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1.4k · Dec 2020
i'm sorry i can't love you
john Dec 2020
body parts -
the only thing separating us.
after dating,
she's crushed i'm gay.
after talking every day,
i'm crushed realizing
i never saw her that way.
john Apr 2018
oh how often i stay awake
laying in bed staring at the ceiling
my sister painted for me
when i was
7 years old.

things were different then
my life wasn't cluttered with
catastrophe and agony
as i dealt with everything around me


back again in the same spot as before
my head swims parallel to the ocean floor
as i sit in my room
my thoughts are emptied
and my heart is filled with gloom

my uncle, the man that taught me so much
had passed away from a heart attack on his living room couch
i briefly denied the fact he was dead
he couldn't - he wouldn't - it made no sense in my head
i could have been with him but rather instead
i cried for him in his hospital bed
to wake up

these dark sparked remarks
leave my brain spotted with questions
i answer them quietly as i reflect against my past
when a small unknown sound
shatters the silence in my room
it clatters and pit patters resonating my mind's tomb

my heart has fallen through the floor
and my empty thoughts are no more
i need more sleep
1.1k · Dec 2020
john Dec 2020
so last night i was kicking rocks at reality-
trying to flip the entire universe like a pancake
but the moon laughed at my fruitless toil
for the universe exists in paradox-
and in my night watch
i dug into the soil
and ended up on the shoulders
of our planet
her inhabitants try to make sense
of imperceptible subjects
such as why
who has sealed
all things within her palms
to bar philosophers
who have made gods of reason
i dare to worship
to be smothered in the
beauty of what is
and is
with or without description.
and so i look inward to quest(ions)
which are themselves, answers-
as i am a universe.
817 · Apr 2018
john Apr 2018
this poem
is written in
the contour
of my
to represent what
shoulders against me and how
they pit inside me. I can't quite nearly
explain how impeccable this here poem
needs to be for this plan to work out
perfectly, but i hope you can stomach
the sappiness of this cliché plummet
from my head to the toe, to my, (well,
you know). So obviously by now
we've gotten down to the belt
of my body-shaped feelings
i was telling you about
these things are my
legs, on top of which
i stand, and by now
we're near the bottom
according to plan
the things which
support me like
a right hand
man. It's the
little things
that count
like lying
down in
the sand.
I wrote this in the shape of a person
john Sep 2019
it's in the ring now,
but the modern way is reckless.
oblivion is nearing ever closer,
you're just like me:
the greatest magic trick ever seen.
let's disappear together.

nothing's real.
that's just how i feel.
it's all coming on now.
i can't stop listening to the voice
inside my head
telling me not to sleep,
but to go to bed.
shock paralysis dissolves into my mind,
streets walk through the night.
tell me where you are.

oh, what a beautiful hollow part of me
I see.
412 · Jan 2019
You Are Enough
john Jan 2019
your worth
cannot be defined
by those who judge you.

only you can define
your self worth.

sometimes people cloud your vision,
but you are worth everything.

You are the narrator of your own life!
386 · Dec 2018
Leave Me Be.
john Dec 2018
i contemplate my existence in this small purple room
with no way in, but no way out as well
as i lay down, drowning in my own self-gloom
life seems to slow down to a crawl
the inevitable sound of doom sits on
the fringe of my identity
my words cut deep into myself
they leave my mouth breathlessly
i close my eyes and enter the cavity i find in myself
the darkness, the void,
the never-ending ravine
that sits inside of me
curling or twisting, but nothing i ever predict
i keep it hidden so no one can see
it is a silk blanket on the dark days
reminding me of what i am
a blip in the galaxy, a mere clump of space dust
little bits of me scattered along with those who i misplaced trust in
leaving me here, a mere lump who feels crushed inside
overwhelmed as my dried eyes cried
everything out.
cried the pain, the grief, the disdain, the lack of relief out
i run away from my problems. they scare me.
the run turns to a sprint as they rarely
leave me be.
Leave Me Be.
sometimes we are the biggest cause of the pain we feel
381 · May 2018
john May 2018
everything in life has symmetry.
your warm tender lips and the olive green oak tree
i can't tell you how much you mean to me
you render me completely helpless yet free
when i am with you i feel so complete
please, please never leave me.
you are my sweet symmetry.
Nice poem, but no one to share it with.
342 · May 2019
forest fire
john May 2019
sometimes in life, change is inevitable.
i've learned over my 17 years
to let the fire ravage rather than to fight it.
let it set things anew, and be done with it.
when the sun finally shines through the ashes,
plant an orchid and move on.

and remember to smile more, it fits you.
338 · Apr 2018
john Apr 2018
shaking, i'm shaking, i'm told.
like i can stop it somehow
one second i'm in class
the next
i'm on a stretcher
being asked by my principal
if i'm alright?
seizing, you're seizing, you're having a seizure
i'm told as i
puzzle together my surroundings
and as i do i begin to cry
why me? i ask
what did i do to deserve this?
even now, my memories of that day have been tampered
as if some omnipotent force doesn't want me to remember
the horrors of that day.
my friends tell me i walked out of class
no explanation as to why
maybe i thought it looked nice outside
the white clouds painted across the cool ocean sky

the doctors tell me my nerves are misfiring
but so are the thoughts in my head
for whatever reason i end up again
in some unknown hospital bed.
i close my eyes and count to ten
hoping for this to all just end,
but the stress disagrees with me
and leaves my weak head penned.

the last time it happened was in the bleak december
when the skies were gray with the sun's last ember
i am scared of the odds i won't make it to september
because of some unfair episode i can't even remember

Thursday, April 19th
forever imprinted on my inaccurate brain
the day my grandfather died.
the day my mother was diagnosed with cancer.
the day my life changed forever

people say high school was
the greatest four years of their life
that i should cherish and remember forever
for i will never be able to grab a hold of time
and wish to be back
but how should i remember high school
when memories are being deleted
in my brain's system files
and the only memories i have
are of my family falling apart;
my tears' perpetual flowing down my soggy cheeks?

my friends tell me i'm not alone in this,
but how could i be anything else.
they don't know how i feel,
they joke about it now like it's okay
watch out, they say,
don't have a seizure about it, they joke
by now my eyes are hoover dams
damming the tears from
showing the outside world
my true feelings.

and now i conclude,
as i am no longer in the mood
to sit here in deep introspection
because after all, everyone has imperfections
mine are just more unique.
If you have epilepsy, know that you are not alone. You can call a 24/7 helpline @1-800-332-1000 for anything related to epilepsy. I struggle with the repercussions of this genetic disorder everyday. Epilepsy is a very debilitating and life-changing disorder of the brain, and scientists still have no cure for it; however, they are making strides towards a solution everyday.
327 · Oct 2018
new depths
john Oct 2018
come on girl
swim together as we flip and twirl
let's go to a new depth
hold your breath
we can stay here for a while

the ocean accentuates your crystal blue eyes
this doesn't have to be a quick dip so don't say your goodbyes
your skin contrasts with the vibrant coral below us
just lay your head back and trust
i can't deny your quiet smile

you can tell me all about your life memoirs
we can lay down and talk beneath the stars
when we're tired, to your home we will walk,
get there, curl up, our favorite pillow talk
we can give our take on each other's lifestyle

stay positive, new ideas and changes
i love you and i live for these exchanges
don't ever doubt yourself, for you are worth everything
if your mind is right, you can do anything
we can stay here for a while
for her.
242 · Sep 2018
john Sep 2018
you're the britney definition of toxic
you said things that made my sick to my stomach
so specific it's like you spit a toxin
so i locked myself in
you let the dogs out
i sat there curled on the couch
look what you did to me.
look what i let you do to me.
no more.
we're over.

— The End —