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The Silent Stalker was part man
The Silent Stalker had eight hands
But only two were human hands
The others, no one could understand
The Silent Stalker had no face
The Silent Stalker stood in place
Yet moved at the speed of light
And didn't make a peep a night
The Silent Stalker stood and stared
The Silent Stalker had no hair
Just a tux, new and clean
Symmetrical in Geometry
The Silent Stalker has no eyes
And this answer will be a surprise
So if you ask,  how does he see
He sees the fear of you and me
Made this for a poetry slam
Sona Oct 2015
You ever get the feeling that someone is watching from far behind you? You ever feel like someone is watching your every move?
Like someone is standing by, waiting patiently for you to make a mistake?

Well, unfortunately, someone is actually watching, just not closely watching, so relax you don't have a stalker, unless you take someone or something that observes you carefully without saying a word or taking their eyes off you,  as a stalker then, yes dear I believe you have a 'stalker'. That 'stalker', however, is a different kind. This kind looks down upon you, because of the clothes you wear, the things you do, as well as how you act.
This "stalker's" name is: society, but remember if you want society off your case, then get off society's case
ANDthenY Apr 2015
I want to love a stalker

He'd be the perfect date

If I told him I was too busy

He'd camp outside and wait

I want to love a stalker

He'd always know the right thing to say

Because he'd eavesdrop on my conversations

He'd follow me all day

I want to love a stalker

Then I'd never be alone

He'd come after me forever

Even when I tell him no

He won't accept rejection

He'll give me his whole life

Even when I say I don't want it

He'd never give up, he'd never cry

I want to love a stalker

Want to fight him and run away

I want him to ****** the boys that come near me

And carry me away

I want to love a stalker

Because I have no other choice

I want to love a stalker

Want him to pin me down and hold me tight

I want to love a stalker

Because I'm always going to fight

If he were a stalker I could say no over and over again

And he would never let me go

Until I say no while thinking yes
sunshine Jan 2013
Really me?
A stalker...
Sure I mean
yea, I look for you!
I worry.

It's been nearly a month!
A month since
I read your words,
A month since you gave up!
I worry.

I've become addicted,
addicted to your words,
to your messages,
your texts.
I worry.

*maybe I am a stalker...
I feel as if I'm a stalker, I met this guy. I think he's amazing... but he's not talked to me for a long while. I worry, maybe I've begun to get attached. Attached to someone I've never even met! I'm pathetic aren't I?
Melody Jun 2014
My name is Darkness.
I have a contract with light,
so I can be seen in corners and alleys.
I follow you because you follow the plight
and I will let you carry me, as long I can catch you.

My name is Evil,
I have a contract with good,
to add balance to your soul and
let you see my horns and many thorns.
I stalk you because you are one person, not a people.
I will let you hold my hand, as long as I can run ahead.

My name is Moon,
I have a contract with Sun,
because I need to ignite the night
and show you that I can shine just as bright.
I wake up because I like to watch you respite.
I will let you sleep as long as I can turn out your lights.

My name is not Darkness.
My name is not Evil.
My name is not Moon.

My name is Shadow.
I have a contract with light,
so I can be in corners and alleys.
I'm glued to one person, not a people.
I may have horns and I can have thorns.
I will hold your hand, and even let you run ahead.
I won't watch you fall, but I cannot catch you.
I will let you sleep as long as you keep on the light.

My name is not Darkness.
My name is not Evil.
My name is not Moon.
My name is Shadow.
I was born a stalker.
Please tell me what you think.

© 2014 Melody
labels have been placed
on my personage
but the one label
I'll not wear
is that of a stalker
the person who placed
the stalker sticker
on me
can take that label
and place it
on other livery
the darkest of my fantasies whisper
Your body is a scuba suit
insist i breath with your *******, through your mouth
dive deep into claustrophobic waters, sink heavy to the rock bottom
where we petrify by gorgans gaze
i know we'll turn to stone because, of course, the gorgans can't resist gazing at You
nobody can resist gazing at You, land or sea.
Our permanent legacy, lost under layers of life
barnacles clinging, moss burying Our chimera god/snake skin

i am without Your oxygen
when breathing would terrorize the wind
where words belong
still, my forked tongue writes

i'm a theif to say i only want You to be happy
when i had You, it was still selfish
the revolving doors of pain and perseverance
more time invested in us
then money invested in the Pills that kept me from killing You
out of habit
You begged me to beat You
it's been seven hands dealt
rubbing my 5 o'clock sandpaper chin
on the tarot card of death
my tolerance for vacancy
a brownish red stain
i've only the thin line of medication between necrophilia and sociopathy
i want to lay with You at the bottom of the sea

the Pills... where are...
please no, God.
The Voice,            run!
         get out!

I would gladly go to prison
to **** your lifeless body.

I would gladly **** Myself in the afterglow
of your affection.

there is only one true Sin, Objectification.

I indulge relapse
in every memory, find

your shed snake skin
pull it on, like your *******

how disturbed I've become
with you gone

how selfish of you

of course "I" blames You
when the Pills dull

i indulge by studying Your location

i know where You escape too
i want to go there
does that scare You?

i want to bump into You
apoligise for what i want

"want" as a word
is like plexi-glass, or kevlar

standing between Us
keeping the bullet safe.

i want a hard impact
in a school hallway

where we drop all our
Books and look up and You

see my ghost, that would be enough for Me

i want the impact to hurt.
i want the tumbling of all our Book's
i want the messy hair and ripped knees,
then Our
eyes to meet
and linger
I want to watch the fear fill you.
i want to sit there,

petrify from parcel tongues
as i gaze at Your gorgon body
shedding skin

if i shed my snakeskin,
maybe i'll see You

i can't leave this Poem
i can't leave this Poem yet
i won't leave this Poem
please kick me out
end Me
Deon Nov 2014
If you stop stalking me,
Then I can think clearly
Maybe I'll have peace of mind.

If you stop stalking me,
Then I won't be talking to myself
Maybe people won't call me crazy again.

If you stop stalking me,
Then I can go to sleep
Maybe I won't wake with you staring

If you stop stalking me,
Then my doctor will know I'm sane
Maybe I won't need my pills.

Once I was filled with life,
Now all I cause is strife
If I could be the same,
Then I'll stop stalking you.
Maybe I won't be so lame.

If I could sleep at night,
Then I'll stop stalking you.
Maybe I won't fear the light

If dogs don't bark when I'm near,
Then I'll stop stalking you.
Maybe you won't shriek like a deer

But I can't stop stalking you
For I shall be stuck alone
I can't stop stalking you
Because I have no hope on my own

I can't stop stalking you
For no one will see me ever again
When my time is due,
Then I'll ease your pain

I wouldn't stalk you
If I'd died with ease
And my flesh put to rest
For my soul would be in peace
And free from this torment

And when you die
Maybe you'll  find peace
Then you won't feel my pain
But until then, just like everyone else's
I'll always be there
Lurking  in the night
Staring at night
Your stalker and your bane
All you have to offer me is broken English
but what you get in return is a broken heart!
"Hi cute pic u me friend?" you ping me randomly;
I am sorry dude,my picture didn't respond!

Not just you,but all the guys from your clan
have a typical dressing style that I can note from your photos.
A smug face,bright colored clothes,unkempt hair;
cigarette burnt lips and alcohol shot eyes!

Don't judge me, I am just sharing my observation
but I appreciate your perseverance of sending multiple messages!
"Hey u","Reply and expect* me","Don't put scene^","Fraandship#??","Change new pic"
and all I could think of is "Not happening bro!!"

Wondering why I wrote this ode to you?!
You are a hero man! An unsung hero in your own world!
When science and technology advances,when countries and continents fight and make up
all you can think of is this random girl who is ignoring you!Talk about goal-oriented!!

You have a dumpy old computer with an internet connection and a Facebook account
and you want to have girls who you don't even know;You are more ambitious than Shakespeare's Brutus!
You get irritated looks from all the girls you stalk,
Yet you are unaffected as you never get to know that!!

I envy your spirit, I envy your hard-work!!
Burning the midnight oil to get ignored by girls you don't even know!
Though you stalk this much, in reality you are shy to even talk!
You are a mystery, a dark knight I might say!!

Whatever anyone says, I know you wont give up!!
You are a big challenge for all those privacy setting developers,
you creep and crawl through the web so much and still
you always remain -A random stalker!!
^Don't show off
Mike Hauser Jul 2013
I swear I'm not a stalker
I just wondered where you lived
How you dressed away from work
And on your off hours what you did

I know you think it's crazy
I keep following you around
Dressed  last week as a Dive Instructor
This week as a Circus Clown

I don't want you to get suspicious
And perhaps call up the cops
Last time it was I talked with them
They looked at me as if I were nuts

I enjoy watching you eat dinner
As I count each delicious bite you take
With my face plastered to the window
A little disturbed you haven't introduced me to your date

Let us just continue playing slyly
He looks like the jealous type
He wouldn't understand what it is we have
Anyway pretty soon he'll be out of sight and out of mind

We'll just go about our business
Like on any other day
You do whatever it is you do
I'll follow every step you take

Did I mention I wasn't a stalker?
Just wanna make sure you heard
Cause the last time it is I attempted this
All the Doctors said that I was cured
nivek Jul 2015
memory is a stalker who will pounce
when you least expect it

some memories come in beautiful colour touching
touched long ago and remembered for fleeting moments

but the in-house stalker with a vengeance
is the one you would willingly shake off and forget forever
Marlo Jun 2014
I wish for you to see me.
Dancing to music, totally lost.
Laughing, beautiful.
Being silly, the girl you fell for.
Creating new paintings, memories...
But rather than just seeing me,
Be there with me.
Prove predictions.
More hopeful
. *** .
Deepak shodhan Apr 2015
You jumped into my life
callin' me a stalker
Grabbed my attention and
made me your sweet talker!

You're a raging fire on a winter night
I didnt know how you did
but you did it right!

I understood that I had
fallen for you
When an idiot entered
between me and you

I tried alot to express
my love to you
But you still treated
me as a stalker..

Tears of blood fell from
my broken heart
I never thought we
would apart

I knew they say love
is blind
But I had only you
on my mind!!

Hoping2bhelpfull Jan 2014
I see her
I searched for her on the internet
I found her
She is naked
Having ***
With different people
Why did I look for her?
What was it about her?
That sparked my interest
Her body is nice from what I can tell
But her smile
Her cheek bones
Here eyes
Friendly looking
And kind
Beautiful long hair
She seems so approachable
I don’t know anything about her
But I want to know everything
This is why I don’t normally look at ****
I see a face of a beautiful person
And I want to know everything about her
So I search
And download
Telling myself I am not a stalker
I am not a pervert
Telling myself I can be her knight in shining armor
I can save her from the life she has chosen
I am not a stalker
I am not a pervert
How long can she last?
In this kind of work
Before she goes crazy
Before she gets used up
How much money does she make?
She has a twitter account
I will never tweet her
I am not a stalker
I am not a pervert
A couple of years go by
I keep following her on the internet
She has changed her body
With plastic surgery
She isn’t the innocent cute
Girl/woman she was
She is still doing this kind of work
She needs to get out
She doesn’t have much time
She needs to learn a skill to enter the work force
I follow her on twitter
She has wish list on Amazon
She lets her fans buy her things
I want to buy her something
I don’t know why
I won’t
I am not a stalker
I am not a pervert
She is dating a man
Months go by
Now she is dating a woman
Months go by
She is retiring
I am happy
For her
But sad because I won’t see her
Her twitter account is still up
She keeps taking pictures of food
Months go by
Now she is coming out of retirement
She can’t
It’s not healthy
Then I realize
I keep searching for her
On the internet
I’m responsible
For her being in demand
Myself and all her fans
Why do we watch her?
We are sick
Chasing an image that isn’t real
Her name isn’t real
This is a job to her
She needs money
And she needs it from
The pathetic losers that are her fans
This is why she is in this business
For the money
Is so simple
I’m so simple minded
I begin to hate her
I will never buy her anything
Or ever pay for any of her content
I will never tweet her
Or view her again ever
I am free
Days go by
I am watching a television show
The actress is beautiful
I search for her on the internet
I want to know everything about her.
Marlo Jun 2014
I wish for you to see me...
Alone in my room.
Singing,writing about you.
Crying,begging darkness.
Throwing notes,paintings,
Watching our memories rain down.
Covering my floor in
Tear-drenched declarations of love.
Watch me prove predictions,
I said,
without you, I'd be dead.'
Save me...
You're the only one watching.
. *** .
Now for years I haven’t seen him
nor know if he is alive or dead
the shadowy man who floated like dream
each moonlight on the roof surfaced!

When from my window his silhouette I caught
saw him on his voyage embark
the moon stalker day’s small-time clerk
wove a magic spell on my thought!

As the moon came over the eastern edge
silver orbed in her glorious rebirth
he would be there lost in his gaze
like a moonman stuck on the earth!

Madly his eyes riveted on the sky
in pursuit of gain unknown
as if once unmoored to her he would fly
leaving this world disowned!

Hours passed by his wonder not ebbed
eased not the moon stalker's trance
it seemed to me moon's waning he grieved
mourned dimming of her silvery dance!

Each full moon saw this unfailing zeal
on the roof two lovers' meet
his eyes sky bound till he had his fill
the moonman on earthly transit!
pixels Sep 2012
lightning bolt earrings;
bangles jangle on dark wrists:
an urban Gypsy.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2018
kate beckinsale & anne hathaway
can speak
the name... matthew all
day long...
                 and right into the night...
i'll try to fall asleep...
must be an Oedipus complex
sort of thing,
   in primary school my school
friends thought that my
mother had the visage for
   sandra bullock...
   ha ha! good luck to the men fathering
          you ever find it easier
to pet casts, and cage tigers?!
              **** me...
my shatten is soliloquy central...
           i drink to excess and
listen to excess erotica latex ****
      and then? do nothing about it...
i like cinema...
                         **** me...
a fetish for leather that extends
past a ******...
    i would have asked her sincere self:
can we drop the ******
so that i might attire myself
in gimp?
      she evidently replied
a no with her 19 years of existence...
oh... under-baked apple pie
my dear...
            ha ha!
           no, i have more cherries
to pick, i''m beyond stalking some famous grimace...
you are here           .

and i?

                                           .              am here...

who needs the excess of
quasi-journalistic coverage anyway?
           that transitioning harem
of rock stars...
     like Kafka said:
i'll be waiting for something
i never had,
and missing it,
            by never having touched
a peek behind the curtain...

   i'll wait... for what i could never have...
and within the confines
of what i could never have,
          i'll settle for what i can already, have.

kate beckinsale & anne hathaway
can speak the name matthew
all day long, and i won't mind...
      would i be the one following them?
         taxi counts...
                 ******* crows that
croak mid-flight count...
           the number of canadian geese
in b-54 formation
migrating come mid-autumn...

          geek without the cartoons...
push me...
   keep pushing...
     i want the shove
and the ****** wording of auto-suggestive
courting of -

              thank you...
i'd rather stalk my own shadow...
looking out for the plot-line of
an eased out **** doing the olympic
gold medal dive into
the crapper pool,
via analyzing the shadow of plop
pop gold...

        zero splash...

                a ******* harmonium
on the neck of a Polish teenager,
traveling on a Warsaw tram
      to reach a girl who...
              was counting petals,
and the worth(s) of considering
the concise surmount of love...

             yeah... next time?
i'll be the one used to invigorating
the stance on stalking
one's own shadow...
because i fidget...
i get all jerky...
                  the hype instigator
   ******* a woman
like a piston of a car's momentum...

               does it really matter?
i thought the Madonna-***** complex
wasn't a man-"thing"?
   if man owns the Freudian Oedipus
  does man also have to lend in his
strap-on dictum for the
Madonna-***** complex?
              that's not a wholly woman "thing"?
she's doesn't own that
   it's man's fault?!

             i know the Rastafarian Putin
isn't rasp -
but you know that Israeli ******
are better than the Russian ones...
so the story goes...

               which kinda explains...
impotent with women trapped
within the Madonna-***** complex...
with Bulgarian prostitutes?
a limp **** only, and only when
i forgot to trim my ***** hair,
my Eden...

  i have the Oedipus complex...
am i also responsible for
the Madonna-***** complex?!
                        you sure that women
are not supposed to attend to question
this trans-schizophrenic,
   squint / split /

                   prior mothers,
that prerequisite motherhood
with the basis of ******* themselves...

   the Madonna-***** complex
is outside the realm of the male constraint /
castration of rules...

   i already mentioned it...
i couldn't be circumcised...
   protruding veins, that met at the zenith
of the *******...
if they circumcised me...
        i would have bled to death...
the, "crime" of ******* is
a lot easier to handle...
   if you haven't been circumcised...

   circumcision is a motivational tactic...
you are... technically... not allowed
to ******* once you've been
               you're free, to *******...
if you haven't been circumcised...
as a male...
            no problem...
problem of ******* comes...
when you persist in the act...
but you don't actually possess the excess
skin, that might allow you
the prime, solipsistic act...

******* is worth a justified critique...
ONLY, and only IF...
you've been circumcised...
sorry if you have...
           notably because?
your priest isn't a rabbi...
and there's no fiddler on the roof
matchmaker song
to boot.

oh no, there's no problem with the act
of *******...
  but there is... if you have been
    during ******* i used to pull my *******
  and **** with an unsheathed

      but in private?
the ******* was rolled back on,
to counter the imitation of experiencing ****
***... with a clenched fist.
derek Jan 2016
Hindi ko alam kung mababasa mo ito.
Pero kailangan kong sabihin ang tibok ng puso ko.
Wala rin namang mapapala dahil wala na ring pag-asa
Kaya kung sasabihin ko ito, sa akin ba'y may mawawala pa?

Kagagaling ko lang sa isang bagyo
Pero nakagugulat na hindi ako sinipon, kahit basang-basa ako.
Nagsumikap magbihis, para makapasyal uli
nang makita ko ang matamis **** mga ngiti.

Hindi na ako nagpigil, wala nang mawawala sa akin
Kailangan kitang makilala, kailangan kong magpapansin.
Pangalan mo lang ang mayroon ako, pero nahanap agad kita
Akalain **** nasa iisang gusali lang pala tayong dalawa?

Hindi ako gwapo at hindi rin malakas ang loob ko
Nakakaawang kombinasyon sa mga panahong ito
Mas gugustuhin ko pang magpasensya at maghintay
Pero paano lalapit sa pagkapangit na manok ang pagkagandang palay?

Inalis ko na sa utak ko ang pag-aalinlangan
Alam mo na ito, dahil may bulaklak ka na kinaumagahan.
Ayoko nang secret admirer, dahil hindi na tayo bata.
Pinaalam ko kung sino ako, para makipagkilala.

Sinulatan kita, makailang ulit
Para alam mo na ako yung nangungulit.
Kaso hindi ko alam kung bakit
Ni isang sagot, wala kang binalik.

Hindi ko na kaya maghintay pa ng matagal
Kailangan ko itanong, kailangan ko malaman.
Hindi ako magwawala kung hindi ka interesado
pero sana sumagot ka, para hindi na ako manggulo.

Ilang sandali pa, tumunog na ang telepono ko
Lumukso ang aking puso ng makita ko ang pangalan mo!

"Salamat sa bulaklak, pero mali ang pagkakaintindi mo
"hindi ako naghahanap ng lalaking iibigin ko
"Pagkat may iniibig na itong aking puso
"Pasensya ka na, patawarin mo na ako".

Matagal akong natulala sa aking nabasa
Biglang lumiit ang mundo ko, hindi na ako makahinga.
Naglakas loob akong sumagot at sinabing "naiintindihan ko
"salamat sa pagsagot, at magandang gabi sa iyo".

Gusto ko lang sabihin, sa mga makakabasa nito,
walang ginawang mali ang dalaga sa kwento ko.
Hindi ko man siya nakilala ng lubos ay nakatitiyak ako
Nang inihulog siya ng langit, sobrang swerte nang nakasalo.

Hindi ko gugustuhing agawin ka.
Kasi kung maaagaw man kita, maaagaw ka rin ng iba.
Kung mabasa mo man ito, okay lang bang hilingin ko
kapag niloko ka nya, pwede bang sabihan mo agad ako?
Somebody's standing in the window
and they're quietly watching me.
There's not a sign of any movement
but somebody is trying to see.

It's late at night and there's nothing
but darkness all around.
I can feel the presence of a stalker
and he's not making a sound.

Inside of my head he has a tight grip
and he holding me around my waist.
He's about to do something to make
another neighborhood case.

I tried to scream, fight and scratch but
I couldn't quite prevail.
He sent out an unwanted feeling of me
sinking down to the bottom of a well.

He's gotten the best of me and now it's  
much, much too late.
Mother told me to stay away from this
place because there was too much at stake.

The stalker's standing in front of me now
and there's nothing that I can do.
All of the things mother tried to tell me
they're all about to come true.
Halloween is coming...
Ironatmosphere Feb 2013
I’m not a stalker
I’m not
I just monitor your little green Facebook dot

I keep waiting for a sign
That you'll someday be mine
But all I see is you on her Facebook timeline
GailForceWinds Feb 2015
Lost and lonely
Scared and confused
We’ve both been down
We’ve both been abused

We are together
Two birds of a feather
Don’t you see it too?
You belong to me, and I belong to you

I need you baby
Don’t you need me too?
Come on darling, don’t make me blue

I know you want me
So don’t pretend
That restraining order
Was meant to bend

Why would you ever call me a stalker
I’ll hunt you down in my walker

You are mine...
J B Moore Nov 2018
I feel like a creep, a stalker, a freak,
It wouldn’t be so if I moved my feet.
If I could walk over and say hello
And tell her the things I’d like her to know.
The time would be neat, pleasantly sweet.
It could be so if I would just speak.

I watch at a distance, scared I’ll seem weak.
It wouldn’t be so if I took the leap
Of faith, and with courage, gave her a smile,
Bridging the sea between our two isles.
Our eyes they would meet, such a pleasant treat.
It could be so when I dream as I sleep.

I feel like a freak, a stalker, a creep.
I wish it weren’t so, but I’m in too deep.

11/24/18 12:55a
112715 #10AM

Baka nalason na siya sa usok
Na binubuga ng mga nakababahing na mekanismo.
Siya'y nalulumbay kaya't ako'y nabihag niya,
Nabihag -- nabighani
Sa kanyang kumikinang na pustura,
Siyang bughaw na bistida at magbabagong-bihis pa.

Umiiyak siya, kaya't hindi ko na ininda,
Nagbakasakaling mapatahan siya --
Nang di bumugso ang galit
Patungo sa konkreto't pinira-pirasong bakal
Pagkat mga abang, ni hindi ninais na maugatan.

Bulong ko ang lihim na pagtingin,
"Anuman ang iyong kulay
Ang dilag mo'y kabigha-bighani
Kaya lubos kitang iniibig,
Aking panghabangbuhay na kaibigan,
O Langit na Irog."
derek Mar 2016
Hello, kamusta ka? Ako po ulit ito.
Ayaw mo sumagot, ayaw mo kumibo.
At dahil ayaw ka, heto't basahin mo
Mga sal'tang tugma, tula ng pagsuyo.

Pinilit ang puso na kalimutan ka.
Nilunod ang isip sa 'king mga tula.
Pagkat winika mo na walang pag-asa
kaya 'di umulit, 'di na nag-usisa.

Ngunit nalaman ko sa 'king kaibigan
na noong Biyernes ika'y nakita n'ya.
Hinimok n'ya ako na muling subukan.
Kaya heto ako at may dalang tula.

Dahil paano ba itutuloy muli
ang daang naputol at tila nabungi?
Anong gagawin ko para mapangiti
ang labi at puso na dating tumanggi?

Marahil isip mo, "grabe ang baduy mo"
"sumulat ng tula, para mapansin ko".
Ayokong magsisi, ayokong magtanto
kung nagkulang ako sa kulit at suyo.

Itataya ko na sa 'ting kapalaran
kung itong tula ko'y may patutunguhan.
Kung ayaw mo pa rin, sa 'kin ay ayos lang.
Basta sa isip ko, walang nang sisihan.

Di ako nagsising bigyan ka ng rosas.
Gagawin ko uli, ibalik man ang oras.
Kung ika'y nangiti sa tula kong ito,
ikaw ba'y papayag na magkita tayo?
Sometimes, I wish I hadn’t just been the backseat of your car,
Intoxicated. My first drunk hook up. My first. Period.
I picture myself being champagne on Valentine’s Day.
I picture myself being you, nervous in the car, holding Starbucks
because you know I love coffee. Sometimes, I picture myself as her,
calling you a stalker and ignoring your calls,
but then I see myself. I call you beautiful,
turn you into poetry, laugh at your bad jokes,
I see myself as I become your drunk Wednesday night
when you’re sad. I see myself as I say no,
I become a “this is not a good idea”
and you a “we’ll deal with the consequences in the morning.”
We laugh because this hurts too much.
You take her out for dinner and I burrow money
for Plan B because you forgot you don’t like condoms
and clearly have no idea how children are made.
I have already named him. He has your curls and
my anxiety. He is smart. Except, I never wanted kids and
you would be a great father. Instead, you tell her
the beach reminds you of her and I cry in a McDonald’s
bathroom with my friend as relief floods through me that
the test comes negative. I stop talking to you,
move forward, meet someone new and before long
see myself becoming you. Because isn’t that the cycle?
Bad men turn good women into bad women who turn
good men into bad men. I’ll set him free so he can hurt
someone like me, and I drink red wine as I read her
poems about him and me.
I am the stranger outside
Watching you in the shower
The monster under your bed
When you're trying to sleep

I am the stalker in the shadows
When you're walking in the street
The fear on the dark corners
You know I'm waiting there

I am the nightmare at night
Those forbidden thoughts in your head
You try to make yourself resist
But you're a prisoner of my will

I am the coming *******
As you fall to your submission
The surrendering to completion
At last, you face exactly who I am
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
Robert Guerrero Dec 2012
Lurking in the shadows
Street lights not touching your face
Hood up
Knife gripped tight
As you stalk her every move

Like a snake
Slithering into position
Coiled and ready to strike
Aiming for the purse
Willing to take more

You stalked her for weeks
Watching her walk
Her daily routine
Learning how many steps
She makes a day

As your moment draws near
Adrenaline rushing
Stalking her for this moment
To **** and **** her
Just because she broke your heart

You creep closer
Closer and closer
Not wanting to do this
But if you can't have her
No one shall
Jeuden Totanes Feb 2014
I saw you today
Wearing your school uniform
You saw me and called me
I came to you
You just smiled
At school you said goodbye
You left me again
And so I waited
Later you arrived
But it seemed like destiny
Was bound to separate us
Because you went away
With somebody I know
It has been like that
For years, and years to come
You come, you go
You smile
Sometimes you would frown
I would watch you go home
You don’t even say goodbye
You can’t even say Thank You
But it’s alright
There are still many others out there
Waiting for me
People like you who need me
I know your name
Your friend’s name
Your favorite color
I know what scent you wear
The way you comb your hair
The way you walk
And talk
But then I know
That I need you and you need me
Always crossing roads
Hoping you’d call me again
Hoping that one day you’d smile
That one day you would know my name too
Though that chance may be vague
For our ways are different
And you might not care at all
I’m always here waiting
And still I am hoping
That one day you would appreciate my existence
As a mere pedicab driver.
thanks for the hearts! <3    

love pinoy :)
S Smoothie Apr 2014
you might break off and run away,

but the sick stalker **** has the luck,

to find every bad thing that will cause life to ****,

you can run but never hide,

that drama **** has nothing but luck on their side!
Srijani Sarkar Jul 2018
I am having writer's block
and experiencing all this anger
and hunger and love and regret,
I feel like I just don't have a bowl
for all these incredible feelings.
I just don't have enough respect for words anymore.
I want to make a cake out of this psychedelia
and I don't even have a sweet tooth.
Where do I put all of it?
Not how.... where?
I feel like drinking water without pills is vain.
Air left in my stomach
makes my mind a ****** stalker
who'll chase you down the road
suddenly have concussions and die in front of you
and make you call the police for a whole new different reason.
Writer's block is ghost town
and I am still human without a soul.
How to die beautifully?
Perhaps when the sun shines the brightest in the dusk
burning everyone more than ever.
Stum Casia Aug 2015
Maganda ka pa rin.
Kahit lagas ang halos lahat ng iyong ngipin
at pilas ang maganda **** pisngi.
Maganda ka pa rin.
Kahit hirap na kitang makilala.
Kahit hindi ko na makita ang ngiting dati ay para sa akin.
Maganda ka pa rin, aking asawa.
Magandang, maganda ka pa rin sa aking paningin,
mahal kong asawa.

Bigla ko tuloy naaalala,
noong hindi pa tayo magkakilala.
Palagi kita tinitignan. Mula sa malayo.
Sa likod ng mga streamer. Sa likod ng mga banner.
Parang stalker. Tinitignan kita.

Kaya naman parang umaakyat sa hagdanan ang aking kaligayahan
nang ikaw ay magpasyang mag-fulltime.
Nang tanggapin mo ang aking laking-bukid na pag-ibig,
At mas lalo, siyempre nang ikasal tayo sa opisina ng KOMPRA.

Pero, mahal na kasama, ngayong gabi,
ibig sana kitang sarilinin.
Tayo lang sana ng mga anak natin.
Pwede bang kahit ngayong gabi ay maipagdamot ka namin?
Pwede bang dito ka muna sa amin?

Oo, alam ko,
di mo iyon nanaisin. Sasabihin mo pihado, sigurado.
Pamilya mo rin sila- manggagawa, magsasaka, mga kasama.

Kaya't kasama nila,
bubuhayin ko ang iyong alaala.
Bubuhayin namin ang iyong mga alaala.

Ang huling araw na ikaw ay nakasama.
Ang huling text message na iyong pinadala.

Ang iyong mga aral at mga hamon.
At batid naming lahat saan ka man naroroon.
Tiyak namin san ka man naroroon.

Tumatawa ka nang malakas,
tinatawanan mo ang mga ungas.
Mga ungas sila. Bigo sila. Epic fail sila.
Nabigo silang ika'y patahimikin.
Nabigo silang pag-aaklas natin ay pahupain.
Akala nila nagwakas,
Pero tumutupok pa rin ang sinindihan **** ningas.
At sa muling pagbalikwas ng malayang bukas.
I-aabot natin sa tarangkahan ng kanilang mga kaluluwa ang wakas.
Janie Elizabeth Oct 2017
You're there in the shadows
I hear your whispers
I hear your footsteps behind me
I'm never alone because you never leave
You're even there when I fall asleep
You see me cry
You see me laugh
You see me smile
You see me sleep
You watch and I feel it
I feel your eyes on me
My dear Mr. Stalker
Oh how you comfort me
I have never seen your face
You hide behind that ski mask
My dear Mr. Stalker
Why not show me at last

— The End —