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PrttyBrd Feb 2015
In the silence of a day like today
In the wake of yesterday's dreams
Forgetfulness feels like noncompliance
In a world where defiance still seems
Like a benign inaction of innocence
Though it feels like a stabbing of spite
Willing to kneel to your Goddess
Yet unable to yeild to Her might
There is no weakness to worship at Her altar
It takes strength to relinquish control
Relax and trust in the knowledge
Acquiesce and watch it unfold
There is freedom in the smile of an angel
There is love to be had all around
There is power in making Her smile
Don't be the sadness beind every frown
Inaction, as innocent as it seems
Breeds disappointment that infects every smile
And all those little requests
Will stop being wanted after awhile
See, for all the deeds left unfinished
And all those tiny tasks left undone
Will chisel away Her hearts desire
Leaving Her another invisible no one
An empty shell of a Goddess
Whose glory, in your heart will remain
While She curses her very existence
Languishing in true-love's refrain
Justin Aptaker Aug 2019
death calls
every heartbeat by name
making each one the same

this is your life
this is your life
this is your life
this is your life

the metronome, calling me home, ticking away, fading the day
life can be so melodramatic
like watching static
with the volume on mute
and your mind on mute, numbed by the gentle static hiss of your own personal hell
and the waves that swell
the remains of life-forms onto endless beaches of time

all time is mine
all time is mind

i look out by night
at the vast ocean of Being
and the sand, as it slips in my hands
is not made for my counting
infinity is not comforting

i smell salt
sitting on the naked earth, i draw from a vast reservoir
a deep well
hoping that maybe if i bury my head
under the beachy sand
i will escape the tide by becoming one with the earth and the stars

i try to write perfect words
with the absurd feeling that if i get them right
they will work like a spell
that shatters reality itself
and places me somewhere else
where things were right the first time

after all, we cast reality with words
and all of our pictures come to life
and all of life is our pictures
and words are our entire reality
so we must not be saying the right words, thinking the right words
no one taught us the right words, we don’t have the faculty for those kinds of words

silence and sleep
thoughts of the deep
give no rest for me
they reek of the sleep i dread to sleep
i make noise so that the universe must keep listening
i banish sleep because a white gangrene is glistening
where the worm never dies
and the smokes always rise, blotting the skies

are we the children of Cain? cursed from the face of the earth
is it because of ****** in my heart
that i am marked to die?

we stand shivering outside, in chains and shackles, all in a line
with brothers and sisters in front and behind
and every so often (we never know when)
our captors pluck one of us out of the line
and none of us can stop it
and we are forced to watch it
while they stand our mothers and fathers against the wall
and open fire, but not at heart or head
on stomachs and bowels instead
so our loved ones expire slowly, writhing on the cold dirt
pleading eyes upturned
begging our love to save them
but we can only wait our own turn

it seems that no Mind would dream up such a dream
and give it as Life
to its very offspring

i tremble to blaspheme
but i am questioning

whether Love has ever tread these tangled paths at all
whether Life ever begot life
whether we are not in fact just the spectacular fireworks
of passion and sorrow
that the universe has cooked up with
its chemical sorceries

which paint once the sky
for an instant in time

Father! Father!
do you even remember the name that you gave me?
do you remember the night you pulled me violently from my resting place
where it was dark and warm and secure?
and you cast me into a cold, hollow womb that continually miscarries
and i was born in a tomb
too soon?

it was winter
do you remember?

the dying of embers
O, wanton December!
Who pierced me with sorrows
and gave me tommorows
but stole all my todays

i inquire into the science
of infinite gaps
of gaping synapse

i investigate the substance of Being
poking at it from every angle
demanding that it yeild fruits fit for our consumption
that it justify itself

must i remind you
that i never asked to be here
and i never consented
to this form or this figure
riddled with cancers

i am the eternal thought
thinking itself
watching with terrified attatchment
these bodies which i inhabit

my haunts, my accostomed places
my ethos, my habits
my character, a socially constructed facade
my self, ever putting itself
into the eyes of others, looking on itself
imagining itself playing the roles
of each of the other children in the schoolyard

but at last, the primitive state of nature overtakes me
i’m going to sleep now, do not awaken me
and when i awake, Love will wake again with me
and all the smoldering, dying wreckage of this day will forsake me

ah, i remember now, the sound of Love, walking in the cool of the garden
when each day seemed to stretch on forever
and the night was full of magic
the infinite gaps can only be scaled
in the space of one instant, no more and no less

working its way back through every other instant
time, since it is a function of mind, is also subject to language
i stand back from the bodies of the dead i inhabit
i am the universal singularity, the one thought
throbbing and pulsing in the ****** heights before explosive creation
the body electric
and rise, ******* over Moloch
whose mind is pure machinery
and whose children drown in their insanity

with a cold and broken hallelujah
i hymn the blessed race immortal
and rend the fabric of reality from top to bottom
entering in the place most holy
and die, writhing on the warm, welcoming earth
the place of my birth
the place of my hearth, where the embers glow and spark

December has now heard a lark
Hades, required to return to her mother
the goddess he has stolen for a season
and the Bird rises wreathed
in flame from the ashes
baptizing the Forms of our collective unconscious
with the blessed and holy power of life

and coming to life, all of our pictures bring us to life with them!


one can not blaspheme what is not
for one can not think of it
look again at what Love gave us
in the space of an instant, which extends on forever
since time and space alike are a construct of our symbolic processes

i pull out my tabula rasa
i am written on the tabula rasa
all is white on the tabula rasa
all is white
all is white

the waves now are dragging me in
to the ocean without beginning or end
and the depths are alive with the wind
of warm currents and of births and of sand
and death would appear now a friend
leading me in by the hand
calling me into the land

Love is life
Love’s alive
Love is death

Death calls
Written ca. 2011
Day Nov 2011
it’s with a heavy heart that I expel these thoughts to endless seas
toward oblivion I see a vibrant, burning entity
inviting me to spill my blood
and to unwind my mind for him,
with faith I leap beneath and into the chameleon rhine.
Her tide will keep me safe from monsters that I swim among
and current pulls me further, and then pushes me back in again.  
it’s with some heavy feet that I’ll now walk toward the ball of fire;
o’ shame of my confessions please don’t yeild this truth from me.
“I am the only truth,” he states;
we speak for weeks or minutes or days
about purple and orange and yellow and green
and how to see the colours of me;
how the blue isn’t blue unless you really look
and how you can’t believe everything you read in a book.
I tell him of sadness, which dulls his glow.
I tell him of the soulless, which he knows so well.
I tell him about sidewalks and concrete fields,
and how our trees have fallen ill.
and he speaks in short, brash flashes;
he is everything
and then nothing;
he’s gone before I get to say goodbye or really even said hello
and all I know is I’m left with nothing
and something,
and if I keep following the rolling stream
North and South and West and East,
and if I flow as One, surely I’ll find him again
and when I do I'll spill my self;
my mind, my body and this soul as One into the chameleon rhine.
Nik Bland Oct 2012
Tethered feathers sing their long lost songs in solos that were once symphonies
Falling from swan-like wings of a lone angel and floating along a reflecting stream
The misty haze graces both water's surface and the resting angel's skin
Making the glow from her shining halo all the more evident

See as she sits inside the arms of an elderly weeping willow
Fireflies gracing her satin hand as the glow from her skin does billow
The natural string quartet of the crickets under a full moon's glow
A silent moment in a place and time that mortals may never know

Looking upon the star studded sky that is her open field
Flying with the grace of many a dove whose untamed beauty shall not yeild
Yet landing on dirt ridden ground to see whatever it is she may please
Trickling tears coming from your eyes at the sight of such travesties

Oh angel, if feather must fall, then let it, but not one tear from your eye
At this hallowed sight and glorious eve where Heaven and Earth coincide
And if tear must fall into the waters under the arm of the willow tree
May it harden into the whitest of pearls so I might keep it here with me

Let sultry glowing moonlight be your constant company
Filling the darkness and contributing spotlight to your scene
May silver moonlight and  silken feather compliment each detail
And pray the moon does not fade away and break this scene, so frail

Dear hallowed breath of the midnight hour, take note of this rare time
So you may utter this instant in this poet's ear and turn it to hallowed rhyme
The instance where an host of Heaven indulged in a glimpse of Earth
And with a tear turned into a pearl showed what our instances are worth
What large, dark hands are those at the window
Lifted, grasping in the yellow light
Which makes its way through the curtain web
At my heart to-night?

Ah, only the leaves! So leave me at rest,
In the west I see a redness come
Over the evening's burning breast --
For now the pain is numb.

The woodbine creeps abroad
Calling low to her lover:
The sunlit flirt who all the day
Has poised above her lips in play
And stolen kisses, shallow and gay
Of dalliance, now has gone away
-- She woos the moth with her sweet, low word,
And when above her his broad wings hover
Then her bright breast she will uncover
And yeild her honey-drop to her lover.

Into the yellow, evening glow
Saunters a man from the farm below,
Leans, and looks in at the low-built shed
Where hangs the swallow's marriage bed.
The bird lies warm against the wall.
She glances quick her startled eyes
Towards him, then she turns away
Her small head, making warm display
Of red upon the throat. Her terrors sway
Her out of the nest's warm, busy ball,
Whose plaintive cries start up as she flies
In one blue stoop from out the sties
Into the evening's empty hall.

Oh, water-hen, beside the rushes
Hide your quaint, unfading blushes,
Still your quick tail, and lie as dead,
Till the distance covers his dangerous tread.

The rabbit presses back her ears,
Turns back her liquid, anguished eyes
And crouches low: then with wild spring
Spurts from the terror of the oncoming
To be choked back, the wire ring
Her frantic effort throttling:
Piteous brown ball of quivering fears!

Ah soon in his large, hard hands she dies,
And swings all loose to the swing of his walk.
Yet calm and kindly are his eyes
And ready to open in brown surprise
Should I not answer to his talk
Or should he my tears surmise.

I hear his hand on the latch, and rise from my chair
Watching the door open: he flashes bare
His strong teeth in a smile, and flashes his eyes
In a smile like triumph upon me; then careless-wise
He flihgs the rabbit soft on the table board
And comes towards me: ah, the uplifted sword
Of his hand against my *****, and oh, the broad
Blade of his hand that raises my face to applaud
His coming: he raises up my face to him
And caresses my mouth with his fingers, smelling grim
Of the rabbit's fur! God, I am caught in a snare!
I know not what fine wire is round my throat,
I only know I let him finger there
My pulse of life, letting him nose like a stoat
Who sniffs with joy before he drinks the blood:
And down his mouth comes to my mouth, and down
His dark bright eyes descend like a fiery hood
Upon my mind: his mouth meets mine, and a flood
Of sweet fire sweeps across me, so I drown
Within him, die, and find death good.
Beware the pale horse
Who rides at dawn
From the wells of sorrow
His gait was drawn

Across the plains of snow
Unto the barren field
Ceaseless can he be
He can't afford to yeild

The benifactor thus unknown
To fabricate our faith
Shall carry upon his back
All that has to wait

The still pond lies
Its whipers are obscene
The pale horse is comming
This you can believe

He's passed the ancient grove
Before we knew of love
He's rode across the meddows
And waded through the mud

With a weary head he watched
And kept the toll
With blind eyes of age
Barer of the soul
Abi Carroll Mar 2021
Mindlessly applauding
the torn for choosing right
denies the open weight felt
of them not choosing left

The ripping of blank paper
is heard in your
congratulations and affirmations

Giving pride that isn't yours to hold
remains unknowingly empty
Wrapped well

Let go of optimistic ear muffs
and bright yellow shades


Tugging left turns
misled me to the same stop sign
begging to be dismissed

Lost in a spiral,
in my own left turns,

not abandoned but alone

Despite being desperately sought,
these roads are different in the dark

No comfort or guidance
in this backpack made of bricks
with bricks too sharp for a stuffed bear,
bricks too large for a lamp

Concern and direction
slip through
the cracks and the bricks
in the deafening darkness

Left again,
just one more time

What shades am I wearing,
what muffs are mine
that instruction is muffled,
that care is shaded grey

Even still,
my lefts are my right
my right to make
and to hold
and to keep
and to breathe
and to bleed

Save your pride
and your rosey half-full glasses
Hold your applause
and the promise of a later okay

Acknowledge the bricks
I am carrying now

They are concrete

More so,
than the life you see
that might never live to be
Akira Aug 2015
Second day back and he was there
Him, miss the first day but today here
We're not talking but it was easier than I thought
Staring at me here and there, he thought I didn't saw

Some classes are hard because we sit opposite each other

I wonder what goes on in his mind
I try to think about it but the answer is too hard to find
I remember when it used to be my hands in his - intertwined
But obviously those days were imaginations in my mind

It's always hard when we're apart
But it's all his fault for ripping out my heart
I thought he was different
I didn't know that he would stick the knife in and twist it

Days would pass before we said hi
I'd always seem to go run and hide
But I'd always find him again
He always used to be my best guy friend

He is, I mean was, my shield
But whenever I go back my mind says yeild

No matter how hard I try to fight it, it will always be true
No matter how hard I try to stay away I'll always find my way back to you.
i live in the country in the countryside
theres a great big field standing right outside
it has lots of animals running round so free
with lots of little birds singing in a tree
there are lots of rabbits and a badger too
with lots of little moles there are quite a few
i can watch the farmer bringing in his yeild
stacking up his hay neatly in the field
i can see all this in the country side
all i have to do is take a walk outside
Iron hearts may never yeild
If love's inquiries are revealed
But I for one, have one for all
That iron hearts can not conceal

A frigid time is where we stand
When all our foes are hand in hand
But I have seen the mountains fall
And make a home in broken lands

A life for living not complaining
While love and light are still remaining
A hope beyond the shadow wall
We fell behind when love was gaining

An iron heart will overlook
The beauty in our global nook
Among the stars we seem so small
But it truly is a glorious life afterall
stiletto quill Feb 2019
crossing over the x’s
of life’s yeild signs,
wisdom paused at potholes
alarming damaging obstacles.

appreciation of a flattened heart,
restored by breathing breaths,
repaired  the elements that once,
depleted healthy treads.

ignoring warnings of danger,
living in a reality of denial
has fooled my internal equilibrium.

sapience surrounded my driveway,
i looked both ways and proceeded with caution.

foolishly piloting with a naive navigation,
is not within my futuristic visualization.
Spike Harper Jun 2016
Fragrant rhymes.
Flutter about.
Coursing through the looking glass.
Altering the it.
That was then.
Into small.
Razor ridden.
This trial by fire.
Purges not sin.
But innocence.
Welding each mistake together to finally.
Yeild a person.
A mass.
Succumbed to the mass.
In which there is room for little else..
Ariel Oct 2018
Make up is my Arsenal
Its one of the many mask a I wear.
Like a warrior going into battle I fair well.
My enemys yeild with every stroke I apply.
I wonder when will I stop this lie..
Myself self wealth, self esteem, self conscious. Selfish I am allowed to be. Allowed to grow like a ****. Beauty in my eyes. In my color. In my tides. I pray to god to bring me beauty. To bring self love. Medicine to my soul so i can finally fix ever hole. Hold me in your arms. Hold my face to the mirror so I can think. Finally I am beautiful.
jeffrey conyers Nov 2012
Yield, she said.
Before we go there.
I'll need a ring upon my hand.
I'm a classy lady.
Who above a one night stand?

Before you move in for a kiss.
You must come to me correct.
I'm a temple.
And must be respect for this.

I advised you of the rules.
Before I remove shoes or anything else.
A ring must be placed upon my left hand.
I'm above a one night stand.

And if you a good man.
This you would understand.

I whisper to myself.
Is she really worth all this trouble.

I must stop.
I must yeild.
I must wait.
Well, I guess I will marry her.

Then , I won't have to hear yield.
I might hear wait.
And maybe stop.
Then, I use all the terms back upon her.
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Give up or build up your strenghts.

Do planks and set ups also push ups.

Is it best too work out longer or shorter?

Shorter at intense, range will yeild epic results.

These are your planes work out 53 days.

Each day do 29 push ups 55 sets ups 300 pull ups.

Remix take protein supplements for ******* help.

Drink water only devotion is key in your resume.

Only thang's too focuse on are as follows.

Strenght and power calm and control your breaths.

Work out 3 to 4 mins use stop watch.

As your body, will change rapidly am a body developer skilled, at development and production of hulks.
Strenghts power will calmness.
aar505n Sep 2015
It begins to slip
The power I once yeild
Slips away, slips away
Soon I will lose the crown
And go down with it
With the specious belief
That I held any power in the first place
Niki Elizabeth Jul 2014
you're trying to stay mad,
but there's a twinkle in your eye.
and that dimple on your cheek
makes it impossible to lie.
I'm trying to look tough
but my walls begin to waiver.
hide from you, I can't
and not doing so is braver.
a look, a smirk, a sigh,
open books to each other
yeild our poker faces useless
yet we pretend not to know better.
let your trance merge in my sadness
let your sanity dance with my wildness
let your heart beat in my chest
let your tongue utter my words
let your mind wander in my thoughts.
let my lost Soul comfort in your body.
Oh Dear yeild your lust,Let me be your Love not
Ste Feb 2018
I was under stress,
my life was a mess,
it was time to confess,
as I was a sinner,
but then came a chance to be a winner,
I was challenged by the Devil
to a game of Chess.

Win, and I'd be forever free
from his curse,
I'd find fame and fortune,
fatten my purse.
Lose and, well who cares?
At that time things could not get worse.

The game between the Devil and I
was looking level for a while,
then spread out across his face,
the faintest trace
of crooked smile,
He spoke and my belly filled
with the vilest bile.

"From Heaven I fell,
and from Hell I have been sent,
sweet lies I tell with ease,
to tease and torment,
those that refuse to bow and repent.
I've always had you under my spell,
we did not meet by accident.

Your out of your depth mate,
your like a china plate,
in a bullshop.
Off you pop.

Your out of your depth,
I bet your ******* your pants,
you've a snowball in hells chance,
your San Marino playing France,
a peasant facing knight
on horse with shield and lance,
If I was you I'd yeild,
are you sure you  want to dance?

Your out of your depth,
your Del boy trading on wall street,
you'll have no joy,
your fading before you peak.

Your out of your depth,
your easy meat,
I dont have to cheat,
I'll crush you under my feet,
so **** it up
and taste the defeat.

Are you insane,
can you not see?
You cannot win,
you and this game
have no compatibility,
your out of your depth,
like a scuba diver
trying to swim
the Sea,
of Tranquility.

Your out of your depth,
out of your league,
like a Sunday team,
living the dream,
they've got so far,
drawn to play at the Etihad,
and now thier gonna look bad,
City'll make them look shity,
because they are.

Life for you was not so smooth,
so you took on the Devil,
like you had something prove,
now your out of your depth,
and boy, it is your move."

I was like a seal,
surrounded by every type of shark,
at half past dinner time O'clock,
I'm the main meal, this cant be real,
its about to get dark.
Then his next words made me squeal,
his tongue was like an eel,
gave me a real shock.

I knew by then this game I'd lost,
but did not truly understand the cost,
this game would not my rapture bring,
but before he did end it,
and capture my king,
he stared in my soul
and started to sing,
my ears did fracture
and ring and sting.

He was not nice.
"Now its time for a sacrifice,
and you boy, are that pawn.
I've been watching you
since the day that you were born,
you turned away from all that to you
had been sworn,
turned your back on paradise,
for a hedonistic life of souless vice,
from salvation you've been forever torn.

Your every selfish wish,
and to get rich, was your goal,
but you fool, lifes a *****,
this game has cost your mortal soul.

Your out of your depth,
and under the cosh,
you took me on,
now suffer the loss
and bear that cross.

Out of your depth son
I had you beat before we begun,
you were Icarus
flying too close to the sun,
full of belief,
but you never could of won.

Your out of your depth,
like a rabbit munching a steak,
you've had it,
tried punching well above your weight,
an amature slain by a great,
to be saved, for you its now too late,
except your fate,
before me kneel
and feel the hate.

Well my luck sure did run out,
I guess with the Devil
you should not mess about,
gave up my chance to be saved,
In favour of all the things
I desired and craved.
On Judgement day
you'll hear me cry out,
you'll hear me shout.

All ties to God I did sever,
to play a game I could never win,
against a former angel,
that fallen angel, dressed in leather.
I took one hell of a beating,
for breakfast, me he's eating.
He's far too clever,
I'll never defeat him, never.
Breeze-Mist Feb 2017
Some hear static and no more
Some hear a lion's roar

Some see an oil leak on pavement
Some see swirled caligraphy on parchment

Some see a worthless industrial junkyard
Some see a playground better than their yards

Some see a run down city street
Some see it as a great place for a band to meet

Some see a vacant, remote field
Some see a backwoods campsite to yeild

Some see scrawling on a bathroom wall
Some see the frustrated creativity 'neath it all
Torin Nov 2015
Everyone has something to say
How can I say it better
So that people don't just hear
They really listen

Its a long hard road I traverse
With potholes and stop signs
I will not yeild
I know my destination

So as I'm saying now
Full of doubt and apprehension
If I can't say it best
I'll say as best I can

Its a long hard road to travel
And people are strange
And I'm a stranger
I know my destination

And I won't say so loud
But I'll say it with conviction
I don't care if you hear
I want for you to listen
Just written in 5 mins.
Kael Nov 2017
Stop walking around collecting bruises, the stones you've collect are not enough to build a bridge to protect yourself.

I know It's easier to keep on hurting yourself than to get help. Because no one really understands your pain and you don't even know how to explain it.

So you keep on playing tough and giving pieces of your heart. Not knowing you were meant to Shine.
So Sit back and relax, hold His hand and enjoy the ride.

As the sun comes out and goes down every day is a new start.
Just like a little child learn to forgive and forget, fall and rise, and praise without a doubt.
Just remember not every day will yeild a beautiful sky.
Lenora Jul 2017
No one cares
None of them are really aware
Of this crown i wear called depression
And what i feel and how they think are two totally different perceptions
Im always down
Even when I dont notice it i am always wearing a frown
Love for me is like the hot burning sun
You cant get a good glimpse nor a touch not even one
See i thought i had the sun and tamed its fire
Cause at one point i did feel a hopeful heart warming desire
But the sun soon turned cold
And no longer with love was i so bold
I will look over my shoulder
Cover my heart with huge boulders
Before i let anyone in
I will close up what is left of myself
Before I ever again let someone destroy my mental health
I will shut down before i let anyone decide its me they wanna heal
My heart a 4 way stop with a Yeild
but cannot proceed with caution
Cause the hurt happens way too often
Death-throws Mar 2015
something about those little pills
the yeild
the thrill
they fill
they ****
a million brain cells
Iris Nyx Jul 2015
The sentences never flow the way I want them to
Much like my life never goes as planned
Just as my feelings never yeild to mind
Just as I never bow to pain

Don't stop fighting
crystal tucker Jul 2017
We never saw this type of end
i should have slowed down and stop to yeild. what i thought was beautiful freeing breeze was only black clouds calm before my freeze. To prove ones self takes hard knocks to my brain some stilljudge to cause an insanity of my soul. Holding so still smile on my face touch me now burn your hands your face i erase and turn to coal. I know who I am now accept the real me my light my darkness turn into one or to cut your chains ill set you free. mother may i? i need no answer no validation. im able to stand alone i was my own creation. my favorite sin? not the same girl i learned from my den beautys within ive gained knowledge from my many tours. pain equals love is this so? i embrace my pain and love just a word prove your actions your words i need not know. i am intrigued by your hate but with your first look in my soul you know this den of mine is your forever fate. you long for this and your mind races what is to be, ive chained your heart to mine now i decide and will blow your soul i set you free...
you know who you are and i know you. love at first sight you know now is true..
Olivia Ragland Apr 2015
Scared of wasting time
This now was revealed.
I never yours, you never mine
Nor start, nor stop, but yeild.
Alegria Mir Nov 2017
e r r o r
i cannot function
the mistake is grave but I will not yeild
my life's a mess before I met her
but now it's messier
and even brighter
her mind's all over the place
my heart was once trapped in a cage
now we're here, let's cut to the chase
i can't make another error of waiting for too many days
i'll give her this raging beast,
so she keeps her mind in one place
The Alphabet of You
Marshal Gebbie Jun 2024
Earthen, is what makes it so,
Through waking moments vertigo,
This drive which makes the day begin
Through early morning stumbleing,

To run the clods of rich, black soil
Through fingers, roughened by my toil,
To gaze with pride across this field
Of furrows deeply ploughed, to yeild.

Here, my quintessential joy
To smile as golden grain deploys
To emerald shoots, in morning light,
By row for harvesting, when right.

For earthen, is what makes it so,
By morning's warm and pleasant glow,
Standing midst my field of wheat
Enriches soul, to make complete.

There are a great many things
To accomplish in a day
Without you there, sitting still
And getting in my way

You that little black dot
Among my nice clean white
Are constantly reminding me
That I am not pure bright

You are what is different
Amongst the sterile field
So your fault it must be
On this I will not yeild

Hobos, Slackers, Drunks
You! Are all the same
Always so quick to find
Someone else to blame

Off! Off! You Wretched Spot!
Off my field of white!
Here's a couple dollars bills
Now get thee out of sight!

Get Up! You ***!
You ruining the whole feel
Get Up! Go on, ***!
**** is getting real

Out of sight, Out of mind
Is what I always say
And now back to my grind
I have such a busy day!

I need to move on quickly
From this inconvienent stop
I'm already so behind
From cleaning up your slop
Louis Moel Jul 2018
When I was five or six, maybe four
I with my father to his freinds farm
We went to help with bringing in the hay
The small house with an open door
while rife with old country charm
drew me in on this sunny summers day

Memere inside standing by the table
was looking out at the hay field...
Pepere picking alfalfa and clover
In her hands was vase of marble
Cherished for the treasure it would yeild
Half filled it with water from the river

The door opened and in entered a breeze
presenting an intoxicating scent of flowers
coloured with purples and white
He presented the bouquet with a wheeze
from the pollen that would hang for hours
and glossy eyes on his face so alight

Their hands touched ever so tenderly
as he gave her the flowers of alfalfa and clover
No words needed said of love and devotion
their eyes did meet momentarily
with a "soupson" of admiration for each other
Unchanged since their first introduction

As a boy I did not understand what I witnessed
As an adult when I see or smell alfalfa and clover
I stop to embrace and be infused by their totem
I sense they are walking in a field of mist
where the flowers bloom today, tomorrow and forever
I know that on that day, I had lived in a poem
Uma natarajan Dec 2017
My thoughts

My thoughts go wild
As I try to yeild
Before nature
As it appears mature
And makes me secure
The sun, moon and stars give me company
And join me in my ceremony
On all occasions
In all my creations
Abeer Oct 2020
The winter is long and dark as the moon stares down the earth
He glides over clouds to peak at the gods heart but it was black and burned,  
He sensed the way to reach glory along with flowers and gingerwine
But troubled with the heart of gods, his tongue was nervous as words might slip and yeild his hidden sin
The lonesome moon met my gods and prayed to their souls but senses were not dead for the eye
They said" it was heavy"

— The End —