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JW Feb 2020
you burn me
yet you soothe my wounds with your words

i set you on fire
and then lead you to the river

you are the flame
offering the light to find my way

i burn you
and abandon you in pain

you set me on fire
then hand me the oil

i am the flame
you try to escape

we destory
to build back up

together we burn brighter
our fire shining bloodred

together we create a flame so high
it swallows our surroundings

we stand in the middle of the ashes
and look at each other
a couple of days after writing this i talked to this person (who doesn't know about this) and they said to me: "we tear each other down to build us back up" - and we stood in the middle of the ashes and looked at each other
Andrew Springer Jan 2013
I said fate plays a game without a score,
and who needs fish if you've got caviar?
The triumph of the Gothic style would come to pass
and turn you on--no need for coke, or grass.
I sit by the window. Outside, an aspen.
When I loved, I loved deeply. It wasn't often.

I said the forest's only part of a tree.
Who needs the whole girl if you've got her knee?
Sick of the dust raised by the modern era,
the Russian eye would rest on an Estonian spire.
I sit by the window. The dishes are done.
I was happy here. But I won't be again.

I wrote: The bulb looks at the flower in fear,
and love, as an act, lacks a verb; the zer-
o Euclid thought the vanishing point became
wasn't math--it was the nothingness of Time.
I sit by the window. And while I sit
my youth comes back. Sometimes I'd smile. Or spit.

I said that the leaf may destory the bud;
what's fertile falls in fallow soil--a dud;
that on the flat field, the unshadowed plain
nature spills the seeds of trees in vain.
I sit by the window. Hands lock my knees.
My heavy shadow's my squat company.

My song was out of tune, my voice was cracked,
but at least no chorus can ever sing it back.
That talk like this reaps no reward bewilders
no one--no one's legs rest on my sholders.
I sit by the window in the dark. Like an express,
the waves behind the wavelike curtain crash.

A loyal subject of these second-rate years,
I proudly admit that my finest ideas
are second-rate, and may the future take them
as trophies of my struggle against suffocation.
I sit in the dark. And it would be hard to figure out
which is worse; the dark inside, or the darkness out.

Anonymous Submission

Joseph Brodsky
I get pulled out of class every Tuesday and Thursday to basically face my fears. The nice, warm, voice of the speech therapist smoothes my anxiety as she begins to tell me about how she can help me and shows me how our body is like a seed, water is the soul and our minds is like roots on a tree. My spirit feels safe. Then, she pulls out a passage to read....

(The room was filled with laughter,
The room was filled with laughter,)

Instantly, my nervousness comes back and I begin to choke on every syllable and adverbs. I sigh in a hopeless depression because I'm trying my best to fight against ... Myself.
The speech therapist tells me to try again... No matter how many times I messed up it seemed like she was always  there to guide my way to increase hope even though I felt powerless. I never stop trying. This moment made me feel like everything will be alright and I can push through anything, even though it might take alittle time because of what I have, as long as I keep trying, I can take that fear, destory it, use it to my advantage in the future and maybe be an inspiration to others that went through a similar situtation.
Welcome to chapter 2.
Feedback would be definitely appreciated, feel free to look at chapter 1 on my page. Thank you all for reading
Deepak shodhan Apr 2015
Sister, what I did
was a small mistake
Please forgive me
I buy you a new cake!

Sister, I'm your sweet
little brother
How can you lock me
in a room for an hour!??

Sister, I really dint mean
to break your nose
It was accidently done,
when I tried to give you a rose!

Sister, I really didnt
mean to destory your cake
I just tried to surprise
you with a milk shake!

Sister, I'll buy you a
sweet choco bar
Please make up your
mind to open the door!

Sister, you are such
a bad girl
You still kept me
in dark and dull!

Sister, you're a bad girl
you're such a bad bad
bad girl!!

Infamous one Dec 2013
I cant hate myself because of you
Your insecurity and indecisive acts will not influence my emotions
Ive grow why you stay the same
You play your games I pursue destiny
You're one big lie  time to say goodbye
It feels I must destory your memory
Forgetting because all we had was not meant to be
Live and learn find someone who appreciates me
Supportive not trying to compete with
Encouraging not poison the mind with doubt
Solaces Jun 2013
The starseed was found here on earth.... on OCT 7th 1831 it was found in a lake that had dried up due to drought... No one could really tell how long it had been there..

It was like nothing anyone had ever seen.. No form of tool could open it.. No form of energy could destory it..

From what ever was inside it waitied until it was time to be born..

April 5th 1980, a scientist discovered that this starseeds markings where that of where it had been..

The dots represented star constellations.. Orion could be seen on the bottom of the starseed.. This thing has been all over the cosmos.. Seems this is its last stop here on earth..

June 20th 2013. A young boy saw something in the starseed that everyone seemed to have missed.. The dots also shaped a form of code.. If looked at from afar you could see this code to be a strain of D.N.A..

On Oct 7th 2013 a little girl named Salem was born.. Her blood matched the code of the starseed.. Today a drop of her blood will be introduced to the starseed..
James M Vines Dec 2016
Though I lay on the floor broken and ******. Though I suffer a temporary defeat. I will not surrender to your will. You can crush my bones and rend my flesh, but I will rise again. I am an ideal not just a person. Though I am trampled down to the ground, I will find another way to grow. I am the thoughts of freedom and justice and you cannot destroy me.
Eric Jan 2019
That feeling I love so much , that feeling of your touch.  Your smell sends me into complete comfort. But you always make me feel like it's my turn . To say something unimaginable , just to hurt you . When all you've said was things to hurt me too . And you've done that , and you'd think that's enough . But no she wants to make everything rough . She takes to my pleading like it's venom to her veins, when all I want her to know is that she causes me so much pain. But she don't care and that's what destorys me , I ask her how could it be . You said you love me . But destory every part of my being . And I let go , like I wasn't enough . You hurt me with your way of love . Forgive me for everything I gave up . Just i make you comfortable when you still thought I wasn't enough.
And I ramble through anything to make things better . They ask me how can I let her . Because love isn't just a one go getter . You felt whole till you got a missing peice . Just disappeared without a trace . Even know you still had a home in the first place . And I'm the disgrace . You family hates me , and will find anyone to replace . Me....I'm not me anymore , you've made me so sore , that even flying doesn't get me happy . I rather have a hundred women slap me . Then have you hate me . But forgive me . I've forgot who I was . But love is no more in me . Like you wanted it to be..... like I forgot how it felt to be yours in time . Eternity isn't the same when , I'm still traveling the world saying I'm fine .
swaggmaster Feb 2019
heart aches
in a fluctuating pace
deepens the hollow pit
growing to fit

destroy your own psyche
so you only have yourself to blame

dont let others tap into your heart
it'll only make the pain start.
spacequeen Sep 2014
Your heart hides behind a wall much taller than me.
Fear makes your voice shake.
I can sense it.

You want to love something delicate, something fragile.
But too afraid that you will destory it in the end.

So your mind tosses and turns.
Back and forth with the idea that these feelings are real.
That maybe you could feel human again.

And with every good thought, there are two bad ones after.
That you're a monster in disguise.
Just for a little bit.

And maybe if you gave yourself the time of day...
You could see that your heart is actually beating.
Defrosting from the past.

I wish you would accept the love you give
and the love you could receive.
Because deep down I know you're wishing for something brilliant.
Something that hasn't happened, at least not yet.

Take her hand before it fades into a memory.
Make this moment worth it.
She's worth the try.
You're worth it, without a question.
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2012
Dont destroy what you have to chase after your past....even if your past has a phater ***..Well maybe you can visit once or twice...naw that isn't right...chasing after pleasure for the cost of your life...or maybe just for the cause of a good time...cuz it seems like theres little good in a good time...but everybody wants one...just to have a lil fun..So if im just looking for a good time does going backwards make me dumb...or can I just use the excuse I was looking for some fun...I mean yeah my present is a gift..but my burdens it cant lift... its tylenol to my pain but I need some extra relief..but that sounds contradicive to my belief...of monotony..creating contraversy...inside the deciding to switch lanes...But i just want to taste it...its like i just became a vegetarien but i want a buger and with meats the only way i can make Im pondering if I should...I dont wanna be thinking that I should have could have would...can your past become your future... or should your present be the picture....Of Jubilee..When do you get to blame destiny...Cuz everybodys looking for a reason..for treason...But they always need a point man to evoke..Destiny you can be my scapegoat...Cuz i want to relapse just a bit..I just want one more high one more hit..and if I again become addicted...I guess my present isn't want Destiny predicted...But i dont want to destory my present it really is a gift..but destiny only made me a man so sometimes I think like this....
Robert N Varty May 2012
An event. An addition
Simple, complex.

Novel. Delight.
Amusement, fear.

Through time enough, enough through time
From age to age, from soul to soul.
From the depths, from the heights, amounting

A dream of fears, a nightmare of desires
A contrast in hope, a contrast in faith
A distant light burns brightest, mutually.

Though joy, the greatest
Offers more than most

However demands a certain yearning.
Of legendary fabled origin
Pending finality.
                   from reality.
                     through infinity.

Bounding from thought to conclusion
Procuring and devouring;
Knowledge of beauty and the beauty of knowledge
Ever-lasting, yet finite, understanding.

Aclaimed to conquer all
To vanquish all
To destory all
To end all

Yet survives
Samantha Homann Jan 2013
Why do we love when we only get hurt?
We try so hard to find "the one"
but it never works.

We open ourselves up to a love so true
but in the end it just disappears
and all we are left with is the pain...

The pain destroys us,
finding ways to destory not only us but those around us.
We have trouble rebuilding ourselves.

We look for ways to **** the pain....
but we know deep down that
the only cure is that one true love that we have lost.

The one love that doesnt judge
that doesnt envy or hurt.
The love that is eternal and everlasting.

The love that is forever gone....
gone and disappeared.
Astral Jul 2015
This society does not wish to keep you safe, you are inbetween the cracks

You are the slums, you are the ghetto, you are the problem, you are the obstacle

You are the different, you dress against the code, you do not conform to what the male populous tells of you

You are the sick, you are the freak, you are the disease, you are the immoral

Your love is to another of the same gender, you are not right, you are a cancer, you are what is wrong

Do you believe your society wishes to protect you?

You are a different color, yet you are blood and organs just like the rest of humanity, the same as any other mammal

But you are the problem, you are the volatile, this is the certainty of this society

What of the kids?

What of our privleged?

What of the moral fiber?

What of reverse hate?

Countless excuses to mask the hate and ignorance which this society holds for those that don’t follow it

Excuses to cast its fire among the riverbanks, to scorch and burn anything it deems unworthy to it

You are fat, you are human, you live as any other person that walks and breathes

But you are ill, you are sick, you promote a sickness that is damaging to the health of the society

Do not confront the hypocrisy of the society, how it wished to damage the self love of you, it wished to destory your self esteem

You know what you are in your heart, in your soul, in your body, yet you must wear a permanent mask

You must live in fear of violence, of explotation, of the darkness in humanity

You are a monster, you are sickness, you are things that deserve no love

This is what the society tells you, this is what they wish of you, to know that you aren’t human

You don’t fit the normal constraints of love, you express it in ways that scares the society

You are immoral, you are wrong, you are sick

You do not fit to the normal sexualities, you do not fit to what they think you should fit to

You are a disease, you are sin, you are hedonistic mistakes

You, you are different, you are nothing like the model that the society wishes you to be

They are afraid of change, they know that with change, their reign will slowly fall from them

Do not believe that they wish to help you, this is only a crocodile smile

This is only the wolves dressed as sheep

They will try to destroy you at any point, this is their goal, for you exist, and that is a problem

You are a threat to the old ways, you are a threat to the old ignorance

For you will fight your whole life to get your respect, it is a dark truth, it is a sad truth, but it is truth

But you are a fighter, you always have been

Do not listen to their words, it is merely a way to break your bones

You are the moon, you cannot be broken, you control the tides

You are the sun, you are bright, you are radiant

You are the rivers that span across this earth, you are the life to many things around you

You are the flowers, you are the fields, you are the birds, you are the creation

You will fight your whole life

Fight for what is your respect

But you will win

You will

A poem for those that don't get the respect they deserve, I hope this poem makes you smile or feel in anyway
Today I lost a friend,
I've watched from afar as he severed his life lines one by one while begging for more,
He dove head first into a pile of crushed pills and clouds of smoke until his soul found it couldn't live in the battered body any longer.
Today, I lost a friend.
When I told him how much it hurt to see him destory himself,
He assured me that HE was okay.
Today, I can't watch it anymore.
He wants this, and I am not brave enough to try and stop him.
I tried that once.
It didn't work.
Today, I let him go.
Because the eyes I once knew have been swallowed by the kind of insanity I wish upon nobody to see.
He spoke, but no words came out.
A string of words that vaguely resembled a message, about time travel and enlightenment tied together by a god complex that was always slightly there.
Today, I mourn.
Today, I lost a friend.
jackie Jun 2013
For I beg of you
To not leave me alone.
Do not leave me alone
With my thoughts.
They are too
If you leave,
They will take over.
They will devour me.
Take me in,
Claim my mind as their own,
And destory me.
Gaurav May 2018
Have you felt the tug on your nerves
Felt the constant ringing in your ears
Your hands jerking like a jelly bowl
And your forehead twisted like a wet rope
The feeling is immense
Its so deep its raw and intense
Those nagging tounges and blabbering lips
Can make you proclaim the right to ****
You twitch to maim and destory
That lingering itch to crack open a skull and enjoy

The cribber party is one of a kind
They are a mouthful and one ******* mind
Cute little dolls can be pin poked
But can the trolls ever be roped?
Hung by a nooze so tight
Given a chance you might even enjoy the sight.

Your friends out of devil's pocket may ignore you
The blueticks on your messages may avoid you
The boss will pick on you like a cheese *******
And the world will conspire and deride and jack you up.

Dont lose calm
Coz sanity once gone will give you a ****..
Your tallest of the four fingers
May be your motto for forever
You might pull of a crazy mind coup
On those pestering sons of cockroach

In the end
Its your nerves of steel that soldier on
Like an overloaded bridge under strain they hold on
Like an airship in turbulence you will ride it through
Some days are gloomy, some mornings can be sweet
Dont you let go, march on...
For there's a right to obey and a right to ****
Crazy office gossips and constant nagging made write this
Astral Aug 2015
Are we what we think we are?





Do we live in the space of reality, or merely the reailty of a fantasys delusion
Do you hold the serpents tongue? Do your palms seek to destory creation?
Who is the child of Christ, when God is the curve of the Devil’s smile
Do we seek the bliss of human community, or do we wish to merely control what we want?
Are we the true heart of darkness?
Or are we merely the blood pumping that most poison of ruby
Happiness reminds me of a sandcastle
It can be corrodred by the lickings waves
Or taken all at once by the tide of life
But we'll come back and rebulid
It might be larger or smaller
We might destory it on own accord
Happiness is becoming a metaphor
I'm content to watch on the ocean floor
Melody Millett Apr 2014
those words don't break my heart;
they destory it,
crushing it into a million peices
456 days ago,
I would've smiled at those words thinking of great memories;
now, I think of death
where is my Dad now?
is my Daddy somewhere beautiful?
is my Father laughing with other angels?
why isn't he with me?
why isn't he laughing with me?
I ask people these questions
they reply with "It was his time, it will get better."
they lied
it doesn't get better, you just learn to live with it
It's been 457 days or 658,876 minutes
and I still find myself counting back to when I was with him
your little girl is down here wishing she was with you
hoping that wherever you are in heaven,
you're wishing you were with her too.
Tina RSH Jan 2019
The beauty of life is
hazard turns to malaise
and sorrow takes over momentary joy
A subtle means to destory
eternity with all its glory
and **** the hero in a happy story
oh life is far beyond a tragedy
Easy to mourn over with a requiem
or a second chance for sins to be redeemed
It is the omnipresent alchemy
through faint traces of a raindrop
and a rose that wasn't meant to die
life is tasteless truth inside a sweet lie
That mother death will take us with her
Her promising voice never bitter
Oh but not all that shines is glitter
Life is you, tied in a loop of rusty chains
Forever willing to bear the optional pain.
I don't like you.

There I said it

To be civil you'd have to be

Something a little more humane

But your like a demon on the hunt

And I'm feeling like a slayer

I can't stand you

You cause damage

Create lies

Tear apart and try to destory others happiness

You shall no longer invade me

I am now hunting you

I am rising above the status of prey

Get ready to be slayed!
You are a fugitive
You escape a lie in a dream
Eye,  nerve, brain
Input, process, output
Imaging reality or illusions?
Question yourself !

Our alpha is our omega
Our future is our past
History is a routine
Is new new?
If only you knew...
I wish I did
The User uses His computer
Like He is supposed to
Viruses under the knowledge of The User
Duplicate and Destory
He has to protect His computer, like He is supposed to
Right ?
The files in the system are corrupt

The User of the computer exists in the system
The manual of the computer exists in the system
144000 files saved
The end.
Courtney Jean Apr 2015
Her eyes.
That's what gives her away.
A hat worn tightly, meeting the top of her eyebrows.
Thoughts racing.
Thinking she finally figured it out.
What this life is about.
What she turned her life into.
Was it worth it,
The outcome of how things are now?
She asks herself, crowed around the ones that are supposed to matter.
..It doesn't matter.
Just a few chapters of things that go unnoticed.
A few people that come & go without a reappearance.
It could be worse. So I've been told.
Of course it can. & it has.
Little by little. Day by day.
Overlooking what could destory me in the future.
My only regret,
not accepting it when it could have made a difference.

Dustin Goodman Dec 2016
Life is very interesting when you meet somebody with demons that are darker then your own.. realizing you can be destroyed in the worse way possible.. your heart tends to change more colors then just grey.. wanting nothing more but to please the other demons so you can have full control over your possessed victim again.. yet demons don't like to give up or come to terms.. the war amongst them can destory both host who still have a part of them bleed through trying to find happiness coming from nothing but a wrecked tormented life.. things tend to become pretty crazy, yet somewhere within my mind I believe even the darkest creatures have a heart somewhere and deserve to feel love.. yet it will be hell for all till the calm finally arrives.. yet once it does the energy of both sides will be so unbelievable that even I can't begin to put it into any form of human words.. you just have to hang in there for the ride..
BeautifulIrony Jul 2015
I give you my life line,
the very thing that can destory me.
The thing that pumps the blood that runs through my body.
I give you something that hold my courage, my fear, my secrets.
I give it to you, even when i'm unsure what you will do with it.
I give it;  because maybe this will be
The last time i have too give it away again.

So i give you me!
I am the monster hiding under your bed
I am the dark soul ripping you thread by thread
I am the depression that is taking over you
So you can take as much mebs
But you will never destory me
You created me
You made me strong by you being weak
You were the cause of this haunting
This may not be what you wanted
But darkness comes right after you flip the switch
Mya Jan 2015
It was raining. It always rained. But only on me. Only in my mind and before my eyes and from my eyes. I saw the rain, I made the rain, and I drown in the rain. I was the rain.
And she was the sun. She came to dry the rain and save everyone else. Some days she would help me– but most days she killed me. I begged and pleaded for her to die. I wished she would burn out. I never asked to be destroyed.
But it would stop me. And I would think...maybe being consumed by her wouldnt be a bad thing. I wouldn’t freeze to death. I would go out in flames– swallowed whole by the warmth. I– in some way– craved that warmth as I let it burn me. Destory me.
She would always say stupid things to me.
The worst of things.
She would say “Please smile, even if you have to fake it into being real.”
I didn’t need her help. But I would smile. My mouth would move before I had asked it to. It would make me fear the future. Fear the realm of that I could not control. But I did foresee the rain from fear; And so it rained.
Being the sun, she would see the flood. She would feel it cooling down the earth and suffocating the others who dwell here. And to me she would come. She would wrap me in her warmth and  say:
“Don’t feel this way.
Don’t care what others think of you–
because what they think means nothing.
At the end of the day only you will be with you.
So be happy to be happy.”
I would lash at the sun and tell her to leave me. I would douse her in the liquid ice of my soul and shun her from the sky. I didn’t need to care what others thought, and I didn’t anyway. I needed myself? No. I didn’t need myself, I just needed to breath. I could do away with my mirror-shattering face or my less than dirt personality and be who I am– as long as I breathed. As long as I kept my head above water.
But I didn’t.
I felt most comfortable where my feet could touch the ground. I felt most comfortable at the bottom where it was safe– where it was familiar. I felt most comfortable surrounded by the chilled product of my head. Under the water is where I belonged.
But then she came.
Her heat would take away my blanket of depth. Her rays would strip away at me until I burned. Until I ached. Until my body had no choice but to be consumed by the flames. Engulfed in something that I didn’t– and couldn’t, nor would I ever– understand. I let the light lavish me in the light. I let my heart be torn apart by the searing blood which flowed through it. I was exposed. I was out in the open being burned by the sun– and I didn’t mind.
I almost felt guilty. I was the only part most admired by her. In all her beauty she found me loathing in my filth– yet she stayed. In the damp marsh I flourished in, she would stay. She added the missing part to life– the heat, the light. She let things grow; the same things that I would have killed. I didn’t mind the new life– in that moment.
I found things didn’t live long without the sun. They died in my hands. They went out with laughter and names. And so, once more, it rained. But it poured. It didn’t stop. One flood after another until it was all over. The water flooded the land trying to reach the sky. And the water turned red but it kept pouring and flooding and drowning everything out it kept going knowing-hoping the sun wouldn’t return.
And she didn’t.
And so it rained.
And she didn’t come.
It poured.
It flooded.
The sun burned out.
She was no more.
The sun, the very light and warmth in everything, burned out. The note said:
“It’s not fair that I burn to light everyone, when no one burned for me.”
And so it rained in the darkness.
Britney Lyn Nov 2017
Destory me in a way I won't come back from.
Beat me like I deserve it.
**** me like I'm worthless.
Take my heart, and make sure there isn't anything left when you finally decide to leave.
SunShineIsDead Sep 2014
I'm scared
Life's gonna get
The best of me
It's going to
Grind me down
Make me angry
And bitter
I understand now
Why old men
Come off as mean
Life's ****** them over
Again and again

As a young man
I try and go out of my way
Just to make someone
I try to help others
When not asked
But the world
Turns it's back
When I'm down
When all I need
Is a hand
Or a smile
The world kicks you
When your down

But I can't let it win
I can't become the man
I promised myself I would never be
I can't let other peoples hate
Destory my love
I cannot let evil win
Because for all I know
I'm the last good person on earth
Fighting the united army of evil
Megan Apr 2018
Mistakes, I've made a few
every time I've had to make anew
They tell you it's a part of life
yet I always get in strife
It's called growing up they say
It will help you along your way
Mistakes, I've made a few
probably more than you
learn before it's too late otherwise it will
Let hate in swallow the poison destory
Life after life.
Cause as much pain as you dare tell lies make people cry.
While happiness is found and you watch as the world passes you by.
You'll be sitting alone unwanted and unloved.
Someday karma will bring you a kiss.
I do believe in karma I believe what you do comes back to you three times worse
#karma #kiss #happiness #cry

— The End —