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2.9k · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
I stood,
Gazing at the sunset.
Watching the sun fall...
The day die...
The light soften and dim,
Painting the sky with vivid strokes...
Freeing the moon.

A daily masterpiece,
Well displayed
Above the lines of the city.
2.0k · Mar 2015
Snow storm
D I A Mar 2015
 Ever so slowly
        It falls
The droplet of rain
  Changed out of shape
               Snowflake .

          Slowly it falls
        Then dropping
       Yet not lightly enough
            To resist the pull
                  Of the Earth's core.
                      With it
                      Others fall.
1.8k · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
Teardrops fall from the heavens,
Tasting of ashes
From the world below...
1.8k · Mar 2015
Black Rose
D I A Mar 2015
My lady lies
Crying upon the bed
Her tears spill over the pillow case
- A pool of blood.

She smiles
The light wavering
Darkness appearing white
Grey to the careful eyes
Not blinded
By that false smile.

Drum rolls.
The sounds of thousands matching
The whispering wind
The tainted earth
Day turning night.

The mask of happiness
Clouded sorrow
Delicate glass actually hard
Harder than diamond.
Nothing's unbreakable
The tears fall.

She comes with the midnight
Her eyes gently gleaming
The sounds of waves crashing
Her voice soft
The salty sea winds rustling through leaves
Her touch luring
She comes with the rising of dawn
Her kiss wanting
Souls entwined
She comes with the calling of sleep
The blackness growing, her smile yearning
Above, a raven flies.

She stared in sorrow
My dear lover,
Silent screams echoing through the hall
Hands reached out
Not touching
Hesitant and withdrawn
Tears gone with the first sunshine.
A single lock upon the bed
The colour of brass.

They stood in rows
Armoured or in black
No face smiling
No eyes glowed.
The night was dark
The air was still
The ground cold.

Nobody moved
Many cried
But not the soldiers.
The war had claimed most
And not all the survivors
The general already buried
His lieutenant dead.
This they would do for their queen.
To shed a tear would be a sin
To cry would suggest weakness,
With her soft brown eyes
She died a heroine.
There should be no sorrow
An old friend has gone home.

A moonless night
They funeral over and most had left.
Within her ash coated ebony tomb
Brass hair untouched by the wind,
Forever Aster-scented
She lies.
Clear liquid
Drips down my cheeks
Landing upon the grey stone
It's raining,
Yet the sky is clear.
1.6k · Mar 2015
By Candlelight
D I A Mar 2015
When morning comes
Visitor in the night
Fateless commitment
Forgive me
Going all out
Written on the skyline
By candlelight.
A Scenes poem.
1.5k · Mar 2015
The broken silence
D I A Mar 2015
The silence broke
Shattering into a million pieces
Shards and dust...
D I A Mar 2015
I gaze upon its splendor weeping
A masterpiece beyond fathomability stealing my breathe away as time stills and the emotions bloom...
This is love!
This is magnificence!
This is existence!

But only for a moment...
Only for eternity.
1.2k · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
Your face is...
Your mind
A monster...
Wearing the face
Of a woman
1.0k · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
When I see her,
My heart skips a beat...
Then stops...
After that I don't feel anything at all.
957 · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
I miss you
Your warm laugh,
glassy blue eyes
and sad, sad smile
That made it look like you were crying
Out of sight

Her heart beats for you
In pain
You who never noticed
Or cares to notice again.
Standing tall.

Her heart beats for you
Despite your coldness
Your emptiness
Your emotions' grave
It still beats.

She's dying.
We all are
The rose petals have fallen
A long time ago
My tears had fallen and dried
Moments after
Hers still fall
Forming seas
She slowly drowns
As her heart weakly beats
Straining in pain
Her body sick.

You still smile now
Your eyes a hardened gray
Diamonds rather than glass
Your joy is our pain
Not just us
but the world.
No matter how you try to push it behind you
You can't ignore the past
You have failed.

I hope you're happy.
I'm no longer missing...
Her heart's stopped beating...
Beating for you.

You shall be forgotten...
Black frost, the stars above you and a kiss goodbye.
927 · Mar 2015
Empty eyes
D I A Mar 2015
Cracked images
Stained glass
Each piece arranged
In an interlacing jaggered masterpiece
Tears fall
Tracing paths
Highlighting the intricate symbols
Liquid crystals in the dying light
Sparkling pearls upon living glass
Dexterous additions
To the visual symphony.

The storm grows
The heavens pour
Colours flash amongst the greys
It tastes like salt.
855 · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
I cannot hear your thoughts
Your mind to me
Is like smooth jagged glass
Beneath a pool of liquid winter
A lake of crystallized silence.
It hurts.

I cannot feel your emotions
Your face is like an empty mask
A hollow shell
Your eyes are depthless glass
Living ice.
I can feel your heartbeat
I can hear you breathe
Tears flow down my cheeks,
Freezing in your frigid warmth.
They sound like antipathy.

We kiss
Mental screams against silence
Passion against nothingness
Motion against stillness
You don't lie
You don't speak
You do nothing at all.
There're no roses amongst the thorns.

I hear you speak
Flowers blooming in winter
Blood burning through snow
Your voice is a sirenic thing
Filling me
Maddening me
Tearing my heart apart.
A captivating inferno.
A glacial wind.
A numbing kiss.
Your voice is poison.
I crave its touch.

I wonder if you're a corpse
I wonder if you're hollow
I wonder if you forget to feel.
Your smile
Is an existential thing.
Your laugh
Is a detached melody.
Your stare
Is an empty dream.
Arctic indifference.
Words fading into the wind.

I can only see you
An aloof statue
A pitiless observer.
Tears flow down my cheeks,
Freezing in your frigid warmth.
I no longer understand you
I never did.
Flowers blooming in winter
Blood burning through snow
My devotion
To a narcissistic fascination
Your voice is a sirenic thing
There're no roses amongst the thorns.
It hurts.
I wish to **** you.
You don't lie
You don't speak
You do nothing at all.

Your face remains an empty mask
Mental screams against silence
Arctic indifference
Decayed insanity
Inert image upon darkened glass.
What do I do with all these feelings?
You will not die.

It hurts.
788 · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
Hold me.

You scream.

I bleed.

Rusted nails,
Twisted thorns.
776 · Mar 2015
Smoke through the city
D I A Mar 2015
Stress sneaked up on me
Like a ninja out of the blues
Like a saxophone player
Weaving an intricate melody
To my internal noir monologue
Like a tax collector striking at night
Or a deadly case of the Creditors flu
Like a group of cut-throat dames
Like fog in the rain
Like a secretary named Velema.
Stress sneaked up on me
When the detective came a-knocking.

He wanted his cigarette back.

I told him I didn't have it
Then the ****** walked in
Quick-finger Teddy
Butcher Saint Merry
Leg-breaker Lenny
Mobster Ricco
Snake Bently
And Marcini of the incredibly gifted hands
Lead makes a different sound when fired
Glass shatters into tinkling tear drops
Like the heavens weeping.
Plaster breaks.

Stress sneaked up on  me
Like a kiss goodbye...
It's all
Smoke through the city...
Hard-boiled or Scrambled. A touch of Noir.
774 · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015

Frozen teardrops
The world is still.
757 · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
I stand here watching
Waiting for you to move
To stand and smile
Your cold corpse stretching.
Tears fall upon your lips
Skin the colour of polecian
Your beauty unmarked and still
Like the marble on which you lay
Paler in death than life
Pearled droplets in midnight blue hair
Lips a faded red
Eyes closed
A masterpiece to Death
And I your killer
713 · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
Blood paints the sky in vivid streaks
Is the light.
Frozen solid
Weeping still,
The day is murdered.
649 · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
In a single motion
He fell
Wind in his hair
The sky brightening
His eyes closed
Listening to the music of a faraway land
Slight smile on his face
If only he was sleeping.
643 · Mar 2015
Cloaked Wall
D I A Mar 2015
The more we reach out
The more we fall
We are insignificant
To the world
The universe
That's why there is Faith
That's why
There is Death
That's why
Denial exists
In this
Finite infinity
-A cloaked wall.
642 · Mar 2015
Sometimes I hear ringing
D I A Mar 2015
Sometimes I hear ringing...
Ringing in my head
Along with all the wails and shrieks
All screeching and yowling
Demanding to be heard above each other
While I hear ringing...
In my head.
Sometimes I hear ringing...
Like the sound of the Big Ben
Or tick-tock of a watch I lost a long time ago.
Like the trickling and beeping of the traffic
at Maryland bridge
On a cool Thursday evening.
The swishing and swashing of the semi-
twisting waves
Splashing on the beach
During a night reign...
Of soaking rain.
The chirping of birds and flutter of
Rustles of the tree leaves and hissing of the
They hide below.
As I cocked my head, my mental ear listening
I suddenly remember that...
Sometimes I hear ringing...
The poem says it all...
602 · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
I lie cold upon the marble stone
The moonlight shines
Illuminating the delicate tears
Like blue-tinged liquid crystals
That fall from my lover's eyes
Splashing on my cold body
Sorrow and love combined.

  Her hair moved
  Blown by the grieving wind
  The endless locks of blue-black hair
     Like liquid night
        Shifting over alabaster skin
           Pointed ears now showing
        Her amethyst eyes
            Gleaming wet
The ethereal fire that once burned
     Ashes blowing
The hearth now cold
Waking up isn't the hardest part
      It's saying goodbye.
The light drizzle
Becomes a heavy downpour
     of hateful rain.
506 · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
Life is best precieved
Not in death
But in the dying...
The leaves falling
Rather than the branches bare
The dew freezing
Rather than the frost
Coated in snow
The cool winds crisp yet damp
Rather than frost-bitten.

Life is best painted
On the the tapestry of dying
Than the portrait of a barren land
After the wake of death
Two sides of the same mask
A kiss to eternity
Or the end.

The rising of ice
The dying of season
The coming of slumber...
Time moving backwards.
494 · Mar 2015
Not a sound
D I A Mar 2015
The voice asked
Words echoing through hallways and floors
Let me in. Let me in.
Eyes close.
Tears fall.
There is pounding on the door
The ghost of sound.
The trickle of life.
486 · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
One blinded by love should not make sacrifices...
For when the love is gone,
So is the logic.
382 · Mar 2015
D I A Mar 2015
With all their fake faces
And empty hollow hearts;
for a warmth
That does not exist...

— The End —