a blackened heart
will soothe us all or tear us apart
Trying, but if I should fail
scratch me with your fingernails
leave me scars I can't erase
even if my mind's forgotten your face

bite deeply into my skin
give me just one more sin
kiss my lips until they're blue
perhaps i'm falling for you
light me up and burn me down
steal away my only crown
follow birds into the far
leave me with only these scars

I'll trace your body with my tongue
blow smoke in my blackened lungs
Make me feel I've been so numb
I'll make your heart beat like a drum
inhale me like your cigarettes
kiss me like i'm your last breath
dig your nails into my back,
grey burned lungs soon to collapse

Inhale me like your cigarettes
kiss me like I'm your last breath
Collaboration with Gaia.
theinsatiate Aug 2013
datta, dayadhvam, damyata.
give, sympathize, control.

Three words the thunder said repetitively,
none of the men understood.

Every time he roared  "DA",
they did hear,
but they did not listen.

The thunder persistently continued,
men finally understood through experience.

"DA"- whispered the thunder,
and  the father listened.
Datta - it meant to *give
his daughter away to her paramore.

"DA"- he said once more,
the farmer listened.
Dayadhvam- it meant to sympathize when he saw the starving man.

"DA" - the thunder will roar for the last time,
and this time,
all of mankind will listen.
Damyata - control your mind and peace shall be yours forever
Irah Rahim Oct 2013
Vividly those memories stayed in my mind.
Of how he was before he changed.
How he love to watch soccer live in the stadium.
Better than on tv, even if it's raining.
How he enjoys listening to Paramore, even if he had to save up to buy their album.
How he adore little kids.
Even if he don't know how to play with them.
How he love eating icecream.
Even on rainy cold weather.
How he enjoys playing video games.
Even if he had bunch of other works to do.
How he adore cats.
Even if he had allergic with them.
How he love to make me smile.
Emelia Ruth Sep 2012
I had gone the whole day
for the first time ever
thinking about you.

I went to check my inbox
and noticed you texted me.
You texted me.

I was just getting over you.
I thought we were done
But you sent me a text saying
"This is how I feel about you"
with a song connected.

I listened
on the verge of tears;
the crying words of Paramore
reached towards my chest
broke my ribs
and clenched my heart
in its gentle hand.

At first
surged through my body.
caressed my whole being.
because of past emotions
rising from the
most secretive
parts of my heart.
because the thought of
He still cares.

So I texted back,
we talked for a little while.
And I

Because it was the first time
in months
where he wasn't
and sad.
He was happy
and he had moved on.

Which made me happy
I finally got some closure that
all is good,
I guess.

But when he said good night.
All the happiness
All the Warmth
left the night with him.
And I was just left with
and emptiness.

Love Hurts.
"One day, my baby, one day..."
Earphones blaring
Is anyone staring?

I'm looking and glaring
My life is a reflection
Different sensations
Forbidden temptations
In abundance, oh oh in abundance.

Late nights of foreplay
More days of who says
Paramore is punk rock
Nah, man--I'd hate to be that sanctimonious ***** but
**** my ****.
Para para para
A ground for me to stand on

As my heart continues to waver on to the pacific sea.
"Dope, shoot it up--straight to the heart please."

Yes, this is me--the girl with unkempt hair and a messy soul.
No cigarettes lit
No fathers hit.
Nirvana shirt crumpled for a Queen
Capris & Chicken Legs
Tattered flip flops
Hair more unkempt than ever.

You know what?
**** my ****, **** my ****, **** my ****.

Dangerous and courageous
Yeah--no that it is not who I am
A girl who just discovered her inner jezebel
Or a girl who understands hell?

I want to be one of you all
I want to be a lover this fall*

A dreamer, a painter, a believer.

Blasting Cobain's voice under my shaggy hair
Jack Kerouac's truth shining through
His words give comfort.
"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable"

Schizophrenic, psychotic
Lithium, H.M.

"For once I'm just gonna live".

Thanks to men like you, thanks to women like you
The girl with unkempt hair and a messy soul
Messier souls and more unkempt hair days await her
She may smile softly or bite in another 'sorry!'

But she's....moving on.

Thank you, U.
11 | Heartbreak in Hatfield

We made passionate love during that one autumn night in Pretoria.
Our relationship had its flaws but we always got high off the euphoria.
Somehow the best part of me was always you, but you’re gone now and I’m always feeling blue.
It was a Friday night on April 1st, I guess I was a fool for falling for you and believing all you said was true.
You may have forgotten me ever since I’ve been away but I waited on you for too many days since February.
Why did you settle for a takeaway when you knew you would’ve had the world on a silver platter?
Now that you’ve left, I realised how you were right when you said that I deserve someone better.
But where is this “better” that you constantly spoke about days before you broke up with me?
I cannot seem to find it; I even went back to Hatfield several months ago to see if I had missed something.
I have been MIA on love ever since you’ve been away; I waited on you for too many days since February.
Or maybe it was May, but you don’t care and I don’t remember because maybe it doesn’t matter anyway.
Or anymore and lately I’ve been zoning out to Paramore and getting high off paper planes than ever before.
Somehow the best part of me was always you, but you’re gone now and I’m always feeling blue.
I guess I was a fool for falling for you and believing all you said was true.
Paramore – Ain't it Fun
Gabriela Jimenez Dec 2011
The course of two years
didn't come cheap

We spilt blood and money
Because living isn't free

Neither is dying
you said to me

So we hang onto our bittersweet

Singing Paramore
into an empty sea

Bring more bottles home to me
at least I can press my lips to them
and remember
how you kissed me

Your alcoholism is killing you
My dreams go with you
into our placid sea

may the sweet lord
recognize you

your body
has been the cost of living

two years
didn't come cheap
John B Jul 2019
I'd act as your maypole
An utterance to stir your soul
Meh day at your whims
Say we have gone riding into the echos even throughout the lowlands

The minstrels bello and promenade
Causing youths to parody
Meh day at your whims
Say we have gone riding into the echos even throughout the lowlands

Within and surrounding the loch
Monoliths reach from the heavens and take root
A parcel yet afore we arrive to bare witness
Honest decades passed now we shall bare witness with joy
In A day meh paramour our party will show and you will know we have arrived at your call

I will burn it into meh mind
The energy of your shape across the horizon
And the heavens beyond
Say we have gone riding into the echos even throughout the lowlands

Within and surrounding the loch
Monoliths reach from the heavens and take root
A parcel yet afore we arrive to bare witness
Honest decades passed now we shall bare witness with joy
In A day mah paramore our party will show and you will know we have arrived at your call

Flowing with nimbus a bird of pray scours midgaurd
Caught in torrents a mariner catches fleeting glimpses of midgaurd
Bird of prey stiring air the torrents becomes untenable

Inch toward shore and grasp it to understand it's only soil
With the potential of our end millenarian revelations come within our grasp
However faced with dread nightmares and the vastness of time

I'd act as your maypole
An utterance to stir your soul
I'd act as your maypole
An utterance to stir your soul

Within and surrounding the loch
Monoliths reach from the heavens and take root
A parcel yet afore we arrive to bare witness

I'd act as your maypole
An utterance to stir your soul
Meh day at your whims
Say we have gone riding into the echos even throughout the lowlands
Within and surrounding the loch
Monoliths reach from the heavens and take root
A parcel yet afore we arrive to bare witness
Honest decades passed now we shall bare witness with joy
In A day meh paramour our party will show and you will know we have arrived at your call
Sora Apr 2014
I prefer staples over tape.
I prefer someone who's high over somebdy drunk.
I prefer fixing the roof in the rain.
I prefer mashed potatoes.
I prefer teling my secrets to a plush otter than someone who can sell me.
I prefer loving her, rather than him.
I prefer a story that's not quite readable.
I prefer Paramore.
I prefer waking up when it's still morning.
I prefer the drumming of rain that spans over 24 hours  than a year of sun.
I prefer sticking up for myself.
I prefer picking my own battles.
I prefer power outtages as it snows.
I prefer wondering about people.
I prefer yeling to the oppression.
I prefer cuddles when I know you're not perfectly okay.
I prefer ties over skirts.
I prefer Polaroids over selfies.
I prefer to tie my shoes constantly.
I prefer cnvincing mysef she's on another trip
she'll return from, rather than believing she was robbed from us.
I prefer Sora.
I prefer masculinity on myself.
I prefer RedBox movie nights.
I prefer keeping in mind even the possibility that we came out to be that high school couple who beat the odds and made it to forever.
Atta Jun 2017
After a desperate night and thoughtful day I decided to re-write several facts about my crush!

First of all, chill. I know my crush won't see this because of lack signal or lack of love idk. Both reasons are acceptable.

Here, several unworthy facts about my crush that you ****** hoomans gave no **** about:
1. He is taller than me. Like 15-20 cm taller. I'm not talking about gigantic monster and won't date one, but if I have to date one it's okay lol. I have friend that tall like Eiffel tower and big as **** and tbh I'm afraid of him. I'm sorry bro you remind me of troll even though you're fine. Ehe.
I agree that tall guys are hot, but with my body like smurf and boy like troll can't even imagine what our future be like if we were together. So, bye bye Eiffel tower.
Anyway I'm 155cm so he'll be like 170-175 cm.
And I just realized that he is tall too ***.

2. He is deadass Einstein with attitude like Hannah Baker. He is-in fact-weirdest mothafaka I've ever met. One day he'll be like 'oh I'll invent flying shoes' and one day he'll be like 'do you guys see my motivation to live?'.

3. He is innocent. Nuff said.

3.5. His phone is the most private phone I've ever seen. One day I was too curious to know what's​ hidden in his phone and deadass found nothing. I think it's normal for boy to have porns or naked women etc and expected to found at least one and ya I found nothing.
((Found picture of me though))

3.51. His browser history is clean.

4. He loves anime tittiez.

5. We love to spoil each other

6. I ONCE ACCIDENTALLY TOUCHED HIS ***-*** **** IT. Not disappointed TEEHEE.

7. Same thing happened to me. He accidentally touched my boo-boo. He didn't recognize tho. But there I was standing still, stiff, wanted to die.

8. He is afraid of God. Sins ain't myth, sins are real.

9. He didn't know Lana del Rey.
D I S S A P O I N T E D.
Soon boi, I'll let you go deep in my world and meet my astral mama.

10. He isn't a fan of Paramore. Super disappointed :).

11. He lives far away from me.


12. He is one of the finest art God ever made and I love him to death.

Boi, i think i have to end this unworthy facts about you.
I'm afraid.

to cry.

I thought after I wrote this I'll be laughing or smiling etc.

In the end,
I love you.

You'll find someone better than me smh.
Don't choose me.
I've got several more reasons to love you and some of it
Hurts me
So this is the end.
You'll always be my number one boy'friend.
Sky Feb 2015
Sitting here in Spanish
Not caring about estar
I don't want to be here
for two and a half
I want to take a nap
But la maestra will wake me up
And  as I write
I think about poetry
And I wish I had my iPod
So I could play some
Linkin Park
Lady Gaga
owl City
and others
But at least I have
a notebook
So I can put my thoughts
Greg Muller Mar 2020
Set out from the sandy shore.
The lake an everlasting Paramore.

The boat breaths like my hearty chest
Up and down upon the waves white-tipped crest

Overhead the birds squawk in a one-note tune.
Like a harpsichord playing an unknown song.

Turning away from the sun
The blue ocean becomes glum Black sunglasses fall further on my face.

Water droplets still find my smiling face.
Sailing wind drives us away from my starting place

A Call
A Shout.
Turning on my breath

A shoreman’s happiest wish
A fresh face for whom to softly kiss.

The boat turns toward our shore.

Leading us to both softly tip
Without a word on our fearless lips

Docking us once more
Upon the sandy shore.
Jessica Hill Jun 2017
So it's been 8 years
And we're still going strong
I never get enough of you
Just like a Taylor Swift song
We've been doing this
For quite a while
A love like ours
Just never goes out of style
Like when you pick me up for a date
And put the car in drive
You blast Paramore
And dance to Hard Times
You take my hand
And make me join in
We both act silly
Not caring caring who's watching
I love when I stare at you
And you start to blush
You try your best not to look at me
Because you're in a loss for words
It never gets old
Sitting in the car
And we stare at each other
While waiting for the movie to start
I'll never get tired
Of how excited you get
When you open my door
And make sure I'm all the way in
And I can't help but laugh
Every time you get upset
When I open the door myself
But you wanted to be a gentleman
It never gets old
Having a regular conversation
And you randomly compliment me
It's such a beautiful transition
Everything about us
Is absolutely magical
There's no one else
With who I could be more compatible
You breathe life into me
And give everyday new meaning
Who knew reality could be better
Than the fairytales I was dreaming
thymos Apr 2015
i contemplate my philosophotheatrics
amidst the anthroposcenery.
i’m a joke
and sometimes i can laugh at that.
i hope the gods unconscious enjoyed their comedy.

me a poet paramore of war
and laughter
afforded a good seat.

buddha without me buddha within me,
i choose the uncomfortable night,
there can be seen stars and things that need doing;
i think no longer will i sing and dance
with all the world ablaze
so enough of your death drum.
give it a rest.
i don’t often meditate though.
i mediate.
and meander towards the spectacle exit inferno
and contemplate
how to make fire burn fire
as a child of fire myself.
k e i Aug 2020
i’m sorry. i know i’m four days late but quit talking to me in that annoyed tone. hear me out, i got caught up with deadlines. i drove here as soon as i got them over with.

no just kidding, i can take your annoyance because i showed up late like always over your cold silence. perpetually cold. can’t  ghosts talk? or haven’t you at least learned how to drop objects, knock on walls or change the channels on tv? sometimes when the lights in the dorm’s foyer flicker i quickly think it’s your new way of saying “sup”. then i’d remember the building’s decades old. it could just be some unfixable maintenance problem or perhaps some other ghost.

i hate you for that. we used to talk about how we felt like never truly belonged in highschool. we promised to go to the same college and be dormmates and be there as we got used to our new lives. my roommate finally showed up a week ago, a month too late for freshmen week and all that orientation ****. she’s cool and plays bass in a band. i think you’d get along with her the way she’s a morning person and takes up archaeology like how you said you would.

i can no longer listen to movement’s daylily. paramore’s last hope. all time low’s therapy. pierce the veil’s hold on til may. because i just end up thinking of how i’d make you listen to them whenever you’d call because the urge was getting strong again.

all those times we talked about dying and death and planning our funerals. ****** we were so horridly morbid. i didn’t think you’d actually pull through with it-out of the two of us, you were the one wary of things unfound in your comfort zone and i was the one who took risks. but hell, now i admit my fears surrounded death or atleast intentional ones. i wish i didn’t doubt a single bit that you’d do it.

yours was almost perfect by the way. you wore that white lace dress from your favorite grandmother and the mortician gave you purple highlights. they didn’t put your playlist on because hell, no one could take the upbeatness of the guitar rifts and the drums but the five of us let it go on loop thrice after your burial, drinking on the hood of my car, toasting to our tears. the groupchat doesn’t get flooded with memes anymore. believe me, we tried so hard to have things not change because that’s what you would’ve wanted, for us to keep going even without you.
but **** that, it’s ******* to even pretend;
how do we get past this, past you?

you pierced a permanent gap in what the word platonic soulmate meant for me. i hate you. so, so much.
but i don’t. because ****, you’ve finally chosen yourself like how i always told you to after each breakup you went through with all those ****** guys but i didn’t mean it like that. i can only hope you’re happy in your heaven. we detested that but i would like to believe there’s an afterlife for you. that’s what you deserved all along. i hope it’s one with moshpits and parents who give you earnest attention and neverending halloween.

here. i brought you paper roses. i used blue vellum for this. mind to give me an a+ for effort?

i have to drive back, it’s getting dark. and yes i’ll drive safely and text you when i reach the dorm. i’ll have a spare key behind the picture frame, if you ever wanna drop by.
Richie Vincent Jul 2018
How easy it would be to be able to pick and choose who we suffer for

Draw a bath and tie the hair back, poor a glass of wine, and relax,
Go down a list and write check marks or exes next to the names of our skeletons, the places we hide away into at night,
How easy it would be

I’m not here to say that it isn’t easy, I’m just here to fantasize about not picking the gaps between your teeth until there’s enough space for everyone who’s wronged you to slide into, create a home and live

Sometimes I like to write symphonies using the tones of voicemails I’ve received because I just don’t have the guts to pick up the phone,
To be able to orchestrate absolute feeling on a whim,
How easy it would be

But instead, we’re here, teeter tottering between how many cigarettes we’ll have left by the end of all of this, or how happy we could be, or simply how bad a hangover we’re going to have in the morning,
But we’re soldiers like this

And the rations will last us— just long enough,
To pick the phone up when our friends call,
Tell them we love them, listen to that one paramore album over and over until we become 15 again,
Immerse ourselves into whatever nostalgia we refuse to let go of

How easy it would be,
To be able to pick and choose who we suffer for
Anais Vionet Jan 12
Poems don’t have to rhyme, free verse it isn’t a crime
I can write what I please—don’t call the police.
Must I play the game, both rhyme and spill intimate things?
Can I develop leitmotifs without rhyming riffs?
I could claim I’m writing prose - yeah, be one of those.
No one can rhyme all the time.
I can refuse—I’m no Dr F-ing Seuss,
**** it! ← See? THAT didn’t rhyme.
(sirens in the distance)
Fun songs for this:
Ain't It Fun by Paramore
It's All Your Fault (with Katie Shore) by Asleep At The Wheel
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 01/12/25:
leitmotif = a dominant recurring theme (in song, poems or speeches)
I'm missing all the lively surprises
Bright places
You never come running to find
When I'm not caught looking
At the aftermath left from behind
The passing time would simply fly
When I'm lying listless in bed
Instead of being trapped there for hours
While wrapped inside of my head

I am holding on unsteady
To your already gone
That song played on repeat
The same one that saved me
"There must be something in the water"
Before tears descend my cheek
I don't want you to hear
A sudden drawn in breath
Breaking my thin veneer

I fear something coveted escaped
From my parted quivering lips
Like a whisper too soft
Lost from grasping fingertips
It hits only once
Then gets tossed in the mix
Because I'm guilty
Of letting myself reminisce

My two cents is my refrain
Because I let in bliss
And found you yet again
Persisting we weren't meant
But only for the big empty

Turns out I'm not who you're looking for
On top of the ledge
I'm the lemon wedge
Twisted and dripping
Into your open wounds

The truth is I don't live
Within these precious
Ephemeral moments
I only bear witness
To what I've missed
The instant dismissed

And I'm so lonely.
I was looking forward
To finally come home to you
Because I'm tired of roaming
The world is a cold place
When nobody knows me

I thought if only...
You wanted to know me too

You'd be my only exception, my paramore
And I already know that's not the story
You spelled it out with ink from your heart
And your own closed door...
Anyways, I'm sorry to implore

And for finding all of your bright places
I thought I'd be the luminous candle
To dispel your concealed dark
Instead of revealing empty spaces
"Feels like we're on the edge right now. I wish that I could say I'm proud. I'm sorry that I let you down." The highlighted quote is borrowed from Lewis Capaldi.

Written 06/28/2020
"Reality will break your heart.
Survival will not be the hardest part.
It's keeping all your hopes alive,
When all the rest of you has died.
So let it break your heart."

-Paramore, 26
26 by Paramore

My "keep going" song.
I think I'm in depression
and I can't fight it.
I hope I survive these storms of my life.
And to everyone who's struggling in life,
You're not alone.
Let's just keep on going.

Gray Ndiaye Feb 2021
overtake me
stirring my spirit
inciting me
to call you
in hopes
that you invite
me over
we have been
long overdue
for a
a conversation
with no words
nobody has
been able to
reach me
the way you
nobody has
had access
to do so
i don’t even
drink henny
but with you
i finish half
of the bottle
you are my paramore
you are my only
Sadie Jane Jul 2018
Words of fire roll softly thru stale air,
Like plumes of dying blossoms
They fade away, as if they were never there
Though I know I haven't lost them

I imagine you'd take back each  breath
But they've settled down inside me
Like resin from a cigarette
Black. Malignant. Sticky.

Assumptions, bringing so much doubt
Oh, my jealous lover.
Little means what it was once about
And there is less to be uncovered.

Faithful, yet no faith in me?
So you weave a cage so pretty
To keep me under lock and key
And free you from such worry.

I don't feel like your paramore
In a love you steer towards woe
If you would open up your dear bird's door
You'd see.  I would not go.

— The End —