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Ye learnèd sisters, which have oftentimes
Beene to me ayding, others to adorne,
Whom ye thought worthy of your gracefull rymes,
That even the greatest did not greatly scorne
To heare theyr names sung in your simple layes,
But joyèd in theyr praise;
And when ye list your owne mishaps to mourne,
Which death, or love, or fortunes wreck did rayse,
Your string could soone to sadder tenor turne,
And teach the woods and waters to lament
Your dolefull dreriment:
Now lay those sorrowfull complaints aside;
And, having all your heads with girlands crownd,
Helpe me mine owne loves prayses to resound;
Ne let the same of any be envide:
So Orpheus did for his owne bride!
So I unto my selfe alone will sing;
The woods shall to me answer, and my Eccho ring.

Early, before the worlds light-giving lampe
His golden beame upon the hils doth spred,
Having disperst the nights unchearefull dampe,
Doe ye awake; and, with fresh *****-hed,
Go to the bowre of my belovèd love,
My truest turtle dove;
Bid her awake; for ***** is awake,
And long since ready forth his maske to move,
With his bright Tead that flames with many a flake,
And many a bachelor to waite on him,
In theyr fresh garments trim.
Bid her awake therefore, and soone her dight,
For lo! the wishèd day is come at last,
That shall, for all the paynes and sorrowes past,
Pay to her usury of long delight:
And, whylest she doth her dight,
Doe ye to her of joy and solace sing,
That all the woods may answer, and your eccho ring.

Bring with you all the Nymphes that you can heare
Both of the rivers and the forrests greene,
And of the sea that neighbours to her neare:
Al with gay girlands goodly wel beseene.
And let them also with them bring in hand
Another gay girland
For my fayre love, of lillyes and of roses,
Bound truelove wize, with a blew silke riband.
And let them make great store of bridale poses,
And let them eeke bring store of other flowers,
To deck the bridale bowers.
And let the ground whereas her foot shall tread,
For feare the stones her tender foot should wrong,
Be strewed with fragrant flowers all along,
And diapred lyke the discolored mead.
Which done, doe at her chamber dore awayt,
For she will waken strayt;
The whiles doe ye this song unto her sing,
The woods shall to you answer, and your Eccho ring.

Ye Nymphes of Mulla, which with carefull heed
The silver scaly trouts doe tend full well,
And greedy pikes which use therein to feed;
(Those trouts and pikes all others doo excell;)
And ye likewise, which keepe the rushy lake,
Where none doo fishes take;
Bynd up the locks the which hang scatterd light,
And in his waters, which your mirror make,
Behold your faces as the christall bright,
That when you come whereas my love doth lie,
No blemish she may spie.
And eke, ye lightfoot mayds, which keepe the deere,
That on the hoary mountayne used to towre;
And the wylde wolves, which seeke them to devoure,
With your steele darts doo chace from comming neer;
Be also present heere,
To helpe to decke her, and to help to sing,
That all the woods may answer, and your eccho ring.

Wake now, my love, awake! for it is time;
The Rosy Morne long since left Tithones bed,
All ready to her silver coche to clyme;
And Phoebus gins to shew his glorious hed.
Hark! how the cheerefull birds do chaunt theyr laies
And carroll of Loves praise.
The merry Larke hir mattins sings aloft;
The Thrush replyes; the Mavis descant playes;
The Ouzell shrills; the Ruddock warbles soft;
So goodly all agree, with sweet consent,
To this dayes merriment.
Ah! my deere love, why doe ye sleepe thus long?
When meeter were that ye should now awake,
T’ awayt the comming of your joyous make,
And hearken to the birds love-learnèd song,
The deawy leaves among!
Nor they of joy and pleasance to you sing,
That all the woods them answer, and theyr eccho ring.

My love is now awake out of her dreames,
And her fayre eyes, like stars that dimmèd were
With darksome cloud, now shew theyr goodly beams
More bright then Hesperus his head doth rere.
Come now, ye damzels, daughters of delight,
Helpe quickly her to dight:
But first come ye fayre houres, which were begot
In Joves sweet paradice of Day and Night;
Which doe the seasons of the yeare allot,
And al, that ever in this world is fayre,
Doe make and still repayre:
And ye three handmayds of the Cyprian Queene,
The which doe still adorne her beauties pride,
Helpe to addorne my beautifullest bride:
And, as ye her array, still throw betweene
Some graces to be seene;
And, as ye use to Venus, to her sing,
The whiles the woods shal answer, and your eccho ring.

Now is my love all ready forth to come:
Let all the virgins therefore well awayt:
And ye fresh boyes, that tend upon her groome,
Prepare your selves; for he is comming strayt.
Set all your things in seemely good aray,
Fit for so joyfull day:
The joyfulst day that ever sunne did see.
Faire Sun! shew forth thy favourable ray,
And let thy lifull heat not fervent be,
For feare of burning her sunshyny face,
Her beauty to disgrace.
O fayrest Phoebus! father of the Muse!
If ever I did honour thee aright,
Or sing the thing that mote thy mind delight,
Doe not thy servants simple boone refuse;
But let this day, let this one day, be myne;
Let all the rest be thine.
Then I thy soverayne prayses loud wil sing,
That all the woods shal answer, and theyr eccho ring.

Harke! how the Minstrils gin to shrill aloud
Their merry Musick that resounds from far,
The pipe, the tabor, and the trembling Croud,
That well agree withouten breach or jar.
But, most of all, the Damzels doe delite
When they their tymbrels smyte,
And thereunto doe daunce and carrol sweet,
That all the sences they doe ravish quite;
The whyles the boyes run up and downe the street,
Crying aloud with strong confusèd noyce,
As if it were one voyce,
*****, iö *****, *****, they do shout;
That even to the heavens theyr shouting shrill
Doth reach, and all the firmament doth fill;
To which the people standing all about,
As in approvance, doe thereto applaud,
And loud advaunce her laud;
And evermore they *****, ***** sing,
That al the woods them answer, and theyr eccho ring.

Loe! where she comes along with portly pace,
Lyke Phoebe, from her chamber of the East,
Arysing forth to run her mighty race,
Clad all in white, that seemes a ****** best.
So well it her beseemes, that ye would weene
Some angell she had beene.
Her long loose yellow locks lyke golden wyre,
Sprinckled with perle, and perling flowres atweene,
Doe lyke a golden mantle her attyre;
And, being crownèd with a girland greene,
Seeme lyke some mayden Queene.
Her modest eyes, abashèd to behold
So many gazers as on her do stare,
Upon the lowly ground affixèd are;
Ne dare lift up her countenance too bold,
But blush to heare her prayses sung so loud,
So farre from being proud.
Nathlesse doe ye still loud her prayses sing,
That all the woods may answer, and your eccho ring.

Tell me, ye merchants daughters, did ye see
So fayre a creature in your towne before;
So sweet, so lovely, and so mild as she,
Adornd with beautyes grace and vertues store?
Her goodly eyes lyke Saphyres shining bright,
Her forehead yvory white,
Her cheekes lyke apples which the sun hath rudded,
Her lips lyke cherryes charming men to byte,
Her brest like to a bowle of creame uncrudded,
Her paps lyke lyllies budded,
Her snowie necke lyke to a marble towre;
And all her body like a pallace fayre,
Ascending up, with many a stately stayre,
To honors seat and chastities sweet bowre.
Why stand ye still ye virgins in amaze,
Upon her so to gaze,
Whiles ye forget your former lay to sing,
To which the woods did answer, and your eccho ring?

But if ye saw that which no eyes can see,
The inward beauty of her lively spright,
Garnisht with heavenly guifts of high degree,
Much more then would ye wonder at that sight,
And stand astonisht lyke to those which red
Medusaes mazeful hed.
There dwels sweet love, and constant chastity,
Unspotted fayth, and comely womanhood,
Regard of honour, and mild modesty;
There vertue raynes as Queene in royal throne,
And giveth lawes alone,
The which the base affections doe obay,
And yeeld theyr services unto her will;
Ne thought of thing uncomely ever may
Thereto approch to tempt her mind to ill.
Had ye once seene these her celestial threasures,
And unrevealèd pleasures,
Then would ye wonder, and her prayses sing,
That al the woods should answer, and your echo ring.

Open the temple gates unto my love,
Open them wide that she may enter in,
And all the postes adorne as doth behove,
And all the pillours deck with girlands trim,
For to receyve this Saynt with honour dew,
That commeth in to you.
With trembling steps, and humble reverence,
She commeth in, before th’ Almighties view;
Of her ye virgins learne obedience,
When so ye come into those holy places,
To humble your proud faces:
Bring her up to th’ high altar, that she may
The sacred ceremonies there partake,
The which do endlesse matrimony make;
And let the roring Organs loudly play
The praises of the Lord in lively notes;
The whiles, with hollow throates,
The Choristers the joyous Antheme sing,
That al the woods may answere, and their eccho ring.

Behold, whiles she before the altar stands,
Hearing the holy priest that to her speakes,
And blesseth her with his two happy hands,
How the red roses flush up in her cheekes,
And the pure snow, with goodly vermill stayne
Like crimsin dyde in grayne:
That even th’ Angels, which continually
About the sacred Altare doe remaine,
Forget their service and about her fly,
Ofte peeping in her face, that seems more fayre,
The more they on it stare.
But her sad eyes, still fastened on the ground,
Are governèd with goodly modesty,
That suffers not one looke to glaunce awry,
Which may let in a little thought unsownd.
Why blush ye, love, to give to me your hand,
The pledge of all our band!
Sing, ye sweet Angels, Alleluya sing,
That all the woods may answere, and your eccho ring.

Now al is done: bring home the bride againe;
Bring home the triumph of our victory:
Bring home with you the glory of her gaine;
With joyance bring her and with jollity.
Never had man more joyfull day then this,
Whom heaven would heape with blis,
Make feast therefore now all this live-long day;
This day for ever to me holy is.
Poure out the wine without restraint or stay,
Poure not by cups, but by the belly full,
Poure out to all that wull,
And sprinkle all the postes and wals with wine,
That they may sweat, and drunken be withall.
Crowne ye God Bacchus with a coronall,
And ***** also crowne with wreathes of vine;
And let the Graces daunce unto the rest,
For they can doo it best:
The whiles the maydens doe theyr carroll sing,
To which the woods shall answer, and theyr eccho ring.

Ring ye the bels, ye yong men of the towne,
And leave your wonted labors for this day:
This day is holy; doe ye write it downe,
That ye for ever it remember may.
This day the sunne is in his chiefest hight,
With Barnaby the bright,
From whence declining daily by degrees,
He somewhat loseth of his heat and light,
When once the Crab behind his back he sees.
But for this time it ill ordainèd was,
To chose the longest day in all the yeare,
And shortest night, when longest fitter weare:
Yet never day so long, but late would passe.
Ring ye the bels, to make it weare away,
And bonefiers make all day;
And daunce about them, and about them sing,
That all the woods may answer, and your eccho ring.

Ah! when will this long weary day have end,
And lende me leave to come unto my love?
How slowly do the houres theyr numbers spend?
How slowly does sad Time his feathers move?
Hast thee, O fayrest Planet, to thy home,
Within the Westerne fome:
Thy tyrèd steedes long since have need of rest.
Long though it be, at last I see it gloome,
And the bright evening-star with golden creast
Appeare out of the East.
Fayre childe of beauty! glorious lampe of love!
That all the host of heaven in rankes doost lead,
And guydest lovers through the nights sad dread,
How chearefully thou lookest from above,
And seemst to laugh atweene thy twinkling light,
As joying in the sight
Of these glad many, which for joy doe sing,
That all the woods them answer, and their echo ring!

Now ceasse, ye damsels, your delights fore-past;
Enough it is that all the day was youres:
Now day is doen, and night is nighing fast,
Now bring the Bryde into the brydall boures.
The night is come, now soon her disaray,
And in her bed her lay;
Lay her in lillies and in violets,
And silken courteins over her display,
And odourd sheetes, and Arras coverlets.
Behold how goodly my faire love does ly,
In proud humility!
Like unto Maia, when as Jove her took
In Tempe, lying on the flowry gras,
Twixt sleepe and wake, after she weary was,
With bathing in the Acidalian brooke.
Now it is night, ye damsels may be gon,
And leave my love alone,
And leave likewise your former lay to sing:
The woods no more shall answere, nor your echo ring.

Now welcome, night! thou night so long expected,
That long daies labour doest at last defray,
And all my cares, which cruell Love collected,
Hast sumd in one, and cancellèd for aye:
Spread thy broad wing over my love and me,
That no man may us see;
And in thy sable mantle us enwrap,
From feare of perrill and foule horror free.
Let no false treason seeke us to entrap,
Nor any dread disquiet once annoy
The safety of our joy;
But let the night be calme, and quietsome,
Without tempestuous storms or sad afray:
Lyke as when Jove with fayre Alcmena lay,
When he begot the great Tirynthian groome:
Or lyke as when he with thy selfe did lie
And begot Majesty.
And let the mayds and yong men cease to sing;
Ne let the woods them answer nor theyr eccho ring.

Let no lamenting cryes, nor dolefull teares,
Be heard all night within, nor yet without:
Ne let false whispers, breeding hidden feares,
Breake gentle sleepe with misconceivèd dout.
Let no deluding dreames, nor dreadfull sights,
Make sudden sad affrights;
Ne let house-fyres, nor lightnings helpelesse harmes,
Ne let the Pouke, nor other evill sprights,
Ne let mischivous witches with theyr charmes,
Ne let hob Goblins, names whose sence we see not,
Fray us with things that be not:
Let not the shriech Oule nor the Storke be heard,
Nor the night Raven, that still deadly yels;
Nor damnèd ghosts, cald up with mighty spels,
Nor griesly vultures, make us once affeard:
Ne let th’ unpleasant Quyre of Frogs still croking
Make us to wish theyr choking.
Let none of these theyr drery accents sing;
Ne let the woods them answer, nor theyr eccho ring.

But let stil Silence trew night-watches keepe,
That sacred Peace may in assurance rayne,
And tymely Sleep, when it is tyme to sleepe,
May poure his limbs forth on your pleasant playne;
The whiles an hundred little wingèd loves,
Like divers-fethered doves,
Shall fly and flutter round about your bed,
And in the secret darke, that none reproves,
Their prety stealthes shal worke, and snares shal spread
To filch away sweet snatches of delight,
Conceald through covert night.
Ye sonnes of Venus, play your sports at will!
For greedy pleasure, carelesse of your toyes,
Thinks more upon her paradise of joyes,
Then what ye do, albe it good or ill.
All night therefore attend your merry play,
For it will soone be day:
Now none doth hinder you, that say or sing;
Ne will the woods now answer, nor your Eccho ring.

Who is the same, which at my window peepes?
Or whose is that faire face that shines so bright?
Is it not Cinthia, she that never sleepes,
But walkes about high heaven al the night?
O! fayrest goddesse, do thou not envy
My love with me to spy:
For thou likewise didst love, though now unthought,
And for a fleece of wooll, which privily
The Latmian shepherd once unto thee brought,
His pleasures with thee wrought.
Therefore to us be favorable now;
And sith of wemens labours thou hast charge,
And generation goodly dost enlarge,
Encline thy will t’effect our wishfull vow,
And the chast wombe informe with timely seed
That may our comfort breed:
Till which we cease our hopefull hap to sing;
Ne let the woods us answere, nor our Eccho ring.

And thou, great Juno! which with awful might
The lawes of wedlock still dost patronize;
And the religion of the faith first plight
With sacred rites hast taught to solemnize;
And eeke for comfort often callèd art
Of women in their smart;
Eternally bind thou this lovely band,
And all thy blessings unto us impart.
And thou, glad
Priya Patel Dec 2010
Dear friend,

I searched the world for you
climbed the highest mountain
swam the longest nile

Why were you hiding?

I faced horrific demons
swam through trecherous waves
almost drowning in tears of frustration

Where were you?

I heard you were hurting
felt your heart melting
sensed you were wanting

I'm looking... I'm comming

Then there you were
right beside me
within me

You are me..
Koty Peter Nov 2012
If we were together,
And you had been captured,
By a villainous turtle,
Who's name was bowser.
I'd come and save you.
Without any mushrooms.
I'd dodge the hot lava,
And jump over the flowers.

Forget the gold coins,
I'd run past them all.
I'd come find my princess,
Like on n64.
I'd swim through the water,
Past the piranhas.
I'd raid the castle.
And beat the boss battle.

'Cause Peach, There's no me,
Until I find you, And you're set free.
Because Peach,
I am coming. I won't stop running.

Til your in my arms.
Where you're always safe.
You can wear my red hat,
We can have a pet Yoshi.

Because Peach there's no me,
But I am comming back.

Mushroom kingdom will never be the same again.
On a grassy hill, in our giant palace,

I'm not scared of any ghosts.
My sites are set,
On the clouds in the sky,
And tower in the distance.
I'm not scared of any stones,
That will try to crush me,
I'm going to do my best,
To keep my timing.

'Cause Peach, There's no me,
Until I find you, And you're set free.
Because Peach,
I am coming. I won't stop running.

Til your in my arms.
Where you're always safe.
You can wear my red hat,
We can have a pet Yoshi.

Because Peach there's no me,
But I am comming back
O might those sighs and tears return again
Into my breast and eyes, which I have spent,
That I might in this holy discontent
Mourn with some fruit, as I have mourned in vain;
In mine Idolatry what showers of rain
Mine eyes did waste! what griefs my heart did rent!
That sufferance was my sin; now I repent;
‘Cause I did suffer I must suffer pain.
Th’ hydropic drunkard, and night-scouting thief,
The itchy lecher, and self-tickling proud
Have the remembrance of past joys for relief
Of comming ills. To (poor) me is allowed
No ease; for long, yet vehement grief hath been
Th’ effect and cause, the punishment and sin.
Mr X May 2014
You call me amidst all the smoke.
You call me amidst all the dieing hope.
You call me when I become weak enough to hide my tears.
You call me when there is nothing left on earth to fear.
Everytime you call me I die a new death.
Everytime you do not call me I live like death itself.
When my loved ones stop me from listening your call,
I throw them away, push them aside but with tears in my eyes.
I know you are my death.
I know you are my fall.
I know you're not a friend,
Just a devil's call.
But how can I stop myself from comming to you.
You help me burn all those scars and unfulfilled desires.
You are the solution to all my regrets.
You are my companion during my messed up state.
So lets just burn together behind your smoke.
Lets die together behind your smoke.
mads Jul 2012
But what is a soldier without his gun?
A brave little boy, playing makebelieve
in his room with a plastic G.I Joe doll,
his camouflage inaccurate and too yellow.
Plastic sand bag barriers scattering the floor
this boy has never learnt a thing of the war.
leaving it all up to imagination
he takes the tiny plastic radio
and calls in, "Mission complete -
Commander, we're comming home.
Over and out".

Creating a fake static noise with his mouth
which takes us to a new scene.
Accurate camouflage colours this time,
the australian flag on his shoulder,
but that little boy from his room
is now wearing them as a man.
A soldier he has become
with destruction all around him,
he was flown to Vietnam.
A high-tech radio for real this time,
"Man down! Man down!"
One of his unit fell heavy in the mud.
303. slung over our little-boy-from-his-room's shoulder
he drags the wounded behind trees and shrubs
an act of valour.
Though, our little boy did not know,
that he'd be wounded too
and comming home tomorrow.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the start of my poem I have to write for school (I have to write a series of atleast 15). If you wish to give me tips on how to improve or extend it, that would be very much appreciated. \ Much love, xoxo.
Scott Nitzberg Sep 2014
Yes, I have scars.
They're part of who I am.
I didn't see them comming.
but earned them all the same.
They're not always appearent.
Some are hidden, some are not.
But trust me, "I still feel them"
with every passing storm.
The scars I have inside me
by far haunt me the worst.
They keep my heart from your heart
a cowards shield and curse.
Jay Jimenez Oct 2012
A old gentleman in a bar was sitting next to a very beat up man this tattered man He wore no shoes
He smelled
He was soaking wet and looked very pale.
The old gentleman bought the  man a beer
and ask him what his story was
the man told him that he was once a successful buissness owner
a man of high class and standard.
He wore the finest clothes,
wore the most beautufl jewelry,
and went on amazing journeys.
The old gentleman began to laugh
he sipped his drink
looked over the man and asked him what happened
the man told him that he was driving out in the country comming home from a buissness meeting
He said he had been drinking and reached for his scotch when he
looked up
his car swirved in the lake
water seaped in
He said " water came rushing in so fast"
the old gentleman looked down at his beer
looked up
and the man was nowhere to be seen
he asked the bar keep if he saw where the man went
the bar keep insisted that the old gentleman was crazy that he saw the old gentleman  talking to himself...
The old Gentleman heard a voice over the television " Good evening we have breaking news it appears that Lyon Lemon Owner of Inka Industries has gone missing. Police have recovered his viechle but with no trace of Lyon inside it. They've issued scuba divers to search for the Lyons body. We will keep you posted on this story.

The old gentleman suddenly felt quezzy and uneasy. His lips dried, his skin went clammy, and his hair stood on the back of his neck. He knew he had seen Lyon not moments ago in the bar. The old gentle dropped a handfull of silver and paper on the counter and rushed out.

Javier Timble once a Master Con Artist and a Cheat was now the one being fooled and tricked with. He knew the game that was being played on him and he was to have no part of being set up for a ******. Timble was shakened but was far from scared. As he walked out the bar he noticed wet footprints. But they were forming as if someone was walking. Timble again felt the rush of adrenline come into his heart he began to mutter to himself and wonder what kind of trick this was. Javier stepped slowly towards the footprints and noticed that there was letters forming on the wall to the right of him. slowly the words formed out to say "InKa"
The They Sep 2012
Our kingdom come
Which now stands lost
To its self-imprisonment in vice,
Finds itself in consonance
With the end its ways have wrought.

Soon we’ll find
Our only chance
To guide the blind
To righteous sight
-A chance that greets us with open arms
Opened by their lack of direction:

We herald now
The bell that tolls
For the impermanence
Of coddling sin,
Which brings with it destructive fires
That wipe away the cultures of decay.

We’ll stand among
The righteous flames,
Prepared to help
With loving hands
Those who survive the cleansing blaze:
Possessing eyes that see in firelight.

Will towers imprisoning minds!
Razed to dust
Will be walls that divide!
We must show this world new light
From which no one will want to hide.
The collapse is coming.  Hyper-inflation is assured.  Stock up on gold and food and make friends with your neighbors.  The corrupt society led by today's elites will burn and the new society, as a phoenix, will rise from the ashes...
paul hope Jun 2014

i am drowning
being slowly dragged under by the weight of my guilt
cosumed in my bed
as i lay warm inside my emotional quilt
it layers me like i layer myself
layer upon layer , upon layer , upon layer
my invisible angels watch over me
kneeling in prayer, to someone that isnt there
at the side of my bed
they are manifestations, pehaps halusinations
dreamed up inside my head
the reside on an even keel
with demons and the dead

am i a freckle on a pretty girls face
or mabye an obsolete number
that has no place
in this life or the next
am i a love letter,  a text
perhaps the next phone call
to say the one you love
wont be comming home today
life demands he stays
under the car broken and twisted
soon to be listed
as just another dead brother, son, friend, father
to a little one
who will now have to rely on mum
as the important one

its getting late
as i lie here at night , full of fright
clinging to thoughts that are not right
but without them , i might , not make it
without devils and demons
to help me fake it, what does it leave
the cold touch of reality,  ****
sludge ****  thick and black
hanging on my back, breaking my spine
leaching off everything thats mine
**** comming out of my eyes, my ears
**** comming out of my mind, making me blind
to everything that makes sence
**** that builds a fence
to keep nice things away
at least for today

if i remove the mask
how long will the next one last
life demands so much
my masks cant keep up
have to wear a new one each day
smile politely and say, lying of course
i am really ok
then i turn and go back to my life of clay
moulding, folding this and that way
ptting on another face
to help me get through another day
Ash Saveman Feb 2016
Imagining his voice,
his scent,
the way he would cup my face,
his control.

Reliving the ****
reliving the abuse

Hating myself
I did this
I should have left

A year ago
it hurts

Don't talk about it
it never happened

comming out

I was ***** and abused by my boyfriend
said he loved me

used me and threw me out for the next

took my virginity
my innocence
my body

held onto my mind
he dosen't let go

his face haunts me every day,
moving to the otherside of the world and he stays put in me

Hating myself for being *******
there on the kitchen table
a  single long stem rose
lies prostrate across the
morning dishes
a coat and hat carelessly
thrown upon the floor
theres a storm above
and the sound of distant thunder
rolls across the four walls upstairs
and i believe
lightning is about to strike
Beauakuma Yonko Mar 2016
Whats fear?
Me feeling your hand in my hand,
Hearing footsteps comming up the stairs,
The relaxation of drifting asleep to your heartbeat and breath,
Just to give birth to my vision, looking in your eyes and seeing the glazed glare,
The songs i hear you sing in the shower,
The scent of you and how it lingers for hours,
How i suddenly miss a flannel,
How when i leave the television and come back, it's on your favorite channel,
How i see your shillloutes on my wall and hear your whispers in my ear,
Fear is all of this occuring but comming to the realization that you arent here. Losing you is what i fear.

- Beau
abs Oct 2015
If love is to fade
Why should it touch us?
If time will eventually take it back
Why should we feel it?

They say it's better to love than to have not love
Is that really true?
Is it better to ******* over something you can never bring back?

Love balances emotion.
It makes you really happy
And it makes you really sad.
But why must we feel it
for such a short period of time?

If it has to be extreme
Why is it fleeting?
Is the pain really worth all the happiness?
Will the agony of dead love
fade to forever, eventually?

Console my heart that it will
Because love has to be that kind
which only sends beautiful thoughts and feelings.
So people will want to feel it.
So this world that breaks my soul
Will be able to love
And be loved.
Death-throws Jan 2017
I'm a little more then lost right now.
A little  more then scared
I thought I knew who to trust
But now I see no one  cares

My heart is aching
My future is shaking
I'm about to loose it all

But I know your smilling
Deep down,there's no hidding
You never really  cared
In one swoop my whole future is about to be swept away from me.
I have no friends
No family
No one who understands
Theres nothing i can do but sit here with my **** in my hand and watch the world burn around me
Vic Aug 2019
I drew the word "pride"
But it's the Pan flag.
Underneath it it's the same
But it's a trans flag
I couldn't draw a demiromantic and/or a genderflux flag with chalk.
Now we wait for my parents to see
If they don't see it within two weeks I'll bake a cake that says
"pan, trans, demiromantic and also genderflux"
Maybe I'll need two cakes tbh.
DieingEmbers Feb 2013
Dear magazine and tv fashion
hast thou ever heard of natural passion
you Photoshop you cut and crop
you edit this and that ... Please stop
the real beauties are those that know
you don't have to be a size zero
Sixteen eighteen or all above
can still find joy can still know love
nipped and tucked Kozmo get ******
only chicken skin gets plucked
wax n shave and now vajazzil it
Draba for gods sake don't talk ****
lift em up and shrink that bottom
yet there's something that you've forgotten
men prefer a sense of humour
to all this artificial hoo haw
so girls for reason and for sanity
tear up this propaganda vanity
be yourselves and break the habit
be a bunny girl not a freakin rabbit
ditch the salad bin the chart
Declare today a brand new start
ugly is as ugly does as spoken by the media buzz
today take back your sass and bounce
cause your all woman each gorgeous ounce
men admit it for gods sake
there's nothing **** bout a rake
women should live for more than style
so come on sweetheart chin up... and smile
now let your heart and soul start humming
and as for boys.....
                                 Keep em' comming
Brand names changed to stop from being sued lol. This is inspired by the poem  tales of an ugly, wasted girl by only madness knows my name
This is to all my female friends and any woman that feels they have to be like those photoshopped stick insects in cosmo and the like, men prefer real women believe me
Christina Feb 2019
you're smiling at me
is it pity?
it doesn't quite reach your eyes...

'they feel sorry for you'

you're laughing
is it real?
there is an edge to it...

'they don't find you funny'

you're telling me to be happy
but my voice is comming from your lips
"stop being sad, you're annoying when your sad"

'they want you to leave'

im doubting every expression you make
every word spoken turns against me
the world is no longer welcoming

'they are telling you what you already know'


'do it'


'do it'


'do it'



just stop

but the words aren't yours

they're mine
I sit and watch with a distance.
Everything rushes through me in an instant.
All I can do is quietly grin...and resent you.
Forgetting is easier said, than actually comming through.
Old wounds were bound and broken.
I'm left here with words untouched...unspoken.
Another scar shows, as I slowly heal.
It'll always be there: a reality shield.
There is no moving foward when your attached by a string.
It's like life on a treadmill, no matter how thin.
Like that miniscule piece of thread,
That hangs there, with a pull it may spread.
But in most cases it won't break or tear...
It's just a little piece that will always be there.
April 26, 2010
Storm Raven Aug 2015
I used to be that happy little girl who danced trough the streets, smiled at everyone she met.
Now I am that depressed boy who locks himself up in his room, never comming out, because people might notice his *****.
Oh, the difference between this two.
But both are part of me and my past.
Who will I tomorrow be?
Saumya Sep 2017
The sun shines bright
Causing daylight
The moon shines low
Between those milky clowds below.

You are my sun,
You are the moon.
You are the autumn
That lets me bloom

I love you baby,
Like your stares
I love it
How you stare me there

You smile at me
And I smile back to you
Salivating high
With something due.

Let's make this night,
The one for us
Let's make us know
How deep can we  love.

You shut the door,
As enter in our room
I know my love,
You want our union
To be at its fullest bloom
To be calmer and soothing like moon

You take my hands
And clutch them in your hand
And keep them on your shoulders
Comming closer, closer to me
As much as you can
Like a brave soldier.
Smiling wider as he can.

You look in my eyes
I look in yours.
Your eyes tell more
Than your mouth for sure .

You grab me close,
Closer to you
Putting your tongue inside my mouth.
We lick and ****
We lick and ****
Quenching, quenching
Our wild thirst
Oh how delicious are your lips when they are pink and glimmering wet.

I grab you close
Touch your mouth
By my nose
And turn and sit on your lap
And toes.

I kiss you neck,
With a deep, deep sigh
Nibbling, bitting , tickling
You all over
Is this pure delight?

And while you smirked
And bit back my neck,
I put my hand
Inside your pant.

I loved that smirk
I loved that grin,
I loved how you folded your chin.

I squeezed it hard,
Which was so so hard,
And oh! Your ****
Was so huge and stark.

I took off ur pant,
And made you stand,
And  I bent down
To **** your rod, from top to end.
Squeezed your *****
And encircled it with my hands.

You smiled and smirked
Caressed my hair
And relished my worship
Here and there.

And oh, while I was
******* your ****
You unhooked my bra
As you seemed naughitly thirsty.

You asked me to stop
And so did I
You turned me back
Shaked and squeezed
My ***** with pride.

I moaned and moaned
And so did you
You took me in your arms
And ****** my milk jugs
Like a cute baby.
I caressed ur cheeks
And moaned sweetly.

And oh, while you were
******* them so good
You slid your hand
Inside my thing.

And ahhh ahhh my love,
You started rubbing hard
caressing, and kissing deep
My thing.
You smiled and grinned
And so did we
Taking off my pants
Brightened your views.

I blushed and blushed,
And smiled at you
You smirked and grinned
Ahhh baabbby I soo love you!!

You opened your mouth.
Driiped in your saliva
And started licking in
And ferociously outside.

You grabbed my thighs
Putting your wetter tongue deeper deeper inside.
You were busy eating it
Like your favorite pudding.

You relished it all.
I relished it too
I still  smile and giggle alone
Reminiscing how you engulfed it whole.

Your squeezed my *****
With both your hands
Licking licking
Me all over again

I asked you to stop
And so did you.
And while we sighed heavily.
You jumped on my top
******* me hard
And slowly, slowly.
Inserting your ****
In my flower

We moaned and groaned,
And you slid it in.
Kissed my cheeks
And covered my mouth with your palm.

And as your **** was all in me,
It made me yours
And you were mine.
Making us feel so divine.

You pushed  it in
You pulled it out.
Muuuah... Muuuaaaaahhhh
we relished our oneness
Till we both came
came to numbness.

I hugged you tight
With a big bright smile
You grinned at us
Complementing and chanting
You my  love
Are beautiful than that sky
Prettier that the stars
That sparkle so bright.

I love you now,
will love you forever
My lovely ****** goddess
my forever beautifully hot and  lovely wife!!
This is my first attempt to writing an ****** piece. Please let me know how it was :)
. Thankyou for reading :)
LG Wood Feb 2014
When every single second,
of your fragile little life.
is a relentless mystery,
How will you know what's comming?

This very day,
could gladly be your very last.
What do you suppose to happen next?
All of this is just a Great Perhaps.

What if?
All questions, whose answers are unknown

When life is a great mystery,
How could you live it to the fullest?
Perchance you'll never know.
I guess it is just a Great Perhaps.

I am in a constant search
of who I am, of who i want to be
But it's all still a mystery.
Life is only, a Great Perhaps.
Lissa Heli Nov 2012
She'll never see you.

She'll never see the love behind my eyes.
I think you must be color blind.

when you see red
can you love me instead?

You know me  better than I do
what can I say? To get you to stay?

When you see blue
I'll still be here for you

Brown eyes **** me in so deep
that part of my heart? That peice you can keep

When you see pink
I wont let you sink

You crept up on me and i didn't see it comming
you showed me affection and I stopped running

Because when you see grey
everything stays the same way

So open up your heart to see the love behind my eyes
because it's not fun being color blind
Hannah Anderson Dec 2012
Those little blue, grape-like flowers
They remind me of childhood.
Sweet, soft, soothing childhood.
I would spend a warm afternoon,
picking the little bead-like petals off the stem,
for no reason in peticular, just to have them.
They were fun to hold in my hand.
Pretend they were little grapes.
Of course, those “grapes” I never ate.
My brothers would say they are poisin grapes.
They remind me of childhood.

Childhood, so sweet, innocent and good.
No drama, no homework, nothing to worry about.
Just playing house, jumping rope, learnign the ABC’s.
Every year, it was exciting when the time came around
when all the bright golden leafs fell to the ground.
pre-school, kindergarden, 1st grade...there comming now.
We’d be happy, getting older...we’d think
while jumping up and down.

But back then we had no idea, no clue at all,
how much we’d miss those carefree days,
our sweet, soft soothing childhood.
It will all seem so distant later on.
But some memories just wont be gone.
Sometimes you will see that flower,
the flower that reminds you of childhood.
Kirsten May 2014
I was echilerated after comming across an iredessant sun
Twas shining on a perpendicular humanThat had been hung.
I was a very exotic environment,blood,guts,and beer all over the ***** bar.
The dead corps had a flamboyant ****** expression yet whilst hung -
Untouched ..Un-moving.
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Cant seem to close my eyes with the world on the other side. Banging on my eyelids like when hammer and nail collide. Keeping reality ever present in my marathon of a mind. Even when im dreaming i cant seem to press unwind. So i press another button, as my life continues to play. Wishing that the days i wasted could simply be replayed. Running while my life is in a state of full unrest, body condeming me to sleep under house arrest. Sleep finding adversity in the priorities i have set. Making deals with the sandman to pay off my sleeping debt. But every debt made with him is one i cant seem to pay. So ill break even with the reaper on my dying day. And ill push away the sleep, and ill push away the night. Tricking myself with coffee and work; my sleeping schedule ill rewrite. Ill catch those Z's again, by the comming of first light. When priority  meets procrastination, and sleeping becomes a right. So necessary to life as to every breath we take, keeping the sandman at bay for momentary sake. But sleep becomes anxiety as hour by hour they pass. Woken up abruptly by the sound of the next class. So you shuffle along your path, with one goal in sight. Keeping up your strength so you can stay in the fight. One where the rounds dont expire, and the bell never sounds. Only thing keeping you up, is that which knocks you to the ground. So you admit defeat for now and you suffer all the blows. Patching up all your wounds and reaping what you sew. Hoping that tomorrow you can finally take a rest. And find some sleep and peace of mind in your life of pure unrest. So finish up your work and try to close your eyes. Because in those few moments of silence, you can kiss your worries goobye.
Dear love, for nothing less than thee
Would I have broke this happy dream;
    It was a theme
For reason, much too strong for phantasy:
Therefore thou waked’st me wisely; yet
My dream thou brok’st not, but continued’st it.
Thou art so truth that thoughts of thee suffice
To make dreams truths, and fables histories.
Enter these arms, for since thou thought’st it best
Not to dream all my dream, let’s act the rest.
As lightning or a taper’s light,
Thine eyes, and not thy noise, waked me;
    Yet I thought thee—
(For thou lov’st truth) an angel at first sight;
But when I saw thou saw’st my heart,
And knew’st my thoughts, beyond an angels art,
When thou knew’st what I dreamt, when thou knew’st when
Excess of joy would wake me, and cam’st then,
I must confess it could not choose but be
Prophane to think thee anything but thee.

Comming and staying showed thee thee,
But rising makes me doubt, that now
    Thou art not thou.
That Love is weak, where fear’s as strong as he;
’Tis not all spirit pure and brave
If mixture it of Fear, Shame, Honour, have.
Perchance as torches, which must ready be,
Men light and put out, so thou deal’st with me,
Thou cam’st to kindle, go’st to come; Then I
Will dream that hope again, but else would die.
Becca DeMateo Oct 2013
I am walking through the mall,
your walking next to me.
we can't wake the baby,
I wish I knew why.

Each store sells something different.
Everything is so complicated.
Now you'r dragging me to a room.
The walls are white, so is everything else.
I'm scared,
I wish I knew why.

There is people all around.
There is about to be a show.
You're so excited.
Why are we here?
They herd us into a room
Now everything is red.
I'm terrified now,
I wish I knew why.

The show begins, it's magical and fantastical
there is magic and tricks.
"Now for our final act!"
Oh ****, what's this..?
We all clap, what's about to happen?
"We need only one, and i choose you"
A light shines on you and they come and take you.
I cry and freak out, you need to come back.
I wish I knew why.

"These people they arn't okay!
They want your soul!"
How i know this, I will never know
I see there portal and I jump in.
You're lying on a bed,you're ******* and strapped
"They are comming for you,
they are going to eat you,
they are all vampires. Please baby
let's go."
I wish I knew why.

I grab a magic wand and I speek words
I can't recall.
Now we are back in time, it's just me and you.
I remeber that day,
why are we here.
I wish I knew why.

It's a dance, for school that is.
You ask me to come outside.
I follow you out when a car comes flying past.
We have to help.
We run and stop the car just in time.
Someone comes running we saved the day.
"Hey it's time, time to watch the show."
You look at me excited to go.
I wish i knew why

"Maybe we shouldn't go"
I hate to beg and plead
"But i really need to see"
Thats all you have to say to me
"Why, it's just some horrifying
I scream and shout

You look at me weird, and start to walk off.
But because i love you, I follow real close.
I watch the show and you had a good time.
They didn't choose you and you were just fine.
I wish I knew why.

I'm ****** back into that portal ,
and the world reviels it's secrets
back in the day when you wanted to see them
you didn't, i stopped you
and now your dead.
When i went back I changed that fact.
Now you're mine, you were supposed to be mine.
Beware the pale horse
Who rides at dawn
From the wells of sorrow
His gait was drawn

Across the plains of snow
Unto the barren field
Ceaseless can he be
He can't afford to yeild

The benifactor thus unknown
To fabricate our faith
Shall carry upon his back
All that has to wait

The still pond lies
Its whipers are obscene
The pale horse is comming
This you can believe

He's passed the ancient grove
Before we knew of love
He's rode across the meddows
And waded through the mud

With a weary head he watched
And kept the toll
With blind eyes of age
Barer of the soul
kieran conway Mar 2013
Rats in my Kitchen

I got Rats in my kitchen,
I got a mind to be *******'
I'm free and easy twisting
a perfectly nasty cadence
with my six strings,
singing like I'm a star draw
at 'The bucket of blood,'
got a bone handled knife
it keeps my life
makes other men’s wife's feel safe,
eliminates slow mindedness
some times I scrapes it up side
my trusty singing strings,
drives women crazy
to shuffle their *****
up and down the blood ingrained boards.

my fans think I'm your Jesus incarnate,
I think I'm closer Satan’s hounds o' Hell,
they sing so loud
they hardly needs me at all,
but I'm here for my stack of Dollars,
my fun with the women who wants me most,
and my fun reducing that stack.

cause I is so popular with the gals
I gots to watch the shifting eyes
'neath the Stetson hats,
cold as steel
they’d like to pierce me
with a stare
"I wasn’t born yesterday mother,"
I study my steps
and is now wise
you take one at a time.

I cares for little
'cept delivering' the Blues
to the people like me,
that’s when I hit my natural peak!
and I is indulgent in seein'
you is comming with me
to the bottom of the river of whiskey,
the blues sustains me
been my real mother
since my baby left me.
Byron R Sweeney Jan 2013
These pictures of time, Laid out before me.

The Choices I make every day.

These open wounds of mine, Play out before me,

How much more must I take?

I Stare in the mirrior and wait for it to change,

But my reflection is always the same,

I watch the tears fall as I stare myself down,

But this face staring back has no frown,

I stare in the mirrior and wonder why,

This man in the mirror continues to cry.

Promises I've been breaking, and risks I have taken,

It all plays out once again.

Back in the days, when the world wasn't the same

When I was convinced I could win

I Stare in the mirrior and wiat for the change,

But my reflection always stays the same,

I watch the tears fall as I stare myself down,

But this face staring back has no frown,

I stare in the mirrior and wonder why,

This man that I see continues to cry.

She's comming back to say hello again,

And this face that will greet her has a chance to win,

But how can he rise when all he knows is how to fall,

How strong must he be to break through these walls?

I stare in the mirrior and wait for the change,

But my reflection is always the same,

I watch the tears fall as I stare myself down,

And I see the tears break before they hit the ground

I stare in the mirrior and wonder why,

This man I see has so much pain inside.

This reflection is all I know

But Everything changes when you know where to go,

I cry out to the Father to spare my heavy load,

So that the reflection's story will be told.

And suddenly everything begins change,

And this face staring back at me now has no pain,

So he thanks God for taking it away,

While looking in the mirror at himself today

I stare in the mirror and wait for the change

Suddenly This reflection doesn't look the same

See how this reflection changes.

I stand before my God without any shame.

Goodbye to everything that has gotten in the way

And my whole reflection has completed a change
Hey you, yeah you its me, remember me?
the one you used to call your best friend, or at least it seemed.
whats going on with you?
cause somethings diffrent and i can feel it comming out of you...
Lord help her.
to you whats more important?
i can feel the anger in you rising up so high its about to burst out and come out smokin...
i can see all your old prioritys beginning to be shifted and the important ones all driftin..
**** girl where you goin!?
using all these temporary things to kick depression out the door.
trying to send it on its way
just dust it of your shoulder
knowing there is only one way
to keep it from getting any colder.
see you know its true.
and i think you know your running from the truth.
cause you're scared that deaths gonna catch up to you.
Lord i dont know what to do.
help me.
i need you.
yeah your scared you've abused your mind with very dark things.
and you've been showed some very hard things that have taken you places you didn't want to making it scar you.
every body goes through stuff
but you tend to dwell in it
but you've gone further and you've grown up taller
your finally seeing the world in a new order.
BAM then you get hit again falling flat on your face in disgrace
and all you can do is stand there while people humiliate you.
so your back into these temporary fixes again.
come on grace wheres your head at?
Mike West Sep 2012
I wish I was not standing here on this bus,
Where the crowd is so thick and the people do fuss.
For in pain right now, I am, you see.
And all alone, I wish to be.
'Cause all of the pain is deep in my gut.
And the only relief is out of my ****.
Just a little relief , I hope to measure,
From a small release of some of this pressure,
No one should notice, there are so many here.
So I'll relax a little and open my rear.
Oops! Oh no! That's not just gas!
It's way thicker and sticks to my ***!
Uh oh! Wait a minute! This is not right!
I can't stop the flow! C'mon ****, get tight!
It doesn't matter how hard I try,
I can't seem to stop it! I don't know why!
Soon, surely, someone will notice a smell.
A funky odor that has come to dwell.
It's getting worse 'cause my underware's full!
And now down my legs, the stuff starts to roll.
A puddle now forms at my feet on the floor.
Oh my gosh! Where is the door?!
But it's too late and it really shows,
I'm having problems, so's everyones nose.
They all start gagging and yelling "P-U!!"
"Who is the idiot that passed that poo!!"
And just as the flow finally does stop,
Down the aisle comes an off duty cop.
"Hey!" He exclaimed. "What's wrong with you!?"
"You can't just stand there and take a poo!"
"I'm sorry sir!" I  tried to explain.
"I was having extreme abdominal pain!"
"I thought I could vent a little gas,"
"When out of my **** this liquid did pass!"
"I wanted to stop it!" I said as I cried.
"It just kept on comming, no matter how hard I tried!"
And as I stood weeping because of my shame,
All of the people, to my aid came.
They all gave me tissues and one guy a mop.
So I took them all and started to sop.
By the time I was home, I had cleaned it all up.
And,thankfully,did it without throwing up.
I thanked everyone and apologized.
And from then on I realized
That if you're on a bus and have to pass gas,
Make sure you have kleenex to cover your ***.
Jay Jimenez Mar 2013
I got a  little canoe
and set sail to the moon
I took my bandanna and pulled it tight.
Grand Dads bottle of Makers Mark was my good supply
some Marlboro Smooths and a old swiss army knife incase I got shipwrecked.
I cashed in my last paycheck and told my boss I wasn't comming back
I had a Full Moon to catch and the sun was already setting.
I ran into Johnny **** Eyes at Holiday Gas Station and asked if he had any of them mushrooms still and if he had a extra couple hits of acid..... "Infact he replied I just got myself a quarter and about a 10 strip of acid for myself but your going to the moon right... in that old *** canoe your Grand Dad gave you when he passed away. I replied " Yeah Johnny I got a Harvest Moon thats not gonna be waiting long mind if you just toss me a deal and give me the whole shabang." I pulled a friend card and mentioned the time I hooked him up with 4 double stack X pills back in the day and also cut him a deal on a Rothbury ticket. Needless to say he handed that **** over. So back to the river shore where I began the tale I was scared of what was to come, I was scared to just leave without anyone knowing.  I put on my old converse sneakers strapped up my suspenders put a little engine oil in my hair to slick it back and rolled my sleaves up in my flannel said a little prayer to Grand Dad that his canoe would make it... I remember watching him build it with his strong hands before the parkinsons kicked in... I remember him telling me that this ****** could go to the moon and back.... so I popped 3 hits of acid took a big swig out of the Makers Mark, Lit a Cig and said to the sky well Grand Dad you better be right.... You better be right

Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2011
There isn’t a Mountain to High

Written for two hurting grand parents who lost thier ninteen year old grand
son when he lay down in front of a on comming passenger train.

Dear ones He who walked the Delarosa knows your pain His mind catches the smallest sound of
Suffering and that of the highest roar cascading down as burning lava through each membrane that
You possess when your last ounce of strength has been consumed though he staggered through the
Crowds in Jerusalem bearing the marks of the condemned we know He was the fairest lamb slain
Tophet remains the dark black **** that it left in the earth where the Canaanites sacrificed children unto
The god Moloch by fire they practiced their deranged acts took that which was most precious to God
And man and forever dishonored the sacred trust we have to those most precious gifts it speaks to the
Gross conflict that reigns between good and evil the great brooding of God enters scenes and acts such
As these all of His creative goodness maligned by troubling dark currents that rage in fevered minds
All right thinking has suffered its greatest break down the minions of darkness parade as light the
Mind has no reference point to what is truth or lies in this chaotic bewildered state actions arise and
Occur that form the greatest test for comprehension and ultimately any idea of acceptance can there
Be any deeper depth of morbid disillusionment you enter a place where reality has been suspended
And you must try to function bring resolve to the unquestionable that is where you walk into his arms
The greatest peace and love holds you your spinning mind is calmed the inward turmoil faceless
Nameless is rendered harmless because it has met a greater force it will and can only yield to his
Command let go of your grip this little one is my child you have no authority or say here your work
Has been most horrid typical of your brand of being a tyrant now your power is bridled love takes even
The power of deaths sting no matter the tragic events I’ am peace I have no equal the oppression you
Have weaved is torn asunder I crossed over from eternity to this place in time by rights I alone hold
I give freedom my spirit swirls with awesome glory carrying the wounded to heights and vistas that in
Those distilling awesome light brings a knowing show a peaceful reality even in this difficulty it will
By transcending power allow acceptance without understanding because truth and love are stronger
And they encompass and hold earthy bonds in the sweetest tranquil division the same measure that
Causes the glories of a sunset when the light reflects on the bottom of the cloud and then refracts so it
Is so I ‘am covered in a cloud of glory though darkness pervades lives and tries to prey on them this is
Not possible all that beholds me are engulfed in beauty and settings that out shine the dangerous and
Painful plains of this world and the truth ever is stated that darkness will be turned into light.
Echoes Of A Mind Dec 2015
You carelessly walk across the Abby Road
With your hands in your pockets
And your eyes all closed.

Because in your world you make the rules
You don't think you have to check
If there's a car comming at you.

Luckily for you there's no car this time,
but if you keep on like this
You'll end up dying because of your own little lie.

Because it's not you who makes the rules
It's the society, your parents and the state, who made them
Just to keep control of you.

But then again, they too are blinded by their own little lies
If they think you'll bow down
and gladly follow the rules, which they decide.
Just something Random which I wrote

— The End —