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Jerry Howarth Jan 2016
  Certain men, described by Jude,
  As ungodly filthy dreamers,
  Condemned unto judgment,
  Evil speakers and flesh defilers

  Have subtly and secretly made themselves
  A part of the Christian faith,
  Purposely undermining salvation
  with ungodly speeches against God’s Grace.

Who are these insolent filthy dreamers
Who speak evil against Dignities with
“Woe unto them” says the Apostle Jude,
“Woe unto Balaam, Core and Cain.”

Representative are these three of
The self-righteous for salvation,
The self-seeking for prestige and power,
The worshipper of wealth and mammon.

These are spots, ugly, despicable spots
In your love feast celebrations.
With all boldness and fearlessness,
They join you without invitation.

These are the murmurers, the complainers,
The mockers, of the soon  return of Christ,
As prophesied by Jesus and the Apostles,
     that in the last days they would arise.

In view of such apostates as these,
Be praying in the Holy Ghost, Beloved,
And building yourselves up in the Spirit,
Be living daily in the sphere of God’s love.

Having compassion on the innocent deceived,
The sincere soul drawn into a damning lair;
And others, addicted to chains of sin,
With great caution, ****** from the fire.

This, then, is the message of God,
With compassion, caution and love,
Be ready always to contend for the faith,
For the glory and majesty of God above.
From Jerry Howarth's original Poetry
Hello & Poetry
Jerry Howarth   Poems  
Published147  Drafts54 Hidden16 Deleted3





A Man and His Religion

And Then There Is God



An Old Testament Love Story



Are You Certain?





As a Man Thinketh

Atheism, Agnosticism, Deism, Humanism




"But My God Shall Supply All Your Needs" 4:19

Butter Milk Boogie

Christ the Strength of My Life




Dear Lord, I'm Bored


Jerry Howarth Dec 2019
   The Bible tells of a man called Job,
Whose life was filled with great discord.
He lost all his family and fortune,
But through it all was faithful to the Lord.
Faithful to the Lord, Faithful to the Lord,
My Brother and Sister, be faithful to the Lord!
Yes faithful to the Lord, faithful to the Lord,
Be like Job, be faithful to the Lord.

Have your friends all turned their backs upon you,
And left you walking all alone?
Just remember, God is always faithful,
and will love and keep you as his own.

To Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
God's promise of faithfulness was given,
To Joshua, the Judges of Israel,
And to a man called Gideon.

Yes my friends, doubt not  God's faithfulness,
Read the long list of men and women
to whom God was faithful to supply of their needs.
Found in the book of Hebrews, chapter eleven.
From Jerry Howarth's Book of Orginal Poems

Written by
Jerry Howarth  Topeka, Ks.
24     3
1 comment

Esteem Others Better Than Y'self



Faith -What is it?

Father Forgive



Five Kings In A Cave


God's Faithful Provision

Go Forth With Confidence

Going Up to Glory



Grampa Cooking Hashbrowns

Grampa G.E. Parsons's Creed of Life

Grampa Parson's 4th of July experience

Grampa Sold His Garage

Grampa Took An Unplanned Train Ride


Heaven Is Only A Prayer Away

Heavenly Blessings

He Lied About Her

I Don't Get Mad, I get Even



If you need a little help just call on me


I'm a physically Challenged Man

I'm so Blessed



Jerry can't sleep

Jerry's Breakfast Sandwich



JESUS=What He Means To Me




Judges of Israel Cont.


Keep Your Spiritual Eyes On Jesus

Legally Dishonest



Livn'n To Glorify The Lord




Jerry Howarth Jan 2016
More Poems of Faith
  Certain men, described by Jude,
  As ungodly filthy dreamers,
  Condemned unto judgment,
  Evil speakers and flesh defilers

  Have subtly and secretly made themselves
  A part of the Christian faith,
  Purposely undermining salvation
  with ungodly speeches against God’s Grace.

Who are these insolent filthy dreamers
Who speak evil against Dignities with
“Woe unto them” says the Apostle Jude,
“Woe unto Balaam, Core and Cain.”

Representative are these three of
The self-righteous for salvation,
The self-seeking for prestige and power,
The worshipper of wealth and mammon.

These are spots, ugly, despicable spots
In your love feast celebrations.
With all boldness and fearlessness,
They join you without invitation.

These are the murmurers, the complainers,
The mockers, of the soon  return of Christ,
As prophesied by Jesus and the Apostles,
     that in the last days they would arise.

In view of such apostates as these,
Be praying in the Holy Ghost, Beloved,
And building yourselves up in the Spirit,
Be living daily in the sphere of God’s love.

Having compassion on the innocent deceived,
The sincere soul drawn into a damning lair;
And others, addicted to chains of sin,
With great caution, ****** from the fire.

This, then, is the message of God,
With compassion, caution and love,
Be ready always to contend for the faith,
For the glory and majesty of God above.
                                  -  by G. E. Parson

Written by
Jerry Howarth  Topeka, Ks.
703     Don Bouchard, Got Guanxi and 1 other
Don Bouchard

Don Bouchard  I see we are writing on similar themes. Jude is a book for our times.


1 reply

May 2017



My First Airplane Ride

My Lost Toy Bear





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Hello & Poetry
Jerry Howarth   Poems  
Published147  Drafts54 Hidden16 Deleted3





A Man and His Religion

And Then There Is God



An Old Testament Love Story



Are You Certain?





As a Man Thinketh

Atheism, Agnosticism, Deism, Humanism




"But My God Shall Supply All Your Needs" 4:19

Butter Milk Boogie

Christ the Strength of My Life




Dear Lord, I'm Bored


Jerry Howarth Dec 2019
   The Bible tells of a man called Job,
Whose life was filled with great discord.
He lost all his family and fortune,
But through it all was faithful to the Lord.
Faithful to the Lord, Faithful to the Lord,
My Brother and Sister, be faithful to the Lord!
Yes faithful to the Lord, faithful to the Lord,
Be like Job, be faithful to the Lord.

Have your friends all turned their backs upon you,
And left you walking all alone?
Just remember, God is always faithful,
and will love and keep you as his own.

To Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
God's promise of faithfulness was given,
To Joshua, the Judges of Israel,
And to a man called Gideon.

Yes my friends, doubt not  God's faithfulness,
Read the long list of men and women
to whom God was faithful to supply of their needs.
Found in the book of Hebrews, chapter eleven.
From Jerry Howarth's Book of Orginal Poems

Written by
Jerry Howarth  Topeka, Ks.
24     3
1 comment

Esteem Others Better Than Y'self



Faith -What is it?

Father Forgive



Five Kings In A Cave


God's Faithful Provision

Go Forth With Confidence

Going Up to Glory



Grampa Cooking Hashbrowns

Grampa G.E. Parsons's Creed of Life

Grampa Parson's 4th of July experience

Grampa Sold His Garage

Grampa Took An Unplanned Train Ride


Heaven Is Only A Prayer Away

Heavenly Blessings

He Lied About Her

I Don't Get Mad, I get Even



If you need a little help just call on me


I'm a physically Challenged Man

I'm so Blessed



Jerry can't sleep

Jerry's Breakfast Sandwich



JESUS=What He Means To Me




Judges of Israel Cont.


Keep Your Spiritual Eyes On Jesus

Legally Dishonest



Livn'n To Glorify The Lord




Jerry Howarth Jan 2016
More Poems of Faith
  Certain men, described by Jude,
  As ungodly filthy dreamers,
  Condemned unto judgment,
  Evil speakers and flesh defilers

  Have subtly and secretly made themselves
  A part of the Christian faith,
  Purposely undermining salvation
  with ungodly speeches against God’s Grace.

Who are these insolent filthy dreamers
Who speak evil against Dignities with
“Woe unto them” says the Apostle Jude,
“Woe unto Balaam, Core and Cain.”

Representative are these three of
The self-righteous for salvation,
The self-seeking for prestige and power,
The worshipper of wealth and mammon.

These are spots, ugly, despicable spots
In your love feast celebrations.
With all boldness and fearlessness,
They join you without invitation.

These are the murmurers, the complainers,
The mockers, of the soon  return of Christ,
As prophesied by Jesus and the Apostles,
     that in the last days they would arise.

In view of such apostates as these,
Be praying in the Holy Ghost, Beloved,
And building yourselves up in the Spirit,
Be living daily in the sphere of God’s love.

Having compassion on the innocent deceived,
The sincere soul drawn into a damning lair;
And others, addicted to chains of sin,
With great caution, ****** from the fire.

This, then, is the message of God,
With compassion, caution and love,
cheryl love Oct 2013
I was looking in my grandmother's old vegetable plot
Searching in and amongst the fragrant sweet peas
When I found an old brown mud encrusted teapot
Tangled up in roots of old forgotten trees.
Then I found my grandmother's old rusty *****
This had seen some action back in its day.
I held the teapot close and the memories had stayed
Had visions of may poles where my Gran used to play.
She'd pour her tea, drink it then invert the cup
Twist it three times one way and then the other
Turn the cup the right way up
Funny old ways hd my Grandmother.
She had her special way of making a brew
And I loved her such a lot
Searching and recalling scenes and there are a few
I found happines in an old brown teapot.
if everyone was cheerful there would be no sad
just a world of happines. life would be so glad
lots of smiling faces we would always see
just a world so joyful no more misery.

wouldnt it be nice if we could be this way
just a happy world each and everyday.
smiles on every face filled with such delight
the world would be a happy place. cheerful and so bright
Cherry Oct 2018
I remember when I was a child I disliked reading books , mostly all of them . They all had a specific ending it could be happy or sad and sometimes something in between. Somehow  I knew that I could never read the words writen in my heart by someone elses pen  so unknowingly I started writing. I started writing as what a normal child would have to, when he starts to dream and imagine about all the things that one wants and desires and everything one knows he could be. I started writing in the blank page of life . I wrote my desires my ideals my character my adventures and everything else I thought I needed my life to be about. Pages full of happines, memories , mistakes and terrible regrets. All my darkest desires ,darkest secrets my best and worst qualities. Since I was a child the only thing I didn't give importance was time , time was passing fast right before my eyes into the words I was writing on that blank page . I never stood still to realise that until now .  My life was turning into my worst nightmare filled only with paranoia and fears. I never realised that getting so hooked into what you want life to be and what it actually is would turn my reality upside down and realised I was living in a lie that I was writing . As I was stading alone in the dark yesterday I woke up . The page I started to write since I was a child run out of all empty spaces , I dont know how old I was back than but now I'm 21 and the worst thing is that I realised that I'm one of those humans helplessly stupid and I've wasted so much time rewriting and correcting on that blank page everything that I thought was wrong and now my blank page looked like the messy adventurous confusion I wanted my life to be. Today I woke up and I  had a new page to write on and I've only writed four sentences  the only four sentences I decided to keep as a treasure from my life
as far as today.
To desire is to dream
To dream is to want
to want is to do
And to do is to live.
(Write artfully)
Don't let words of the past scream at you hysterically in  angry crying voice .
Deovrat Sharma Nov 2018
the poetry
by two hearts
your heart my heart
and everyone's heart
one soul two hearts
phrases written here
is  the conversation
of our hearts
do you agree?
to love
and to be loved
is a real happines

©deovrat 08.11.2018
Charles McCue Aug 2016
Living in a world of grey
Though only black and white
Are the colors that I see
Whether day or night

I just really can't believe
That what You see is true
And how can you tell me
That i should feel like you

Seeing flowers trees and birds
And plays, and sad, sad movies
Does not invoke such thoughts you see
And you can't show them to me

My world is perfect, pristine and white
You nought but trespass here
What audacity you have
To say my world is weird

My heart is great and deep and wide
More empty than the night
I rather think you cluttered
Sure you have your feelings right?

Through depths of sorrow can I waltz
Like floating on the breeze
Your happines is much too loud
And unplesant for me

I still can't figure how you get
So angry and upset
Over things that others do
When still you've never met

Please instruct me, teach me
Oh great, wise, philosopher
Just how it is I need
Your feelings that occur

You say I'm broken, strange, messed up
You say you can help
I say if you are that good at it
Then you should help yourself

Your social customs, curticies
You do them without purpose
You cling so tightly hold them close
I gladly call them worthless

I'm not so cold and callused
As though it prolly seems
I'm really still working on
Which response you need

I may not cry when someone falls
Whether you or I
But I can promise I'll be the first
To help your tears to dry

Friend and family and acquaintance
All mean the same to me
I'll gladly help you when you need
With no return or fee

Eating breathing sometimes bleeding
Still less man than machine
Dont be so surprised when I
Respond mechanically

Living in a world of grey
Though only black and white
Are the colors that I see
There's only wrong or right
i like to watch the dolphins swimming in the sea
with there smiley face as happy as can be
leaping through the air underneath the sky
with elegance and grace as they gently fly

standing on there tails through the waves they skim
with there built in sonar to guide them when they swim
such a lovely creature intelligent his he
swimming in the ocean with his life so free.

a favorite with the children they all love them so
it fills there heart with happines gives there heart a glow
i like to watch the dolphins swimming in the sea
anywhere theres dolphins i just long to be.
if everyone was cheerful there would be no sad
just a world of happines. life would be so glad
lots of smiling faces we would always see
just a world so joyful no more misery.

wouldnt it be nice if we could be this way
just a happy world each and everyday.
smiles on every face filled with such delight
the world would be a happy place cheerful and so bright
i like to watch the dolphins swimming in the sea
with there smiley face as happy as can be
leaping through the air underneath the sky
with elegance and grace as they gently fly

standing on there tails through the waves they skim
with there built in sonar to guide them when they swim
such a lovely creature intelligent his he
swimming in the ocean with his life so free.

a favorite with the children they all love them so
it fills there heart with happines gives there heart a glow
i like to watch the dolphins swimming in the sea
anywhere theres dolphins i just long to be.
Amy Perry Aug 2013
Golden arches,
Some stop to eat.
Mouse ears,
Some stop to retreat.

All these shops that we see
And all the smiling faces
Plastered on a mascot
Brings the viewer to higher places.

The holidays come,
The people gather 'round
A flat screen TV
And knock each other to the ground.

Here used to lie an orange grove
That provided for the land.
Now times have changed, values too.
In its place a theme park stands.

This generation's happines
Can be bought and sold
By paper we deem valuable
For that is what we're told.

Yet the sight of a valley
Brings me more joy
Than any handy dandy
Service, gadget, toy.
Reading "Fast Food Nation" and just thinking about how to some people seeing the golden arches is an indicator of happiness. As opposed to me, getting excited over the scenery.
Niveda Nahta Dec 2013
everyday my eyes go fluttering,
here and there, everywhere,
every hour seems like a year,
waiting for a person in despair,
not a person I would love,
but someone I long to see,
every minute of the day,
I may sound confusing,
but pay attention,
'cause I do.
Attentively watch, await,long,
for that one envelope,

inside which would be a page,
a white but unblank paper,
with words and exclaimations
About your explainations,
and your whereabout,
as I wait for that person
To bring me a letter from my beloved,
my dear love, my craving,
* my sole purpose of living,
I convince myself by saying,
the post man must be lost!
or perhaps just lazy and late,
for he never comes,
and makes me wait in vain,
Sometimes I loose hope,
the only thing I've got,
but recall your face,
and remake my mind,
saying, maybe times are rough,
reason why you can't write to me,
these days,
perhaps just the work
that keeps you busy all day,
but yes I do wish you could just take time out,
to write three words on a card,
i love you.
send it to me,end my vacant wait..

It's been five years now,
you never wrote or even called,
ah! yes I received a telegram today,
Right now I opened it,
and as I opened it,

tears kissed my cheeks,
of happines that you did care!
but soon my tears of joy
turned into blood sobs,
when I read in the letter that you were gone,
passed away five years ago,
while saving someone at war,
sorrow could not leave my side
knowing it was all I had,
and my heart wept,
my eyes went numb,
at the letters on that little note,
but at the end were the three words
I had longed to hear,rather see,
"he loved you."
Was all I could bear to see,
my brain stopped working,
my limbs went void,
now, I still don't know why,
I wait for you..
I'm old now you know?
I wish you could see me,
wrinkled and stupid,
for I still wait for that day,
when I would get to see you at last,
with a letter saying those three little words,
"come with me"
tonight and forever,
we would make up for lost time,
and spend once more our lives,
but for now my longing is still not over,
for I still wait for the postman,
behind my window,

and I need no doors or even locks,
*as my gaze still remains fixed on my post box..
I know I've use the word 'wait' a lot of times..but I just can't help it!!:p
Check me out:p-
they say there is a heaven with angels flying bye

great big pearly gates high up in the sky

filled with lots of love where all your worries cease

a place where we can go so we can rest in peace.

where we can start a new without  worry or the pain

just a world of happines where we can live again

watching over loved ones sending down our love

from our home in heaven with angels up above
Wine and cigarettes all i have in vain
But nothing comes close to ease my pain
Winter has frozen my pale fingers
As i walk and linger
My father's last words flew through my heart
As he touched my face and i cried to never part
The wood floor creaked as i walked
The walls shattered as i talked
He said the old house is alive
I knew it when it was so quiet at night
Whenever i said my flat prayers to Christ

I did not come back for melancholy of my boyhood friends
As memories have always been in the right places to suspend
Like cold brief kisses shared before goodbyes
Struggling for never ending happines to come by

Autumn came when i was still deep in slumber
Tucked up innocent in his warm chamber
Whenever i opened my eyes again he was there
Watching out the window, looking so fair

There were nights when the ferry docked
And those distinct shapes in the mist outside i could not make out
There he went away
Ferried over so far away
As i did to him likewise now
Florian Aug 2015
Do you remember the taste of my lips when we kissed
true those moment i realy do miss
when i held your face between my palms
so tender keeping yu from harm

Do you remember when we hugged
those moments when we were intwined
when your heart bet with mine
and every thing seemed so fine

Do you remember ma head on your thighs
and you held me like a child in a cry
those smiles
those moments should have lasted a longer while

Do you remember that stare that made you afraid of ma eyes
you were kept busy by the blue skies
watching time slowly fly
i miss those cute pupils ooh my!

Do you remember that ice cream guy
you don't remember the pinpop! Why?
and the candies that you gave me only a few
*** please don't tell me you dnt have a clue

Fine do you remember that selfie
the one i shared with a tag 'my future wifie'
smiles i will sure marry you
and the happines for our destiny; heavens have a clue

Do you remember when the sun went down
and that day we had to crown
the way we held hands and waists in town
they were jealous; you didn't see them frawn

Do you remember the Nairobi rains
with those poor drains
we got wet in love
we did like in the movies; laughs...

do you stil remember that day i got mad
you leaving early made me sad
heh we parted without a bye
and for another day i had to standby
to make up and make out
to talk sweet and refrain shouts
to let you know that i love you with no doubts
that point that you leave my world itl be all ouch!

Hope you stil remember the monument
it marked the end of my visit and my light moments
this memories are just a torment
but for a lifetym to stay they meant
Those kisses still quench my thirst
in your arms im safe that i trust
those rains still wash away my tears
for birds' chirps are still melody to my ear
candies taste exerctly as yua kiss
and for your face i have the night skies

Hope you remember you promises
for tomorow you wil stil be my princess
till mummy you become and a queen
i will love you handsomely that i promise
For years it's been my  defense my escape and my prison
all in one.
It's a drug I can and will never kick.
I wield it as a wepon sharper than any razor none
could ever hold.

But it's a love hate relationship twisted in it's
lack of perfection  harsh edges none can
understand but I.

But in it I find isolation in others happiness I find
none of my own and like any drug its high slowly drains you
yet no matter your best efforts to escape it your always
a ****** after that fix.

I've taken to the stage as easy as breathing
and found it simple to draw there laughter.
Happiness is a splendid vice i deal it often yet
In jokes we show are fears  are weakness is on display
for the mocking of others.

Why do I struggle with masks when my own face is but a stranger
to me?
From the stage im the fool by apearence yet I control
every thought  a craftsman  in laughter  my job
i understand better than any other.

Yet I yern to be more than a teller of jokes.
It's to easy at times not that I want to seem
like a ego mainac  but my job I know well.

Often we see the comedians but seldom do we see the misreble
******* behind the jokes.
Maybe were madmen lunatics in a asylum
so happily on display.

The laughter is the comfort and for a moment it heals.
You feel it like a drug it it flows through your veins.
You take people outta there misery if only for a second
and thats the reward there happines is but my gold in thought.

But any role can become a trap.
For no one cares to hear a fools thought.
So you drown in other vices make light of your ******* up past.

And with any  exceptance in life it changes you.
People treat you diffrent for they see the act not the person.
Soon you cant even see yourself anymore.

Relationships turn sour.
Welcome strangers  who thirst for fun replace friends
And the more you succeed the further away you become.

So you drown in ***** or dose in pills  
Share moments you can barely recall.
Hide behind dark glasse's talk to women who claim
to want a glimpse but you both are just junkies
yerning for that fix.

But to be close if only for a moment is a
bitter sweet  dream cast on a nightmares

But there's always someone who can see past your *******.
but no matter how strong the love the stage and the laughter
are a poisen few can survive.

For how can you love the man who lives a double life?
Who's loved by many and understood by few if
even himself.

Everytime I get up there it's a sacrfice a road ive choosen
with no set reward.
My love for one can never match the  love of many.

It's more than joke ,Im more than a comedian,
Yet im less off a person after the lights fade.
Nothing can match that fix of the stage.

Pain ,Isolation the loss of yourself  and everyone you ever
cared for  thoose my friends are the setbacks of humor.
From the Still Night Sessions

Im sorry for this being it reaks of misery.
But I feel it give's another side of the coin so to speak.
In real life im a comedian I know shocking right.

Making people laugh is one of thebest feelings in the world
to me yet this speaks the truth for me.
It's not easy posting this but sometimes you have to go deep
no matter where it takes you.

I write things on the spot and ive wanted to try in my limted skill
to express the other side of the laugther.
Humor at least mine comes from a very dark place.
This book is taking me places I dont want to go
yet no matter the cost apon yourself I feel you must give all
cause no one who was ever worth there salt was ever half ***
about anything.
I'll never have  fans for I am  the one in awe
of you all.    

Thank you for reading.

Krusty Aranda Jul 2012
Thousands of years ago, a vile beast was born.
It promised prosperity and happines. If only they had known
that this beast was only hiding it's true face behind a mask,
we wouldn't live this torment thousands of years past.

But a prophecy was written. An old, wise man once said;
"The time will come when man will overcome their dread.
It will be then when the Titan awakens from its sleep,
and send the evil beast to hell. So, so very deep."

Even to this present day the beast is still alive.
Breeding on, its power threatens all of mankind,
but the day has come when we shall fight the beast.
We shall not fear it anymore. Not even the least.

Raise your banners! Raise your fists!
Demand a world where we can live.
Fight for freedom! Fight for justice!
Awaken the Titan from its slumber.

The time has come to end this suffering.
The Titan in us lies deep within.
Open your eyes, and let it guide you
to a new world where we all live in peace.
The awakening is happening. Lets fight for a new world order!
M Nov 2020
Are you happy - you are asking me.
talking about happines
while cooking pumpkin soup
Washing my hands from onion,
Cutting the carrot
The day was sunny
And we were sitting at the corner of the coffee shop, talking small talks, starring in the distance
maybe I'll said I am happy
Siyabulela May 2011
Sweating danger,sensitiveness,lonelines less annoyance,its like playing unconditionally,suscribe is your triumph,happines is your dream,hatred is your chum,teasin'g,******* e're friend of hatred,it discover a rotten inside,it got no answer,nor relief nor reduces,desguise and re-use velocity on your vector,it creates bumps and pumps as it accelarates  anger,self eestem nor a lion heart but a better sweet around you
Blood on my hands doesnt wash clean as that from my mind.
in temptation we did bask for moments in despair I know
all to well.

A fool to imagine a ghost but in a less than empty room.
Sweet girl dont try to see beyond that which laughs befor you.
Im a shipwreck in low tide.
A vessel to long ive tasted  time in it's bitter affliction.

A page away from a traggedy a night less in thought.
Behind the mask you'll find no reason.
Strangers we shall remain togather in this bed.
My words nothing more than fragment of a driffters heart.

Black and white images sharp tell stories i do not
wish to share.
Wine glimmers in crystal by the fire's light.
Towards a lesser man you lean to fill a need.
****** of the pen bleeding in thought.

The night's end and a comfort does point without direction.
The shoe if worn isnt all it seem's to be.
Ive cast stones breaking emotions to uncover all
that isnt me.

Sharing less more than friction then with light i'll trace
curves never speaking in my lies truth.
Im a ******* but least im real.

They want a devils fire in trade of a moments
encounter to seethe picture for what it is  seldome is as
beautiful as dellusions of a dream.

Moments no matter there timeframe always stay.
like scars there forever on display.

I take pictures only in thought and paste secrets of beauthy apon
my minds cluttred wall.
Whispers of passion regrets I cherish so dear.
Shared a nights velvet inside more than thought.
Although in this moment i share space.
Im never truely here.

And in mornings light just maybe happines in thought.
leaves the warmth in the emptyness behind.
Althougth far from a companion in flesh within memory
you shall exist in this jaded mind.
Naomi Feb 2015
She cried for happines
like wolf cried in moon
she prayed for good
but she only got the worst
as she walked the empty road
searching the way to boulevar of broken dreams
She took the last cigarette and dissapeard in the fog of her lonely day
Eric Flaze Mar 2010
Hey you think its strange. Me leaving you today. I regret not leaving you earlier. Because i wouldve never known your name. Had your heart. You said we were the same. But i could never be that mean. I say it because you were cold. Little Mrs pretty face. I'm happy your gone. You pushing me up into the ceiling. Me pulling down your crowns. That i gave you cause I believed your fame.I heard about what youve done, staying and getting on my nerves.  But now I know I can blow out your memories. My mind at ease. From ya pain. Each day that that im away from your presence . Reminds me that the roads hold grace. No longer are you younger than me. Stress making me older.

Your games where making me crazy. Your words where all deceived. Your heat was just a fake. Just to hide your intentions. You called it fun when you killed my heart. You took my gun and sayed it was for good reasons. Still leaving me awe struck by your insane  Pages written with green words. And stained with false blood. You wouldve done anything to hurt me.

Tuesday eating cereal in the morning .  Listen to the radio playing my tunes. Used is how you played the game. Abused, is where I stayed broken inside. But today,  Looking forward to tonights horizon. Maybe it won't be so dark now that your lost. Lost your heart along time ago.  From me to my homies. We solute good news at the ceremony of better days to come.  Rapping different rhymes. Cause these are different times. Weve changed  our rhythm. Taking our rounds pumping up the crowd. We scaz the house all night.  Pop our collars and and filling our brains with things that come with packages. Of happines. This  reminds me of what you did to get rid of it.  

My lady was making paranoid.    What looked real was just a joke.Your games where making me crazy. Your words where all deceived. Your heat was just a fake. Just to hide your intentions. You called it fun when you killed my heart. You took my gun and sayed it was for good reasons. Still leaving me awe struck by your insane  Pages written with green words. And stained with false blood. You wouldve done anything to hurt me, and to cut deep.

Echoes in my garage. Coming from the guitars on our porch. Belonging to us and the gang. Paparazzi flashes can't touch us cause we behind a bomb shelter. Living with our friends . The drums bringing the bang. That slams the fists in the air. All the people cheer. Glad your not hear, honey. I know youde dissapproved. Of what Ive chose. Oh well its over baby. Singing of our victory by band blinging with royalty. And our wallets stuffed with money. Packed with green dough. This reminds me of you and the things you didnt let me do.

My lady was making paranoid.   What looked real was just a joke.Your games where making me crazy. Your words where all deceived. Your heat was just a fake. Just to hide your intentions. You called it fun when you killed my heart. You took my gun and sayed it was for good reasons. Still leaving me awe struck by your insane  Pages written with green words. And stained with false blood. You wouldve done anything to hurt me, and to cut deep. Im relieved your gone. Im glad we're done.
rap song with good pump not true of course for me but could be a potential fast beat rap song for a band.
PrttyBrd Oct 2014
Sitting in the dark
The Universe descends into oblivion
The only reality is us
The only truth is this very moment
In all its honesty
Filled with both longing and love
No thought but to be blanketed in each others electricity
Perhaps a hint of perfection
Or what feels enchanted
If things were different
If the Universe still existed
If reality was this,
Two hearts in desperate need
Finding what they weren't even looking for
If an honest heart meant an honest life
If this moment was everything

                    happines does exist
xiuhcoatl cualli Jul 2014
this for you angel!
happines from heaven is love with intentions of faithfulness!
dont let no lie bring your brAin cons ions down!
for when you walk with your heAd down , your suffering!
its like living in hell!
where kids die of hunger
trees get turned to paper plastic and pencils!
for you two can write with stones on stones!
dont let the sky your love where your sun is at die in the concrete jungle!
that happiness!
those beautifull mountAins turned to beautifull temples!
we are walking all as one through apakalypse!
covered faces, distintive races as we are imbracing
for were not racing
we got pAtiance and my time is my evidence!
never look at the clock!
shadow around the tre let you know whT time it is,
stars relocating you to your destinAtion!
follow the ants for they are saving all the seeds!
follow the birds for each bird eats a different seed!
follow the jAguar for it will teAc you how to fight!
become one with your mind!
you are here to die, but with someone you love by your side!
bless my daughter mArysol quetzal zaragoza n if this heart mormor kills me body, my mind will live eternAlly
Aravind Saju Jan 2014
The sparkle in your eyes,
The love in your hug,
The touch of your hand,
The warmth of your cheek,
The happines you gave,
The moments that we shared,
The kisses that i promised,
It will always be there,
Where ever you go,
How far you go,
It will always be there,
You will allways be there.
Derek Wings Aug 2010
I curse this iron Hope i have
That ties me to you
Like an iron rope,
That forces me to chase you
It has taken hold of me
and it wont let go of me
So I cant let go of you

I have every reason to forget you
But there is no reasoning with a heart
So every time I see you
I feel like this could be the start
I know its cant be true
but still I Hope
When I know there is no Hope

Even after all the lies
All the painful sighs
I still act suprised
To see my happines denied
Because my hope never dies

This Hope is so cruel
No matter how hard i try
No matter how many times i cry
I am still a fool
Still chasing after you

I am cursed by this idea
and the feelings it brings
forced to chase
what i know i can't have
these feeling are the worse
so i curse this Hope
This Hope is my curse
Yandisa mhlana Feb 2010
While the stars burn in the sky and the moon falls. While the milky way collapses and planet earth moves from its orbital axis.

Let me be in heaven.

Let me be there still standing. Walking the golden streets with you as my diamond shining ever so bright, by my side. Let us live forever, forever holding hands. Let us be forever, with eternity cryng, 'when will it end!'.

But if its not so, and i am not there. Let me love you forever, till i burn in hell. Let my bones fry as i look up and see heaven with you inside. Allow a tear to come from my eye, one of happines to see you'er way up high. Allow a smile, to grace my burns, as i look up high and say, 'she once was my girl'.

That angel above this sinful world.
Katrina May 2013
Comfort is questioned.
As another story unveals tonight,
the uncharted road not explored.

A familiar image appears.
With a flash of lightning
on both the left and right.

Breathe in.Scent of Pure bliss, with a hint of carpe diem
Though it is not our home.
For we do not have one,yet.

Not caused by anything, but our true desire.
Constant change and chance.
Solely living life.

Where we'll end , who knows.
Fate is devious, but tasteful
and factors out what does not accommodate you.

A sudden noise begins.
Eyelids open.
my alarm has waken me.

I sit up fast.
Why was this dream so concealed?
Buried so deep, unseen to even me til now.

I look arond in a new place, alone.
remembering the first road explored.
So easy. Simple. So 'Normal".

Thoughts pop as if it were popcorn thrown in a fire.
Love is infinite and blind,
but aquires true ambitions.

Happines doesnt grow.
It is inevitable,
if its genuinely you.

Another chance as a taste arises.
Do you go for it or deny it?
Similar devotion from both sides required.

Hearts get taken and then shattered.
As it is a part of LIVING life.
Being scared of it is a silly choice.

Human nature makes it so hard to deal.
Doesn't make it impossible.

Living Life and finding self-fullfillment isn't easy,
for if it was, being alive would be just as unreal as a DREAM.
Stories of Exes.3
M Sanchez Apr 2014
When you meet them, you will not see it
but you will feel it
your heart will beat steadier/
your palms will find relaxation
warmth will no longer lie within your favorite winter sweater
and suddenly
their worries will become your own
their pain will flow through your veins
then one night you will lie awake in bed and realize that the soul you're in love with is broken
you will hurt eachother
sometimes they'll cut you deeper
but you will only care to heal their scars
you were drowning in your own cup of water and along came another broken glass
there will be days when the sun won't shine as bright
nights when your bed sheets will feel colder
their eyes won't always sparkle at the sound of your voice
and you will feel it in your stomach,
in your soul
when they cry
your throat will knot first
and the saddest thing is, you will signify their happines
you - who are broken too
but they are not waiting on you to fix them

things won't always be okay
and that's…okay
Happines went away.
In your place i found a way.
I tried to remember your face,
But i couldn't take my mind off your voice.

I'm only 20, Miss Solitude, young and longing for fulfillments.
I know you used to play tricks on naive young men.
But i am different. I am not just a man who runs and plays.
Through misery i have ploughed.

Here in your hotel room together we watch the city breathing.
I put my hands on your breast wondering.
Do you feel my youth running so wildly through my veins?
They say young men are not acquainted with no love nor with pain.

When you held me so tight couldn't you feel my heart beating like crazy?
When you looked deep into my eyes couldn't you see the pride of my manhood?
Take our picture as the night grows darker so lazy
I want to remember us like this if i could

These walls have our night secret
The unspoken passion we shared.
The nights we spent somehow
Listening to the sound of the rain falling down the window.

If this were a dream, i would be dreaming in a vivid dream.
Lights of colours your eyes beam.
Your lips tell me a thousand stories of passion and hopes.
The delightful scent of your hair ties me to you like a rope.

Come back to bed.....
I want more of your love.
Eléonora Dec 2020
Wherever I go, I always want to go back
I want to see my street
I want to see the linden
Oh, unforgettable place
I'll always search for it

It's not a thing, it's a feeling'
Endless love, springing happines
When I sleep at home, there's no reason to wake up
Trough my window I'll always see my mother's love
My family, my support
Forever my whole world

How I dared to go far away
To leave my lovely place
How can I be happy
with all the strangers on my way
One day I will cry for them
I will remember their smiles
But I will be in tears
wouldn it be nice if there was no sad
just happines and joy to make us very glad
it would be so nice.  a life that has no stress
everything so neat never any mess
have a life so happy every single day
living in a world thats always bright and gay
wouldnt it be nice if all this could be
to have a life like this  and no more misery.
HeWhoExplores Dec 2018
Won't You Go Away, Oh Dreary Rain?

Oh Rain!  Go away! Elsewhere but here
And be gone with your gloomy ways; ******!
For I have had enough of your detestible behaviour, so devoted on ruining plans
You come in all of your grey-puddled glory; like the eye of an elder
What is it that makes you detest I,  oh dreary one?
Is it my dry appearance that you despise so much?
Or perhaps my freshly laundered clothes, that you must make dripping wet!
I shall never know of your cruel reasons, and I shan’t needn’t care!
For you are just an obstacle, a miserable and detested bully-
Whom appears in my life far too often!
Why is it that brother sun brings me happines?
His sunshine rays enriching my life, giving me warmth and light
And sister moon?  Her nightly glow giving my aching body rest as I sleep at night
Shall we make peace now and build new bridges,  oh dreary one?
Call a truce?  Make way to new beginnings and beautiful fortunes?
Let’s not rush this new alliance, instead we’ll take each day as it comes
But the question I must ask, Rain; will you ever learn from brother sun?
Santa he brings happines to the whole world through
every girl and boy every me and you
no matter who you are no matter what the race
Santa  makes you happy in each and every place

delivering his presents while children are asleep
into the childrens houses he will gently creep
filling christmas stockings at the bottom of the bed
with the thoughts of santa claus running through there head

lots of smiling faces on a christmas morn
children full of happiness as they begin to yawn
happy and content as they begin to play
santa watching over them from his home so far away
I lived.
Before I met you,
I just lived my life.
I lived for books
and rainy nights.
I lived and took on
one day at a time.
I lived but I
get lonely sometimes.
Then I met you,
I lived with happines
by my side.
I lived with excitement
all the time.
I lived with purpose
in life.

I loved.
I loved living life.
I loved having you
by my side.
I loved the endless calls
and sleepless nights.
I loved you being there
when I get nightmares.
I loved every moment
that we shared.
I loved for the
first time in my life.
And I know,
I'm going to love you
for the rest of my life.

I lost.
I lost my perspective
and my will to live.
I lost my motivation
and the fight in me.
I lost the love of my life.
I lost you
and honestly?
I lost my happiness,
I feel like dying
every second that
passes by.

I died.
I died. I hurt. I feel.
I died. I cry. I scream.
I will die.
I die in deep slumber.
I die in endless sorrow.
I died when you left.
Silence in death.
Now all I know is
I'm dead.
betterdays Jun 2014
the sun shines,
on your little golden-head.

as you and the blucat,
hunt lizards, in the garden.

i sit on the step and watch.
my happines,
and fills the world,
with a rose-tinted glow.
Akash mazumdar Feb 2014
Please dear go far from me,
u'll get burn,
i cant b wid u in every turn,
i dnt want 2 destroy ur happines,
it's ur own right nd u must know a truth is,
i cant keep ur trust any more,
cuz i m not able 2 maintain after or before,
please take ur love from me,
&nd; give it 2 a person who deserve,
this feel nd who can keep ur faith and love,
as a gift of god's grace,
nd he will keep a smile on ur face,
cuz ur luv is true nd caring,
which is wanted by every1 for keep him daring,
for all paths u'll b wid him.
Nd can wore u a ring,
of satisfaction and faith as a life gift 2 u,
but still i say i love u...:)
@ akash mazumdar
TheScarfIsPurple Jul 2018
...why is she called that, I wonder
What left her?
A friend?
A loved one?
Mental health?
I couldn't tell you, I barely know that girl.

   Is she wrong, right or left
                            What is left?
For the Leftbehind Girl
What is behind her? Or ahead?
Maybe she's just already dead.
Who cares if she is wrong
Who cares if she is right?

Inside the backwards- places
of her broken mind?

— The End —