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1.9k · Jul 2018
Mine heart
Mona Jul 2018
This heart of mine was once dark as the clouds get.
this poor heart of mine was so rich with emptiness.
But the LORD dispensed all his love into thine Heart.
Once more I was rich, rich with a passion that sores the skies with Praise

Though I may hide in all the shadows of confinement, your hand calls me to Peace. A Peace that could never be replicated by mere man. A Peace that fill me with permanent Joy.

This heart of mine, now looks and pursues the Grace that you bore in Your stripes and thorns.
This heart of mine searches for a wave of Love that goes beyond the depths of the sea
This heart of mine now,no longer hides but it seeks to be seen, so that they may know that you Oh Lord exist.

This heart of mine is grateful that you pursued it and
was constant as the northern star.
You are not Forsaken, dear LORD
Thine be the Glory.
A detailed outline of my experience with God
1.8k · Aug 2016
Faulty fears
Mona Aug 2016
Close your eyes child , the darkness is unbearable
Goodness lies not in your success
Bear in mind the faults and virtues you hold.
Hold them close to thy heart for they are the only right you have when in darkness.
Your life is too slow to speed it up lest you be pitiful.

Lie not in the cherry blossoms
they'll itch your skin , bleed not the blood of anguish  but bear fruitful fruits ,
For they'll keep thine  own heart content
Hence close your eyes again ,just to open them to the light I lay in front you .........
Wrote this a year ago in hopes of overcoming fear of movement of any kind and adapting with my own flaws ,faults and virtues.
I'm taking it easy

Been lacking inspiration , will be taking a break hope to comeback and write better poetry
965 · Jun 2016
Mona Jun 2016
Firstly Hand me over to the pouring rain
Let me be soaked in that flooring pain
Be sure to let me me enjoy my goring gain

For I surely believe not in my plastic fame,but
Let me enjoy this acidic game I designed , Cos
I   know not  the rules of this drastic shame

Lastly Let me enjoy my intoxicating
Oxytocin that preserves my metamorphosis
To an ignominious state that will prevail
Through my youthful altercations.
This specific piece describes my views on the uncompromising ways of a teen or anyone who's youthful at heart .
Hopefully you may. Understand
907 · Jun 2016
Angel Part ll
Mona Jun 2016
You tried to figure out why the ying yang had two sides but you never got an answer because no one understood your question.

So you stared out of the window pane 'until the window pane understood your pain ,why dear .....angel asked the mirror

So you stayed in silence until you got used to it , you were drowning but you still remained thirsty maybe it was because you were already resentful with the sea so it never understood you.

You aplogised to your frail heart for making it cry that it drowned the river nile in that process the tides of the river where too much to handle.

So your soul never felt full because all you did was  feed the body not Soul why angel ......asked the mirrors

You have seen but not saw , you asked yourself and the man in the clouds why you haven't seen anything yet .

Love spit you out like a stone ,you cried no one heard you, your silence was so loud that we heard it echo in our ears.

They labelled you the bad one but the mirror never knew you were the one in pain because it reflected your mind not your heart.

But you where too fragile to even look ,so today the man in the cloud told me to tell you Dear ....angel you'll never die of a broken heart because your tears have reached his doorstep.
A narrative poem about being broken ,rejected and finding peace through God.
The broken character being someone I know (close) and me being the reflective glasses or mirrors.
Hopefully you enjoy
820 · May 2016
Half finished 1
Mona May 2016
Am unsure about the interactions I make with people
Do they hold friendship or carry enemies ?

Am unsure about the way the wind roars
Does it carry rain or hold tsunamis
Am unsure about the changes of the colors Inthe Sky change
Do they only mean dask and dawn ?
Am unsure about  technology
Does it really benefit man or it's a complete waste?

Am unsure about the way  am trying to relay this poem on a piece of technology
Will anyone want to grab the baton ?
And if I do run will I be able to finish or just wasting my time ?
Poorly typed in/arranged letters from me to whoever
801 · Jan 2017
Mona Jan 2017
The beginning of something new always
starts with the ending of something rather old and familiar.
hello, living beings
have been building and tearing a lot of things lately
the message is late but hope everyone has that opportunity to tear and build up themselves and everything that requires dedication, talent, hope and faith
790 · May 2016
Cliff Survivors
Mona May 2016
I heard the wild thunders as they approached my territory .
I felt your thirst for my blood in the air we call used to call home .
I  listened out for your remorsefulness in the way you ran against peace.

Silently I stood there waiting for the tides to turn in my favor .
Silently I stood there with my mouth open waiting to join your pack.
Silently I stood there waiting for your voice to pull me into your winds .

Blamelessly I stood on the cliff holding on to my dying flowers .
Blamelessly I stood on the cliff holding on the roaring currents .
Blamelessly I stood on the cliff only to descend to grave sites that I  know not of .

But don't agonize over me because
I got used to the fall, to the cold, to  the anguish.
Above everything else I bloomed before you even noticed.
So be sure you're not afraid when I  rise above thunders and roaring currents .

I know how these things work ..........
A dedication to the cliff survivor who exists in all of us
744 · May 2016
Mona May 2016
In my own rights am a sinner
With no words to explain why
You look at me with such eyes
That speak ill more than they see flowers

I maybe of  less value but my hearts'
Battles have surpased my own excitement

Lay not your faults against me but
Rather see me in   all   my drenches
And let me into your warmth.
612 · Jun 2016
Burgeis (walled city)
Mona Jun 2016
I have been a  traveler of many trades and stripes
I have been a  traveler who walks a journey only I know of

With my shoes worn ,torn and rejected
I kept traveling

I have been a traveler of many tongues and recipes
I have been a  traveler  who understands the  luxuries of  life

With my shoes flawless ,polished and accepted I travel well

I have been the traveler who sees and experienced all of this
I have been the traveler who felt ,pelt and lied

I am the traveler that knew
Torn shoes needed new soles and
Polished shoes made the  hands of others *****.

I am the traveler who stood idle and had nothing to do with actual travel!
A narrative poem about  Modern day experiences that  reject others and accept others
547 · Jun 2016
Angel Part l
Mona Jun 2016
You reflected your pain but is was too much that it broke the mirror ,now we can't fix the pieces because there were too many.

Your heartstrings got played like a symphony but we never heard a sound because it faded once it reached our ears.

You try to explain but all we understand is venom ,you say it was a mistake but now you live in the mistake .

Your tides dragged you down you drowned before you could swim .....why angel? Asked the mirror we are all fools for trying not to listen.
Extracted from the lost  narrative books of depression.
A reflection of how I felt useless when someone (close) was suffering
546 · May 2016
Tendai (Be Thankful)
Mona May 2016
Seeds to grains
life seems to be an endless  journey

Sweat and tears  well up like a river , ponds to seas they
all seem to collide  in one manner

Hands and feet all seem to do their job well, but the heartache
of  stones cannot be imitated by my soles

Still Be Thankful young one ,the journey  is a bitter fruit
That  leaves  sweetness ,Be Thankful for the colours  and shadows
That exist around you (Tendai)
a dedication  to my schwester
532 · Jul 2016
Plastic Backbones [I]sands
Mona Jul 2016
I felt it all the pain that comes with support
You told me you were broken and tired
I told you I know not of being  broken and tired
   The only absolute in my life is chemtrails
I live a life that is manufactured
I specialize in manufacturing conspiracies for a sinister purpose
I live on an island of ruins of my own make
  The demons that occupy me are devour and destruction.

                        Plastic Backbones
                             Plastic Backbones
                               They support nothing within
                                Me or you

So I won't tell you lies of
Good health ,good life, above everything I can't comfort you or love you.

I degenerate when left alone for while
My ways are selfish (it's all about ME)
I demand attention day and night

So do me a favor let me drive myself Into ruins
Let me free you of my own pain ,Because my pain doesn't like being attended to

Run save yourself, don't let my eyes destruct your vision
Run , let out sighs ,grow, let HIM carry your dry bones to a new destiny island.

All I wish for you is to meet a new you
Free yourselves from the former you which is ME[Plastic Backbones]
                Live your life
                   Live your life
                      **As the new YOU
461 · Jun 2016
Passer-by 10w
Mona Jun 2016
I have many
But my trust lies with none**.
452 · Oct 2017
You’re a man now boy!
Mona Oct 2017
The I in me has become unaware of my own weariness or is it negligence
Nonetheless I still breath and I shall continue......
Trying to figure this whole adult thing as sanely as I can.
427 · Jul 2016
Mona Jul 2016
Lost in these venomous streets
Lights light up my sky,
I got  lost in the white clouds
It was a failure of mine eyes.

Walked through these streets different times
But they still seem foreign ,
I got lost trying
to reach the edge of the cliff
I fell off trying to catch  my own cloud
Got lost again trying to see beyond the horizon.

I reached the end with no prospects of tomorrow. Joined the hole in hopes of
Salvation,I got lost again in the fists of sin

Hopeless , life seems like an undying rose.
Am trying to survive but I am lost
Tell me how does one survive when everything is lost.
This world will never be sufficiently satisfying,but it will always be unfair and in that unfairness being lost is one of the privileges amongst many others.
423 · Apr 2016
Mona Apr 2016
(1) Zone
Awoke in a dark space full of dreams
I lay with hope for a brighter space that speaks reality

Silently i speak ,i spoke words that only made sense to my(4) whitewashed walls

Zone (3) is the resting pace of mine mind  ,that is the echoing thoughts of thy mind, i tried to listen and so far
Silence is all I've heard off
a poem about how I view  my creative space
418 · May 2016
Mona May 2016
As I watch the numbers on my clock run out
I wonder if I have done enough
Have i let go of my youthful lust
Have I been able to renew my spirit of the mind?

As I  anticipate more numbers on my clock
I wonder if I will have enough time
Time to travel to read to just explore
Will I have  time to say hello with love and goodbye with gratitude?

So far I have tried my best , I promise I have,
to do  everything expected of me ( by Grace)
Don't judge me just yet ,my time will come
And till that day lets anticipate growth
the paradox of growing old
401 · May 2016
'Learning life'
Mona May 2016
With growth comes learning
        And this may be through formal education
      Through parables and proverbs from the old Or simply through makeshift prints of experiences of a novice nature.

               And from all the above I have decided to accept each one as it comes without a proper definition of hierarchy .
The parables of growth I encounter each  day ,am learning to define each one accordingly  every other day
364 · May 2016
Mona May 2016
Am literally dying
But let's live first
Then I can say I understood death
Faith will see me through

— The End —