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There is no blame.
There is no blame.
There is no blame.
There is no blame.

There is no shame
unless you blame
or forget to learn
there can be shame,

but there is no blame
there is no blame
no room for blame
nor time for blame,

there is no blame,
no blame at all
there is no blame,
it will only stall.

No blame.
No blame.
Make thus thy mantra:

No blame.

for there is no shame
nor any blame,
unless you forget to learn,
or you yet yearn
to call for blame;
and endless shame
but there's no room for blame in this life of limited time
nor room for shame
nor to refrain yourself from anything but yourself;

no time for that
no room for that
it is only hate
and a grudge,
what a shame.

Work towards improvement.

I hold no blame
and try for no shame
in who I am and what I do.
Yet there is blame
and with it, shame
but what a shame
is this blame;

Work towards improvement.

There is no blame
in the face of such blame.
I cannot blame you;
but still I maintain
that there is no blame,
nor begrudging shame.

Work towards improvement.

There is no time for blame
nor room for shame,
nor need to blame;
I hold no blame.

No blame.

There is no blame; blame is an artifact of Ego and Shadow.
Non-blame is an artifact of compassion.

Also, after reading this, the word "blame" seems to become weird.
Mark Kelley Feb 2019

I sure don’t blame the hills
Nor do I blame the trees
I do not blame the summer bugs
Or winter’s endless freeze

I cannot blame the wind
That winds around the bend
And I will not blame the history
With fences still to mend

I sure don’t blame the view
Nor the colors in the fall
I do not blame the quiet nights
Or the sounding of the call

I cannot blame the birds
Or the squirrels up in the trees
In the end there’s only one
To blame and that be me

It’s not the Billy’s that I blame
Their stupid, stubborn ways
Or coldness that eludes the view
Of dark and dreary gaze

No, more than them, it’s me I blame
For ending in this maze
For strapping in to drive my dreams
Through cold and foggy haze

It’s me I blame for clinging to
This dream that never dies
For thinking there’s a quiet place
Somewhere in these skies

Believing that the days will run
Down warm roads in the sun
And lead me to a rocking chair
To rest when days are done
But truth is hard to swallow
When the Northwind howls your name
And though you try to hit the mark
There’s noone left to blame

Path I took and the path I take
That leads me to the end
Can never be my lover and
Will never be my friend

No, blame is not for lovers
And blame is not for fools
And blame is not a simple prayer
That plays by simple rules

No, blame is not my partner
And blame can’t point the way
Blame will have to suffer on
to rule another day
Sethnicity Nov 2016
It had to be a yes
It coulda been a sure
There ain't no way to know why don't you go and ask the *****

I'll blame it on the Drinks
no matter what you thinks
**** it up to having fun outside of roller rinks.

Blame it on my Dad
add up all he had
Never had the time talk but yo he wasn't Bad.
But Don't blame it on the ra rah rah raw ape Culture!

Blame it on the hips
the rubbing and the dips
**** a rubber neways it woulda ****** ripped
I asked that ***** twice
don't I sound nice
Check my stats wow Now you know she wanna slice

Hey Hey it wasn't me, It's spaghetti strapped tees
skirt above the knees
my eyes are steady sayin please

I can't control my blink
they way you dress in pink
I'm the best to women no matter what they ****** think
But Don't blame it on the Rap ra ra raw ape Culture!

I saw you from a far
you walked up to the bar
It must have been a sign from god so now your in my car

Of course you are a tease
there's no way that I could leave
A damsel in distress in need of what I gotta see

No one believes that I
ever be apart
something had to make me
act that way
ain't me
It Won't happen again
believe me cause
I need too
hold on to my status
as the baddest
of the good dudes

So I'll Blame it on the Dress
Girl I won't confess
Blame it on my Name
that got you feeling all that shame
or you can Blame it on the Ra Rah rah Raw ape  Culture.
Blame it on the Ra rah Rah raw ape **** Culture.

Blame it on the Drinks
forgetting what you think
Blame it on the Money
cause we all could use some Honey,
Blame it on the Ra Rah rah Raw Ape **** Culture
Blame it on the ra Rah ha ha ha Raw  ape Culture!

Soon You'll be a wake
have time to contemplate
No matter what you do
they'll favor me before you

Say whats on your mind
Sell your rhyme to Time
Manufacture a movement
hashtag a catchy tag line

I objectify ya body cause I'm picking up the tab
calling you a goddess but I'll never call a cab  
Tell'n me ya problems my shoulder is your tissue
would it make it better If I just got with you
the scratches on ya body are old bf issues
Even Judge and Jury will straight up diss you

So you can Blame it on my Dad
The one I never had
Blame on the rain
*** you faking just for fame
You can
Blame it on the Ra ra rah Raw ape **** Culture
Blame it on the Ra ha ha ha ha **** Culture.

I'm saying what you want
You didn't look that drunk
I make you feel good bout your body
Call me Trump
My hands are all up on you
but you didn't run so I got you
I'll blame it on the Stress
the money and success
I'll blame it on the way you looked
standing by my desk
So Blame it on the Ra Rah Rah Raw ape **** Culture
Blame it on the Ra ha Rah Ha ha Haha **** Culture....
That moment when all the party and ******* songs loose their flavor.

Blame it on the **** Culture!
I'm not done w/ this piece yet.
D Loup Sep 2014
To: R

I want you to know that the way I feel for you is too great to be able to put in words

I want you to know that what you are to me is far more than just a love
No, you're more than that

I want you to know that I'm drowning in a pool of emotions, and it's all for you, only you, always you

I want you in my life
It's just that maybe somehow you don't see that

And that's okay

Maybe it's just that life is always in the way and there's no way in hell that I can be as important to you as your everyday life

And no, I don't blame you

I don't blame you that each time I reach out to you, you don't notice me the way that I think you will

I don't blame you that when I talk to you, you ignore the fact that I want more than just a simple hello maybe because you don't see me the same as everyone else

I don't blame you that you don't return my calls, nor that your only excuse everytime is that you're busy

I don't blame you for being independent

I don't blame you for having a life

I don't blame you for not seeing me as a first option

I don't blame you for your lack of interest sometimes, hell I don't blame you for your lack of attention

I don't blame you for the way you make me feel when we see each other

I don't blame you for the times that when our eyes meet, I come undone

I don't blame you for having me on a pedestal, a travesty for everyone to see

I don't blame you for keeping me up at night, just wondering what the hell you could possibly be doing

I don't blame you for making me have these thoughts

I don't blame you for the anchors in my chest

I don't blame you for the times I doubted what would become of this

I don't blame you for making me hope

I don't blame you for this letter

I don't blame you for these tears

I don't blame you for making me feel this way

I don't blame you for making me fall

No, I don't blame you for anything

This is my fault from the beginning

I knew you'd be something special, it's just that maybe you see the world in a different light

See, I want you in my life so bad, but  it just can't be so

I just wanted you to know that I can't have you, and this is all my fault

I love you

I have to give up on you, so this is goodbye
As raw as it can get
ivory Jun 2010
...blame the dreamer, the make-believer, the great play-pretender. blame the girl that picks up every drop of hope off the floor with tweezers. we all want to believe. even if its obvious how dangerous it could be, even when it has dagger-like thorns, and they stab your fingers. we want want want something still even though you will bleed. blame the ambitious one. blame that ******* time that always haunts us. blame the one that tries to defy it. blame loneliness, blame that empty space, that shadow that lingered for so long. blame the encouragement of self-sacrifice. blame basic human instinct, to see, to chase, to conquer. blame the amygdala. but what would it be like, without emotion, wouldn't hurt to forget to remember. blame energy. blame everything you've ever tried to believe in, wanted with every ounce of passion you had left. blame money, we're all just slaves. blame the unknown course of human life. blame the unpredictability of the circumstances in which you take your last breaths. wherever you would be, would the last scene in your play be a happy one or a tragic ending..or somewhere in between? blame analyzation and rationalized thinking, the fact that things could make perfect sense but your gut tells you differently. blame fear and anxiety, blame what scares you the most in this world. heights, change, being alone. blame the girl that always sees light but is ready for the dark, she is waiting by her windows. shes prepared for the part in the end where the actors bow and you realize, oh, yeah, ****...this was all just imagined.

blame me. the director. the optimist. blame me, because i picked the thorned rose.

but it was just so, tempting, so extremely beautiful...

......i just take life as it comes.
© AlyssiaAnderson

Awkward reactions encouraged.
Rosie Mar 2018
I don’t blame you

I don’t blame you for being insecure
I don’t blame you for falling in love with someone incapable of loving you in return
I don’t even blame you for projecting your problems onto me
I understand that sometimes it’s easier to blame
our mistakes
our problems
on the people closest to us
I don’t blame you

I don’t blame you for our friendship falling apart
I don’t blame you for blocking me on every social media imaginable
I don’t even blame you for not speaking to me
I understand that we just weren’t
for each other anymore
I don’t blame you

But I do blame you

I blame you for insulting me behind my back
I blame you for not being there when I needed you
I blame you for thinking you were the only protagonist in this story
and I was just a side character

I wish you knew how much I miss you
I wish you knew that for some
reason I don’t hate you
I wish you knew that I would still give you the shirt off my back
if shivers racked your body
Travel across the country
if you need something as simple as a hug
Cut my own heart out
if yours was broken

But I blame you

I blame you
Because I understand
and I wish this wasn’t the case
That you wouldn’t do the same

I blame you
Big Virge Sep 2021
So Where Does The Blame Lie... ?!?

When It Comes To Lives...
That Are... Marginalised... ?!?

And By This I Mean...
Those In POVERTY... !!!

Is It Down To THEM... ?!?

Or Corrupt Systems...
And Their Negligence... ?!?

Is It Fair To Suggest...
That World Governments...
Could Really CARE LESS...
About Those Who They Know...
That They CAN'T CONTROL...
Like REBELLIOUS Souls...
With Dark Skin Tones... ?!?

Or Those White Folks...
Who Just Won’t Do...
As They Are Told... !!!

Because There Are A Few...
Don’t Get It Confused... !!!

Which Leads Me To...
The Question of WHO...
Can Really Be Blamed...
For Creating Slaves...
And Race Hate Today... !?!

Should The Blame Be Placed...
On... Colonial Names... ?!?

Are They The ONLY Ones...
To Have Employed Chains...
In Foreign Kingdoms...
That They Now Dominate... ?!?

Or Can Blame Be Aimed...
At Those Who Gained...
From Slavery Trades...

Who Sold Their Souls...

Who Should Be ASHAMED...
of Claiming... PAY...
Instead of Protecting...
Those From Their Race... !!!

Should Blame Be Injected...
Into This Debate... ?!?

Or Just Be REJECTED...
As Being... INSANE... ?!?


Or Can ANY Race CLAIM...
That They’re FREE of MISTAKES...
And Have Always Embraced...

Behaviour That’s HUMANE... !?!

You See Blame Is Used...
Much Like A Ruse...
To Keep People Confused...
And Devoid of TRUTH... !!!

So WHO Can We Blame...
For Societal Pain...
In The World Today...

Or Should That Be WHAT... ?!?

Like... CORONA Strains...
And Vaccine Campaigns...

Can We Blame The CHINESE... ?!?

You See Blame DEFAMES...
And Sometimes DECEIVES... !!!

If What You Believe...
Is A... FALLACY... !!!

However LIES Can Be Blamed...
When The Truth Is Displaced...

The Blame Game Is Played...
By... Political Names...
Pretty Much EVERYDAY... !!!

It’s A Crying Shame...
To See How They INFLATE...
Problems of The State... !!!

Like This Sudden Need...
For Us All To VACCINATE... !?!

Because As I’ve Read Today...
There’s Apparently Now...
Taking Centre Stage... !!!

Like It Did In The Days...
of Those World Cup Games... !!!

Now Of Course That’s A JOKE... !!!

But Blame Can Invoke...
Lots of Dubious Quotes...
That Can Leave People BROKE... !!!

If You’re Blamed For ****...
Or Exporting *******...

It Can Start Campaigns...
And Can RUIN Your Name... !!!

If What You’re Blamed For...
Starts An Online War...

Like We See Nowadays...

So Where Does The Blame Lie...
For These Online Crimes...
That Have Lead To SUICIDES...
And A LOT More That’s VILE... !!!

With Those Running Websites... ?!?

Or Big Tech Companies... ???

Who Really DON'T Seem...
To Be Too Worried...
About ABUSES Seen...
On Internet Screens... ???

Can We Simply Blame GREED...
As The Reasons For...
What Many DEPLORE... !!!

From Online ****...
To Things Now Bought...
From Online Stores... !!!

Seems To Be Where Blame...
Is Now Being... AIMED... !!!

When Online Companies...
Face The Type of Complaints...
That Say That They’re Playing...
Some DANGEROUS Games...
With Peoples’ Brains...
Just To... Get Paid... !!!

It’s The Same Ol’ Same...

Blame's ALL OVER The Place... !!!
EXCEPT... Perhaps...
Where It REALLY SHOULD BE... ?!?

Because What Is FACT...
Is That People NEED...
To Take A STEP BACK...
And Look At THEMSELVES... !!!

Instead of Laying Blame...
With... EVERYONE ELSE... !!!

Because The Bottom Line...
When It Comes To Our Lives...
Is That Choices We Make...
Are What Really DEFINE...

The Answer To...
This Question of Mine...

That’s Simply Asking This...

“ Where The Blame Really Lies “
Not such an easy question to face, or to, TRUTHFULLY Answer !
Unknown Feb 2020
“Are you Proud?”

Are you proud, proud of the thing you created?
Are you happy, knowing your little girl, your middle daughter is breaking?
Are you excited, when I can hear you in what is supposed to the safety of my home, yelling?
Are you glad, when I cower in fear beneath my blankets, because I can’t stand the screams?
Are you euphoric, when I blend into the silence in between your conversations because that is where I feel safest?
Are you okay, when I say “I’m fine,” with a smile so wide it hurts and my eyes go dull?
Are you alright, as unknown to you I have monsters in my closet that comfort me more than you ever will, when you scream and shout at one another?

Are you Proud?

Do you sleep well at night, knowing that the sister I have grown up with hates me?
Do you go about your day, knowing that I don’t want to suffer any longer but for some reason I still do?
Do you relax well in the comfort of the couch, knowing that what little life I have left in me is feeble and fading?
Do you wake up in the morning believing the lies I tell you to keep you happy?
Do you know that reason I smile and make jokes is so I can keep the attention off of myself and not crumble beneath your expectations?
Do you realize that everything I do is to make life easier for you?
Don’t you see how I try to be mature because my father is an alcoholic child, my mother acts like violence is the answer to disobedience, my little sister hates every fiber of my being because I’m “not suffering like she is”, my big sister acts like she knows what she’s doing like she is perfect and that anything and everything we will ever to is against her.

Are you Proud?

Father, know that I don’t blame you for the things you have done to us.
Know that I don’t blame you for the cigarettes smoked on the couch nor  the boxes of beer your drink.
Father, I want to love you but I need to know you love me too, before you break what little of me is left.
Know that I wouldn’t blame you if you chose to do so.
Father, I know life is hard, especially for you but I am begging you, don’t make life impossible for me.
Know that every shout that escaped your lips is another cut that scars my skin.
Father, I love you, but I don’t know how long such words will last before they become the lies that I tell myself as I cry silently and alone in the dead of night.

Mother, know that I don’t blame you for the things you did to us.
Know that I don’t blame you for the slaps, the punches or the ignorance as to how and what we feel.
Mother, I want to love you but I need to know that you love all of us.
Know that I can’t blame you if one day you decided not to love me anymore because of something I did.
Mother, I know life is hard, we’ve heard your stories time and time again.
Know that every tear that escapes your eyes because of something I did, is another night I spend hating myself for being pain upon you.
Mother, I love you, but I love Father as well, and I need to know you won’t make me choose between the two of you.

Big sister, know that I don’t blame you for running away.
Know that I don’t blame you for all the times a fight has started because you were mentioned.
Big sister, I want to love you but I need to know that you still think of us as family.
Know that I just want all of us to be happy, together.
Big sister, I want to love you but I need to know that you won’t blame or hate us at every turn.

Little sister, know that I don’t blame you for hating me, truly I hate myself as well.
Know that I don’t blame you for all the things you’ve said to and about me, all the things you’ve done to me.
Little sister, I want to love you but I need to know that you won’t scream or shout every time I try to comfort you.
Know that I wouldn’t blame you if one day you decided to kick me out of your life and ignore my existence entirely.
Little sister, I know life is hard, especially in the world that we live in today but I am begging you, do not push me so close to the edge only to laugh as I jump off the edge and hope for release from your torment.
Know that every insult, every joke about me being the favorite child, every glare cuts deeper and deeper, and I fear my only choice is to lay down my life and bleed out from the wounds that you have inflicted upon me.
Little sister, I love you, but I don’t know how long I can keep telling myself that when you do nothing but prove my words to be untrue.

Are you Proud?

Father, Are you Proud of the way we cower in fear when you begin to yell?
But I don’t blame you for doing so.

Mother, Are you Proud of the way you stress us with your expectations?
But know I don’t blame you for wanting the best for us.

Big sister, Are you Proud of the way that you left us without you?
But know I don’t blame you for wanting to escape.

Little sister, Are you Proud of the way that your words hurt me so?
But know I don’t blame you for hating me.

Are you Proud?

Dear future me, know that I won’t blame you if you don’t make it to  18 years of age because you couldn’t handle life anymore and you chose to take refuge in the comforting embrace of death.
Know that I won’t blame you for all the bad choices that you are bound to make because of what I do now that makes your life miserable.
Dear future me, I want to love you, but I’m not sure I can. I have no idea, none that I could even fathom as to what kind of person you will be, I want to be proud of you but knowing me, I’ll never be proud of you.
Know that I don’t blame you if you resent me, I don’t resent the younger person I used to be, rather it’s pity that a child so small grew up to be such a disappointment.
Dear future me, I know that life is hard, believe me I know, I can only imagine how much worse it’s going to get for you,  so future me, no matter how close you are to today, thank you for waking up in the morning.
Know that every up has a down, but not every down has an up. Not all even plots of earth stays flat and earthquakes are bound to happen.
Dear future me, I love you, you might not believe it but I do. Know that no matter how much you hate yourself, I love you. I love you for waking up in the morning, for getting through each and every day even when it feels like there is a weight on your entire body that you never get used to. Still, know that as of today, the younger version of you truly loves you no matter how much you grow to despise your every fiber of your existence.

Dear dead me, death is not something that one can escape, so thank you for holding out for  however long you did. I have only two things to ask you.

1) Did I die on my own terms? Because I refuse to be a byproduct of something out of my control. And secondly...

Are you Proud?
Lora Cerdan Oct 2014
Even though I feel like my heart is bursting,
Technically, it's not the one that's hurting
The heart does nothing but pump blood for the body to survive
It would be unfair to blame it for something it didn't do
but I do blame my Amygdala
for doing such a bad job in controlling these awful feelings I'm not supposed to feel
I blame my lips
for saying your name with the same amount of affection that you do not deserve
I blame my skin
for still feeling your breath spreading on its surface, setting it on fire
I blame my nose
for remembering how good you smell the first time you hugged me  
I blame my ears
for not forgetting how your voice sounded when you say my name
I blame my hippo-campus
for not forgetting the look on your face while you were saying goodbye
I blame my eyes
for the tears that you will never shed for me
I blame my lungs  
for inhaling even though I have no desire to breathe
I blame my pulse
for thinking that I'm still alive
I blame my myself
for everything because I let you ruin me  
I blame myself
for believing that you're still worth it
The worst part is
after all the **** I went through  
I still couldn't bring myself
to blame you
Where did this come from? I don't ******* know.
laura Mar 2014
Feeling unattractive
I blame the mirror
Feeling my voice is cracking
I blame the radio
Feeling no one is clapping
I blame the show

Feeling the weakness
I blame your sweetness
Feeling like I'm falling
I blame boys
Feeling like lost in love
You're the one I blame

Feeling like a trash
I blame society
Feeling empty
I blame happy people
Feeling uncompleted
I blame lovers

Feeling like no one is right
Feeling like I'm unwelcomed
Feeling super suicidal
I don't blame the blade
I blame myself
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I am to blame.

I am to blame for all I have done.
I cannot blame you for the fallen sun.
The rain is not dependent on your independence.
I am to blame for you being gone.

I am to blame for never thinking of you enough.
I am to blame for never loving you truly.
I am to blame; I should have been good.
I am to blame;
You can see right through me.

I have worn a mask to disguise my reflection in the mirror.
It is time to remove the mask;
It is time to see clearer.
The man in the mirror is not a ghost, he is me.
I am to blame for everything.

I am to blame for never changing,
Into what you needed me to be.
I am to blame for you leaving.
I am to blame.
I have to see.
I can no longer blame you,
Because you chose to leave me.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I sat here blaming everyone else
When I should have been blaming myself.
I should have stood by and helped
I should have faltered myself
Just to help others live on.

I blame myself for my best friend being gone
I blame myself for my father passing away
I blame myself for the world's decay.
I blame myself for my mothers sadness
I blame myself for all the people's madness.

I blame myself for not having been a better person
And I know this for certain,
I blame myself for not being serious enough
I blame myself for not knowing how to love
I blame myself for the hearts shattered
I blame myself for the words scattered
I blame myself for this disgusting piece
I blame myself for the world's decease
And I blame myself for blaming myself.
Kara Oct 2014
Dear sister,
I am to blame for the scars littering your wrists,
I am to blame for your sleeve clad arms in the summers heat,
I am to blame for the tears you shed
and the insecurities that torture you day and night,
I am to blame.

Dear friend,
I am to blame for the saddness that constantly follows you,
I am to blame for the days you spend alone,
I am to blame for your scars and burns,
I am to blame for the tears and screams
you choke on until you feel sick,
I am to blame.

I am to blame and I know that,
yet I still push you away and pretend I don't notice the hurt and disappointment in your eyes.
I push you away even though you are the two most important people in my life and the thought of living without you is unbearable.
I push you away even though I love you more than I could ever love myself.

And I dont know why I do this, even though the loneliness I feel without you physical hurts and gets so bad I keel over and want to scream
and fall down
and drink
and smoke
and do anything to stop the hollow feeling that engulfs me.
But I am to blame for my own saddness.
And I am to blame for yours.
this is really bad but i just needed to get it off my chest.
Vanessa Escopin Jul 2022
Who should I blame for my misery?
I blame her for everything
I blame her for my misery
I blame her that I didn't get the chance to be who I want
I blame her for giving me the responsibilities that I shouldn't have
I blame her that I don't have my freedom
I blame her that my life is ****** up
I blame her for what she did
I blame her for the family's problems
I blame her all because of what she did
I blame her that all she did is a mistake
But the results is lifetime
The effect cost me, the family, her children
I still blame her everyday,
Everytime I remember how my life is so ****** up
How can I not get out of my comfort zone
How can I not leave
Who should I blame for everything?
I think I should blame myself too.
You were crying
And repeteadly
Blamed me for it

Now its enough
I can't take it anymore

I blame you

I blame you
For the times i hit myself
And you looked away.

I blame you
For the times i were
On my knees begging
You not to go
But you left.

I blame you
For the days I
Cried so much
That no tears were left to shed.

I blame you
For all the pain
I felt in my chest.

I blame you
For closing me
Up into a nutshell.

I blame you
For stealing my
Confidence and self respect.

I blame you
For driving me insane
And all the headaches.

I blame you
For not letting me be myself
And converting me
Into a mannequin.

I blame you
For ripping me apart
And my soul.

But whats the point of blaming you
Doesnt bring me back or you
Its just a game where we just blame.
AJ Bactol Sep 2017
blame no one
blame not
for no one did know who
and no one knew what

blame no one
blame not
for no one did care about who
and no one would about what

blame no one
blame not
for no one did understand who
and no one understood what

blame no one
blame not
for no one did listen about who
and no one listened about what

blame no one
blame not
for no one did conclude who
and no one concluded what

blame no one
blame not
for i am who
and i murdered who

and no one knows what
Bunhead17 Nov 2013
[Intro: John Legend]
Let's play the blame game, I love you, more
Let's play the blame game for sure
Let's call out names, names, I hate you, more
Let's call out names, names, for sure
I'll call you ***** for short
As a last resort, and my first result
You call me ******* for long
At the end of it you know we both were wrong

[Hook: John Legend]
But I love to play the blame game, I love you more
Let's play the blame game for sure
Let's call her names, names, I hate you, more
Let's call her names, names, for sure

[Verse 1: Kanye West]
On a bathroom wall I wrote
"I'd rather argue with you than be with someone else"
I took a **** and dismiss it like "**** it"
And I went and found somebody else
**** arguing and harvesting the feelings
Yo, I'd rather be by my ******* self
Till about two a.m. and I call back
And I hang up and I start to blame myself
Somebody help...


[Verse 2: Kanye West]
You weren't perfect but you made life worth it
Stick around, some real feelings might surface
Been a long time since I spoke to you in a bathroom
Gripping you up, ******* and choking you
What the hell was I supposed to do?
I know you ain't getting this type of **** from that local dude
And if you are I hope you are having a good time
Cause I definitely be having mine
And you ain't finna see a mogul get emotional
Every time I hear bout other ****** is strokin' you
Lying, say I hit you, he sitting there consoling you
Running my name through the mud, who's provoking you?
You should be grateful a ***** like me ever noticed you
Now you noticeable and can't nobody get control of you
One a.m. and can't nobody get a hold of you
I'm calling your brother's phone like what was I supposed to do?
Even though I knew, he never told the truth
He was just gon' say whatever that you told him to
At a certain point I had to stop asking questions
Y'all got dirt on each other like mud wrestlers
I heard he bought some coke with my money
That ain't right girl
You getting blackmailed for that white girl
You always said Yeezy I ain't your right girl
You'll probably find one of them "I like art"-type girls
All of the lights, she-was-caught-in-the-hype girl
And I was satisfied being in love with the lie
Now who to blame, you to blame, me to blame
For the pain and it poured every time when it rained
Lets play the blame game


[Verse 3: Kanye West]
"Things used to be, now they not
Anything but us is who we are
Disguising ourselves as secret lovers
We've become public enemies
We walk away like strangers in the street
Gone for eternity
We erased one another
So far from where we came
With so much of everything, how do we leave with nothing?
Lack of visual empathy equates the meaning of L-O-V-E
Hatred and attitude tear us entirely" - Chloe Mitchell

[Hook x2: Kanye West]
I can't love you this much
No, I can't love you this much

[Verse 4: Kanye West]
And I know that you are somewhere doing your thing
And when the phone called it just ring and ring
You ain't pick up but your phone accidentally called me back
And I heard the whole thing
I heard the whole thing, the whole thing, the whole thing

["The Best Birthday": Chris Rock]
Ohh my God
Baby you done took this **** to another mother ******* level!
Now a neighborhood ***** like me
Ain't supposed to be gettin no ***** like this
*******, *******!
Who taught you how to get **** for a *****?
(Yeezy taught me)
You never used to talk *****, but now you ******* disgusting
My, my God, where'd you learn that?
(Yeezy taught me)
Look at you mother ******* **** *** naked...
With them mother ******* Jimmy Choos on
Who taught you how to put some Jimmy Choos on?
(Yeezy taught me)
Yo you took your ***** game up a whole 'nother level
This is some Cirque du Soleil ***** now! ****!
You done went all ***** on a *****, okay? And I, and I love it...
And I thank you, I thank you, my **** thanks you!
How did you learn, how... how did your ***** game come up?
(Yeezy taught me)
I was ******* parts of your ***** I'd never ****** before
I was in there like oh **** I never been here before
I've never even seen this part of ***** town before
It's like you got this **** re-upholstered or some ****
What the **** happened?
Who, who the **** got your ***** all re-upholstered?
(Yeezy re-upholstered my *****)
You know what, I got to thank Yeezy
And when I see that *****, I'm-a thank him. I'm-a buy his album
I'm-a download that ******* I'm-a shoot a bootlegger!
That's how good I feel about this *****
Oww, I still can't believe you got me this watch
This ******* is the exact ******* I wanted!
Even with the bezel! This is the ******* I wanted
I saw this ****, I saw it, Twista had this **** on in The Source
I remember, Twista had this ******* on in The Source
That's right, that's right! Yo yo babe, yo yo this is the best birthday ever!
Where you learn to treat a ***** like this?
(Yeezy taught me)
Yeezy taught you well, Yeezy taught you well
Lyrics to "Blame Game' by Kayne West ft John Legend... I love this :D
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
The situation is so bad! The situation is so foul!
Who to blame it on? While we yell and scream and howl
Blame blame blame and blame! Then blame blame blame some more!
Who ever caused this mess, our wrath on him we'll pour!
Ah! The Lithuanians! That is who we'll  blame!
Their ***** we will kick! Their ***** we will maim!
No? How about the Portuguese! They deserve to die!
We'll beat the stupid *****! We will make them cry!
No no no and no! The whole world will now accuse!
We know who to blame!! BLAME IT ON THE JEWS!!!
Bard Mar 2019
Blame it on the system
That never helped those within
Blame it on the depression
That furthers a spiritual recession

Blame it on those around me
That ignore, deciding not to see
Blame it on the one at the center
That ignores the cold in winter

The blame rests on my back
The blame rests on all I lack
The blame rests there till I crack
The blame so restless a heart attack

As I fall into an abyss thoughts turn black
Hard fought steps forward just to fall back
The last call back as I step right off the track
Stand tall even as I sink into the depth lost in cracks

Cracks like valleys and in valleys a kindness
Escape from happiness and all that brightness
Lights so painful to my shadowed eyes  
Fights and spite my dark outcries

Lost in the shadow of the valley
The fire of rage snuffed nothing to rally
Acceptance of blame so biased is folly
Is there any blame out there really

The blame dies in my thoughts
The blame dies in my throat
The blame is just a frame caught
Snapped and shuttered shot

Nothing to blame when nothings wrong
Bad break after bad break nothing wrong
Abandoned by those close, nothing wrong
Expectations and high hopes somethings wrong

Assumptions of happiness and fulfillment
Consumption of giddiness and achievement
Got me dying of consumption
Lost in my own assumption

Get ****** over get put down doesn't matter
Bad luck but I still get up and it doesn't matter
Dont deserve any of it not the enemies not the hate it dont matter
Don't deserve any of it not the friends not the love it dont matter

I could die sad and alone completely undeserved
Or surrounded by those closest completely undeserved
I deserve nothing and if I get everything its completely deserved
For all my work to die in a gutter or a home is what I deserve
Bea Mar 2019
I blame you for loving me.
I blame you for my hard head.
I blame you for my big heart.
I blame you for anxiety.
I blame you for expectations.
I blame you for baby fat.
I blame you for family.
I blame you for showing me what a strong woman looks like.
I blame you for telling me to never settle.

If you are going to blame someone blame them fully for everything they have done good or bad.
Yenson Aug 2018
What I bring to the table is Sensitivity, Sincerity, Compassion,
Honesty and Respect
What I bring to the table is Intelligence, Good Grace and Humour,
Understanding and Confidence
What I bring to the table is Generosity in spirit and Deeds, Calmness and Reflection, Strength, Bravery and Courage
What I bring to the table is a Caring Soul, a Good Heart and Faith,
Loyalty and Truthfulness and Trust
What I bring to the table is Versatility, Competence and Originality
What I bring to the table is the Love of Romeo and Real Passion

So tell me why I am being GREEDY if I say I do not care if I eat alone!

Am I to blame if some chose not to see
Am I to blame if stunted pride and ego blinds
Am I to blame if stupidity and foolishness abound
Am I to blame if complexes and insecurities assail some
Am I to blame if dishonesty and fickleness is more appealing
Am I to blame if envy and jealousy blind eyes and minds in others

Am I to blame if they term caring and attentive as clingy
Am I to blame if they term Intelligence and Honesty as arrogance
Am I to blame if they term Strength, Bravery and Courage as Male
Am I to blame if they term Intelligence Competence and originality
as Controlling
Am I to blame when they lack the Ability to look honestly and truthfully within themselves before pointing their fingers

So tell me why I am being GREEDY if I say I do not care if I eat alone

So tell me why I am being GREEDY if I say I do not care if I eat alone
at my table..........
imadeitallup May 2014
Blame it on
Your absent father
Your addict mother
Your unexpected children
Blame it on
Anyone, and anything
So you never have to
Take responsibility
For your own actions

It's the whiskey
That hit me
It's my own shards
That tore me apart
It's a malevolent God
That lied about love
'Cause you don't do anything

Blame it on
My fragile psyche
My insecurities
My "impossible" needs
Blame it on
Anyone, and anything
So you never have to
Take responsibility
For what you've done to me

It's the cigarettes
That stole my breath
The weight of my expectations
That broke my trust
The spinning of my own wheels
That drove me into madness
'Cause you don't do anything
Everyone has a **** like this in their life.
S Jan 2012
I blame the drugs,
I blame the alcohol,
I blame the despair and the hopelessness that
Put you there.

I blame society.
I blame aggressive personalities.
Taking us down 10 pins at a time.
I blame the pin reset for taking too long
and being faulty at its job.

I blame the selfishness.
I blame the greed.
I blame the world for ******* artists
dry of their passion.

Paying far too much money for splatters of paint
on a canvas.
Paying far too much for songs without meaning
without talent.
That are recycled and reused.

For if I went to art school I'd pay far much more money
To go than I would make in my life.

I am bitter and resentful of what I hear every

I blame this chilling loneliness
which shatters my bones.
I blame myself for not picking myself up out of this mess
And moving on.

It's my voice in my head
That's keeping me from getting where I need to be.
That's keeping me from trying harder than my hardest.
That kept me in bed and not at school today.
It's where I need to be.

I realize that some things are my fault.
I realize that others are not.

I look out the window and I want to cry
Because this 'beautiful world' full of possibilities
never fails to just pass on by.

I am consumed by despair.
And I don't enjoy it.

I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm twenty years old.
To be twenty one in 4 months.
I feel like a 42 year old woman
Stuck at home
Being a mooch.
Vladislav Vagner May 2014
Blame it all on me
If your blind, I'm the reason you can't see
If you got a STD, I'm the reason it hurts to ***
If you're losing, I'm the reason you're not in the lead
Blame it all on me

I'm the fault you lost your job
I'm the fault you got robbed
I'm the fault your job is to mop
Getting paid minimum wage
Still by yourself, at your age
I guess I'm the source of all your rage
Blame it all on me

'Cause I'll just sit here and take it
I don't give a ****, no need to fake it
And if I'm the reason you didn't make it
Blame it all on me

Even if I'm half way cross the world
It's still my fault
That you're broken and missing a bolt
Or that you're lovely relationship came to a holt
Blame it all on me

But while I'm steady being the blame
I stare at your life, head down in shame
'Cause while you're blaming me for losing the game
I take responsibility for what I do
If I **** up, I'll be the last one to blame you

By Vladislav Vagner
Christina Cox Dec 2015
You haunt my thoughts, turn my dreams into nightmares.
Your image shows me what I see in myself.
Someone frightening.
Your voice whispers to me what I hear my reflection say.
Something false.
The memory of your touch makes my body tremble.
With remembered violations.
The memory of your taste makes my tongue crave something else.
The taste of blood.
The memory of your smell reminds me of the warmth I felt.
When I was in love.
You’re the demon I encounter every single day.

Even when I don’t see you.
Even when I can’t see you.
Even when I won’t see you.
Even when I don’t want to see you.

You’re the demon of my memories.
The demon of my body.
The demon that takes over my emotions.

I blame you.
For feeling sad or numb. Never happy.
For crying or frowning. Never smiling.
I blame you.
For biting or cutting. For punching or scratching.
For all the pain I inflict on myself.
I blame you.
For drawing blood on the skin you once called perfect.
For carving lines into the body you once held in your arms.
I blame you.
For creating darkness in the eyes you once called beautiful.
For needing to watch a heart-wrenching movie just to cry.
I blame you.
For forcing my mouth into a shape you never knew.
For creating the fear of a simple kiss from someone else.
I blame you.
For the depression that has taken over my mind.
For the depression that has taken over my soul.
I. Blame. You.

There are so many reasons I blame you.
All of them valid.
All of them validated by others who know my story.
Except for you.
  Because you don’t remember it the way I do.
You don’t remember that I said, “No.”
You don’t remember that I asked you to stop.

So I know that it is not myself to blame.
But because you don’t know
what your violations did to me,
I blame myself.
I blame myself instead of you.
Eric Flaze Apr 2010
Chorus Blame game Blame game. Choose a number 1 to 10. And when the day you pick my name.  I will silently close the front gate. Screaming behind cause I'm leaving.  In shock you'll reply it's all your fault.  No suprise. She plays that old  chord again. Cup over my ears using it to shut her up.And block the noise the coming from her voice. And of all just what I planned before. I have sworn.  Chorus   I'll take all our pictures. And tear them to pieces. Skipping your rememberance.That are running, from the closet on my bed streaming through in my head.      This is me. Just trying to complete. This mess you've made.  Just trying to ignore complaints.  Your best deeds Come with the worst intentions. I had descretion when you sent home that package. With that same old gossipping.  About Blame,  same game. Here we are to play your cards. When my turn comes I'll be out the door. Then with my friends you've left your mark. I haste the day it's your turn. Then you'll learn not to start this blame game.  Come again count it out one to to ten.  I'd say your a 13 cause you bring bad luck to parties. Don't pardon my exit.If  your waiting for a return.  When you mess with my head.nough with this gossipping I'll scream somebody stop this women. From playing   Blame game Blame game.  Everyone knows your the guiltyest.  Every time I burned our bridges. You cane back to seal them up. Everynught before I woke I had to pull out the stiches. That you gave to my emotions. What's to gain from what i'm sayin  Acting like you got me  tied around your finger. I'm your little puppet on a string. But no way will I let you play that game. To the next guy that comes knocking. I'll tell him Chorus   To take all the pictures of the walls.  And tear them to pieces. Skipping your memories before the come. On him like a haunting That are running, from the closet on my bed streaming through in my head.     This is me. Just trying to complete. This mess you've made.  Just trying to ignore your complaints. When you lay down the pain. Acting like you got me  tied around your finger. I'm your little puppet on a string. But no way will I let you play that game. To the next guy that comes knocking. I'll tell him Chorus   To take all the pictures of the walls.  And tear them to pieces. Skipping your memories before they come. On him like a haunting . I know he'll experience the same thing I did. Playing Chorus Blame game, Blame game. Choose a number 1 to 10. And when the day you pick my name.  I will silently close the front gate. Screaming behind cause I'm leaving.  In shock you'll reply it's all my fault.  But I know it's not. Cause the problem is you.
Song I thought up supposed to be a pop song
Don't blame me
That I barely write love poems
You know poetry is emotional expression
And I'm just a lone poet
Barely in love long enough for such a romantic inspiration.

Don't blame me
That I barely talk about love
I live where roses don't grow
And butterflies feed on corpse.

Don't blame me
That I'm not too religious
Wars have been fought
Here so many times sake of that word
And I'm trying to prevent it from extending is fellowship into my thoughts.

Don't blame me
That I'm looking older than my age
More older than my mates
It is because I was born in a haste
Live  in a maze
Surviving on maize.

Don't blame me
If I'm not what you wish me to be
Or not where you want me to be
I'm just another person
striving to be different.

Don't blame me my friend
If I don't call
Or don't longer answer your calls
I'm trying to stop lying to you
Out of pride
That I have become what I used to brag that I will be.

Don't just blame me
If you still don't know my true me
Or how I truly look and feel
It might be because you like reading my words
Without attempting to read me.
So next time you want to blame me
Put yourself in my shoes
And tell me how it feels to be me.
RLG Jan 2017
Blame it on a family feud,
Or the funeral of a man you knew.

Blame it on your strange childhood,
Or the lack of proper food.

Blame it on the wind outside,
Or how you need to feel alive.

Blame it on your last girlfriend,
Or your mother's email thread.

Blame it on the lack of sleep,
Or the ***** you drank last week.

Blame it on the guys at work,
Or the girls who look and smirk.

Blame it on the industry,
Or the drugs you're offered free.

Blame it on the clothes you wear,
Or the balding of your hair.

Blame it on your wasted youth,
Or the constant search for truth.

Blame it on the way she sees,
Or how she shouts when angry.

Remember when you sense the blame,
Defend the honour of your name.

An action caused by outside force,
Should now form your discourse.

Words that flow so easily,
'Never, love, not me.'
Maria Etre Sep 2016
Blame the skies
for giving me the ability
to believe in infinity
in endless chances
after making mistakes
in numerous again's

Blame the seas
for instilling a sense of curiosity
that's seduced by mystery
under the pretty blue surface

Blame the stars
for granting me so many wishes
but never fulfilling my favorite ones

Blame my mind
for not having any borders
that filter what comes out of my mouth

Blame my heart
for rippling emotions that splash
that burn with spontaneity and glow with passion

Blame my dreams
for diluting my reality
with my favorite happy ending

Blame my mouth
for planting promises
on your lips that I wish
I can pinky promise forever

Blame my hands
for caressing and massaging
all the pleasures of life, the pleasures
of being natural, into that thick skin

Blame my words
for saying things
my mouth
will always
and finally
blame the
last moon
for always
reminding me
of you every time
it's full
I am

— The End —