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Mar 2023 · 196
no one sees you.
her Mar 2023
I really try so hard
I have walked through hell in silence
Reciting prayers in my head
The bottoms of my feet burnt
The clothes on my back singed
Tears don’t even get the chance to meet the top of my cheek
I keep walking
Different chapters of my life
Trying to prove myself
I’m worthy
I’m worth it
I’m worthy
I’m worth it
And I’m the only one who sees
Even blinded by the ash
I always come up short.
Sep 2021 · 156
when u move
her Sep 2021
You felt like the first sip of champagne on a Sunday morning
Real crisp like
The first paint stroke on a blank canvas you felt like
So let me know
Did you make it to your destination
When everything went downhill
Cause I’m in the same spot that you left me
Listening to mix tapes with mixed feelings
On the first verse of the last song
I hit replay
When you move
I hit replay
I move
And hit replay
You drew me close
And then asked for space when
I wanted to give you the galaxy
Now distance
Doesn’t seem so far fetched
I don’t want to give up on the vision
So I’ll paint you in a poem
Picture perfect
Maybe here we’ll last
Sep 2020 · 149
now you know
her Sep 2020
I think they want to keep it a secret

I don’t think they want you to know

that the
sun rises
sets in your soul

you are the light I have
always wanted
and the
warmth from the cold

the first time we met
you looked at me
and I swear
I saw the milky way
floating on your
and I haven’t stopped
loving the sky ever since

they don’t want you to know
that God hid prophecies in your heart
I heard them once when
I laid on your chest

you make me want to write

they never wanted you to know
that evil trembles
with every step that
you take

you put one foot in front of the other
and it sounds like
our ancestors banging drums
made out of tree stumps

you were never supposed to know

that power is in your lips
everything you speak

you, are
the universe- love

can you not see it, when you look in the mirror?

I feel my earth shatter
when you question yourself
because they should have told you

that you are everything

capable of anything

and everything is you
for the one
Sep 2020 · 147
her Sep 2020
if I talk to someone and they don’t answer
is it considered a conversation
if I talk to God and He doesn't answer
is it considered a prayer

how many times must I
walk through the valley
of the shadow
of death
before I fear no evil

if you know my heart God
why do you let it break
and how many times
do my fingertips have to bleed
from picking up the pieces

why don’t you talk back

have you grown tired of my tears
I memorize the lines they make
on my cheeks
like roadmaps
that might lead me to you
until they fall off the bottom of my face
and dissipate on my pillow

I just need an answer

just one

because if you don’t hear me, God
I don’t think anyone ever will

if I talk to someone and they don’t answer
is it considered a conversation

if I talk to God and He don’t answer
is it considered a prayer
Sep 2020 · 144
her Sep 2020
I pray to God the sun can hear me
When I tell it that it’s beautiful
I think it’s because
I know what it’s like to provide for people
Who bask in my light
And never bother to see me
For all that I am
Sep 2020 · 109
her Sep 2020
The inspiration comes in waves
It’s weak
Wrapped around my ankles
Begging at my feet
Other times
It’s strong enough to
Take me under with it
Filling my lungs to capacity
With creativity
I have no choice but to
When I surface
Sep 2019 · 299
her Sep 2019
I sit in my room and turn off the lights.
Windows draped with black out curtains.
My eyes are wide open, but it doesn’t make a difference.
It’s the same color as when they’re closed.
Most people like their canvases to be white..
But I draw better in the dark.
I speak and let the words surround me until I can see them
I allow them to join together in holy matrimony,
I listen to them say their vows to one another, pledging the sweetest allegiance to themselves
They conceive pictures that I could have never fathomed
Paintings I could never draw
I watch them dance all around me
So vibrant
I want to touch them, but I let them be  instead
I can’t believe they once lived inside of me
This is love
This is existence
This is creation
I am Mother Nature.
Sep 2019 · 247
her Sep 2019
You didn’t how to swim but you couldn’t resist taking laps in between my hips
Do you taste the color of my skin when you sink deep up in it?

And then you float back to the surface, baptized in my purpose
You praise and you worship then go back to immersion.
I’m amazed by the grace on your beautiful face as you tell me about my Brown skin and the way that it tastes.
Sep 2019 · 341
her Sep 2019
I wish I could
Package each and every single adjective that I have used to describe you thus far
And send them to you individually
So that you could have enough pieces
To make a portrait
Big enough to cover the entire night sky
Not missing an inch
So you could marvel at it the way I do
When you’re feeling down
And if it does nothing else
I hope it makes you smile
The way I do
When I’m down
I know I’m not a healer, and theres nothing I can fix
But I am a writer
So I’d like to give you this

I’ve dug deep inside myself and found pieces of you buried in the depths of my heart
Places I’ve never known
Places I want to discover

It’s funny cause
I’ve started and ended this poem about 34 times.
I won’t address the other days.
This is a simple one...

I wonder if the lead in my pencil gets excited when I begin to write your name.

Sometimes, I’m jealous that it’s gotten to touch you before I have.
for you.
Jun 2018 · 420
her Jun 2018
I am your favorite poets favorite rhyme.
He wants to speak me, just so he can feel my name echo in his mouth.
It rolls off the tip of his lips, in elegant loops,
I follow them into the air.
He kisses my curves and turns them into cursive,
And when I wind my body slow
He sings all my verses.
He speaks my language
When he speaks in tongue,
And when I’ve had enough
He doesn’t let me run.
I exist solely in verbs
I am what he does.

Ive came...
To be....

Song that always gets stuck in his head..
Every time you hear him faintly hum,
it is me strumming his vocal chords gently.
I lay bare across his blank sheets
readily awaiting
the next time he is to rhyme me again.
Painting pictures with his voice
using my skin as his canvas.
Brown was never his favorite color
Until he kissed my lips,
And melted into me.
It was all he saw,
And all he tasted
I glide on the tip
Of the edge of his mind
I am your favorite poets
Favorite, ******* rhyme
soft, sweet, temptations
Jun 2018 · 276
her Jun 2018
you asked me once
what my favorite color was

I didn’t know how to describe
in words

my favorite color is the shade your
eyes become
when the sun
decides to use them
as a mirror

or the warm color that you
become when
the sun dances freely
upon your skin

how could I explain
that my favorite color
rests in the pink hue of your lips?

I told you I didn’t have one
because I have many
and they all are you.
This may not make sense. I don’t know. I’m trying.
May 2018 · 502
her May 2018
I fall the hardest for artists
To my surprise, and my demise
They always seem to fall for me too.

Have you ever loved someone that can
immortalize you
Even in the times you felt like life wasn’t worth living?

Have you ever seeped from beneath the tip of someone’s ball point pen, onto their paper and became born again...?
Before you even had time to live?

Christians call it baptism.
Artists call it poetry.
I call it slavery.

Every time you recite me, without my permission.
You had no right to write me.

Our time has been done and I’m still living on your lips, broken into syllables, forced to call your mouth my home.

You put me in your journal and you locked me away, yet you memorized me and play me to this day- in the back of your mind, you repeat, you rewind.
I wish we were really done this time.

But we’re not.
And we never will be..

I’m minimized and immortalized
Cause when an artist loves you
You never really die.

I fall the hardest for the artists.
I guess it’s because I love my life.
May 2018 · 293
her May 2018
I have scars on my kneecaps from the nights I would
beg God to take me
Mainly because I was too much of a coward to do it myself
Sometimes I wonder if He didn’t hear
or if His answer was no
or if He just wasn't near
or if I have something to show
but much like back then,
I still don't know
I try to fight this concept,
day in and day out
Cause if He didn’t hear me then,
does He still not hear me now?
I pray that my prayers make it past my ceiling
straight to His ears
on my floor I’m kneeling
How many more tears do I have to count till they dry
I’m running out of fingers,
I’m running out of pride
What type of humility is He trying to teach
They say God is so attainable so why can’t I reach?
personal, thoughts, continuity, the comeback of me
Sep 2017 · 534
Promised Land
her Sep 2017
What’s sad is that
I’m deeper than every seed you’ve ever sown
Planted in you
Yet we never seem to grow
And I could write you ten thousand novels
About how we’re meant to be
I could swim to the bottom of the
Deep blue sea
And you still wouldn’t see
That it’s supposed to be me
That I’m supposed to say oui
Trying to turn a boy into a man
I find myself on bended knee
Sunsets and swing sets
Wearing our Sunday’s best
Taking a deep Sunday snooze
After both being blessed
But I cannot rest
I must confess
I cannot stress it enough
I have been tested enough
I know I’m coming off strong
But I don’t mean to be rough
It’s just
It’s just
It’s just
I don’t know what to do with the tears anymore
Besides bottle them up
And use them to water
Every seed you’ve ever sown
In the garden of our love,
Maybe one day
We’ll grow
Maybe one day your soul
Will reach mine in eternity
Finally joining hand in hand
To plant itself in a soil so fertile
That people will be forced to call our love
The promised land
Jul 2017 · 493
I Sea You
her Jul 2017
We take for granted the complexities
Of the seven seas
And never dive deep enough
To find out what's within
What if,
Just what if,
The ocean had a heart
The flow was it's soul
And the shore was just the start
What if the tide was it's heartbeat
And the water was it's tears
What if the wind carried secrets
Directly to our ears
What if the real reason that the ocean makes us float
Is cause we're the last thing it can carry
What if we're it's only hope.
But we never listen,
We just keep on swimmin;
Ignoring the tide, never going the distance
I'm not afraid of your depth
Or what you hide inside of it
And when your tide is high
I won't be scared to drown in it
If you're still not sure
I'll wait at your shore
Making castles out of sand
Catching rays with my bans
Watching your reflection
Painted perfectly in the sky
Smelling your salted fears
Every time you wave bye
May 2017 · 1.1k
Sweet Dreams.
her May 2017
I think about the future like
I am trapped inside of the recurring dream
That I have had
Every single day leading up to the one
In which I meet you.

I ask you in sheer vulnerability
Honesty floating between our lips
Why you love me
And your answer, I will never forget
Your response carved itself  
In the memory, that I am yet to make

You take a breath, open your eyes
And spill to me the hottest tea of
How your love came to be...

I pray that my cup runneth over.

I slowly sip every word
And every verb quenched my thirst
I pray that chamomile never goes out of style
This is peace.

Like honey, slowly it flows
And it settles at the bottom
Sweetens my soul
I wonder if you know.

As the last drop settles on the back
Of my tongue
I am certain,
You have infused your love within me
Now, I am calm.

Time passes by, I get lost into your eyes
And I’m brought back to earth
As I open mine,
The sun shines through the windows
Lighting up my room
I hold on tight
Already missing you.

I will impatiently wait
To see you again when I sleep
One night closer, to the day we meet.

You are my forever.
Temporarily trapped in my dreams.
I don't know who he is, but he is mine.
Feb 2017 · 1.2k
Head In the Clouds
her Feb 2017
I can't sleep at night
So I see you in my day dreams.
Insomniac on a mission
Projecting visions on a big screen
I spot an opening to your heart, in my dream analysis
Want to enter but can't move
I guess that's sleep paralysis
So I stay where I am and just focus on this visual
Convinced it's not real, though I can feel the residual
It's embedded in my memory
This dream has got the best of me
I pray that when I wake, you'll be sittin' right here next to me
But if it doesn't come true
If I never come to
At least here we exist
All of me
All of you
Nov 2016 · 10.3k
Reign. Rain.
her Nov 2016
i've currently
thunderstorms inside of me
and i'm learning
how to
people often see the sunshine
and forget
that lightening
brings brightness
to the dark
as well
or that
thunder wants to be heard
just as much as the birds
dark clouds
are really just as soft as
the white ones
i've currently
thunderstorms inside of me
and i am no longer scared
of getting wet
i seek shelter within myself
here is where i
Aug 2016 · 415
The You That I...
her Aug 2016
I would say that I miss you
But I don't even know
Who you are
All I know
Is who you pretended to be

So I guess I just miss
The fantasy
You made for me

The you that I knew
Wouldn't do this to me
The you that I knew

The you
That I



It's not that I don't care
It's that I can't care
Cause the you
That I knew
Is no longer there
Mar 2016 · 968
Set. Go.
her Mar 2016
I uncap my pen in sheer expectation of the thoughts that I have of you to free themselves from the confines of my mind.

I want to write you.
I want to write to you.
I want to write about you.

I think I'm ready.

God's best construction to date was the pathway that led me to you. I am so thankful for the rugged pavement turned yellow brick road that led me to the comfort of your heart made of gold.

I want to learn you.
I want to memorize you.
I want to feel you.

I think I'm ready.

At your peak, you are grace. Full of forgiveness and mercy. At your plateau you are love, consistent and steady.

I want to hold you.
I want to know you.
I want to love you.

I am ready.
Dec 2015 · 1.4k
All I Can Offer
her Dec 2015
Like air,
I am not a concept you can wrap
Your hands around.
Just breathe me in.
Know that I'm here.
Be content with that.
Dec 2015 · 687
Dead End
her Dec 2015
Have you ever walked down a dead end
Knowing that there was nothing there
But still have a glimmer of hope that the sign at the beginning was wrong
and that there was something that nobody had discovered yet
all the way at the end?
you're my dead end.
and I want to keep on walking but…
I'm tired.
I need a break.
The tears, they need to dry.
The pain, it needs to be eased.
So I sit for a little while
Eyes blurred
Head pounding
I just sit..
As I sit...I look around me and I realize that
Despite my misery
The grass is still growing
The sun is still shining
The birds are still chirping
The beauty of nature speaks to me…
Its telling me that if there was no rain
I wouldn't be able to appreciate the sun
I know now that if everything went completely perfect
I wouldn't be able to appreciate the imperfections
The imperfections of a winding road; a winding road, with no exit
I'm not perfect
And maybe taking this road was a mistake
But maybe, just maybe, you should try and take mine too
So we could make this mistake together
Let our dead ends combine
Making an entrance into the one road, that I started out looking for..
The one to your heart.
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
rep i ti tion
her Dec 2015
I fear nothing more
Than repeating
My past
Cause the one thing
It's shown
Is that
Does not
Dec 2015 · 3.3k
Black Love
her Dec 2015
my skin is where mahogany met gold
their first kiss
was embedded in my
they call my melanin
it is my obligation
to make them proud
I am going to shimmer
until the sun
has to quit his day job
I am black. I am beautiful. I love my melanin. I love my skin. I love the way it shines. Even when the world does not.
Nov 2015 · 1.6k
Prized Possession
her Nov 2015
I was my fathers prized possession. The finest piece of pottery He had ever crafted.
He worked on me until His hands were pruned.. Until the smell of clay seemingly became His scent. He molded and molded until I was perfect. In His eyes.
He placed me on the top shelf and marveled at me every day and every night.
But His neighbor was overcome with jealousy... At how I glistened at the top of the mantle. At how I gleamed in the sun in all the right places.
You see, on the top of his shelf, lay nothing but dust.
So surely, I had to be destroyed.
In the thick of the night, he stole me off of the mantle and marveled at my greatness.
He brought me back to his place and stuck me in the darkest of rooms.
So that light would never be able to shine on me again.
He spun me on his fingers, no delicacy in his touch.
He tossed me up and down, mocking my beauty.
Day after day I was plagued with the imminent thought of destruction.
Overridden with depression.
I cried out to my potter, and when the thief heard, he ran into the dark room and bellowed "no one will help you", picked me up, and threw me against the ground.
Pieces of me shattered in every direction, strewn against the floor of the enemies house.
My insides, corrupted with sin from all the time collected in this place were brought forth.
All I could hear was the wicked laugh taunting me, exclaiming  "who could love you now"?
Then suddenly a light shone in my face, something I hadn't seen in years.
Every broken piece of me looked up and saw my potters face, with tears rolling down his cheeks.
He began to pick me up in an attempt to put me back together...
Abba!! I cried! Your fingers! They will bleed!
My daughter, he replied, I have one  hole in each of my hands!! My love for you has endured much more than a few scratches upon my fingertips!
He continued to piece me back together, not missing a beat, not missing a piece.
He shielded me from the looking eyes of judgement, bearing the stripes on His back for leverage.
Abba!! I cried out again, can't you see all of the sin that filled me?! I am no longer perfect! How can you love me?
I understand your sin, my daughter!  in it, my grace is perfected! You are my creation, you are my reason! Upon making you whole again, I will not put back your transgressions!
He finalized the touches, not missing one piece.
He wiped my face, not missing one tear.
He renewed my heart, not missing one beat.
He carried me back home and presented me in His name to his Father.
Took His seat upon His throne and placed me on the mantle, right by His side, letting his glory shine on me.
He smiled and said "welcome home, my daughter, welcome home."
Coming into Christianity, this is how I felt. It hasn't been easy. This is my story, in its simplest form. My battle and my victory.
Nov 2015 · 1.2k
The Lost Nights
her Nov 2015
And I think I'll call these the lost nights.

The nights where the silence is all consuming. Shapeshifting into black holes.

The only light at the end of this tunnel used to be the sound of your voice.

But now I'm stuck between the four walls of my mind that taunt me with the secrets they hold in the form of my memories.

The most prevalent one says that you'll never call.

So far it's been right. Sometimes I ignore it.. But nights like these, it ricochets like gunshots. Screaming to be more than heard..

Screaming to be felt.

And once again I'm reminded that I'd rather it be your voice that broke the silence instead of my memory of it.

I think I'll call these the lost nights.
Nov 2015 · 11.4k
her Nov 2015
I want you, but I'm okay with your essence
Basking in your scent long after your presence
The pursuit of my happiness
Seems to wrapped up in your arms
Yet I'm wrapped up
And you seem to be gone
Our fate is as good as whitewashed
Unwritten history in the making
Sanitized love
I give and you're taking
I should never be ok with half
When whole is available
I was ok with your essence
Until it became untraceable
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
her Jul 2014
Blue is my favorite color
I seem to wear it best
When I'm missing you
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Instruction Manual.
her Jul 2014
I wish you came with an instruction manual, because loving you makes no sense.

I take that back because even if you did it would probably be written in German.

I try to put together pieces and all I see is handle with care but when I reach out, your body language says "don't touch me there." Not physically, not emotionally, and when I try mentally you yell "get out of my brain." Even in the same atmosphere our breathing is not the same.

I cling to your exhale and forget that I need to inhale. I pray that you're alive not worried about my imminent death, because once again, loving you just doesn't make sense.

Maybe if you had come with subtitles, I could love you better. So that I could read what you say instead of hear it, since the two never seem to be the same.

You make me feel deaf. And that would be okay if only American Sign Language was enough to make you stay. Why can't you just say how you feel so I can feel what you say?

You drown me with complacency and get mad when I can't stay afloat.  You're screaming you can't handle this yet ask me why I'm walking towards the door.

We were supposed to be two beats, and one heart. I was supposed to love you right, but I don't know how..

You came with no instruction manual.

Loving you just doesn't make sense.
Jul 2014 · 768
Light Switches
her Jul 2014
We are not light switches
Our relationship should not be off and on
If you want me
Let me know
If you do not want me
Let me know

And then..

And then he calls me baby,
As he places gently one hand along the right side of my waist
Pulling me into himself
Placing his forehead down upon mine so that he can look me directly into my eyes
Returning the stare with his big brown eyes
Letting me know that right now?
We're on.
Making me believe that this time, we might be on forever

And then..

And then he kisses me, and I’m sure
My body eases up from the tense stance I took in order to back up the seriousness in my voice, starting from my shoulders,
making it’s way down to my knees
I am weak
He knows what to do when we do what it do.

But in the morning...
He wakes up and he...
He doesn’t kiss me like he did the night before when he knew he was wrong, when he convinced me over and over that this time,
we were on

I roll over and let my feet dangle a few inches from the floor,
My body draped in the blanket that held last nights secrets and wasted tears...

The sun shines through the window and onto my skin

There's a certain darkness in the light it provides...

I feel it.
We're off again.
We've all been a light switch...
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
her Jul 2014
you ever have that feeling
where it’s almost like
you miss someone you’ve never met?
it comes in passionate waves
where the urge to hug them
or kiss them
is inexplicably real
sometimes I daydream a little bit deeper than that
I imagine meeting them
and fulfilling all of my fantasies
until they become deja vu
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
her Jun 2014
You don’t need to be deep to write. I found you can swim for hours through the depths of the most shallow person, so long as they’re honest.

There’s a simplicity in honesty, that’s what captures people. Not navigating through mazes of big words and made up metaphors that don’t make sense.

When you write, write lightly. Let your honesty leave the impact.
Jun 2014 · 797
I Want...
her Jun 2014
I want a record player.
And an intimately lit living room.
And after we put the kids to sleep, I want you to pull me away from washing the dishes.
And I want to dance with you to our song playing faintly on the record from the living room.
My face buried in your neck as you whisper to me that I'm beautiful.
I want to look up at the stairway to find that the kids snuck out and are watching us.
I want them to see our love for each other daily.
And when you pull me into a kiss, I want to hear them say "ewww" and run back to bed.
I want to laugh passionately with our lips still in an embrace.
And when our song is over, I want to lay down on the couch with my head in your lap.
I want to hear about your day as we watch the candle flicker on the coffee table.
I want you to rub my shoulders until we both fall asleep.
I want to wake up suddenly at 2:37 in the morning and kiss you softly, motioning for your hand, whispering to you "let's go to bed".
I want to hear your footsteps behind me walking up the stairs.
Before we go to our room, I want to check on the kids and marvel at our blessings.
Then I want to change into my nightgown and slide under the cool covers until I feel your warm body.
I want you to kiss the back of my neck and drape your arm around me and tell me you love me.
I want I love you too, to be the last thing I say to you, every night.
Because I do.
I don't know who you are yet, but I do...
Love you too.
Jun 2014 · 597
You Are.
her Jun 2014
Your words are impactful because you only speak them when deemed necessary by your spirit. You never speak to hear yourself, and you never listen without hearing. When you talk your eyes wander... I think it's inside of yourself that you look. You always seem to go deeper than the surface of your thoughts. You understand that the last piece holds more value than the first.

You always crave more and in your silence I know there is searching.

Even in your silence there is life.

I wonder sometimes, if you see the warm blue light that encompasses your spirit. Ready for embrace. Calm and swiftly moving, steadily with peace, holding many of the same characteristics of a river. Smoothing over the jagged rocks that you come across. Whether they be people or situations.

Bursting at the seams with humility, you are love at it's finest point of being, you're G-ds example of the fact that love is living. That He is living. For He is love...

By that I am amazed.

Thank you.
He was.
Jun 2014 · 423
What If?
her Jun 2014
I was in an abusive relationship once.. But it was a bit different.

You see, he was always the last thing on my mind before I went to sleep, and the first thing on my mind when I woke up.

He used to kiss me softly every night before I went to sleep.

He used to wake me up gently in the mornings and make me breakfast. He would run my bath water to the perfect temperature.

He used to escort me to the bus stop before work when the sun was yet to relieve the night sky of its shift.

He was always there. He lived in my mind and that's where he birthed complacency.

His first name was What, and his last name was If.

He never gave me time to myself, he never let me speak.

I tried to walk out on him. I swear I did, but he'd visit me at 4 a.m. and I would simply let him in. He would keep me up all night, forcing himself on me... In me. He wouldn't leave when I cried get out.

I was in an abusive relationship once, as scary as it is, I might still be.

All this time I thought it was a man, but what if, What If is a she?

What if all this time it was myself?

I've finally came to see.

What if all this time, What If is really me?
Have you ever struggled with, What If?
Apr 2014 · 1.0k
I'm Back.
her Apr 2014
I wanted my passion back..
This was who I was, and I wanted her to visit.
Even for a brief moment, so I can kiss myself on the forehead upon my return.
And actually say goodbye when she decided to leave.
I wanted her back.
My passion.
I wanted my poetry.. Back.
She fled from me.
Lost underneath the city sky, with false illumination from street cars named desire.
There was no North Star for her to follow, no way for her to venture back to my heart.
Like a turtle needing the moon to be led to the sea, I doubted she would ever make it back home
Extinction was the roughest of all possibilities but to mourn the loss of a love held selfish tendencies
I only missed her cause of how she made me feel not because of who she was or who she could have been
The manifestation of my pent up frustration came to set me free
Just pull the trigger
Nobody will miss her
Oh say can you see- what I am saying?
All I wanted was my passion back.
And it wasn't until I found G-d that I heard three knocks on the door saying

I haven't written in a while. When I put pen to paper again.. This is what came out.
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
I Prayed for You
her Mar 2014
It’s scary looking at someone that has every element and characteristic that you’ve asked G-d for in your most intimate prayers…

There’s something so nerve wrecking about looking someone in the eye and loving every piece of them without them even opening their mouths.

Realizing that you’re the ultimate side piece for it is from his side that you were created. He assures you of your position when he whispers, “I’ve found my rib” in your ear and takes your hand while he makes a vow to love you… And love you…
And love you.

And when they do, you stumble hand in hand 6 feet deeper into graves set in juxtaposition because so help me G-d not even death will do us part.


How was this made for me?

When did you do this G-d?

Did he ask for me too?

I don’t have to, sit by the window anxiously awaiting a package anymore.
G-d delivered, my exclusive mailman. 

Shipping was free.

I just had to believe.
I haven't written in a long time, hope you all enjoy this.
Oct 2013 · 1.5k
It Never Rang
her Oct 2013
I hate finding myself staying up late

waiting by my phone

for a call you’ll never make

I hate you


before I sleep

I taste your name on my lips

followed by the words

I miss you
Oct 2013 · 7.2k
her Oct 2013
he wasn’t expecting my lips to be so warm

nor my heart to be so cold

he wanted to go by what he felt

and not believe what he was told
Oct 2013 · 956
Miss Me
her Oct 2013
Nobody ever misses me right away.

I have a tendency of making my way into parts of your life that you don’t notice until long after I’m gone.

You’ll think of me in the laundromat, when someone three washers down has the same fabric softener I had just washed my clothes with the night before our first date.

You’ll think of me at the coffee shop, when someone ahead of you in line asks for three sugars and two creamers, like I used to.

You’ll think of me when your sister shows up to your house wearing the same nail polish I did the first time you kissed the back of my hand.

You’ll think of me when you’re in the car alone and you realize you don’t turn on the radio anymore, ‘cause our silence used to be better than whatever was playing.

You won’t really realize it until it’s too late and I’m too far gone.

Until I’m so deeply embedded into your memory and intertwined into your everyday life.

You won’t miss me immediately.

It’ll take some time.
Jul 2013 · 7.3k
her Jul 2013
I almost wrote you a love song once

but then I remembered how much I hate love songs

and I decided to just

write you this instead

see most people live life backwards

they’re dead before they find life

and it’s usually too late

and I was that person until I stumbled across you

I found my heartbeat in your spontaneity

and I found my smile in your lips

you touched me in places without

using your hands

and when I cry, you don’t silence me by telling me

"it’ll get better"

you don’t wipe away my tears

you let me cry

and that’s more than anyone has ever done for me

and when I want to thank you

I realize I don’t know how

but you tell me “you’re welcome"

in a million different ways

and I want to thank you for that too

but I don’t know how to do that either

that was when I almost wrote you a love song

but I stopped when I realized that I hated love songs

and I loved you

so I wrote you this instead
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
Last Night
her Jun 2013
last night
I came to the conclusion
every time you leave, I
die a little inside
I don’t want to tell you
if you knew
I’m not sure whether you’d
stay in effort to keep me alive
or if you’d
keep on leaving until I’m

May 2013 · 7.4k
her May 2013
one day

you will realize

I am everything

you never deserved

one day

I will realize

I am everything

you don't deserve
May 2013 · 1.2k
Breakup Note
her May 2013
this morning, at 3:17

I was laying on your chest


listening to your heartbeat

and I realized that

it is no longer my favorite song

Mar 2013 · 927
When You Left
her Mar 2013
I would write you a poem

to tell you how I feel

but when you left

the melodic flow that

passionately pieced

my words together

followed you



Mar 2013 · 921
her Mar 2013
I would follow you into the dark.
If it meant being with you, if you could promise me it meant being with you.
I would follow you into the dark.
I wouldn’t dare look for light.
I would shadow my soul.
I would shadow my thoughts.
Just as long as I can rest assured in your arms.
To be guaranteed that part of your life would belong to me…
If that’s what it meant.
I would follow you into the dark.
I wouldn’t bear arms.
And I’d let go of all my armor.
There’s nothing more fragile than a naked soul.
And I find that I’d strip mine for you.
I’d pick away the insecurities.
I’d chisel away the fears.
I’d wash away the hurt.
All that my soul has come to know.
I’d let go of, for you.
I’m sure you’d never do such a thing for me though.
Would you?
Would you promise me?
No.. stop. Wait.
Nobody I know has ever kept their promises.
So don’t promise me anything.
I don’t ask for
I give more than enough..yes.
Why not reciprocate the feelings?
They’ll feel better when they’re mutual.
I promise.
So close your eyes.
Open your heart.
Hand me your soul.
Empty your head.
I will lead you into the dark instead.
Mar 2013 · 900
I'm Not Scared
her Mar 2013
there are a few things

about death that

frighten me

the sound of the shriek my mother will make

and the

permanent frown my dad will have

every time he stares into the distance

and the

tear drop that will stain my siblings cheeks

every night

and the

lump that will never leave

my best friends throat

there are a few things

about death that

frighten me


none of them happen to be

Mar 2013 · 1.7k
Time Flies (So They Say)
her Mar 2013
they say that time flies

they are wrong

with every second that I spend

with you

I know that they are wrong

it is us that fly

it is me

it is you

they say time flies as an expression of its limitless nature

me and you have no boundaries

we are

when we are

where we are




they say time flies

but with each tick

with each tock

I am sure it is us

we fly

we are

Mar 2013 · 608
I'm Here
her Mar 2013
he kept picking away at me

and when I told him to stop

he would kiss me lightly and say

“I’m almost there”

day and night

he would pick away

and eventually

I got used to it

I started to help him

not knowing what he was looking for

I began to pick at myself

until the floor beneath us

was coated in gravel

dust in the air

together, we would pick away

but one day

I was just so tired

so I stopped

and out of nowhere

I began to laugh uncontrollably

tears rolling down my face

unable to catch my breath

he began to laugh with me

until he suddenly stopped picking too

for the first time

he stopped

he took my face in his hands

and held it

then, he stared at my smile

and into my eyes

then once more at my smile

and he smiled

as he pulled me into him and whispered

there it is

I’m here
Mar 2013 · 624
In the Dark
her Mar 2013
I want to lay in the dark

tell you all my secrets

and listen to yours

I don’t want you to reply

or try to console me

and I promise not to do the same

because silence is golden

but true beauty lies in listening

and when we are both done speaking

I want to kiss your lips lightly

so that you know I understand

then I will roll over so that my back is turned to you

and I want you to turn into me

you will place your arm around me

and pull me into you

I want you to trace along my shoulders

and kiss me so lightly

that I shiver

and then I want to sleep

in your arms

I just want to sleep
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