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ryn Feb 2015
the comforting warmth of the morning sun,
like I had known it from the days of yesteryears.
the familiar scent of dew-kissed grass,
a fresh aroma that brought forth the tide of gratitude laden tears.

I had foreseen the day to be just as before...
I had planned to play out my morning as I had rehearsed.
but your message had foiled all that I thought I knew...
it brought about the smile that eternity had kept pursed.

your words were laced with the flowers of spring...
they set at ease the unapparent apprehension I've always kept.
they spoke of compliments meant only for the worthiest quills,
I've read them in disbelief as I think not of myself, an adept...

truly you are one that's generous and so very kind.
for your words flew off the page and had struck home;
bearing the stoutest of hope and most selfless of wishes.
they had provided direction in these vague circles that I roam.

so now allow me to thank you dear poetess...
for drawing the sunrise clear into my view.
I shall revel and bask in its delightful rays...
because your words had painted today in the brightest hue...
For Pamela Rae.
It was deep April, and the morn
Shakespeare was born;
The world was on us, pressing sore;
My love and I took hands and swore,
Against the world, to be
Poets and lovers evermore,
To laugh and dream on Lethe's shore,
To sing to Charon in his boat,
Heartening the timid souls afloat;
Of judgement never to take heed,
But to those fast-locked souls to speed,
Who never from Apollo fled,
Who spent no hour among the dead;
With them to dwell,
Indifferent to heaven and hell.
Cynthia Jean May 2016
we are

and crowned

we are drawn
with lovingkindness

this day
i will trust

this day
i will pour

He is

my heart's refuge....

cj 2016
blessed beyond what we could ask or think
In its days of glory
Slowly dying an eternal end
judy smith Jul 2016
Veteran fashion designer Tarun Tahiliani believes that the Indian fashion industry has become more organised and a little more professional.

Best known for his ability to infuse Indian craftsmanship and textile heritage with European tailored silhouette, Tahiliani believes that the Indian fashion industry has become more strategised and cemented over the last 20 years.

"India's propensity to consume is gaining an international audience and this is changing the competitive landscape," Tahiliani told IANS in an email interview.

"It has certainly become more organised and a little more professional, and obviously the market has exploded, but I think that we still have a long way to go in terms of being more business oriented and there's still room to get more organised and professional," the designer added.

Eulogizing the new and younger crop of designers, Tahiliani, who has over two decades of experience in the industry, believes that they are doing well in terms of the handloom and textile industry.

"What's really heartening to see is that there are so many younger designers who are going places and are doing so well in terms of the handloom and textile industry... it has become more organised. I think handloom was very localised in terms of weavers with a certain look from a certain area sold through certain channels," said the Co-Founder of Ensemble -- a multi-designer boutique.

"There has been a lot more creative freedom and other regions are experimenting with textile alien to their region, especially if they are more lucrative. As long as people appreciate traditional craftsmanship and embroideries, machine work will never replace the richness of hand embroidery," he added.

Asked if the plus-size models are yet to move into the mainstream industry in India?

"Well, they should have moved into the mainstream long back. But are not normally associated with very expensive high fashion and couture," Tahiliani said.

Having draped most of the leading ladies of Bollywood like Priyanka Chopra, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Madhuri Dixit-Nene in his creations, Tahiliani says that fashion is his muse, not a Bollywood star.

"Art, architecture, interiors, history, travel and maharajas... My inspiration comes from many things. Sometimes it's from beautiful inlay work that I've seen in a fabulous monument; other times my inspiration can be something as simple as a beautiful kanjeevaram weave," he said.

"Ultimately, however, my inspiration comes from India's rich traditions of craftsmanship, particularly when it comes to things like embroideries that we have in India. Nothing is more amazing than beautifully executed, intricate and fine technique. I don't design clothes keeping a Bollywood star in mind, but rather for the new age contemporary woman," he added.

Tahiliani is all geared up to showcase his collection The Last Dance of the Courtesan at the FDCI India Couture Week 2016 on Thursday here. He has artistically blended fabrics like cotton jacquards, cotton silks, crepes and cutwork jamdanis with Swarovski crystals for the range.

That's not all. He will next participate in the Vogue Wedding Show and then the prestigious Lakme Fashion Week, to be held in Mumbai in August.

"I will present my Ready to Wear Autumn Winter 16-17 collection at Lakme Fashion Week. It has been inspired by the works of Mrinalini Mukherjee (late sculptor) and the journey only gets bigger and better from here," he said.Read more at: |
Evynne Jun 2013
I have a habit of losing myself in other people
And it's never really proven itself to be a good thing
It has caused a significant amount of pain and loss

But now, I find myself asking,
"What if you meet someone and discover yourself within them?"
A part of you that you have been searching for and missing for a long, long time
So long you don't even remember what it feels like to have that part of you back...
What it feels like to be whole and complete

So maybe a habit of losing yourself in other people isn't such a dire thing
Because once you come across the right person
Whenever or whomever that may be
You begin to grow and discover
Rather than to hurt and lose
More and more
Maybe it's all about finding the other person
Who holds the other part of you within them
Maybe that's where the term "Your other half" comes from

*I think there was always a part of me missing
Until I found it in you
james nordlund Nov 2019
San frontieres, a twig of poetree,

topological, roots and wings,

once more to the breach,

dancing betwixt ears, ungestured, bays,

I'd be as a mayfly, only alive a day,

rather than as long as an eagle flies, not whying.

Fathoming delves ley lines realizing increasing

wingspan, height of flight, intensity of sunlight.
Gotta have hearth.  Standing is my life, and I never died   :)   reality
Erian Rose Nov 2021
Last summer
our days sped by us
like Faris wheel highs
swept beneath sidewalk alleyways.
We traveled the world
in our little neighborhood of dreams;
a hand to hold so close
yet miles away in words.
We found the best
out of emptiness,
heartening our comfortable silence.

We found each other on accident
two summers ago from June,
hopscotched in one-night walks
on a bus going nowhere fast.
By then, we barely knew
how far the universe would take us
in a matter of months.
Now, all I can think about
is how to comprise your heart flutter
the same way your smile and cosmos
composed mine.
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2018
I spoke to Kissinger this week

~for C. C.   the reluctant poet~

read him your poem,

spoke of your reluctance
to write without the encouragement of others
(see below)

K. said poetry writing
very similar to decision making -
a single letter addition makes it into a wry thing:


but once you’ve published,
  once you have made the policy decision
then and only then begins the incision
that others cut upon your chest,
to fill with infectious assassination or
at the risk taken

K. said: pray and trust that you reluctant fellow
and I
can non-disclose (hide) our internist discordance,
neath a sheen of stolidity that is a
pretense gravitas cover-up certainty,
for we wince when they shoulder tap you with
hindsight queries that you recognize
as retro grade F seeds
of inequitude

if you require recognition as encouragement, K. intoned,
prepare prepayments for your poems,
you have failed before even starting

please your self, lad, no one else,
reluctance is the chief ingredient in failure
do the work and pray for grace to do some
yeoman-well-enough to carry others upon the outgoing tide
of your burdened shoulders

this man who transmits my words
has been kicked off the fence, rejected,
frequent wrong road chooser,
for at least 25 years too,
stiff-necked like me, refuge survivor,
who leaves it all the way out
from no one nothing hiding,
freely acknowledges the policy errors of his wasted life,
can not be but the finest fodder for the retrospective historians
but he reminds us
loving children and animals is one way to say
I am so sorry for
the human judgments one must make when
first you sign your true and honest name
at the end of a
or a war they call yours

reluctance is a luxury one can ill afford,
it seeps and permeates in the guise
of a sleepless temerity
and cracks the reflection served up
in the mornings first judgement,
that is,
if you dare to


~ a message from the Reluctant Poet~

“I'm a reluctant poet myself -
just started getting some
positive responses here recently,
which is ever so heartening.
I have three poems total posted!...
I'm just happy when
I can get deep down and say
what I want to say, and
hopefully give it a little beauty and
poetical magic for good measure.
The rest is up to the dear readers.”*


Apologies for the delay in reaching
inside myself and pulling deep out
with some reluctance the thousand
poems you have intuitively commissioned

indeed,, started this child over and over,
most recently over two slices on East Fifty Second & 3rd,
but in matters of gravity, write in the situ appropriate
and so it came to compo-fruition intuitively reached
in the neo-natal nook where my best ones were birthed
then released to the sea breeze carrier free to roam,
tickle fancies, kiss new brides, release the hiding
reluctant to come forth, joining conjoining words and people,
becoming the hypotenuse of some others lives/

and I had to get ahold of Henry which isn’t easy
Amitav Radiance Feb 2015
The morning face
Aglow with warmth
Darkness paves way
To a bright new day
Gossips of the night
Under the starry world
Without inhibitions
Wanton hearts danced
Forayed into darkness
To steal into the secrets
Unwrapped souls
Heartening pleasures
Two reckless souls
Lay there, waiting for new day
To renew the night’s pact
Kissing the morning face
Quivering lips welcome
Beautiful dreams come alive
The crimson blush
Reminds of a fervent appeal
Another day
Shall slip into the night
As will two souls cusp
Yearning for a union
Till, another day beckons
Nat Lipstadt Feb 2016

Jan 31, 2014

Victuals Victim

There is a contest this day,
that does not involve my P.S.F.
(Preferred Sport Franchise)

truly, don't give a good ****** who wins,
but that is no excuse to deny me
my victim status,
my Sir Sore Loser demeanor,
so poorly,
in season's long suffering
so richly,

A triumvirate of
Doctor, G.F. and battery
of medically intrusive tests,
have ruled on the field,
that but once a year,
a conjugal visit permitted,
tween my arteries and chicken wings,
is legally permissive.

there will pigs in blankets
oinking, demanding attention,
sliders and mini right sized,
bite sized potato knishes
(at least in New York City)
cole slaw juices,  
even a
foreign dignitary,
Sayyid Cous-Cous,
all lining up along side
the quarterback  
who will be slinging
'winging' honey and spicy passes
to his favorite receiver,
this couch coach
and today's impartial line judge.

This is my Super Sunday fare,
antithesis of a pre-Day of Atonement fasting meal.
where gluttony
is deemed
less than kosher

If insufficiently highbrow,
for all you poetic aesthetes,
have no fear,
this athlete gastronomic,,
victim of his victuals,
will prepare mentally
to reverse course afterwards,
by hanging out
with King Lear yet once more,
sharing a verbal tasting menu fare,
a recollection of a prior years repast,
this King,
an unrepentant Manchester man-fan,
who knew me too well,
and once condemned me,
after an historic NY Giants Super Bowl celebratory,
all too many years ago,
as follows:

"A knave; a rascal; an eater of broken meats;
a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited,
hundred-pound, filthy, worsted-stocking knave;
a lily-livered, action-taking knave, a whoreson,
glass-gazing, super-serviceable finical rogue;
one-trunk-inheriting slave;
one that wouldst be a bawd,
in way of good service, and art nothing but
the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pandar,
and the son and heir of a mongrel *****:
one whom I
will beat into clamorous whining,
if thou deniest
the least syllable of thy addition.”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear


Feb. 2, 2014

My leash is on,
I am to be walked

ad melius parare hominem,
to better prepare man,
before the coma of wings and a super sized
tackles, invades and overtakes,
his nation's soul.

by the East River
will I be perambulated,
each lying-down,
pedestrian drawning of a chalk figure,
directing the course
of a river walk
drawn and quartered
just for me.

chatting to the gulls
re the river's latest delicacies,

comparing my upcoming menu
for overlapping interest,
while praying the bicyclists,
on my body,
have tender mercies.

because I will,
all the walking while
be silently recording poems,

to tribute the international nation
of poets and the
global sport of
that knows no leagues,
or geographic


Feb 5, 2014

leftover chicken wings and other love nonsense

the woman disregards
what's best for me,
instead, gives me with the
kindest of disregards,
what's best for me,
for this is the kindness
that hallmark stamps
upon the softened heart,
the long lasting kind
of kind

before your childlike
tap tap attention away-wains,
bring you this,
a treatise,
on leftover chicken wings
and other nonsensical
finger food additions,
to inspire, to find innovation,
in expressing, reclaiming and newly exclaiming
that miscreant four letter word,
that appears in those unsilent majority,
99% of them, other entrants
the Bohème poèmes,
residing in our Mr. Roger's neighborhood

in some poem writ recent,
poet pontificated,
that the most overused words, yes,
those abused three,
(duh, I love you)
degraded by overuse,
lost their poetic juice
thru constant repetition,
almost being nearly boringly indecent,
even when
boldly italicized

the impact upon the reader
lives in the lies in the realm of
"oh yeah, that's nice"

far, far better
to be best in show,
deduce how renewed,
to meaty demonstrate
rather than
insistently remonstrate,
in newer ways,
every day
that grade A choice

to say, par example,
that serving day old chicken wings means,
you know what...

Some get tea and oranges,
me, I get cherished
when our repast is
twice recast,
when she feeds me
leftover chicken wings,
both kinds,
spiced and honey
that come all the way
from her heart

so, now do you know why
has two L's?

(answer: lucky in love)

for the luck-river-runs
lie just neath
the silliness currents swirling,
where kissing knuckles unexpectedly,
******* the exhausted,
tucking them in,
going out for emergency ice cream
in the midst of a
polar vortex,
recording the game to wee hour watch later,
so she may hang with the notorious outlaw
"Downtown Abbey Gang,"
watching at the
proper English place and time,
leaving the celebrating of life's  leftovers,
for the morrow sup,
with chicken wings and 0
other things
and other heartfelt,
but unhealthy,
warm heartening
food additions

that folks,
is how you write
a poem in deed,
one that will be returned to you
in reads

when you want to explain how,
you can, truly, sigh,
you know,
love another...
employing with decoying,
sinful, leftover chicken  wings
then you too be mastering,
the poetic life
of sonnet and song

all three posted here on the specified dates and modestly edited,
on this day,
in anticipation of a winged revival
this hallowed eve of
two seven sixteen
Asim Javid Oct 2016
Expression is important.  
There are times when you want to scream your heart out and paint the walls with what's building inside your brain. 
 The aggressive, blunt and killer feelings just reside inside and somehow you want to spill them out.
Surrounded by suffocating truths , lies and millions of mixed emotions , humans tend to collapse.
Expressing ,not only in darkest of emotions but also in the most colorful of moments , is essential.
To disencumber the heart from feelings and emotions that sink it , we express.
Way outs can be simple and they can be labyrinthine.
Screams , music,words, art and what not. Our world is surrounded by these expressions.
Every thing that touches us and relates to us, is someone's expression .
Expressions give rise to heartening forms of art and mystics of world. We are surrounded by such things , that way we are part of everyone's life. That's how we are all connected.
Is it not curious, how world so big seems so familiar when we are introduced and when we understand the hidden meanings of it?
I believe , this whole world is just
an expression of God's mind.*

Aisling O' L Aug 2013
I know I don't tell you enough, that you sustain me
and allow me to breathe.
You are my shepherds warning and the peck on my cheek goodnight.
Your the heartening wholesome warmth at the rear of my mind.
Your arms are a welcoming sunrise after the night is endless,
and an immortal nightmare has descended.
I take you for granted like my drawn breath,
In the same way I know one second without you would result, in instant death.
You let me put my head on your shoulder,
when sticky shadows engrave themselves like tattoos on my skin
and leave a trail to follow that is the ugly stench of my sin.
I am forever indebted to you, for your constant stream of faith
Even when the firmest believers, suitcases in hand wordlessly have fled the state.
I offer you my little words of gratitude, though I know it will never be enough
to the love that you've  bestowed on me.
The love I did not earn yet you gave, as you picked me up and dusted me down and sent me out to believe.
Allyson Walsh Dec 2016
she encourages me to draw the curtains
i'm on her couch for an hour or so
explaining to me that, "all men aren't serpents."
even if he's slithered in my bed... around my throat

reminds me, "isolation is a birdcage
he'll never know you if you're ruffled and shy"
yet, i cannot find the courage to engage
my craving for adventure is... out of supply

she listens to stubborn reasoning and woe
allows me to sit in unanswered silence
she's heartening every wednesday even though
my distaste for growth is shown through defiance
For myself

It's been a while. Growing is hard. Opening myself up is even harder.
Omnis Atrum Jan 2012
Her brilliant ocular orbs persist beyond the occasional glance
averting my focus just after her curious stare brings a gentle smile,
beckoning for our distance in the room's expanse to diminish perchance
as her heartening gestures attempt to avert my stance from sessile.
The magnetic pull of this inspiring scenery tugs me from my position
each forced step resisted as I cross the floor towards this distraction,
every warm, reassuring nod has filled my arsenal's ammunition
and causes a craving to quell the disturbance that has forced my reaction.
As her fingers delicately caress her soft lips I swiftly turn away
she knows not the consequence that her simple mistakes would bring,
I gather all my strength to fight the magnetic force enticing me to stay
leaving this alluring siren with nothing but her song she sings.

Though drained of will I flee with a vivid memory of what will never be
a siren so pure should stay near the shore and never reach the depths of sea.
Haden Chua Jun 2012
Waves of unease flood my heart,
Defying and ignoring my loving touch.
Crippling memories shake me through,
For your angelic image seems so true.

Precious and priceless you are in my eyes,
For I can never bear to see you cry.
Clinging deeply to the love we share,
Treasuring a love that seems so rare.

Severed sinews and battered heart,
Oh, how I long for your tender hug!
Heartening to see you change,
As you walk out of my loving range.

Abandoned was my eventual fate,
For all was deemed too late.
Melancholic and forlorn I became,
Forever forgetting love and pain.
A B Perales Dec 2015
The drunk guy and his drunk girl both sat
on the concrete near the dumpster along
with their oil stained dog.
The guy had stacked up some cardboard
for his girl to rest her backside on.
The dog drank cool water from an old tin.

The guy always greeted me with a tobacco
stained smile and a ***** open palm wave.
His girl was always drunk even when he obviously wasn’t.
Maybe that was his way of keeping her around.
Sacrifice a bottle for the company of her.

The dog  appeared fainthearted and
a bit skittish but his tail always wagged
at the sight of a stranger.
A hopeful wag, a heartening gesture.
One that said he still had hope that one
of these strangers would one day take
him home and away from the life
his fate had cast upon him.

I always took the time to greet the
drunks and the dog.
The guy’s face had that worn leather
look with his bold Native features
and his deep mocha colored skin.
His spiel was always the same he'd
praise my coat and my truck,
the dog would always wag his agreement.

I made sure to always leave them with
a fresh bottle of some cheap wine or
even cheaper *****.
A pack of GPC’s
and a stick of jerky for the dog.

The guy always took the gifts without standing.

He smiled and his drunk woman smiled
and the ***** dog wagged his ***** tail.
He would applaud me as I walked away.
Which for some reason caused me to
feel a bit less instead of feeling better.

Their joy was real.
***** back alley drunken joy.
While mine was only a front.

This all took place before all of this.
At a time when I thought
I was in love.
SøułSurvivør Jan 2017
The story Clinton Jarvis - my father.

Isle La Motte Roots

There's a place of quiet peace
In beautiful Vermont
It is filled with history
It beckons you, and haunts
In pacific Lake Champlain
It's called Isle La Motte

The lake is long and narrow
A lovely gem-like blue
The Island lies within its shores
It is a jewel, too.
Emerald in the summer
In fall a topaz hue

Old style houses charm us
With plain stone quarry frames
There are many maple trees
In fall these become flame
Churches with tall steeples
All barns look much the same.

From Blanchard's Point to The Head
North to south we go
Clark's & Reynolds to Fisk & Scott's
These east/west points we know
From The Lighthouse & Fort Stann
To the marble quarries low.

It seems the rock on Isle La Motte
Was formed from glacial ice
Which pressed the clay beneath it
As if it were a vice
The marble from the quarries
Is especially nice!

Samuel Fisk founded some of these
Marble blue, black, and grey
Many used the sturdy stones
Solid houses in the way
They can be found everywhere
And still stand to this day.

There was an ingenious sawmill
Powered by a boat!
A large and hearty steamer
By The Dock would float
The "Utica" by name
As sawmill founders wrote.

The taverns and inns
Had distinctive place
It would be so heartening
To see a merry face
There the weary travellers
Could find warmth and grace.

Famous for its apples
There are many orchards found
John Bowman & William Yale
Planted in the ground
My father was one who picked from them
Folks came from miles around.

The Fleury Store had merchandise
Sold to people from their stock
Carson's Store and Naylor's
Store to store the folks would walk
Often a place of meeting
Where people stood to talk.

Elizabeth Fisk. Creative.
She had looms, and linen wrought
This fabric so very fine
Much of it was bought
There were also boats and ferries
On an island... used *a lot!

Nelson Fisk secured the Post Office
James Ritchie built in stone
His relation, Cynthia
Maintained the library alone
Succeeded by M. LaBombard
For faithfulness much known.

Both Methodist and Catholic
Worship the Divine
The faithful go to churches
No matter what the clime
A place of fame on Isle La Motte
Is lovely St Anne's Shrine.

The original schools on Isle La Motte
We're founded by strong men
Independent. Intelligent.
Created they back then.
Back in 1782 they had discerning ken.

The school my father went to
Only had one room.
He graduated the 8th grade
For his future groomed
But went to High School elsewhere
Back then quite a boon!

The Jarvis' were tennent farmers
Not much to be made
But the beauty of the place
Embraced them in its shade
T'was in this environment
Where young Clinton played.

Amongst the leaves - jade and fire
Honey'd amber caught
He found a love of nature
He was reared and taught
Here his story started

A place called Isle La Motte.

Catherine Jarvis
Finally completed! This segment in my father's biography took a while due to the
amount of research done. As you can see!

Sorry i haven't been around. This poem is
part of the reason why!

I'm going to present this to my now
hospitalised father this weekend. It will
be written out on posters in large writing
so he can read it... he's completely deaf and
going blind. It will bring back many fond
memories to him I'm sure! He certainly
deserves happiness about now!


Behind the Mask Nov 2013
It's the time of the year
To say goodbye
To give our parting hugs
To flash our last wavering smile.

It’s this time of the year
Where we determine how true
The essence of friendship is
How long would it last

And it is this time of the year
Where I discovered
None of the friendships made
Were made out of diamond: strong
Made out of rubber: flexible
Made out of pure truth

Lies upon lies
Built up on a weak foundation
Threatening it to topple
To collaspe and to fall

Its heartening to see
What true friendship can do
But yet disheartening to know
That true does not exist too.
The pieces I desired to reach was ever outlying
yet heartening.
Helen Murray Jan 2014
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh.  Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. Creation is groaning.
Its beauty is losing its wonderful face.
Tears there are streaking and staining its liberty,
Yet there’s the Spirit of Truth in His place.

F = ma and G = gravity
falling at 32’/s/s.
Natural law doesn’t change from its infancy.
Earth was made perfect and that’s on the record.

Why then this fracture of precious inventiveness?
How does it happen that something went wrong?
Was it intended, this frightful disaster?
Why this dischord in a beautiful song?

Earth waits in agony for re-commissioning,
Blood on the ground.  It’s the spirit of death.
Yes he was placed here to sort out the heartening
Souls of creative men tangling with Truth.

Creation is groaning ‘cause Truth is the soul of it.
Those who embrace her inherit the earth.
As for the others, when death’s reward comes to them,
They’ll know the Truth, but destruction’s their path.

One day the Son will arrive to inherit
This earth, and restore it to vigor and Life.
He’ll have no party with lies and their consequence.
King of the times He’ll just rule out that strife.

Then will the earth once again reach its majesty.
Then once again mighty mountains may dance.
Then will the joy of the great restoration
Complete the perfection, the longed for romance.
Romans 8: 21, 22.  The creation itself, also, will be delivered from the ******* of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Children of God.  For we know that the whole creation groans and labours with birth pangs together until now.
Nolan Willett Apr 2019
I would like to meet my true potential
I don’t think he’d be so provincial
I’d like for him to be influential
Maybe even presidential
And life would not be so abysmal
Hedonistic ways not quite so sinful
To friends and family essential
Words not so banal and artificial
But instead heartening and meaningful
Maria Mitea Oct 2020
Came gently sneezing at my turned-up nose
when hiding under the soft wool blanket.

Winter mornings came with promising poetry,
heartening the warm bed and inviting me,
Poetry that smelled like burned wood,
infused with the smell of grey blackish ashes,

Keeping the dress sleeves rolled up,
and the hair with very much care combed
back in a solid hair bun, like a trusty guardian,

My mother,
started every winter morning,
bended on her knees,
like in a pray
in front of winter stove,
like in a pray,
cleaning the stove,

She kept silent while cleaned the ashes,      
Ashes, that warmed the house and cooked the food,
Ashes made the hot tea soothe,
Ashes made the popcorn dance and jump,
fly on the floor, and fly on the table  
‘till we started popcorn fight,
popcorn flew in many mouths,
popcorn flew everywhere in the warm house.

Ashes of burned wood,
I could not understand,
its fire and heat took care of our roots,
penetrating our hearts like gold dust.

My mother’s silence every day cleaned
the winter stove from burned wood
with devotion and zest,
Getting it ready for a new day fire,
Getting it ready to cook borscht.
Tyson Williams Dec 2010
Something’s afoot
Of this I am sure
Of exactly what
I’m not

When my eyes catch a glimpse
My heart skips a beat
And briefly butterflies fly

When she moves
I am drawn
When she stops
I am drawn
When she smiles
I am drawn
When she cries
I am drawn
There is warmth
There is prospect.
There is stock
In imminent return

There is firm retribution
There is cold creeping in!
In leaving
In wretched departure

There is joy in re-joining
There is heartening

When firm is footfall
And sweet singing sounds
Summer is coming
There my love is found
© Tyson Williams
Dr Peter Lim May 2018
There's such a heartening glow in your face
as the last rays of evening subside
your smile is wrapped in such sweet grace
I'll ask for nothing more beside

your glory will light up every place
in your heart my worshipful devotion will abide
life should be an unfailing welcome and embrace
come love, o tender love, be our constant guide!
* after 16th century Elizabethan romantic verse
sound sounds like this in english. sounds familiar.

in the morning,             heartening                 lorries,

mansel davis, north to south and back again reverse


garden, sounds fresh so early,                           outdoor

noise.      indoors,

the radio plays.                                             brittle.      news

mumbo jumbo of politics.

birds sing.

tinnitus continues,                                                 softer now

TSK Sep 2017
When I find myself with you
I find myself in not only this moment
But in all the moments to come
to have and to hold
from this day forward.

It’s the Saturday mornings
with their lazy light
and the birds crisp songs
and all the trials and battles
stand still as we remember,
for better or for worse

And the Tuesday nights
as the keys hit the table
after a long day is over
when work was rough
and the week has just begun,
for richer or for poorer

It’s in the Sunday afternoons
as the sun traces its way across the sky
and we rejoice in what we have
whether it be hard or heartening
or the good and the better,
in sickness and in health

Its then that I think of you
In a thousand little moments yet to come
And its then I must remember
to not be so excited for forever
that I forget it is happening right now,
‘til death do us part.
Mercy B Apr 2013
Like a drop of rain that trickles down a crisp blade of grass only to dissapear, I sprinkle my emotions onto this page with the hope that when they reach the end they will be absorbed in.

In the solitude of my scribblings I can SCREAM and not worry about who I offend, I can cry or be invisible to judging eyes that would persecuite me for divulging  my secrets, my hidden sin.

The walls of life can come crashing down around me and the sky may fill with dis-heartening clouds of doom,  but I can hide from it all behind the safety of my paper and pen.

I can be anyonomous, no one
has to know that these worries are mine, or I can be bold shoutting my sorrows from the rooftop, I can be a giant among men.

Just like the effervescent glow from the moon on a brisk fall evening washes over all, I am able  share the beauty of the words I feel inside with the world, I'm able to let them shine on.

Thru my writting my thoughts can become immortalized and these words that are written on my heart are then bared for all to see until the moment when all time is gone.
CJ M Jul 2016
Choosing a side in the game of love is useless in all aspects.
For there is nothing more devious than a player at his best
Yet there is nothing more heartening than the victim of an absent hearted demon...
This must mean the game stays at an eternal stalemate of deliberate solemn cries.
Praggya Joshi Jun 2018
You almost made me believe
That love could be
As beautiful as the changing hues of sunset
As delightful as a pleasant midsummer dream
As heartening as a cool and salubrious spring
Imbued with an affectionate warmth
More comforting
Than the benign rays of sun
Lacerating a biting mist
To soothe a frostbitten skin
And replenish it's ebullient lustre
Like a stunning byzantine scenery
Painted tenderly
To envelope the void of a canvas
But with a reverent intensity
A passionate fervor
Unleashed with a breathless ferocity
As well as an incredible desire
To never snap a profound bond of intimacy
Gleaming like the flames
of mighty solar flares
Before you left me
Steven Frank Nov 2024
It’s heartening the wondrous things you can do
All it takes is a kind word or two.
A friendly touch or warm smile and “hi”
Melts someone’s defenses in the blink of an eye.

You’ve been there yourself you know it’s true
Frozen and hurt by negative words said to you.
All to frequent it doesn’t have to be that way
Offer a compliment instead and make their day.

Perhaps initially a fight, but a battle you can win
Kind words flow freely, when you’re happy from within.
Good idea, nice job, your haircut looks great
Offer your kind words quickly, before they’re too late.

Generous, dependable, thoughtful are positive seeds to sow
Own the words first, then to others they can flow.
Charming, radiant, talented are words that bring cheer
Powerful words those around you long to hear.

Creative, gracious, you’re so fun to be around
All part of a marvelous new vocabulary you have found.
Remember the secret is to first be happy within
The kind words that follow will win many a friend.

Hearts frozen or melted it’s entirely up to you
Make a difference to someone
with just a Kind Word or Two.
It's so easy to make someone's day with just a couple of complementary words.
Memories of your heartening smiles
You are an Angel of America across the screen
Of voyages. I’ve pinned your words
Papers and thoughts of the utmost kindness
On the window of my soul, of a one-of-a kind gentleness.

I remember your office and that smell of Christmas cookies
Permeating the air. In the middle of March, silly senses
I believe meeting you was like stopping
In the middle of a mythical glade, embracing a wild wholeness
Your voice, like Virgil’s through this dismembered (s)hell, second circle
Guided me.

Last night, under the canopy of Zeus as Taurus, beloved
Europe, I let my guard down and Orpheus handed me to Morpheus
You were here, alone in a bare room, I joined you, I just knew
It was you.
You wore a tight grey shirt and I put my head on your lap
Relief of the dream state
Queer, good, silent, compassionate.

In that dream, drained, dreary, I desperately donned your tenderness
Raiment of an enlightened being, soothing.
When I woke up with this odd sensation of well-being
I just knew, it couldn’t be otherwise
That I had seen you, your keen, wise
And I arose anew
I just knew
It was you.

June 28, 2017
5:08 pm
A poem I wrote to my Media Studies Professor, James Tobias, who's given me all, at the University of California, Riverside.
Dreamy thoughts I indeed had in a dream, last night.
Mirror reflects our personality to see and prune
To be on the right track and right path very soon
Its a  musical gauge to celebrate heartening tune  
It is the manner which is appropriate, opportune

Faces reflect behavior and attitude with all clarity
It tells us about the past, present and future journey
It also exposes the reality of eyes as greedy and *****
As a soothsayer it tells us that soon eyes will muddy

It tells one his endowment and worth manner so plain
It exposes ones sin which may be less than just a grain
It exposes all pleasure it celebrates all disdain and pain
My mirror is reflection of my heart ,soul and my brain

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
wordvango May 2017

To:  Sally Yates  
Former Acting Attorney General of the United States

Madam Attorney General,
Your integrity and wisdom are heartening,  
in the shadow of the lying buffoon in office now,
your dedication to our country has been
duly noted.

This letter I am writing
is to encourage you to run
for our countries highest office
in 2020.

I nominate you for the office
of President of the United States.
And you are hot, in my opinion.
I wish to be your vice.


— The End —