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107 · Feb 2020
I'm Afraid
I’m afraid of been ignored
I’m afraid of been judged
I’m afraid of the tongue
Of the people of this world

I’m afraid of falling down
And never getting back up again
I’m afraid of waiting around
Hoping for better days

I’m afraid of awful greetings
Afraid of public speaking
Afraid of getting beaten
By the words of hateful critique

I’m afraid of dying alone
And I’m afraid of true love
I’m afraid of staying at home
And hanging out at street club

I’m afraid of been harass
I’m afraid of been bossed
I’m afraid of been rough-
handled by hood thugs
105 · Oct 2019
The Truth
He is coming again
He will strike like never before
He stings more like a scorpion
He is despise by many
Even his people love him not
He has been around for long
But nobody seems to welcome him
He is coming again...
Everybody running helter-skelter
The market is nothing but scurry
Like a war zone,
No one wants to be affected
With the strong weapon he wields
Many people at large at his sight
He is coming again...
No one can withstand his wrath
The noblest is not sure
The wealthy is scared
The dumb speak more about him
The deaf hear him clearer
The blind see him often
The poor live not by it
He is coming again...
Our Pastors shy, our Imams timid
Our politicians make no friend with him
Our judges visit him not often
Our police know not his house
Our families are searching for what is not lost
Our Children are not familiar with him
He is coming again...
No place is safe to hide
For he strikes like thunder
No one to turn to
For everyone is not pure
No darkness can cover him
For he sees even in the dark
His shadow covers everywhere
He is coming again...
He has paid his dues
his journey is far away wonder land
But, he has boarded a vehicle that will arrive
Sooner or later he will arrive
Tell the black widow
Caution the wealthy
Let the powerful be aware
Wake the heart of the feeble
The TRUTH is coming again.
See, I'm in love with you
And my feeling's true
But the vibe isn't cool
And dude don't have a clue

Yes; I'm most confused
Don't know what to do
how to pass it through to you
And how you'd take it too

You could call me fool
or a nincompoop
But I'm just afraid I won't
wont be loving you
like I wish I could

Want to talk to you
But my mouth goes mute
and my legs too; glued...
When I wanted to

Boo, my heart is bruised
And it cuts me through
That I'm not loving you,
The way I wanted to

If I only knew
How to love you true
Maybe the sky will once again be blue
Maybe you'd love me too
103 · Oct 2019
So much pain; I 'm stain with the dirt of the rain
If I keep doing my things like this' I 'll miss that **** that I 'm suppose to gain
But if I don't do this rap again; I 'll probably go insane
I just want to spit what's in my ******* brain
Like a pregnant woman that's relieved from a labor pain
just wanted to do my things outside my neighbour lane; and I think that that's the main
So you can keep your fame' I just want my pics out that ******* frame
You trynna poison my mood like you did to my hood' and you make me take the blame
I hate dwarf gees with a glowing chain' with a cat in their ampit and a rag kit with a poking cane
If yall ****** wanna stop growing tail; you better stop smoking hurricane
My skill will overweigh your scale; coz I 've been a veteran before you came
I put your whole hood in chaotic shame' immediately you hear my name
I gat beats that 'll destroy your ear-drum; so louder than a paired gun
You 'll be a dumb-dumb; coz this will surely lead to death' Seldom!
My action is unsecured like 2010 waec
Too much sparkling' that I have to put on my spec
So I lock the aim inside the brain with 86 words password
A chapter in a textbook titled the anchor sword' a book wrote with a dragon blood
I kept those bars inside till it starts leaking
I rewinded the sands of time' n tell the clock' stop ticking!
I 'm gon keep hurting your tongue till you stop speaking
And make you rush it like its hot' I mean' *** picking
You trynna trick me into **** like it's peter pan
Just to see you to the end; I 'll do the best I can
You just a dismantled being
I gat some raw back-up on my recycle-bin
I 'm really leaving this devilish sphere; there ain't no specialist here
I gat my aliens brother waiting at the planet's border; I 'll live the rest of my life on solomon's chair
It is my town now; and I run the street here
I 'll leave your *** paralyze on a wheel chair
That's how I 'll ****** your career before it starts
Coz in this jungle; I 'm the Jaguar to all you cats

102 · Oct 2019
What Now
If there 's darkness all around; I can live without the light
If I 'm doing it wrong; your love will guide me right
If loving you was an abomination; I could live with all the shame
No matter how bad you hurt me; I could take-on all the blame
If my poetry could please you; I would spend days and nights writing
Straight from the heart; I 'll start rhyming
That's always my feelings and I keep believing
I never knew that you will deceive me
I couldn't believe; so I keep re-winding it
The scars of your love keeps reminding me
How much I valued you more than the treasure stone
I thought you see my heart as your precious throne
I thought it 'll be forever enthusiastic
You 've being compressing my mind; its now elastic
How will you handle my heart incase its plastic
You rip it out of my chest and threw it at me
I wish it never happen; like it was a dream
How unreal it seems, I felt emptiness like phone without a sim
My insecurities led me to make a vow
How? What am I gonna do? WHAT NOW!
All I see is darkness; a black paint on my white frame
The final whistle is blown' in this life game
I 'll be forever hurt and will leave with all the pain
And all the same; I 'll admit all the shame
102 · Feb 2023
It's 1:00am in the night
I closed my eyes
but my mind seems hesitant
My soul seeks for a place to hide
But my spirit acting irrelevant
A devastated hurtful heart
Beating backwards every time
each beat comes a little late and with questions?
'Like how and why?'
'did you not cry?'
'Why is thy eye?'
'Filled with tearful smile'
'is your tear sack dry?'
'From those hurtful trials?'
100 · Jun 2022
Where do we go from here
Street ain't safe
Home feels like jail
our mind isn't sane
Wrongness always win the debate

Parents killed...
Leaving their kids... orphaned
Kids kidnapped
others shipped to the other side
Students axed; travellers gunned
Markets nuked; chapels bombed

Is this the end of the world or just a mini-war
Our streets are filled with frauds and thugs...
Youths doing drugs...
Girls *****; travellers abduct....
Farmers robbed of their lives and stuffs
Will all this ever stop...

MY country bleeds red
The government' brain-dead
The youth'brain-fed with lies and deceit

The freedom that we crave
Has now turn us to slaves

Slaves in our own home
Slaves to the diablo-throne
Living in a zone' proned to nuke-stone...
thrown through cloned drone
A drone that's homegrown
designed by our own-own

How do we get here
How did our good night rest gets nightmared right on our bed
How do our once cheery face turn teary
Our once feirceful chest' now eerie
A face once filled with cheers...
Now can't stop dripping tears

Where do we go from here...
With whom should we seek refuge
The path is clearly lost
Could this be a curse
Has the God forsaken us

Where do we go from here
Where do we go from here
100 · Oct 2020
Best of Love
Love is phenomenal
Love is cool
Love is good
But love to me
is nothing real

Different kinda love everywhere
Love for ***
Keep you on bed
With your **** ex
Even when you tend
To have move onto next

Love for cash
Is another trash
That love abash

Love for pleasure
is within the measure
of ignoring the scope
Of pipe for a hole
To being ****
****! That's the kinda love
I despise the most

Some men desire
Girl that's fair
Tall and set
With big **** and breast

Well, such men are something else
Coz they tend to regret
And spit load of contempt
After they've touch and check
What's under that; ****** dress

Same goes for women
Who tend to pretend
They're worthy and shy
But are quick to spread their thigh
For that upfront guy
The muscular type
Or someone who's got some cash

Girls like this
I now dismiss
Girls with wandering hips
Who are quick
To run their lips
Feminine ****
Who claim to believe
in Feminism

Anyway, this is my advice to thee
Girls and guys like this
are full of tricks
I hope you're heeding this
Coz AIDs right now; cannot be fixed

Okay Wordsmith
What love do you think
is raw and real
And make love bliss

I don't think there's such
things as love
For better for worse

Love to me
is nothing real
Coz most partners tends
To stay with you
If the love is beneficial

When there is nothing to give
That love that seems real
Will suddenly leave
That's when you'll see
That love isn't real

Wordsmith my bud
I guess you're hurt
Or you've been on the wrong
Side of love

Alright Alright
You've got to stop
I don't despise love
I'm a lover boy
Who give my all
When I find someone
I wholeheartedly love

But what I'm saying
is that human love
Is overrated of course
There is true love
But attach to some'n

The best of love
Is that of God
To human being
That's the kinda love
That comes in all
without expecting a unit return
99 · May 2022
Freedom isn't free

Freedom is sold
to folks who know
Where and how to be
where they're told to be

Folks who don't think
They just agree
to everything

Do what you're told
and you'd be free

Freedom ain't for outlaws like me
It's for them zombie

Oh, before I go,
Just so you know,
Freedom so.....
is slavery pro
99 · Apr 2019
People like us
Though less opportune
Still we’re shifting our course
Even when we’re stuck and confuse

People like us
See the world as classroom
We could expand our zoom
Like the earth is balloon

See at first, people like us
are so legit; I swore
But them freaky-*** dawg
Thought we’re ****** and dull

People like us
Ain’t give **** ‘bout political dude
We never bow to their rule
Never dance to their tune

People like us
Never get bough down with sorrow
Coz ‘leaders of tomorrow’
Is the aphorism we follow
People like us
Listen to my pretty advice
Don’t be a devil device
So that your ship won’t capsize

So, people like us
Stay focus and keep calm
Never force-open the door
Work hard and obtain the lock
See, know the child of who you are
Know your limit and your pause
keep going and never stop
Touch the sky, shoot past the stars
There ain’t no height you can’t surpass
99 · Oct 2019
I 've being compressing my feelings though
An unexpressed feeling that's never allowed to show;
It grows and glows till it explode out like a capping-snow
Coz now I only see your face everywhere I go
My only pair;
The one who got my soul repaired
She breaths life back to my heart
She cleanse setbacks on my path
She’s the God-agent(angel) that guides me when I go astray
And where there’s darkness all around' she’s my guarding-ray
My darling; the one with which my heart engage
The one who ‘d cuddle me in warm embrace
And no one would ever separate
Not even when our allies hate
You gat me go lyrical
our heartbeat beats so rhythmical
So rhyming' perfect syllable
She’s my attacheth from the sky; a blessing + a miracle
We 're two arteries; so inseparable;
No aliens invited; to be apart is unacceptable
Like a modshit; she breaths life back-to-me
Being apart will make me go blasphemy
The only precious treasure that I could have
The one with the breath that melted my cold heart
Two loving heart that beats together; breaths together
Let's whine; our smile shines like the sunrise up the north
I feel a new relief; when my eyes divert to yours
the only one who cares about me.
She’s always there to help' when I need.
The one I can rely on, when no one is around to care
No matter how far we are; I still feel you around me near
A star so out of reach; She fell into my life and heal my weakest bone
I would spend every moment of my life with her alone.
99 · May 2022
Dear Black Poet
I used to read your poems
Your words have always been my stem
Stabilises my head...
when I'm depressed
Like a ship to ah helm

But lately you haven't write,
You know' that isn't right?

Dude, Have you been cool?
Or it's the country's nukes...
thats crueling you
Well, I feel it too

But see, you can't abolish your dreams
You mustn't fall apart at the seam

you're a poet of the heart
Though life at-times,
can make you feel like "Aarghh"
"Man, I can't survive"

But, still,
You're a king,
your pen and your ink
and the words they script
are just too lit

So don't stop
Scripting your thoughts...
Say what you can' in words
Live like a wordsmith you are
A hermit's not your style
#wordsmith #streetpoetry #superwhizzy
Minutes after minutes I try to manifest positivity.
Distract my mind from depressions it harbours in
I try to hold on strong to whatever holds me, despite how I feel.
Be it pain, struggle or love that never be.
My dreams gets wrecked and so does my self-esteem
Even Mc Gregor can't survive the punches I take within
My age increases but my status stay on hold
Just when I try to do something for me; new calamity unfold
I want to give up on everything; but my spirit say No!
Its hard to be strong: but harder to let myself go
It wasn't so... easy though.
Especially when you're at your lowest low
I ask myself every time “why?”
Why oh why
Do I feel the way that I do
Why do I get bruised so black and blue?.
No answer; no response, just hum
Just myself and I, No one to hold onto
So I mask my emotions and all that I feel.
I guess I am the greatest actor that'd ever be
I keep thuging every punches life throws at me
Like Deadpool did every time he gets killed
At times I can’t bare it, but most times I did.
And when dark times come, I tell myself that I can move forward.
Since I make it this far; there's no retreat
if I can defeat this anxiety and the pain that aches within
Then I can do it again...
I  can move mountains.
I admit it
I admit my mind hasn't been stable
I admit my story 's full of fables
I admit I feel disabled
Cos' I've got nothing to bring to the table

I admit I haven't been responsible
And my mind and my heart ain't compatible

I admit I haven't been good
A victim of family feud
I admit I haven't stay truth
Or maybe I'm just being misconstrued

I admit that I've hurt the people that love me
I admit I've loved and in return I'm hurting

I admit that I'm weak and weary
And I almost give up; nearly
Dreaming feels like nighmare; scary
And surviving feels like warfare; deadly

I admit I haven't been myself lately
There's no Yes or No, it's just maybe

I admit my past 's filled with commotion
I admit I've got lingering emotions
I admit I almost took the potion

I admit that I am a loner
And most times I buried my head; feeling sober
responsibilities man had to shoulder
Hoping tomorrow it'd all be over

I admit I'm a lover boy
and I love; 💘 right to the core
And I admit that I'm filth and poor
I wish I had been more

I admit to all the accusation
I admit I'm a bad association
I'm guilty of all the offence
Now you can throw me off the fence
97 · Nov 2023
People yay
People say....
This and that without thinking straight.
People chase....
effortfully till they meet dismay

People crave
For more than need-to-be-take
Then people play
and pray.....
for fun-filled days... and creamy cakes

People late....
Always wanna be on time; please don't keep em wait
People wake.
Quit dreaming great while still awake

People stake
Their heart for miragelike castle in Spain
And next, people create.... this messy space....
For their desire to proliferate
Without realising they're turning snake

People behave
irrationally farther from being sane
Shamelessly... you know.... "without feeling shame"

People change
One minute they're here, the next, they're on another space
People stray
Entangled by their emotions in disarray

People lie... and stylishly  deviate
Oh, I meant to say "sway"....
away from righteous way

People hey
Life ain't got "Yes" or "Nay", the answer's "May"
So, people Yay
Keep straying though one day you may find the way
97 · Jan 23
People need people
People meet people
Then people support people
And people love people.

Then suddenly, people meet new people
and forgot the old people
**** on old people
Called them old people
Paint them rogue people.

People praise people
Then next, they malign  people
Yes, they hate people.....
they have designed sequel
Do you believe in God?
Do you believe in love?
Do you believe in us?
Do you believe we can hold hand in one accord?
Black and white, the rich and the filth, english spanish, muslim Jews and the ireligious
Do you believe in a unifying peaceful world?

Okay, let me switch thoughts
Do you believe in destiny?
If I say I don't believe in anything, would you label me an enemy
Do you believe we're slave in the face of our Lord?
So I don't have a say in things that comes
Oh, guess that makes me a bot
No, it does not?
Then What!
Why is there...
Heaven and hell
No, it doesn't make sense,
Do you think I need help
Cos my state of mind is getting messed

Well then, let me take it one at a time.
Now tell me, where does "Will" comes to term
I mean "Noun form of Will" not the verb
The will to choose what I want to
The will to do and undo
Will and destiny, do they converge?...
To infer how we live our lives

Will you believe me if I say I'm an atheist?
Or will you think I'm just wordplaying with my writings?
Okay, okay; Anything you say...

Now, the next question goes thus...
Do you believe in love?
Yes, I've asked that before...
Have you ever love unconditionally?
Literally given it everything; originally
Without been flinch by frictional heat
By bling bling and material things

Did you just say "Aye"
Nah, that's a lie
Unconditional love only comes from mums
When I said mums, I mean mother not *******
Mothers who raise children; not ******* who just have kids
Women who are loving; Not those who have stings
Mothers and ******* belongs to different class
Mothers would rather starve to see their wards living trash
They'd better live filth to see their kids been lift
But ******* with their stings will do the opposite
Popping up at bars showing off their ***
Most women are *******  and most dads are tards..
Now, let me ask again
Do you believe in love without a gain
Would you still love me the same,... if the reasons gets displaced
Would you still stay even if I make you feel pained
Will you love me back to life if my heart is clouded with hate
Will you take the blame for mistakes I made
And when the earth quakes and my heart trembles and break
Would you go on your knees and pray
Cos thats what makes mother's love unremitting
A love that stand strong without Oremiti

I guess you can't,
Cos love as it is; is just a game of heart
It's hyperbolic saying love is an art
Not shambolic; if I said its just a contract

Undisputedly; true love does exist.
Loyalty, trust, honesty; those are the charges it emits
But being unconditional is out of it
Yea, it's a first-degree counterfeit

So, that brings in my last questions,
Do you believe in truth?
Do you believe in things that you do?
You should.....
Believe in you
97 · Apr 2020
My development
My developments of course
have come
From a lot of stuff
From the family feud
To them hustling hood
+ been lonely too
And the number two
Has been some dude
Who doesn't run from truth
And number three
Has being all the things I've seen
From being a teen
With Basketballing dream
And being in teams
Seen on TV screens
And number four
Is all those dawgs
Who still show me love
Even knowing I'm not enough
I had many dreams
That doesn't make the scene
But such dreams went
As I became a gent
Who find solace in writing poems
96 · Jul 2022
I'm very rich
So uniquely rich

I don't have big cars; no bars and no big yards
I'm richly rich; though my account is less than 5 digits😑

Aye, I've got these eyes👀
that millions 💵  can't buy

I've got these legs'
that some billions can't get

I've got this brain
that calculate faster and accurate

I've got this memory that's loads quicker than your gig RAM
I've got this life' no commision: no discount

I've got this heart ❤  filled with love, power and hope
I've got this soul that microscope 🔬 can't find its scope

I've got this physique that you physicist think mystique
I've got will, I've got dream; I've got instinct
My spirit real; its only victory ✔; check ya history
It's one me; I'm so unique; my existence is just mystery
95 · May 2019
The woman I love
The woman I love
Feast amidst the star
Jealoused by the beauty god
The star wish they shine as her

The woman I love
Bask in the morning light
Wrong is not a word in her world
Everything she does is right

The woman I love
Is poetically romantic
Her words were the rhythmic rhyme
That make my heart beat a thousand times

The woman I love
Makes my heart beat back and forth
And she possess the torch
That guides me home when I’m lost

The woman I love
Gorgeous and mightily blessed
**** even in ah hijabi dress
Not the sexiness that cause temptiness

The woman I love
Is ah hybrid of brilliance and beauty
No beauty plus; she’s endowed with wisdom + (plus)
She’s the only rib that suits me

The woman I love
Has the sunlight on her face
She possess that awakening touch
That resurrect a bruised and shattered heart; and her cuteness never fade

The woman I love
Possess immortality; thus she never age
Dream, nightmare; weak and fear
None of that outrage

The woman I love
Possess what none other has
She holds perfection at her hand
Even perfection is not as perfect as her

The woman I love
Probably doesn’t want me back
Maybe there’s someone else she does
Maybe someone else possess her heart

Dear Woman I love
Even though; you don’t as much
I just want to let you know
That I love you so

So, woman I love
If at all; there’s a world after this
I’ll be there; waiting at the heaven’s gate
Where we’ll be forever mate
Its been years that she arrived
Pleasuring my heart like it was hers
Changing the tides... like...
Aye! it's the beginning of my life

And I... treasuring her like the Dutchman Mine
the apple of her lover's eye
like she's the vein connecting my brain to my heart
Ah hybrid of wisdom and beauty combined
She brings stability to my mind
Can't wait to make her my wife
In my home, keeping her close to my heart

But Nah, she's ready to fly
Don't know how, what and why?
Unconsciously breaking the heart that we have tied
Turning a smiling face to teary eyes
I'm going to miss her in my sky
93 · Apr 2019
Mama, I found a girl
Like you said I would
She shows me every galaxies inside my heart
Like the star does to moon

Even if she wasn’t near
Her image I see everywhere
She’s the only thing I see when I’m dreaming
Her whisper I hear when I’m listening

Thinking of her put my mind at peace
My heart without her love is just a tin
My brain without her memory is just a bin
My life without her is filled with filth

I never had such desires before
I never tried to meet someone this hard
Her beauty is the only thing I sought
Every other thing is blur

She is my addiction; without her I’m unwell
She is my heaven; without her; I’m in hell
She is the cure to my pain
The relief to my sane

She was the torch
That guides me back home when I’m lost
She was the vein
That stitch my heart when it’s crushed

My fondness for her constantly deepens
Every time I see her; my heart starts to weaken
Her shiny beauty make the stars feel jealous
How precious she is; no treasure could measure

When my heart was torn; she was my glue
I was once shattered; but now I’m new
She was my savior; though she never knew
That she was my guardian angel; my phantom hue

She was one in a million
And she was brilliant
I guess she’s called brilliant beauty
The one with the heart that suits me

The day, the sun, the rain and the cloud
The night, the moon as the stars surrounds
You’re more amazing than any of this
Of every natural beauty, she top the list

Thoughts of having you bring to me more hope
Closer enough to discard my telescope
But every time I tried to tell her how I feel
My heart skips its beat

Imagining us together; does a magical wonder
It make my heart beat louder than thunder
And if she can’t be mine in real life
Then I’ll live in this dream forever
92 · Aug 2019
Because I'm on level zero
I can't find a girl; coz they're all chasing hero
90 · Feb 2023
Dear Me,
I know your esteem has been trampled on
I know your boots' pervaded with sharpened thorn
your dream; shattered and your heart grinded to atom

everyone you love has either hurt you or more
And when you needed them is when they did abscond
Taking away your joy; departed... never to return

Emptied and depressed, your very being..s.. forlorn
Your emotions boiled and your feeling toyed
Those psych smile are a true sign that you are deformed

You tried to be strong; but your brokenness can't be restored
Your mind and heart doesn't seem to get along
Your soul quaver and your spirit mourn
But your face gets paler at the sight of those you adorn

You've done your all to be more in this world
You've loved and loved, and you've been loved times and more

Though you're dying now, but you're bound to be reborn
in the heart of those you truly love, you'd be martyr when you're gone
What do you want from me?
Affection, love,.... care, support
Protective shield, or skydiving wings
My heart, my soul... or my existence at whole

How do you want me to be?
A lover that listen, or the one that speaks
I could be meek, sing if it'd give the peace you need
If it appease thee, I'd be ya puppetie

What do you want with me?
To be your light when darkness creeps
Your autumn leaves when you're lonely and sick
Or that bright petals that beautify your leaves

What do you want to do to me?
No, you don't have to speak
Want to grab my arm or throw it to shard ?
Protect me from depressions and this self-harm?
I guess not....
Seems I was wrong... all along

But why can't I have a proper love?
Love that last and never leaves crack
Love that mends and never bends
Now, I'm back to where I was
And my emotions gone,.... lost, forlorn
89 · Feb 2023
lonE writEr
I write because I can't
be alive without my rhyme
My mind are so sporadic; I act like I'm ah psychic
My spirit's so Islamic; but I rhyme like I'm fanatic

I love like I'm ah nerd
And I was treated like crap
My thought got too dynamic; so I script like I'm an addict
Till my world got tore apart
89 · Mar 2023
LonE PoEt
Witty writers with wishy-washy writes
Rhyming everything that comes to em mind
With every beat that cross em heart
Uncertainty and confusion though surround his live
Struggling to revive his injured vibe  
Like autunm tree; they think he died  
Poor and ugly; they paint him black  
Couldn't find love, no, he couldn't thrive  
Beauty shred but he still survive  
They even named him "the brokest ***** alive"  
But see, words has always been his spine  
His greatest ally when troubles arise
When the moon, the sun and the earth collide  
And the sky is tiled with a scary clime  
Clouding his heart, eclipsing his mind  
poem brought smile with its lines as guide  
So if not for rhyme, depressions could've ruin his life  
Writing to him is what oxygen is to the heart
86 · Sep 2023
Under the Autunm Tree
Can I ask you if
You would have done it to me
If I wasn't weak

No, I guess the real question is this...
How does it really feel
to be in love with me

Am I a joke a being
Or maybe some playing thing
to fill some empty reels

Have I ever being....
taken seriously
Or maybe the words I speak....
are just some fallacy

Is that why you flee
and leave silently

Have you ever think...
That this shattered part of me
will ever bind to its piece

Do you even believe
That this rageful heart I keep
will ever find its peace

I thought we were the king and Queen
That this love kingdom needs
I the petals and you' the bees
to produce ah honey sweet

Do you feel I'm a kid
or maybe a thoughtless being
living in fantasy
For writing this poetry

Why'd you keep me in shack
And let pain bleed me dry
When you leave me behind

Whyd you feed me to sharks
And then you leave me to cry
even if it would lead me blind

All I know is this
I will continue to keep
this rages I nurture within
Till you come set them free

I hope one day you will...
maybe come back to be
my ever-blazing peace

And if it never come to be
I'll brace myself and script...
beautiful poetry
under the autumn tree 🌳
Happy New months poetry lovers
85 · Jul 2020
See you around
A breakup
Is this what you want
Nothing more

Once upon a time
I was your knight
Why'd you leave too soon
When our love is yet to bloom

You once said you're my moon
And I am the stars
Even at noon
You still make that glowing spark
You outshine the sun
Even though I'm rough and poor
You treat me like I have it all

You said this love
is just enough
That no matter what
You'd be the lightening to my thunder
That our mutuality will never go asunder

But those stuffs...
seem to matter no more
Now I'm nothing more than a despicable boy
Now all that's left is pain and hurt

Sweetheart, why the sudden change?
Why are you fill with rage?
Hell, I am the cause of all this pain
I take the blame

Even if you don't feel the same
For me, nothing 's change
I still love you the same
But if this is where our love is bound
I'll see you around
85 · Nov 2021
Who are you!
Yea, politics is good
But now it's often abused
by those clueless old dudes
Whose ways are cruel
Cos' the style they choose
and the rule they shrewd
doesn't favour the youth
That's why I choose
to stay my cool
you can call me a fool
or a lifeless dude
I'll just sigh
And afterward... write
about the kinda sheople you are
Just like I am now
about the crazy old clown
who see it fit
to drag me in his filth-filled pit
of political ****
Well then, this is it...
Let me give you a bit...
of my poetic hit.

First; here is my question to you
Who are you?
A branded fool?
A nincompoop?
Or a new-age tool...?
for politicking dudes.

Alright ***
I already got the answer to that
Now, let me ask you this...

Who you be...?
To remotely think
That you can silence me
with your conning tricks

Wielding worthless words
With wrecked worsened world
slewing witty words
Spewing stink-filled spit
That smells like public pit

I don't dine with cocky crew
So, get off my track' ***
I can't deck with you
Cos' I don't roll with people
Who are mentally sheople
And if you refuse to be feeble
You'll get psychologically crippled
Cos where Wordsmith roll
is high like church steeple
far from your scope
and sacred from your evil
84 · Aug 2023
Black Roses
What would you choose
Love or cruise....
Option one or two
or things you do... when no one looks

Would you rather have fun with love...
than love with fun?
Would you go eschew....
when the condition turn askew

What's your idea of cool?
A handsome dude... with a cherry look...
Or the luxury type, with fast cars and phat yard too

Would you rather use and spew
People you're bounded to
like they're just a cue... in your game of pool

Guess you're not confused...
Or are you... puzzled....
by the terms I used
The words I used are a factual proof... that I'm from terror schools

What is your point of view
Or the nonconforming proof
that things you do....
is yes... the truth

When reality knocks' with its factual hook
Would you stay aloof
Or rather give-in to your conscience coup
83 · Feb 2023
Without you
Can love and hate coexist in a single being
Can a heart halved in pain and peace maintain its rhythm still
Can the angel without its wings sour through the galaxies

Can there ever be a Eve, without Adam's rib...
Can there even be a me without thee; my zephyrette
With you; right by me, I'm a quadrillion times complete

Only you have the combo of beauty and brilliant mixed
And like the settling sun garnish the beauty of the autumn leaves....
You lighten my path from the nooks to every whim
82 · Aug 2023
Be it sun; be it rain
Be it fun; be it pain
Be it blur; be it plain
I'll be the shade where your worries lay

Just like flowers and them bumble bees
And like fire accompanied by wind
Or more like the sun makes the farmland green
You are my ribs; my source of energy

What's a poetry without a rhyme
a stonefish without it's spine
Shapeless and boredom with prosy lines
That's how'd be with you out my life

Be it night; be it day
Be it shine; be it gray
Be it aye; be it nay
My love will stay... till forever fade
Nothing seems to interest me these days
Neither reading nor sleeping
Even writing seems tiring😫,  
Talking to people seems exhausting
And socialising too'..... boring
Food most especially; all taste the same
And hunger unusually doesn't feel like pain
Movies and games even..... couldn't keep my brain at bay

See, most times, I just get weak,
tired and sick
And sleeping on its part, doesn't come with ease
The future too; seems blurry to see
Knowing that nothing is promised to be
Knowing we could work as hard as we need.... but still nothing achieved
Knowing our destiny and dreams could go unfulfilled.
Knowing that our end result could be nothing but filth
Knowing that the promise land is nothing but myth
80 · Aug 2019
With you by my side; Mate
We can move mountains out-of our way
72 · Jan 20
I pray
Lord I came to thee.... weak
Tired and sick.
Lord I'm down on my knee..
My palms stretched wide... praying for your bliss.

I've sail through the turbulent sea
in search of treasures buried down deep
Trekk the earth from peak to abyss
Yet my trials never seems to have yield.

I've drank from the elixir of sinful pleasure.
and stole from the box of forbidden treasure.
Yet the things I seek, never seek me.

Can't even fathom the places that I've been
Life seems lifeless; can't comprehend my being
Eyes swollen from the troubles I've seen

Responsibilities bough me to the knee.
Friends getting tired of me.
Family laughs at my irresponsibility.
A joke of a being; that's who I be
Or maybe that's who... they dim me fit

Lord, I pray
Cos only you can stop this rain.
Create me anew and make me whole again
Take away this pain and fill me with hope.
Pave me way and lead me through the road
In your Name again, I pray...
68 · Jul 2022
She was so green at the start
Full of bliss and love-filled heart

Then as red as blood
With intent so innocence and pure

And then as white as the water
Purity like most friends will call her

Eventually as blue as the ocean
Full of visions and emotions

And then as brown as the earth
Dusted with commotion and bizzare

Suddenly as grey as the ash
Can't discern the wrongs from the right

Finally as dark as the night
Trekking on a thin thorny path
Child, oh child,
What have you done to the world
That they treat you like a prodigal son

Why do they rebuke you this much
Your art dirt and burn
Your heart hurt and torn

Child; oh child
Prepare your heart for battle...
And your mind for war
Prepare your body for the hurdles...
And your spirit for worse
Be strong and know what is what

Child oh child
Do not shiver, do not cry,
For the trying times will soon go bye

Child oh child
Your past seems cursed
Present... tossed
And the future feels blurred
But there'd be clear path after the fog

Child, oh child
do not whimper, keep your head high
Spread your wings and take to the sky
deck up the ship and hoist the colours high
For the wavering sea will soon change tide

Child oh child
Dont give in; its just a trick
Loosing isn't defeat
No!, you're not even weak
They'd try to break your hinge...
But hey; don't even flinch
You're all that you need

Child oh child
Fret not, God could hear you sobbing
Fret not, his goodness is coming
And since the earth is still revolving
Fret not, salvation will come knocking
61 · Apr 2019
I want you to love me
The same way I did
I want you to touch me
And heal the pain conceive
I want you to crawl
I want you to fall
Inside the pool of love
I need you to tell me
If loving you is wrong
I swear I 'll be strong
I just need to be sure
If I 'm truly yours
And if I never be
I will forever bleed
The only thing I wish for
Is you could check inside
And see the bigger picture
Then I want you to burn
I want you to steal
I want you to bleed
And see how it feels
58 · Aug 8
An earthworm with stings
Devil's accomplice
Soul and spirit filled with greed
Your heart is where injustice breathes
Your skin bleeds filth and gilth
Your mouth breeds lies and deciet

And yet, you walk around as if you're the best of men
You rich men pet!
Your justice flows where luxuries glow
In term of unfairness; you're the GOAT
If not for the guns and puns you control; I'd take you for a joke

You ought to protect...
but brutality is what you project
curating mess... here and there

Bribery is what you transgress
Corruption is the only friend you caress
Your law only works on those with less

You claim to be the masses' friends...
But Nay! that depends
If you ain't got those fatty cheques
Your evidence is inevident

Don't you have a clue....
that your family is ashamed of you
petty thieves are only afraid of you...
because of the tools you use
Bandits think they're better than you
Kidnappers claim you're their closest dude

Hunm; mother earth sigh for you
Even the sky cry for you..
The devil even bleeds for you
And humanity grief for you..
People judge...
too much
But that doesn't mean people are just....
too wrong

Their judgements are base....
on the part they see.
But stuffs they see....
might be far from real

Aye "my Gee"
Their judgmental course....
can't be processed at court
Yes "my lord"....  
The court hearing has been adjourned

Okay, okay...  
Let's state the fact
Judgement is a tact...
That weak people use...
Words misconstrued
to make others confused

Well, that could be truth
Most people do.....
Judge from words told  
by them jury folks

Lies they contrive
And then they connive
to spew and judge
Tittle-tattle stuff
That's far from their scope

The next you see
is... you're being abused,,,
Sorry, I mean accused....
of being this and that
with their judgemtal dart...
pointing at you

And at the end of the day,
You're the one who'd be paint
As the the badass mate

Hunm, that's deep  
But if I may ask
Are you...
being accused  
Or wrongly judged
By someone ***?
Not really that
Just thinking out loud
53 · Jun 17
Saddle Point
Sitting lonesomely by my window side...... reminiscing my past
Watching cluelessly how many days have passed...... since I felt alive

Oh, these woes I can't outgrow, how can I grow
Lost in my soul's black hole; I can't find home
I've been forever tadpole; I cannot toad

Minds troubling
The thoughts are popping in
Pestering me
The voices creeping in; telling me... pick your pen
You've been silent for long; ... be a man

You're a master of your arts
Let go of the stuffs in your heart
Script out your woes in rhymes

But hey; what should I write about
Is it how I'm bough; with stuffs that I avowed
Or times that I'd bowed to a sect that let me down

Should I write about my misery
The mystery that I've been living-in
Family feuds, trauma and horrifying history
Wounds of the past, I wouldn't try reliving it.

Should I write about my downs and downs
My wrongs that's wronged or downs that's downed
The hurts that's tucked; or the ones cried out

Hunm; thoughts are plenty; but my pens arent penning
Fams and folks; I don't have any

My words are fluffed; but I keep on pencilling it
Too many errors; so I keep on stencilling.

The lines aren't lining; I'm lost in the verse
It's like the earth 'd outline me and shipped me to Mars
****, the weather is harsh
Would I even survive

I feel.... sea-bounded
At this point, the map seems boundless
The compass spinning pointless;  the anchor creaking mindless
Road endless; they can't even found us

But what could I do; all I feel is defeat
Floating apsidal; now that I'm drown in this bridle joint
If only I could; Rewrite this gumming script
Maybe it wouldn't be titled... the saddle point
October 1st, a day of claimed pride,
Nigeria's independence, a partial stride,
From colonial chains, we broke the mold,
But subtle bonds remain, our progress to hold.

The masters left, but their systems stay,
Institutions rigged, to keep us at bay,
Economic strings, pulled from afar,
Our resources exploited, like a scar.

Foreign powers meddle, with hidden hands,
Influencing policies, that grip our lands,
IMF and World Bank, with conditional ties,
Shackling our growth, with debt's disguise.

Our leaders, puppets on a string,
Dancing to tunes, that aren't their own sing,
Corruption thrives, as they line their pockets,
While the masses suffer, in endless pockets.

The Biafran war, a tragic, ****** stain,
Unaddressed wounds, that still remain,
Resource control, a contentious fight,
Between the haves and have-nots, day and night.

Our oil, a curse, or so it seems,
Foreign corporations, with exploitative dreams,
80% control, a staggering fact,
Leaving us with crumbs, from our own act.

But still we rise, with resilient hearts,
Demanding true freedom, and a brand new start,
For a Nigeria, where all can thrive,
Not just the privileged, but the masses alive.

We'll break these chains, of neocolonial might,
And forge our path, with self-determined light,
No more indirect rule, no more hidden hand,
Nigeria will rise, and take her stand.

With education, we'll empower our minds,
And shake off cultural imperialism's binds,
Our history, our culture, we'll reclaim,
And build a nation, where all can proclaim.

With infrastructure, we'll build our base,
And attract investment, with a steady pace,
Agriculture, manufacturing, and tech,
Will drive our growth, and make us connect.

With resource nationalism, we'll take control,
And ensure our wealth, benefits our soul,
No more exploitation, no more deceit,
Nigeria's resources, for Nigerians' feet.

With regional cooperation, we'll unite,
And challenge external dominance, with all our might,
ECOWAS, African Union, we'll stand tall,
And forge a continent, where all can enthrall.

Our nationalism, will foster pride,
And self-determination, will be our guide,
Civil society, will demand change,
And hold our leaders, accountable to range.

Nigeria, arise, and claim thy place,
Among the nations, show thy face,
Unshackled, yet enchained no more,
Nigeria will rise, and forever soar
33 · Sep 15
Beyond the shadows
In darkness, I dwell, where shadows roam
A world that's turned cold, leaving me to atone
For sins I didn't commit, I wear the blame
A heart once full, now but a hollow frame

When the going gets tough, the tough get going
But I'm stuck in the mud, with no way of knowing
If I'll ever find my way, out of this darkest night
Or if I'll be forever lost, without a guiding light

Lonely streets, I wander, lost and forlorn
Echoes of memories, forever torn
From the depths of despair, I cry out in pain
But the world just moves on, leaving me to remain

When it rains, it pours, and I'm drowning in sorrow
A heartbroken soul, with no tomorrow
But still I hold on, to the hope in my heart
And pray that someday, we'll never be apart

Poor in spirit, rich in sorrow's gold
I'm trying to rise, but the weight's growing old
The struggle's real, the pain's all too true
But still I push on, though my heart's breaking in two

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
But what if the lemons are bitter, and the sugar's decayed?
I'll find my strength, in this fragile frame
And I'll rise up, to reclaim my name

I'll turn the tables, and make a brand new start
Leave the heartbreak, and the tears, in the dark
I'll find my voice, and I'll scream to the world
That I'm still standing, though I've been unfurled

So let the world turn its back, let the darkness descend
I'll find my way, through the shadows that never end
For in the depths of struggle, I'll find my voice
And I'll rise up, to make some noise
32 · Sep 11
Odyssey of Self
In the depths of despair, I bled for the masses
A martyr's cry, echoing through the passages
I gave and gave, until my veins ran dry
But in the end, I realized, I had to ask myself why

The world didn't stop, it just kept spinning round
Leaving me in the dust, with a worn-out crown
I thought I'd find solace, in the love I'd share
But it was all a lie, a facade, a snare

I tried to find my place, in the grand design
But it seemed the more I gave, the more I'd decline
My heart was pure, my intentions true
But the world didn't care, it just kept on moving anew

After all the sacrifices, the tears, the pain
I realized I had to be selfish, to survive the game
For in this world, only the strongest prevail
And if you don't put yourself first, you'll forever fail

So I rose from the ashes, like a phoenix born
With a heart of stone, and a will to scorn
I learned to love myself, to put me first
For in the end, that's the only way to quench the thirst

Of a world that takes, but never gives
A world that chews you up, and spits out your lives
So I'll wear my armor, with a heart of gold
And I'll survive this world, with a spirit that's bold

I'll walk alone, through the dark of night
With only my shadow, as my guiding light
I'll face the demons, that once held me down
And I'll rise above, with a heart that's renowned

For I am the master, of my own destiny
I am the captain, of my own soul's sea
I'll navigate the waves, with a heart that's true
And I'll find my way, to a place that's new

So let the world, with all its might
Try to bring me down, and ***** out my light
But I'll rise above, like a star in the night
And I'll shine so bright, with a heart that's full of fight

I'll embrace my flaws, and my scars too
For they are a part of me, and my story anew
I'll learn to love myself, with all my heart
And I'll never let the world, tear me apart

I'll stand tall and proud, like a mountain high
And I'll never let the world, make me ask myself why
I'll know my worth, and my value too
And I'll never let the world, make me feel blue

So I'll keep on walking, through the dark and the light
With my head held high, and my heart full of might
I'll keep on rising, above the pain and the strife
And I'll find my way, to a brand new life
29 · Sep 20
Dead Butterfly
Once, a delicate dance, a fluttering heartbeat
A gentle soul, that made my emotions meet
But now, a hollow silence, a vacant space
A butterfly's wings, forever still, in this place

In my belly, where love once resided
A grave now lies, where joy has divided
The whispers of warmth, the gentle hum
Are silenced now, my heart is numb

I recall the days, when colors shone bright
When laughter echoed, through day and night
When hope and dreams, took flight and soared
But now, they're lost, forever adored

The butterfly's wings, that once took flight
Now lie still, in the darkness of night
I search for echoes, of a love now gone
But find only shadows, where joy once belonged

In this emptiness, I search for a sign
A glimmer of hope, a heartbeat's rhyme
But all I find, is a hollowed space
A butterfly's grave, a love's forgotten face

My heart yearns for the warmth, the gentle touch
The love that once was, the memories we clutch
But like the butterfly, it's lost its way
Leaving me with nothing, but a faded ray

Time may heal, but scars remain
A reminder of love's fleeting refrain
I'll learn to let go, to release the pain
And find solace, in the love that remains

The butterfly's death, a metaphor for my heart
A symbol of love's fragile, delicate start
But even in death, beauty remains
A memory of love, that still sustains
17 · Oct 6
In halls where wisdom softly swells,  
The teachers toil through endless bells.  
Their voices craft the future’s song,  
Yet bear a burden far too long.  

With steady hands; they mold the mind,  
But justice still; remains unkind.  
They ask for fair; yet walk alone,  
Their struggles silent; rarely shown.  

For every soul they guide and teach,  
Their own ambitions fade from reach.  
But in their hearts; a fire stays bright,  
Through darkest hours; they guard the light.  

They stand as towers; tall and strong,  
Though wages small; and hours long.  
Their dreams may bend; their backs may break....
Yet still, they give for others' sake.  

The chalk-stained hands; the tired eyes,  
For others’ futures; they will rise.  
And though their needs are cast aside,  
They press ahead; with quiet pride.  

Oh lift the teachers; hear their plea—  
The ones who shape eternity.  
For every life they’ve helped to steer....
We owe them more than words can cheer.  

But hope will come; the day will turn,  
When teachers get the due they earn.  
For in their hands; tomorrow lies—  
A future bright beneath the skies.  

Let’s praise their work; their tireless fight,  
For in their care; the world finds light.  
Give them the honor long denied...
And walk with them; all side by side.

— The End —