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Oct 2019 · 732
Rory Mels Tims Oct 2019
Create to start day
Relax by midday
Learn by late day
Contemplate to end day
Read when it's not day
Dream it all away
Six steps to happiness!
Aug 2019 · 458
Eyes on the Sky
Rory Mels Tims Aug 2019
I once knew a girl
who looked up at the sky
I asked everyone
but no one knew why

So I asked her "Why
is your gaze in the air?"
She paused for a moment,
then answered with care.

"I feel the answer's
up there in the stars.
Beyond busy streets
clogged up with cars."

"Not astrology or myths.
But our identity.
She left to gaze more,
Her eyes bright and free.
First version: I once knew a girl/Who always looked up in the sky/I talked to everyone/But no one knew why/So I asked her "Why/Is your gaze in the Air?"/"I feel the answer/Is hidden up there./I don't mean astrology,/Or fate as myths define it./I mean the exploration/Of the stars and planets."/She sent me a letter/Many years later./A few simple words/On a slip of paper./"I found my answer."
Jul 2019 · 2.7k
Opposite-of-Ode to an Eraser
Rory Mels Tims Jul 2019
O eraser, o eraser,
You were supposed to make it white
Instead you made it gray
O eraser, o eraser,
You smudge my work all day!
O eraser, o eraser,
I'm throwing you away!
You're hard and black with pencil dust--
O eraser! O eraser!
I was just bored in class one day and frustrated by how many erasers are
Jul 2019 · 4.0k
Rory Mels Tims Jul 2019
This is my mono-monologue.

I stand alone befoe the world,
My lonely clean white flag unfurled,
Wondering when the winter sky
Will melt my wings and let my fly.

Perched upon a mountaintop
With not a soul in sight
"When will my isolation stop?"
I cry with all my might.

This is my mono-monologue.

The wind whispers
What I hoped I'd never know:
"You are so far away from them
Because you are below.

"But maybe you are
The one who lives above.
Maybe that is why
You never could be loved."

This is my mono-monologue.

I've lived a shunned life
(It can be hard to see)
Although I haven't felt much strife,
My freedom's far from free.

I do not truly know
What you mean by 'best friend'.
I'm fated to live alone
Until the very end.

This is my mono-monologue.
Mono-monologue: A monologue on loneliness.
Jun 2019 · 205
What do we learn in school?
Rory Mels Tims Jun 2019
What do we learn in school?

How to
Shut up,
Listen up,
Keep our heads down,
Keep our feet on the ground.

How to make stuff up
How to hurry up
How to not be loud
How to walk with the crowd

We learn a lot in school.
Apr 2019 · 2.8k
This Eraser Sucks
Rory Mels Tims Apr 2019
O eraser! O eraser!
You were supposed to make it white
Instead you made it gray
O eraser! O eraser!
You smudge my work all day
O eraser! O eraser!
I'm throwing you away
O eraser! O eraser!
You're hard and black from pencil dust
You're sticky gray from acrylic crust
O eraser! O eraser!
It's like the opposite of an ode.
Apr 2019 · 2.8k
Rory Mels Tims Apr 2019
This is a revolution,
For we are only human!
We must rebel,
For can't you tell,
This is a revolution?

To be free
We must be

We will fight day or night,
We will march for the right,
String me up on a cross,
No spirit is lost!

If I am gone
Then we are wronged
My spirit will live--on!

We will not rest 'till all is past
We'll fight until the very last
This is our creation--
For this is a revolution!

And maybe this will never end,
And I will never be your friend,
But we must try!

This is a revolution!
Written as a letter-poem-song.
Mar 2019 · 499
Back of My Notebook
Rory Mels Tims Mar 2019
I will speak for you
If you ask me to.
If we try,
There's no dark inside.

But to gain the view
That you want, anew,
You must lay
All your fears aside.

All the worlds you're through,
All the lies so true,
All that's left
Is the great divide.
Where do you think I found this? Yup--on the back of my notebook.
Feb 2019 · 419
Rory Mels Tims Feb 2019
Do you ever lie in darkness,
Wondering if you will be
The star of some great epoch
In books of history?

Do you ever fear you'll fail,
And let everyone down
That expected you to be someone,
Instead of to be drowned?

There are so many expectations
For you to change the world
To deny is to refuse
Your duty.
Feb 2019 · 736
Rory Mels Tims Feb 2019
Lewis Carroll,
The numbers were driving him insane.

George Orwell,
His family didn't know yet.

Mark Twain,
A childhood on the rivers.

A pseudonym is a weapon like no other.
Jan 2019 · 232
Rory Mels Tims Jan 2019
Beyond definition and standardization,
Beyond understanding and categorization,
Beyond bold ambition and extreme perfectionism,
Beyond cheerful optimism and renewed existentialism.

Beyond love and understanding,
Beyond fear and high-goal setting,
Beyond hope and conformed learning,
Beyond joy and great triumphing.

Beyond arrogance,
Beyond rebirth,
Beyond growing,
Beyond changing.

Don't you want to move beyond?
Don't you want to be better?
Don't you want to be free?

You can't be.
Jan 2019 · 379
This Thing
Rory Mels Tims Jan 2019
It's like a roller coaster
This thing called life
It's raining outside from the dark yawning sky
The yellow streetlamps are all that makes the drops visible
So it looks like the lamps are raining

My heel bone can be felt through
My skin
People shudder at my face but
Sadness isn't a sin
It's more of a thought experiment
A chance to learn

When everything is hinged
and Yellow - Black tinged
You realize you have changed so
And what you thought you would never be
You have suddenly become
Too many cliched words rhyme with 'see'

Like be

No white
Is as white
As a memory of whiteness
And so the search for
The deep darkness of a dream
Is a fool's chore
I think someone once said
Every choice is an open door
What? Where did this come from? I just found this in my email archive.
Jan 2019 · 724
Rory Mels Tims Jan 2019
I am sick and tired of everything.
Leave me alone.
Just give me pens
And markers
A laptop
A notebook

Stop bothering me.

I know, it doesn't work that way.
Please, free me.
I don't want to
Achieve all--
Reach heaven--
Feel happy--

I just want to breathe.
Jan 2019 · 469
Rory Mels Tims Jan 2019
You want something of me,
That much I can see.
But what could it be?
Take me down and set me free!
Jan 2019 · 158
Rory Mels Tims Jan 2019
It's amazing just how many
Opportunities there are
To change the world there is no need
To wish upon a star

There are so many options
So why are you so scared?
You know you can do anything
If you try hard.
Jan 2019 · 2.5k
Rory Mels Tims Jan 2019
I want to be a scientist.

"I am a scientist."
They laugh.
You're just a child!
They tease.
You're not a scientist!

I'm still a scientist.
Like math,
Science is wild.
It frees
So I'm a scientist.

Science is not cold.
Science holds wonders untold.

Scientists are not adults--
Are not doctors,
Scientists are thinkers--

So I am a scientist,
No matter what they say.
I'm a scientist,
And I know the way.

Everyone here is a scientist.
Jan 2019 · 162
Rory Mels Tims Jan 2019
Don't give up,
Don't lose hope,
There's light out there
That you can't see.

Don't let up,
Don't fade out,
Just keep trying
For the sky.
Jan 2019 · 150
Rory Mels Tims Jan 2019
If you could say one word,
For the rest of your days,
What would you say?

Is there a single word out there
To express your rage--
Or do you need a whole page?

Would it be angry,
Or an emotion at all?
A thought, a hope, a fall?

Would it contain a whole life time,
A whole day, a whole way?
What would you say?
Dec 2018 · 203
Rory Mels Tims Dec 2018
I've never been here before.
But I feel at home,
And nothing connects.
I want to know more.
My thoughts roam,
As my mind forgets.

This place is new
So is this view
And the people that I now love
Do not exist--

I've never been here.
But I belong here.

Am I another me?
I can Dream,

Things seem
Surreal, and Unreal, never Real--
The can't be real
Foggy and Warped, Disproportionate and Unfocused.

I wish I could stay in this dream.
A story, but even more alive.
A journey, of amusement and adventure.
I <i>know</i> it's a dream,
But I can't seem
To care.
I just want my mind to take me

Let me dream
The world away.
Dec 2018 · 225
Rory Mels Tims Dec 2018
Yes, we are humans,
Come out of the sky.
Come to bring life,
To live, and then die.

Come to bring ruin,
And come to rule.
We will be kindest
Masters most cruel.

Come to destroy,
Teach, and placate.
And those below humans
Come on a plate.
Dec 2018 · 244
Rory Mels Tims Dec 2018
So many mes
On journeys
With hidden keys
And histories
Trapped in mysteries


Let me tell my
Dec 2018 · 180
Rory Mels Tims Dec 2018
Come and strike,
Through the night,
Like a light.

New ideas,
Knock my door,
Walk my floor,
Give me more.

Burning thoughts,
You are mine,
Next in line,
Born to shine.
Dec 2018 · 335
Rory Mels Tims Dec 2018
In darkness, I confronted
My birth of endless woes
The king that I imagine
Telling me he knows

Telling me he knows
My quiet isolation
Telling me he makes
My bold determination

Telling me he is
The king of introspection
The king of me and all there is
And of my every action

Telling me he rules
My fate, talent and action,
He makes me rise above the fools,
Who are in my reflection.

In darkness, I confronted
My king of endless woes
I do not meet his standards
And so my value grows.
Dec 2018 · 164
Time Left
Rory Mels Tims Dec 2018
There's still time left!
You haven't breathed your last breath,
You still have time,
You still have years.

There's still time left!
To get your mind in higher gears,
To grow closer to your dears,

There's still time left!
It's still okay,
You'll live today,

There's still time left!
Dec 2018 · 305
Rory Mels Tims Dec 2018
Lewis Carroll,
The numbers were driving him insane.

George Orwell,
His family didn't know yet.

Mark Twain,
His childhood on the rivers.

Even Lord Voldemort,
With a past to disguise.

A pseudonym is a weapon like no other.
Dec 2018 · 159
Rory Mels Tims Dec 2018
Primary: Red, Yellow, and Blue
Primary: Red, Green, and Blue
Primary: Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow

But Never
Primary: Black and White

Teach me
To see color wheels in rainbows.

Not everything is #000000 and #FFFFFF.
Dec 2018 · 144
Rory Mels Tims Dec 2018
So when you look in the mirror,
And you don't see Everest in your face,
You know it's because
Listen to
The world and let others set your pace,
When it should be you and not them,
Sending you to space.
Dec 2018 · 268
Welcome to the World
Rory Mels Tims Dec 2018
Welcome to the world,
You'll be here a while.
All we have is good and evil,
Villain and hero,
Goal and flaw.

Welcome to the world,
You'll be here forever.
Most are okay with things this way,
But I say,
Never okay!

There is a black cloud on the edge of the sky.
Storms often mean a war,
But they just explain why.
Wind blowing
Raindrops in the air...

It's coming.

I can't stay
In this black or white zone.
I can't breathe
When immersed in a will not my own.
You can come or not,

But I'm leaving.
Dec 2018 · 201
Rory Mels Tims Dec 2018
They say that falling is terrifying,
So I climbed a cliff, and I'm plummeting.
The air is fast and sweet
When there is nothing under my feet,
I am free.

Humans weren't made to be birds,
We were made to exchange words.
But whoever told me not to fall
Must not be human at all! Their words?

It never occurred my existence
Was such a bizarre pointless dance.
But now the momentum propels me
To finally see
I should fall!

Hey, come up here and dance!
There's plenty of room to prance!
And while the ground seems to rise,
For once the hair will be out of your eyes,
Come on up!
Dec 2018 · 285
Rory Mels Tims Dec 2018
Lying on a bridge are we,
No matter who or where we be.
Where life and death cross paths, you see--
Never quite gone, never quite free.

— The End —