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Ston Poet Dec 2015
Young Ston *****, The young ****** Disciple, (keep ya eyes peeled, dawg2)..Keep yo eyes peeled. Uhh..Keep yo eyes open (at all times2)..Keep ya eyes peeled dawg, Aye..Keep yo eyes open (at all times2)..Yo

I'm trying get outta this struggle I been in for so long dawg, I gotta put that work in tho, I gotta work hard dawg, I gotta get up off my *** & I gotta go out & get it for show , & (Imma  go hard
3)..(these demons won't stop me2)..Uhh, (gotta keep yo eyes peeled dawg2)...yo, these ****** & ******* (will cross you2)..So you gotta keep ya eyes open (at all times2) (gotta keep yo eyes peeled dawg2)..Yeah (keep yo eyes peeled dawg2)..these ***** ******.. (They plotting2)..these ***** *******..(stay stalking2) keep yo eyes open (at all times2)..gotta (keep yo eyes peeled dawg3)..(Yeah2)..Keep yo eyes open (at all times2)
(keep yo eyes peeled2)..Yo

My eyes peeled at all times man,yo Cuhz, its alot of evil out here that wanna take control of me but I won't let em, I got the remote control homie,no Adam ******* but I push my own buttons mane, I gotta keep praying up to God constantly daily mane, (God got me
2)..God got the whole family, OFTR mane, ***** we all eating ***** we straight, (Aye2)..I gotta keep my eyes peeled mane, I gotta keep my eyes open at all times no sleep..

The government dun made me a target now mane.., so I gotta keep my eyes open, & ears clean dude..Uhh, gotta keep my eyes peeled homie these ***** ****** fear me, & they hate on me so much, they so scared of me dawg, Imma weapon of mass destruction mane, I'm more dangerous than the wilderness, I'm more dangerous than a nuclear bomb mane, Yeah Imma terrorist, A extremist, A fanatic, I'm so radical, Yeah man I'm starting a revolution up soon so beware, America ..
Aye my goon ******  don't be scared just join  wit me & let's have some fun ******* **** up, dude,..

(Aye I gotta keep my eyes peeled
2)...gotta keep my eyes open at all times now man.., Yeah, gotta keep my eyes peeled all day everyday, gotta keep my eyes peeled mane these ******* just want (my cake2)..they just wanna (take2)..untill I'm broke again, Shawty,.. Uhh, put a rubber on young ***** don't  be stupid, think wiser & smarter, I don't care how good the ***** looks mane, If you don't play yo cards right then there will be problems,Aye..real talk dawg

& Watch who you hang around Cuhz, these ****** is undercover cops Yeah..They snitching, Yeah them **** Informants be out here looking for trouble, so you better watch who you buy drugs from, &  watch who you talking on the phone wit too partner, Cuhz the FBI, is bugging all of us  Yeah, but **** em we still thugging..we still rebels no matter what..OFTR Yeah..Uhh

These racist cops keep killing my brothers , these busters , they don't give a **** about taking food outta a childs mouth..*******..
So you better keep yo eyes peeled dawg, Yeah (watch out..2)

My young ***** stay on the long narrow route, Yeah it's gonna be alot of times when you feel depressed sad & impatient, just keep waiting, but while you waiting hustle smater not harder & keep scheming dawg,..Yeah..
Aye gotta (keep yo eyes peeled dawg
2)..yeah its alot of  evil (out here2)..that will cross ya,..Uhh, so (keep yo eyes peeled dawg2)..keep yo eyes open (at all times2)..Cuhz, these demons out here will cross ya..yep..they will cross you..(Ohh2)...Uhh

Gotta (keep yo eyes peeled dawg2)!/its alot of haters out here , **** they will even try infiltrating in yo watch out ..Uhh , (you better watch out2)..who rolling the blunt up too, they might lace that **** dawg, these ******* so jealous, they mad for nothing , man **** they might even try to first 48 yo ***, I'm just spitting game man, You gotta keep watch out, you gotta (keep yo eyes peeled2) *****, Cuhz..Imma say a prayer for all of the (real ******2)....Psalm 23: verse 4..Uhh

Even though we walk through the darkest valley, we will fear no evil, for The Heavenly Father is with us all, Jesus Christ is our protector & our saviour, his rod & staff comfort us..Amen.

OFTR keep yo eyes open..
Keep yo eyes peeled up in these streets mane..Aye
I gotta keep my eyes peeled homie,
I know these busters our here (wanna **** me*3)..
btp Oct 2019
I gotta get better
I gotta get better
I gotta get better
I gotta get better
I gotta get better

I gotta get better
I gotta get better
I gotta get better
I gotta get better
I gotta get better

I gotta get better
I gotta get better
I gotta get better
I gotta get better
I gotta get better

I gotta get better
I gotta get better
I gotta get better
I gotta get better
I gotta get better

I gotta get better
Ston Poet Dec 2015
Uhh,Yeah..Young Ston

(anything is possible Yeah3)..(Anything2)..Its possible.. (Anything is2).. possible..yeah Anything its possible ..(Anything is2) possible..Yeah Its possible Uhh,..(anything is possible2)..
/anything possible/2
Yeah (anything
2)..(yeah its possible2)..Yeah..(anything is possible2)..Its very possible..yeah
anything is possible it's possible, Yeah man,Aye..if you put your mind to it then..(you can do it dawg..Yeah2)..anything is possible, you can do (thee impossible2)..Because..(Yeah anything is possible2)..Yeah anything man, Uhh, just stay focused,..Cuhz..(Yeah anything is possible2)..Yeah anything.. You just gotta (put yo mind to it dawg2)..
Yeah..because anything is possible .. Okay man..Uhh

They say action speak louder than words..
Yeah, I usta just sit around the house wit no job & do nothing..
But why  judge a book when you ain't even read one  word from it..
I said I was gonna be a star..& they just laugh in my face & said Yeah right, some even was my own familia..What the **** dawg.., they don't even have goals,  they mind is so conformed, so its hard to understand (mines
2) is something that could get me killed, but I'm ready for war..Yeah I'm ready **..Because anything is possible.. Yeah..Cuhz..(anything is possible2)..

Yeah anything my *****..Yeah anything possible..yeah..its  possible..
Anything is possible....(Yeah..Anything
You can be anything that you dream , You can be everything that you your goals & aspirations, don't save these hoes mane, none of them, not one, Yeah..Don't be a corporate slave be a boss, plant yo seeds & make sure you water them everyday, Aye..succeding is for both you & me, anything is possible homie,..Uhh Yeah.., anything is possible homie, Yeah its possible if you got a (dream3)..big mane,Aye dream big homie reach to Heaven Yeah..because anything that you put yo mind to with the strength from the Lord..(its very possible, Yeah2) (anything is possible,..2)..Yeah its possible..
So **** a hater, Forget em dawg,

Keep pushing forward even if you don't have a crowd my *****..still (show off
2),..push yoself, over the edge, learn how to use yo wings be a King, be a leader,..push yoself to the limit, become stronger than this world homie,..Aye even if you do take alot of losses, & slip & fall down..(that don't mean nothing2)..nothing at all man,....because you can always press restart so (get back up2)..& finish yo race my *****, Yeah..
I'm moving these boulders ***** I'm Hercules, I'm getting stronger, wiser & smarter as my life
progresses on ,..Aye, I freestyle this rhyme in 2015 mane, wrote it down & saved it for a rainy day, I knew that all of this writing & ryhming I was doing in my mama house was gonna come & handy someday.., Aye

I put my all into rapping, I infused my mind, heart,& soul within the inkpen dawg,..
**** a major record label, I'm staying independent Noo, I ain't falling into the white mans trap, Aye,..I'm staying in The Trap tho, Trap my *****..Only For The Real,..ayo..where all of my ****** Disciples at, whats happening let's mob man..Uhh..Yeah..because
(Anything is possible2)..mane, I started this **** outta the true love I had for original authentic hip hop music that went missing  like Malaysia Airlines Flight 3-70 homie, I'm bringing that pure crack back to the fiens thats in  need of it,.Aye man I'm in these streets, frequently, spreading peace,..smoking **** & keeping it g..My *****..

I'm building my own record company, I already got my blueprints ready for the contractor to see, I'm talking about God,homie,..its all in his timing so I ain't gone trip or whine mane,..Imma just keep on writing.., Imma living legend, I'm writing history..Aye Yeah..Uhh, (anything is possible.
2)..Yeah anything is possible..
(For you & me2)..anything is possible, homie,.. Yeah,Uhh for real & this ain't just talking my ***** this is called educating,..My bars so heavy, like my ***** mane..Aye..
Keep pushing yo self, never give up, never give in to Satan, because anything is possible for you & me homie,.. Yeah..Aye anything is possible..succeeding.. (Anything
2) (very possible2) mane..

(anything is possible Yeah
3)..(Anything2)..Its possible.. (Anything is2).. possible..yeah Anything its possible ..(Anything is2) possible..Yeah Its possible Uhh,..(anything is possible2)..
/ possible/2
Yeah (anything2)..(yeah its possible2)Yeah..(anything is possible2)..Its very possible..yeah
anything is possible it's possible, Yeah man,Aye..if you put your mind to it then..(you can do it dawg..Yeah
2)..anything is possible, you can do (thee impossible2)..Because..(Yeah anything is possible2)..Yeah anything man, Uhh, just stay focused,..Cuhz..(Yeah anything is possible2)..Yeah anything.. You just gotta (put yo mind to it dawg2)..
Yeah..because anything is possible.. Okay man..Uhh

You better push yoself, you gotta push yo self..(push yo self2).., you gotta push yo self, you better push yoself,..(push yoself4)..
(you gotta push yoself2)
(you better push yo self
(you gotta push,Yeah2)
(Push it
2) Salt & Pepa..
(you gotta push yoself2)
(you better push yo self
(you gotta push,Yeah2)
(Push it
Like a woman giving birth man..
(you gotta push yoself2)
(you better push yo self
(you gotta push,Yeah2)
(Push it
Push it real good man..
Yeah, you gotta push yo self,..(push3)..(yo self2)..,

/Aye push (yo self2) gotta push (yo self2)/2
/Push (yo self
/(You better push yo self, you gotta push (yo self
2), aye/3

Push it my *****, go your very fastest, Yeah man..(you gotta push
2)..yo self like you never have pushed yoself before man..Yeah
push (yoself2)
(push yoself
3)..,Yeah man..(push yoself3)...push (yoself2)..Yeah *****..
Uhh, chase yo attractions, make yo own laws  *****..Impress yo self, just worry about you  & yo family  my *****, you gotta (push it2)...,Yeah (push it2)..don't stop man..

You gotta push yoself, You better push yoself..(Yeah, push yo self2)..
(You gotta push yoself, You better push yoself, Uhh push yoself
Coach yo self, **** having friends, Aye the money gonna come in,..Just (keep pushing yo self*3)..push yo self..Yeah..Aye..because
Anything is possible when you put yo mind to it..dawg...Yeah anything is possible..anything...yeah man
Fo ******>
Alex Nov 2019
(soft guitar intro about 8 secs. at most)

VERSE 1 ( soft and slow)
cold hands and empty eyes
it hit you hard when you realized
that the world we live in ain't so wonderful...
you tried your best to help them heal their scars
but by yourself, you couldn't get that far
and the stress and sorrow started to take its toll...
but you should've known...

CHORUS ( medium-fast and passionate)
you don't gotta be like atlas
you don't gotta carry the weight of the earth
you don't gotta be like atlas
you don't gotta give until it hurts
Oh, when you're running out of strength to lend
and it's getting harder to pretend
you don't gotta be like atla-a-a-as
as long as you've. got. me. as a friend...

(5 sec. guitar break)

VERSE 2 (soft and slow again)
you look outside and there's so much to see
but it's all clouded by the poverty
and everything just seems to be so gray...
Yeah, you've seen so much but still try to be
the happy person that everyone needs
when inside you've begun to fade away...
oh, but you should've known...

BRIDGE ( fast and really passionate)
you don't gotta be like atlas
you don't gotta carry the weight of the earth
you don't gotta be like atlas
you don't gotta give until it hurts
just say the word and I'll be there
at any time, I'll go anywhere
so you won't have to be like atla-a-a-as
when I've got a shoulder to share
no, you won't have to be like atla-a-a-as
when I've got a shoulder to share

( 15 sec. guitar solo)

CHORUS ( softest yet and slow)
you don't gotta be like atlas
you don't gotta carry the weight of the earth
you don't gotta be like atlas
you don't gotta give until it hurts
Oh, when you're running out of strength to lend
and it's getting harder to pretend
you don't gotta be like atla-a-a-as
as long as you've. got. me. as a friend...
(soft but passionate)
no no no no!
you don't gotta be like atla-a-a-as
as long as you've. got. me. as a friend...
it's a song not a let me know what you guys think!!!! anybody like it yes no maybe so
Ston Poet Jan 2016
You could be..(Yeah you could be2)..anything.. You could be, can be anything..Uhh,Yeah..(You could be..You-can-be-anything2)..You could be..(Yeah you could be2)..anything..just put yo mind to it dawg..You could be..(Yeah you could be2)..anything..just (put yo mind to it..2)..Yeah..Yeah,you-can-bee..anything.. Yeah you could be..Yeah you can be anything.. put yo mind too it dude..( can bee2)..anything...(Yeah you could be2)..(Yeah you can be anything2)..just put yo mind too it dude...Yeah put yo mind to it dawg..Cuhz, (Yeah, you can be2)..anything, just (put yo mind to it2) yeah dawg..You could be..(Yeah you could be2)..anything..Yeah..(you can be anything, Yeah2)..just..(put yo mind to it dawg,Uhh,Yeah,Aye2)..Cuhz,..(Yeah you can be2)..anything..Uhh

So let them busters & clowns joan they don't know what's best for you,Noo, they just jeaslous they just wanna be you, Yeah they don't know..(nothing2) *****,There's no right or wrongs, its just opinions..Uhh, so **** em,Yeah **** em lil one stay strong.. My lil one stand tall, my lil one work hard at what you want, because my lil one you can ball..Yeah, when life gets tough & stressful, don't give up at all, just pray to God, even when life is feeling good, you still gotta pray & Thank him, be grateful of your opportunities that come & always keep yo eyes open & peeled because these haters be watching & they gotta alot of demons in their spirit, controlling they mind..
So they will try some ignorant dumb ****, just cause they hate They own life, & take yours so be mindful..real talk..Uhh

Rest in peace Lil Snupe,..R.I.P Chinx & Doe B too..Yeah life is rougher for a real one, especially when the world population is filled wit rat & snake *** ******, ****, Imma just stay strapped up like a lesbian, or Armageddon is tomorrow,Uhh..**** the evils of this world, Noo I won't bow down too em, Imma OFTR Soulja, so that means I'm ready for whatever man, Imma always speak my mind dawg, you can hate it but most respect it because it's blessing, real talk..Yeah..
Ayo, Imma always stay true to myself man, no I ain't nothing like these Devil worshiping faggets,Naw man..Uhh, yall fans of the wrong agenda, ,they selfish, they all some backstabbers.. like Judas..
Yeah, you could be anything ,that you wanna be, but don't try to be like them,man, these ***** made, so called entertainers distracting us from Satans plan of controlling this planet man, they thinking its all fun & games now homie untill they get terminated on judgement day when Jesus comes for all of the real ones, I'll bet they'll be regretting while they burning up in the pit of non stop falling...
so just aim to be yoself man, Yeah,Yeah because Yeah man..

You could be..(Yeah you could be
2)..anything.. You could be, can be anything..Uhh,Yeah..(You could be..You-can-be-anything2)..You could be..(Yeah you could be2)..anything..just put yo mind to it dawg..You could be..(Yeah you could be2)..anything..just (put yo mind to it..2)..Yeah..Yeah,you-can-bee..anything.. Yeah you could be..Yeah you can be anything.. put yo mind too it dude..( can bee2)..anything...(Yeah you could be2)..(Yeah you can be anything2)..just put yo mind too it dude...Yeah put yo mind to it dawg..Cuhz, (Yeah, you can be2)..anything, just (put yo mind to it2) yeah dawg..You could be..(Yeah you could be2)..anything..Yeah..(you can be anything, Yeah2)..just..(put yo mind to it dawg,Uhh,Yeah,Aye2)..Cuhz,..(Yeah you can be2)..anything..Uhh

My ***** do what you wanna do dawg,Yeah do whatever pleases your heart, ***** you can go far, just put yo mind to it dawg, stay focusing my *****, don't  stop, don't ever let no ***** *** hater block yo shine run they *** over if they get in the way...Like Ray Lewis would do, Yeah **.., ***** my offense, is my defense,too..Uhh,you gotta reach high like you picking up sativa plants from the ground,..Uhh
Yeah you gotta (reach high
2)..don't keep no fishy ****** or untrustworthy **'s around ya...stay by yoself if you have to & always stay down dawg, no matter how much the evil offers you..forget them earn yo own income,Yeah dawg climb your own mountain, & call up to God only ..Uhh

Yo dawg, digg this, I heard money brings alot of trouble & drama but that's only if you allow it too man, so don't think that way dawg stay indulging in the positive things living brings to you..Yo, do yo own thing my *****, Aye, don't worry about tomorrow, but think forward, yeah plan yo future out, don't be so simple minded dawg, be yoself at all times, don't follow others, Yeah be a leader my *****..Cuhz, you can be anything, Yeah you can be anything that you want dawg,..believe in the words of this song, my ***** this is more than rap or a poem, this is scriptures, Yeah you gotta always have faith & hope, believe in yo self if nobody else won't..Uhh

***** you gotta..(dream4)..,my ***** you gotta..(believe3)...*****,Aye always keep (thinking3)..about who you wanna be..(Yeah2)..forget the haters put em underneath ya, man they just ***** they don't got nothing else better to do than make yo life miserable but you are way stronger than they are..I said ***** reach for the stars..reach high..(Yeah2)..because you can be anything , Yeah dawg, Yeah.. You can be anything..(Yeah4)...(you can be anything2)...that you want..
Dream..Believe...(Dream & believe
3)..,put yo mind to it  dawg..Yeah
/you gotta..(Dream & believe2)../2
Cuhz, you can be anything that you put yo mind to mane..(Yeah2)..Aye

So let them suckers say what they wanna say about ya, **** em all & go get yo paper,prove them lames wrong my *****, stay in yo zone *****..Uhh, you don't need no friends, you don't need a **, all you need is God & yoself dawg,you gotta stay strong, you gotta believe Yeah you gotta dream, Yeah you gotta believe, Yeah you gotta..(dream
Because you can be anything,..Yeah, Cuhz, you can be anything Yeah you can be anything.. (You gotta dream3)..,Yeah put yo mind to it mane..Aye..
(reach for the stars
2)..Yeah..(reach for the stars*2)..Yeah reach for the stars..dream big dawg
Yeah..Young Ston Poet..OFTR..Aye
Azura Skye Jun 2015
Gotta take a ‘selfie’ before I’m outta bed                                            
Mum calls me down for breaky - Open Facebook up instead        
My sister dobs me in – I tell her to take a hike                      
Quick up load the photo, and hope I getta ‘like’.          

       Gotta take a ‘selfie’, gotta getta ‘like’                                            
Dad says it isn’t healthy, my sister says I’m ‘psych’            

   Take my Ipad into class, gotta get the high score                            
English teachers raving – But poetry’s a bore                            
She catches me on ‘chat room’ and takes away my phone        
Beg my friend for last year’s modal, I gotta getta loan.

Gotta take a ‘selfie’, gotta getta ‘like’                                            
Dad says I should get healthy- I take a gopro on my bike

Grumble to my parents – Life just isn’t fair                                    
I haven’t got my Iphone and no one wants to share                    
Mum doesn’t want to hear it, she has no sympathy                  
  Just as well there’s X-box, and by Mp3

Gotta take a ‘selfie’, gotta getta ‘like’                                                
Don’t tell me to think healthy, I think my brain’s on strike.
ekaj revae Oct 2013
outer banks #1

down to the outer banks
where the water
and the dunes
reflect the wild east coast

we had to drive
to where its not commercialized
where the sand is actually
really occupied

ya gotta a dig a hole burn some coal
just to even eat a fish
grab a spear for a crab where the
shallow waters clear

ya gotta go, you gotta roll where
the old wind blow
ya gotta go, you gotta roll where
the old wind blow

watch your back girl
butter flies flyin outta your skirt
fly off the waves like dirt

were hidden out in the sand dune land
protected from patrol
by mountain sand

while the elders passed a joint
laughin, not carin and
so i soak it in
soak soak soak it in

cause you gotta roll, you gotta go
where the old wind blow

crabbin and a surfin
unknown land
im just campin out
and followin my dad

and camper dave
he's my other dad
we got the seafood
the surfers wish they had

so you gotta roll, you gotta go with the flow
where the ocean is remote
dont need no boat

its the best **** feeling
id ever had

cause ran around
the old wind blow

u gotta go where the old wind blow
so you gotta roll, you gotta go where
the old wind blow

you gotta gooo oh
where the old wind blow
NeroameeAlucard Oct 2015
You ain't gotta lie
You ain't gotta try so hard
You don't have to flex to impress me
Be real and cool and maybe we'll vibe

You ain't gotta lie all we have to do is chill out and vibe sit around smoke an L lay back listen to music I'm allergic to ******* come at me with it I split like a banana I know that's random but I'm proving a point you don't have to lie to get in the joint

You ain't gotta lie
You ain't gotta try so hard
You don't have to flex to impress me
Be real and cool and maybe we'll vibe

You ain't gotta lie mom's said there'll be days when you question everything in your head she said those were the days when you find out who's gonna be real and ride with you until you're dead life ain't all about chasing that cake and making bread we're all gonna be in the same grave six feet deep permanently asleep so you don't gotta flex like a young dude about to have ***

You ain't gotta lie
You ain't gotta try so hard
You don't have to flex to impress me
Be real and cool and maybe we'll vibe

You ain't gotta lie I can't talk to a mattress I'd rather speak in a surreality to a canvas plant this seed in the soil of your mind
That all the loudest cans are the emptiest inside so that same logic applies to all of humankind
Inspired by Kendrick Lamar
Ston Poet Jan 2016
Young Ston..Oh..
I glow,Oh, I won't stop No..Oh..I'm on go..Oh..(Ohh3)..Yeah, ** I glow..(Oh5)..I...glow..(Ohh6)..I won't stop Noo...(Ohh4)..I'm on go..(Ohh4)..I won't stop Noo..(Ohh4)..I'm on go..(Ohh4)..I glow..(Ohh4)..Uhh,..I glow...(I won't stop2)..(Noo4)..Oh.., I'm on (go7)..Yeah I'm focused, Yeah I be I'm on go, Yeah, I glow *****..(I'm on go3)..(Oh2)..(go8)..Yeah ***** I (glow3)..(Ohh3)...I won't stop..(no7)..I'm too (close3)..I'm on (go3)..I (glow3)..Oh, I won't drop the ball,..(no4)..Im too focused..(Oh4)..I'm too close to succeding , so I'm on (go3)..(Ohh4)..(I'm on go3)..(go5)..Yeah **.., I glow..(Oh9)..
/I won't stop glowing.. (No
I'm on..(go
6)..(Oh6)..for sure Ayo..

I gotta get my safe filled up dude, straight cake nothing but cash on me..Yeah **, **** the Federal Banks dawg, I been trappin so I got that ***** money, Imma throw some to mom dukes & let her open up her own bakery, so we can clean Dat ****,  yeah man.. My whole family know what's really real, Yeah they stick to  the g code, Yeah they already know the deal man..
My bloodline is filled  with real gangsters *****, that always kept it true & trill, I would never tell, death before dishonor, you don't wanna ever betray me man or your familia will be missing ya, I'm just letting y'all fuccers know from the beginning, Yeah..I look like I'm weak & I'm a geek but I'll have you swimming wit the fishes, Yeah mob ****, Yeah *****, I'm plug in wit the Italians, so like Loaf said ***** ****** you don't wanna..(try me Yeah
2)..then its (bye2)..homie for real, ***** *** ****** this (the statement3)..Aye Man

I usta eat ramen noodles all day everyday man Yeah even for breakfast, but now I'm renting the whole Ruth Chris out in Buckhead for my ****** Disciples, Yeah all of my OFTR Souljas..
wit me everyday & everyday now we getting paid too man, & baked too..(Yeah2)..We making statements..Aye, Yeah Fo sho..

I'm on go..(go
Yeah dawg, I gotta go..(oh6)..Imma keep rolling mo, Yeah Imma keep going..Oh..(go2) sho,..(Ohh3)..Woah,..Yeah I gotta..(go3)..Yeah..I gotta (go2)..(Ohh5)..Yeah of course Imma (glow8)..that's..(Fo sho4)..Yeah dawg..Uhh,yeah I gotta go..

Ohh, whatever God wants me to go then I'm going hes my master & I must obey him or I'm just useless like a 80s era cell phone,Yeah so whatever God wants me to do then Im on it, like a good assistant..
The Heavenly Father assistes me that's why I am still living today,..He's my creator, he's an inspiration for you & me Aye..Uhh Imma **** Yeah..Imma..(****5)..,real talk..
Imma always give (my all
3)..(all2)....but not my soul that belongs to the Heavenly Father,..Yeah..(Fo sho5)..(Ohh2), Uhh..Young Ston..

7)..Uhh..I won't be stopped..(Noo3)..(Oh2)..I'm too..(strong3)..(Ohh6) the Hulk, Oh..I'm incredible & I'm untouchable, Yeah..Imma threat to the Osama Bin Laden tho, but Death to America Fo sho..

(yo8)..I won't stop..(Noo6)..(Ohh10)..,I'm on (go8)..Oh..I (glow7)..Oh..(goo8)..Uhh...(Ohh7)..
Woah,Oh..Let's (go

Im on (go9), Like P.D Eastman, go dawg go..OFTR no we don't support these hos..we only support the real yo..Imma blow, Imma shine, & Imma glow like a nuclear bomb dude, Noo I can't give up now, I'm too close to the finish line, my ***** I will have my victory man,Yeah..
I'm gonna prove all of them doubters wrong,..OFTR we all Kings & Queens , yo these busters all ready tryna steal flow from me..,yo forget being  in a secret society,..Imma let my gang be know mane , Yeah Imma real ***** & I'm proud of being one mane..ayo,What happen to potten lyrics & conscience word play...Hip Hop is dead, so Imma  resurrected it my *****..
These rappers be in the studio playing house naked & dress up wit each other, then claim to be..(bout it
2)..on cameras,..Yeah man..

Yo, shoutout to Nas, Aye, I get that ether flow subconsciously when I rhyme, ayo my Flow kinda reminds ya when hip hop first had started, now these rappers sound like Prince, too much purple drank got these ****** going ******* , I can't understand a **** thang they rhyming..these ****** just don't make no sense anymore, yeah they all  so pathetic..,they ain't even making they own profits, all that revenue is going inside the white manz pockets,they **'s yeah they getting  pimped..By The Illuminati..Uhh,Yeah

I dun gott hot like KD at Rucker Park forget the hook, leave it out, I'm shooting it man, Uhh..I wrote alot of legendary **** while living with my  mama, so yeah I gotta give back to my mama, Noo I won't do what Kanye West or Jennifer Hudson did to their families, **** where yall souls at..Yall suppose to be ******, but yall on that crazy white kid ****..Tyler Hadley..Uhh, I guess the money done, made yall its puppets, Ohh well, ****, yall inspired me to not do what y'all thanks,.. Aye
I have no fears, Only For my Heavenly Father & that's outta love & respect...

Aye man..I wrote this early New Years eve 2015, I had to end the year off wit something deep that'll make the people think & at the same time, let all these elementary reading level looking *** ****** see why I'm the new king in my city, hand the crown to me TI, no disrespect, I know you see me , real recognize real,Yeah or has being a celebrity made you blind to the facts ****, & What's good Ye,..what happen to Jesus Satans ***** now,..You ain't no God..Uhh..****..I just wanna know,Ayo  what's wrong wit asking questions man, that's what's so wrong wit people today, they so afraid of the truth, but living the pagan Satanic way..****..
What's wrong wit this world, I know its alot of information that they scared to share wit us, but we need to know, before Independence Day the movie become our reality, Yeah mane..let's change the world & make it a better place..(Ohh6)

8)..I won't stop..(Noo6)..(Ohh10)..,I'm on (go8)..Oh..I (glow7)..Oh..(goo8)..Uhh...(Ohh7)..
Woah,Oh..Let's (go6)..Oh..

Let's do it, come along wit me my brothers & my sisters & let's all make history my ***** its much room but you can't be afraid of the evil..(Noo
2).., & You gotta be willing to make sacrifices for G-o-d only..(Ohh3)..Yeah of course sometimes we may lose, but the losses only makes you stronger..(Ohh2)..I won't stop..(Noo2)..because I know when the end comes that I am doing the right thing..Yeah man, I'm glowing..

/I'm on..(go
(Ohh8)..(I glow2)(glow2)..(Yeah2)..(I glow3)..(Yeah5)..Uhh..Yeah (I glow2)..Yeah I glow man,..I glow..(glow3)..Yeah , (I glow3)...,Yeah..(I glow3)

I'm the mufucking man, Yeah I usta have nothing , I usta to sleep on the floor, or I usta to sleep on a sofa.., I wake up my neck & back be so sore, but I soared away from that struggle on to success dawg..Uhh, Yeah Imma skinny young dude that loves to spit my mind on a beat & smoke good kush to yo..I remember a time not so long ago, when I couldn't even barley afford to, but **** I stilled smoked tho dude..(Ohh8)
I was jobless stressing out my mama, causing problems around the house man because I wasn't trying get a job man..Yeah I had drive man, all I ever wanted to do tho is stay at the crib & write hits..Uhh,Yeah you can say that I was lost & confused but I was only I was only tryna figure out my true  purpose on this earth instead of slaving for the white manz..

So I started up my own business OFTR, Yeah..Im only tryna give the people what they need not what they want man & that's what they gonna get..yo..we can all learn & teach each other new things, cooperation, Yeah we can all be Leaders & rulers instead of being so against each other mane..real spit we need to cease with the stupidity & be a family, because we can all glow Yeah we can all glow my *****, we gotta go  make some moves, before its too late & the end times come & people don't know what to do man..I said we can all glow,Yeah we can all glow man, so Lets glow together, & grow together to my *****..(Yeah

(Ohh8)..I won't stop..(no2)..I'm on..(go9)..(Oh4)..I won't slow down at all..(no4)..(I'm on go,Yeah2)..(go7)....Ohhwoah..go..go

Like some DC **** dawg,..Uhh, I'm bringing the whole hood wit me, everybody gone eat Yeah..& if you want beef from me, I don't keep none like a vegetarian,Yeah I keep alot of proteins, knowledge & wisdom mane, you can eat them , Aye man, if you hating *****, ******* & If you ever disrespect the clique that's gonna be yo last time man..Aye, so you better repent..
Young Ston, The ****** Disciple, Yeah I love to stay fried but I ain't no dummy, Imma OFTR Soulja,...**** right mane..Aye

They always got something say..Yeah mane
Them nasty ******* & ***** ******  like to stay talking , Yeah ***** they talk alot of fucc **** concerning me man..but I don't care about their words because mines more powerful, They Bruce Wayne & I'm Clark Kent dawg..,Uhh,Yeah..Aye..
I'm one of one like a custom made breitling, I'm so confident in myself , I got alot of confidence in my team..OFTR, we gone win no matter how hard the mission seems, like we was train by the A Team..
Yeah we winners mane so they don't gotta notice me, because I already know where I'm heading mane..Its cool, I'm good, I'm gravey,Yeah Its okay mane.I'm g.Cuhz, (I'm still glowing,Yeah..Uhh
2)..I'm shinning my light bright on all the hate,..*****

(I glow3)..(Yeah2)..(I glow3),yo, I said...(I glow6)..(Oh7)..Yeah..(Oh3)..I won't stop...(no9)...(Yeah4), I'm on (go5)..(Oh5)..I won't stop..(no2)..Im on..(go5)...(Oh6)..I won't stop  no,Oh,..I'm on go **..(Ohh4)..

OFTR, this The Statement, dawg, I won't stop, I'm on go..Yeah..Ayo **** the rules, **** the laws, we breaking them all, we gone ball, Yeah Fo show..,so they can say whatever they wanna say man..,Yeah They can think whatever they wanna think about ya my *****..let them jeaslous busters hate..don't worry, be happy, let the doubters be your motivation,.. Uhh,...I'm the streets preacher, I'm The ****** Disciple, you don't wanna battle against me dawg,..(no you don't
3)..(Oh4)..Uhh, yo much love to all my real ****** thats still breathing Yeah..shoutouts to all yall..yo..
OFTR, we ascending, Yeah *****..we blowing up like the Al Quada goons, OFTR we thugs tho ****..
I don't got much food in my refrigerator, but I ain't even hungry my *****,..I'm getting full off of these rhymes, Yeah this is spiritual food man & it tastes so good like og..Uhh,mane,Noo I don't pop beans, but I do keep alot of bars on me & they got me in another plane..Aye

Yeah I do admit I must change some of my gangsta ways, Im so hectic, but noo I can't  change my gene's,like I'm homeless,..Ayo, Yeah I live life so recklessly,but I'm humble..I'm so misunderstood,I'm  just different man, but I love the way that God has made me...OFTR..(Yeah
2)..I told them ******  that this **** would happen way before I was even established as a certifted business..Yeah I show em, when I was posting songs on my tumblr page & talking so much **** on twitter,..Yeah I forewarn you *******, them busters didn't even get to  see me like Jesus secondcoming.., no they didn't take me serious , so now they gotta deal wit the consequences, man, they only made my job more easy when I finally made it.. Davis..,what up tho my *****..Look whos laughing now,Yeah now who's richer not yall ***** made *** **** a ****  arch ya back for a deal  *** rappers.., Uhh **** yo whole squad they all just sweet ***** *** ******, yall could never make the moves I dun made anyway..Noo I ain't perfect but yall too of the world, yall too weak & afraid of the truth..Uhh
Yall **** ****** know who yall are theres no need for me to even say y'all ***** *** names..OFTR We the realest gang, we the best in the A, we the best world wide too mane, Aye..,Yeah..

I'm glowing.. When they was like "Noo you wouldn't.."..but forget em, Yeah **** em, forget em,..Aye, where all of my **** gangsters & down women at who got my back show some love, I show some back..Oh..(Yeah4)..& I ain't even rapping right now *****, this the Outro,..So I'm making my last few statements before this beat stops, ****..I know the engineer tired, I been  working him towards a billion..Uhh, my ***** they saying what I'm tryna do is thee impossible, but I'm on..(go3)..(Oh3)..I won't stop (Noo3),I'm on..(go3)..(Oh5)..Fo show..Uhh..
You can do anything you wanna do my *****, & you can be anything that you wanna be..,Yeah & that's for sure.. Real gangsta talk..

Uhh, Shoutout to all my OFTRA Souljas , Shoutout to all my ****** Disciples, I love all of yall, for real my *****, I really do mean that to..yall the only ones I'll give my heart too..Yeah..
Only For The Real *****..Only For The Righteous.., Yeah,..OFTR, Only For The Real business, Yeah.., Only For The Righteous..
(Yeah Only For The Real *****, Yeah Only For The Righteous*2)..This is for the righteous & this is for the Real..only..for real homie
Gareth Jun 2016
Gotta get my life in order
Gotta to get it right
Gotta get myself away
Gotta decide to stay

Gotta get out bed this morning
Gotta earn a living
Gotta pay my rent
Gotta pull my myself together
Gotta stop staring at the clock
Gotta stop checking messages non stop

Gotta read another book
Gotta learn another quote
Gotta learn another song
gotta be patient
gotta be nice
gotta keep it all pretty and short
gotta stay out the way
gotta listen better
gotta always do just a little but more
gotta keep my eyes of the door
gotta act like i wanna be here
gotta make them believe me
gotta or it'll be like before
Don Bouchard Aug 2015
Hear me in my blue suede shoes
Moaning out the Internet blues!
Got no time for life outside!
I'm surfing the screen world here inside
Yeah, I'm surfing electrons and I'm lettin' life slide....

Man, I gotta get up....
Man, I gotta get up and go....
Man, I  gotta stand up....
Man, I gotta let the net go....
Cause this Internet surfin'
Is lettin' my good woman go....

Ohhh! I had a woman said she'd be mine,
Wooed her and made her my Valentine,
Forgot when I met her
Forgot her too wide
Let time and her good lovin' slide
Lost on the Internet side....

Man, I gotta get up....
Man, I gotta get up and go....
Man, I  gotta stand up....
Man, I gotta let the net go....
Cause this Internet surfin'
Is lettin' my good woman go....

Ohhh! I hadda wommaaan,
I had a womannn so fine,
But I done forgot about her
Surfin the Internet line....
Now she's gone to her mother's
And givin' somebody else time.....

Man, I gotta get up....
Man, I gotta get up and go....
Man, I  gotta stand up....
Man, I gotta let the net go....
Cause this Internet surfin'
Is lettin' my good woman go....
Gotta get up and go....
All my life I've paid,
I've paid taxes, dues and sacrifices
I've paid bills, attention and detention
**** I've even paid a visit to the county jails a few too many times, either as son, brother or inmate
Either way I've paid, but
Why Do I Gotta Pay?
Why do I have to pay every time a cop sees me on the streets,
Why do I gotta pay every time they slam me on the concrete,
Why do I gotta pay every time they serve and protect me,
Why I gotta pay taxes to subsidize the incomes of those who disrespect me,
Answer me,
Is it because I came from a broken home, or because my Mama was on drugs and my Pops left us all alone,
Is it because I was baptized into the street life b4 I could even decide between wrong and right,
No, no, no, I know why, it's because I look too Mexican and not enough white, right? Nah, it's probably because all my friends are high school dropouts, washed up or strung out,
Or is it because the Indigenous, Latinos and Africans are worthless, well ****, I didn't get to choose my race but if I did I'd still choose Mex!
Why Do I Gotta Pay?
Is it because I'm a threat to the status quo and looked upon as the states foe, well that's not fair, I pay a bigger percentage of income tax than Mr. Koch, Wait! I think I know! It's because my family's from the other side, **** that border! Daddy, why couldn't you be white? It's like what I told you on the 16th of September, We don't belong here because we have indigenous blood, remember? This is the European man's land, duh! Y'all are just so ignorant huh?
Why Do I Gotta Pay?
Is it because for a little bit of contraband from the Earth I'm a convicted felon while Ray Rice is free after he crushed his wife's skull like a melon, is it because I can't find a job and still I haven't robbed, is it because my school won't give me financial aid so I was forced to sell dope to get paid, but still I don't get paid, I pay taxes or the carnales will have me put in my grave
Wait! I know why I have to pay!
It's because I'm a slave, not to celebrity gossip, consumerism and materialism, but to imperialism of the state, I'm enslaved cuz I got too much soul to behave, my stilo is Zapatista & I'm **** with my head shaved, They made me a slave cuz they know I'd take their wombmen away, not by force though, cuz who could resist a date from this Latin Lover from around the way, they mad cuz I got Spanglish from the barrio, lingo from the hood & an academic vocabulary from the Pecker Woods, they scared cuz they're wombmen wish they could, every time I step out Miralo, I'm lookin good! These cops could never be us, and when I'm thuggin, Man, I wish they would! Im a slave cuz I don't understand, understood? I'm standing over my land, understand? Cuz I don't ever stand under! I only Overstand! That's why I gotta pay! Cuz I'm a slave that won't work for minimum wage, I'm a slave that can't be put in a cage, Im a slave that don't know his place, I'm a slave that just won't go away, I'm a slave that can't behave, I'm a slave that charms sharper than a blade, I'm a slave that steals hearts and makes way, I'm a slave that plays and never gets played,
And that's Why I Pay
Cuz I'm a slave that chose his own fate ✊
Arcassin B Oct 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

More than my life ,
More than yours,
I have no burdens,
And no  remorse,

why you gotta ruin everything,

Make a choice,
Take a chance,
The type of joy that
Makes you wanna dance,

why you gotta ruin everything,

I can make light,
Of situations,
Make you smile,
No hesitation,

why you gotta ruin everything,

You and me,
On a beach,
Seven seas,
The mountains peak,

why you gotta ruin everything,
why you gotta ruin everything,

Why you gotta ruin everything that
I've worked for just to gain your self-worth,
If anything I could be sporting some local
Cutie on the base of the clockwork,
Touching roads when you get in your moods,
Yeah they do swing,
Take me out of your insecurities,
While buying some jewelry,
Life inside and out,
Will leave you seeing all of your entities,
I could make light of bad situation while
Putting in numbers,
I called my anxiety yesterday, he said the
Only thing holding you back is your mother,
No shame,
No pain,
No turning back now,
I'm looking forward to the future without
If I could see it somehow,

We could touch
Ripples that follow,
I need a kiss,
But you just swallow,

why you gotta ruin everything,

I use to love,
The silk of your hair,
The color fits,
And people stare,

why you gotta ruin everything,

You put me in,
A state of hate,
That I don't

why you gotta ruin everything,

We use to laugh,
We use to talk,
A lot of things left behind,
For the walk,

why you gotta ruin everything,
why you gotta ruin everything,


I could be everything you want,
The sun,
The moon,
The stars,
To Venus,
To mars
.....I'm killing myself,
I shed tears for you,
The sun,
Seems lonely,
Attention based,
And in its final hours,
We see nothing,
I pray for you,
In any term of love,
We'll get something,
We'll learn something,
We are masterpieces.
Love it
G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
-Post-Punk Pre-NuWave
LA Screaming
Street Fightin' Rock

Ya' gotta' work boy
Ya' gotta' sweat
Ya' gotta' grind
Ya' gotta' moan boy
Ya' gotta' work
Ya' gotta' soothe
that manic mind boy

Say Right Say Right
Say Right boy

You're gonna' love boy
First you cry
and then you sigh
then you will find boy
You're gonna' find another
lover like your kind boy

Say right Say right
Say right boy

You gonna die boy
You will lay down
on the ground
and you will die boy
You will gasp
and you will heave
a final sigh boy

Say Right Say right
Say Right boy

Ya' gotta' work work
work work work
Ya' gotta' sweat
Ya' gotta' grind
Ya' gotta' moan Oh boy
Ya' gotta' work
Ya' gotta' soothe
that manic mind boy

Say Right Say Right
Say Right boy

Say Right Say Right
Say Right Right Right
Right Right Right Right
Right Right Right Right
Right Right Right Right


Whether I'm right or whether I'm wrong
Whether I find a place in this world or never belong
I've gotta be me, I've gotta be me
What else can I be but what I am?

I want to live, not merely survive
And I won't give up this dream of life that keeps me alive
I've gotta be me, I've gotta be me
The dream that I see makes me what I am

That far away prize, a world of success
Is waiting for me if I heed the call
I won't settle down, won't settle for less
As long as there's a chance that I can have it all

I'll do it alone, that's how it must be
I can't be right for somebody else if I'm not right for me
I've gotta be free, I've gotta be free
Daring to try, to do it or die I've gotta be me

I'll do it alone, that's how it must be
I can't be right for somebody else if I'm not right for me
I've gotta be free, I've just gotta be free
Daring to try, to do it or die, I've gotta be me

I didn't write this song, but please let me share these words written by Walter marks and most known for the Sammy Davis Jr. rendition

Read more: Sammy Davis Jr. - I've Gotta Be Me Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Mark Sep 2019
Look inside everybody
Take a good look deep down
There's far too many reasons
For all the troubles we’ve been seeing
Jesus is wandering
While the devil is involved
Buddha is trying
And Allah is demonised
Fathers killing mothers
While our children fall asleep
We gotta wake up our children
We gotta wake up to our true self

The world is changing, look at the shape we're in
There ain't no doubt 'bout it, people have gotta unite again

Gathering on the local street
We got junkies sellin' speed
Who's gonna send a message
And try to give 'em hope
Jesus is wandering
While the devil is involved
Buddha is trying
And Allah is demonised
Fathers killing mothers
While our children fall asleep
We gotta wake up our children
We gotta wake up to our true self

The world is changin', look at the shape we're in
There ain't no doubt 'bout it, people gotta unite again
Not a fun game, when they say, ‘they try’, but they just pretend
For my brothers and sisters, people have gotta unite again

Can't unite love with a white flag
It means nothin' to a drug fuelled pair
You need universal love from all kinds
To change what's wrong with the world

The world is changin', look at the shape we're in
There ain't no doubt 'bout it, people have gotta unite again
Not a fun game, when they say, ‘they try’, but they just pretend
For my brothers and sisters, people have gotta unite again.
Benji James May 2017
She loves like she hasn't loved before
And it leaves you hanging wanting more
The serenity is intensely seen, in your eyes
As the moon revolves around the world
At the speed of light, while we take a
Trip through the starry skies
And our seas of love will rise
While something in our stomach ignites
A fire burning so bright so bright
You can feel it in the air,
Something that was never there
It's tumbling, crumbling away
The walls that you built to stay
Just fell now you float away

So take my hand (You can trust me)
So take my hand (You gotta believe in me)
Babe, you gotta know I would never hurt you
(I'll be there to catch you when you fall)
And you've never felt like this before
So take my hand (You can trust me)
So take my hand (You gotta believe in me)
You've made me a better man
So come on, And be my girlfriend
Baby just take me by the hand

You're the brightest of all the colours
The chemistry we are sending one another
Oh, baby, I'll be your shelter and protection
The hard times are gone, I'll wipe away those tears
You are cute as can be
And you've never taken the time to see
What is inside of you and me
Thousands of fireflies will light our skies
While I hold you in my warm embrace
And the butterflies will never cease to fade
Oh baby take a little time, We can make this right
Whatever it takes
Babe, tell me if you need a little space
Because there's no room for mistakes
When your so perfect, And that's not a hint
I just want life to be bliss
Together forever, Life won't be better
Without you, Without you

So take my hand (You can trust me)
So take my hand (You gotta believe in me)
Babe, you gotta know I would never hurt you
(I'll be there to catch you when you fall)
And you've never felt like this before
So take my hand (You can trust me)
So take my hand (You gotta believe in me)
You've made me a better man
So come on, And be my girlfriend
Baby just take me by the hand

And I say that you're amazing
In how you've created a sea of love
In which we can drown
Oh tell me where does the part end
and how, we're getting deeper than
I've ever been, and I think that you're showing
Me places I've never seen
And it's crazy, How much I couldn't see
That you were in love with me
Where, When did I go blind
I threw my heart out on the line for all this time
You were there, and I just didn't understand
How you pictured me as your boyfriend.
So let the sunshine through
It will guide me back to you
Every single time your my raise of light
So let the sunshine
With my rainbow in the sky
You're my rainbow in the sky

So take my hand (You can trust me)
So take my hand (You gotta believe in me)
Babe you gotta know I would never hurt you
(I'll be there to catch you when you fall)
And you've never felt like this before
So take my hand (You can trust me)
So take my hand (You gotta believe in me)
You've made me a better man
So come on, And be my princess
Baby just take me by the hand
You can trust in me.
So so take my hand
You gotta believe in me
Believe in me.

©2017 Written By Benji James
Cliffy Buglione May 2014
It's hot
It's kickin'
It's funk!

You gotta drown your Martini
With junk
Until this depression is sunk
You gotta remember it's disco
and funk,
You gotta walk around day-glo and punk.

You gotta hit the wall
To destroy your attitude
Even if there's no attitude
At all
You gotta dizzy shake a palm tree
And smile at the clock of reason

You gotta move up offa dat ting
You gotta set fire to your ring
And let your ****** sing

You gotta Boomshakalak
You gotta twist and grind
You gotta Boomshakalak
And it's fun
****** react
No doubt about dat
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
She is the Devil
Standing in the Doorway
Constantly reminding me
of the Debt I've yet to pay
She looks like Heaven
Divine and Catastrophic
Hellcat and Rogue Apostate
Tells me,
"There's Hell to Pay."

Gotta find a way
Gotta get away
I'm in deep too and there's Hell to Pay

She is Satan in a Red Dress
and Six-Inch Stilletto Heels
Crimson-Colored Lipstick
With matching Sharpened Nails
Her Clawmarks in my Skin
Remind me every day
That my soul belongs to Her,
and there's still Hell to Pay

Gotta find a way
Gotta get away
I'm in too deep and there's Hell to Pay

She is the One Unholy
She is the Queen of Time
Her Love Burns on Eternal in the Furnace
of my Mind
My Spirit is her Claim
From now until the End of Daze
Ours are the Hearts of Evil
And still there's Hell to Pay

Gotta find a way
Gotta get away
Running outta days until there's Hell to Pay

Leviathan Cross
Forever in Her Flesh
Her Eyes, Ablaze with Hellfire
Gaze into the Abyss
No Matter how Savagely
I Ravage Her and Damage Her
She always Returns
for yet another Massacre.

Gotta find a way
Gotta get away
Running outta days until there's Hell to Pay
A little Faustian lust poem while everyone's still in the October spirit.
Looking At you day after day I know I
Just gotta make it
just gotta make it
Just to the smile upon your face I know I
Just gotta make it
just gotta make it
Everything I do, I do for you and we
Just gotta make it
We just gotta make it
To the top of the world
Me and my girl
Just gotta make it
Just gotta make it
Benji James Apr 2018
She's bleeding from her lip
From every time he hit
Can't believe that she
Just turned up on my doorstep
Looking like this
And all that I can think
Is how much I want to **** him
Better help her in
Come on let's get you cleaned up
Tell me what happened
Tell me everything he did
Firstly let me clean the bloodstains
from beneath your lips
Wipe the smudged mascara
from beneath your eyes
Seeing you hurt like this
Hurts me deep inside
Gotta be strong for you
Make sure you're comforted
Reassure you everything is gonna be alright
Meanwhile, body temperatures raising
As anger boils deep within
All these thoughts come flooding in

I'm not sure I can keep
All of this rage caged
Killer instincts kicking in
And all I want is revenge on him
For treating you like this
Gotta stay calm,
Keep this girls mind at ease
Help her rest and heal
And as I wipe the blood from your lips
ever so gently
As I wipe the tears from your eyes
You look deep into mine
with every ounce of strength,
she had left she said
please don't go after him
even after all he did

And as she takes my hand she says
You're different
All I need is for you to be there
I just need someone who really cares
Someone to wipe away these tears
You're the one guy who tames my fears
I don't need any more protection
then you already give
And I don't want you to end up like him
Even though the love I have for him
Runs deep, I see his faults
But I know his needs
And he is such a big part of my heart
His my addiction, my drug
Don't expect you to understand
I see the mess this is, I can't stop my love for him

All these words, I soak them in
All these thoughts
are running up and down my mind
How could she not let me step in
This hurting could stop right here
I'm giving her everything,
She just wants me to sit back
Watch from the sidelines
While she takes on this fight
Why won't she let me stand at her side?
And all of this confusion envelops in me
I'm losing focus, Push this to the back of my head
Need to take care of her here and now
Because she needs you here most
I carry her into the bed tuck her in
As I crash back on the couch
All of the things she said to me replay

I'm not sure I can keep
All of this rage caged
Killer instincts kicking in
And all I want is revenge on him
For treating you like this
Gotta stay calm,
Keep this girls mind at ease
Help her rest and heal
And as I wipe the blood from your lips
ever so gently
As I wipe the tears from your eyes
You look deep into mine
with every ounce of strength,
she had left she said
please don't go after him
even after all he did

And as she takes my hand she says
You're different
All I need is for you to be there
I just need someone who really cares
Someone to wipe away these tears
You're the one guy who tames my fears
I don't need any more protection
then you already give
And I don't want you to end up like him
Even though the love I have for him
Runs deep, I see his faults
But I know his needs
And he is such a big part of my heart
His my addiction, my drug
Don't expect you to understand
I see the mess this is, I can't stop my love for him

As I wake the next morn
I go to the bedroom to check on her
I see an empty bed well made
on the bedside desk, a neat note laid
Saying thank you for everything you did
Repairing and mending me back to health
I couldn't have a better friend
Sorry I left before you awoke
Just had to get home
Just want you to know
I'm thankful and grateful for all that you are
You'll always be the brightest shining star
Guiding and watching me from afar
And as cheesy as it sounds
It brings a smile to my face
And for a slight moment concern leaves my conscience
But I hold out hope everything is gonna be okay
That's when images of last night run before my eyes

I'm not sure I can keep
All of this rage caged
Killer instincts kicking in
And all I want is revenge on him
For treating you like this
Gotta stay calm,
Keep this girls mind at ease
Help her rest and heal
And as I wipe the blood from your lips
ever so gently
As I wipe the tears from your eyes
You look deep into mine
with every ounce of strength,
she had left she said
please don't go after him
even after all he did

And as she takes my hand she says
You're different
All I need is for you to be there
I just need someone who really cares
Someone to wipe away these tears
You're the one guy who tames my fears
I don't need any more protection
then you already give
And I don't want you to end up like him
Even though the love I have for him
Runs deep, I see his faults
But I know his needs
And he is such a big part of my heart
His my addiction, my drug
Don't expect you to understand
I see the mess this is, I can't stop my love for him

Another night, another microwave meal
It's been a while since she last came over
Must be working out,
the counselling must be helping them now
And for once in my life I'm relieved
Knowing she's happy calms my mind
I watch the clock tick time passes by
through montaged scenes
This feels like a happy ending to this story
And photographs of you and I
Are packed in a box
I only open it up from time to time
Childhood memories captured in polaroid frames
I like reminiscing about all those good times
Everything was different then
Together just you and I
Hanging every day and every night
until you moved on with your life
that is just a perfect memory captured in my mind

All of this rage is caged
Calm and content I've stayed
The revenge I wanted on him
Has been forgotten
Even after all he did
I'm calm, breathing and relaxed
My minds at ease
We're both rested and healed
The bloodstained cloths
that cleansed your lips are cleaned
ever so gently you're easing my emotions
As I wipe the tears from my eyes
I think of the way you always look into mine
with every ounce of strength,
You've made me a better man
She was right in what she said
even after all he did

Still feel the tender touch of your hand
And I remember every word she said
You're different
All I need is for you to be there
I just need someone who really cares
Someone to wipe away these tears
You're the one guy who tames my fears
I don't need any more protection
then you already give
And I don't want you to end up like him
Even though the love I have for him
Runs deep, I see his faults
But I know his needs
And he is such a big part of my heart
His my addiction, my drug
Don't expect you to understand
I see the mess this is, I can't stop my love for him
And all I can think is how lucky he is
To have a girl like you

As I sit on my couch watching tv
It's been months since she last seen me
When I hear a soft knock at the door
I open it up to see you sitting on the pavement
outside of my front door
she is leaning against the brick wall
Head in her hands, crying
Tears constantly streaming down her cheeks
Bruised arms, black eyes
She looked at me and said
I'm bleeding from my lip
From when he hit
That sentence just tore me to bits
Gotta be strong, Take care of her first
Then I'll hunt him down and make him hurt
Shes covered in scratches, puffy eyes
He really lost control this time
And I'm about to lose mine
I pick her up and bring her in
Pull out the first aid kit,
A warm washer to clean her up
Every dab soft and tender to the touch
I won't hurt you like him ever
I'm the one who will make this all better

I'm not sure I can keep
All of this rage caged
Killer instincts kicking in
And all I want is revenge on him
For treating you like this
Gotta stay calm,
Keep this girls mind at ease
Help her rest and heal
And as I wipe the blood from your lips
ever so gently
As I wipe the tears from your eyes
You look deep into mine
with every ounce of strength,
she had left she said
please don't go after him
even after all he did

And as she takes my hand she says
You're different
All I need is for you to be there
I just need someone who really cares
Someone to wipe away these tears
You're the one guy who tames my fears
I don't need any more protection
then you already give
And I don't want you to end up like him
Even though the love I have for him
Runs deep, I see his faults
But I know his needs
And he is such a big part of my heart
His my addiction, my drug
Don't expect you to understand
I see the mess this is, I can't stop my love for him

That time those words don't cut it
Now the hunters become the hunted
I tuck her into bed to sleep
stay with her until she falls into dreams
I watch her smile and breathe as she lays peacefully asleep
I go around to her house just when he walks out
I strike him hard and fast, I made him bleed so much blood
All the pain he put her through I made sure he felt that too
I couldn't keep that rage caged
had to let it out and get revenge
One day she will understand
I did what was best for her
I won't ever let her hurt
He got a few shots in
But nothing compared to what I did to him
Stitches in my hand and brow
I left him hospitalised
I'll never forget the look she gave
when she found out

I tried to explain
I couldn't keep this rage caged
Killer instincts kicked in
And I got my revenge on him
For treating you like this
Didn't stay calm
Didn't keep her mind at ease
Help her rest and heal
I wiped the blood from her lips
I wiped the tears from your eyes
What he did to you killed me inside
with every ounce of strength,
And everything I am
I went after him
after all, he did

This time she didn't take my hand
And I knew I wasn't going to be a fan
of what she had to say
I regret putting my trust and faith in you
You aren't different
All I needed was for you to be there
I just needed someone who really cared
Someone to wipe away these tears
You were the one guy who tamed my fears
I didn't need any more protection
that you hadn't already given
I didn't want you to be like him
Violence never solved anything
I was ready to leave him for you
You went against everything I said
My love and admiration for you ran deep,
I see your faults
I know your needs
But now you have betrayed me
You were such a big part of my heart
You could have been my addiction, my drug
I was hoping you would listen and understand
Not go after him like you did
I can see the mess this is, my hearts been shattered
Beyond repair, I never want to see you again
Those lines run on repeat through my head.

©2018 Written By Benji James
Gotta live your life
Gotta live your life
Gotta live your life
Oh yeah mate yeah
You gotta watch the footy
You gotta see w show
Of theatre or cinema
How cool will that be
You gotta go to concerts
And have fun at festivals
Getting drunk loving life
Oh yeah mate ****** yeah
You have to be a ballerina
As you enjoy making the moves
You could be a poet
And perform in the poetry slam
And get people to cheer you on
To make you feel better
You could go on a round the world cruise
If you have the money
You have to be as rich as Rupert Murdoch if you want to afford that
You could be the world’s first trillionaire and that way will make you love life
But you could be a drug dealer
And risking going to gaol
Every stretch of life
You could be a tiger
On the loose in the city
But hopefully they won’t have to **** him
That will be a pity
You could go to a night club
On a Saturday night
And party to all the hits
You could sit at home watching
Old movies or concerts on YouTube
Yeah mate just a bit
You might be a person
Who goes to bed early
To enjoy the next day
And hoping you won’t wake her
When your partying is over for the day
Gotta live my life
Gotta live my life
Gotta live my life
And have some fun
Gaffer Feb 2016
You gotta let the blood out the body
You gotta let it all fade away
Once the blood is out the body
Then the body can reawake

You gotta walk the streets at night
Watch the victims shining bright
Waiting for dreams that never come true
Clinging to life nearly through

You gotta let the blood out the body
You gotta let it all fade away
Once the blood is out the body
Then the body can reawake

You gotta watch their eyes
No hiding, no disguise
Vacant pools lacking soul
Destiny’s ashes burning coals

You gotta let the blood out the body
You gotta let it all fade away
Once the blood is out the body
Then the body can reawake

You gotta cut the body wide
Gotta cut it deep inside
See the pictures life unfold
Death in jars, story told.
Ston Poet Dec 2015
Uhh,..(I can't sleep3)..(I'm up,Yeah2)..Uhh, Yeah..(I can't sleep3)..I gotta stay grinding more yeah..Uhh..(no I can't sleep6)..I (can't sleep3), I gotta keep writing till I'm dead & gone,yeah..Aye..(I can't sleep6),can't sleep...I gotta keep working hard .Aye..(no I can't sleep3)..(I can't sleep3), (can't sleep.3).Imma keep rolling *** , sativa..Aye..(I can't sleep, no I can't sleep4)..,I gotta keep grinding yeah, some more..,.Uhh, Yeah..(I can't sleep3) (I can't sleep.3)
No I can't homie..yeah I'm doing the most, Yeah..,
/I (can't sleep2)/3.
(I can't sleep3)..Insomnia, Yeah,..(I can't sleep3)..I gotta lot of moves & money to make,& I'm in pursuit homie..I can't sleep..I'm up..Yeah

Ayo, I'm spitting this dope man listen up..Ayo yeah I'm spitting the truth my ***** so blast this **** loud..Uhh

I'm in my Trap man, rapping & packaging this hard to flood the streets wit, I'm investing in my tounge *****,..I'm slanging dope with communication, Yeah my language, ***** its a craft to do what I'm doing,.. I'm so good with writing raps..I should apply to Atlanta Art Institution, (I can't sleep2)..(I'm up2) I'm too focus, I'm so hungry, physically & mentally Yeah,..(I can't sleep2)..(I'm up2)..just like a crack fein chasing after its last high mane,..I'm tryna get higher, I'm so tired of rolling  ****** up, so I'm grinding, so I can have alot of dat funky stuff up in my brain, no I can't get enough of the funk my *****..Yeah,Yeah

I'm in full speed,.. I'm going so fast homie,.. Like a  NASCAR race mane, you demons better stay outta my way or yo *** will get raned over just like what Tony Stewart did to Kevin Ward..R.I.P homie, no disrespect to his family, I'm just saying don't mess wit me..because (I don't play3)..Naw mane..I'm bout what I say,..Noo..(I don't play3)..Imma grown *** man, no baby steps no more homie..Aye
(I can't sleep2)
I'm up (all day
(I can't sleep2)
I got money to take & make..noo
(I can't sleep
I got alot of moves (to make2)..No
(I can't sleep
I got alot of **** (to Bake..2)

Aye, I stay up 24/7..,I gottas to get it...I'm very impatient, I'm pushing my self to the limit, I'm pushing my self no peer pressure, **** who else gonna push me nobody else will man..Ayo
I'm inspiring the youth homie,Ayo..Im inspired by myself, mane I look in the mirror man, & be like (got ****
2)..You the truth Drew, Fo show..(Yeah4).., & I ain't cocky or conceited, my ***** I motivate myself..Yeah..Aye

(I can't sleep
3)..***** I'm up next..(Uhh2)..(Yeah2)..(I can't sleep2)..** I'm the best..(I can't sleep3)..***** I'm the man Yess..(I can't sleep2)..I'm up & writing hits *****,..(I can't sleep3)..,I'm grinding.. (I can't sleep3)..I'm  searching, tryna find where success lives..Yeah I'm hungry, like a lion..Aye..(I can't sleep3)..

Imma diamond, Im so fly man,..I'm so higher than anyone else,..yeah Im so unique, Ayo, Imma  g, Aye (I can't sleep3)..its so hard to get some rest like I lived (on the streets,3) Ayo, I'm tryna feed (my family3) mane,..I'm fighting for my family like John Q homie, I'm doing the impossible anybody could of done it tho, but these ****** just to ***** for the part so Im playing the role, Ayo, I'm staying true to myself always no matter what, I will never ever fold, I will never change for the fame, **** having  a fraudulent sound, forget a major label, nobody bossing me around, I'm commanding myself dawg..I'm in a position of authority no Cartman..Uhh, Imma young southern ***** wit a  Midwest Flow..,Aye, I roll up for depression, that's my medicine Yess..mane I ain't regreting nothing , I'm looking past all of the dumb **** I  ever did do, I'm growing stronger, like the Hulk , Im teaching myself control..but im still uncontrollable..Aye my rhymes make parents uncomfortable, **** it have your lil son trying dresses on, I did the best that I could do..I'm here to uplift you  & inspire, not take you to hell  dude..Uhh

(Don't try me
2)..*****, OFTR we camed from nothing now all we do is get stares , the people finally starting to notice what's real, man we was famous in our minds already, (confidence,)
when the doubters & haters thought of us as a bunch of lazy *** ******, we was winning even before they ever started to  take notice, Aye, we was winning even tho we  took alot of losses,..OFTR we prevail, Thank God for everything without him I would never had wrote this..Ayo
You gotta learn from the past mistakes,  move past them, & try to never make them again mane dawg, never take any breaks, keep practicing, untill you fall out, & lose consciousness..never give up, & never give in , Yeah you win some, Yeah you lose some, but your heart still beats, keep breathing.. (Go harder, Yeah2)..*****,.. Uhh

(I can't sleep
3)..,Naw (I can't sleep3)..Insomnia,.. Uhh, play this song over & over again if you  are feeling down, sad & depress ..I'll uplift ya..Uhh..,..I can't sleep

I can't sleep
I gotta stick to what I know.
I gotta stay on go..
When your world is falling apart
Because some ******* broke your heart
All you gotta do is turn around
And I'll be right there
When you feel so alone
And you can't reach anyone on the telephone
All you gotta do is turn around
And I'll be right there
When your parents are fighting so bad
And you can't help but to feel sad
All you gotta do is turn around
And I'll be right there
When you need someone to talk to
Or you just need something to do
All you gotta do is turn around
And I'll be right there
When your confused about the world
Whether your a boy or girl
All you gotta do is turn around
And I'll be right there
When you need to get away
And no one will listen to what you have to say
All you gotta do is turn around
And I'll be right there
When your smile can't seem to shine
And you know your not feeling fine
All you gotta do is turn around
And I'll be right there
If you need to yell and scream
Because someone tried to crush your dreams
All you gotta do is turn around
And I'll be right there
If you need to cry, if you need to vent
But you don't know what to say just yet
All you gotta do is turn around
And I'll be waiting for you right there
If you need a friend to hold you tight
And promise you that everything will be alright
Rain or shine, day or night
All you gotta do is turn around
And I promise I'll be right there.

WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: May. 22, 2012 Tuesday 6:51 A.M.
Benji James Jun 2017
Come on you're way outta line
Hey, Hey
Say Hey
Out on the foreshore
Looking for some more Y'all
Come on you *****
Get out on the dance floor
Call for some more Y'all
Take me to the mall
Thinking bout you walking down the hall
For sure
Hey give me that
Picking up that shat
Put it under the mat
Ha...Ha, **** That!

I ain't no gangsta
Just a Prankster
Just wanna thank ya
For listening to my crap ya
Gotcha in the middle bit
Working for a Lil bit
Did ya see that ***?
Y'all gotta go
Y'all wanna know
Where do I come from
Where is ma show
Yo Gotta Know
Yeah I Love you to

Playing it single
Looking for some insults
Running from my result
Of being an adult
Just wanna let you know
I think ya mums a ***
Oh, oh **** ya wanna blow
I'll show you where to go
There he is now you know
Ya ******* wanna throw a punch
But I'll eat ya for ma lunch
Come on bring me down
And I'll take you downtown
Oh No what the ******* know
Ya know nothing and that's how it goes
Whoa, whoa!
Back up the chorus
It's not all for us
It's all for one
But I'm not done yall

I ain't no gangsta
Just a Prankster
Just wanna thank ya
For listening to my crap ya
Gotcha in the middle bit
Working for a Lil bit
Did ya see that ***?
Y'all gotta go
Y'all wanna know
Where do I come from
Where is ma show
Yo Gotta Know
Yeah I Love you to

They call me Benny
Just got change from a twenty
Y'all know so many
Wanna get me
But now you see
They all wanna leave
Because I ain't all that great
But still, they wait
Another rhyme on my hands
But I can't defend
Every man on this
God Forsaken Land
Show Me Where
I can put ma hands
On ya body
Can't touch me

I ain't no gangsta
Just a Prankster
Just wanna thank ya
For listening to my crap ya
Gotcha in the middle bit
Working for a Lil bit
Did ya see that ***?
Y'all gotta go
Y'all wanna know
Where do I come from
Where is ma show
Yo Gotta Know
Yeah I Love you to

One More Time Y'all
One for the money
Two for the show
Three to get ready
And ******* to

I ain't no gangsta
Just a Prankster
Just wanna thank ya
For listening to my crap ya
Gotcha in the middle bit
Working for a Lil bit
Did ya see that ***?
Y'all gotta go
Y'all wanna know
Where do I come from
Where is ma show
Yo Gotta Know
Yeah I Love you to

©2017 Written By Benji James
sufiya firdose Oct 2018
You know right we can turn desert into a bueatiful sea
If we are together…..
The past you went through made you stronger and made me too
All the misfortunate and brutal winds come across way makes us strongest
Just like phoenix you reborn
Today no matter we are in deserts
We can change it into beautiful sea tomorrow
You are no more weak nor alone
Cuz today we are all hear just for you..with you
You're the one who can do the incredible things
you do You're the best and baby you deserve the gift you have
Can't you see?
You are strong You fight against the demons everyday
You're a star,
remember where you come from and who you are
It's hard to be away from home
But it's all worth it look at yourself,
you know I'm talking to you
You're the one who can do the incredible things
you do You're the best and baby you deserve the gift you have
Can't you see?
You are strong You fight against the demons everyday
You're a star,
remember where you come from and who you are,
Believe it you gotta believe it
It’s not easy to be special
To believe in what they cannot see
Full of talent
You’ve got the something that will take you far one day
You’ll reach out to the sky and touch the stars
Just believe in yourself and see the magic
Life's a journey
It’s a roller coaster
Keep the faith and fight for what you want
Improve yourself learn to be strongest
You’re not alone one day you'll reach out for my hand and
And I'll be there
Just believe in yourself and see the magic
You're the one who can do the incredible things
You do you’re the best and baby you deserve the gift you have
Can't you see?
You are strong you fight against the demons everyday
You're a star,
Remember where you come from and who you are
It's hard to be away from home
But it's all worth it look at yourself,
You know I'm talking to you
You're the one who can do the incredible things
You do you’re the best and baby you deserve the gift you have
Can't you see?
You are strong you fight against the demons everyday
You're a star,
Remember where you come from and who you are,
Believe it you gotta believe it
This is all about being friends
All for one and one for all
We believe in what we do we'll never give up smile
You have to use a little fantasy
Let your heart bloom like a flower
You will always win
We know you were strong
And you are near the end
All you gotta do is fly
Just believe in yourself….you gotta believe it
And see the magic….magic
Just like a phoenix
you are gonna re born
Spread you wings and sail across the sky
Everyone can see there is a fire blazing in you
And its lighten up the sky
As you go higher all your past hunt away
You are very powerful your enemy’s stay at bay
You are the symbol that shows the path
No one can destroy you
There is no one like you
You are one of kind
Just believe in yourself…you gotta do it
And see the magic
You're the one who can do the incredible things
You do you’re the best and baby you deserve the gift you have
Can't you see?
You are strong you fight against the demons everyday
You're a star,
Remember where you come from and who you are
It's hard to be away from home
But it's all worth it look at yourself,
You know I'm talking to you
You're the one who can do the incredible things
You do you’re the best and baby you deserve the gift you have
Can't you see?
You are strong you fight against the demons everyday
You're a star,
Remember where you come from and who you are,
Believe it you gotta believe it
You know right we can turn desert into a bueatiful sea
If we are together…..
The past you went through made you stronger and made me too
this i speacially wrote for bts but keeping my sister my so cool boy friend and my osm friends in mind i hope it helps them out

All the misfortunate and brutal winds come across way makes us strongest
Just like phoenix you reborn
Today no matter we are in deserts
We can change it into beautiful sea tomorrow
You are no more weak nor alone
Cuz today we are all hear just for you..with you
yooo hooo BTS love you lotsss
Benji James Dec 2018
She's bleeding from her lip
From every time he hit
Can't believe that she
Just turned up on my doorstep
Looking like this
And all that I can think
Is how much I want to **** him
Better help her in
Come on let's get you cleaned up
Tell me what happened
Tell me everything he did
Firstly let me clean the bloodstains
from beneath your lips
Wipe the smudged mascara
from beneath your eyes
Seeing you hurt like this
Hurts me deep inside
Gotta be strong for you
Make sure you're comforted
Reassure you everything is gonna be alright
Meanwhile, body temperatures raising
As anger boils deep within
All these thoughts come flooding in

I'm not sure I can keep
All of this rage caged
Killer instincts kicking in
And all I want is revenge on him
For treating you like this
Gotta stay calm,
Keep this girls mind at ease
Help her rest and heal
And as I wipe the blood from your lips
ever so gently
As I wipe the tears from your eyes
You look deep into mine
with every ounce of strength,
she had left she said
please don't go after him
even after all he did

And as she takes my hand she says
You're different
All I need is for you to be there
I just need someone who really cares
Someone to wipe away these tears
You're the one guy who tames my fears
I don't need any more protection
then you already give
And I don't want you to end up like him
Even though the love I have for him
Runs deep, I see his faults
But I know his needs
And he is such a big part of my heart
His my addiction, my drug
Don't expect you to understand
I see the mess this is, I can't stop my love for him

All these words, I soak them in
All these thoughts
are running up and down my mind
How could she not let me step in
This hurting could stop right here
I'm giving her everything,
She just wants me to sit back
Watch from the sidelines
While she takes on this fight
Why won't she let me stand at her side?
And all of this confusion envelops in me
I'm losing focus, Push this to the back of my head
Need to take care of her here and now
Because she needs you here most
I carry her into the bed tuck her in
As I crash back on the couch
All of the things she said to me replay

I'm not sure I can keep
All of this rage caged
Killer instincts kicking in
And all I want is revenge on him
For treating you like this
Gotta stay calm,
Keep this girls mind at ease
Help her rest and heal
And as I wipe the blood from your lips
ever so gently
As I wipe the tears from your eyes
You look deep into mine
with every ounce of strength,
she had left she said
please don't go after him
even after all he did

And as she takes my hand she says
You're different
All I need is for you to be there
I just need someone who really cares
Someone to wipe away these tears
You're the one guy who tames my fears
I don't need any more protection
then you already give
And I don't want you to end up like him
Even though the love I have for him
Runs deep, I see his faults
But I know his needs
And he is such a big part of my heart
His my addiction, my drug
Don't expect you to understand
I see the mess this is, I can't stop my love for him

As I wake the next morn
I go to the bedroom to check on her
I see an empty bed well made
on the bedside desk, a neat note laid
Saying thank you for everything you did
Repairing and mending me back to health
I couldn't have a better friend
Sorry I left before you awoke
Just had to get home
Just want you to know
I'm thankful and grateful for all that you are
You'll always be the brightest shining star
Guiding and watching me from afar
And as cheesy as it sounds
It brings a smile to my face
And for a slight moment concern leaves my conscience
But I hold out hope everything is gonna be okay
That's when images of last night run before my eyes

I'm not sure I can keep
All of this rage caged
Killer instincts kicking in
And all I want is revenge on him
For treating you like this
Gotta stay calm,
Keep this girls mind at ease
Help her rest and heal
And as I wipe the blood from your lips
ever so gently
As I wipe the tears from your eyes
You look deep into mine
with every ounce of strength,
she had left she said
please don't go after him
even after all he did

And as she takes my hand she says
You're different
All I need is for you to be there
I just need someone who really cares
Someone to wipe away these tears
You're the one guy who tames my fears
I don't need any more protection
then you already give
And I don't want you to end up like him
Even though the love I have for him
Runs deep, I see his faults
But I know his needs
And he is such a big part of my heart
His my addiction, my drug
Don't expect you to understand
I see the mess this is, I can't stop my love for him

Another night, another microwave meal
It's been a while since she last came over
Must be working out,
the counselling must be helping them now
And for once in my life I'm relieved
Knowing she's happy calms my mind
I watch the clock tick time passes by
through montaged scenes
This feels like a happy ending to this story
And photographs of you and I
Are packed in a box
I only open it up from time to time
Childhood memories captured in polaroid frames
I like reminiscing about all those good times
Everything was different then
Together just you and I
Hanging every day and every night
until you moved on with your life
that is just a perfect memory captured in my mind

All of this rage is caged
Calm and content I've stayed
The revenge I wanted on him
Has been forgotten
Even after all he did
I'm calm, breathing and relaxed
My minds at ease
We're both rested and healed
The bloodstained cloths
that cleansed your lips are cleaned
ever so gently you're easing my emotions
As I wipe the tears from my eyes
I think of the way you always look into mine
with every ounce of strength,
You've made me a better man
She was right in what she said
even after all he did

Still feel the tender touch of your hand
And I remember every word she said
You're different
All I need is for you to be there
I just need someone who really cares
Someone to wipe away these tears
You're the one guy who tames my fears
I don't need any more protection
then you already give
And I don't want you to end up like him
Even though the love I have for him
Runs deep, I see his faults
But I know his needs
And he is such a big part of my heart
His my addiction, my drug
Don't expect you to understand
I see the mess this is, I can't stop my love for him
And all I can think is how lucky he is
To have a girl like you

As I sit on my couch watching tv
It's been months since she last seen me
When I hear a soft knock at the door
I open it up to see you sitting on the pavement
outside of my front door
she is leaning against the brick wall
Head in her hands, crying
Tears constantly streaming down her cheeks
Bruised arms, black eyes
She looked at me and said
I'm bleeding from my lip
From when he hit
That sentence just tore me to bits
Gotta be strong, Take care of her first
Then I'll hunt him down and make him hurt
Shes covered in scratches, puffy eyes
He really lost control this time
And I'm about to lose mine
I pick her up and bring her in
Pull out the first aid kit,
A warm washer to clean her up
Every dab soft and tender to the touch
I won't hurt you like him ever
I'm the one who will make this all better

I'm not sure I can keep
All of this rage caged
Killer instincts kicking in
And all I want is revenge on him
For treating you like this
Gotta stay calm,
Keep this girls mind at ease
Help her rest and heal
And as I wipe the blood from your lips
ever so gently
As I wipe the tears from your eyes
You look deep into mine
with every ounce of strength,
she had left she said
please don't go after him
even after all he did

And as she takes my hand she says
You're different
All I need is for you to be there
I just need someone who really cares
Someone to wipe away these tears
You're the one guy who tames my fears
I don't need any more protection
then you already give
And I don't want you to end up like him
Even though the love I have for him
Runs deep, I see his faults
But I know his needs
And he is such a big part of my heart
His my addiction, my drug
Don't expect you to understand
I see the mess this is, I can't stop my love for him

That time those words don't cut it
Now the hunters become the hunted
I tuck her into bed to sleep
stay with her until she falls into dreams
I watch her smile and breathe as she lays peacefully asleep
I go around to her house just when he walks out
I strike him hard and fast, I made him bleed so much blood
All the pain he put her through I made sure he felt that too
I couldn't keep that rage caged
had to let it out and get revenge
One day she will understand
I did what was best for her
I won't ever let her hurt
He got a few shots in
But nothing compared to what I did to him
Stitches in my hand and brow
I left him hospitalised
I'll never forget the look she gave
when she found out

I tried to explain
I couldn't keep this rage caged
Killer instincts kicked in
And I got my revenge on him
For treating you like this
Didn't stay calm
Didn't keep her mind at ease
Help her rest and heal
I wiped the blood from her lips
I wiped the tears from your eyes
What he did to you killed me inside
with every ounce of strength,
And everything I am
I went after him
after all, he did

This time she didn't take my hand
And I knew I wasn't going to be a fan
of what she had to say
I regret putting my trust and faith in you
You aren't different
All I needed was for you to be there
I just needed someone who really cared
Someone to wipe away these tears
You were the one guy who tamed my fears
I didn't need any more protection
that you hadn't already given
I didn't want you to be like him
Violence never solved anything
I was ready to leave him for you
You went against everything I said
My love and admiration for you ran deep,
I see your faults
I know your needs
But now you have betrayed me
You were such a big part of my heart
You could have been my addiction, my drug
I was hoping you would listen and understand
Not go after him like you did
I can see the mess this is, my hearts been shattered
Beyond repair, I never want to see you again
Those lines run on repeat through my head.

©2018 Written By Benji James
With a whole lot of new followers since I last uploaded this and being one of my favourite pieces I wrote this year...I just had to Reupload these lyrics.
P.s it is pretty long, so it you manage to make it through the whole piece congratulations. (Claps)
Britt Aug 2013
crumbling apart trying to put myself back together again i gotta be doing something wrong.patience can be a virtue as well a vice i would rather keep myself busy or live in the moment  then wait.but pray hope for the willpower to change along the way and find truth with trust.lust with with purpose and faith in life.i gotta stay on top of this get back on this horse and live through mistakes again and learn new ones along the way.but dont get stuck in this craze new age believing just live the life you know and willing to live .i gotta wiggle through this this quicksand i seem to be sinkin in .i gotta stop feeling alone when no one is there to talk to  then that sounds ridiculous when i double think who above me.i gotta fight the past and memories that haunt me voices in my head the guilt the lies the heartache and move on to a life of mine a i can bear and be me.i gotta fight to be happy
gonna commence a journey
gotta get on the way
provision and direction
will appear along the way

gotta open brand new doors
become a bit unhinged
gonna loosen the **** tethers
that forge the chains within

gotta sail uncharted waters
lose sight of familiar land
gonna become a fearless sailor
track footprints on exotic sand

some jagged mountains beckon
sheer cliffs gotta be scaled
the ascent gonna bring blessed growth
not to try is to miserably fail

gonna explore hidden valleys
with courage, grit and resolve
all risks are opportunities
problems that gotta be solved

so good bye tiny comfort zone
gotta leave with dispatch and haste
a new life is mine to have
gonna banish fear with grace

Happy New Year


Musical Selection:
Beach Boys, Sail on Sailor
storm siren Feb 2020
I hope you bleed.
I hope you cry.
I hope you scream,
Beggin' your god
"Whyyy, ohh why?"

I hope you see.
I hope you hide.
Remember me
As the bad guy.

I hope you keep
It together,
Long enough
To remember.

I hope you peek
In all the books
They tell you not to.

I hope they reap
Your pride.
But not all that truth
Ya' got inside.

I hope you know
This world don't matter.
So if you got a light,
You gotta let it show.
Let it show,
Let it show,
You gotta
Let that heart glow.

If ya' got a light,
If ya' got a light,
If ya' got a light,
Ya' gotta
Let that heart glow.

You will bleed.
You will know.
It will hurt,
But you gotta
Let the scars grow.

You will see
Others lie.
You'll never really
Get why.
It's the worst,
Trust me, I know.

But ya' gotta just
Let 'em go.

Let them go,
Let them go,
Let them go.

Ya' gotta just
Let that hurt go.

You've got that light,
I know y'know.
So you gotta fight,
Ya' got places to go.

So go,
So go,
Ya' gotta just
Get up and go.

So go,
So go,
Ya' gotta just
Let that heart glow.
Classy J May 2023
I delight in weaknesses,
in insults,
in hardships,
in persecutions,
in difficulties.
For when I am weak, then I am strong

Thought I could do this alone,
But my pride made me prone.
I feel torn,
I feel worn,
Addiction attached to my mind,
Like a crown of thorns.
Got me numb and resisting those who are kind.
Limitations of the stubborn,
Deny the sunscreen, but gets surprised with the sun burn.
Locked in a prison,
Yet I was the one that walked in.
Couldn’t get enough of the ecstasy,
As I needed an excuse to continue,
Playing the victim.
What can I say?
Conformity got to be comfortable.
Is it possible to choose to be a slave?
A question that leaves a majority uncomfortable.

I gotta get out, gotta break free, from the sinkhole that be trying to swallow me.
The past tries to grip, tries to make me slip.
But I gotta remind myself that I’m no longer shackled to that ****.
I gotta remind myself of my merit,
That I’m not just a statistic,
I have a ******* name,
And people will hear it!

Society don’t think much bout me,
For awhile I believed what they told me.
Spiralled down dark paths that almost killed me.
Many nights I screamed for Creator to take me.
The weight overbearing,
Addiction overwhelming,
Collecting scars and mistakes that got me resenting,
That I was born possessing.
A skin tone unmatching.
A dominant society that found it revolting.
Yet had no problem ******* and ******,
The ones who loved me.
Left to watch as many of them died in front of me.
No wonder I crave the needle,
The smoke,
The drink
The pills
The coke,
Because when I die I can say to them don’t worry I’m coming.
Coming home;
A home that was robbed from me.

I gotta get out, gotta break free, from the sinkhole that be trying to swallow me.
The past tries to grip, tries to make me slip.
But I gotta remind myself that I’m no longer shackled to that ****.
I gotta remind myself of my merit,
That I’m not just a statistic,
I have a ******* name,
And people will hear it!

Gotta come together and stand as one,
Fight against the trauma that leaves many wounded,
Like it was a bullet from a gun!
Gotta to fight the **** that is rooted,
In a society that remains stunned.
C A Apr 2012
The first time, wasn't awesome
I was nervous, I was scared to death
I was quiet, I wasn't confident
but I gave in, to my deepest sin
and I lost my breath
it wasn't worth it

I was 17, it was way too young
for a girl to be losing everything for fun
But I caved in, under all the pressure
gave it up to a boy who doesn't measure up
to man at all,
he was not a boy you want
or the kind of boy you take home to mom
he's not the american dream
he's a punk kid packed full of nothing

Stupid me, I should have known
I should of let all that drama go
He left me with a broken soul
and a shattered heart
with no place to go
Then he took my perfect world a part
and I realized how life was hard
cuz a fool who played the part of sweetheart

He gave me drugs all the time, I was so twacked up that I lost my mind and
now I'm stuck cleaning up the mess he made
all the doubts in my head turn another shade
another color
I want something new, a better offer
What I need is to find myself again,
what I need to be is my only friend

I need another door to open up
lost my opportunity because I gave it up
all for love
played the games, and I've had enough
What I need is a second chance
and What I need is to get me back

Love is a risky business
Add drugs and it turns into ****
You play games, that have no rules
Lies wasted cuz it's all your fuel
forget what your trying to do
all you blame is you
cuz you act a fool and
breaking away can be difficult
being an addict in the unknown
Got to learn to live your life and grow
and leave all the dysfunctional
you gotta man up, and grow some *****
leave the lust that tears you apart
gotta figure out what you really want

Got put yourself first
even when its hurts
Gotta lose all the jerks
gotta look up in a mirror and take a stand
gotta figure out you don't need a man
to hold your hand
gotta get your life back on track and
forget all that brings you down
take good hard look at yourself
and come back around
They don't know what their losing now
Found a whole new woman and a whole new crowd

forget love for the time being
and remember being 17,
remember how naive you could be
when a boy says he'll give you everything
***** that **** and get it yourself
remember you don't need a mans help
remember it'll take some time
but you're a whole new person,you're diamond
in the rough, life is tough
but it's way too short to be serious
in love so young
you deserve the world
and your freedom
don't owe anything to anyone
just watch who you'll become

And if you want the world in the palm of your hands
take a firm hard grip on your second chance.
And don't look back
on the past, and be grateful for all that you have
You gotta make better choices
don't throw it all away for all them boys and
parties, and fun and lots of poison
don't make the same mistakes I made
cuz I learned everything the hard way
Hear what I gotta say
Cuz when it pours it rains
Get yourself out of a gutter
out of a rut
Get sick and tired cuz enough is enough
Show them what your made of
And don't give your dreams up, all for love

— The End —