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Jack P Jul 2018
volte face
pivot away from
the old place
where ***** mirrors
cracks in the skin;
too wide or
too thin.

hymns from a chasm
that sits in between



without turning away
dreams (yours and ours)
will fall limper,
simmer under hot sun
as they're hung from the ramparts
gnarled and ragged
like the crest of a defeated army

volte face
pivot away from
the dead space
where bruised silences
the cracks in your brain;
too much in
not enough sane.

and you will write a million """Poems"""
and they will be about as useful
as a blind man's reading glasses.
here is my shoulder, here is your clout
Jack P Feb 2019
it would be nice, i think, if we managed to prevent growing apart fast,

so if you had any respect for me you'd fly your red flags at half-mast.
how come the short ones get all the attention
Jack P May 2018
her golden glowing radiant luscious locks of hair
her beaming blue eyes, crinkling at the sides
her heavy breathing, when we play
her warm embrace, at the end of the day

our quiet walks around the edge of the park
and we talk for hours, though she mostly listens
the way she moves so gracefully, she makes my heart aflutter
and sometimes i try to speak to her, but i can only s-s-stutter

she is so cute when she puts her head on my shoulder
she is so cute when she wants me to hold her
she is so cute; i cannot find a flaw
she is so cute, when she ***** on the floor...

                                               beautiful golden retriever pup
you must be a *******
Jack P May 2018
this is the way the world ends
this is the way the world ends
not with a bang but with a

high price of admission, that being the innate circumstances wherein his ego germinates and grows into two things at the same time: externally pleasant and internally grotesque.

this is the way the world ends
this is the way the world ends
not with a bang but with a

long stretch of beach lined with hospital beds, pyres alight to the God of False Flags and Falser Hope, long speeches and poor teachers getting too close to the water.

this is the way the world ends
this is the way the world ends
not with a bang but with a

difference of opinion - the trickle-down economics of not giving a **** about anyone except one's inner sanctum, from the unrepresented in their little mud huts, to the shadow skulls with buzzing sinuses; Everything, Performing the Dance of the Hearse Driver.

this is the way the world ends
this is the way the world ends
not with a bang but with a

whimper, courtesy of yours truly
don't mention the war and all its nauseating irony, don't mention irony and all its nauseating truths, don't mention me and all my dumb words
306 · Apr 2018
Cycle (Our Crooked Still)
Jack P Apr 2018
\put your feet on the land/

His name, according to the scrawl on the cover of his journal, was Viele. His build, according to everyone he'd ever met, was a lazy mosaic of withered limbs; veins snaking like cracks in pavement.

His intentions, according to hindsight, were regrettable.

\and see/

It is the gospel truth that man is the expert of denial.
As sure as the dead stay dead,
The Graverobber will prefer the term 'opportunist'.
Viele was a "professional",
took pride in his "art".
He dug, dug, dug,
'til the wood did part.

Stripped the cemetery to its bones (or, if you please, of its bones).

\ain't no grave/

Then Viele snags his shovel, about three feet deep.
Somehow the handle asphyxiated by the stalk
Of a Morning Glory, which flowers a defiant blue -
swallowing whole, the rusting *****, as its spiral buds take
their first breaths - against, of course, the tarred lung
of their rawboned abuser.

And lo!
(the image befits the phrase, as does the Earth "empty of form")*
the deadyard stood guard,
like it was suddenly attacked
by an impressionist's paintbrush.

The deadyard, and Viele
Van Goghing, Goghing, Gone.

\gonna hold my body down/

In Lieu, In Bloom:
Baby's Breath and Bells of Ireland and Daisies and Hydrangeas and Lace of Queen Anne and Sunflowers and
God, ad nauseum they arose,
arching upwards from graves.
Leaving no gravestone unturned,
in the pursuit of the place
where footnotes become headlines
and headlines turn to deadlines
and deadlines turn to soil.

For in the morning,
when Viele returns
and Glory, ironically, stands down
we will know to wait.
Tucked away behind our rejected Heaven's gate,
for the show to return.

Where there's Life in the urn.
leave the poetry to the prose (of which i am neither)
295 · Apr 2018
character study #1: frost
Jack P Apr 2018
here, take this
you're well-dressed, well-groomed
not quite well-adjusted
but you'll get there soon, one must hope...
apron goes in one hole, loop around, across
here, let me help -
now you're ready for
trip flat palm shaking
ceramic plates
make great crashing sounds
and even better prison shanks
i apologise as profusely
as a butchered animal bleeds...

"ah, it's alright mate
**** happens"

indeed, it does...

...looks like he swerved
into the wrong lane
one white line up the nose
and Sir Tired Trucker
forgets about the white lines
adorning the road...
everything begins as debris
he was just returning things
back to their natural order
like me, the other day
when i gave the library back its books
see? one and the same...
authoritative man
steps out of the car with the flashing lights
assesses the damage
assesses such a sudden loss of life
and treats it with a shrug...

"ah, shame really but
**** happens"

indeed, it does...

...boys will be boys
they say
hot-headed, cold-blooded
a warm bed and a
home ground advantage...
he took something from her
the only thing
standing up for her safety
be the hairs on her neck
now wrapped around a little finger...

"ah well, i made a mistake
but **** happens, doesn't it?"

no, it doesn't, you ******* pig.
"burn this entire scene to the ground"
Jack P Jun 2018
I don't look like that anymore.

I grew.

I grew tired
I grew a white collar from my neck
I grew to know you
I grew too close to cynics
I grew out of my skin
and into someone else's
I grew angry at my reflection
I grew tired.

I grew up.
i am jaded and i want to go to sleep again before i've even woken up
293 · May 2018
palm reading
Jack P May 2018
a bag of sand
a dead man's hand
withered but alive on the fractured land

what's a hand to do
without the arm its due
or the muscle and the bone from which the hand took cue

hand wanders the plains
hoping somehand deigns
to interlock its fingers and alleviate his pains

hand curls into fist
weak without its wrist
shaking for the company which it has sorely missed

then fist unspools to wave
for across the sandy grave
another hand is looking for the warmth of hands they crave

one hand makes a sign
then fingers intertwine
if these hands keep holding their bruised knuckles shall be fine
ay girl lemme get ur digits
ha ha
292 · Apr 2018
Miss Communication
Jack P Apr 2018
...before the eternal worm devours connecticut
one will cycle through the stages of grief
as though one is trapped in a revolving door

two will lock eyes with immemorable combination
reprise themselves of their situation;
i meant "recuse", sorry, although - sadly
the former would not take me aback

three will kick the bucket
but only into the pouring rain
the torrential downpour of one's errant brain
to catch the storm in an endless black

but it boils down to the one, who -- utterly defeated -- says to the other:

"you know me less than you know yourself, and that's saying something"
to the endless uncaring and his little backpack of slow-burning practical jokes
286 · Dec 2018
this is a spafe sace
Jack P Dec 2018
In the middle of a crowded room,
full of bad mouths with good hearts,
I ask:

"What's the point of a trigger warning if you're just gonna pull it anyway?"
283 · Mar 2019
Jack P Mar 2019
\                                                     /
  \                                                 /
    \                                             /
      \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /
        \the brain would be a  /
          \ glass half full were /
            \it not for this,        /
              \ stupid and        /                  
                \ persistent      /
                  ----------------l /
                     ­                    k
may the formatting gods shine down upon me this day
Jack P May 2018
need an alias
and a sheepskin rug
to sweep all the glasses i've broken
underneath where once there was an animal's heart

need an animal's heart
and a woolen jacket
to hide all of the broken chambers
underneath where once there was a false start
forgotten how to write forgotten what a pen looks like forgotten what's it like to be
Jack P Apr 2018
more than a few shattered bulbs
for the muse with the bloodied face
and broken nose.

at the end of the rope
i am merry, masochistically, asking him
"spare an original thought?"

and he can
but as soon as he agrees to let me use it
it evaporates

so i go back to punching holes through the drawing board.
why am i so middling at this oh my GOOOODDDDD hope you're all well
Jack P Apr 2018
Back turned to back on the shivering hull
Captain declared for the anchor annulled
The old shore grew shy under asthmatic skies
And wind caught the sails as we watched its demise.

The shanties drew thin, about two hours in
Whistling fell limp 'til curled up in the din
Was a specter of that which I seldom denied:
A brother or two whom my stern face belied.

I would not leave this outline to flicker and fade
Carried by waves as mine own Mother prayed:
"If his life is cut short on the edge of the stern
God, we will find you. We will make sure you burn."

Weeks stumble by, clocks rusting by sea
And if their hands turn, they turn onto me
With reminders of blades which have long since been drawn
And the broken tree branch blooming souls in the dawn.

I've seen reflections of self in the constellation-black:
My sister rides in on the Phoenix's back
My brothers, the Gemini; two halves of a whole
And Mother Andromeda, the Queen of it all.

Ship edging near to the end of the Earth
A convict by trade but a human by birth
Tallying up days by the marks on my back
Lashings for supper and now I've lost track

And so no matter how far this old boat can sail
I'd swim 'round the world 'til my lungs twice do fail
To return to the place where the bed doesn't move
And the waves do not push like they've something to prove


In a week and a day I would jump overboard
Bypass the plank that the crew so adored
In a few short seconds I would make it back home
An under-sea shortcut to Our Family's Gloam.
about missing family
poetic freedom
a stick up the [redacted]
Jack P Jun 2020
on bad days,
i'm found in my backyard kicking dandelions.
on good days,
i feel like i can put them back together again.
gmail wouldn't shut up ok
Jack P May 2019
wake up
exist gently /
press out the corners
exist gently //
slip into the morning, like its a summer dress
exist gently ///
guide new oxygen around the living room of your chest cavity
exist gently ////
watch cotton wool plug the holes in the sky
exist gently /////
send thank you cards before knowing what you're thankful for
exist gently //////
give space generously, hear it hum sonorously
exist gently ///////

exist gently
die happily.
i am just a little creature
Jack P May 2019
press your forehead on the barrel of hope
put your neck inside the optimist's rope
jump off a bridge, into the warm light below...

...crack your skull on the idea of tomorrow.
our futures are deposits, our pasts are savings, our presents are giving us withdrawals
234 · May 2019
Jack P May 2019
living in fear of the allostatic load
hopscotching tire marks on a bare and open road
do we drag down this life to where life dare not go?
we are living in fear of the allostatic load.

if 'when' is an if, and 'if' is a when
then what's never happened will happen again
the one-armed men will count upwards to ten
on phantoms taken by the allostatic load.

(of hair: massage scalp, condition, brush regularly, dry gently - keep what is lost in fistfuls, dead hard protein, dead fast head spins)

when limbs give way under the allostatic load
softened up by atrophy
trapped under the debris of a broken home
familiar hands will come for me.
we can hold hands if we promise, to go to the same place, at the same exact time
Jack P Jul 2020
curiosity may have killed the cat,
but it has given me a reason to live
the duolingo owl keeps rapping me on the knuckles with a metal ruler
Jack P Dec 2018
Could've just swallowed the ink from a ballpoint pen,
In an attempt to turn my insides blue...

...But instead I thought of you.
next year brings forth snow + a crossroads - one where i attempt to forgo the cliche and cut straight through the middle. one where i learn my lesson about cheating paradigms buried just under the thin layer of dirt that coats reality. i need a break. and some sleep. and some nurofen. I'm A Celery, Get Me Out Of Here! starring Julia Morris and me
216 · Apr 2018
Jack P Apr 2018
we are a horrible team
kicking holes in the twilight like the silence is drywall
like the most unhappy of accidents.

we are two tongues caught in a mousetrap together
waiting for each other's assistance
suffering for the sport, the art.

tomorrow trading songs
coded messages beneath catchy choruses
enough to feed the families we don't have.

for the rugged old men on the highest shelves
who eat too much and spit much more:
if we give you back your own advice, will you take it?

here below's my laundry list
reminds me to air the ***** stuff and
give back what you left behind

..."maybe i will tomorrow", i imagine you saying
for the 1000th 'tomorrow' in a row
what is love, baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
Jack P Jan 2019
I've not had a year like this in days.
i'm a little teapot short and stout. here is me forgetting what life is about. when i get all steamed up here me shout "i never asked for this. i want out".
194 · Aug 2017
Is This Thing On?
Jack P Aug 2017
My bedroom curtains,
Are a rich, Penfolds red.

Of which I am quite certain,
They hide the stage inside my head.

The unkempt bed, a centrepiece,
For every act of this here play.

My *******, my kingdom,
Come stay for one mere day.

Clouds are forming on the roof,
Some celestial being's frown.

Now it's raining in the arena,
So bring the curtains down.
i made this up so they'd open the front door.
Jack P Apr 2018
a dead poet's last draft
- as i am here, unfinished

the leveled howl of unformed chords
- as i am here, diminished

standing at the mouth of a Father's Dream
- as i am here, shaking

the withered heart of an orphaned kid
- as i am here, breaking


the Maker dancing giddily around
as his river grows rapidly into sea

i keep terrified hanging from the banks
asking "what is it that you want from me?"

inquiry burning in the sun
alone, it's a rhetorical one

answered by my writing here
Tomorrow is a ghost i fear
selected ambient works and no play makes jack a dull boy
160 · Apr 2018
Jack P Apr 2018
for the plenty that proffer
"write what you know"
i'll have you know
i don't know much

pursuantly, here is my poem:

Jack P Feb 2019
lighting matches on the stove
it's awful cold in golden grove

joy is wielded from the deep
it's awful warm in farron's keep

policemen said to take a seat
another death on pirie street

lonely? got some time to ****?
take a stroll 'round silent hill

(()) (())

..when these decaying organs fail
there's one thing keeping me from dying
i close my eyes and try to live
a thousand lives better than mine.
live from an empire builder
Jack P Feb 2019
take me to the vet
now! now! now!
i'm not feeling so good
take me to the vet.            

my throat makes a foreign noise
show me! show me! show me!
two cold hands
a violet command
take me to the vet.

you look like you'd taste nice
the salt! the salt! the salt!
watch my little tongue retract
take me to the vet.

picked me up against my will
put me down! put me down! put me down!
living, breathing trophy mutt
take me to the vet.

time to silence this old bark
put me down! put me down! put me down!
final car ride
head out window
empty food bowl
lead curled up on the piano
gate creaks open
achilles heel (achilles, heel!)
take me to the vet.
119 · Feb 2022
Jack P Feb 2022
saw you in the backyard laughing with strangers
i took a walk about it
i left my doubt in the sand and then i jumped right into the eye
of the storm around it
our future comes fast but it stretches out far and wide
fill the space inside it

it takes a valley inside a valley inside a valley inside a valley inside
to show you my valiant side my valiant side my valiant side my valiant side

and i promise that however it might seem
i'm not staring at you, i'm just sightseeing

you're the knowable world
in an wandering girl
and just shy of taking every corner

— The End —