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593 · Nov 2012
The voice Nov 2012
Every day is something new
Everything turns up to be better
Yesterday something grew
Today it just bloomed

Every day i learn to love it even more
Everything is do is his better
Yesterday it was his first day
Today it is his first begging

Every day i try something new
Everything for the better
Yesterday i tried life
Today I will try living.
585 · Apr 2013
The voice Apr 2013
Sometimes it seems like a never
Its always the same fear and the same things
That torment us in the mid-night
Always the same sigh that wants to stop us
And we never know why ts us that it wants

Maybe I'm trying to forget that it exists when I'm surrounded by people who want to help me
but when i alone i bring it up myself
And i blame my self for a mistake i did not do
And i keep telling my self the same things
Putting it all on me

Maybe it begin to ******* my self
but i don know one thing:
That is that I made a mistake and i choose it that way
Now i have to pay for it!
With all responsibility i take my punishment

But not from a human, my punishment shall be from God
Because only he has the power to know exactly
what is, what has been, and what will be
Only he has that right
Not any one who calls themselves
Judge, or friend, or ex-bf
who calls him self
578 · Nov 2012
The voice Nov 2012
There is a limit to what I can do
There is a moment where I have to stop
There are barriers I can't cross
And there is a short time I can spend
On someone who is not worth the time.
572 · Feb 2013
The voice Feb 2013
Are you tired?
-of course I'm tired-
It was only 3 laps around
-I am not tired for that
Then what are you tired about
-This, the constant reminder-
Thats who you are
-No, thats who they want me to be-
I thought it was your Idol
-It was, before it took of his mask-
Who is he now?
-He is the logo covering up the reality of the actual motto-
-It is a lie, and this uniform is a bigger lie, the coverup of the truth-
Just that, a lie and what hides our true means
567 · May 2015
Spanish Melody
The voice May 2015
Las cosas cambian
La vida toma joros inesperdados,
Nosotros le segimos o nos quedamos
Pero pase lo que pase nunca dejes de luchar!!!
566 · Dec 2012
The voice Dec 2012
This year
my greatest accomplishment has been staying alive
My greatest regret has been wanting to give up
And something i will change is the way of looking at every day to come
551 · Aug 2014
no time for regrets
The voice Aug 2014
I have no time for regrets tonight
not that i want to go that far
But tonight
it is time for to let it go
i asked forgiveness
and now its time for me to forgive myself
we made mistakes!
we went far, but now ill let it behind me!
550 · Mar 2015
Let us run
The voice Mar 2015
who I
once was
I am free to
live this life for
you and you alone
I am here to stand up
and run here at your side
So let us run
Let us take that step and never
go back to this world I will leave
I will let go off the tears and the cries
So let us run
To a world of greatness where
you will stand at my side to
give me the love I have
longed since the day
you held my hand
I long to see the
great things
you will
do in
536 · May 2015
TobyMac: steal my show
The voice May 2015
My life
My plans
My heart
It's all Yours, God
Take it away
My dreams
My fears
My family
My career
Take it away
Take it away
It's all Yours, God
So take it away
Take it away
It's You I wanna live for
534 · May 2013
I expect a lot from life
The voice May 2013
When i was little I expected the trees to talk
Becasue i needed company
I expected the carpets to be magical
because i wanted to fly
I expected that the sun wouldn't burn
because i always got burned
I expected the sun to never leave
But i left
As a teen i expected people to be Honest
Because i didn't know who was real and who was not
I expected my dad to love me
But he never did
I expected my mo to carry me away
But she never did
I expected my older brothers to take care of me
On none did
I expected the darkness to leave
It never did
I hoped someday I could see the light again
I hoped that life would have been a better place
Then I realized that I only get better starting with you
Now i know, i wished i would have known before
That i dont belong in this world
I beling in the skies
With God!
And when I get there I will be completely free from this painful world that keeps me stuck to lies
pain and disspaointment...
524 · Nov 2014
Time, tears, sacrifice
The voice Nov 2014
It takes time to understand
It takes tears to live by
It takes sacrifice to know how to value
It takes time to understand
That what you are fighting is bigger
And greater than what you thought it was
It takes tears to live by
Because tears are the healing,
And that are meant to be proud of
Not hidden.
It takes sacrifice to know how to value
Because when you love something or someone
You have to give up a big part of you,
to your love.
I thought I knew what this was
Until I met you
Time changed completely
2 seconds felt like an eternity without you
And an eternity was just 2 seconds with you
Tears flowed filling up oceans
Just with the thought of not having you
And I never thought how much I had
Until I saw myself sacrificing
Everything for you
You mean more to me than anything has
You sacrificed everything for me
So I will do the same for you!
Oh Lord, you are my king
And I will always love you
502 · Jan 2018
She is clothed in majesty
The voice Jan 2018
She is clothed with majesty
She walks on water, she is gentle
She is sensitive and delicate to touch
She is a woman, what did you expect?
From a woman

When you saw her cry, it made sense,
Because she was sensitive
When she washed the dishes, you thought
“That’s her place!”
When she stood up and said something thoughtful
You cleaned your ears to make sure you heard right

She is a delicate woman, a sensitive one
Aren’t all women? Aren’t all human beings?
Is everyone just a little delicate and sensitive?
No! Men are strong and driven and ‘manly’.

So when a woman was strong and driven,
She was ‘manly’, wasn’t she?
When a woman chose school over getting married,
And having kids,
She wasn’t woman enough! Was she?

She hears the voices, she felt ashamed,
So she became the woman you said she should be
But when her little girl asked?
She did not know what to say!

You are clothed with majesty,
You walk on water, you are gentle
You are sensitive and delicate to touch
You are a woman.

And when her little girl asked about school,
She remembered, someone told her
“Your place is at home with the kids, waiting
Waiting for your husband, not at school”

You are a woman, embrace it
You are intelligent, so use that
You are a woman, you do whatever you want to do
Go to school, go to college, graduate, and be successful

He can wait, kids can wait,
Staying at home doesn’t have to be your only choice!
Thanks mom!
500 · Jan 2015
The voice Jan 2015
I have been meaning to write you a letter
but I cannot find the right words
I tried to begin with hello
But it simply felt to sudden
I tried dear, but dear who?

"Well, here goes,
Dear Mr. love of my life"

Yeah that was try number 100
and it gets worse after try number 1000

"estimated Mr. ..."
"Good day"
"I am" meee

How to I tell you what I feel
where do I start,
what words to use
to show the importance of my letter
What words to use
to show the love and need I have for you

"Dear you, " but then what next
"sincerely, me"?
I love you

Yes that is the beginning
"I love you"
I love you
"That phrase is a little overused,
simply because it is the easiest way to express
a feeling, a thought, a part of life"
Ok, there it is.
Once the first words are on the paper
the rest come as if following the leader..

"I bet it got your attention. I love you!
I love you"
But I love you is used tooo often

"I cannot let the words I Love You do the work alone
I love you with all my heart
all my soul
all my life!!!
All of my dreams are shared with you
All my fears are murdered by you
All of my future, has you in it"

Yup, there it goes. the words on the letter
the letter to my one love
my one love will forever be with me

"I know there are others, I know I am not the only one
but I prefer not to think about it,
I know you love me, I know I am yours"


"but only because you loved me first,
only because you saw me first
only because you held my hand
and led me through the darkness
and into the brightest light of your presence"

Oh how amazing your presence was

State the purpose:
"I write this letter to extend my admiration,
to thank-you for the times we have spend together,
to ask for your forgiveness when I wronged you,
to reach out to you as the only one,
the only one I could ever love and be loved my truly. "

State a reason, claim or preference:

" I want you too..." NO
"I need you too never let me go,
to fight by my side,
to never give you back to me,
to fight my pride, my anger, my hate,
to never make me forget who you are
to fight for us to be together always"

"I need you, I must have you,
I cannot see myself, living without you
I cannot imagine a life without you
I cannot find a path if you do not lead"

"I was lost, and now I am found."
"I was alone, and know I have you"
"I knew not love, and know I know you,
The way
The truth and
The life"

"I want nothing else but to be with you
I want nothing else but to love you
I want nothing else but I forever fight for you!"

"Lord, oh God, Savior, oh powerful lamb
take my hand, and take me
through the pain
through the tears,
through the rain
through the fears
I will walk beside you
all the way to heaven"

"I love you"

"These words are overused, that it why I say
I will love you, until the earth is no longer round
Until the sun looses its light,
until we are the only two in the entire universe
until the universe is gone
Until light no longer shines with you
until I die, live again, and die again!
I will love you, until the way I can no longer feel no more!
Until I am dry and no longer be able to be alive!!!
The way you have love me first!
497 · Feb 2015
The untold: A little boy
The voice Feb 2015
He walked up to his father
each step felt like a thousand miles he traveled
Each step got him closer to him
Each step was a victory against fear
against the doubts and question that would soon be answered
there he was. just one more step away

His father looked ahead at the distance
he was staring out in to the ocean
While a phone nearly touched his ears
The little boy felt his heart race faster than,
anything he had ever felt before
He was right there, right behind him

He was dropped of by a woman,
Was it his mother? it does not matter. not quite yet.
He wondered if his father was expecting him.
He wondered if his father wanted to see him.

He was standing there,
second after second felt like an eternity after another.
Each second that passed felt longer and longer every time.
He stretched out his hand.
He build up every bit of bravery he had and he did it.

He tapped his father to get his attention.
This moment in the little boy's mind played as if in slow motion.
He noticed the shiny black shoes on his fathers feet.
He noticed the dressing pants along with the matching suit.
And last, but simply not least,
He noticed the tie matching to the shirt.

His father slowly turned around.
He was looking out in the distance, thinking,
and calmly responding to the other line's question
He suddenly was distracted by his son.

He had a phone in hand, and he hung up,
He gave a small smile to the child
who wouldn't smile back unless he saw an Honest one.
His father smile yet once again,
then there it was forming on the boy's lips. a smile.
The little boy hugged him.

His father would never know how important
This moment would have been for the little boy
Because this was merely a dream still not come true,
of a little boy, a 21 year old,
in a cemetery staring down on the grave of his father.
Wishing his father would have hung up the phone
Instead of ignoring what could have been,
the beginning of a little boy's dream.  

Instead, the father
*Turned around abruptly, directed his finger
to tell the boy to wait a second,
and simply did not hang up the phone
He never hung up.
Story of many kids, It is not the talking on the phone, but the ignoring kids for answering the phone, or work, or duty, or whatever else there may be. When you decided to make the decision to have a mature relationship and know each other deeply, the most important thing in you life becomes your kids.
496 · May 2015
Never forgive you
The voice May 2015
I thought I would never be able
to forgive you
I thought I would be trapped here forever
When you left I felt lost
I was angry I was mad I was hurt
all I wanted was to make you feel the same

But now,
all has changed
words were said that hurt both of us
I asked for forgiveness
I asked for redemption
and I received much more

I received grace
I received love
I got everything I even needed
Things are now different
I can now smile without being forced

This time has served to teach a lesson
that God has it all in his hands
This time has been treasured
and now I know it is real

So now I can say
I Forgive You
496 · Mar 2013
a little spanish melody
The voice Mar 2013
Como te va
hace tiempo el tema de amor
Hace tiempo que pasamos juntos por la vereda de la realidad
488 · Jan 2013
New year 2013
The voice Jan 2013
My first one
This one is special
The beginning of a new journey
I thanks God for this chance
This big oportunity to make a difference
This year is supposed to be unlucky
The year 2013
But I won't believe that
The unlucky year is my blessed year
The earth has made it passed
And much more
I made it for fifteen years.
I thanks the lord and no one more for that
I thanks him for life
For joy
For all I have
Nothing more
For the life in joy
For the storm to not push me down
For the windbto blow with me and not against me
487 · Aug 2014
The voice Aug 2014
I tried to see clearly
Before I left
I thought I was alone and the only one
But I found my self in a new world
I found people who shared their story
with someone like me
Someone they had barely met
An entire week felt like years
in in just 6 days they won me over
They became my family
I wasn't afraid to cry in their arms
I wasn't afraid to go out in to their world
and find a new vision
And each of them shared a small piece
of them selves with me.
Each person stood by me
and did not judge every tear that fell down
There were moments when I thought Id be gone
and moments when I fought against it
But to be real,
they didn't care about anything I've done
just about being there by my side, with me
I guess each of them showed me a part of me I didn't know
They showed me how to fight
and not be afraid to speak up
I got there scared to stand up
scared to take a step
but I came back with a voice
With the Voice!
"The voice"
487 · Nov 2012
The voice Nov 2012
I thought dying
was feeling alive
Now i know that all I need to feel alive
Is being in your arms
481 · Jan 2014
Cant back down
The voice Jan 2014
It takes some time to take away
The blessing in my life today
It takes more that just a blow
You dont only need to throw
I doudt there's any one
That can be strong enough!
I doudt that some else could turn life up side down
I've too far, i have become strong
And i wont let this push me down
It took long enough for this stength to bloom!]
And I am going to fall
And even if you tried and if actually fall
I get up again cuz i have a friend
That can lift me up again!!!
His name is Jesus
His is glorified
Through his victories
He is the one
Who will never let me loose hope
Because he died for me and he lived for me
And he was born again so that i could too
There no one in the world that I could love more
than him,
Jesus Christ
The one and only king
481 · Mar 2013
Ode to the HEART
The voice Mar 2013
Sometimes i wonder if you are slefish
others i am a slave of your will
Sometimes i wonder if you even tried
As i realize that all you wanted was for you
You answer my questions and you try to make me confort
BUt as you try to make me better
You keep puching me down to the gutter
Maybe im not ready to go down with you
Maybe its not you,
maybe its me who sees the things this way,
But as we keep strugling i realize
You are weak
and there is no one more important for you than you
Even though you think its him\
Not finished yet, wait for the epilogue
477 · Feb 2013
Us forever
The voice Feb 2013
I see the words "I love you"
Wondering what they mean
1: I
4: Love
3: You
One meaning
Four letters
3 reasons
Meaning: You
Letters: Love
1: You
2: Me
3: Us
Love = you+me+forever
That's something
No storm
Can destroy
No wind
Can blow
No tornado
Can damage
No distance
Can separate
Can end it
As long as you exist my heart
Will beat
At the speed of light
At the radiance of the sun
At the magnitude of life
At the means of US....
475 · Sep 2013
A voice
The voice Sep 2013
Sitting down looking at the screen.
What is there to see, what is there to find
Just words written coming out of nowhere
a feeling of desperation
A breathe taken away
A sign telling that it can change it all
A lift of voice
simple rising from the ashes
that is who Ill be someday
A voice coming form nowhere and everywhere
A voice of freedom and true liberty
A voice of triumph because i chose to believe
in ONE REAL GOD and not the one that society has made.
The voice Jun 2013
I didn't understand how someone who is alone can feel in company
I didn't understand how someone who was mute could talk
I didn't understand how the blind could see!
Now I do...
Because his words says "As anything and in my name it will be done"
In the name of Jesus Christ I am not alone because he make me company, because he is here at my side and he will never let me go from his arms!
You don't see anyone by my side because you see with blind eyes!
I see him, because I see with eyes of faith!
470 · Sep 2014
The story of a friend!
The voice Sep 2014
She stuttered
But it was only for a moment
when she started telling her story
She was very afraid
but she wasn't always like that!
When i met her
she was confident
like no ther person could ever be
She told strong and unbreakable
She was someone who wasn't afraid
of saying what she taught
sure she didn't like to get rejected
but she always sai
Better to have tried and failed
than never to have tried at all
She is in inspiration even before
she told her story
and that moment was only 5 minutes of
who she was
She forgot to mention details
she didn't say any names
no relationships
who they were now.
Who would have imagined?
She saw so many things
a girl like her shouldn't see
But you would never know
on the contrary
you would think she was that way
for completely different reasons
She walked through the hallways
and even though she might feel afraid
she didn't care
she had mistakes
but she never let them control her
She told her story,
i heard it
She was afraid
and for the first time i noticed it
But i cant tell u her story
Because its her story,
She'll say when shes ready.
But you have to know how to listen,
cuz she's next to you
but even for you
it may be hard to listen
Eyes can be deceiving!
467 · Nov 2014
Light Bright Love
The voice Nov 2014
The light shines*
Bright is the way
Love is the light
that makes the way bright
love hurts and lies
But oh dear love,
Stay by me because without you,
465 · Mar 2018
How dare me
The voice Mar 2018
The ground beneath me trembled,
The lights were dimming,
A dark hole below my desk
And only my desk
I had become a target
I should have never volunteered

I should have never volunteered to read in a language that was not mine
I needed the grade
How dare I have an accent
How dare my eight year old self, not know better
How dare me.
464 · Nov 2012
The voice Nov 2012
Some people are born to be loved
Some people are born to love
Some people are meant to love life
I was born for all these.
I did not know this until i met some friends.

I am young next to them.
They are mature and self aware
They give me the security i need to feel loved
I loved them, because they have given me something far,
from what is and what could be

They have taught me that i can do many things
They have helped me be a better person
I have learned to be strong
I have seen what life is thanks to them

I owe them my smiles of every morning
Those are true friends and a true inspiration
for everything
459 · Dec 2012
Diamanté of success
The voice Dec 2012
Be and
Do all that
My heart can
Desire simply by
Being positive of the
Idea that I can shine even
If the lights are not over to me
No one can tell me that I am not
Worthy or that I can not make it as
Far as I can because I know my place and
My place is where the success lays and only
If success lays at the top of the mountain
I will climb that mountain even if it
Takes me an eternity to get there
I am the only one who can
Stop me from getting
To where I belong
And I belong
At the very
Top of
454 · Feb 2013
The voice Feb 2013
I'm tired of this fight
All the scars
All the bruises
All the pain
"For what?"
I ask
"there is nothing there for me"
There is
There might
There could
"what purpose do I have"
I'll tell you
"what do you know"
I know enough
"prove it"
I will
"what purpose do I have"
To live
This life
Before you
Living through
446 · Apr 2013
1 2 3 4....
The voice Apr 2013
I wasn't born yet
I was a baby
I was a girl
I am a teen....
How could i define anything from anything at all
So tiny in time so far awa from what could be
New to the world i didn't even know existed.
Now i know the world
Know all i want to to be fed and picked up
Have someone to smile at me so i can smile back
Innocent, still, what age?
Just the age, something i couldnt explain
I ran back and fourth then i bumped into my destiny
Something , Who am I?
I should know by now, should have known since number three
I am a human
Worth of respect, love, peace, share,
PAtience, and all of the rest things any other human deserves
I am not only a teen, i have my rigths to live without feeling scared
wether i would wake up or not the next day!
444 · Nov 2012
The voice Nov 2012
No man is worth me.
If he does not see me
If he does not know
or cant tell my love
He doesn't deserve me and now
I will forget that love.
Because I am Still young and
I still have a lot to do
before I die
So good Luck trying to find
Someone who loves you more than me!
443 · Nov 2012
The voice Nov 2012
Just woke up to the thought of love
Do I love the one
Who ignores me
Who knowsy love yet,
Turns around so he can't se me
The one who is waiting for an opportunity
The one who gets better everyday
The one whom I have to fake with

But in that love I love him
But then again
What is that word?
What does it mean?
Am I too young for it

Or do I love the one who
Laughs with not at me
the one who walks withe after school
The one who I know takes care of me
The one who seeks opportunities and doesn't just wait for one to come.
The one who make my heart beat fast with the thought

What is love?
Who is my love
How can I know difference?
Should I know the difference?
443 · Nov 2018
Tell her
The voice Nov 2018
How do you tell a friend that she has made a mistake

You can go back to THAT Ariel with time...
If that is really what you want

Sometimes people make mistakes on purpose
soemtimes we do things that helps us become the people,
we want to become.
Sometimes, we stand on the line and cross it anyway,
because it is easy and it feels okay...

But then, what lines are we not willing to cross.

You can go back to that Ariel with time...
If that is really what you want

As we look at your picture, from your past
I can feel the need and desperation you have to be that person
I sense the nerves and the regret you have because you are no longer that Ariel,

But... Is that what you really want
You swam, despite the wished of your father,
you swam and rescued the prince and fell in love

You kissed the prince, knowing your father would disprove,

you could be the Ariel that your father made you to be,
You could be go back to that Ariel,
but do you want to.

That Ariel, felt things different than you do now
That Ariel, knew nothing of this new experience
I hope you discover which Ariel you love more,

If you really wanted to, you could, with time,
Have the love and the warmth of that Ariel.
For now, you have to reflect and think,
which Ariel Makes you Happiest!

The one in the picture,
or the one confused about love.
Disclaimer: : Life happens
The voice Jun 2013
I know that these times are tough
and I know it seems like it is ever soon enough

I understand thats it's hard to hear
And i see the times that are getting kinda near

I know life is misery
when you don't seem to know
What awaits you behind all this messy overflow

I know exactly how you feel
Because I've also given a turn in this fairest wheel

Times gets hard
And it just keeps going round
I see how tough it is to discard
the memories when all they do is pound
Again and again till there is no where else to go around

But just just know
That every time you look up to the sky
There is always hope when you decide to fly
People here and people there
will always try to push you off your chair
But never forget that when the storm comes
Its just to clean up for a new and better day
There is nothing there that should flip you around

Now the world is your stage
Take this chance and turn the page!
438 · Nov 2012
Free Verse: I think of you
The voice Nov 2012
No reason
No way to explain
Simply words
said by one in all
I am here
Writing for you
This poem
In free verse form

Thinking of what could be
Knowing no other way
Just sitting here writhing this free verse for you
just because it came to me
No reason
No rhythm
No rhyme
There is not Similes
No metaphors
Just a poem I wrote for you

To tell you I think about you.
438 · Apr 2014
The counting of a lifetime
The voice Apr 2014
She walked home after a long day
Her day had been a battle field
It was only one block
from the place her bus dropped her of
To the place she called home
It had been a day where everything
seemed impossible
It had been a day where life
seemed unconquerable
She walked down the sidewalk with some doubts
Every step counted the words
the mistakes
the times she almost gave up
Every breath told a new story
of the times she made a fool of herself
Of the times she was made fun of
Every blink of an eye could count the times
she had been betrayed
Or when she was left alone
Or when she got hurt
But after every step
After every breath
After every blink of an eye
She smiled?
Was she THAT crazy
and coming to realize,
she wasn't counting the steps as words
She wasn't counting the breaths as stories
She wasn't counting the blinks as the times bad things would happen
She counted differently
In a way that she herself, didn't understand.
Each step marked each time she pushed him away
and he kept coming back
Every breath counted the times she almost stopped breathing
and how she resurrected
and every blink of an eye counted the times he was there
When she thought she was alone
She could have counted the nearby trip as the time
when she was about to make the worst mistake of her life
But she counted it as that day she got saved
And how she was washed In his blood
How she was baptized in the name of Jesus
She was saved from the words
from the stories
and from THOSE times.
She was his words
His stories
and HIS times...
She had him
The one who loved her, you, and me like no one else ever will!  
And all it took was 5 minutes from the bus stop,
to her home.
That was the counting of a life time
That was all she needed to remember him
That was all she needed to count HER life time
437 · Jul 2013
All in God
The voice Jul 2013
He hurt me, he back stabbed me
He took my innocence from me
He broke me apart
How could i get back up again in this pain!!!!
But there was one in the shadows
Who lid up the darkness just for me
Took my hand and spoke in to my ear
He took me in when no one else would.
he gave me hope,he showed me a solution...
He helped me live
Now i forgave and now I love him....
The one who took my childhood away is in my heart
I pray that he will repent...
Like I did!!!
God can do anything!!!
434 · Apr 2014
I like those colors
The voice Apr 2014
black and white,
it turns out I like those colors
they remind me
of the darkness that
comes before the light !
432 · Dec 2012
I'm not alone
The voice Dec 2012
I don't care if the rain
never stops
I don't care if the storm
Gets harder
I don't care if it's dark
for ever
I don't care if the world
Is against me

All i care about is that i am standing up
You can bruise up my face
You can cut of my arms
You can take away my house,
My car
My money
You can leave me blind
Or leave me Mute

But you will never take away my faith
Is that all you got
I can take more
I can handle with more stuff
Because I have my god

Try to trip me again
Ill be ready
Let it come
Throw me the best you've got
I am here and by my side
Is my God,
So keep throwing more and More...
432 · May 2014
A friend
The voice May 2014
I tried to find the right words
and the right timing to say them
But coming up with the right advice
Is not as easy as a book can say
I don't want to tell her that she is bad
Or that she is wrong
because I don't want to loose a friend
but if I don't tell her so,
she will continue to hurt herself more
Therefore, since I do not know what to say
Lets leave the words to you
Besides you know her better than anyone
even better that she thinks she knows herself
Ill simply let you take the lead
And let you tell her
about your love and grace
about your mercy and power
About what you did for her.
And how you died for her.
Just please, let her know
and remind me to remind her
that I will always be here
but that you HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THERE....
Meant to a friend... but might just work on anyone
432 · Nov 2012
The voice Nov 2012
There are things I have done
There are things I have provoked
There are things I have said
There are things I have thought

Things I have done

I have been selfish
I have been mad
I have done mistakes
I have done new things

I have done bad
I have done good
I have been wrong
I have been right

Things I have said

I have said lies
I have said truth
I have said hope
I have said no

I have said hello
I have said goodbie
I have said litsen
I have said do not listen

I have said life
I have said death
I have spoken
I have said what I had to say
430 · Dec 2012
The voice Dec 2012
One day
As I sat i got the crazy idea
One day
As i saw the sunset i realized
One day
As I began to speak i thought

Life is an easy road.
We are born
We Live
And then We die

Thats life, but i dont want to live that Life

I want to live in Life
Be born
Make A difference
Change the world
Chase my dreams
Have A blast
Then Die

One lifetime is a long time
And even for one year or one second
I want to make this life time last
I wont ive life
Im going to live Living In Live
422 · Apr 2013
The voice Apr 2013
Such a powerful thing that can control the mind of so many,
Who to vote for, who to see, who to be, who to follow
Just all about what they might
Will they like my shirt,
will they think I'm dum
Will they see me different from now on
How to impress them
It used to be about who i wanted to be
And now it is about who they think will fit me best
I used to believe in the fairy tales my mother told me at night
Cinderrella, The beauty and the best, sleeping beauty and snow white
To wake up with the kiss of true love
to the sight of those blue eyes
that could bring light in the darkness
Now I see that its not about the prince, its about do we look nice together
Does him look attractive for me
Is he rich
Does he have a nioce car
What does he work at
Did he go to colldge
Why dont you just get to know him
I used to think
Now its all about they know him, so i must know him without talking to him
Getting married when we havent even said a word
just becasue they thought it was meant to be

I decided to vote
But i cant becasue im only 15
That skirt is too low,
421 · Jun 2013
Fear? NO
The voice Jun 2013
Psalms 27:1 - The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
I was afraid of the dark
Because i used to think that it could attack me
I was afraid of heights
For fear in falling
I was afraid of the stage
For fear that they would laugh at me
I was afraid of speaking out
because I believed they would judge me
I was afraid of feelings
Because no one ever told me that they meant something
I was afraid of life
Because no one ever showed me its importance

But there was a moment between the night and day
A moment where the world simply put me aside
One moment when i lost all hope
That moment he came upon me
And he gave me a new opportunity to try even harder
I used to think that my life did not matter
Until I learned that he paid my life's price with his
Dying for me so that i could have salvation
SO that i could be free.
Now i treasure my life and I don't fear anything
Because it is not biblical to be
He gave us a spirit of courage!
He loved us so much he took our fears and our sins and our mistakes and died for them
So that on judgement day that wont be counted against us!
The *darkness
is my stage now!
In the heights its where I speak out!
I live my Life, feeling his love

Sometimes we loose our hope because the world hides it form us
But those times makes us stronger and the bad moments
Are making us for the greater things awaiting us!
*Psalms 27:1 - The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?*
420 · May 2013
At the price
The voice May 2013
Sudden give away,
My heart at the price of a smile
My smile at the price of a joke
My jokes at the price of a companion
My company at the price of time
My time at the price of joy
My joy at the price of love
My love at the price of a heart
420 · Dec 2012
One day
The voice Dec 2012
One day, you wake up just another day
Going to school,
Studying and learning
Christmas is almost here you know
And a man, a crazy man who apparently did not have any proper teachings, who was crazy enough to pull out a gun and point twenty children until they were dead
What kind of man was that
What kind of creature
Because that was not a man
A man has a heart and feelings
That was not a man
That was monster who destroyed an opportunity to 20 kids 20 hopes 20 miracles
20 new lives...
God, take them with you
Make them your young angels
And show them a better life
In your city of peace and joy
The were ripped away but we know they are with you, they have you...
417 · Feb 2015
The voice Feb 2015
You gave me a reason to live
You gave me a reason to laugh
And when I could not see
You were my eyes in the darkness
412 · May 2014
how? I know!
The voice May 2014
How do I tell you that I love you
How do I look up and know you are there
How did I do it before
I know
Ill keep looking up and knowing
that I love you
and that you love me
Even if the skies look empty
as if you weren't even there
and when they are full of clouds
as if my day has just been ruined
Ill look up and know that you are looking back down
and this young girl
who is still fighting
to feel your love!!!
410 · Sep 2014
run to me
The voice Sep 2014
What can I say in this moment?
Its really not like there are any words
That could make a difference now!
It not like there is anything I can do
To change the facts
The only one who can do something
so why don't you?
Why do you stand there
waiting for me
You know I am chained
you know that I m being held back
and you it clearly
Why are you letting someone else
look for the keys
why aren't you the one doing it
You know where they are
you know I belong to you
you made me
but he's the one that's looking
he's the one running,
and you?
why are you just standing there
I cant run to you
life I used to when I was learning how to walk
I can't defy the laws of a mother
like I used to when you both were together
and I admit I like him
I love him
he earned ever second
every smile
every inch of depth of my love
but I haven't given him all of it
because im saving a small piece for you
Please don't make me regret the time
I lost with him
trying to look for you!
He's here,
he has always been!
Where are you?
Where have you been?
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