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AJ Claus Oct 2013
Tick tick tick tick tick
Clock endlessly ticking, clicking in my ear,
On and on, will it ever stop?

Tick tick tick tick tick
Seconds pass, slow, barely moving,
Louder and louder, practically screaming now.

Tick tick tick tick tick
Rolling over, flipping pillows, kicking covers,
Nothing, not a thing, is working.

Tick tick tick tick tick
Eyes squeeze shut, then open, drooping,
Won't stay closed, won't let me disappear into darkness.

Tick tick tick tick tick
How long has it been?
Hands moving on the clock, going...backwards?

Tick tick tick tick tick
My dreamland awaits,
Yet all I can do is daydream about those far off dreams I want to dream.

Tick tick tick tick tick
My mind is my prison,
My cruel captor, my mortal enemy,  my unending undoing.

Tick tick tick tick tick
I must be going mad, utterly mad,
Stuck with this insomnia inside my blanketed asylum.

Tick tick tick tick tick
Hoping my tears will bring exhaustion,
But I'm just left in an ocean of hopelessness.

Tick tick tick tick tick
Staring at the inhuman neon numbers
That have come to rule my night, my life.

Tick tick tick tick tick
I try anything, no matter how cliché.
But not even counting coats of snowy wool can help me now.

Tick tick tick tick tick
Please lift me from this retched curse.
I'd take 100 years of sleep over no time at all.

Tick tick tick tick tick
Why won't my thoughts stop? Please!
Leave me be, leave me alone, let me sleep!

Tick tick tick tick tick
Yet they still run on, never-ending,
As the clock tick ticks away to the beat of my heart.

Tick tick tick tick tick
Ba bump, ba bump, ba bump, ba bump, ba bump,
Clock and heart in time together, intertwined as one.

Tick     tick        tick           tick              tick
As my heart slows, coming to a final stop.
I am grateful, and the clock fades off once and for all.

Insomnia gone,
I can sleep at last,
And I'm drawn into another world
Where my dreams become reality
And sheep frolick through fields
Along with me for all eternity.






Ember Evanescent Oct 2014
Tick tick tick
I live in a world a grey
Tick tick tick
I can't breathe I can't breathe
Tick tick tick
Alone. So alone.
Tick tick tick
All my fault all my fault
Tick tick tick
She's could have been dead
Tick tick tick
I could have killed her
Tick tick tick
She's gone because of me
Tick tick tick
Broken shattered bleeding
Tick tick tick
When did I become a murderer
Tick tick tick
The story is nearing its end
Tick tick tick
The story of my twisted mind
Tick tick tick
Tick tick tick tick tick
And all that was left was ashes
Because she was the ticking...
...and the ticking...
...was not a clock.
Please comment I would REALLY really appreciate feedback
Dr Zik Mar 2015
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Have a bath in time
Sing a song in rhyme

Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Don't act like a fool
Follow the good rule

Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Greet! Greet! Every one
Everywhere it's fun!

Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
You are healthy or sick!
do well earn a tick

Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
With smiling face
Learn by heart, its base

Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
If you right then face
be steady win race!

Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
children's poem
Herb Apr 2019
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          my fuse, it slowly sizzles
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          i can only hope, it fizzles
TICK,   TICK,   TICK           but the moments, pass away
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          just like, yesterday
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          my mainspring is wound too tight
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          relief is not in sight
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          i feel my emotions, grating
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          my senses, not operating
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          is this any way to live?
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          i've nothing left to give
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          i tip-toe along on a tightrope
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          hanging on with a grim hope
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          there's no one to catch my fall
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          and no one to hear my call
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          a voice in my head is speaking
TICK,   TICK,   TICK,          i pray i don't do what i'm thinking
Kids... Don't try this at home...  Also, don't call Homeland Security...  This is a poem, I repeat, This Is Only A Poem.
Jaide Lynne May 2014
There is a clock in my house that is always ticking.

Tick tok tick tok

Sometimes, when I am all alone all I can hear is that clock

tick tok tic tok

hypnotizing me, transporting me to a place within my mind, a place that used to be beautiful and tragic, but now I can't tell which one anymore.

tick tok tick tok

I have began to count the ticks each one reminding me of the time I have wasted

tick tok tick tok

Each second, minute, hour of my life that I thrown away.

tick tok tick tok

I swear if this goes on any longer my heart will begin to beat in the metronomic rhythm

tick tok tick tok

Is no one else bothered that each tick represents one less second until death?

tick tok tick tok

Is this all just in my mind? Am I the only one who is going insane from the--

tick tok tick tok

I can’t sleep, I can’t think, all I can hear is ticking

tick tok tick tok

Its like a time bomb in my head

tick tok tick tok

Waiting to explode

tick tok tick toc

Is it me or is the clock getting louder...

tick tok tick tok


tick tok tick tok


tick tok tick tok


tick tok tick tok


tick tok tick tok

I pull out the batteries

tick toc tick----
So, ticking clocks seem to drive me insane...
Jake Sharman Nov 2010
Tick. Tick. Tick.

I hear the sound of the clock.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Unconsciously, my movements match the sound.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Then I stop and stand. Lost. Numb.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The beauty of betrayal (is that what this is?) is that it leaves no doubt.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The sound of the clock.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

There is nothing more.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Tick. Tick. Tick.
© JAS 2009
Iron Butterfly Oct 2013
Tick, tick.
Tick, tick.
Tick, tick.
No matter how much time I have, it’s never enough
         To stop and breathe and take a while
         To examine the secrets of the interstellar world
         And take a moment to peer beyond the veil of what it is that we know
         Into the murky mist of the unknown.
I want to fold inwards and become beautifully insular,
         Bend backwards into the galaxies of my own mind
         So that I don’t have to conjure cheap tricks
         And put on a mask of knowing who I am,
         Instead being confident in the cluster of constellations
         That is beautiful, marvelous me.
Tick tick.
Tick tick.
Tick tick.
The eternal race forward won’t stop unassisted,
         It is up to me to take a moment to experience my own life,
         So programmed am I to auto piloting
         To the safety of your arms to tell me to slow down—
         Well, those arms aren’t there any more.
         It’s up to me to hold back the sands of time
         And fold inward into this beautiful black hole
         That is everything I can ever dream into being
And I will keep on dreaming, clinging on gently,
Every inch of me crying out,
         Someday, someday.
         Someday this can all be true.
Tick tick
Tick tick
Tick tick
By the hands of the clock I realize
         Only tearstained time stands now between me and my glory
So I wait, but not idly,
To behold the proper moment,
Realizing now that I can survive without you
In fact, I’ll thrive without you.
I look for guidance now
Not within another, but deep within myself,
To see my time now coming faster,
Forward, onward,
Rushing like a freight train that is
Barreling towards the moment
Where I’ll explode upon the scene.
Tick tick
Tick tick
Tick tick
And in this moment
No more you, just me.
I’m going to be just fine,
I have made it.
My time has come.
Now towards success I’m running.
They’ll never see it coming,
The world is not prepared for me.
Watch me as I come, with a
Tick tick
Tick tick
Tick tick
(here I am)
Joe Wilson Aug 2014
Tick    tock    tick    tock

Moments passed

Tick    tock    tick    tock

No single thought could fill his mind other than the fact
that he was in his house alone, that and the fact
that he was having a heart attack and there was no phone.

Tick    tock    tick    tock

The pain was unbearable but nothing like as bad
as the thought that filled his head at that moment
the thought of never seeing his beloved wife or children again.
The thought of never sharing a private moment before sleeping
and always seeming to be holding hands as they wake.

Tick    tock    tick    tock

Please! Somebody please!!

I don’t believe in you, but please help me
I don’t believe in you, but please help me

If you are there please help me. Please!

Tick    tick   tick    tock    tick    tick    tick    tock
Tick    tick   tick    tock    tick    tick    tick    tock
Tick    tick   tick    tock    tick    tick    tick    tock

Tick    tick   tick    t

©Joe Wilson – Tick tock 2014

This is a familiar but fortunately infrequent feeling,
but with luck and good management I always have a phone with me.
RW Dennen Mar 2015
Out of time
Out of money, out of rhythm, out of rhyme, without a dime
Borin' days, yawnin' nights, mischief wins
Stealin' cars, goin' to bars, Whorin' up,
snortin' stuff
Goin' to jail, out of bail
Behind bars with badman movie stars
Was out of time, now in with time
TICK......................................................TI­CK...............................................TICK............­................TICK ( phew! still more to come)............................................................­...TICK
And a lot more slow prison infinity TICKS!!!
JC Nov 2014
Am I alone?
Just me and my thoughts?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
No. Not alone.
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

Do I have friends?
Real friends who can help?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
Yes. Yes I have friends.
But am I willing?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
Willing to show this side?
This vulnerable side?
Exposed, like a nerve
open to the elements.
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

Why do I feel like this?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
Its irrational right?
Definitely irrational.
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

What time is it?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
Is anyone out there?
Why do I feel this alone?
Just me, my brain, and my stupid heart.
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

**** this heart.
**** this lonely heart

Will I find love again?
Or am I doomed to this icy wasteland of loneliness?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

Do I want love?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
Love makes things worse right?
Worse when it's gone?
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.
What time is it?

Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

Eva Nein Nov 2014
My mother wonders why I tick
When I never did before
I don't tell her that I tick
Because I am more stressed now
I was late this morning
My mother said, "Don't worry"
My schedule was off
My schedule was broken
I don't know why I tick now
I used to try to stop
But now I feel like a clock
I am a tick without any tock
It helps calm me I suppose
The numbered noises
The patterns help soothe
The panic inside
Every time I try not to tick
It moves louder to my mind
I have started to accept
The tick that runs my life
Someone touched my things
I don't tick right away
But when I go to get them
That noise begins
Louder in my mind until
I start ticking out loud
"What's wrong?"
The tick is faster
Someone stares
"What's wrong with you?"
More pointed questions now
Nothing is wrong
I will fix it
I'm fine
Nikki daze Mar 2014
Tick-tock tick-tock goes the clock tick tock tick tock what the ****?
Tick tock tick tock goes the clock I'm going to trip I'm going to fall down the staircase to wonderland.  
Tick-tock tick-tock that clock just won't ******* stop
Tick tock tick tock, knock, knock, hatter hatter open up it's me.
Tick-tock tick-tock the times a ticking, knock knock knock Hatter please the walls are going to get me.
He hee hee they wanna play he hee hee I think they're coming to get me.
Queen, the queen she screams he hee hee she still laughing at me.
Tick-tock tick-tock Hadder please I need to speak with you about the teatime tray please let us not play this little game,
Hatter, password what's the password tick-tock tick-tock hatter Please the clocks ticking.
The walls the walls are breathing again tick-tock tick-tock hatter I need you now I'm begging you,
the queen, the queen she's going to get me.
Tick tock  tick-tock hatter ******* free me, I can't take anymore this tick-tock tick-tock *******.
the mouse, the mouse is running up the clock tick tock tick tock the clock struck one. Hickory dickory dock let me out of this ******* clock
Shrooms and wonderland don't mix when ur stuck in the grandfather clock
Tick. Tock.
The clock is breathing (but not for you...)
Tick. Talk.
Those markings we can't live without (not me...not you)
Tick. Tock.
It marks your spot in time (ha! your going to die! Stupid...)
Tick. Talk.
The clock mercilessly keeps going (it's not me who's going to burn. It's you! It's you!)
Tick. Tock.
It's face expressionless (it doesn't one does)
Tick. Talk.
Climbing and falling around and back down (you can't stop it...not now, not ever!)
Tick. Tock.
And getting back up each morn and nightbreak (but, not this time...not for you)
Tick. Talk.
Time to get going (you won't come back)
Tick. Tock.
You will miss our date (your about to crack)
Tick. Talk.
You should really hurry (your no longer on your way)
Tick. Tock.
Your running out of time (your really running away)
Tick. Talk.
It's getting away (no...not really)
Tick. Tock.
She won't wait (your word must be kept)
Tick. Talk.
She's coming for you (to collect her payment)
Tick. Tock.
Run. Run RUN (theres no point)
Tick. Talk.
You can't escape (I already tried)
Tick. Tock.
She's right behind you (what a surprise)
Tick. Talk.
Your not going to make it (your about to die)
Tick. Tock.
Your frantic to escape (ha...don't bother)
Tick. Tock.
But you never can see her (I couldn't either)
Tick. Tock.
No matter which shoulder you look over (she's not chasing you)
Tick. Tock.
And through the back your run (it only seems that way)
Tick. Tock.
And before you hit the ground (don't get me wrong your dead)
Tick. Tock.
Your death as payment (you sold your were always hers to take)
Tick. Tock.
And crumple in a pool of your own lifeblood (Yep your really gone)
Tick. Tock.
The clock strikes the zero hour (your time had come)
Tick. Tock.
And keeps right on breathing (Cuz you? You were nothing...)
Tick Tock
Tick Talk
Tick Tock
(Just like me...)
The clock makes me think of Big Brother
Sam Apr 2020
Tick Tock goes the clock of wanting to hit the pipe again
Tick Tock goes the clock of wanting to be numb again
Tick Tock goes the clock of the flame burning against the glass
Tick Tock goes the clock of the drug melting away

Tick Tock goes the clock of inhaling danger into my lungs
Tick Tock goes the clock of exhaling the smoke
Tick Tock goes the clock of the high warming my body

Tick Tock goes the clock of desperately wanting more
Tick Tock goes the clock of crushing more danger
Tick Tock goes the clock of rolling the dollar bill
Tick Tock goes the clock of snorting away my problems

Tick Tock goes the clock of a rush of euphoria
Tick Tock goes the clock of redoing everything again
Tick Tock goes the clock of coming down again

Tick Tock goes the clock of endless sleepless nights
Tick Tock goes the clock of hearing my mother and father cry
Tick Tock goes the clock of the haunting silence in my room
Tick Tock goes the clock of my heart beating inside my chest

Tick Tock goes the clock of picking up the pen
Tick Tock goes the clock of the tear hitting the paper
Tick Tock goes the clock of wanting to be numb again

Tick Tock goes the clock of the trembling hands
Tick Tock goes the clock of folding the paper
Tick Tock goes the clock of whispering one last goodbye
Tick Tock goes the clock of me hanging in the belltower
Nicole Corea Oct 2016
I have fallen into dark holes,
Sometimes about six feet underground,
But somehow you were close ..
I hear your whispers through every bottle my lips touched. Your words were engraved into my heart. A motivational promise , "move forward"I breathe and I climb up and break through.Just when I am about to heal ,I lose sight of you.
Time is not ticking..
I'm not ready...
Please tick soon...

Here I fall again into an ocean abyss
I float into a darkness where I dream.
Every single time I dreamt of what it felt like to kiss your lips again ,I can feel it in my veins.
Every single fiber of your touch.
It's my favorite remembrance circulating around my veins , injecting into my blood.
A motivational promise ,"  till next time we are both strong."I swim to shore ,
but time isn't ticking yet.
Please tick soon..

Here I go falling again into a buried casket.
Where I lay dead with a dormant heart and restless soul and heavy mind.
Maggots crawling around my body , frozen I laid.
My restless mind began to ponder on the fire you brought into my heart. Dozen of wildfires you caused , I have inhale smoke from you that slowly awoke me . I see dust in my eyes. I was impaired .. paralyzed .
Time isn't ticking yet again.

As the nights went , I was walking zombie waiting to be saved , in hands of everyone else but never you. I laid in this casket remembering tasting you at least once . It felt like a home I never had , a home I wished I had. A placement that my heart yearn. Your dark eyes and impeccable smile. My delicate heart full of maggots began to beat and shake . Thought of you makes me feel alive. I screamed every single moonlight hoping soon you will hear me..  Under a blue moon , my ***** eyes got blinded by a light. I heard the bells chime and the church clock tick.

"Tick tick tick tick"
My heart felt you closer,
"Tick tick tick tick"
No more falling or being buried,
"Tick tick tick tick"
My soul ignited , you were close to me,
"Tick tick tick tick"
I blindly looked at you and you looked at me.
I knew your promise was true with every impatient kisses  , you are here in the pouring rain where time ticks. Where the world spins.Hard to believe,
That you always were my muse.
My distance far lover
hidden in the cracks of my heart ,
rebuilding me.
"Tick tick tick tick "
And I love you....
First poem in a long time I'm back
k-s-h Feb 2013
Tick, tick, tock, tick,
Listen to all the clocks, tick.
Horology drew me with all of it's sounds,
The shop here simply resounds,
I'm bound.

Tick, tick, tock, click!
Turn the key in the lock, click.
There is no quiet in this place,
But I can hear my own heart pace,
Trying to win a race.

Tick, tick, tock, chime!
All the bells go off, chime!
The time chimes right exactly on nine,
The noise is less than divine,
All mine.

None knows the hollow sound,
But me!
Up all night listening,
None knows the auditory drowning,
But me!
Deep in my veins,
With it's deathly melody!

Tick, tick, tock, cuckoo!
Chimes weren't enough, cuckoo, cuckoo!
The little birds jump out of thier beds,
Swirling into my tired head,
A moment later, the noise is dead.

Tick, tick, tock, hush.
I mutter under my breath, hush.
I'm trying to write for my own peace of mind,
Where are the words I need to find?
I'm blind, I must be blind.

Tick, tick, tock, clunk,
The thud of the door behind, clunk.
Free of this shop and it's midnight embrace,
The ideas it tried to lace,
The end of a day.

No tick, no tock, no clicks, no locks,
Home where I await,
The sun to rise and touch my eyes,
The light can only harmonize.
And now I'm here the day is so loud,
But you help me forget the sound.

Tick, tick, tock, tick,
Even out here the clocks, tick.
All I want is the silence,
Devoid of this silly rhyming,
The silence I found  in you.
Poetry Fanatic Oct 2017
A broken smile shared with a stranger,
Tick, tick, tick.
A promise of a life spent together,
Tick, tick, tick.
A broken promise and shattered heart,
Tick, tick, tick.
A sunny day spent in the park,
Tick, tick, tick.
A long night of sorrow,
Tick, tick, tick.
A silent goodbye.
All the moments just pass us by.
Our clock ticks down to its final zero.
Life will come, life will go.
In the end all of our clocks just stop ticking.
The clock goes on
I'm still alone
In this world of mine
No light
No dark
Just the sound
Of the clock
And the feel
Of my sheets
The hospital mattress
The bandage on my eyes
The sickly smell
Of medicine and pain
It's a bomb on your doorstep.
Wrapped up in a pastel pink and white blanket.
Swaddled in a babys basket
You don't even hear the ticking over all the babble
You just assumed it was designed to protect.
You never asked anyone
Or questioned where the basket came from.
Where it got this baby.
Why it is concealing it's wicker with this blanket.
You bring it inside.

tickTick tickTick
tickTick tickTick
tickTick tickTick

Wake up tossing and turning
hear a ticking downstairs
In your kitchen.
On the island.
"You're hearing things"
close your eyes.
It's too loud.
Walk down to see just a basket
A blanket
The baby is tucked in tight
You were hearing things
"Go back to bed sweety."
But the basket keeps ticking.
"Baskets are supposed to tick"
you never question it again.

tickTick tickTick
tickTick tickTick
tickTick tickTick

You never see it explode.
Just find and count the pieces
Wicker shrapnel where there should have been guidance.
Viscera where there should have been eyes.
Nolan Patterson Jan 2020
Tick Tock
The time is flying
Tick Tock
It's not stopping
Tick Tock
It keeps moving
Tick Tock
Why are you fighting

Tick Tock Tick Tock
What are you holding onto
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Why aren't you letting go
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Come on and just give in
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Time is gonna catch up

Tick Tock Tick
Is it really worth it
Tick Tock tick
You can't be loved
Tick Tock Tick
It won't hurt them
Tick Tock Tick








Whenever I start spiraling in my head i listen to a watch i have and the sound calms me down.
Vallery Feb 2020
the constant ticking in my head is painful
all i can think about is the
tick tick tick
echoing in my brain
the sound bouncing off my skull
it hurts
im sad
im anxious
tick tick tick
almost like a finger impatiently tapping
like someone is impatiently waiting for me to die
so the ticking will stop
so the ticking will cease
and I won't hurt
i won't be sad
i won't be anxious
i won't be imprisoned by the demons
or the
tick tick tick
i need a solace from the torture
a solace from the pain
from my heartbeat
from my life
i can't take the
tick tick tick
a gun
a pill
a rope
an antidote to life
an antidote to the chains
an antidote to the infuriating
tick tick tick
that goes on inside my head
pull the trigger
swallow the pill
tie the rope
end my pain
end my sorrow
end my life
anything to end the
tick tick tick
anything to end the feeling of
tick tick tick
Vale Luna Jun 2017
There's a gentle metronome
Resting on my writing desk
Like a robotic lullaby
Humming me to rest
Through the night
Let my wrongs turn to rights
A dream that's a home

Tick; goes the metronome.

There's a fragile metronome
Posing on my wood bookshelf
The only sound in the room
Echoing all by itself
All day long
A sharp, melodic song
Cranking out a soothing tone

Tick tick; goes the metronome.

There's a cracked metronome
Sitting on my windowsill
Clocking in and out
The worst type of sleeping pill
Night and day
Hypnotizing it's prey
True tranquility stands alone

Tick tick tick; goes the metronome.

There's a defective metronome
Laying on my bedroom floor
It's sickening harmony
Rots me to my core
Losing power
I'm awake every hour
A heart weighed down by stone

Tick tick; goes the metronome.

There's a shattered metronome
Placed at the foot of my bed
A sound that’s lost its tempo
A heartbeat that's fled
In my brain
Repetition in vain
Break me til I'm nothing but bone

Stops the metronome.
Robert Guerrero Dec 2012
The sound of my destruction
I know it rest within me
I hear it day and night
Just ticking away
Like the hours on the clock
It has became annoying
Never ending
I wonder when it will go off
So the pain will disappear
I wish I had the button
To press it myself
But I noticed everytime I grow angery
Another minute falls off
Such an aggravating sound indeed
But as I try to write
And hope the words I use
Capture a glimpse of what goes on in my mind
The world goes white
Then red
As my blood and flesh
Paint every corner

No more pain
Just more bodies
The bodies of those who have always judged me
This is what you created

And with its detonation
Your death came to be
Ticking was my rage
Ticking was my tolerance
                                                             Ticking no more
A tapping, almost regular.
Close enough to even space between each,
tick tick tick
of some broken clock.

Each beat pulls my mind,
searching for a rhythm to match
the pulse of my unsteady soul.

tick tick tick... tick-tick
...tick tick tick
Confusing, yet constant,
and still my heart tries to keep time.


Until time is nothing,
Minutes and seconds are meaningless
when that last tick sounds.
Liv Jun 2015
Tick Tick Tick
How much longer?
Tick Tick Tick*
I see the sparks dash
Tick Tick Tick
Come back and disable this
Tick Tick Tick
Will you burn with me?
Tick Tick Tick
Our destiny lays at the end of the fuse
Tick Tick Tick
Run for cover
Tick Tick Tick
Leave me to explode
Tick Tick Tick
Save yourself
Wait a minute...
Save me too
astroaquanaut Oct 2015
tick, tock
i forgot my wristwatch
i'm losing track of time
tick tock
and you're just there,
right in front of me
twirling carbonara noodles with your fork
the sauce messily covering your lips
tick tock
it has been a long time since
you expressed your stories, your dreams
your philosophies, your blusters
tick, tock
i answer you with smiles
with glances that appreciate
the tiniest details about you
tick, tock
your worn out black cardigan
your varicolored necklace
your white tank top
your chaotic food choices
tick, tock
not again
just stop
quit staring
tick, tock
**** it, i can't finish my meal
tick, tock
you smiled at me
tick, tock
you blushed
tick, tock
you laughed at me
tick, tock
i'm falling
in love
with you
tick, tock
tick, tock
they hit me
like a train
tick, tock
just tell me
when will i see you again
tick, tock
i don't want this to end
tick, tock
take me with you
tick, tock
ugh **** it
tick, tock
you ask me what's wrong
tick, tock
i shake my head
as response
tick, tock
time is running out
tick, tock
i push my plate away
dropped my spoon and fork
they clattered
tick, tock
i stand up
i lean for a kiss
tick, tock
Rebecca Lynn Feb 2015
Tick tick tick goes the clock

Marking the passing of time

As I walk into a future full of unanswered questions

Every second another ‘me’ slips

In to a past full of forgotten moments

I die a million times, a trillion times, dying and dying

Always dying, Always forgetting who I was

Unsure of who I am and afraid of who I will become

Each second I breathe, each time my heart beats

A chance to live and a chance to die

Tick tick tick goes the clock

Marking the passing of time

Who is this person

Looking out with my eyes

Who were they, who are they and who will they be

For every moment I die

For every moment is now

For every moment that will be

For the past, for the present and for the future I see

When all seems lost, another dies and another is born

Tick tick tick goes the clock

Marking the passing of time

For all the me's that once lived

One at a time, in each second that's passed

Time does not slow, it marches on

Because time knows no bounds

Ever determined to bring me to the end

An end I fear, but know not its hour

But when I reach that moment, who will I be

Will I even know who'll be looking out from those cold lifeless eyes

Tick tick tick goes the clock

Marking the passing of time

A billion me's, a billion you's

To the end of time, To the end of space

When I look into my past, I mourn all my deaths

Some to be proud, some to regret and some to mourn

I hope, I breathe, I think and I cry

To the me's long lost, I'm sorry, so so sorry

To the me I am now, good luck and god speed

To the me that will be, allons-y, onward we go

Tick tick tick goes the clock

Marking the passing of me
Mehak Shaikh Oct 2017
Tick Tock Tick Tock
It’s evening, Seven o’clock
Tick Tock Tick Tock
A minute up, Fairies came in frock

Tick Tock Tick Tock
Playing their music with soft chant
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Fairies came in the land grant

Tick Tock Tick Tock
A younger girl came n found the band
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Other Fairies came to shake her hand

Tick Tock Tick Tock
One Fairy smelled the rose
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Crazy smile on her face, of course

Tick Tock Tick Tock
It was night, 11 o'clock
Fairies moved back to the door
Dreaming a fairy land once I was quite young. So I penned down my emotions when I turned adult.
Matthew James Apr 2016
Tick tock
Tick Tock
It's late
tock Tick  
tock Tick  
I'm wired
I'm tired
I'm wired I'm tired I'm tired I'm wired
Tick-tock tock-tick
Tick tock tickety tock  
tickety tick tickety tock
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up-shut up
shut the **** up
you stupid fu-cking clock
I'm tired
I'm wired
If I don't get some sleep I'll get fired
Tick-tock tock-tick
Tick tock tickety tock  
tickety tick tickety tock
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up-shut up
shut the **** up
you stupid fu-cking clock
Some sleep
Can't sleep
My mind
Just creeps
Just blind
Count sheep
Do'n't work
Each peep
Can't sleep
Won't sleep
And think
Don't sleep
**** sleep
**** sleep!
**** SLEEP
Tick-tock tock-tick
Tock-tick tick-tock
Tick tock tickety tock  
tickety tick tickety tock
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up-shut up
shut the **** up
you stupid fu-cking clock
Goes beep
Oh well
No sleep
Need sleep
**** work
I'll sleep
Navahopi119 Jan 2018
Tick Tick Tick
The clock on the wall
Almost melodic, like
A metronome it plays

Tick Tick Tick
The time seems to crawl
But the thoughts hit me
Hard like a spike.
The voices like a frenzied craze.

Tick Tick Tick
The melody continues.
Trying to keep calm and stay cool
But the feeling continues to flow and ensue

Tick Tick Tick
The collection embues
Collecting and gathering, they pool.
I try my hardest to subdue.

Tick Tick Tick
The clock on the wall
continues to countdown
To my inevitable outburst

Tick Tick Tick
These thoughts continue to appall.
Attempting to drown
That which lies on me, this curse.


Then it chimes
It's inevitable
I'm responsible from my crimes
I should've known it was inescapable

The clock on the wall no longer ticks

Eve Nov 2018
Kenna Jul 2012
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock*
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Jaicob Nov 2020
"Tick, tick, tick,"
The little watch shouts.
He sits inside my pocket
And awaits me drawing him out.

Tic, tic, tic
It's time for me to rest.
Society and anxiety
Give me too much stress.

"Tick, tick, tick,"
His voice puts me to sleep.
I love his perfect rhythms-
The perfect time he keeps.

Tic, tic, tic
The second I put him away,
The vicious tics come back
I wish they wouldn't stay.

"Tick, tick, tick,"
Directly into my ear.
The only way to stay 'normal'
Is through the rhythm I hear.

Tic, tic, tic
Whenever I am stressed,
The painful tics come back
And cannot be suppressed.

"Tick, tick, tick,"
The second-hand marches on.
Enduring all his hardships,
He's rewound every dawn.

Tic, tic, tic
My fists are bruised and aching.
"What a crazy spaz"
Society's gaze is saying.

"Tick, tick, tick,"
My lovely watch proclaims.
I whisper the rhythm back;
The perfection keeps me sane.

- - -

I need my pocket watch beside me.
Though it may not seem I do.
You simply do not understand
The troubles I'm pushing through.

The terrible sounds and motions
Are so very, very draining.
The worry to always suppress,
Wears out by the day's ending.

My watch sits beside me,
Ticking as I write this
(Ticking so I don't have to),
And reading as a witness.
This poem is about how stress and anxiety often make my tics worse. I always keep a pocket watch with me, however, so I can pull it out and place it near my ear to listen to the perfect ticking noise it makes. This very unceasing rhythm is what keeps me from having a breakdown most of the time.
DC raw love Dec 2014
Tick tock, one two
I want you

Tick tock, thee four
I want you more

Tick tock, five six
Show me a trick

Tick tock, seven eight
Don't be late

Tick tock, nine ten
Be my friend

Tick tock, eleven twelve
It feels like hell

Tick tock, thirteen fourteen
You give me protein

Tick tock, fifteen sixteen
You make *** clean

Tick tock, seventeen eighteen
You make me feel mean

Tick tock, nineteen twenty
You give me plenty

Tick tock, twenty one twenty two
I love you

Tick tock, twenty three twenty four
I love you more

Tick tock, twenty five twenty six
You make me sick

Tick tock, twenty seven twenty eight
You make life great

Tick tock, twenty nine thirty
You make me feel *****

Tick tock, thirty one thirty two
You make me blue

Tick tock, thirty three thirty four
You act like a *****

Tick tock, ? ? ? ?
DC raw love Mar 2015
Tick tock, one, two
I want you

Tick tock, thee, four
I want you more

Tick tock, five, six
I'm slowly getting love sick

Tick tock, seven, eight
Our first date so don't be late

Tick tock, nine, ten
Your my best friend

Tick tock, eleven, twelve
Without you feels like hell

Tick tock, thirteen, fourteen
I now feel my love is certain

Tick tock, fifteen, sixteen
You make *** feel clean

Tick tock, seventeen, eighteen
You make me feel wanted

Tick tock, nineteen, twenty
You give me plenty

Tick tock, twenty one, twenty two
I love you

Tick tock, twenty three, twenty four
I love you more

Tick tock, twenty five, twenty six
Your my reason to exists

Tick tock, twenty seven, twenty eight
You make my life great

Tick tock, twenty nine, thirty
I love it when we play *****

Tick tock, thirty one, thirty two
I'm always blue away from you

Tick tock, thirty three, thirty four
You are the one I adore

Tick tock, ? ? ? ?

— The End —