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3.2k · Jul 2016
Lakshmi Jul 2016
we are often taught, to be careful of the monsters.
From a very young age, they were what we hid from, under our duvets.
but who was to know, all those years ago, that we are the monsters, and the monsters are us.
He is the monster, that only wants you for ***;
She is the monster that doesn't see your worth;
They are the monsters that make you feel life is not worth living;
And we are the monsters, that corrupt society.
Although these monsters may make us feel worthless, we must not forget the worst monster of them all.
You are the monster.
You are the monster that doubts your dreams;
You are the monster that allows failure to succeed;
You are the monster who thinks you are worth nothing;
You are the monster, to make him use you;
You are the monster, who burnt your own worth;
You are the monster, that wants to commit your own ******;
You are the monster, that corrupts society.

But why? whoever said monsters can't be good?
You can also be the monster who is kind;
You can be the one who knows their worth;
You can be the one who reaches their dreams;
You can be the monster, who continues, despite the failures;
You are amazing.

Be the good monster.
1.0k · Jul 2017
Lakshmi Jul 2017
A connection, a spark,
light in the dark;
lust into love,
as pure as the angels above;
both so young, both so dumb,
just the two of them was their sum;
they felt the world move as they moved,
everything intertwined in just their groove;
so madly in love, as if the world was only filled with those two,
both went hand in hand together, like a toolbox and the screws;
but then, both did things they said they wouldn't do,
and soon they realised it was no longer them two;
they realised in fact 'the world does not revolve around us',
and they were just two teenagers who were once in ocean deep love;
and as the days had passed, they had spoken less and less,
both did things to ease away the stress;
and now, they would hardly speak at all,
ironic for two who once stood so tall;
and all they have now are memories so fond,
of the love they had for each other, once so strong;
and now in their hearts, the memories remain deep,
for every once in a while, there would be a tear or a weep;
funny how life pans out,
yet time keeps moving forward, without a doubt...
916 · Jul 2016
Lakshmi Jul 2016
Can you remember a while ago,
when you were just a little child, boy or girl,
when the moon is the only place you wanted to be,
and your goals were the only thing you wanted to achieve.
Remember the little girl who said 'I want to be a doctor and save lives'
of all the children, adults, husbands and wives,
remember the little boy who only wanted to be an actor,
where his determination was his number one factor.
Remember how change used to excite you, and make you grow,
and you used to learn these things you loved to tell and show.
Remember now, when you weren't so small,
when obstacles hit, but they only wanted to make you tall,
and you thought your dreams were useless and you felt shame,
because you thought you weren't good enough.
Now remember how you overcame that, through good times and rough,
remember when you said 'my dreams weren't broken'
when your desire, was again awoken.
And you reached your goals, you did yourself proud,
you were flying through every cloud.
remember that joy you felt inside,
all the happiness and all the pride.
So always remember to look back on that,
because when you sat alone on that rug and mat,
you pushed through, and didn't give up like a brat.
Remember, for every great success, great pain comes before it,
yet you have to continue, and take all of the hits.
Remember, giving up is not you,
for all your dreams and goals, you must pursue!
just a little motivation. Cliche but don't give up :)
892 · Jul 2016
Lakshmi Jul 2016
words that are said are colourless and odourless,
we cannot touch, nor see them.
words that we type and write can be seen but not heard; and they still remain odourless.
But it's the words that we say and type, that cause the eyes to feel as though they're holding the seven seas; and the body to feel as though it has been hit by several guns.
These words blur the hearts rhythm and freeze the body, whilst the mind wonders where it's meant to go.
And where actions are combined with such words, death sounds so lively and oh so fun, to be at peace, to be whole, to be one. To finally feel happiness in our eyes, and love in our hearts, to feel joy in our body and excitement in our blood, to feel emotion in our brain, to feel peace, and not so insane. Hearing such words, can make death our life, and life our death.
615 · Jul 2016
It's us
Lakshmi Jul 2016
When did we start living in a world with so much hatred and tears;
When did we live in a world, where girls who went to school felt fear;

When did it become acceptable to shoot a man for the colour of his skin,
breaking the hearts of his family, his children, and all his next of kin.

When did we lose the hope that filled our heart,
for people to shatter it part by part;
for us to feel worthless and in pain;
for us to be everything but sane.

When did it become okay, for the echoes of those in suffering to pass straight in and out of our ears day by day;

When did it become okay to **** innocent lives,
for they are the lives, of your mothers, fathers, husbands and wives;

When did it become wrong for girls to be educated,
because why must their lives be worth any less, or gated?

When did it become the 'norm' to shame people for their religion or ****** orientation,
because we should respect our differences, as a world and nation(s);

When did we become the people our mothers and fathers warned us of,
the ones they did not want us to know,
the ones who are stupid and low.

When did we forget, that we are the ones to blame,
we are the ones that should be filled with shame.

When did we forget that society is us,
and for us to change it, we need to change our stuff.

When will we understand this small but huge notion,
because if we do not, all will be lost, just in slow motion.
602 · Jul 2016
Lakshmi Jul 2016
You long for death and in that moment, his loved one has died and his tears stain her body and his love has drowned out of his heart;
You say it's not worth living, and her father has passed and along with him, goes her soul, her happiness, her life;
You ask why you were born, whilst others cannot conceive and weep of humiliation whilst the pain of them not being able to have a child haunts them forever;
You hate your life of riches, yet the suffering of those with nothing echoes around the world and dances through each of our ears;
You complain of your house being too small, whilst there are kids screaming of fear and pain without shelter, their safety has been taken away from them so harshly;
You hate your shoes, whilst another is walking barefoot on glass, with blood drenching from his body;
You complain of your parent(s), whilst a young orphan girl is drawing the pictures of her parents with chalk on the ground, and all she wonders, is why they were murdered so inhumanely.
You hate the world, for all the wrong it has done to you, whilst another has been stripped of their freedom, *****, and made to lay lifelessly on the ground;
You hate the new toy bought for you, and yet, a young boy only has one toy to remind him of his now murdered family, and his screams from his nightmares echo the jungle in which he sleeps in.

And in the time they mourn, and she draws, and he screams, you complain.
Appreciate the life you are given, for you are strong enough to live it, and many others can only wish for the things you have.
Lakshmi Jul 2016
I am peace;
I am extra life;
I am nutritious for the plants and detritivores;
and yet, I am feared.
Why am I the one who is feared, when I rid people of their pain?
Why am I the one who is feared, when I make people feel emotion and be sane?
Why am I the one who is feared, when I give life to a depressed soul?
Why am I the one who is feared, when I am the package of your life?
I am not the end, I am just the closure;
I am not the pain and tears caused by life,
I am freedom,
I am death,
and yet why, why am I the one who is feared?
478 · Jun 2018
Fathers day for me
Lakshmi Jun 2018
You struggled for me;
Made me learn right from wrong;
Taught me numbers, taught me songs;
Fought with me, cried too;
Laughed with me, helped me tie my shoes;
You were my father, from day one,
So happy fathers day - I love you mum.
My mum is a single parent
468 · Jul 2016
Must read
Lakshmi Jul 2016
Why do you make fun of how much she eats? because you don't know that the only thing to help her mourn over her murdered father is food.
Why do you make fun of the scars on his arms? because you don't know the terror that fills his heart every time he goes home to his abusive father.
Why do you hate her for the colour of her skin? because she is the doctor that saved your brother from death.
Why do you despise them for their success? because once upon a time, all they had in a house was a mattress, and they've moved mountains to get to where they are.
Why are you against their religion? because it was someone from that religion to give blood to help your dying grandmother.
Why do you stay with him? when he treats you like dirt and the other guy wants to give you the universe for a lifetime?
Why do you drain the little girl of all the hope in her heart? because all she left are her hopes and dreams to protect her from her fear of never being able to see her deported parents again.
Why do you not see him? because he's trying his very hardest and yet he feels invisible.
Why hate her for her beauty? because true beauty exists in a persons soul, which is why she's got stars in her eyes.
Why do you make fun of the poor? because all they want is to get somewhere in life since all they have known is suffering.

Why is society like this?
416 · Jul 2018
Why hate love?
Lakshmi Jul 2018
A man and woman to love is fine,
but the same gender in love is far from divine?

love is a feeling so strong and pure,
for any species, love can be the cure;

so why should these loves be feared?
just because the narrow-minded think its weird?

man and man, woman and woman, woman and man;
everyone should take the stand;

for people to love who they want,
for people to form that special bond;

for freedom to finally take its course,
for love to be the most powerful force;

for the world to see that no matter who you are,
love can take us all so far;

so why should there be fear or hate?
let us not discriminate;

let people love, let them be free;
let people be happy, for everyone to see
love is wholesome no matter who you are. be happy. be free. live life
402 · Aug 2018
Lakshmi Aug 2018
He smiled to his friend that day, just before bed;

The next morning, he took his life, and there he laid dead...
Help those with mental health problems.
398 · Mar 2018
Lakshmi Mar 2018
For nine months you carried me,
protected me from everything, from the largest mammal, to the smallest bee;
I'd crawl around, and then i'd walk,
you smiled at me so bright, especially when I started to walk;
I remember the struggle that we went through,
but it only strengthened you;
I'd then tell you my aspirations, my dreams, my goals,
and you would tell me to go for them, with my heart and soul;
And as a curious child, I wanted to grow up so much,
I wanted to explore the world, take in every touch;

And in my teens, we laughed and cried,
and even when we argued, you'd sit with me when I was teary-eyed;
And even in my teens, you'd brush my hair,
forever showing me how much you care;
And when you cried, I felt every pain,
pulling me down like ball and chain;
Lunch and dinner will always be made,
On the table it would be laid;
The one day you were in hospital, I cried for days,
my world was suddenly ablaze;
But I was so relieved when you came out,
the only thing on my mind was looking after you - no doubt;
but we get through everything together mum,
you will always be my perfect sum;

You will never stop showing me love and support,
your heart for me will never fall short;
And I hope one day I do you so proud,
so I can witness your smile through any crowd;
For you sacrificed so much for me,
more than there is water in the sea;
So this poem is just to show how much I love you,
even though I'm sure you knew;
but mum - you are the best person I have ever known,
and my love for you - so deep it has been sown.
389 · Nov 2024
Bed time brain
Lakshmi Nov 2024
Questions... After questions... after questions
Is it worth it? am I?
What if I didn't exist? Shall I?
Pain. Why is it endless? Shall I end it?
Flashbacks. Why did I go through that?
Happiness... when? Where? How?
Questions... after questions... after questions
Love. What is it? Where's mine?
Peace... must be death... right?
Fear. Why the constant fear?
Questions, after questions... after questions.
It's not always sunshine and rainbows
343 · Mar 2018
Lakshmi Mar 2018
Time heals all wounds - or so they say;
From days, to weeks, to months, to years - time should heal?
but the pounding you feel in your heart every night;
the constant rage of fire in your brain;
the sadness that weeps out of your eyes;
the shivers that run down your spine;
And even after what may feel like a millennial later;
that pounding never really fades;
whilst the fire is only controlled, yet not lost;
every now and then a tear is still shed;
and the shivers still haunt you...
so maybe, time does not heal all wounds;
time only allows you to cope;
but the wounds - oh those bittersweet wounds;
they still remain - pounding, raging, shivering...
306 · Mar 2018
If you only understood
Lakshmi Mar 2018
She lies in her bed, crawled up in a ball,
shouting, screaming, internally going through it all;
He stands in the garden, looking up at the stars,
thinking about his grandmother, up there, oh so far;
Another girl lays there, on the road, after her ****,
not wanting to move, scared of every shape;
The six year old watches his parents death,
he saw the blood from the gun, and he saw their last breath;
The ten year old dreams of a family that she draws on rocks,
wearing hardly anything, with just one sock;
He walks miles just for water filled with ******* and dirt,
his back, his body, his mind, so hurt...
But you don't know the struggles people may face,
the struggles which come at such a fast pace;
and they do wish 'if you only understood',
but some things we will never understand, never have, never would;
an unfair life - of course it is,
some of us with utter burden, and some with utter bliss.
Lakshmi Mar 2020
We were confined, and, yet the earth was free;
we had stopped, and, the earth had spun -
the rivers ran blue, the mountains stood tall;
the air crisp, as though it was brand new;
for once, the earth did not mourn.
our souls were crying;
our families dying.
Nature had run its course - a course not smooth,
but in time we will heal, sore not sooth;
And maybe one day, we can be free with the earth -
A new adventure, new happiness and new birth.

— The End —