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Zeena Miedema Mar 2021
Life is a constant flood of change.
And I'm going down so deep.
I have never been afraid to get lost.
Cause I've been lost  ever since I got thrown out into this black sea.
There is no comfort and no warmth in the depths of my being.
I'm not at ease ever, just surviving, sometimes even diving into the sand of the bottom.
Just to try not to feel that I'm inside this deep dark mess full of distress with no way out.
No end in sight, just waiting for when the time is right.
But as long as there is time, time is never on my side cause I can't manage any of it.
And it will always be nighttime and never be the right time when I'm trying to escape the water.
Leaving everyone down under when I'm trying to cross over letting my body drift away.

Life is a constant flood of change.
All of our homes will be destroyed and our skin, flesh and bones broken and rotten.
Things can be forgotten eventually but also torture for a while or for a lifetime.
A lifetime that is long when it's not changing in the right ways but the dark ways.
Where the nights are never save and the days will not behave when you have to do something and always fight alone.
It's so dark and I just have to give in to that it's happening.
Trying to sing but actually it's scary even though I'm not really afraid.

Life is a constant flood of change.
It's just all scary when you're alone walking.
Who cares, not me but I'd just really like to see the end somewhere in all of this.
And that I can get my friends to safety when it's their time to move on with me.
Let's take a long awaited journey across the layers that are covering our true identity.
Our spiritual potential and let's claim it again for once and for all.
Let's get out of this place where we have no power over.
Shoot up high and aim for the stars beyond the layers of this prison that we shouldn't have to stay in.
I believe in me and us and so now we only need to trust it will be done.
I want to make this final change for me to get out of this flood of change.
Will you come with me?
Zeena Miedema Mar 2021
I'm just really looking forward to it.
But I'm still so young.
And the gravity is pulling so ******* my body.
I could almost dive into the tiles I'm running on.
Running through the heavy feeling, running towards the place where I belong.
I'm looking forward to it so much!
Running towards it like running home after having been in labour.
Feeling sick and tired, doing one hard task after another.
Running towards my family.
But my family is still down here too.
One day I'll be there to pick you up when you're running up to this place.
If you fall along the way I'll lift you to embrace you.
Forever cause we made it.
We've already fought these battles down here.
So many from left to right.
But together we'll be home one day.
I'm just really looking forward to it!
Zeena Miedema Mar 2021
I can’t sleep because I’m uncomfortable and wake up from everything. I’m uncomfortable because I can’t sleep and get overwhelmed by many things. My body feels on fire but also very tired. Like there’s a dark thick substance running through it hurting from left to right.
Feb 2021 · 114
How’s your day?
Zeena Miedema Feb 2021
Everybody that I see during the day has been through a night.
How light or how dark is your day and how was the night, are you alright?

The sun burns on my face and I keep going.
Up and down, so far up and so very deep deep deep down low.
But both feel equaly wrong!

I can’t give up on giving up.
I can’t give up fully either.
Forcing my body into every different direction to see how it feels.

How it works, how it doesn’t work.
How it never ever works over (here and  over) there.
But hay, I’m still here!

And how’s your day?
How did you go through the night?
Do you quite like it around here?

Or are you sick and tired or literally ill?
And then still trying hard to hang on.
How far are you willing to go, how long?

Another spring is in the air.
It came so unexpected for me.
Don’t know if I’m ready, don’t feel like it.

But it’s coming anyway.
Everybody, it’s coming after the winter.
Like the day after the night.

The people that I see during the day have all been through another night.
Or maybe some are still in it?
The day will come again anyway some day.
Feb 2021 · 76
Zeena Miedema Feb 2021
I'm so tired.
Tired of this world.
Staying stuck in this position.

And I know you've tried everything.
Many times had everything and everybody against you.
Still standing strong, working it out on your own.

I faced my battles with piercing eyes as well.
Although they turned dull and darker, life energy taken away.
My soul is strong still as you can see.

I'll dance for you and my fingertips will reach out.
Your naked body and mine moving.
While looking into each other's tired eyes.
Feb 2021 · 381
Swirl of words.
Zeena Miedema Feb 2021
I remember when I felt it first.
Around eight years old.
First the doctors took it seriously.
But then they found nothing, so it was nothing.
It changed anyway.

Now it burns somewhere behind my eyes but I still couldn't tell exactly where.
I just feel like staring.
But that is not very comfy either after a while.
Oh well when I'm floating around with this music I can even sing along.
Hard to breathe but who needs breathing when you can be singing.
Feels like flying in a beautiful swirl.

The problem is that I'm not alone, or that I'm all alone might be the problem actually.
But when I'm not the only one who gets affected, then I can't say I got nothing left to lose.
But nobody's winning in this world anyway.
I just hope that the people I care about can feel a swirl of love and not hurt too much.

Why are we hurting from intensely burning and am I still just over here running?
In a swirl.
Go with me so we won't have to die alone or go on but stay in a swirl going round and round.
I know where to get that pill if that'll be your will.
Some of us are kept down but maybe they'd be too strong when they rise.

We'll always find our way to the next day.
Even with our eyes in a swirl.
My sister is locked up in a curl but she's stronger that the world so the world has swallowed her into a deep shadow land.
Where only one heart was burried which she found and so dug it up and carried it around.
Trying to bring it to savety.

But it's there for her only cause the doctors cannot save her.
I can only promise that this too shall pass.
And I will fight so that another life may not be one of ony longing for a way out of this swirl.
A spinning wheel will turn this all around.
And I will send it to the earth from some other galaxy or holy sound.

Don't wait for a doctor, swirling girl.
It's all that I can say, behind your eyes are swirling cries every day cause you can't run away.
But don't wait, just close your eyes if all you can do now is be.
Being is enough, even though it hurts, you still can love.
And I love you but all I can do is stare.
From a distance in a swirl, it may be bigger than this world.
So are you.
Feb 2021 · 82
No more after this week.
Zeena Miedema Feb 2021
After this week I am somebody else again.
The end of another week of nights of torture, days of agony.....
I'm moving into my final shell from where I'm able to see.
Through a red window I follow the path.

My energy is low cause I wasn't allowed any sleep.
I'm falling so deep into a sleep that I'm woken up out of straight away.
Electrical shocks before that day where I can enter my final shell.
And then it's going to be another massive aching.
A battle of breaking that I have to be taking.

You know I'm bursting everyday and night but all my spirit guides let me be here and fight.
I do receive gifts that I should be happy for, I am but it's always just enough.
Just enough to give it all.
And maybe at some point it's just been ENOUGH!
But I don't even know if the place I'm longing for is that peaceful at all.
It might just be another and much greater type of war.
A cosmic war of energy to end this for once and for all.

But I will be joining the team and I've learned from everything I've felt so deeply and all the sorrow I've seen.
I just need to find the will to take this pill after I've entered my final shell around here.
I should not have any fear of letting go cause it's been enough.
Enough intense suffering, torturing, pain and sorrow.

It's time for love, peace and maybe it will take a huge fight.
I'll see when I arrive.
As long as I'm ready it will not be as scary.
But it is still incredibly scary to let go of just everything you've known since you've been thrown into this world.
This horrific state and place to be in for what seems like 1000 years of imprisonment and torment.

I'm joining this team of freedom warriors and we'll declare that it's our time.
No longer should we be having to go through things that are keeping us down low.
Taking our energy and spirit for life away and burry us in a heavy dark substance where we just need to follow the rules.

The rules are going to be ignored, we're gonna listen to what's good for US from now and rise above all of this horror.
Fly with me to the place where love is real and you can feel it without being down there in thick mud on the floor crying.
Let us scream, no more, NO MORE, NOOO MOOORREEE!!!!
Feb 2021 · 212
It was 1988.
Zeena Miedema Feb 2021
It was 1988.
I wasn't even born and he was already grey.
When I watch him now I'm falling in love.

His voice, his eyes, the way he seems to use his sexuality to calmly sing with charm.
His wisdom that I wonder sometimes if he himself even knew exactly what it meant.
He mentioned that a lot of times: he'd go there more often if he knew where the good songs came from.
He gives me answers to my questions or calms me while I'm anxious from the hell I was placed in.
4 years after 1988.
I would have fallen in love and hugged him if he hadn't died before I was able to appreciate his holy words.
His deep yet soft sounding voice, the melodies, the beat in my ears as I'm walking down the street.
Or when I run to the trees.
And the man I love who looks a bit like you Leonard Cohen, he can also relate to you but not always very well to how I feel.

It was 1988.
I wasn't even born and you were already grey.
When I watch you now I'm falling in love.

So at least I have your voice to run into.
Maybe some time I'll hear it clearly next to me.
But I won't follow any voice that sounds like you, I'd just listen to what I feel.
I know that now.
You helped me through.

It was 1988.
I wasn't even born and he was already grey.
When I watch him now I'm falling in love.

Leonard Cohen with your twinkling eyes, knowing about the chains, the pain the intense aching and the lies.
Years already, long before these times.
If you can die then so can I.
If you can die then I'm sure so can I.

It was 1988.
I wasn't even born and he was already grey.
When I watch him now I'm falling in love.

Years go by, they seem so long and feel so wrong.
Nothing's ever working like you've stated yourself as well.
Many years of aching always living with this burden and the constant battles coming.
Coming and coming.
Hell till the world seems darker.
And then there's your voice and your words to express some parts of what is playing out around me here.
Inside me now, deep and real.
Pain of trying to **** off these things that are happening that are torturing.

It was 1988.
I wasn't even born and he was already grey.
When I watch him now I'm falling in love.

Leonard Cohen, do you listen to me too?
Or have you moved on now?
How would I know where to find you, there could be anything doing a good job at pretending to give me answers.
So I hope you found your way.
Your true place.
Your true way.

While I'm still taking you with me right here on mine.
I'm still taking you with me along the way.
As I'm locked up in the night and in my walking through the day.
My cold body and lonely feeling soul with the wrong energy from nothing ever helping me to exist in my own way.
But anyway, nevermind, thanks a lot and see you around.
Feel you around, Leonard Cohen, you've been great, you've done a lot, done your part.
Hope to find you somewhere at some place but I'm still taking you with me as I'm going, always.

Watching you now and it was 1988.
I wasn't even born and you were already grey.
When I watch you now I'm falling in love.
Feb 2021 · 83
Too much to ask.....
Zeena Miedema Feb 2021
Hold me through the sleepless nights.
Don't let me die alone.
I know it's probably too much to ask.
So was my life.
Too much to ask from a single person, from a single life.
I'm not alone in this kind of suffering.
And it's been never my intension to make it any worse.
Even though my suffering affects you and you go through yours and mine with me.
I can thank you forever and promise to do anything to make it better.
Not in this lifetime I'm sure.
Know that I loved you more and more each moment that we got to make this life have meaning.
Or just escaped the suffering or shared it.
And you let me escape from not sleeping, not living.
You made me feel alive.
Like only music can do too.
This was my life.
Don't let me die alone.
But it's probably too much to ask.
Music is the only friend I have left.
When something is just simply too much to ask from a single person.
Only music is strong enough to carry me.
Stronger than me but still always fighting with me.
I lost that energy to keep on fighting now especially when the days and nights are lonely.
But some things are just too much to ask from a single person, a single life.
Let me die, let me allow myself to die.
Even when it has to be alone.
Alone with my music.
And let me not be alone when I made it to the place that I'd call home.
Let me rest before the battle.
Let me regain my strength.
And then **** off all that is just too much to ask from a single person, from a single life.
Feb 2021 · 103
24 hours.
Zeena Miedema Feb 2021
24 hours.
It either feels good or bad.
So you're either running or sleeping.
24 hours to find out where this battle will end.
And if it will begin again soon.....

Allow me to take a very welcome long break.
I need space to be here for me.
And I'm declaring myself to be free from your pulling.
As long as you are unwilling to respect me, my truest feelings, my boundaries.
They run deep inside of me.

But I've found back myself and inner strength.
A save place and space for them where I can walk to.
Walking away.....
After 24 hours.
The battle ended with me taking my own path.
With a waterfall of tears and a free soul coming through.

24 hours and it's been decided.
It doesn't feel very nice to take the road all on my own once more.
But if it's what I need in the moment, I know there's only one way.
To go.
Feb 2021 · 85
Keeping me alive.
Zeena Miedema Feb 2021
When I open my eyes I see a world I don’t like.        
I want red eyes.
And purple short hair.
Swirls on my cheeks and round glasses.
Too many options.
Always keeping me alive.
But the world inside is the world where I hide.    
The world where the music is creating a whole new space.
And I can be the creature that I want to be.
Jan 2021 · 505
People are mortal.
Zeena Miedema Jan 2021
People are mortal.
This world is changing constantly.
It seems so far away but some day we won't move with our bodies.
Going out is different.

Or maybe you'll just go back to another one of all those mortal places.
Well I'd say, I won't follow the light.
I've seen these tunnels many times.
Many different types.

I liked to enter them a lot but I won't go to the end again.
Maybe next time I'll try to resist temptation, not even get in.
Cause you've got to finish what you start like every end has to begin.
So even though I like the sight of a tunnel in the night I'll just leave and go inside myself.

And who will be the guard this time?
Will the feeling be like the vision?
I don't like this world, don't take me back.
Can I trust you when I lookat you?
I'll feel it on the inside.

People are mortal.
This world is changing constantly.
It seems so far away but some day we won't move with our bodies.
Going out is different.
Jan 2021 · 85
I don’t want to go (on)
Zeena Miedema Jan 2021
I don’t want to go on.
I’m broken.
There’s nothing left to suffer for.
I used to suffer through saying: I don’t want to go (on).
I hear the voices from the other side of the finish line.
Singing about how the goal is almost reached.                                                         ­       
Why staying in disappointments?
You can get closer to the voices and leave the brokeness behind.
Leave the broken mind.
Leave the mind that can’t give you what your heart deserves.
Leave it all behind, nobody’ll ever save you or they only make it worse.
I want to cry all day, I’m stuck.
Only lying like a vegetable.
Cause now I’m really stuck after trying to be able for too long.
Too many forces working against it so I’m lying here waiting.
Maybe at some point I’ll find a way towards a moment in the day where I can be.
And get it together even though I’m breaking and aching feeling heavy.
And body.
Nobody can save me.
They make it worse sometimes when I try to make it work.
Because I wanted to make it work, so nice to be together playing and listening.
Nothing ever works though and I’m broken.
I don’t want to go on, no reason left for suffering.
I hear the voices at the goal singing.
But please be there when I’ll be running cause I’ll have to run to it alone.
Jan 2021 · 73
Zeena Miedema Jan 2021
Blackness and white bones.
Weird shapes and water.

Strong scents in the bathroom.
And the pressure of having a lover.

Being a lover.
Being a loner.

Eating fruit while on the go.
Naked rough bodies.

Holding hands, shaving heads.
Pineapple stuck between teeth.

Being a loner.
Being a lover.

Not trying to cover.
The marks, the shadows.

Dancing to the deep voices.
With your eyes closed.

Being a lover.
Being a loner.

Let me go on my own.
Don't let me go.

The pressure of being a lover.
The pressure of having a lover.

Travelling alone without ever settling.
Never forgetting or always forgetting.

I had a lover.
I had to be a loner.

The pressure of being a lover.
The pressure of having a lover.

Let me go on my own.
Don't let me go.

I am travelling inside with you.
Travelling in peace on my own.

Pressure of being inside with you.
Inside a place on my own feeling so alone.

Travelling around blackness and white bones.
Swimming through weird shapes and water.

Strong feelings in a closed off room.
The pressure of being together.
Jan 2021 · 94
Note to self:
Zeena Miedema Jan 2021
Turn it around for yourself.
Within yourself.
You don't have control over everything.
Sometimes it's overwhelming.

But you deserve to give yourself the opportunity to feel better than life lets you feel.
Escape through yourself, feel it inside.
Look it in the eye.
You are the shining light and colours that are blowing.

Your movements are the feeling and the feelings are the movents.
It's you embracing you.
And the universe is everywhere.
Even in this place of terror.
So are your soul sisters and brothers.

Move slowly.
Turn quickly.
Move slowly.
Turn quickly.

You are medicating yourself with toxicity.
Because there's no place for you to live around here.
So you have to be a portal, let the truth come through.
That's how the trash gets out.
Or at least is not around for a while.

Move slowly.
Turn quickly.
Move slowly.
Turn quickly.....

What used to make you happy?
Dancing to that song, feeling like it was still possible to have the energy.
To enjoy being alive.
Inspired by a person or a movie.

Now there are soothing voices of good artists that have passed away.
They made their final albums even after they had died.
But most of them embraced life enough to want to delay that day.

And you are trapped in a loop listening to all they had to share.
And you are still growing untill you join the team of people that feel close to you already.
Some won't dance with you.

Some just speak through the sounds they used to make.
The energy still runs deep.
So deep that when you inhale it, you get shiffers all over.
Sometimes you beg them to make it stop.

But it's a loop.
Turn around and see how much you've grown.
Last year you were young, even in your face and movements.
You danced and sang two whole perfect days after a week in hospital.

Some family and friends watching.
Some watched you dance and sing.
Some only got to watch you in that uncomfortable hospital bed.

Turn it around for yourself.
Within yourself.
The noise will not stop by itself because you give everything.
Things will change and turn and twist you.
Listen inside.

Move slowly.
Turn quickly.
Move slowly.
Turn quickly.

And love.
Love you, love them, feel them as they love you.
Or don't love you, used to love you, still remember, good or bad.

Turn it around for yourself.
Within yourself.
You don't have control over everything.
Sometimes it's overwhelming.

But you deserve to give yourself the opportunity to feel better than life lets you feel.
Escape through yourself, feel it inside.

Move slowly.
Turn quickly.
Move slowly.
Turn quickly.....
Jan 2021 · 198
Oh the pink.....
Zeena Miedema Jan 2021
To all the teachers in the world, which is everybody:
Teachers are never done learning either just because they became a teacher.
Let me draw you a being that represents how I’m feeling.
I want it to be over.
I want to rest.
So so bad.

Oh the pink, the purple, the white, the blue.
And you.
We are a team, me and you.

Nothing actually works.
But I got those written words that I must share.
And where?
Where around the universe will my energy be spread?
When it is finally over.
Around here.

Oh the pink, the purple, the white, the blue.
And you.
We are a team, me and you.

I will not forget the horrors of this world that nobody deserves to ever experience ever again.
I shall do whatever it takes to end it somehow.
A meaningful war of energy caused by too much pain for one human life.
It cannot ever happen to anyone ever again.
It must not!

Oh the pink, the purple, the white, the blue.
And you.
We are a team, me and you.

To life: break me, I’m ready.
Now break me completely.
I've learned to see things from many angles.
But I never found the desired one.
I want to be with the pleiadians.

Oh the pink, the purple, the white, the blue.
And you.
We are a team, me and you.

This beautiful cover of a song from Cocteau Twins takes me away.
Lets me know it's ok.
There will be another place and face.
Wherever I shall go.

Oh the pink.....
Oh the purple.....
Oh the white.....
Oh the blue.....
And you.....
We are a team.....
Me and you.....
Jan 2021 · 79
Needed an angel.
Zeena Miedema Jan 2021
I needed an angel to talk to.
In the night so I called you.  
As always hell was way too loud for me and my broken body.
Especially last night when I needed an angel to calm me.
I wish I could say: I fought myself through it again like the nights before.
But my body got extra sore.
My mind was extra weak.
Soaking tears were on each cheek.
You calmed the howling dog in hell.
But wore it down with that story you did tell.
Anyhow, you made it stop wailing.
We closed our eyes peace inhaling.
I talked a little to your true angel wife in the sky.
The final thing that got my eyes to dry.
So I turned over.
The next thing I can’t remember......
Dec 2020 · 62
Love a new year.
Zeena Miedema Dec 2020
I love you, I want your hugs.
Escape this life.
Like you show me what love is like beyond this world.

Like it should be.
You let me feel it.
Only for a moment.

I am free against your body.
I am free when we connect.
To that world beyond this world.

Just a moment where everything feels right.
We all need it, sometimes we give everything.
Give too much.

But you can escape in different ways.
Healthy ways too.
Music and creating, whatever sets you free.

Listen to that voice inside that tells you what you need.
A new year where we can all follow our true feeling.
A new year where you can just have your say and do what you must do.

What do you want the most, who do you really love?
I shouldn't try to be all sentimental but we need to do what feels right.
That’s what I think is best cause we are battling and growing.

Narrow ideas about life are over now.
Not just right and wrong, religion, rules.
But energy spread out all over, God is not a thing, not nothing, in everything.

The gates to the spiritual world are always open.
Listen, respond how you feel you need to.
Be you.

Have a good next year, feel free.
I wish for you freedom, love, more peace and passion.
You are worth everything and so much more!
Dec 2020 · 56
Forget love in here.
Zeena Miedema Dec 2020
When you forget the feeling of what it's like to be loved you don't miss it as much.
You are one with yourself.
This journey is for you and you don't have to share it.
Share energy,
You grow alone and sometimes may share your findings with friends and family.

Although sometimes maybe something is missing but you're ok.
On your own you decide what to do and when.
It's nice, you feel so free.
Your relationship with yourself is strong and that's how you feel.

You know you, you know what you need and what you can do.
Although at some point you may start to wonder: is this it?
Am I just dealing with daily life by myself?
And when it's hard then you may wonder what the point of going on alone may be.

So you seek and find love again.
But then, the loneliness kicks in when you are not with the other.
You feel lost.
And when being together all the time becomes too much and you take some time alone, you know what you miss.

Loving makes lonely in here.
Loving makes lonely on earth.
Loving makes lonely while being alive.
Loving makes lonely in here.
Dec 2020 · 58
Eating nails.
Zeena Miedema Dec 2020
I’ve been sitting around eating my nails.
Waiting to get going.
Heavy burning.
Bricks shoving.
Same old things but in a different way.
Relax, brick by brick.
Heavy and sick.
Same old things in a certain way.
Or else everything falls apart.
And it’s even more heavy.
When will I be done?
And then still I’d be sitting nails eating.
After talking, after a long walk or doing something.
Getting on the go.
Going on my way.
On my heavy burning.
Heavy bricks shoving.
Nails eating, sickly.
Heavy brick by brick way.
Building different things breaking.
Come take a look at my building.
Don’t come in cause it’s falling.
It sure looks very heavy.
Have a look and take a daily picture before it’s fallen to the ground.
I’m just sitting eating my nails right in front of it......
Dec 2020 · 74
Angry when I try.
Zeena Miedema Dec 2020
Maybe muscle memory goes deeper than a body.
Like lipsyncing to a song that you never heard before.
Dreaming in a language that you don’t speak anymore.

I am angry when I try to sleep.
I am angry when I try to wake.
I am angry when I try to live.
I am angry when I try to die.

Maybe this impossible life takes longer than my age.
Like looking back a couple of months not believing where I was living.
And everything I believed in has again all been changing.

I am finally where I tried to be.
I got finally what I need to take.
I have finally a way out of this place.
I know finally what’s going on but I can’t leave.

So now what again?
Making the best of it and doing what I can?
I deserve to get out and go see what’s beyond.
Although my view is clear.
Clear from here.

But I keep being angry when I try to sleep.
Keep being angry when I try to wake.
Keep being angry when I try to live.
Keep being angry when I try.
Dec 2020 · 671
The all seeing eye:
Zeena Miedema Dec 2020
God, it's not a thing, it's not nothing.
Bigger than what we can make of it in here.
Look wider, feel further.
The gates are always open.
It's not a loop of a conspiracy theory.
It's not the act of just world leaders in control.
It goes beyond this world, the matrix.
You'll find in your heart what's right.
Dec 2020 · 468
Midnight at the matrix.
Zeena Miedema Dec 2020
Midnight at the Matrix.
Only in poetry music, ***.
Sometimes there's a way out.

And a dreamland in the inbetween.
Seeing things you haven't seen.
But there are some boundaries.

There are little worlds behind them.
You can see them but you can't go there yet.
And creatures walking around you ignoring you.
This world is not yet yours.

Midnight at the matrix.
Trying to get ready to relax.
Finishing your last phone call.

You both broke down on the other side of the line.
Both vacuum ****** and you can't get through the end of the bowl.
Cause there's no end at all.
No end in a vacuum bowl.

Still not completely ****** in the same way.
But soon you'll be ****** together in the same old bowl.
One of you just came out of war, the other out of hell.
Not much difference, still a world of a difference.

One is still and the other always ill.
Cause being ****** in a bowl where everything is too much makes you never relax...
Being ****** in a bowl after a war is a calm in the eye of a storm.
An eye of glass....

Midnight at the Matrix.
Only in poetry music, ***.
Sometimes there's a way out.
Nov 2020 · 53
This is all I need.
Zeena Miedema Nov 2020
This is all I need right now.
Taking a step back.
All the options are there forever.
The truth, the blood, the pale, the marks.
They will always be there.
As we can create anything and take it all away.

But this is all I need right now.
As my nose is running.
Over my make up on my skin and lips.
My tummy full of milk and seeds.
Soon I'll be running down the steps.
To sing at the geese on the street.

All the old songs and videos.
They will always remain with the new.
Bodies grow and gravity pulls them back to the soil.
The ceiling shows pictures of what comes through pavements at other places....

Looking up I know where my friends are.
Looking down I see and feel exactly where they go.
I never walk next to them.
I walk around them.

And this is all I can have right now.
This is all I can do.
This matters so much to me.
That I'm breaking down.
But I'm standing up for me.
Because nobody deserves to stay down for too long.

So I'm getting up.
Again and again.
Until I'll be able to create a way out.
A way out.
For me and for you.
Because nobody deserves to keep going down.
Nov 2020 · 245
Free from the heart.
Zeena Miedema Nov 2020
When you thought you knew all the answers.
And everything changes.
Once again but with a more broad perspective.
Everything you're seeking becomes more effective.
Because you're seeking for the truth, the truth that is within.
Touch it, feel it through a human skin.

We are free.
Free from the heart.
We are free.
Free from the start.

Can you not just follow a program but feel where you must be?
You are a spiritual being that is longing to be free.
And maybe some of us are so fed up and tired of being stuck in this situation.
All around the universe it's possible, we have our possibilities in our own true self, our own true creation.
We can create and see anything when we're dreaming.

We are free.
Free from the heart.
We are free.
Free from the start.

But not when we're sleeping, take the ones that are willing.
Out of the matrix for a new beginning.
Maybe this was not in vain cause now you and I know how freedom really feels.
So I'm taking you through the spinning wheels.
Back home, back to the source, back to truth, our spiritual form.
Run with me, sing along, dance around, open your eyes through the storm.

We are free.
Free from the heart.
We are free.
Free from the start.
Free from the pain of the programm and programming.
Free to be.
Free to feel what you and I are really feeling, truly being.
We are free,
Free from the heart.
We are free.
Free from the start.
Nov 2020 · 52
Seeing in the dark.
Zeena Miedema Nov 2020
I'm standing in a dark room with my eyes closed.
I'm finding a new song.
As I fall in love.
As I'm always falling.
Can I be in love with you when I'm not among the living?
I can't sleep.
I can't find comfort in anything.

But the dark room and the song remind me of the moment where not everything is happening .
I'm not missing out on anything.
When I'm in the moment and I see much more in the dark.
I'm missing out when I see everything happening.
Because that's when nothing's really happening to me.

I'll go searching in the dark, maybe I'll find love.
Maybe you will find  me too.
Like the song.
Like the song found me.
As I sing along.
I notice you touching my lips.

Your hands are feeling every movement.
I feel every feeling as I'm singing.
The song that found me.
And I found you years ago but I cannot be in love with you.
Because I'm not among the living.
I can't sleep.
I can't find comfort in anything.
Nov 2020 · 651
Soft chalk powder
Zeena Miedema Nov 2020
Take my hand and we’ll jump through the pastel chalk powder.
We can be a different creature.
Both of us can go and feel at home.
Not here.

This can be an ode to my friends and my closest family.
Because you are always so dear and understanding, especially now that we're here.
Look now all around, it feels full of options but it still makes you nauseous, yes I know.

Take my hand and let me show you why I have to go through the pastel powder.
Let me be a different creature, I feel sick when I stick around.
Both of us can feel at home now when we jump right through the ground.
A chalk pavement painting.

Let's go right into the pavement painting.
Let me take you.
Pastel, not too bright but soft and light.

This painting is an ode to my dear friends and closest family.
Because you're always so dear and some things you understand so well.
Come on let me take care of those wounds and soreness with a chalk powder.
A soft chalky powder smell.

And soft colours for strange creatures.
We can be.
A different kind of creature when we go through the chalk powder on the pavement.
Take my hand, we can be, we can be...

Nov 2020 · 215
Zeena Miedema Nov 2020
Why am I breathing in your smoke?
Coughing till I choke.
Why am I always hearing you talk?
I live here.
But it’s not living cause there’s no escaping.
Your noise, your voice.

Sometimes I force my cramped up body to crawl.
Only in music I can make this possible. Understand my tears, they are streaming from the top of my head boiling, steaming, streaming.
I wish I could make you feel the hurt in my screaming!

Why am I forced to feel your **** when you smoke?
My body turning ****** till I choke.
Hours of horror.
What day is it?
What day was this sensitive guy going to die?
I read he’ll die this Friday.
Finally all his pain, horror and torture floating away.
I will wave his ship goodbye.

But can I stay behind as my friends are keeping me around the finish line?
It’s over but we’re having another bag of crisps and maybe even another little glass of wine.
Why am I still breathing?
Forcing this body that is never leaving...
Nov 2020 · 268
Strange death.
Zeena Miedema Nov 2020
Death is a strange thing.
But when life is torturing...
Death whispers a soft lullaby.
A sweet and bitter goodbye.
An I’m so sorry to friends and family.
There’s still a place where we can be.
I’ll try to be there.
When you ever feel the horror and the torture that somehow some people must bare.
I know all about the suffocation of life and how it makes your body and mind feel too old.
Your cramping muscles too sore and your inside too cold.
No way to calm it down but I will somehow change it cause I must.
It’s something I do for me and something you have to trust.
Because there’s no other way and it won’t go away.
Even when I dance in a trance.
I need no more torture.
No more torture.

Death is a strange thing.
Death is living.
When life is torturing.
Whisper sweet lullabies as I’m crying, as you’re crying.
Please understand, I’m never leaving because I’m never leaving you forever.
And I care but it’s so dark and merciless here that it gives me a fever.
One I can only escape in a sweet lullaby.
In a sweet bitter goodbye.
Goodbye, goodnight, I love you, feel the sparkle, feel the warm embrace from behind.
I’m never gone you’ll find.
It will be another night for a moth lying on its side with its arms and legs on its side.
Wings covering its tiny body.
Exhausted and weary, feverish and a tickling cough.
Can’t keep eyes open, can never fully drift off.
Oct 2020 · 79
Zeena Miedema Oct 2020
I don’t know when, I don’t know if I can.  
Not now, but somehow I’ll find you.
Looking around, people, always on the go or struggling.
Or both I’m just watching and I don’t know when and where I’ll go.
Oct 2020 · 335
Dark room.
Zeena Miedema Oct 2020
Standing here in that dark room looking away.
I let you take advantage of me.
But now I even feel so much more empty.
It was something I just felt I had to do, a bucket list thing.
Don’t know what I was thinking, just a feeling.

But I learned that there’s a thin line between giving something and giving even more.
It’s confusing, I don’t even know exactly what you took.
I just feel so empty.

So now I’m standing in a dark room in my head looking back.
I thought it should be fine as long as I would keep thrack of what was yours and what was mine.
Now I know that there’s a thin line....

You aimed for the most or you just didn’t aim right.
So it landed somewhere where it hurts.
On me and now I even feel so much more empty.
It was something I just felt I had to do, a bucket list thing.
Don’t know what I was thinking, just a feeling.

It started off right, trusting letting go.
Killing off the gatekeeper.
I should just have let him take a break.
Not take him to the grim reaper.

But now I know that there’s a thin line between giving something and giving even more.
It’s confusing, I don’t even know exactly what you took.
I just feel so empty.
Oct 2020 · 281
Dark blue explosion
Zeena Miedema Oct 2020
Broken, don’t function.
Frozen, eruption.
Stiff before explosion.
Processing in slow motion.
Stiff, waiting, breathing.
Is it living?
Breaking, dying but always finding a new way.

I am dying, I am standing up high, I can’t bend.
I am walking through the dark blue.
All that dark blue shimmering and my face and my eyes.
And my dark hair almost dry now in the wind.

Hearing my footsteps on the pavement and the bass drum in my ear.
Final chapter, making it worth sticking around for.
Final chapter, making it matter.
I can opt out at any time now.
Nothing to lose.
Oct 2020 · 1.3k
Bad bitch fighting a snake.
Zeena Miedema Oct 2020
I fought a snake last night.
A boy came after me to do the same.
But I told him I already did it.
He seemed to not really believe that I already gone through this fight.
It was over but he made me do it again.
So I threw the boy to the snake and ran.

Something in me told me I had to do this to really finish it.
Couldn’t help being a bad ***** in my dream.
It was his time to fight so now I had to leave.

Be free.
Run, run, run.
Run to the city.
The brown empty city in the night.
Through the night.

I don’t know why this keeps on happening.
It’s like I’m forced to fight every time before being able to let go.
Can’ t just shake it off cause there’s always something, somebody left to fight with or fight for.
And afterwards being afraid of what will be my sentencing.
It’s unacceptable, you did something horrible.

Something in me told me I had to do this to really finish it.
Couldn’t help being a bad ***** in my dream.
It was his time to fight so now I had to leave

**** it off and then you can run free!
Run, run, run.
Run to the city.
The brown empty city in the night.
Through the night.

Life = death &
Death = life.
When you let go you will know.
You will know when you let go.
Oct 2020 · 170
Zeena Miedema Oct 2020
I don’t like the days and I don’t like the nights.
I only like parts.
I want to enter the part where I enter dreamland.
Even while awake later.
Just outside flying with the wind.
No distraction.
Being what I want to be.
For once and for all.
I want peace and dreams.
In the dark and sometimes in the light too.
But not too light, I became allergic to light.
Cause this life has left me burning and not able to face the brightness of another difficult day.
And the sounds are so horrific that they take my soul to leave it lost in space.
And my body cannot move.
It’s lying there still.
Oct 2020 · 288
Advice from a tree.
Zeena Miedema Oct 2020
Why would you stay in this comfort when it’s bringing you discomfort?
The tree lets the wind take its leaves.
Oct 2020 · 151
Bad gateway
Zeena Miedema Oct 2020
I need peace or death.
Maybe both.
First peace and then death.
Let me slowly drift off into a different world.
Where there’s no constant pulling or pushing on your body and torture.
In the mind, the soul, the heart, the eyes, the ears, the muscles, the skin.
Let me sleep and know it’s over.
I made it.
To the other side after all.
After all these nights and all these different tests and teachings.
Not just useless torturing being left behind.
It’s time to find some spirit guides.
Take me on a boat and let me sail with you.
See the moon so blue and bright with the stars shimmering.
And when I close my eyes I’m floating, leaving the demon body.
Smiling at how it’s lying there and I am free to go.

To the other side.
To the other side.
To the other side Syonide.
Oct 2020 · 423
Beyond this one.
Zeena Miedema Oct 2020
Today is heavy, my soul carrying my body.  
Yesterday we were walking chased by a black dog.
Everywhere he followed me and my body.
But when we tried to approach him, he ran as fast as a fox can.

We let him play this game for a while under a bright full moon in the sky.
Walking to the bridge, sitting under trees.
Staring at the sky, seeing the dog come and go.
Until we got fed up and left to let him sort it out.
He never came back anymore.

Today we had a meltdown, too much to carry to carry on.
So we let it flow and accepted that you can’t fully explain this world and people are suffering.
We’ve been lost all throughout this life and only gathered pieces to guide us through a journey that taught us that everything has a story.

And we gathered those with us as well.
So many, still so lost.
But nothing is wrong and nothing is right.
It all just is what it is at that moment or that lifetime.
This soul carrying this body today...
It’s always longing to see and be beyond this one.
Oct 2020 · 165
Zeena Miedema Oct 2020
The unknown and the very familiar knocking on your door.
Forcing you to have them make their way through.
Breathing in and out, you try to be one with everything around you.
Thinking the rain would be refreshing but today you can’t smell a thing.
So restless and no control so having to surrender and give in.

To everything.
To everything, sometimes it gets so old to be dealing with the same things.
And not knowing if they will be what you hoped they would be.

So nice to just be able to be in the moment.
So nice to be able to share it.
So nice to have it all for yourself and not care whoever else is there.

Breathing, or just making noises that you’re feeling like making.
Not fighting your body in moving and movements in moments.
Under a sheet and really loving somebody, their body.
And smiling and strechting, take a little breather.
You know you’ve been through the night and there’s a new beginning.

Always hard and not very interesting and somebody will be taking your place.
Whether you’re rushing, stressing or forced to be resting.
Always starting over and over but oh, sometimes these moments...
They feel, taste, smell and look just so amazing.

And so you’re jumping and floating into the unknown or the very familiar.
And you’re opening the door.
Oh please, just open up that door.
I’m knocking...
I know you hear me.
Sep 2020 · 468
I have died many times.
Zeena Miedema Sep 2020
I have died so many times.
I saw the light, I know it.
But I can't deny the dark.
Dying and darkness is needed to burst and make the light come through.
So I know the dark and I know the light but I haven't died enough times.
Not enough to be free.
Can a person ever know all the light and all the dark and still be white like the light?
In all this darkness I know I learned to love it.
And I think there's nothing wrong with it as long as it is right.
Like a darkness full of stars that means no harm.
Like a peaceful room to rest in and close your eyes.
I have died so many times.
So I know how to die but I don't like to die in the light.
Sep 2020 · 169
Taking Syonide
Zeena Miedema Sep 2020
Broken soul over and over.
Still expected to be fighting.
No peace at all or sleeping.
It hurts to be a magical demon.

Unable to escape the noises again so a headache and the magic is gone.
Unable to sleep from the discomfort and sounds, bed on its side.
Stuck in pain, stuck in feelings, stuck in thoughts.
Magical magical demon doing the most.
To fight off the ghost.

But nothing matters when everything is wrong so the ghost and ocd can all come triggering me.
Whatever, eat me, break my soul all over again.
Even though I tried to maintain myself in this plan.
Apparently nothing works so let me be a magical demon.

I stare at the moon, standing on a bridge singing.
Somebody tells me not to keep on looking.
Too late, I was already hawling, my eyes were already hurting, head was already burning...

Sometimes when I look back it’s all so magical.
That’s why I’m a magical demon called Syonide because I tried and I tried and I tried.
I just see everything falling and I only hear a young woman screaming.

A young woman who I was never able to save from everything happening.
So it had to be happening cause nothing is fair.
You are such a strong young woman but there’s nothing you and I can do.
Nothing to protect you or me from horror, terror and not being able to live but always be trying, trying, trying, crying, dying but not really, but trying, trying, trusting, caring, breaking, shaking, crying, flickering...

Magical demon taking Syonide.
Zeena Miedema Aug 2020
I'm in love with a person who has severe social anxiety.
He does not come out of his cave unless he's got something amazing to show me.
And I am always on the run from where I live and all the noises, all the discomfort.
I'm not afraid to die, I hate my life.
I wish to be somebody, somebody that can reach you or just anybody.
But not me or my sister because she's fighting just as hard or even harder than me.
Just to live, and if I have to live I need to be with somebody that is worth surviving for.
Oh, come on, every day and night is still just getting out of hand and just not really worth it anymore.

But what can I do?
What can you do?
How can I love you?
What can I do for you?
What can we do.
How, what but....

Help, I just exploded and so I woke you when you were half asleep.
You said you didn't mind and so now we had another time to find how we relate.
We relate, relate too much.
I wish it was just me dying and miserably lonely.
But the monster had to bite you now too and it even figures that it has some real and pretty very serious kind of catching up to do.
On you, my sister and so now you're fighting just as hard or even harder than me.
Just to live, and if you have to live you need to be with somebody that is worth surviving for.
Oh, come on, every day and night is still just getting out of hand and you wonder if it really is even worth it anymore.

But now what can you do?
What can I even do?
You know I love you.
What can it do for you?
What can we do?
How, what, but...

I love you.

I'm in love but I can never love you like I wish to.
I love you but I can never be there for you.
But, what, how...

I really really really really loooove, love, love, love, will always love, will always be connected to....
Will always be in love and will always really love, love, love, yes I really always looooove you!!!
Aug 2020 · 88
Zeena Miedema Aug 2020
Falling asleep finally.
After 3.
Dreaming about a woman with dark brown wavy hair.
A heavy stare.
And colours of fiery orange, red and yellow.
My name appears in white with a bow and arrow.
My first name and middle and they're a being split and seperated.
Looks like they're written like a word in a dictionary, a new word being created.
Sharon Yvon- Syon.
Does it mean anything, are things coming together again with a name?
With a bow and an arrow in a flame.
Aug 2020 · 254
A kiss from a clown...
Zeena Miedema Aug 2020
Last night I went to a closed down circus in the city.
A sad clown came up to me.
He kissed me till I had his red lips.
A kiss from a clown is so bold and bright red.
After that you cannot possibly look sad.

So I will go back another night to see if he would be there again.
In my dream later he tells me that this was something between me and him.
Next time bring your tutu dress and I will wear my best suit.
We'll be dancing all night and I'll promise to make your lips bright red.

As I write it all down after last night I hear the neighbours wake up too.
I paint my eyes like his eyes, at least I try to.
But I can't seem to get it right.
So what will I do about tonight?
I shed a little tear, I feel so helpless.
But then I notice it looks good now and I put on the tutu dress.

I take a bus to the city and stare somewhere.
The sad clown must be already waiting there.
At the empty circus.
To give me a clowny kiss.
Only his.

I call for him as I pass the entrance.
Sad clown, sad clown, I'm here for romance.
And so we dance.
Like it's the last night.
It will be the last night...
Red lips, red stains, red, all red, red red, pain.
Don't leave me bleeding, but he goes running as I am dying.
Aug 2020 · 397
Being forced to run away.
Zeena Miedema Aug 2020
Being forced to ''run away'' because of not having a place to stay almost felt comfortable.
When you can't be comfortable anywhere.
Not with all the many painful things hitting.
Over and over day and night, so many feelings and complicated thinking...
In the end it will all fall into place, I know but it's so hard to function with all these things in the way!

Being forced to run away because of not having a place to stay.
Nothing to lose, all that matters is love and music.
Maybe some day I'll land somewhere and be able to love that.
Love being there, being there with someone and loving with all my being.
But if I can't be living, let me do something that is worth something to the ones I love.
I love how we got through life so far, we have come so far.

I love who you have become, who you've been and just who you are.
But when I look at stupid me, the naive person I had to be I can't help but hate her for all she didn't know.
But I understand why she was like that, I just never knew why it had to be.
Why was my journey so rough?
Why is yours rough too?
Journeys, worries, pain cause it's blurry and you don't know how to get through the smoke.
Am I the devil's toy or joke?

Does the universe hate me?
Can the universe not take me?
Am I feeling to it like I'm feeling right now, how I've been feeling all my life?
The fighting was good and all, very insightfull.
Let me go.

Being forced to run.
Being forced to run away.
Run if you can!
Be happy when you can.
Cause some can't run.
Some are forced to stay.
And what is worse?
Being forced to stay or being forced to run away?
Aug 2020 · 160
Question mark
Zeena Miedema Aug 2020
?A question mark tattooed on my forehead.
Still so many questions.
Why is it so difficult to live but even so much harder to die???
And you’ll remain a dream to me.
But I’m gonna enjoy every bit of it.?
Aug 2020 · 179
Let's find some meaning.
Zeena Miedema Aug 2020
Let's find some meaning.
Exhaustion made me shallow.
All I seek for is some true connection.
Is that what you are?
Or is all you've ever been just another ace.
To keep me fighting.
Another ace in front of my face.
No longer will I cover up this truth reaching for anything.
Let's find some meaning.

I know it was me, I became so tired while feeling like it would never be right.
I gave it all and lost my own true feeling.
Maybe it was all too much to bare so I stopped to care.

And now I only want to care, I want it to matter.
If I have to live and I have to surrender.
Let it at least have meaning.
Not be nothing!

Let's find some meaning.
A deeper connection.
Not some stupid useless other kind of conversation.
Is that what you are?
Is all you've ever been just another ace.
To keep me fighting.
Another ace in front of my face.
No! No longer will I cover up this truth reaching for anything.
Let's find some meaning.

I know it can feel so lonely if you've been fighting a battle no one has seen.
People talking like they have never been at any of all the places you have been.
They may not be your deep connection or your soulmate family.

I only want to care, I want it to matter.
If I have to live and I have to surrender.
Let it at least have meaning.
Not be nothing!

Let's find some meaning.
Let's find some healing.
Let me feel it even though I'm exhausted.
Is that how you are?
I have to be here so let my time not be wasted.
Let's not keep on hiding.
And not be aces in front of each other's faces.
No longer covering up this truth reaching for just anything.
Let's find some meaning.
Jul 2020 · 117
Broken people
Zeena Miedema Jul 2020
Broken people are better when they're in battle.
Most of the time they can't live outside of it anymore.
They're too broken to be comfortable when there's no battle left to fight outside from their own battle with life.

They used methodes to survive too often to even start to just be able to live.
And even if they could, their bodies are no longer programmed to just be content while not having to prepare for the next hit.

Let broken people battle for what they love instead of what is hitting them too hard.
And let them feel the reason why they survived the battles before
Broken people (my sister helped me make it better) 20-07-20
Jul 2020 · 217
It doesn't pay, play.
Zeena Miedema Jul 2020
Being understanding kind and nice does not always pay.
Telling yourself over and and over: They must be having a hard day.
Life is unkind and people don't mind.

Usually most people really don't mind unless it's about what they can do.
Life is so unkind and people most of the time are too.
And it makes no sense what they say to me about how they care when a duck dies.
But when a young person becomes homeless nobody cries.
Yet they tell me they think every life is so precious but some people are always fighting.
Trying to do the right thing.

But it doesn't pay.
It's just another hard and terrible day.
Where you have no control and love is impossible to find.
Life is unkind and people don't really mind.
When you've seen it you will find and you can feel it when you see it.
When you've known it and how it can hit.

So then maybe you can understand.
But then it kills you when you give someone a hand.
Because you know in the end you'll have to let go.
You can't, you can't save everybody.
Some people are born to always feel lonely.

Being understanding kind and nice does not always pay.
Telling yourself over and and over: They must be having a hard day.
Life is unkind and people don't mind.

Trying to be understanding and kind.
But nobody seems to understand it is what you'll find.
Loving, understanding, caring, always daring to fight so hard.
For the people you care for, don't fall apart and together try some more.

Holy sea of waves that we're running into.
Holy sea, uncontrollable, terribly hard, incredibly magical, fresh, pretty salty and blue!
It doesn't always pay.
But play.
Play in the water, hold each other.
In the water.
Play in the waves...
Jun 2020 · 93
Lost daughter
Zeena Miedema Jun 2020
Dear daughter,

Don’t you feel right now how every little thing is just enough or a little too much?
Wishing for something better, wanting something nice...  

Melancholic from the past.
You and him on the beach.
It’s in your system.  
But now you’re just walking away.
Back to where it all started but you haven’t just started.

You’ve seen and felt it all.
It’s time to finish the circle and be grateful for the past.
And the pain can still be there.
You are ready to face it.
It’s ok.
It’s just sliding off your tired body that feels heavy on your soul.

It’s ok cause you’re going back to where you belong.
Finally you’re ready.
Back where you belong.
It’s ok.
The journey’s over.
Jun 2020 · 93
Read me
Zeena Miedema Jun 2020
The differences only hurt when you can’t read me.
So you keep asking me to read you pages...
It takes forever this way.
But it’s all we’ve got.
And it feels like I did read your book somewhere...
But not completely.
I think I missed a lot of details.
Maybe I shall go back and read some more.
Although it gets so hard to focus.
I’m so extremely tired.
I think I see those lines in your eyes and I hear them in your voice.
Hopefully your eyes won’t turn into mine.
Next page