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Apr 2019 · 195
Ara Apr 2019
I know that
Im supposed to follow the love
And supernatural goodness
In this life

But i love the feeling
Of sweet sorrow
The humanity
Behind pain

The beauty of
Sobbing every
Raw word
Musicality out of sight

Will I not reach Heaven
For finding beauty
In such pain?
Oct 2018 · 384
Just something please
Ara Oct 2018
I throw my heart down at your feet
I bend over and wash it clean
It glitters before you in perfect shine
Like the sweat
Dripping from my body

Its so coated in that fragrant varnish
That my aching back
Is the last thing
To which you are keen
I felt bad writing this
Oct 2018 · 292
Ara Oct 2018
Hold me
Not for you but for me

Look at me and see
My happiness as something
You want

Not for you
But for me
Aug 2018 · 566
Do you even care?
Ara Aug 2018
If I tried to leave
Would you put up a fight?
Or would you watch me go
And only remember me for the night

When was the last time
That you took initiative
I cant remember the last time you tried
To show that I mattered in your life

And i want to leave
My heart says i wont last
But what if you still care for me
Would I be giving up too fast?
What is Love?
Aug 2018 · 208
Do you even want to know?
Ara Aug 2018
I feel like ive done everything
Ive thrown my whole self in
Grab me
And hold me

Show me you care
That there is something left
In the me that i gave to you

Because i cant tell
Whats real
Or what just feels good
Jan 2018 · 574
Regretti Spahgetti
Ara Jan 2018
My heart is breaking over you
Even though you're still mine
I want to give you all of me
But there's just no time
And as yours
It should be
the least I could do

I have to remind myself
That you're what I'm allowed to
And that's the reason
I'm finally understanding why
every time you leave
My heart is breaking over you
Sep 2017 · 387
Effing Rapist
Ara Sep 2017
I apologized
Because I thought
Thats what you wanted to hear

I laid
My life
In front of you
And told you
To do as you pleased

I took the blame
For what you did
Instead of the help
I needed so desperately

You pushed me
Into the grave
You had dug for yourself
And I buried myself
Apr 2017 · 596
Everything, Oh Everything
Ara Apr 2017
Her heart beat at each crossroad
and her breathing demanded her not to slow
so she dosed herself with the signs and senses
and let the blood flow to deep crevices

Decisions, not an answer she could steal
From Everything, her gift was not to feel
But empty, oh empty brought pain
It was narcotic, keeping so many sane

Everything, Compelling Everything;
thought you had a way for me
Right under your nose, I fill my senses to the brink;
making me feel just so beautifully

Everything, Oh Everything,
how could you possibly see?
I love the way you keep on laughing
at us for breathing our own fatality
I want to improve this, but I would like feedback before I do so . . .
Feb 2017 · 271
Super Man
Ara Feb 2017
On the Dark Side of the moon
where the ground lay frozen
is a prophecy due soon
although its forgotten words are left unspoken

It begins with a tale of violence and slaughter
while a wanderer prepares himself
for his encounters with these monsters

They say its all in his head
he believes people call to him,
"Save me from this dread!"
if only he knew the truth, but it may be too grim

He thinks he's Superman, and holds the power within
Again, Repost
Feb 2017 · 385
Ara Feb 2017
How long have you sat there,
With your hands folded into your lap?

Or are you even a painting,
Maybe just a statue of marble and glass?

Painting a statue could be considered a crime,
In a way, plagiarism  
Whereas chasing after a thief of natural beauty,
Would be worth more of the time

Such a cruel trick to play- stealing such a gift
From someone who had received it
From the best sender yet
If the thief thought that the victim should prove herself
How wrong he would have been
If she had not been worthy or ready
It would not have been sent
Feb 2017 · 286
Wooden Keys
Ara Feb 2017
My grandfather’s house
Was extremely far away
In memory and physical distance
Yet I still remember everything to this day

I was small, and the pebbles beside his path
Had seemed at the time fairly large
And the weather- so windy and cool
The beach had always ensured

The piano that stands near my living room now
Was the same one standing in his
It was the one on which I learned how
To play and read the notes written in dark ink
So perfectly varnished before
My grandmother’s piano, then his

I will especially remember,
His love for pistachios
And how I could not open them, not ever
I don’t think I loved them as much as he did
But I will love him forever

The last time I saw him
I realize now I had never seen someone
At so much peace
My pistachio-loving grandfather
Someone to never forget
Feb 2017 · 1.5k
Dear Lorenzo,
Ara Feb 2017
I am but a rose of beginning green,*
imprisoned to darkness all day,
within a monumental fiend,
who covers up the radiance that I want to give away

Occasionally a small opening would be sewn
into the darkness' fiery grasp
and your pure radiance could be shown
concealed in a kindhearted mask

Share your light with me
and for you I will light the way
wrapped in an unfamiliar livery
prepared for our intimacy till the end of our days

We will cross waters on a homebound stretch
and become fuel for our endurance,
so beautifully etched

I'll take my chances, following the sun
the garden we grow
means that together, we are one

Share your light with me,
and forever I will stay.
my petals can become your livery
we need each other, I daresay.
This poem was written for a class, and I will be turning it in soon. Tips/Comments/Suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Jan 2017 · 574
Ara Jan 2017
How sticky you are -
and how untimely you shine on my face

Shiny bright lines
slapped on with red a trace
just visible for the entire human race

Your sense of style
oh how it makes me cringe
why must you show this disgrace?

I plead, it's not my fault
Its more of an assault
from these **** emotions
and tear-streaks
These poems are coming out to be so ordinary and basic. Where has my creativity gone?
Jan 2017 · 359
Notes to a Forgotten Me
Ara Jan 2017
I guess I've spoken one too many times
you got a little caught up in your lives
Sorry I'm not who you were proud to know
I'm not anything anymore

It's okay, I understand
I've never done anything all that grand
There are way better things to see
than the nothing that now resides in me

Maybe all I wanted was to talk
but I only seem to **** you off
Or maybe vise-versa, so
Up, up, and away I go
Jan 2017 · 321
The end.
Ara Jan 2017
I'm sorry
but the road has come to an end

took the straight path down
no interesting kinds of bends

there was no light through the trees
just the same kind of stems

and this shady road
I can only see as my ticket to sin
Dec 2016 · 694
My Way
Ara Dec 2016
A Way with words
A Way with wonder
A Way with thoughts
A Way with ponder

A Way with daydreams
and lucid reminiscence
A Way with bursting at the seams
with thought's threaded essence

A Way: The wrong way it is
for seriousness to attend
A Way: The wrongness from righteousness
of so many acceptences to bend
Who cares?
Ara Dec 2016
Dead or alive.
How can I know the difference,
either way, I've been "useful" all my life.

No love from life
nor life from love
until it was taken away,
by a man who's manipulation drove . . .

Tears I took for my savior
and joy from a dripping arm.
Crimson for my delicacy,
he claimed he didn't mean any harm.

His carnal needs only shoved
visions, a painful lance.
I will gladly fall from love
with a first and last glance.

Please save me from the ungloved,
forceful hands creeping down my intimates . . .
Is writing worth it anymore?
Oct 2016 · 472
Ara Oct 2016
craving and sleeze
Because every time i breathe
Adds a prescription of anesthetic I need
To benumb shaking hands
And passive aggressive thoughts
Passing when our eyes
Forget that our demise could be prevented
With one gentle cry of mirth

My skin screams from all the sights it must take
And every touch on this earth
Crawls with aggressive ****
But my gentle breaths
Make my heart flutter without beat
And that is all, not of death,
The world must ask of me.
I dont know if I should keep writing...
Oct 2016 · 552
Cigarettes, Your Words
Ara Oct 2016
Drawing out the words it contains,
To my cigarette, it lights its flame

Reaching for the blunt-reverse psychology
It turns around, burns its hole inside of me

So my lungs continue to thicken
Fog that will reverse my death from a quicken

Keeping me out of reality infinitely
So my cigarettes become my life
My poetry
Sep 2016 · 1.3k
Special Help
Ara Sep 2016
In the mirror you make no glisten
yet you are so real
and I still have to listen;
my reality, my dreams steal

My mind binds me
away from trusting;
why must I not speak
to the only things that amount to something?

Why are you so quiet?
Silence eats at my insides
anxiety bites
my stomach, decaying matter resides

My infectious disease
quite ugly, pain filling with ******
You ruined me, I miss your thrills
left my tongue with stretch marks from abundance of pills...
Poem for  a schizophrenic friend....
Or is it for me?
Aug 2016 · 968
Andvantage Over Me
Ara Aug 2016
Only you knew
the pictures I drew
miraculously, with straight lines

But somehow
they could see them hidden
in the bags under my eyes.

Only you know
where I went when I had nowhere to go
my empty rendezvous

they found me
in the absence of a mind that had a clue.

Yet only you left
keeping my story from the next
and this weighty garden I will sow

You had me
with me gone
no one knew who I was to know
Aug 2016 · 398
Your Happy Agression
Ara Aug 2016
Here we are,
trapped in your fairy tale
your happiness  most painful by far
I wish I could tell you of the damage on our morale

Not the best for I contain something sinister
Please don't trap me in your fairytale
Your prince left out something before he was your mister,
fading as control has let my mind go stale

I get lost staring back at myself in the mirror,
always dusted yet never clearer
as to why you seem to see
spending time in your mind is happy, why did you drag me?
Aug 2016 · 601
My World in Shutters
Ara Aug 2016
What if my eyes gave a shutter
Like the stars at night
When you looked into my eyes to utter
The words that for once would get me through the night

For once someone had looked
Into this same sky
And only saw the time that would
Repeat itself and still move on
Only believing that our lives meant we could hold time as a carryon

And here I am staring,
Breaking my neck, but worth the fate
To see these stars shutter
And know that time would pass
And at that time those words i need
You would utter

If my only hope was you
I wouldnt mind being in a mental ward
So i would have an excuse to create you
Aug 2016 · 1.5k
Self Armed Asylum
Ara Aug 2016
Ive let myself slip
Living in this asylum
Im losing my mind over myself

Accuse themselves of being careful
All i could hope for as they held
My heart in their hands
But nailclippers are not allowed here

Of course I know im insane
Becuase those caretakers
And anxiety
Are the same
Aug 2016 · 1.2k
But You Know, I Tried
Ara Aug 2016
Taken from me,
my will
or these shatterings,

Pieces of every sensible answer,
what helped me
through these insanities,

I thought I had
in this glass box of mine

Which makes it funny how
when I let it slip through my fingers
love of myself was all I could find
~ A poem about losing motivation (I think)~
Jun 2016 · 1.1k
Super Man
Ara Jun 2016
On the Dark Side of the moon
where the ground lay frozen
is a prophecy due soon
although its forgotten words are left unspoken

It begins with a tale of violence and slaughter
while a wanderer prepares himself
for his encounters with these monsters

They say its all in his head
he believes people call to him,
"Save me from this dread!"
if only he knew the truth, but it may be too grim

He thinks he's Superman, and holds the power within
(I decided to change my caption due to a comment below}
May 2016 · 419
Ara May 2016
Is a bowl of homemade ice-cream
Leaving behind the greatest feeling:
But leaving behind another:
The questioning of
The flavor
May 2016 · 296
A Haiku
Ara May 2016
Formerly Nature,
This Haiku will be about
Nothing Specific
Mar 2016 · 709
I Have These Thoughts
Ara Mar 2016
I remain silent . . .

but I'm afraid

that . . .

I have been


for so long

that I must speak on the inside

but on the inside I can only scream

These screams are so loud

it hurts

and I am afraid that

I have busted my ear drums

and can no longer hear myself anymore,

inevitably stuck in an endless silence, unaware that

I am hardly alive anymore
May 2015 · 428
-Souls are leaking-
Ara May 2015
Why do tears drip down our face
Droplets of anger make empty a feeling
When all we want is an embrace
Yet nothing does much healing

Inside I feel anger
Sometimes it floods out my eyes
This smile just might be my disquise

Inside my anxiety creeps up and holds my neck,
But sometimes i wonder if i were on the verge of death,
Would it be a joy to take my final breath?

Your eyes are usually winning,
Yet the blood keeps on dripping
Onto the floor i try to hold..

Pouring out of my soul following the void,
The bright light has wonders untold

Why do tears drip down my face
Droplets of acid make nothing a feeling
I guess I'm just a disgrace...
.-. Okay...
Mar 2015 · 1.5k
Battle scars
Ara Mar 2015
The anxiety that builds up in your chest
Makes it harder to take every breath

The cascade of tears that drowned you in fear
You need someone but no one wants you near

All these broken promises and cuts on your heart
You're just one choke from falling apart

You embrace your hunger and eat in fear
Maybe one day this will all just dissappear

Your enemies are just outside the door
Maybe you just can't take it anymore...

But wake up my soldier, pick up ur knife,
Maybe it's time for one last fight

Open that door and let those angels in...
Your enemies will break you down, but you will never let them win

They're the reason why you're here... The reason why this started...
It would make no sense now if you gave up and departed

Hold on to that last hope,
Hold on to that rope,
These dangerous items won't even help you cope...

— The End —