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Nov 2015 · 1.0k
Makena Greer Nov 2015
It's 1:31 AM and I am craving your touch and imagining what your lips feel like up against mine
Jun 2015 · 541
What is Love?
Makena Greer Jun 2015
"I don't think I've actually ever been in love before. Of course there were boys that could put a million butterflies in my stomach and make my head go fuzzy. But now it's you and you make me feel things. I crave your touch. Our hugs are so close yet not close enough. Your hand in mine sends tingles through my body and a smile upon my lips. I can't help but stare when you are around me because, oh God,  I cannot get enough of you. And I think I love you. I really do, but I am too scared to admit it because I'm not sure what being in love feels like."
You might be my first love
Feb 2015 · 486
A Haiku
Makena Greer Feb 2015
I was flying high
Breathing stars and tasting light
And then I woke up
Jan 2015 · 4.0k
You Make Me Feel Alive
Makena Greer Jan 2015
You make me feel alive and I wanted to paint every sunset myself to match the emotions I felt each day

You make me feel alive as if I had the power to reach out and grasp the stars

You make me feel alive like I could messily splatter light onto a blanket of darkness and suddenly I had created the night sky.

You make me feel alive to the point where my heart was racing faster than the shooting stars that dance across our world
Oh God, you make me feel so alive
Nov 2014 · 10.2k
Drowning in Brown Eyes
Makena Greer Nov 2014
I learned today that for eyes to be like oceans they don't have to be blue
I didn't think it was possible to drown in brown
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
Your Ocean
Makena Greer Nov 2014
I was the animals hiding beneath your ocean deep
I was the souls living, breathing your salty waves
Because what are sea creatures without the sea?
There's no me without you
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
Makena Greer Nov 2014
I find everything absolutely breathtaking.

How can you not think your murky yet sparkling brown eyes aren't the most intriguing things? They are powerful enough to give me nervous butterflies.

Why can't you see the way the clouds capture the sun, making, if only for a second, the perfect bittersweet scene. The suns finally goodbye makes a masterpiece that is impossible to recreate.  

It is a mystery to me how you do not pay attention to the damp smell of the rainy earth, or the tingling pinpricks of snowflakes resting on your exposed skin.

Why haven't you taken time to get as close as you can to the galaxies that construct the roof above you and explore them? They are fascinating at night when each star becomes luminous against the black of night.

Darling, everything around you thrives with beauty.
This sick world still holds beauty
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Not Your Super Hero
Makena Greer Oct 2014
Waiting around with sunken eyes and withering skin a whisp of a cape with muscles so bold though he wasn't what you thought he would be his hands gripped you too tight and his eyes were black as midnight no matter how hard you tugged you only got weaker with only a swollen tongue and worn out lips this isn't what you wanted
He wasn't your ******* super hero
Oct 2014 · 689
Makena Greer Oct 2014
I ******* shoved galaxies into your hands and you have me nothing in return
Oct 2014 · 331
Don't Say You Love Me
Makena Greer Oct 2014
Don't say you love me
Please do not
Because love is something I will never be able to return
And I can't bare knowing I don't love someone who would give me the whole universe
So please
Don't say you love me
For I will never love you back
Oct 2014 · 2.4k
Makena Greer Oct 2014
Little blossom in white and red
Resting now your tiny head
Grow and thrive
Be strong and keen
For you will one day be their queen

Little blossom in peach and gray
Grew up strong and found your way
Two things more yet to be seen
Until at last you'll be their queen
Just something from a book I'm reading :)
Sep 2014 · 469
Makena Greer Sep 2014
I'm not mad at you for sticking with me

I'm mad at myself for letting you
Sep 2014 · 5.3k
Makena Greer Sep 2014
I wondered about a kiss
The way it would feel
My whole body filled with anxious bliss
Would it be sweet and tender?
Butterflies exploding out of my stomach and through my veins
Should I expect endless splendor
For your lips would feel good on mine
And would I want more
In an attempt to stop time
Wondering about a first kiss
Sep 2014 · 9.1k
Makena Greer Sep 2014
There were galaxies in your eyes and skeletal constellations connecting your blazing white bones the comets from your eyes continued to fall you couldn't see what I could because of the exploded nebulas that created too dense of breathtaking  stardust so you thought you were just a terrifying black hole you made yourself bleed stars you said to not get close because you ****** up light and happiness when really it was you creating it

— The End —