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985 · Nov 2012
Life in perfection
The voice Nov 2012
A person who lives
Just to prove he can do it
A person who tries
Just to finish the race
A person who does it all
Even if he can only one thing

Is a person who will be there
for good
For bad
For ever.

A life with the right person
Is a perfect life.
947 · May 2013
Loved and still do
The voice May 2013
I woke up with his lips on my mind
I simply thought I would love to see him back
I would desire again and again
to find his lips by mine once more
and to find his eyes looking down at mine
With the passion like he used to

But it is not possible
he is with her and at her side
His smile no longer belongs to me
I would rather see him away and happy
then here unhappy but i can't help it but to
love him like the first time he kissed me
like the first time i saw through his eyes

I met someone nice, smart, hard-working
but that was not real
Not at all who i thought it would be
I ask my self why do i want him back,
And i try to convince my mind that he is not worth me
But my heart can not be controlled
HIM just
when we first
KISSED and i
loved him ever
944 · Jul 2014
home and blood
The voice Jul 2014
The hard part was letting go
the easy part was looking at the awards
the letting go gave me strength
the looking at the awards gave me greed
the strength took me above heaven
the greed took me below hell
and heaven was my home
but i still had hell in my blood

put heaven before hell
let go without worrying
about the award!
924 · Nov 2013
Our eyes met!
The voice Nov 2013
I miss those playful smiles
when we stood side by side
I looked up and you looked down
Our eyes met as if for the first time
You reminded me of other times
When you touched my hands
as we waited for the doctor to say
that I could go home with you
Where we could be a family for the first time
You told me that..
you touched my hands and you felt
my soft breeze of love touch you
I remember how you once said that,
My eyes sang to you a song of love
Where those lies.
Was it my imagination
What was it?
I have the right to know...
Was it that you forgot the things I can clearly remember?
I don't understand
Was there someone else
Was the another reason
I demand an answer to your departure
You were my first word
Yes dear Daddy that's how much I love you
Too much that I still remember that you are my father
Even if another man sits in your place
that is your title
you are my father and I cant change that
Its been so long since I've tried
To forget
To forgive
To Love
All I could do was remember
All I could do is feel the pain
Ill I could do was Love someone else
But now I met Jesus, The one God
And Ill never forget because that will make me forget YOU
I cant judge you and not forgive, because I've been forgiven too
All I can do is Love because that was his mission...
I want to let you know that I'm here waiting
For you to come up and claim your tittle
Dear Father, you are stranger to me
But it is up to you to change that
Dear Father, there is someone in your place
and forgive me but I love him and I respect him
But I love you like I always have...
I'm here waiting for our eyes to meet again.
Truth is, Me and my dad haven't spend time together, Im only 16 but the pain that it feels to not have him because he doesn't want to see me, is greater than when you loose someone. Simply because it was his choice!
917 · Aug 2014
The voice Aug 2014
I've been to many of them in the past
I've hidden behind some of them
And all have gave me smiles
and sad moments of departure
I admit that some days were lessons
of how to move on and work hard
That's what camp does right?
Not all camps do that!
There is a camp that taught me more
"Everytown, Everytown
Yellow Black White Red or Brown
It makes not difference when you come down"
I needed it and I got what I asked for
and much much more!
I called out to s hand stretched out
and I got it
A friendly face
and I got it
And a shoulder to cry on
And there was many to choose from
There were times when
Anger, Sadness, Stress, and anxiety
Showed up
but nothing stood in my way!
ALL I can say is that I left with
the power to change the world
And even if its interrupting
ONE hurtful remark
Ill do it!
But never again, will I let
Authority stand in my way to do what
I Know Is The Right Thing To Do
I recommended to teens, and adults.
There is nothing than the
I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks so!
901 · May 2014
The voice May 2014
El primero me dijo que volveria
Y nunca volvio
El segunda y el tercero al igual que el cuarto
Me dijeron que me cuidarian
Y se volvieron en promesas
Que nunca fueron cumplidas
El qinto
El cual en serio le crei
Al cual llegue a creer
Odiandome por el miedo de que fuera un error
Me prometio ser un padre
Y solo se gano
Ser el quito
De puras mentiras...
Por eso. No confiaba
Por eso mentia
Pero haora conosco a alguien
Quien simplemente no puede mentir
Es unico que no me ha mentido.
El que cumplio
Y dio todo por mi.
Spanish melody about lies
896 · Aug 2015
Spanish Melody
The voice Aug 2015
Como decirte que me has lastimado, si eso significa que te lastimaría
Como aclarar tus dudas si aclararlas es que sufras la verdad
Como asercarme a ti con amor si se que te podria lastimar

Dime, acaso fui yo quien cambio?
Fui you la que se alejo de la verdad primero?
Fueron mis palabras las que lastimaron mas?
Fue La fuerza de mi amor la que hizo tanto daño?

Yo solo quería escucharte decir un te quiero aunque fuese mentira
Solo quería tener el palpitar de tu corazón conjunto al mio
Solo tenía la esperanza de que por una vez tu tomaras mi mano
Yo solo quería sentir que tenía el respaldo de alguien....

Tenía muchos deseos de que me sostubieras en tus brazos
De que por un momento todo pareciera solo una pesadilla
Quería porbun instante llevarme yo la victoria , aunque hiciera trampa
Quería tenerte como un amigo,un aliado, un hermano

Me canse de que quisieras ser un padre, sabes ya tengo bastantantes de esos
Uno se dio por vencido y nunca intento ser parte de mi vida
Otro estuvo allí y cobro un precio demasiado caro que tuve que pagar
Si quieres ser un padre para mi tienes que lastimarme, hacerme sentir que valgo la pena y luego darte la vuelta
889 · Nov 2012
La vida
The voice Nov 2012
La vida es un viaje. Nunca me esperaba una caída en el amor conmigo, y yo con usted. Fue tan inesperado y tan salvaje, pero estábamos amor. Fuimos luz, fuimos a través, pero estábamos juntos. Una parte pero nunca sperated. Éramos jóvenes, infantil, absurdo. Hemos sobrevivido unos a otros, se puede sobrevivir a cualquier cosa y cualquier persona. Nos conocimos a cabo coinciden, y lo puso juntos. La vida es un viaje. Para el fuego sigue ardiendo brillante, y se ilumina los caminos seprate que están destinados a viajar. Pero ese fuego, que quema, que el calor .... siempre voluntad y un día, quemadura por nuestro amor. Al igual que el sol. Este es mi viaje. ¿Cuál es el tuyo?

~ Estrella Luciano and Natalia Torres (my spanish family)
From my friend Jerel Ballard
860 · Aug 2014
Count on me!
The voice Aug 2014
♪♫♪ Just wanted to let you know
That we will always be together
In every new morning, you count on me
Every time you feel the storm hit
And during ever battle,
Never forget that I'm here
And now more than ever
It doesn't matter what the past has been
You made me smile
You made me laugh
You made me forget the times of struggle
And even though you have made mistakes
That will never define who you really are
I know you weren't born that way
And I don’t care who you think you have become
I know that moments get hard
But that will never my thinking
Because you
Have made me smile
Have made me laugh
Because you
Have made me forget the times of struggle ♪♫♪
Not finished yet!
852 · Jan 2014
The voice Jan 2014
"I am Jesus, I know everything"
And know you do,
I believe in you!
850 · Mar 2013
Her Story: Part 1
The voice Mar 2013
"Today is the day we go to court
He got arrested last month
For a crime he did not commit.
For a sin he did not do,
He got arrested, for something not on his play"
It was the line of the play we did at our school
Simply one line
But for someone in the audience it meant a lot
For the one person who was sitting all the way on the back, just to hide away the sadness and the sorrow she was feeling. She knew where that line came from, she knew everyone thought it had been her. Everyone had lost themselves blaming here, it did see legit though, She could have done it out of anger, pain, or simple revenge. Everyone thought it was here but she blamed it on someone else to that out of the way, But was it really her? No one knows! its something destiny will clear out someday, sometime at some point. It was the circumstances that pointed to her, where she had been, the times met, the people matched, she was not really on the line, she had crossed the line.
Well I am here to fix the circumstances up .
She's innocent
No one of you all are the detectives,
don't try to take someone else's job
She was probably at the wrong place and at the wrong time
But the police and the detectives are taking care of that already
All the evidence has been collected
All of the pieces had been put together
I know, there is always going to be rumors,
People hating,
People judging
People talking
But you know that she made a mistake,
but you don't know her story
She's sitting in the back not out of regret
But out of bravery,
She made it to this place,
Where her friend is being honored,
She knew the possibilities of coming here,
The victim's mother and the friends,
Not to mention the media with their flapping mouth
She knew that many people could have hate her
Yet she got up one morning and decided
that her friend was more important than the judgment of any other
I bet you are still trying to judge her!
But once you know her story it will make sense and you will understand how wrong you were when you insulted and accused her, for no reason. Or even worse a lying reason.
Not based on a story I have seen, but it is based on real situations and real testimonies. You dont know them and you have no right to judge them, they made a mistake, and it is only to be judged by God, they were not born to be persecuted by one mistake, Let God do his job and don't try taking away his power, because within you are not only insulting her, also God and in a way yourself!
834 · Aug 2013
God remained
The voice Aug 2013
Not my poem, but i thought it was really beautiful,
830 · Oct 2016
Time with solids
The voice Oct 2016
How creative can you be?
How dramatic does a piece of work have to be
to be worth your time?
How many times have you actually tried to go out of your way and experience molding your own definition of creativity
The texture, smooth or rough
The form, tall or short skinny of more rounded
The texture, allows you to think and concentrate
nothing else matters when your are planning your piece
The form, allows to risk and try new things
Nothing else matters when you are actually trying
That problem you have before you enter the room
stays at the door maybe it travels with you to the chair,
but as soon as your hands feel the clay and begin to form
the solutions begin to form
Clay is such an easy struggle
You have many decisions to make
How much clay?
How many details?
How many utensils?
How much time?
But that last one is actually the least, no time is good
spend years trying to figure out what you want to make
and then make it in a second
or spend a second figuring it out
and spend those years making it.
Taking your mind out of that thing that happened earlier in the day,
What was it again?
Yup, it was not as fun as clay.
You've build it, you've fired it, not paint it
What colors?
What pattern?
What resemblance will you give it?
One? More than One? maybe way to many,
or too alike of colors.
Black and white,
Wait, what was that?
Ohhhh, remember that problem earlier?
This time actually remember, because it isn't just a problem
It is a problem with a solution.
Now we know what to do!
It doesn't have to be clay, but I personally love it. I hope you find a good free class, there are many out there if you just look closely.
793 · May 2014
A song of love
The voice May 2014
I love the way you whisper in my ear,
With the wind,
a beautiful song of life
and that song sometimes sings to me
telling me that,
I can't sit around and wonder what it would be like
To have a different life
And its that song that make me think that,
I'd rather listen closely
To the song you put in my way
there is no thought in my mind
or in my heart
about the way you love me
and it is that love
that makes the best lyrics for a song
and the best lines for a poem
and the best melody for my heart.
I used to think that happy ending were fairy tales
and that a prince fight a dragon for me
But know I know
That no only did you fight a dragon for me
But you also left your throne of king
and you put at my feet mercy and grace
that's more than I could ever ask for
And that's more than I could ever need
you have sang to me, everyday
telling me that the sun shines
and the moon does to,
because you will never leave me in darkness
you sang to me and you've let me know
that even thought it may rain today
The sun will come out back tomorrow.
786 · Dec 2012
The voice Dec 2012
I'm trying to forget
Forget that I fell for you
Forget your sweet smile
Forget that tender light in your eyes
Forget your glorious voice

Im trying to forget that
You are there
And not here
I'm trying to forget that
Everything I do
Has nothing to do with you

I'm sorry for feeling thus way
I never asked for Your love
I asked for friendship and understanding
I tried to give you
Many things hoping you could love me

But you never did
Now I'm trying to forget
That you exist
Because I'm tired of fighting
To try to keep you

I'm trying to forget that I actually love you.
783 · Aug 2014
A puppet born again
The voice Aug 2014
She thought she could fight the strains
but somehow they still control her
she is a puppet
in front of the mastermind
thinking that the show is about her
but really, they laugh at her
rather than with her
She thought it was real
She looked around and saw
something she has never seen before
Fake smiles
Unreal emotions
But she wasn't going to stand there
and just watch the world laugh
She had lost the images
that she thought she had created
but in that moment of clarity
she saw something else.
She had been born again
She now had a new vision
She wasn't going to let anyone
make her be what she did not want to be
She was going to fight
Against everything
Sure she was scared
but she knew fear was an enemy
that she was going to have to defeat
Here is where the battle begins
This is not the end
but nearly the beginning of
a new life, a new vision
777 · Nov 2012
Think of
The voice Nov 2012
It is hard to know what it means to be free
It is hard to find freedom
It is hard to find someone
Who loves you for you

But when you do, it is hard to change
Is it worth it
Are you willing to change for them
Until what point would you go to
for them

Would you set them free if they were meant to be free
Would you be strong enough to take that
What would you do
How would you control it
Why is it so hard to do something like that for you?

Maybe its not hard to do it
Just to handle it
Especially if you are alone
Who would hold you up when you fall
Would someone be there for you
Why are they there
Do they want something from you?
Are they there for the friendship,
Or for something else?

There is no time to answer these questions
Make all those mistakes but
learn to live with them
You have a million more things you can do.
Don't answer any of these questions
Because there is no more time
Don't live with YOLO

YOLO is telling you to die young
by doing everything when you are young
There is no time for doubts
there is time for  mistakes though.
Friends wrote this poem,
first 3 stanzas they did the rest.
769 · May 2013
The voice May 2013
Men are like shoes
You have to learn what pair to choose
The pretty ones will be in the front row
The front row is always seen first
And yes the shoes look marvelously perfect

But before you buy those shoes
Because some shoes can cause pain
Can hurt, and leave mark behind
They will leave you torn apart
They will look perfect but feel so unpleasing

Sometimes we forget that the shoes in the back, exist
We choose the ones that are put in front of us
And we get lost in the same idea of nothingness
Sometimes those pretty shoes don't fit
but we keep them because our heart desires them

But the shoes that truly fit us are in the back,
the ones that are not as brilliant to the eye
yet, they have the notion to make us feel better

We have to decide whether we keep wearing the same shoes
Keep hurting ourselves
Or instead look for that pair that will make us feel new and better/.
767 · Aug 2013
The voice Aug 2013
the women of the world depends in the world
The women out there covers he scars with make up
the women who is tired of being herself covers reality with jewelry
That women wants to be loved by the world,
so she wears what everyone one else wears
That women fights for everything
And only trust HER strengths
She suffers but she never lets anyone know
That women simply tries to hard to be something, anything worth watching,
I don't understand that women

But then I do,
That women doesn't know that there is a better way of living....
And i ask, does makeup cover up the memory,
does it heal the true pain
Or does it make it worst
I think it will infect the scar even more.

Why does that women keep looking down at the floor
Doesn't she know her value,
doesn't she know what she is worth,
That women doesn't have to fight anymore,
all she has to do is watch her battle being won
By the ONE who is there.
That women has to know that jewels are worthless
but she IS NOT!!! Hear me!!!
The world doesn't have to love you, because someone already does, and he is waiting for you, to take that step,
to believe in yourself
and know that there is hope
That there is away that you don't have to keep running for them to see you, because there is someone who loves so much he gave his life to save you.

I am a women who follows God, the ONE who will always love me!!!
The voice Aug 2014
I looked up to the sky and saw the stars
Each had a different glow
Each had its special way
And unexplainably:
Each had something that made it different
but sometimes you can only se that
through a microscope
When you look at it straight from the naked eye:
they all look the same way
And to the ignorant eye
they all look like simple dots
To me, even with the naked eye:
they look like sparkles
like diamonds in the sky
and sometimes I choose to hope
and to decide for my self
that they belong to me...
Each and everyone of those stars
Make me feel like something that matters
like an escape from reality
to a world where I'm in the sky
My name is Estrella Which means Star
And I fell like I belong there
sharing the huge sky with other stars
with other sparkles and diamonds
With other great people who have fought
for years, or months, or weeks, or even days.
but fighters, cuz in the end
everyone had their battles
and everyone belongs in their own world
of happiness and dreams
And no one is an exception
to a space with the stars...
754 · Aug 2016
Everytown WIsconsin 2016
The voice Aug 2016
I've heard it being said that in a near death experience, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.The brightest light you will ever see because all of its surroundings are pitch black.
It is a lie, I have seen darker when the tears fell down my eyes as I struggled to find myself. I've seen darker as I stood there and watched the one I trusted most letting me down again and again. I've seen darker as I heard you cry out in the middle of the night because of the nightmares you had and no one listened, I was there too.
I thought I would never see such sadness in someone, so much that your tears turned into mine.
Our lives are so different, our struggles and our fights could not be any more contrary the one to the other. Our lives were being lived on opposite sides, how did we find ourselves in the same place, sharing our stories.
I heard you cry out in the middle of the night because of the nightmares you had and no one listened. I was there too.
How could two girls the same age, one American and one Hispanic, one with short wavy hair, the other with long straight hair
one with brown eyes, the other with a dark shade of green.
You stood there with tear drops in your eyes, and cried out, and said word by word every thing you have been holding in from everyone. You said things you have never said to anyone because of fear. I could see in your eyes the desire you had to yell out and set yourself free.
I have been there too. I stood there thinking it was my fault, I stood there thinking that I did not deserve the smile on my face. But you stood there with the same tears the same struggle and you did, and I wanted to tell you that you deserve every smile and many more but I couldn't. How could I tell you that it would be okay, if I didn't even know if I was going to be okay. Yet somehow by the end of the week, I knew, we both knew that as long as we believed in ourselves we would be okay? You and I together...
Everytown Wisconsin 2016
746 · Jan 2013
Congrats Jerel
The voice Jan 2013
You made it in Columbia!!! Im not surprised. You earned it, you hv a bright mind and the school knew it. Enjoy this opportunity and never forget where you come from, never forget your friends and when ur rich and famous remember the place that saw you grow up and the friends you have had. Don't forget me because I look up to you greatly! Congrats!!!!!!.
Make this for you if you got to live your dream, My friend lived his because he deserve it!
738 · Feb 2015
The voice Feb 2015
I have faith,
That I will find my way, and walk the right path
I have faith,
That I will not walk through the tough moments alone
I have faith,
That you are watching over my every decision and step
I know that I am complete if I am with you!
732 · Dec 2012
The voice Dec 2012
life takes away the most important things to you
"its to make you stronger"
Puts in your way the worst obstacles
"its to make you stronger"
separates you from loved one
"its to make you stronger"
And gives you the best people in the end
"Its the reward for patience
728 · May 2013
September 17 1997
The voice May 2013
as better
if out of my
sight, especially
if it's a problem, Now
I am getting tired of fighting
for everything and getting nothing
It seems as if all this effort is just for nothing
We all end up dying in the end and sometimes making
the effort makes things worse and more painful to live by and
I am just tired of trying to be the perfect daughter, the perfect sibling
The one who has to do everything right so that the family name doesn't get
scratched, I fell like yelling to the world that i want to make a mistake and that I am
Tired of trying, I want to run and fall because the best part of the race is the road, getting
back up, I want to make millions of mistakes over and over again to be able to run my
race my way and be there at the finish line knowing that this was my choice it was
something i decided to do with not other voices in the background telling me
what is best and what is worse, people will say Im stupid if I fall, well
I do not care anymore, They say those things when i dont fall
So if they will judge, let them judge me for who i really
am, and not an image I am a human-being
who wants to live to her own risk
Maybe I will get tired on the
way but for me this race
can make a difference
I can change
To Me



My birthday, i tilted it that way because i think it is better to see ahead that back, and by my birthday i pledge to be myslef
727 · Aug 2014
The voice Aug 2014
In the Middle
Of the road waiting
Simply waiting for something
I guess I want to what that something is
But why just sit here and wait
When i can get up and fight
For what I believe in
Just keep Fighting
For justice
I will not
Give up
727 · Dec 2013
Morning poem
The voice Dec 2013
Small Morning Poem
How many times have we heard
"I understand you completely"
And repeat exactly what you just said!
There are some that say that conditionally
Or ender conditions
I want to know how many times is the truth said
Around places of peace
I wonder how many times is the preaching,
being done
I admit it, I don't always do what I preach
Or preach what I do.
God is working on changing that
But it is time for US to stop the concept of Religion
Its just like a long list of chores
What we live is life though God's words
Through the bible and Jesus called religious people "hoers"
All the do is make a façade of neatness
dressing up the outside making it look nice
"I understand you completely"
Only say it if you mean it
Only try it if its real
God understood and died for me
Ill understand and Live for him
Im not strong, but you have my hand
and my shoulder to cry on
If God gives me the opportunity to hear your story
Ill listen, but I wont pretend to know how you feel
Ill tell you that im here
And that I am real
Don't tell God you have a big problem
Tell your problem you have a Big God!!!!
Those who have ears to hear,
let him hear!
(In the Words of Jesus Christ!!)
We are forgiven!!!!
725 · Jul 2014
The voice Jul 2014
"This is my ride
I got inside and fly
higher the skies
and even birds get jealous
I go under the deep waters
where sight is unseen
i am the light
i am the salt
that seasons the world
i am the liberty some can only dream of
i am bread that satisfies
I am water the flows alive
i am the shadow that guards you
and the security
that gives life for you
But i am also the prince of your story
The king of your dream
The one man who gives everything for a smile
I gave my throne and my crown
for you
SO that someday you would wear it
And i got a cross and a crown of throns
so that u could be with me once again... "
And so this is what the lord said one morning in july when i thought i was left alone. Cuz the best inpiration is him!!!
704 · Sep 2013
The voice Sep 2013
So passive so suddle
So hard to believe
One chance and that's all
It takes to make the best
So.long of a road
So hard of a challenge  
So hard to see
Intimidating to be
Really trying to go ahead
Ahead of a non ending world
A challenge that can't be overcomed
Ahead to a strange mistery
A simple blow in the air
Calling out my name telling me to breathe
Telling me to not stop
Pushing me of calling me out
And guiding me
Into this life
That I am meant to live
But how?
That's so easy yet hard,
Something I yet don't seem to understand,
Life out there is like a holocaust
Words ****
Looks discriminate
Phrases simply push you away

How to live this life
When this life is against you!!!
How to live??? WITH GOD!!!
701 · Apr 2014
My writing
The voice Apr 2014
My writing is what helps me
It pushes my out of my bed in the mornings
It drags across the room to get dressed
It makes me walk all the way to the kitchen
It even whispers to me if I forget something
My writing helps me let go
And let out
But my writing will never truly speak to me
At least not in the way God will
My writing knows what I tell it
But God knows even what I still don't discover
My writing says love only if I write it,
God shows love even when I hate it
My writing needs me to pick it up
God picks me up with my writing
If you still don't see the difference
Ask God, I'm sure he will find a way!
she found a way for me!
693 · May 2013
The voice May 2013
Driver down the street
Cars running back and fourth
Lives and souls looking around
Bikes here and there
Smiles and tears everywhere
A mother on one side
Protecting her little one form danger
Letting him explore the world
but never getting her sight out of him
She so tired of the work she came from just twenty minutes ago
Yet she happily takes her son out to play
Working harder as a mother than an employee
The sweet love she has not only with her son but with the three of them
All alone taking care of three boys and on the way one girl
Mee. that girl
Waking up to dress the children
going to sleep after work
from 5 am to 12 pm
An example of hard work and mother hood
WHat a special love that only she has
Just like God, who forgave us
she does to when we grew up.
Thank you Mom
688 · Nov 2014
short poem of grace
The voice Nov 2014
I took me time to realize
that in these battles I'm fighting,
I am not alone
It is hard to imagine
that these struggles are by grace
I can't help by wonder
where all of this came from
and how it got to me
683 · Jan 2015
where i am from
The voice Jan 2015
I lay down in the pastures of the southern winds
I live seeing the skies of the northern stars
I close my eyes to the sparkles of the eastern twinkles
I stretch out my hands into the thorns of the western roses.

Would you be biased if you knew who I was?
Of course you would
Otherwise, you would be 1 out of whole population
Everyone has some type of bias
You simply cannot deny it!

Tell me,
have you ever looked at a young teenager
in the middle of the night, with a hoodie on
walking by the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets
with torn pants and old shoes,
with a bandana ******* in this hand,
and think, oh he must be a nice guy!

If you have, you are the nice guy,
free of corruption and free of stereotypes
at least just on that point.

Have you ever seen a pregnant young girl,
standing on the side of the street
looking like she is waiting for the bus,
with regular thrift-store clothes and some old purse
and said, "she has a bright future ahead of her"

Probably, I mean I depends on what you know.
A large percentage of pregnant 'girls',
actually live under what is bad conditions

On the other hand, Have you even seen a young handsome man
with a nice suit on, shirt that matches the tie
shoes brighter than the windows of the building he will enter
oh and the posture, the complexity of success
with a small pin from Harvard University on the right side worn with pride
And said "he must have lied, cheated and stolen to get there"

Maybe not, Maybe yes, maybe...
It depends on who you know and what you have done.
I depends on who provides you with information

Here is a much simpler situation

Have you ever passed by a neighborhood,
lets say, ****** houses, ****** backyards, ****** décor
in a nice car, with your windows wide open
with you arm resting on one of them while modeling the latest
model of the "magical watch" you just bought

I cannot see you doing that.
As much as you did not do it on purpose
it happened

That is the society we live in, it is not our fault
we came into this world loving all colors
but somehow the majority opinion weighed more than
YOUR opinion.

You cannot blame yourself for thinking,
as long as they do not leave your mind
you see, there is a difference, with thinking and saying
there is a difference between lying and staying quiet.

you think, and stay quiet, with things like this.
there is a moment to speak up,
but to them, with insults, is not the time

So stay quiet and don't insult the guy,
for going to the store late at night to get medicine for a sick mother,

Do not insult the young girl,
for being tricked and tossed away by the real villan

And do not look at the complexity of success
and put him over everyone,
for showing materialism!
682 · May 2014
The voice May 2014
stated it
and declared
that you would
never give up on me
And I believe that you will
soon fulfill that promise to me
I have fought and a have fell in the
darkness of a hurting heart, I admit that
there were times, when I doubted your presence
I ask for the forgiveness that I really do not deserve
I ask for the redemption that I have not earned at all
I have tried to make amend for the things that I can not
control, and for the decisions that I once took out of impulse
I ask for a word that will give hope, and I try to see how this can
make you love me just a little more than how you loved me yesterday!
But the thing is, I can not do, something as crazy as that, for you
Have loved me the same in every day, the same as every day
You have given me the times and patience and the liberty
To fight for my life, I cant help but to drop some tears
at remembering all those times when I was hiding,
you came to me and took me out of a pattern
And changed me into a lady and a true
witness of your love. I was not  able
to see it before but now I have
my chance, I love you, like
I have never loved any-
one else, I love you
because you have
loved me first
and you have
been here
all this
678 · Jan 2013
From the mud to the sky
The voice Jan 2013
You were born in a crib made of gold
I was born in a crib made of wood
You played with nice barbie dolls
I played with the mud that the rain washed up
Yet this fight is nearly startin
I been working on this for some time. Its the beggining of a poem i wrote
678 · Sep 2014
Wake up!
The voice Sep 2014
I want to wake up with the smell of freedom
A smell so pure it is incomparable
Something so unique in essence
It makes the world tremble
I want to wake up with the sight of Justice
An image as incredible is the impossible
Something that makes the clouds roar
I want to wake up with the sound of forgiveness
A rhythm with a unique complexity
Something that will make the flowers dance
I want to wake up to a taste of sweetness
Especially in the cooked meal
where the main ingredient is love,
Something so amazing it can make
all the other flavor jealous
I want to wake up with a touch of reality
A sense that is inexplicable
Something that can make softness
feel to harsh for the day
I want to wake up knowing
That I have lived a life
Grateful because all these senses
I have by grace and by mercy!
My Hope Is Tomorrow ill never this...
Happy Early Birthday to Me....
676 · Jan 2016
Short fantasy
The voice Jan 2016
She did not know what was going on
She was confused about the path she would take
Did she have to make the decision alone?
She has heard that she didn't but where was that other decision-maker
She gave everything she had and expected nothing and gained nothing

She did not know what was going on
Was she really falling in love or just desperate
Had she really been so blind was she finally seeing clearly
Had she really just lowed herself for an illusion

She did not know what was going on
How could she not realize
the is so young, so ignorant to love
She had so much ahead of her
and many more problems

She did not know what was going on
Yet that was no excuse to put on the platter
Yet she had much better things to do
A guy was no match for the worries in her mind
She had a mother brothers fathers* and yet her mind,
was only on him

She did not know what was going on
yet she did
she knew why she cared so much
she knew why she was so attached to something so pathetic
It was not love, or desperation, or even lust
it was fear

She did not know what was going on
She was afraid that she would never really understand love
She was afraid that she would never be loved
she was afraid that she would end up alone
So she fell for the trick of love
She fell for a fantasy

She pretended she had to make a decision all by herself
when she always knew that God was the answer...
The story of a friend
662 · Nov 2012
One reason
The voice Nov 2012
I should stand up
For me
For the light
No reason to stay down
I could go and fight because
The reason is you are at the end of this road
Even though its as a friend
I know some day I will say
He is there for me and my love
For my love
624 · Mar 2013
Lessons: #1 and #2
The voice Mar 2013
I have learned so much in this lifetime
#1: Fairy tales are In movies
I used to think that someday when i was stuck at the top of a tower, my prince would come to my rescue and take me to a far away land hidden in the middle of woods far from civilization
BUt as i grew up I learned that only princesses had that dream come true, I was just part of the crowd in the village who watched how happily ever after the prince lived with her lover.
Then it happened that I lost the movie and it stopped being a fairy tale, suddenly i was living in the reality of a teenager... Who's Cinderella movie got lost i the boxes of a moving truck.
#2: Families are not what they seem
Just because one family member said they will never leave that doesn't mean they are being completely honest with you
He said that no matter the hard times, and no matter the mistakes that they would be together. Maybe it was another fairy tale, maybe it wasn't nothing at all. Because he promised to take care of his little girl, but he left a soon as mom said she wanted out! Poor little one, the first promise she ever heard was a lie!
That's not all the lessons
621 · Jan 2015
The voice Jan 2015
All laid down
Beside the light
Conquering the best
Dedicated only to the truth
Nothing else matters but the truth!
619 · Mar 2013
Break up, your charity work
The voice Mar 2013
At first when we began this fairy tale,
te sky was shining
the moon was bright
The darkness did not exist
It began so beautiful,
Maybe its just a word
but it means so much to me
It means that a million others
It meant happiness
Joy and peace
It love, love, love
It meant so much more than just 3 vowels
It the first line of our haiku
The firt word that began this whole.
Now that words dissapeered and is lost in the mist of the darkness

I was never anything more than US
because since the beggining you knew the end
I thought I could surprise with another end
But you never gave me that chance
You picked that scene,
At first i rejected it because i expected more form you, but now i know that it did not matter because all i had was nothing in the3 middle of nowhere with you
I doesnt matter how much i loved, love or will keep loving you
Because a relashioship is not up to me
It is up to both of us
I dont know why it happend
But i do know you never cared
Maybe is your act of charity, or just a game,
But my heart was not your toy or that one things you could play with
You just wanted me to break up becasue u didnt know how to get rid of me
And yet i still love you, because aas much as it hurts, it is more painful that i fell for it! Completely.
I love you, but if you dont love me back, there is nothing that i can do!
And my friend told me "it was not meant to be" (Sedrick)
616 · Dec 2012
I admit...
The voice Dec 2012
Sometimes i give up easily
And yes sometimes when I give up
I seem childish
But i give up because
something are too hard to handle
I seem childish because
I still have that inner childhood

I have matured and i have strength
But somethings just catch up to me
And it just make things harder

I have lost many battles
And when I loose I get upset
But as soon as i get it together
I stand up again and fight again
615 · Mar 2013
Her Story part 2
The voice Mar 2013
You still don't understand, Right?
It had to get to this point,
It had to come all the way to this,
Honestly I did not expect any more,
But here goes if you really had to know,
But just remember that the victim is her
and after this story you will hate the words you said
more than the acts she made.
Age 4:
They met in kinder garden,
They instantly became friends,
They became a bond so tight
not even a fire could have burned it.
Age 5:
They talked about the deepest secrets a five year old had,
"My mom has the power to break stones and walls"
"Really, my mom can run faster than any car"
Age 6:
Learned how to write
First their names, then each other's name
Than the word "Friendship"
A word written with a pencil on paper
And shown with trust and honesty
Age 7:
They made a promise
#1 written on paper
#2 sign the paper
#3 crumble it up
#4 throw it away and never see it again
Age 8,9,10
More secrets, it went from
I saw mommy and Daddy kiss yesterday,
I saw brother getting a girlfriend
My mom and dad fought again
my brother just got another ticket
Age 11: Promise broken,
The promise: Ill will never share our secrets,
Signed, One, signed, two
The paper, its probably in a land-field
The promise no longer exists, because of one extra word!
Some promises are hard to keep
613 · Dec 2012
The voice Dec 2012
I'm outside
my nose is colder than an ice cube
My feet are getting numb
But I'm still waiting.

When will you get here
hopefully soon
Because in getting a runny nose
my body is terembling
My bones can feel the cold

My fingers have that warmth feeling
I keep them inside my pockets
But as I take them out to call you
the wind tries to push them back
I'm guessing the winds wants me not to call you
the parts of my body that are warm has to be my heart.

Its the only thing not harmed by the wind
But when will you get here
Can you hurry up
My heart is becoming cold
I'm getting more cold every minute

When will you get here?
I'm guessing never!
612 · Apr 2015
Open your eyes
The voice Apr 2015
I know I will be okay
I know the hard times are lessons
And you are always there
I stand facing the storm
I stand knowing I do not fight alone

Someday, when I meet you
I will be able to thank-you for everything
For loving me when no one else did
You stood next to be when everyone stood against me

I had times when life took an unexpected turn
And even with the hard times,
I felt your presence holding me strong

I can feel the tears running down my cheeks
And your breeze taking them away

I know you will never leave, even if I deserve to be alone

Just like the sun shines,
That is how sure I am of your love

In the same way that you have always stood
I know you will always stand
And help me fight through

When I feel alone and helpless
And desperate for someone to listen
I know that you will never leave me
Because you love me that much

I know you are proud of me
I know you love me
I know you care about me
I know you will always fight for me

God, I love you back!
I wrote this because they would never understand, at this point no one will, except for God!
608 · Jul 2014
The voice Jul 2014
I don't understand our society nowadays
Sometimes including myself.
We have right of speech,
but sometimes we are too afraid to speak up
The government has said we are free to speak
about anything we want and we will no be punished
not in legal ways
And if there are millions talking about hate
about drugs, alcohol, smoking and other addictions
than why are we so afraid to speak up! \
about the truth
about life
about our salvation
about the only and absolute truth!!!
Because we are ashamed?
Because we care about the opinion of the world?
Because we are afraid of rejection?
Well Jesus was not ashamed of me
when we died on the cross
And Jesus spoke to the world about a new life
and he is sitting on a throne now
He was rejected by those he came to save
and still he lives in a kingdom now
As or those who crucified him
and rejected him
and the worlds that let him down
And the ones who shamed him
as well as the world today
that says their truths
and deny absolute truth
Hear this, you CAN be FORGIVEN....
Because that is who he died for
Sinners, like you and me,
and that is why he let a crown o jewels for a crown of thorns
Because of love.
I will no longer be afraid
I want to feel like the Lord as in
Hate the sin
but love the sinner
I shatter down the spirit
of divorce
and all the lies that lie among these
For the Lord is my savior!
605 · Jun 2013
How Ironic~
The voice Jun 2013
You try so hard to get away from a place
and when you can finally leave
you find a reson to stay!
602 · Feb 2017
The voice Feb 2017
Yes, I am afraid
Because it is dark
The darkness is scary
It is scary because anything could happen
Anything could happen because you can't see it coming
You don't see it coming because you trusted nothing would
It's dark,  no one and nothing is supposed to see you
You should be safe because nothing can find you
You thought so
Didn't you? *
You thought you would be safe
Didn't you?
You thought no one could harm you?
Didn't you?
You gave him your trust, and when it got dark,
You leaned on him
The only other person witch you
DID you NOT believe in him?
DID you NOT expect him to protect you?
DID you ask him to hurt you? *

WHy not?
Why not be afraid?
Why not be afraid of the dark?
Why not be afraid of the dark sometimes?
Why not be afraid of the dark sometimes when he's there?
Why not be afraid of the dark sometimes when he's there, and he's the only one?
Why not be afraid of the dark sometimes when he's there and he's the only one capable of saving you?
Why not be afraid of the dark sometimes when he's there and he's the only one capable of saving and hurting you, the most?
*Why not?
599 · Aug 2015
Loving hate
The voice Aug 2015
Somethings are hard to explain
The pain is to deep
The words are to confusing
They are to hard to say

It is hard to explain how you love
The deepness of how much it costs
The confusion of the best approach
Saying only what needs to be said

It is hard to tell the difference
Between someone you loved
And someone who loved you
Because you were close to both

It is hard to understand that they are right
And hard to tell them when they are not
It is hard to live and not be able to do something
And its hard when you get the courage to do so
These words may not make sense
But if you have ever felt like you wanted to hate someone but were never able too, then this is you thinking behind the scenes
597 · Apr 2013
some type of amor
The voice Apr 2013
I wonder what el amor is.
Maybe in English it has a different meaning
Maybe I have discovered the wrong sentimiento
And that is why I feel that way
Maybe I can’t describe because no es verdad
Or maybe I just not completely real

I wonder if there is someone out there who feels what I feel
But my definition of this sentimiento is not exactly like Cinderella’s
My definition is completely out of this world according to all the novelas I’ve watched.
I just figure out that
Love belongs in fairy tales that are capable of selling perfect ending to a corruptible public
It belong in the darkness of a lost soul in a turbulent desafio

Nowhere else, but reality, is love seen as it really is
El amor
It’s a powerful feeling and such a strong choice of words when they are said to the wrong people
Maybe in español it means
Only when you have dinero
And in English it means
Only when you have a good reputacion

Love can really set limits for something that can cross the barrier in a lover’s mouth
Isn’t that why he proposed marriage to her when she was perfecta looking to the eyes
But as soon as the storm came
And blew away her beauty like little crystals of sugar blowing in the air
He left

Maybe el amor is only said to the people you wished you loved
And not to those that in realidad importan
Maybe it was meant so that cats and dogs don’t fall in love
Or maybe Not, because
Romeo fell in love with Juliet then died
So if I fall in love with my enemy my destiny is death

Then why is love so poderoso
Why can it make one person run away from her family?
And the other commit suicide?
And why can it make one die floating away?
And the other living up to the sight of Titanic?
Why does it make a wish hecho por the heart be a completa fake?

I’ll tell you why!

Because nowadays
It is more importante to love a bag of drugs than a child
Es mas importante to love a dream than a family
I fell in love with reality that was my crime
Because I decided to follow my heart not my eyes
To follow my brain than to follow cigarettes or alchol

Now I am seen as a crazy bi…sitor from outer space
And a brain eating zombie
Not exactly what I thought love would be
Pero that es el love que me ha puesto esta society…
This is the some type of amor
I never thought existia
To a dear lover, who loved me when i was fake and hated me when i was real! I loved you when you were real why couldn't you do the same,
you were a to-be high school drop-out i was to be a high school graduate. We don't belong to same classes but i still let my heart follow you.
Who ever reads this, please don't let your eyes see in blindness,
No hay peor siego, sordo mudo
que el que no quiere ver, oir, hablar....
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