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234 · Sep 2018
People are always sure about their opinions towards you
They will judge and say stuff’ about which they don’t have a clue
They’ll say your heart and your brain are wrong pair
You don’t belong here
Pack your filthiness and go
You should’ve die some long times ago
You’re really good before; but now you lack manner
They’ll try to tear you down; and burn-out the whole banner
Give you some whacky name; but all that did not matter
They are just a stepping stone; a ladder to help you step on the next ladder
I’m a new man now and I’ve edit all da flaws
The kid you order around doesn’t exist anymore
230 · Sep 2018
Rich and Poor
Tell me, how can we fill the gap between rich and poor
How can you tell me; there’s no different between sweet and sour
Put on my shoes and walk through my sea and shore
Then you would feel my pain and see all the things I’ve saw
Go through my head and hack inside my deeper thought
Look in my heart and see the war I fought
Those born to poor family are forsaken by the gods
And if they wish to be rich, they must fight the odds
Life is hard and never easy for those born into slums
Poor children, they wish they were never born
In the slum part of the world, you will only see decay
Homes and gardens looking shabby; their sky is old and gray
The poor walk on the ground with their barefoot on mud
And the rich walk on the ground like their shoes ain’t meant for dirt
And they will treat the poor like a slave; like they’re one of em property
Don’t count yourself a failure if you’re born into poverty
227 · Jun 2019
What you think of me; matters small

What I think of me; matters more
224 · Apr 2019
With you my heart is home
With which brilliance and beauty roam
Where dream is filled with fulfilling hope

Without you I’m broken, leaked, deceased
Call the doctor, plumber, the priest
No amount of troubleshooting can get me fix

With you I’m strong and powerful
With you by my side; I cannot fail
Coz you’re the fuse to light my veins

Without you I'm low on oxygen
Like my life is a leaked cardboard box
Without stars to burn out the void

With you I’m a poet
The whole world knows
For his inspiring quotes

Without you I’m a writer
Struggling to find words
To describe his hoards

With you I’m the moon
Surrounded by sparking stars
Lighting the way through the dark

Without you I’m the sun
Burning with grieve
All that come close would turn liquid

With you I’m a genee
My achievement has no limit
The sky? No
It’s just a stepping stone

Without you I’m stuck
Wandering without home
Lost in the black hole

With you I’m a god
Controlling creatures like joy and rich
All wants and needs are at my reach

Without you I’m a man
Living in a hive
Striving to survive

With you I’m an astronauts
Exploring galaxies
Enjoying life’s fantasies

Without you I’m stranded
Filthy and paralyzed
Tactless and distrategised

With you I’m a blessed soul
Happiness and joy are things I own
Because I’m a star at heart
No obstacles dares cross my path

Without you I’m incomplete
Without you I see nothing
Without you I feel nothing
Without you I’m without me
224 · Sep 2020
Peace and Love
If you bring trouble to my home, I would not run
Cos' peace and love
is something I'd die for
A world without war
A world filled with patience to the earth core
Do you understand what I'm saying
Or do I need to say more
This is a course....
with pictures to draw
Pictures of love
From sons to their mothers
Pictures of love
From brother to brother
Pictures of love
From hoodlums to thugs
Pictures from all
Regardless of colours
Pictures of a non-
-xenophobic world
A world without
Tribalism tout
A world free from guns
And racist words
A world free from war drum
223 · Sep 2018
Was it not yesterday when I was born with pain and grief
Now I’m dying, why is my life short and brief
The autumn leaves are falling; the tree is about to exhaust its leaves
The voice within are calling; I could hear the phoenix sobbing as it flew across the cliff
In a more sympathetic sound
I see the angels falling from the sky like Neptune stars
I feel their fingers pointing towards my bleeding heart
It’s time my mind and soul escape remaining part
I could hear the sands of time ticking tack
The sky drew near as the digit counts
My world has breach a ******
I lay myself in my drench bed
Like a road; I’ve reach a dead end
I know the time has come for me to leave, forever
I lay myself to sleep forever
220 · Apr 2019
Boom here
Boom there
Doom; fear
Hummed tear
Kids orphaned
Man sacrificed
Wanderers shoot dead
But who cares

I’m not safe
I need a place
Where there are no guns
Where there are no bombs
Where the land is green
Where the sky ain’t grey
Where movement is free
Where the air ain’t thick

Yes, I’m leaving
Freedom is what I’m seeking
No, I cannot leave
How about my wife and kids

I once had a home
I was once known
For my wordsmithing and prose
I once had dreams and hope
But now, all is soak
I was once famous and rich
Wealth and nutrition are things I had in reach
Now they’ve all turn to trashes
Burn down to ashes

Are we on route or stray
Wait, is it judgment day?
Ohw, we’re in the midst of war
Our vision for peace is blurred
Our street filled with blood
Homeless sleeping on the street floor

Battered path
Broken shelter
Shattered heart
Hectar sketar

But how do we get here
How do our problems build up to stairs?
Like ghommids, our tears remained constant
Our stomach; filled with fake substance
Because of the hatred we had for ourselves
Our once paradisal home now turned to hell
Because our governments are just bandits of theft
And we have no says in things that we get

Businessman lacks patriotism
Different kind of societal atrocity
Corruption and cultism
Religion tribalism
When will all this stop?
When will salvation come?
God; please free us from this curse
Please save us Lord
215 · Aug 2019
Though my heart is wide and huge

It could only accommodate you
210 · Aug 2021
Rich Man; Rich Man
Rich man; Rich man
Where is your dignity
people's sweat is your evening Schweppes
Their suffering is your hobby... funny
Their hungry tummy is your stomach yummy

Rich man; Rich man
You'll never know peace
For the riches you steal
And the things you give to buy that dignity

Rich man; oh Rich Man
Cruel and unsympathetic; with your evil-mind politics
Enslaving weak mind; with your rich man policies
No one dares challenge what you did or say
Anyone who dares tell the tale; won't live the coming day

Rich man; oh Rich man
Rich in knowledge or rich in cash
Rich in power or rich in class
Rich and wealthy; though your rich is farce
When it gets to showing-off; na you rich pass
Yet your riches never reach the mass

You're less of a leader and more of a boss
Your ways are devilish and your attitude is cross
You're not really rich; yea, you're richly poor
Listen to me' dog; don't close that door

Rich man; Rich man, heard you're damnly rich
Rich such that; you've reach the peak
The peak you reach and cut-off the breach
So, no one else could reach your streak

Rich man; Oh, Rich man
Soon you'll know the deal
Your mouth will open; but your goat won't bleat
The period will soon throw stone on you
Cos' even the devil is scared of you
And' even now; God is ashamed of you

Rich Man; Oh! Rich Man
You toxic heart will end up axed
You're crazily rich yet' your rich is trash
And for that; you'll leave in despair
Your soul will rot and turn to cotton in the air
And your spirit will be sent to the depth of hell

Earth will quake apart and swallow your body part
Your spirit will quiver as you're buried alive
Your sky(mind) will get broken and so will your heart
And when death comes to take you afar
No one will be there to bid you bye
200 · Apr 2020
You'd find love
Love has different meaning
To different reasoning
With factors and different reason
Love changes too; just like season
Climate change
Could cause damages
To love sacrilege

Love doesn't care
About your fame and wealth
Your pain and tear
Doesn't make love tear

Those that love for reason
Tends to be miserable
When the reason is no more reasonable
Such love ended up treasonable

I love you for
What you've got
And I love you more
For what you're not

Yea, that's true love

I love your style
Your everlasting smile
The way your beauty shine
Could you, please forever be mine

Well, that too
is true love dude

Though true love is scarce,
But saying "no love" is trash
So, I do insist
That true love, really exist
And so does lies and deceit
So, keep exploring
Till you find someone who adore thee

Sometimes you'd love
And won't be loved in return
Sometimes you'd feel loved
Only to find out you're not really loved
Don't give up
It takes some wrong
Some twist and turns
To get to the right point
At the end, you'd find love
199 · Sep 2018
I am not that big muscle guy
I am just who I am
No six-pack but 'm stronger in the heart
Handsome inside
Dynamic in the mind
Best of my kind
Always being logistic
Positive vibe makes me optimistic
194 · Sep 2018
I penegrate the universes
I search with the masses
With huss and due demises
With raw and hood devices
For a rhyme I’ll use to describe this
A line to fit the verses
To describe my hopes and dreams more wild than huge atlantis
I wanna be a poet that writes with rhythm trances
I wanna be a part of the offspring that wisdom hatches
But I’m surrounded by many trashes
Infact! I’m loosing chances(tactics)
My soul hath an hidden matchet
Rowing-out my weary goal; burning down the **** to ashes
**** all the witches *****
191 · May 2019
Every day we try to stay
Not to stray from this path we follow
But someone dear died today
And someone else would die tomorrow
That someone; might be me
That someone could be you
It might be the person reading this
Or that buddy standing next to you
It might be someone in my fam
Or someone in yours
You might; on your way to the farm
Or maybe on your way to the mosque
You might; while driving in your car
Or pro’ly while drinking in the bar
Infact! Keep calm, stay gently on your bed
Death will still find you there
Your soul to another atmosphere
Where you will forever dine
Waiting for that day to come
The day we’ll all be judged
For what we did and what we see
For what we hear and what we think
Do something with your life
Or the devil will do something to you
You know Allah; but you don’t obey him
You know paradise; but you don’t seek it
You heard his words; but you don’t heed it
You know there’s hell; yet you don’t think real
You see a tunnel of fire opened by the devil; yet you don’t quench it
You know that there’s death and you don’t prepare for it
You buried the dead and you don’t learn from it
You’re busy talking about other people’s fault
Yet you ignore yours
In hard times; you scream ‘Ya’Allah’
When you’re relieved; you forgot your Lord
Do something now; man; before you fade
Remember, you can’t rewind once you are in grave
You are to live for your Lord
Not this world
Do something now; there’s no halftime
Be reminded; there’s hereafter
189 · Nov 2019
Let me be
Friends wants me to be a sailor
But I don't wanna go beyond the shore
They cut me off

Father wants me to be a doctor
But I'd faint at the sight of blood
He left me to rot

Mother wants me to be an engineer
****! I don't wanna be such
"She says; You're too weak my son"

My brother wants me to be a soldier
Nah! I just wanna be raw
"Okay; but don't end up joining thugs"

Girlfriend want me to be a pilot
But height scare me too much

Everybody wants me to be something
But I want to be none

Neighbours want me to be a professor
But I careth not

They labelled me as "Not-serious"
They called me names
"Boy without dream"
"Living without aim"
"He's content with living in ****"
"He never want to improve"
"Don't you have something to prove"
"Ohw; seems he has nothing to lose"
"He wants to survive only"
"He's used to been lonely"

I'm tired of been judge

There they sit
With their pen and ink
Painting me weak
And they thought me mean
But I just wanna be me
I just want to live
And leave peacefully
Without a heck of unlikely dreams
That's my philosophy
And if it doesn't go well with thee
Call me what you see
Words you speak
Don't move me a inch
I'll forever be who I want to be
182 · Sep 2018
Let me be your everything when everything is nothing
If you leave me alone my brain will grow faulty
Open your heart, let me replace your ventricles
So our feelings will be mutual & our love will be identical
Let me be the handkerchief that wipes away your tears
Let me be the guts that chase away your fear
I'll always be there when no one else's fair
And I will cleanse your heart from troubles if you'd allow me to get in there
Let me fill the hollow in your heart, so tomorrow there'll be no sorrow
Let me be the shield that protects your heart from arrow
I'll be your armour when the whole world is against you
Let-me in your world and I'll always make your sky blue
Promise to be my Juliet and I'll always be your jude
I'll be your guardian; maam you don't need bulletproof
Every time I look into the stars; your eye is all I see
My nerves are paralyse, only your touch is what they feel
Your love has no limit; it's wide and infinite
I can't describe how wide it is; it's like ocean atlantis
Baby I swear that I'll be your umbrella
I'll be your hit sweater; in rain or harsh weather
Your home is in my heart; make me your house shelter
Stay with till the end; when there's less or more cheddah
Look through your inner eye; you'll see that I love thee
You'd reason I'm alive; if you logout of my life then you'll see that I would not breath
Let me be your Adam; promise to be my Eve (the best bone from my rib)
If you let me in your hear; and I'll never leave
178 · Nov 2019
Write what inspire
Poetry is not about how many words you write
Or how many like you've gat
It's about how right you pen-wised
Who your rhymes inspire
Does it toucheth heart
Does it changeth mind
Of those whose life
Are filled with trial

Does it make em smile
Or at times makes em cry
It's wise to cry; at times

Does it make em fly
And give em vibe
To take another try

Does it make em cope
After a heck of sorrow
Does it give em hope
Of better tomorrow

If you write
Use insight
Write about life
Governmental lies
Societal cry
Their surviving style

And them useless dudes
Who quickly get loose
When they see them proustite
Getting ****

About them use-less youth
Who're striving hard
To make  some dime
About those disrespectful child
And non-caring dad
Who always make mummy sad

Write about things that affects our life
Things that'd levitate our vibe
And elevate our mind
To the future time
When you write
Write what inspire
174 · Sep 2018
I roar like a lion; I’m cannon with one eye
I’m the king of riddle rap; I’m an ion without charge
I’m a sapien without a soul; I’m a xion without life
I’m a python with deadly toxic; I’m immune to dawg bite
I’mma make you distrategise like a poet with one rhyme
My art is monopolies; there exist only one I
Well, that sound a little harsh
I’ll call it a bittle task that I must pay to silly ***(es) if you ask me
You know how much it hurts when my account is loosing cash
My brain is my bank where I store my riddle raps to gun this little whackies down to little ashes
I pilot my heart and soul from the deck of single mind; before my feeling crash(es)
Seems the sky is loosing gas
****; I’m leaving earth
I’m a real dawg, and this rap is like a bone I’ll hold on tight to
And I’ll keep doing my thing till I’m crown with don title
171 · Apr 2019
Can the lord be forgiven?
Why is my struggle and strive unyielding?
I feel like heaven has make happiness forbidden;
My heart beats violently
Quietly I succor and gulp-in my fate silently
The dirt of rain makes me feel like the Lord has cursed my fate
The hurt and pain + my outcast state blooms in my outside face
Maybe I 'm a host to all parasites of pain; I guess
Maybe there’s a medium catching every tear I shed
Maybe this is how I 'll live the rest of my life in a rot
Think back to where I start; I stood awhile in thought
I walk through the street' peeping on everyone I see
I use to be a good looking boy with a roman nose;
But now my nose is thin' and it rest upon my chin
God! What's happening?
Send me a savior; My Me-Sire (Messiah)
Let my cry deaf the heaven and send the gods out their empire
you know my heart' you know my pain in entire
Now I ask; is this how I’m gonna live till my time expire
170 · May 2019
To the buddy staring at me on the wall
This is an appraisal to keep you up
Wow; it’s been long you’ve been on this work
It’s been Nine years since you sat upon the rock
Sitting there taking stock; of things of this world
And things of the next.
In form of written text
At first into music
But never make it; even with deuces
You’ve got a poet’s heart since you were young
A brilliant brain with a musical tongue
A god with the words
Whose wordplay is the sword that fights against his odd?
You’re exceptional among every men
The written word delivered by your pen
Lives on forever in the heart
Of those who've read; to never part.
You ran the race with no disgrace
Inspired others to take their place
They are meant to lead their race
You hype their morale to the core
Assuring them they’d make it to the shore
As long as they d’ believe; to heck with the red sea
And so you fill the hearts of all you’ve see.
168 · Jul 2019
Hear me
without you right here
my dreams are nightmared
167 · Sep 2018
Its 2002
Five years after mum and dad split up to two
So I never get to do what I used to when my parent was still star and moon
Trying to adapt to a way of life that’s totally new
Odered aroung like a puppet and being told what to do
But I’m determined to stand on my own; till I substantly grew
And I learn that dad and mum gat their own struggle too
So I was prepared to work till I loose the soul of my shoe
And walk on my foot; if that’s what’s left to choose
And I think that I should; because the star is exactly where I shoot
Ten years later; I get to meet the father that I never knew
And I want to tell him how bad I never get the chance to choose
How I was deeply hurt inside but couldn’t show-out the wound
How my sister had to die amidst this family feud
How I’d being nursing this pain; but‘d keep it hid
But I was force to accept a father who was never there for his kids
So dad, since you and mummy separate
I only had the chance to see my mom once in an age
And you in decade
Why can’t the two of you reconciliate
Now is the time to accept the responsibilities that you never took
And be a caring parent that you never could
But there’s a family feud hidden that I never knew
The fsmily feud that keep shattering the two of you
But deep down; you’re more like the stars and moon
Irrespective of a family feud; I’ll still love you
167 · Nov 2019
The way some mates
Most times use their brain
Helps to ease my pain
Whenever I feel deranged

Their poetical way
Could be describe as sane

People like B_ViRGE
Who keeps me inspired
Every time I feel mentally tired

Or great minds like Muhsin
And the quote-master HMC
And my StreetPoetry cliques
Who doesn't seem
To need a war machine
To rescue or ****

No protective barbed-wire
Or an heavy gunfire
To fight an empire

Cos' their style of war;
Is lyrically pure
Their battling style;
Is well designed;
In poetic lines

Their artistic rhyme;
Could help invert;
The hate-filled mind;
To the rightful path;
Of love and light

And touch the lives
Of those whose life
Are filled with strife

To help ordain
The lost and strayed;
To find their way;
To the rightful place;
they're destined to reign

Their thoughts are gold
The type not-sold

Their words could bring joy
And sometimes a sword
To conquer war
Or break the jaw
Of those whose talk
Are filled with bluff

They're masters of words
Whose art will ever soar
Till forever exhaust
166 · Apr 2020
Under the moonlight
Sometimes at night
Under the moonlight
I just sit outside
And feast my eyes
On the fairly blue sky
Thinking ' bout my life
The downs and high
Probably that's where I find
Some peace of mind
It was a pleasant vibe
As I fixed my eyes to the sky
Counting the stars
My vibe flows
Like these words flow
And imagine how cute it is
Imagine the beautiful scene
Of stars marching in your dreams
If at least
I could add on more thing
The sound of a flowing sea
And a breeze of air from trees
Filled with beautiful green leaves
****! The scene would've been totally complete
164 · Apr 2019
I see the green snakes and the move that they makes
164 · Sep 2020
Guardian Angel
In time of despair
She's always there

When loneliness gives no tales to tell
When hope seems to disappear
And not a single soul is left
To keep you dear

When those you call your friend
Don't want you near
Coz you're a stigma to them

When surviving feels like hell
And you almost succumb to fear
That everyone leave you to despair

When your heart swing back and forth
And you never knew the joy of love
You try to keep up, but nah! you fell
****! you're hurt beyond repair

That's when she appear
With an handkerchief held
to her right hand and then
A spear to her left
One to wipe your tears
And the other to protect

She's not so perfect, yea
But despite the less she gets,
she's willing to share
Her life, her heart and soul
Her whole to give you hope

She's a flawless dear to me
A worthy human being
A guardian angel..... Yes!
With her; I'd be forever bless
163 · Sep 2018
where were you
Where were you when I was down and couldn’t stand again?
It’s hard to eat twice a day and my chick is getting pale
Where were you when I suffered this pain?
Through trial and tribulation; there was no one to pray
When I was offered admission and couldn’t do the pay
You were out doing your thing and you don’t have a clue
As long as you’re cool; you don’t care if I loose
You were a million miles away; I try but couldn’t reach
You were lying on your sofa bed fuming in your sleep
When my sight was filled with tear; and all I see is black and blue
And in my hood I felt useless like a knot without a *****
Now I could see you clear; you’re like a shadow on the wall
That’s how it all started; it’s how our love began to fall
Where were you; I couldn’t reach, all I do is yell
But you were deaf to hear my call; you don’t know how my name spells
Well, I’m getting better; your hurt has made me stronger
Now I’m independent; coz we’re a pair no longer
Oh! Now your heart smashes; your mind flashes
And now you could picture my image in grey ashes
How you make my bone cashes
You belong to high classes
And you threw outta your life like I was just a mere trash(es)
161 · Apr 2019

What should I ask from you Lord?
I don’t know how to pray
How do I fall in love?
How will I treat my sane?

Take my bruise and pain away
Take me to a better place
Cleanse my path before I stray
Lord, do not let my dream facade

In the land of the lost, that’s where I roam
Wandering alone looking for greener land
Lord, let me witness the feeling of being at home
Before my heart and soul depart

Love is what my heart is yearning for
Hate is what this earth shows me
Friendship, relations, I don’t need more
But loneliness‘s been my closest hommie

Show me the path to love
Save me from this hateful thought
Force me to change my course
Whether I want it or not

Bless me with your grace
Give direction to my prayers
Take me high; give me brace
You know; I’ve always been a scrapper

My needs and wants; only you can tell
Give me a path to trail
Take a look at me as well
Since I have you; I should not fail

Give me life filled with reason
Give my dream wings to fly
Lord I’m crying and I know you’re listening
Bring my hibernated heart back to life
156 · Nov 2022
Love, Love, love as you feel
You don't need approval, you're perfect a being
It's all within you, the love that you seek
You are a definition of what cutie could mean
Forget Aphrodite, you're the goddess of beauty to me

And you are brilliant with the most pleasant sight
You are the most beautiful to ever grace earth
You are the apple of God's own eye
See, the stars you admire merely reflect your light
You are to me; what words can't define
150 · Apr 2019
Dreams and Destiny
When I was young
I use to dream of being a star
I use to glance beyond the sky
But here I am with my heart bruised with scar

When I was a teen
I used to dream that money won’t be a thing
‘s long as my heart and mind could work as a team

When I was young
I used to dream of a house with four walls
And a glass roof that let-in the sunshine
But here I am in this mud hut
Covered with metal and hot thatch

When I was a teen
I use to dream of a futile relationship
A poetic love life filled with stars at night
But here I am staring lonely at the moon outside

But time has passed and I have grown up
I no longer seek that futile dream
For though the battles still rage endlessly
But I grew up been an expert in compressing it
When I was young
I used to dream of being an engineer
But those days are gone
Here I mourn
But here I am wandering in this sphere
In the land of nowhere
Stuck in life’s brevity
Wait, ain’t I the navigator of my destiny
Why are you a charming enemy of my identity?
Destiny asking me: won’t you shed tear
Forget it D: my heart is my pioneer
While determination is my fueling gear
My patience will not turn to fear
Destiny where?
You can’t stop me from getting there
The lord is my guarding spear
It’s my life, do not interfere
My face may look worried but my mind is clear
I’m almost there
This is my breakthrough year
147 · Jul 2018
love and hate
There came an angel to my side
From the bowers of paradise
She hosted my heart, and in my system, hers is ah parasite
She was my own, mine earthly bride,
With heaven's pure sunshine in her eyes.
We were mated from above, millennial before I was born
I live happily in her love.
Love was my all, my guiding star,
And like a wanderer in the night,
I hailed the radiance of her light from afar,
Because it shone with certain light;
All those visions, bright and high,
Which the pure-hearted only see
And the love-binded can only feel
The sun envy how her soul glow and shine
And the union of her soul and mine
Fastened tight like a pillar of a skyscrapers' hall
This poor world seemed far too small
To hold the measure of my love
My precious wife, my nesting dove
My paired-mate from above

Hmm, then there came a fearful day,
A day of sorrow and of pain,
When, like a helpless child, I lay
And fever burned in my every vein.
When the living-parasite in me, left its chest
And my own heart roams around, east and west
Looking for a chest to nest
And my lily lung couldn't make a breath
Weeks came and went, they went and came
And I could only breathe the name
Of the lone watcher at my side
In faint and weak, at length I lay,
I felt my pulses fluttering play
My spirit is about to leave its being
This worthless vessel's 'bout to turn to bin
While darkness gathered over all
Like autumn leaves about to fall.
My poor, tired heart could do no more
And I could see the Grim-Reaper opening door
But why? Why living, striving, dying,
Why never did my soul cease crying?
I'm about to lose my faith;
Is this my destined fate?
Why did she precede her LOVE with HATE?
How would I le-vitate
I prayed with the last power
Waiting for my last hour

But in between life and death
My roaming heart found its nest
My being became whole again
My pain and hurt flows away
On my prayer mat; I knelt, I lay
With my hand stretched-sided; I stare at the sky and pray
Give, Oh Lord, Give me, I implore
One pure spirit that can love me, one that I, too, can adore
145 · Apr 2020
My wife
My wife
She pushed me to the wall
Where I slipped and fall
She is building a career for herself
While crushing me to hell
And tearing me down
One after one
She has become the husband and I am the wife
She is now the detriment of my life
This is not how it should be
This is not how I was I'm programmed to live
My birth was ordained
My future was foreseen
Before I was born
I was destined to be a god
My path was bright
Like stars of halogen
And my focus was sharp
More sanctifying than Halloween
But here I be
At the devil's inn
About to sacrifice my integrity
At the feet of an usher from hell
For a piece of
She took away my goal
And replace it with a goal of her own
Now I am the subject of her dream
The shadow of her being
Bounded by her spell
Now where?.....
Should I go from here
There's nowhere left
Than this inn of hell
And if this is how things end
Wish me well
141 · Apr 2023
Come sit by my fire 🔥
If you're a philospher; a deep-thinker
A Richard Cypher; I mean a truth-seeker
A teach-er; whose thought linger...
on spaces farther
farther from higi-haga
Or some silly wishy-washer
If you belong to this division; holla; let me see ya

If you are a dreamer; an uprighter
A sleepwalker; a future teleporter
A fine writer; a real rhyme slayer
A hoper; a believer; a true-preacher
If you're a realer; come sit by my fire
139 · Aug 2019
I walk the street
Of the town labelled "Iroko hill"
I found this tree beautifully lined
The seeds and fruits dully aligned
Like a burning smile
On a sunny sky
The branch and leaves
Looks gorgeously green
Like a flowery beam
A sirius; it seems
The trunk and branch; tall and inclined
The flower glows
I wish she was mine
But I got the answer No
I picked a seed from a ***** branch
To give me hope
I plant this seed into the ground
I hope it grows
That after some years; if I'm still around
It'd yield a rose
But here I am
Stuck with this zombie plant
Although the leaves are bright too
But it doesn't outshine you
It's ego dare not near your might
It's just a subset of your light
So until the sun and moon collide
To eclipse my darkened sky
I won't give up the search
I'd hold on to this very path
Hoping you'd change your mind
And please be mine
137 · Jun 2019
I fell in love
Striving to get back up
Struggling to get away
But ****! I never stand again

She fell in love
Loss the remote control
To her heart and soul
Unable to feel whole alone

We fell in love
Tried hard to avoid the void
Brilliantly paralyzed; beautifully disordered
Falling parallel towards each other

All those time
I try
To dust myself off and stand
But it seems I’m forever strand

All my life I’ve never been this
Addict to someone’s bliss
You’ve got that something that I believe
I’ve been craving for centuries

You amplify my heartbeat
You magnify my sight; now I can see
You give relief to my racing heart
You’d the greatest treasure I’d ever hath
Even when the sky isn’t bright
Her smile provides the light
I need to rise
Through unpleasant time

They told me that the word
To express this thought
That I feel is love
But I think there’s more

They told me that the thing
To juxtapose this feeling is
To believe this love is real
And embrace and nurture its seed

And after a brilliantly beautiful thought
She rise in love
Accepting the butterfly to shelter in its bud
Losing herself in his world

I rise in love
Happy that my stress finally yield
Never imagine that my wound ‘d finally heal
That you and I will finally be

We rise in love
Mated like thunder and lightning
Bulldozing every obstacles that try ti tear us apart
We shine and make the darkness hide
136 · Nov 2019
These days I guess I don't deserve to live
I felt disheartening
Hard to live; happily
Hurt and pain is all I could feel
Work ain't going fine
Life?; "not treating right"

Everyone telling me how bad I be
Trashing me
When parent blasphemy
Like I don't deserve to be
In this fa-mily
Friends don't wanna hang with me
On their Nike clique
Coz my dressing style is seeing
As lowlify thing
Girlfriend telling me
What a non-caring freak I be
For I'm just heartlessly being
Like a robot machine
People stare from afar
Trow me words of slap
Call me this and that
Coz of my fairy glare
Am I scaring them
With my hairy head
Eh! most of the thing they said
Doesn't ring a bell
In my nonemotional head

Maybe they're too blind to see
Maybe truly, I don't deserve to live
Where other people be
It's hard to love
When everybody talk
That I'm not worthy of
Love 'nd joy
Hatred piling up
Why am I been judged
For things I know nothing of
Why can't they just let me walk
Through this disheartening world
134 · Jul 2019
I’ve always been at fault
Since I was born
Sometimes it feel like curse
Like I am stuck
And I lost the liver
The confidence to deliver
My body somewhat shiver
It’s hard to summon the courage
To spit what my heart coverage
Pain; sorrow
Vain; hollow
Lost hope for tomorrow
Misery; fear
Seasoning tear
Shattered beyond repair
Days with bad feeling
Nights counting ceiling
Same word; same ceiling
With nothing but same feeling
Empty and pale
Feeling of fail
Beaten and bullied as a child
Hurt and left out in the wild
Raised without anything
Struggling for everything
Adopted though not-orphaned
Accepting anything life offer
Problems and tragedy
Tucked-in silently
Used and molested
Left broken hearted
Close folks deserted
Love ones deceased
From life-threatening disease
Those are the threads that I weave
To form this poetic fabrics
But see; when situation broke me bad
Rhythmic poems stitch me back
With their words encrypt in my heart
And rhymes laced in my intestine
Poetry gave me a new soul
With her glowing light; I feel whole
I find it easy to express my stress
My state of mind and how I felt
In words
Than in talks
My speech delivery is whack; maybe
But with my pen; words never failed me
And all those circumstances that I’d dealt
Are the ink to my pen
133 · Oct 2019
They were here yesterday
They were here yesterday
Acting like they wouldn’t fade
All over the place
Showcasing their beautiful face
Their 6pack on display
The only thing they can’t devour is age
Now there they lay
In an everlasting grave
In ah non-stopping pain
Rust and decay

They were here yesterday
Powerful and filthy rich
Looking twenty-five when they’re fifty-six
Coz they’re dully fit
Balling at the peak
Immortality is the only thing
They couldn’t reach
Coz their kryptonit kit
Wouldn’t keep them till a hundred and fifity-six
What a meteoric hit this freak is in

They were here yesterday
Beautiful black woman looking blonde
Balenciaga is the only thing they rock
And when they talk
The autumn leaves start to fall
They only ball with handsome boys
Celebrities and hoodies thugs
Now they’re really shove
They’re 42 but they look 64
No; I’m not talking Celin Dion

They were here yesterday
Fighters; warlords; boxers and wrestlers
Knights of A-tactical
their fist was a face damager
teeth scavenger
damage ya; cerebrovascular
they belong to clique of great caliber
they’re stars of nebula
like space manager
but now they’re bodybag in that rectangular box
layed in an ambulace bus

They were here yesterday
But where are they today
Where are they now?
They’re layed down
Six feet graveyard
No more summer at texas
Not even wildlife safari in Capetown
Zero Gucci and Louis-Vuitton
And when they’re judged
By the creator; there’d be nowhere to run
Their deed is the only they get in turn
Either to be blessed or forever burn
So stop living a life of ****
For tomorrow when you’ll be no more
Is soon to come
130 · Nov 2019
How do they know
How do they know
That you’re not real
When all they see
Is a low-level thee

And how will they know
That you’re a master of the ink and
You’re a great thinker
Who doesn’t get sink by
They eye of those I call blinkers

And how do they know
When they only see a side of you
When they don’t believe you could
When they even reject you
Your hard work bloom

And how do they think they knew
How to make you feel blue
Is it by the criticizes they do
Oops; that doesn’t seem to move
Do they think they’ve broken you
I really don't know
Can someone give me a clue

And how do they (ladies) know
When a man got the cash
I guess they're sniffer dogs
In a field full of hash

And why don't they (ladies) know
When a man is a dog
Can't they tell by his breath
When they're having a snog

And why don’t they (ladies) know
That men who could give everything he gets
To get their dress flinged at the leg of the bed
Only wants to ***
Then, the next is
Go to hell’ *****

And why don't we (guys) know
Which woman to love
Because some of them uhn;
Don't fit like a glove

And why don't we (guys) know
When a woman looks great
It's highly unlikely that
She wants a soulmate

And why don't we (guys) know
That a woman who shows
Too much of her body
Is simply a ‘**’e

And why don't they know
That years down the line
Most men want a woman
Whose body's still fine

And how do they know
When you're looking at them
It's them that you're after
Not one of their friends

And what makes them think
That when you've had a drink
It's okay for them
To tease you with a wink  
And what makes them feel
If their man's not obsessive
The love he proclaims
Just cannot be real

And why can't they see
That their love for money
Will never allow their soul to be free

And why do they try
To always imply
That relationships fail because of the guy

And who is the fool
That said it was cool
To trust everything you’re taught in your school
Or those counselling messages shared in them WhatsApp groups
Or quotes wrote by that psychological dudes
Or some videos you came across on YouTube

And why is it
That after things go wrong in a relationship
That’s when she suddenly develops hips like a ship
Uhn, I got that drip
Thumbs up! b*tch
But not everyone could get ****
By your seductive tricks

And what's with these kids
Who games like PS3
Or some kind of YouTube skit
Is more real
To them than reality is

And why do I feel
Like these questions I’m asking
Can't possibly stop
Young people from blasting gun
Or sniffing puff
And those hacking-thugs
From throwing cyber punch
To innocent head; home and abroad
And them all-night mistress
Whose goods for business
Is kept under their less-rag dress
And them young hood girls
From walking the street with naked ***
Or hanging out with top-labelled dawgs

So what's in a lie
Why not tell the truth
Why do people cry
Why do people do
Things that makes me feel confuse
Why do people die
And when all's said and done
What's up with my mind
Why do I consistently ask why
And oh!
What's with this prose
Called what do we know
128 · Apr 2019
I 've being compressing my feelings though
An unexpressed feeling that's never allowed to show;
It grows and glows till it explode out like a capping-snow
Coz now I only see your face everywhere I go
My only pair;
The one who got my soul repaired
She breaths life back to my heart
She cleanse setbacks on my path
She’s the God-agent(angel) that guides me when I go astray
And where there’s darkness all around' she’s my guarding-ray
My darling; the one with which my heart engage
The one who ‘d cuddle me in warm embrace
And no one would ever separate
Not even when our allies hate
You gat me go lyrical
our heartbeat beats so rhythmical
So rhyming' perfect syllable
She’s my attacheth from the sky; a blessing + a miracle
We 're two arteries; so inseparable;
No aliens invited; to be apart is unacceptable
Like a modshit; she breaths life back-to-me
Being apart will make me go blasphemy
The only precious treasure that I could have
The one with the breath that melted my cold heart
Two loving heart that beats together; breaths together
Let's whine; our smile shines like the sunrise up the north
I feel a new relief; when my eyes divert to yours
the only one who cares about me.
She’s always there to help' when I need.
The one I can rely on, when no one is around to care
No matter how far we are; I still feel you around me near
A star so out of reach; She fell into my life and heal my weakest bone
I would spend every moment of my life with her alone.

126 · Feb 2023
Without her
What's a man without shelter
flower without petal
Veiny wing without feathers
A bee without its nectar

How do I live without my igniter
Power, strength, lost forever...
Like a piano without its pedals
Iron-man without body-metals

Without you; I'm emp-tied
Like a sealed envelope without a letter.
A congruent angle without bisector
An aircraft that's lost its vector

Now how do I tell her
That I can't survive a second....
Without your embrace; my zephyr
No shield: no protector
Just living helter skelter
123 · Nov 2021
You Were There
People often ask
Why'd I love you this hard

What they never knew is that;
You were my stars
When the night was dark

You were my angel
When the devil harass

You were my antidote
When life was toxic

You were my backbone
When the goings' gone chaotic

You were there
when others thought I was no good

You were there
when I lived in the hood

And when others weren't so cool
You were my moon

Stayed with me through the dark
When my world almost turn apart
You brought me light
Appease my heart

You were so close to me
When other hide afar

Turned a kid to a man
Completed my half

You were there
when live was a struggle

You were there
when my mind 's filled with troubles

Gave me hope and I believe...
we'll make it through the hurdle

Yea; you were there
in pain and pleasure

You were there
during work and leisure

And so' my dear
You are the one I most treasure

Said you see the world through my eye
Darling; so do I

The helm to my ship
that guide my path through the stormy sea

My anchor and my whilm
that keeps me steady and stiff

You breath peace to my heart; out and inside
You're like nicotine to my lungs

You are my guide when I lost my sight
You are the one true love that I'd long

Like the bandage to the wound...
you heal my pain; and get me rebrand

And when people still ask
Why do I love you this hard
I said to them
You are to me' more than I can describe
119 · Aug 2020
Leaders with their corruptive works
Terrorists equipped with swords
Militants armed with guns
Youth given jobs
To spit hate-filled words
Their pocket is stuffed
with 50 bucks
Their nose 's stuffed
with hyping drugs
Now their runs is on
Houses burned
Street filled with blood
soldiers left to rot
When all the damage is done
People start screaming war
we no go 'gree, yea, we will not
Yes because
at the end of it all
innocent 's cuffed
And the real culprit is undisturbed
God! When will all this stop
When will the table turn
What an unbalanced world
119 · Apr 2019
Never confess your wrong doing
Never tell her your rough-booing
Or about the ***** past that keep-on pur-suing
Or else your hope for a new-dawn will all ruin
Let me tell you my love history
And how my honesty turns mystery
I told my love all I hath
I told her all my heart
Trembling cold, in ghastly fears.
All my bad past during my past'n years
She listen with ah drastic ear
The sound of her broken heart 's like a plastic chair
Immediately I 'm done arranging my words in verse
She waits till I 'm done with this rehearse
Ah! she did depart!
She depart without a broken heart
She don't mind my past or my weary depth
No sign of disappointment; ah! She did not regret
she never complain or tell me that I'm too abstruse
Like she 's been waiting for such excuse
Soon after she was gone from me, another man came by,
Silently, invisibly; and took her away with sigh.
115 · Sep 2020
Nothing to Proof
I can be the moon, sun and stars
I can paint your sky blue, black and white
Then the planets will be dully aligned
with your name written in the stars

I can be your armour; I can be your guard
I can be a god; so I'll give your life
Then I'd make you an angel; so you'll be immortalised
I can reset the rhythm to your weary heart
I can be the consolation to your teary eyes

I can be your heaven; I can be your earth
I can be this; I can be that
But nothing seems enough
To affirm my love

So now, I retire
Coz I'm tired
I'm getting loose
I've got nothing else to proof
112 · Oct 2022
Dear Mate
Dear mate
Do not make the mistake
of rating yourself as being irreplaceable

humans' thoughts,
Their words,
Their love,
is still changeable

And your affection
your compassion,
your love...
in their heart... tends to be degradable
112 · Apr 2020
Use your head
So, they said;
You want a better country?; pay your tax
You wanna make heaven?; pay your tithes

You wanna be rich?; you should work hard
You want a better life?; fill-in your gaps

You wanna stay safe?; be quarantined
If you don't wanna die hungry; go outside

Sometimes you've got to use your head
Not what the preacher said
Or lies that the government tell
111 · Nov 2023
Amazing men
Ever-blazing men
They go through dens
To meet those ends

Yes, I tread with classic men
Men who defend... those with less
Not them... who lay in bed
Till the clock struck ten

No, not every men
Just friendly men
Cos' men with messy heads......
I don't trend with them

I'm talking non-breaking men
Not lazyish men
Men whose hench....
's to fend off fiendish fiend
110 · Feb 2020
Your Hi
every time you pass by
makes my heart fast
108 · Dec 2023
Save me from myself
Save me, I need some help
Save me from my soul
Lord, my heart is filled with holes

Save me from my feelings...
Lord save me, I need some healing.
Staring at ceiling
as the thoughts starts to creep-in

My heart trembles in pain.
mind struggles for sane.
My spirit.... tears my souls apart.
as I tried to find some meanings to my life.

Quiet and less-brutal... I fight this battles.
I feel frightened when my mind gets idle
And anxiety almost settles in
as I tried to conquer... the demons within

Brain in fatal contraption
Heavy and sleek like an improper fraction.
Friends gone, loved ones forlorn
Thinking how, when, where do I get it wrong
108 · Aug 2019
Having the chance to be your boo
I don't want anyone else
As long as you don't want to too
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