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Ugo Apr 2012
Dedicated to stillborn fetuses, 99 cent Malt Liquor and Existentialism
Nymphomaniac tree huggers
And overweight bisexual vegetarians
Swallowing phentermine poison to stay fit.

Funky fresh *******  
throwing pigs at St. Augustine’s pear tree
and frolicking abortions over Moloch’s philoprogenitiveness,

While sipping barbecue sauce dipped in Lipton tea,
dancing around adhesive bonfires
reciting memories of holocaust, the Kristallnacht nights
and beautiful words suffered by ancestors lost.

Inhale chicken noodle soup, with a side of Lithium,
And prance to Literacy class to combat envisionment
With free association conceptual constructions,

Computerized like Prometheus’ fire burning through SmartBoards
In classrooms where the poison of heterosexual history
Is fed to boys in skirts cursed by Adam’s apple,

Baptized by social norms and locked away in hopeless closets
According to the Tautology of Leviticus…
until they cut their breath by the vein of soteriology;

Misunderstanding of God’s words
Covets the innocent to early graves
In biblical paratactic irony…like God betting Satan for a Job.

Rub fried chicken oil on Bartholomaeus Anglicus’ skin
and soil his white pride with ***** flavor,
for revenge  On the Properties of Things

and howl out in glory of victory
over totes of  lickerish piper methysticum blunts
that beg the conundrum,
'What is the origin of this world?'
'Ether,' he replied.
But it is not ether!
Nor Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
It is Dada. Dada. Dada!
For this is a record of the life stories of the greatest minds and geniuses of your generation,
written in boys and girls
who mimicked Basquiat’s genius and tagged bathroom walls with abstract philosophies like “Love is a prime number” and “ the weight of Duncan McDougall’s soul can only be found on the 15th of October”
who drank vampirish gulps of Vicodin while consoling themselves with aphorisms such as: “don’t rue the misses, you don’t need a Mrs. when you’re elevated by chemical kisses”
Who stood naked in mirrors, weeping, for they were a mystery to themselves, but a great talent and soon to be legend to some.
Who lit cannabis in loneliness and waltzed naked with their ghosts, fantasizing about ****** tomatoes and Corpus Christi Mexican Jazz.
Who composed psychedelic anthems from dreams that were lost in ghettoes where virginities were lost for loaves of bread, for the hunger of bread.
Who wrote suicide notes on a toilet seat, contemplating the texture of Marshall Mathers’ favorite underwear and whether the color green was an invention of **** Germany.
Who used to love their lovers in darkness and colored the streets of Manhattan with rainbows on June 24, 2011 to mark the date lady liberty finally bought a new pair of glasses.
Who lost musical talents to a Wine-house and ended up in a whine-house where lobotomy was subsequently prescribed by the milligram.
Who indulged in pharmaceutical vices and when asked why replied simply, every recursively enumerable set is Diophantine.
Who diagnosed themselves with “start ****-itis” and self medicated by eating Fifinellas at the stroke of each midnight.
Who rubbed paraprosdokians on their skin and occupied Wall Street in search of a new euphemism for being American.
Who poured Alkalizer on a dead moose and kicked it while feasting on the divine question, “why does Rice play Texas?”
who got bored with conventional relationships and bought the Origin of the World on street corners from vixens nicknamed “Jezebel” and climaxed atop of them screaming  “I’m in Babylon, the great Mother of ******!”
Who attempted suicides upon suicides upon suicides, in Oakland, until they were shipped away to private catholic universities in Rhode Island, where the history of Colossus was being taught.
who serenaded love interests with four letter curse words at open bars where Kubla Khan was read and Tartars kings were licked all over like holy communion *****.
Who drove home with the spirits of wine and crashed on telephone poles where their obituaries were written in their prime, leaving their mothers weeping and calling congress to reconsider Prohibition.
Who mixed Redbull with Propofol and drank the juxtaposition galore only to be woken up the next morning dead in their sleep.
Who tattooed rat poison packages with goodwill messages such as “****** divided by Water =6th day of creation” or “Seroquel + Brett Favre = St. Patrick”,
who went speedballing with Basquiat during autoscopy and woke up wondering the cost of Nautilus in Albuquerque.
who took 33 hallelujah 1800 tequila jello shots and daydreamed about laying on Mithras’ grave, yelling, beetlejuice, beetlejuice…beetlejuice.
who found the truths of the Bible invalid by the miscalculation of Pi in 1 Kings 7, verse 3, and mailed death on anthrax letters to Reagan in protest.
who sat empty bellied at breakfast tables wondering the temperature of satellites at Lagrangian points,  only to soon catch fire in their tongues and speak Labyrinth soliloquies that ended in
Where Google knows every answer.
In Zion
Where the youth, tomorrow’s future, quote a ***** named Hova better than they can quote Jehovah.
In Zion
Where *******’s art was used as weapon during the Cold war.
In Zion
Where sartorial geniuses where no pants,
In Zion
Where David Kato Kisule is the secret hero of these words, for he was taken at a time
In Zion
Where we were supposed to be our ancestor’s sci-fi.

In Zion,
Where the youth bear the scarlet letter X for they are a problem to tradition and hold no definition for the future, for they have discovered
In Zion
That the origin of this world is in their living eyes, and not in the dictionary of their ancestors who lived
In Zion
when the epitome of the literature of life ended in Revelation of Amen and Shantih shantih shantih;
this is a record of the greatest minds and geniuses there ever was, written
in Zion
where the meaninglessness and nothingness of Dada reigns, and the trinity of life now lives in the Subject, subjective and subjectivity.;=1353822133&sr;=8-1&keywords;=olaf+last+king+of+nothing
We look for Satan with the same intensity
that my mom and dad looked for God.

In retrospect
my parents were always pushing me to expand my consciousness
by huffing glue or gasoline
or chewing peyote buttons.
Simply because they'd done their time,
wasted their teen years
lolling in the muddy fields of Vermont
and the salt flats of Nevada,
naked except for rainbow face paints
and a thick coating of sweaty filth,
their heads festooned
with fifty pounds of fetid dreadlocks,
teeming with crab lice
and pretending to find enlightenment...
That does NOT mean I have to make the same mistake.

Sorry, Satan,
once again I've said the G-word.

Without breaking stride,
Leonard nods and points
to indicate the former deities of now-defunct cultures,
now warehoused in the underworld.
Among them: Benoth,
a god of the Babylonians;
an idol of the Philistines;
goddess of the Sidonians;
the god of the Hevites.

My suspicion
is that my parents treasure their sordid recollection
of episodes at Woodstock and Burning Man
not because those pastimes led to wisdom,
but because such folly
was inseparable from a period of their lives
when they were young
and unburdened by obligation;
they had free time, muscle tone,
and their futures still looked like a great, grand adventure.
both my mother and father had been free of social status
and therefore had nothing to lose by cavorting ****,
their swollen genitals smeared with muck.

because they had ingested drugs and flirted with brain damage,
they insisted I should do likewise.
I was forever opening my boxed lunch at school
to discover a cheese sandwich,
a carton of apple juice,
carrot sticks,
and a five-hundred-milligram Percocet.
Tucked within my Christmas stocking
--not that we celebrated Christmas--
would be three oranges,
a sugar mouse, a harmonica,
and quaaludes.
In my Easter basket
--not that we called the event Easter--
instead of jelly beans,
I'd find lumps of hashish.
Would that I could forget the scene at my twelfth birthday party
where I flailed at a piñata,
wielding a broomstick in front of my peers
and their respective
former-hippie, former-rasta,
former-anarchist throwback parents.
The moment the colorful papier-mâché burst,
instead of Tootsie Rolls or Hershey's Kisses,
everyone present
was showered with Vicodins,
Darvons, Percodans,
amyl nitrate ampoules,
LSD stamps,
and assorted barbiturates.
The now wealthy,
now-middle-aged parents
were ecstatic,
while my little friends and I couldn't help
but feel a tad bit cheated.

and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to understand
that very few twelve-year-olds
would actually enjoy attending
a clothing-optional birthday party.

Some of the most gruesome images in Hell
seem downright laughable
when compared to seeing an entire generation of adults
stripped **** and wrestling on the floor,
grasping and panting in frantic competition
for a scattered handful of codeine capsules.
This is a found poem. I found it in Chuck Palahniuk's ******.

Madison is the thirteen-year-old daughter of a movie star and billionaire who wakes up, dead, in Hell. She soon finds herself and her nearby cell mates, who make up an almost Breakfast Club of the ******-like group, journeying through Hell to discover just exactly why they've all ended up there.
JJ Hutton Sep 2012
In haste,
I took the first woman like a whiskey shot--
every ounce of her scarred my throat
kept me silent, kept me staggering under the weight.
When the bottom shelf love went beyond full bloom,
I vomited her up, leaving me with a headache.

In good conscious,
I took the second woman like an aspirin pill--
every milligram of her alleviated the pain
kept me similar to content, kept me tame.
When the effects wore off and I pined for another drink,
I put her in the cabinet, leaving me rambling nomadic.

In guilt,
I turned myself into the third woman like a penitent criminal--
every liter of her blood solidified
kept me wrapped behind her bars, kept me seeking her good graces.
When the prison sentence drew to a close,
I left her behind, walking with an unwashable history.

The fourth found me frightening,
the fifth just ignored,
the sixth designated me the "other man",
and the elusive seventh only said, "You could do better."

In my mind,
the pills, prisons, and liquor melded --
the days cut short,
the nights grew long,
but I could do better
I could do better
I could do better.

I sold the pills, I poured the whiskey down the sink,
I left prison to the prisoners,
and in the mirror I became a religious practitioner.

To the Church of Better I subscribed.
Sober, lone, and free my cry.
To the darkness I whispered:
I am the resurrection,
I cannot be killed,
I am the resurrection,
the Buddha,
the Jesus,
the Krishna,
the Allah.
I am the resurrection,
born again and again and again.
kt mccurdy Oct 2014
2-[[4-[(7-Chloro-4-quinolyl)amino]pentyl]ethylamino] ethanol sulfate

Sulfate- dry collision with salty white plaster, plaster walls, my plaster teeth in the palm of my plaster hand, the same palm you touched nervously with your fingertips, when your translucent skin showed we have the same blue veins, you with no love line. I’ve ran into walls, trees, dead ends, bursts of hail, but worst of all– you

Ethanol- black liquid gas,a nozzle in my car engine, fracked through my exhaust(ion) burn my esophagus like sweet ginger ale gin, double chin. I’m drunk, so I’m seeing double. Re/frac/tion.

Ethylamino- alcohol: a drizzle in a rainstorm, i can’t contain myself, exploding inside a glass bottle. a defective windshield wiper, reprocessing my words: “ethyl and coke tastes like cough syrup”, I say. either or, neither will help me.   ethyl as fuel is not safe to drink
ethyl as alcohol is not safe either. swirled away in a plastic whirl.

Pentyl- discovered in a collision of ultra violet light with argon, noble gas. overdose symptoms include convulsions (check), drowsiness (check), headache (check), difficulty breathing (check), vision problems, (check). But not for the reasons, or for the causes, I’ve listed.

Amino- building blocks to a withered corn husk of my body. 9 essential amino acids. Find them in your grocery store: egg whites, lysine in sunfish, cod, dolphinfish but please, no mercury. Maybe I have 1 left, maybe 2, after each labored breath entrapped by porcelain walls, cool on my forehead, warm on my hands, dampened dew on fingertips with pressure on my skin, sewer raindrops on my nose, now i’m so good (to you) I can upheave my 7 other amino acids on demand. No more dew on this fluorescent skin, I've always been too artificial to be compared to nature

Quinolyl- you are created by the removal of one hydrogen atom. I am created by the induction of two. This is how we are similar: exposed to light, we change. Your ancestry proceeds you, impurity in a chemical science, derivative of quinoline, which is a derivative of coal tar. you are an dye, a resin, parasites feed on your smell. I lust on your parts, **** out your solubility, desecrate your elements. I own you, don’t think you own me.

4- one milligram less than what disintegrates on the tongue's bitter perception, each night

Chloro- back stroke, breast stroke, my favorite is dead man’s float. inflamed skin, cracked elbows, an allergy

7- years since you’ve been with me, although I own you, you do not own me.

4- exponent of the previous, the total sum of pop art pills by night’s end. sometimes I forget.

2**- the number of techno-colored candies in the morning

A body is made up of chemicals
It’s morning and there’s an incoming,
your receptors sense a spark of sadness
so they take it
and mash it
and all of a sudden It’s here:
Staring into the perpetual vastness
of a mind that you have
and there are no signs of life
no remnants of emotion that could indicate
something once lived and breathed and laughed
in this abyss
in this blackness
so until Doc bumps up the milligram
for the fifth time around
I can distract myself
with people, places and plants
and listen to his South African accent
while imagining a planet rational to my mind
devoid of even the most microscopic of organisms.
Not a patio brick
or a single tumble bug of my childhood remains,
only these deep lacerations
veiling the beauty of the land which it scars.

Now it’s noon
and the scuffs on my shoes remind me of you
My mind is racing
while Zoloft takes my sadness
and transmutes it into emptiness;
I’m currently still trying to ascertain
which of them is worse.
Scott Horror Dec 2015
Coffee is my life blood
A love affair as strong as I like it
Sweet as I want it
Shots if I'm tired
Weak when I'm wired

All a-bored the caffeine espresso
Oops, I mean express
Express my adoration
The sole foundation
To my motivation
To reach completion
And finish my work

Late at night
Early in the mourning
After the wake-ing
Lazy afternoons
And in the evening
I'll add my sweetening
Or keep it bitter
Like the glares
From my mother
As I fill up another
Cup of smooth, brown freedom

Add some nitro
When I'm dead
To refill my head
With the words that I said
A moment ago
I'll take it blow by blow
Shot by shot
Milligram by milligram
Of caffeine, coffee, constant
Reminder of how easy
It is to get rid
Of exhaustion
Even if only for a moment
Or a lunch break
Or a tired mourning
Or as I write this poem

I love you, coffee
In any way, shape, or form
That you may come
In any size or flavor
To get me to savor
The tang of the coffee
As long as I'm longing
For some more caffeine
My addiction isn't waning
As my love grows for you
With each sip I swallow
And each nickel I borrow
Just to buy
One more cup
I didn't misspell morning. It's supposed to be mourning.
Dre Brax May 2014
250 milligrams of the **** you wish you never said,
laced with sorry's and thoughts of what do we do now's
creep unwanted into our bed.
Don't forget to take it with your 100 milligrams of anger.
That finds home in all the places inside, that you realize you cant tame her.
After that we switch to the heavier stuff ; YEAH! 150 milligrams
of all your secrets and ******* bluffs.
With another 250 milligram dose of all the **** you thought you held close.
all the laughs shared, the tears bared, the constant struggle to always stay
near and dear.
With this final pill i'm addicted to the prescription you made me fill
the last 250 milligrams is human will.
The will to give it a shot. It's a scary high but there i lay with arms held high
waiting for every part of life that your not in to pass me by.
1000 milligrams is all it took for me to be hooked. a ****** or a druggie,
either way i crave from you to love me. so I'll fill my prescription and hope
that the high me reminds you that the sober me still wishes that the love we share
doesn't float away with the high that I'm on. Be my anchor, keep me tied down
with the chemical that we made. The one that tells our brains that our hearts
can truly feel. Without the fall back of 1000 milligram prescription of pills
i was addicted to drugs around the same time i was addicted to a girl
Josephine Lnd May 2013
An empty ******* tank, but with full throttle
been running on idle on top gear,
now the engine has seized up and I
am forced to surrender every morning
to the fact
that I have to eat pills not to go into myself,
go into a corner and go under

and even though I’m on the maximum dose
there are still days when I can’t
get outside the door
just laying down, sinking through the couch, back down
to a state I don’t want to allow
but I have no other choice but to keep breathing
as if I were on ten thousand meters altitude

and I have no other choice but to surrender to
the fact that I can’t handle myself,
that I wouldn’t get up without
these forty milligrams a day
yet still I stand there with my sword drawn behind my back
can’t let the guard down unto the enemy that is reality

and now they say I have a bipolarity they
want to medicate, stabilize
my moods
I have a flawed brain, I have a flawed history
been making too many bad choices, involved myself
in too many ****** up people and got stuck
as if I didn’t have any other choice
when really I just could have opened my eyes
and see my own part of the story
  that I’ve always been looking for someone more broken than
what I’ve been,
to take care of, in stupid attempts
to drown out my own weakness

it’s as if I’ve always wanted to find excuses
for feeling the way I do, being the way I am,
that I don’t function at all
  never wanted to realize that it was in me
the fault lied
  always on the hunt for someone who could destroy me anew
so I didn’t have to see that I was already annihilated
by myself,
so I didn’t have to see that there were no hangman,
that I stood there with the axe in my own hands
and blood on my shoes


en tom jävla tank, men med gasen i botten
har kört på tomgång på högsta växeln,
nu har motorn skurit och jag
är tvungen att kapitulera varenda morgon
inför det faktum
att jag måste knapra piller för att inte gå in i mig själv,
gå in i ett hörn och gå under

och trots att jag ligger på maxdos
så finns det fortfarande dagar då jag inte klarar av
att ta mig utanför dörren
bara ligger, sjunker igenom soffan, ner tillbaka
till ett tillstånd jag inte vill tillåta,
men jag har inget annat val än att fortsätta andas
som om jag befann mig på tiotusenmeters höjd

jag har inget annat val än att kapitulera inför
det faktum att jag inte klarar av mig själv,
att jag inte skulle idas resa mig upp utan
dessa fyrti milligram om dagen
  ändå står jag där med svärdet draget bakom ryggen
kan inte släppa ner garden inför den fiende som är verkligheten

och nu säger de att jag har en bipolaritet
som de vill medicinera, stabilisera
mina stämningar
jag har fel på hjärnan, det är fel på min historia
har gjort för många dåliga val, har involverat mig
i för många fuckade människor och fastnat där
som om jag inte hade något annat val
när jag egentligen bara kunnat öppna ögonen
och se min egen roll i det hela
  att jag ständigt sökt någon trasigare än
vad jag själv varit,
att ta hand om, i korkade försök
att överrösta min egen svaghet

det är som att jag alltid velat hitta ursäkter
för att jag mår som jag mår, är som jag är,
att jag inte fungerar alls
har aldrig velat inse att det var hos mig
felet låg,
ständigt på jakt efter nån som kunnat förgöra mig på nytt
så jag slapp se att jag redan var tillintetgjord
av mig själv,
så jag slapp se att det inte fanns någon bödel,
att jag stod med yxan i min egen hand
och blod på mina skor
Nat Yonce Nov 2010
Cottonball girls with Q-tip legs dance gently
On Epsom salt beaches
As waves of rubbing alcohol lick their feet.
Father, let us run among them.
Let us clean and clear our faces in their festival of mirrors.

We shall rebury the awful jewels I found
With the failed veiled assassin's prescribed directions.
Rx marks the spot.

You may keep the map, for it keeps you in knowledge.
I do not wish that curse upon my conscience.
You may keep the knowledge, for it keeps you in power.
I do not wish the crown in that course.



Forty milligram
© 2009
Amelia Dec 2015
bringing a new weight to the words "high and dry,"
she crushes ten 0.5 milligram pills of xanax with the **** end of a spoon,
puts half of it up her nose, mixes the rest into a bottle of water along with a koolaid packet.

bringing a new weight to the words "high and dry,"
she pulls three more pills from an empty lipstick tube in her bag,
chases them with her koolaid xanax cocktail and checks her email:
for every day that she doesn't change her underwear, she makes twenty dollars, tells her.

bringing a new weight to the words "high and dry,"
she snorts three more fat discolored lines in a public bathroom with her best friend.
her friend crushed the pills with a pen that clicked every time she pressed down;
breathe in fast and hold your ******* breath.

bringing a new weight to the words "high and dry,"
she takes her last pill of the day.
today has cost her at least thirty dollars
as she makes a career out of killing herself.
Daisy Darling Oct 2022
i trust no more,
my body is torn,
and my heart on the floor.

betrayal has a bitter taste,
my time was a waste,
and you left without a trace.

fool i am,
my love was not worth a ****,
and your care was not even a milligram.
Graff1980 Dec 2014
I sit down in tweak town
To jot down a new noun,
A nice verb, a poetic sound,
But all that comes out
Is blah blahs, and doubt.
There’s not enough coffee,
To help satisfy me,
As long as I compare myself,
To everybody else.

So here in caffeine city,
The poetry is witty.
Every verse excites me.
Every line invites me,
To be better.
Speed is my muse,
As long as I let her.

A nicotine lozenge,
Four milligram a piece,
Helps me stay awake,
Until, I am allowed to sleep;
Helps me to stay alert,
Helps me write this verse,
But in the end
The zzzz will hit me worse.
I guess, I should have just gone to bed
Samantha Dec 2013
I’ve always been afraid
From the moment
They cut me out of
My poor mother’s stomach
Fear has gripped me
With sharp talons
I came into this world crying
And those tears
Have followed me through life

I have panic disorder
Or at least that’s what the internet says
I fear the day I will be forced
To write poetry
On the back of
The day I start popping pills
Like candy
Just relieve the stress

I don’t want to smile
With a capsule
Between my teeth
Or let my bloodstream run toxic
But at the same time
I don’t want
My heart to drum
Like my nerves are going to war
And I don’t want to leave the house

I can practically feel the pill
At the back of my throat
I can feel myself choking
The bitterness turning sweet
As the bile
Rushes to meet my taste buds

Sometimes it feels like
I’m training for battle
Like I’m preparing myself
For bullets of Xanax
And Prozac
I don’t even know what a milligram is

I hear it can result
In memory loss
And bleeding gums
And whether or not these are
Urban legends
I don’t know

I’ve watched
Both my brother and sister
Ingest medication
To chase away the depression
I’ve watched my friends
Swallow sleeping pills
To quiet their thoughts

I wonder how can they do it?
How can they just
Open themselves up to sedation?
Allow themselves to
Let go of the familiar
Sadness and fear

Maybe it’s not that
I’m afraid of the pill
But that I’m more afraid
Of the absence of fear
The dark abyss of numbness
I’ve seen medication
Ruin lives

I don’t want to be another statistic
Another number on paper
I don’t want doctors
Going in and out of my head
As if they were old friends

I just want this
To stop
baby bukowski Sep 2015
it's not so much that i'm falling
but rather
i am being pulled
milligram by

by some outward guidance
other than god,
gravity, or

i feel fingers
my body
and move downward,
thumbs getting
in my collarbones
but eventually finding
their way

they grab ahold of all my
and keep them
as a cloud of
envelopes me and

just as i always

all my limbs
weigh 2000 pounds
almost exactly
how it feels
when you take
too many
pain pills.

i try to remedy
this by lying
on my stomach but
my hip
bruise my
skin from the

i am
all the way through.

(but only
if you're looking close

because at first
i am worlds away from

i am something
Styles Jun 2014
Weighing the strength of my hand down to a milligram.
Treat beef like green eggs and ham.
Million dollar man with a back up plan.
Standing ground, wherever I land.
Lady luck, playing my hand.
Over look, what they can't understand.
Too busy being a *****; I'm busy being the man.
Nat Lipstadt Feb 2024
The Level of Uncertainty, This Yellow Star

“Even though I’m OK right now,
there’s a sense it could all go
away in a second.”  

a disease well known to me,
not “as if,” but in fact
been Cain-marked at
birth to be wary, be watchful,
ever alert, never inert in the
realm of possibilities,
the king
in my universe’s galaxy is the
randomness of existence,

microsecond, milligram minuscule,
muscular instability that even if

it’s bespoke nature, customized
just for me, lurks, prepared to ****
me into a hard fall, loss of balance

I prepare with subtleties, minute
measures, discrete and indiscreet,
measured steps, slow-wide turns,
“hands on the railing down the stairs we go”
motto~attitudinal, antithesis~carefree,
for this birthmark was forehead installed
from birth, as a reminder that
reckless abandon
is a countervailing force,
and there are whales in the ocean
and whole coteries of fish in the sea,
waiting, wanting to swallow me whole,

lions across the ocean faraway continents
eager for a nibble of my tender heart,
round ****, and
thousands of people
who hate me and my kind, for no reason,
other than my birth mark,
this foreheaded
yellow star,
notifying all eyes, that I am to be dreaded,
feared, for reasons no matter,
just but unjustly

because, I am a Jew

who prays thrice
times daily for peace
for the whole world.

Sat Feb 10
Vertigo Jun 2014
Hypothetically, what if I was drunk
or high or ****** beyond repair?

What if I crushed four 2 milligram Xanax
and snorted them up my nose, hypothetically?

What if I packed my hand-blown, inside-out
glass pipe with good green, sticky bud?

And, hypothetically, what if I cut up some fresh powder
and went on a skiing trip that lasted through an eight-ball?

Or what if I dropped LSD in my left eye just to see the lines
combine and streak by?

But what if I was sober and what if I still felt
the same then as I felt was hypothetically *******?

What If I loved you?

What if you were all that mattered and

what if you diminished all the other ****?

My trip is my way into your life and the road that leads me there is filled with many things, but the psychotropic **** and barbiturates and benztropines and burning hash, I will leave at home because you are the only thing I need to get high.
Sydney Mar 2021
Bloodline Meds are
The pills you need to take everyday
Like clock work
To continue to feel like yourself.

Sometimes you forget
somehow, you feel completely unchanged
you feel normal
your think you’ve finally beat it,

no longer a prisoner
no longer held captive by a specific milligram of
assorted medication

It’ll start slowly,
then it will hit you
like a ton of bricks.

cold sweats, aches, chills, nausea
feeling on the brink of death.

When you take bloodline meds
you have to decide
stay captive or go through withdrawal

Either option
you still lose a piece of
Carlo C Gomez Feb 13
Restless traveler
sit still,
and look pretty
under the apple tree

the interconnection,
your milligram smile,
best in motion,
you run with honey

you pond and stream,
rivers in your mouth,
the deep taste of survival,
so few will remain, after
the pollinator

with dizzy spells in flight,
a promise flits away
from your swear jar,
you and your wings
mean more to me
than milestones
of osmosis

But is it me
you'll really miss?

Graff1980 Feb 2017
I sit down in tweak town
To jot down a new noun,
A nice verb, a poetic sound,
But all that comes out
Is blah blahs, and doubt.
There’s not enough coffee,
To help satisfy me,
As long as I compare myself,
To everybody else.

So here in caffeine city,
The poetry is witty.
Every verse excites me.
Ever line invites me,
To be better.
Speed is my muse,
As long as I let her.

A nicotine lozenge,
Four milligram a piece,
Helps me stay awake,
Until, I am allowed to sleep;
Helps me to stay alert,
Helps me write this verse,
But in the end
The zzzz will hit me worse.
I guess, I should have just gone to bed
Ubb drunk, millionth – strange peppercorn
blood shoot. I have found looking
through my skin dangerous –

like reading closer to a line on the edge of a book.
They give me milligram feasts,
balloons suspended from the slim
of my bank hand.  When I look out
to the window, birds swim through my eyes

with a message from God
*this is where you began
and we cannot change it.
Brendan Watch Mar 2014
Don't let me be
acquaintance ancestry.
Celestial bodies deny me peace,
hidden behind moonlight white sheets and
skyscraper evidence markers.
But I, advice malnourished, recede
among the intangible tangents
of lesser-used thoughts.
I let the shadows take me because
maybe they should have a long time ago
and I was too scared to let them out of my veins,
let the crack from my neck
leak the demons and my trust.
Don't let me be
predisposed possibility,
never so whole as seraphs and satanists,
guided by singularity.
My lives were revolutions,
made up of weaker constitutions
encapsulated, a prescription purpose
that guides me past milligram monument men
braver than I was, but already marble ghosts.
Let me be the helpful dream,
the stitcher of seams;
it seems the tie is torn too much,
the threads thrown astray like things lost in space,
too tangled to discern the strongest way to
reinforce the conclusion of my weakness.
Let me be the used-to-be,
the once-was boy who could never see.
Blindness is a condition I accept willingly,
and deafness with it, and warmth's retreat.
Let me be cold, forgotten gold
buried beneath a tombstone treasure map.
Let me go.
Brendan Watch Mar 2014
Don't let me be
acquaintance ancestry.
Celestial bodies deny me peace,
your sensitivities shielded by a moonlight sheet,
picketed by skyscraper evidence markers.
They died from lust for light, broken trust and fright.
I'm looking for the inevitable morgue.
I, malnourished of day,
recede among the intangible tangents
of lesser-used thoughts.
I let the shadows take me because...
they should have a long time ago
and I was too scared to let them out of my veins,
let the abstract crack on my neck
leak demons and my trust.
Don't let me be
predetermined possibility,
never so whole as seraphs and satanists,
guided by singularity.
My lives were revolutions,
guided by weaker constitutions
encapsulating a prescription purpose
that tours me past milligram monument men,
marble ghosts braver than I am.
Let me be the helpful dream,
the stitcher of seams;
it seems the tie is torn too much,
the threads too thrown astray,
too tangled to discern the strongest chain,
the strongest way to reinforce
the conclusion of my weakness.
Let me be the used-to-be,
the once-was boy who could never see.
Blindness is a condition I accept willingly,
and deafness with it, and old warmth's retreat.
Let me be cold, forgotten gold,
less a frozen dawn than a synapse half-way gone
buried down beneath a tombstone treasure map
with an epitaph two decades long and footnote dates.
I never liked dates, smoke breaks, moments that
persist longer than they should,
like I have.
I wondered a lie, it is my head.

The culture within me seeks solace in
substance, and I wonder
why my mental health won't stay wholesome.

It is hard to hear that genuine, innocent voice
anymore, to hear it put words to my mouth.
My head pounds with nervous aftershock.

I was quite manic today. It is clear to me
I was not in control of myself

and would do well to seek help, or administer something
that'd reconcile with myself with
these sways.

Hatred. My heart burns with it.
How can I forgive myself?
Part of me
wants to watch it burn.
Is it okay to write that?
To admit to living
in a world of one's own

sins and torment;
A survival technique:
To look toward a dark future
spent living in the past.

I'll not shy away from
reasoned discourse, nor
should I go willingly into my pain
thinking it'll save me.

The next day I took a single milligram
of 4-chlorodiazepam.
Where to from here?

To move on
is forgiveness enough.
Sade LK Feb 2014
Ran my anxious index finger
Across the prickly fibers of a fat rope,
Happy to be so bold and strong.
Ready to support with all it's might
Whatever purpose it may encounter-
Just to get the job done.
Ran my tempted index finger
Ever-so-softly against
The cold and smooth shining silver,
Thrilled and contented to be so sharp.
Prepared to make the cut
For whatever repair needs correcting,
Just to make itself useful.
I ran that shaking finger
Over the stinging gray metal of a trigger,
Insistent on projecting it's message
Through freedom cased in an unforgiving bullet.
Ready to kiss my unquiet thoughts to sleep,
Just to protect myself.
Dug my pale, worthless fingers
Through a bottle of carefree little pills,
Hell bent on numbing reality, with each confident milligram.
Safe and secure, ready to stabilize sickness
And pain behind lips that could never explain.
Just to ease the dizziness.
Just to calm the hysteria.
Just to spiral out.
Written May 19th, 2011
RMatheson May 2015
A light at the end of the tunnel,
bursting out from the dark,
into four days of
midnight playgrounds
rainbow bracelets
highway lanes and passenger seat,
full of music at four A.M.

A little bit of hurt,
never a milligram of harm,
brings this closer
than standing in front of your desk,
idly moving words between us,
ever could have.
September Jun 2017
kissing pinot grigio
holding glass to cheek
refilling bottle, drop by drop
each milligram worth its weight in salt water

whatever omniscient is awake and
watching me join the 2am club
for a fifth night in a row
i hope you know i would love to watch you too

we learn such lessons from the loneliness
and remember nothing in the morning

this pillow talk is lost in translation from night to day
each time i am here it is just like the first
Thomas King Dec 2017
What is it with you?
Tiny little pill
That makes me crave you
Even though I’m not even ill

You have clouded my judgment
And infected my brain
The way I let you control me
I must be totally insane

I know I should leave you
Discard you for sure
But I can’t seem to shake
Your illicit allure

You always seem to know
How to make me forget
All the things in my life
That fills me with regret

You numb all my pain
And chase away my fear
You take me from my reality
And make everything disappear

How ironic it is
Although my mind is sedated
I feel we are as one
Both poison and encapsulated

I guess I must accept
You’re my companion for life
My life’s guilty pleasure
My 80 milligram wife

So forever we are bound
You have had me from the start
Just one dose of your pleasure
So now it’s till death do us part
Classy J Sep 2016
Frickidy Froik faking myself for acceptance again, trying to be something I am not; am I insane because I feel there is something wrong with my brain. I feel like being myself steers people away from me, so I put on a mask to be a thing that strays away from being the real me. Out cast, just one awkward person, semi-Christian kid that listened to pastors sermons. I was souled out, but when it came to defending God, like peter I was a sell out. Hanged out with the druggies and the geeks because everyone else wanted nothing do with me, they just looked at me like I was a freak. Rough times, but it is what it is as they say, I don't care; I'm different now, walking down a path not looking back at my past ways. I just had a messed up mind, ignoring all the signs of opportunity, yeah I guess you could say I was driving life blind. Was out of it, thought I'd never get out of it, I was just so bent on the thinking that I just couldn't handle it. Lost my handle when I got caught up in the scandal of life, always wondering if I would last the night, wanted so badly to just end my life with a knife. Getting into grade 10 dressed up as the invisible man, no one noticed me; it was if I was as tiny as a milligram. I stayed away from functions, stood brewing in my own demented self-destruction. Sore and broken, shouldn't have done what I did, but how can you help out a struggling kid. Empowered individuals to change themselves, but I couldn't seem to be able to cure myself. I pretended like I was enjoying all these immoral pleasures, I lost sight of myself, its like *** has become worthless damaged treasure. Time to take off the mask, time to stay on my task, time to get out of that full body cask. I am done being mummified, done being dead on the out and the inside, time to be independent time to no longer hide who I am on the inside. Know what to do but don't know how to do it, been through a lot of ****, and there are still times where I say you know **** all this ****. I hang onto the future where I change people, so we can get out of being the in the age of being mid evil. There is still hope for us *******; there is still time to rearrange the masses. Its time to take off our masks and be who we truly are, you just have to believe in yourself because if you do you'll make it far. I only speak from experience, you don't have to take it from me, and some times you have to get burned to truly see. Never shy away from going to someone who could help you and not judge you, find someone who will take the time to listen to your point of view. It may hurt to say what you’re going through at the moment, but if you don't it will eat away at you until it’s too late for atonement. Take off that mask, forget about what may transpire afterwards because of the decisions you made, you are broken off of it, now you can relax in the shade.
Endless is the Road
I have for some time not been eating boiled cabbage and it is
of not the slightest importance unless it has been boiled with
pork shoulder ham. I just say this because we had dinner at
a restaurant  for once I was not driving since  we were taking
the motorway  a toll road where all the crazy people assemble.
Big powerful cars driven by men who have not yet mastered
the mantra my driving instructor repeated: you drive the car it
doesn’t drive you.
I dislike driving on modern roads, they go on forever and I get
the feeling of a prisoner, a man who looks out his barred cell
window and sees only the landscape’s seasons but cannot touch
It inhales the aroma. I shall never be free of a past imagined.
I demanded she stop the car, I was going to walk home, a feat
I’m not capable of, I demanded a cigarette – we don’t smoke-
she gave me 5- milligram ******, as ordered by the doctor, and after
a break, we somehow got home.
Took half a milligram of bromazolam
after a long week, thoroughly enjoyed
the anxiolysis. Fifteen hours later
I can still feel its metabolites
at work, yet that feeling
when the world became a friendlier place
is unyielding.
I wonder how long I have before the rebound hits.

Odd to crave the lightness of something so apotheogenic,
Knowing full well
it's darkness.
The sedation lingered into the next day.
For those few moments
I felt the remnants of an old buzz in the air
which I would chase
if I didn't
trevor vret Aug 2017
drunken Rafe.
sitting alone, listening, wondering.
sitting, crying, praying.
inside slowly consuming my own dry mind.

dry from hate.
dry from wondering.
dry, my soul, endless alone.

crying inside.
crying never outside.
sitting crying evermore.

dark is my soul,
dark is my eyes,
dilated, open, alive

alive as mist,
covering, shrouding,
decaying, slowly inside,
rapidly as a thunderstorm spreads.

thundering as drums,
distant war drums.
painted faces.
hiding, rough, scared.

ready to bleed, ready to fall, the sound
of your voice asking me to  bleed, to die,
to live.

life is all I know,
life is all I want,
life fulfilled by the idea of you.
you are life!

******* at who you are,
loving the same entity,
all of who you are.

dying inside, slowly, decaying.
rotting, crawling as it gnaws at my flesh,
inside out.
inside is what you have, of me

to my own personal dismay,
all of me,
trying not to fall

not to fall into you.
not to fall for this.
not to fall...just...not to fall...
not to fall to my own mind

my mind consumed,
my mind confused,
my mind to halter the physical...


nothing has been more so,
difficult to stay sensible,
to stay sane.

sanity, indifference, a struggle...
inside my own self...

stop this!!

stop wondering,
stop trying,
stop crying,
stop... just live...

live your ******* life.
live as if death has no grasp,
******* live,
it can not touch me...
I am not afraid...

I am not afraid of
i am afraid of myself...******* it up...
not love...not lust...just this...
this is it,
this is life...

just ******* pick me up, just ******* love me,
I am this tortured, loveless soul...
my soul conceived after the action...

conceived, my thoughts, so many,
fathomless, black hole deep...
gone...missing, wanting... weighs , wanting...
so very much wanting... I don't have what you,
want me...
without, thought and regret,
don't regret me...
don't regret this,
eventhough I have no ******* clue.

just...lift me up, save me from my mind's shackles ...
break my chains, cut my hands off if need be.

slit my wrists rather than living like this,
not with steel, my mind cuts my flesh,
my mind cuts my soul.
my mind breaks me daily.
my mind consumes my empathy...

I envy you... I crave you,
I know my mind, I know my heart, I know my soul,
I can't persue this...
calling me out on this,
making me self-conscious ,
making me weary ,
making me fret.
can you see...

goosebumps crawling through my nerves,
fighting for my inner piece,
bleeding from cuts, not cuts you make, cuts I make, subliminal, hiding, not showing...

I hate... this...
I'm lying... I don't...
this completes me.
it completely fills me...

I don't hate you... I love you...
I love all of you...
every single word flowing from your lips, I love.
I love hating , feeling, showing, revealing,

revelation is what I have been waiting for.
to me, my soul,
my inconsistent, craving, slowly dying soul,
you set on fire...

burn every last inch,
burn every fiber,
burn it all to ashes, burn it all down.
stack it heaven high, burn it to the depths of hell...
all seven hells...

pride, hubris

free me from this hell,
free me from my soul,
free me from my pride,
free me,
free me please...

please I cry, I beg, don't make me grovel.
don't make me cry for you...
don't make me feel for you.
don't make me feel for you.
i can't handle it...

me... inside me... there is a storm...
a hurricane an earthquake, a metor shower...
falling, around me like broken spots of wanted rain.

dry, cracking, burning, shaving off of my skin,
sand, dry sand, burning, dessert heated up dry red sand... you are my marlin...
my uncatchable catch...

I have had it... I felt it... held it in my palms,
sweat dripping from my brow, content with what I had... what I felt, what I feel, what I know...

I know nothing... I know **** all...
I know me... not yet...but I do... as I need to,
as I feel to... as I lead myself to believe myself through this storm...

I hate all of this... all of my alone time, it kills, it slaughters my mind, I hate being alone, I love it so much... I **** myself, I enjoy killing myself with lonelyness, lonelyness completes me... you already are my lonely place... the corner I hide in... the place I search for when I want to be by myself...

I crave to be alone, you need not be close... just there, close by... an arms reach away from me... it carries me... it keeps me sane, alone enough to be content,

deprived of my conscience,
deprived of my sanity...
my sanity unreviewed even by myself...
my sanity playing on my lifes harp,
playing notes, octaves, pauses, right handed G - keys playing from A to me

playing notes just for me...

drunk, intoxicated, flying, I find myself, for me,

drunken, I find myself...

I have me!...

I found my soul, my heart, my life, I have found everything, everything I have searched for, everything I have longed for, every unfound milligram I have found,

jude rigor Feb 2020
you breathe in tender dragon smoke–
under the sheets; I’m made of alchemy.
some summer second skin clothes.

drinking me in a 200 milligram dose,
a sweet taste in my mouth that forms a cavity
as you breathe in tender, dragon smoke.

jokingly, you laugh and it rolls into “I’m off the coke.”
it hurts, but I guess that now it’s your mortality.  
some summer. second skin clothes

that remind me I’m in bed and alone.
forget it all, radical acceptance, comfort insecurity.
you breathe. in tender dragon smoke.

you tell me that you think I’ve grown.
I smile secretly, my blood is gold. is reality –
some summer, second skin clothes?

feels closer, even though we’re on the phone.
to you I hope this is a keychain of me,
some summer second skin clothes.
you breathe in a tender dragon smoke.
Riz Mack Jan 2020
I use my prescription note
as a bookmark
a milligram per page
a page for every breath

the breath of wolves
of swollen air
and dreams too real

it's not as if
I really know the difference

I think I like it like that
John Jack May 2018
Like a loaf loaded
with yet to bleeding blossom
lorazepam all fifty milligram
this what happens when you sack sam

Sick fan sycophant tell a man he can't
land a grand piano from a roof top
a belly flop on four legs makes sense
If not got a ***** top on the old mop

Intense chatter in the earlobe
oil dope in the fancy trench coat
take paper please simply note there's no hope
slick as slippery soap we got no back

This plane ten eleven years hijacked
a long way to find some actual senses
hit the train track practice bench pressing
Impact of the last note worth knowing

Easy bowling down loners alley
Instant as all striked out.
trevor vret Aug 2017
I found my soul, my heart, my life, I have found everything, everything I have searched for, everything I have longed for, every unfound milligram I have found,

revealing me to all of you, both of you, opened my crying heart, freeing my soul, having me walk a road I never knew, I needed this, all of it, to completely find myself, to tear open old, physically healed scars, to show people I love, who my soul dances with, to show my secret, what I have hid for so long, from myself, from everyone.

me, i have found contentment, here, tonight, with you, both of you, evermore I hope to remember this, always, remember this seemingly dark overcast night, revealed, naked, bare...

it freed.
it broke.
it cut.
layed completely open.
on the ground I layed this, at your feet,
then accepting me for who I am.

a drunken mess standing, now in cold, bare with me in now whats told.

I love you for freeing me, for standing by, idly waiting for your turn to comfort another lost soul as you graciously give all you have, not expecting any in return,

thank you for finding me in my drunken state, allowing me to get close, allowing me to feel your souls' embrace.

how you showed me you, made me free to show myself too...
no matter, what previously read,
no matter the hatefull things I have said.
no matter what hurt I have caused with my words.
no matter how I made you feel.

just know, to me you are real.
just as I'd always be to you.
no matter what "this" is,

it gave me you, my hearts hiding place,
the jail cell where I feel safe,

no matter what "this" is,

you have saved me...

more than you would ever know.

I am greatful.

greatful for you, for "this"

I am greatful that this life gave me you

both of you.

thank you.

— The End —