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1.1k · Oct 2024
Distant Lovers at Midnight
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
In a dark chasm
between thought ,
and in velvet blackness ,
I search for you in dreams .

Shivering , lying
on cold ground
in some abandoned temple ,
seduced  by the eroticism
of Night .

Hidden were the diverse signs ,
ghostly lanterns ,
born in times of Chaos ,
you were my star and my light .

Now , glorious in victory ,
and amongst cherubs ,
and with sacred flame ,
we dwell in a third kingdom .

Time bends around
our many lives ,
and with mathematical devotion
breathes a magic forest to life .

Throughout the universe
is a shining path .
We will meet at midnight
to love , and to love
again .
804 · Oct 2024
Three Times and in a Row
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
I feel them touching me
in my sleep .
That morning I spent as a servant .

They leave signs for me
on the road .
A person's name scribed
upside down ,
three times and in a row .

I feel them next to me
on my bed .
That morning I spent as a servant .

They reveal many things
in my dreams .
A story that was hidden ,
concealed ,
three times and in a row .
799 · Sep 2024
Come October
Matthew Bright Sep 2024
Come October they would rise again ,
steal through hidden doorways .
Putrescent then they take their form ,
in liminal space they have their birth .

Every year they come for their meat ,
driven by some unknown clock.
In twenty-eight days they become manifest ,
their grey bony fingers unlock .

A gallery of faded portraits ,
mark Octobers that have gone before ,
gaze longingly out of picture frames ,
behold the living on which they feed .

It gets darker now once more I tell you ,
it shan't be very long ,
till October casts it's deadened pall ,
and then their sickly will be done .
733 · Nov 2024
Lover's Tryst
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
The search for true love
when planets align ,
then blinded by cupids
Time serves the
Divine .

But when angels are singing ,
the two lovers kiss ,
in a garden of tulips
where makes sacred tryst .
They were truly born in space and never left the memory of their many lives to turn to dust on some lonely planet .
731 · Sep 2024
She Wanders the Night
Matthew Bright Sep 2024
She is heralded by
the barking of dogs ,
the triple moon goddess
Hecate , Diana or Lucina .

She wanders the Night ,
the crossroads
three ,
resplendent in moonlight ,
she is keeper of the keys .

In time of Dark Moon ,
through secret doorway ,
protected by
wolves ,
she walks with the dead ,

She wanders the Night .
623 · Oct 2024
The Tears of Saint Sophia
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
Voices in the dark
like Spring-heeled Jacks ,
run down a grimy slate roof
into a filthy gutter
filled with the tears of Saint Sophia .

Dust , dirt , insects
and the remains of dead
forget-me-nots ,
the only images left to
a diseased mind .

They run over and over
in geometric perfection ,

a cataclysm of holes .

No light for his lantern ,
hope forsaken gloom ,
then run down
tormented avenues
to an empty field ,
under the moon of
Mars in September  .

Under blood red stars ,
without truth or meaning ,
the tower of his wasted
dreams ,
and the chimeras of his
past ,
gather now around
and begin casting lots .
621 · Oct 2024
I Felt Them Standing There
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
My grandmothers are
standing there ,
mother , maiden , crone .
Wisdom , transformation
and they are guardians
of the doorway .

Black Crow waits patiently
outside .
New Moon in
Scorpio ,
the blank rune , Judgement ,
spirits of the earth and
material existence .

Destiny is power and using
Chaos ,
like the three fates ,
or cutting a thread ,
only realising it was always
this way .

My grandmothers are
standing there .
593 · Nov 2024
The Old Wooden Bridge
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
Soft cool sensual shadows
play over the almost
silent stream ,
as languidly it ripples
over pebbles and mossy rock .

Now and then , moonlight
catching little diamonds
of shimmering light
danced in our lover's eyes .

The stately willow tree was
a cathedral of luscious green vine ,
swaying gently and communing
with the flying things of the night .

On the bank near that whispering tree ,
we kneel together, not touching
both gazing into the
cool clear mirror of the
stream .

Then , at once , we are on
an old wooden bridge .
Vast plains of vibrant sound
stretch beyond imagination
to Infinity .

A gentle breeze moves brightly
coloured flags
over far off golden pavilions .
Here  the Night is  
gathering , cool and sweet .

You smile
as we float above the bridge ,
drifting in the magic scented
air .
589 · Oct 2024
The Eye of Odin
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
The Eye of Odin ,
drinking of the well .
Sacrifice material for
the spiritual ,
life path number
seven .

Disembodied voice ,
now calling to Bastet .
Crow lands in front of him ,
and a cat leads a pack of dogs .

The Corridor of Meaning ,
a seven pointed star ,
Hamsa and divinity
and keeping to the
way .

The mystery of Pi
and the Sea of Tranquillity .
Two kingdoms become one
under a blood red moon .
dream , reverie
584 · Nov 2024
Behold the Fleshly Vessel
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
Enshrined vessel corporeal ,
the numberless strands
of infinite time ,
kaleidoscope persona of
Nature , Temperance and Psyche .

With serene countenance ,
in sweet golden light ,
the codes of the Goddess ,
Queen of Cups
and Queen of Swords .

With transforming Geometry
of Justice and
Compassion ,
the unseen ancient force
of her terrible power ,
far beyond base contemplation ,

Rains down the verdict
on dishonour and strife ,
elevating the
transcended ,
while relegating all else
to Beelzebub , earthbound
and gehenna .
452 · Oct 2024
Afterglow of Supernova
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
What is forgotten
will be remembered .
What is eternal
will be found .

Flying through the aether
he felt himself
partially dissolve
into a
more fluid anatomical
structure .

Fibrous and
gelatinous ,
twisting arms of infinite
timelines ,
caress and soothe ,
delighting in the afterglow
of supernova .

When will chariots
bearing the children of
tear down Mahogany and
Doom ,
then sing madrigals over
their graves .

While across dimensions
and the stilling of entropy ,
pure thought streams
everlasting ,
rides majestic on crimson
waves of time .

He gazed at the sacred
bright crystals of Tomorrow .
Everything was
something else
and more than that besides .
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
Sometimes she's here ,
sometimes she's there ,
sometimes she's high above
or radiant in mystic prayer .

Singing to the trees
or dancing under stars ,
running through an everglade
when Venus conjunct Mars .

She knows the path
of Truth and Light .
Her spirit guides
transcend the Night .

The Empress heart soothes
wounded from neglect .
She is Skadi , Shakti ,
Artemis and Bastet .
432 · Oct 2024
The Celestial Warehouse
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
He is the Singing God ,
the Singularity of Numbers .
His fortress is my stronghold
and His beautiful visage
is the Horn and Shield
that makes my enemies to shake
and tremble in fear .

He drives them to the sea
and casts them down in silence ,
bound with silken cords of regret ,
then tormented by cherubs and
seraphim and glowing
purple orbs ,
while for me a great banquet is laid out .

In forgotten pyramids on
the Mountains of the Moon ,
they heard the Earth tremble
as He brought forth fire from His mouth
and consumed the Unclean
in a deluge of despair .

The valleys of their deceit lay exposed
and the temple of their lies
became a sodden field
devoid of all human warmth .
Putrid wasteland of misery ,
a mansion blown over with
flies .

As for Jehovah my God ,
he is flawless and perfect .
He is Alpha and Omega .
He raises me to the highest of mountains
and guides my hunter's Moon
on the path of His
righteousness .

Only oblivion awaits the profane
who put darkness for transcendence
and hope for base untruth
and lies that issue forth
from that archangel of sadness
bound in chains at the bottom of the pit .

The wrath of Jehovah
or the beauty of righteous violence .
Seven star sisters were saved .
Delivered , they pronounced holy judgement and
down into a valley walled of black sheer towering onyx
those afflicted souls were cast .

The Keeper of the Mysteries ,
the Black Madonna and the
first crowned queen of Egypt ,
now tred the temple path in paradise ,
where lion lies down with the Lamb
and all expression is as the mind of my god .
423 · Nov 2024
In Some Dreary Hall
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
When dreams make the
shadow of their evil real ,
then walk the sodden path
of forgetfulness .

Forgetting of all life , love
and tenderness of human
touch .

Vanquished , youth's idyll
lay bound in silken chains of regret .
Blinded eyes plucked out ,
lay on a silver tray at his
side .

Discarded and unloved .

Like a meagre meal
in poverty's room ,
the soul is dissected and
eaten piecemeal by devils .

While in dead of night
or blazing sun of noon ,
the stench of rotting dreams
shrouds Eternity over those deadened eyes .
413 · Sep 2024
Matthew Bright Sep 2024
Forces they refuse to contemplate ,
gather round them like
wraiths .
The stolen treasure they
conspire to conceal ,
scant hope their souls
debased .

See now the towering
archangel ,
Michael , with his sword .
Intent foul purpose now
costly repaid ,
come the Day of the Lord .

Across an expanse of
night and fog ,
they wander now alone .
And not before
transgression reversed ,
will any be suffered come
home .
406 · Nov 2024
Three , Six , Nine
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
May there be a secret portal ,
old heartbeat of the earth ,
Dreamt Cupid stolen in his
sleep ,
by Darkness unobserved .

oppositorum ,
Storm Angel and Wild Beast ,
Union of the Devouring Snake
and Lovers of the Chemical Feast .

When time has come full circle
and the tempest calls to
fly ,
we will meet in golden sunset ,
where our hearts are three ,
six , nine .
402 · Sep 2024
The Invitation
Matthew Bright Sep 2024
Fast headlong I now fell ,
a hole in dark night sky ,
through diverse strange devotion ,
left alone , outside of Time .

Stranded , unveiled and motionless ,
a searing red blinding light ,
rendered my chest torn apart ,
by a figure in black , out of
sight .

Though feeling no base
emotion ,
there was a demon of fear ,
so prayed I sought my deliverance ,
from this being of anguish and tears .

Was I summoned to awaken ?
have access to this work ,
through darkest night to ride ,
this chariot of thunder and verse .

But something stood behind this
temple of judgement and pain .
The Sun , the Moon and a field of wheat ,
marked where that hidden door lay .

Symbols rose up from the sea ,
a vision of numbers and sound .
World shifted from black , red to white ,
overwhelmed as the first scroll unbound .
a vision , or waking dream
400 · Nov 2024
The Upturned Valise
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
In that golden hour
when memories fall
like photographs from
some upturned valise ,

Covered in esoteric symbols
like the record of some
bizarre travelogue through
magic , time and space .

Faces shimmer in the
cool night air .
Those ghostly lanterns
then disappear in a
mist ,

While forty-two saints read their lives .
The Knave , a Sleeping Princess
and the King of Hearts ,
all gone now and
dust stops their mouths .

But in another century
blazing with the fire of
a thousand suns ,
then giants walked the earth
and made all time their own .

Though now , as I sit here
in this solitary room
marked by time's passage
and the romance of decay ,

They seem to live still ,
more vibrant and bejewelled
than the phantoms of daylight
and their prisons of the mind .

In dreams they speak to me
in foreign tongues
and in curious manner , like angels
they confound my understanding .

In daytime they leave messages
and strange symbols ,
in numbers and
words that are not there .

The Moon is shining bright .
Their voices sing in the wind .
Everything is just a story
and all of it is real .
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
The Moon hung low in the sky
like the tarnished reflection
of my soul on that night .

A night spent rambling
down lonely streets of
derelict dream houses ,
with forbidding peaked
rooves ,
stretching high into the
gloomy dark like knives .

Now and then ,
a sound made by something unknown ,
would drift on the dank air
or round some
threatening corner .

Was there faint stirring
of grey curtain in a window ,

A muffled cry behind
peeling paint of bolted door ,

A soft voice sighing ,
straining against the wind to be heard ,

But then , no-one was there .
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
Coursing through his veins
like rivers through
abandoned ancient cities ,
the energy of Frequency and Vibration .

How stars distribute light and time
throughout the cosmos ,
a pulsating neural
network ,
of dreams , memories and
ghosts .

From now until the end of
time and before ,
then in swift current
surrender ,
Tower , Ten of Swords and
revelation of the Dream
Portal ,
Jehovah , the Magician and
Death .
327 · Nov 2024
Magician and Priestess
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
On a sacred mount of olives
where they mirror each their hearts ,
In a meadow of wild flowers
where their love can never
part .

The dreaming of the Logos
and spirits secure their way ,
While strange and mythic creatures
will frighten fear away .

In pure light forever
their souls are intertwined ,
Magician and Priestess ,
there was no-one of their kind .
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
The Queen of Wands
and a black cat at sunrise .
Four cups in the air ,
a giant hand in the sky .

Hathor , Isis and
how the Holy Spirit
as the Winged Goddess
sends a ****** of crows .

For all vengeance dwells
with the creator of
numbers .
Spirit drifts on the wind ,
hallowed by His name .

While at their
filthy ritual of earthbound violence ,
four holes in the ground
and nightmare fills their void .

Turn away , turn away ,
do not watch His work ,
Jehovah is my god ,
Jesus Michael and His sword .
287 · Oct 2024
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
She --
was seen and born of stars .
An evil sorceress had
fixed a malevolent eye
on her person and
would go against Goddess
and Pneuma ,
but she would be rescued
by a warrior .

Now --
adrift between
worlds ,
in a sea of intuition
and hermetic
communication ,
she glimpses an owl ,
sometimes a messenger
of death ,
and moves toward the
Altar of Fire .

Energy --
Matter , Psyche and
Spirit ,
as it came in that
progression ,
all timelines flowed
through her ,
sacred law and ritual ,
until the mysteries of all
Nature were
revealed ,
by Metatron , angel of
blessings and dreams .

She --
would know the taste of
victory ,
she will not be
denied .
No debased or lesser being
would cross her path ,
not to feel the sting of her
sword steel .
Till she would take her place
in Heaven ,
with the lion and the faun .
283 · Sep 2024
Altar of Fire
Matthew Bright Sep 2024
In a vast courtyard
surrounded by columned
portico ,
on one side a tall cylinder
made from the finest
Egyptian glass .

There in was the sensual
blue liquid essence of his
soul .
Blueprint of a challenged
and where one was never
like another .

Ahead a towering vulture
six feet high ,
with wingspan over
thirteen feet ,
atop a high golden plinth
of light ,
one last witness of Nature
before beyond .

Till finally the Alter of Fire
tiny lizards licked and
stripped his skin .
Numbers , lines , stars and
a red light became
blue ,
drenching him in dread
and dearth .

Where the caressing velvet
met newly dead souls on
the shores of Acheron ,
Abandon all hope ye who
enter here ,
the grey gloomy path of
torment .

Now frozen and outside of
Time ,
a boundless lake of violet
light ,
wherefrom a giant dolphin's
is birthed a new galaxy of
pure thought .

The perfect sword of
in Tree of Life and mirrored
reflection ,
became The Eagle , high
above the mesa
and saw where the futures
had been sown .

Then he heard her voice
" It is the Initiation of
Destiny ! "
And so fulfilling the sacred
he sat down now , in
prescence of the Great Scribe .
277 · Oct 2024
The Scribe
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
The blue green metalled
shot brilliant shafts of
light ,
blinding him , back to
Akasha ,
as Scarab meandered
knowingly before him .

His left arm was at rest
on the cool slab of marble
while seated , as the other
moved involuntarily
from a hidden source .

Looking up as autonomous
fingers scribed on ,
watching as hundreds ,
thousands of
years flow into a vibration
of centuries ,
caressed by the Divine and
the Holy Spirit .

Then into arms of the
Angel of Dreams ,
to ride in his chariot of
forgetfulness .
As above and then so below
and the spirit of Love will
surely rest on them all .
260 · Sep 2024
Season Of The Snake
Matthew Bright Sep 2024
Season of the Snake
on the mountains of the Moon .
We ride on the wind
like vagabond drifters and are
lovers of  inter-dimensional time

Across three civilisations
and tortured dark centuries in
between ,
from the reign of Queen
and in the time of Tiberius
when Satan himself was
     delighted and then deceived .

We saw the Great Plague of  Vienna
in the year of our lord 1679 .
Then , slowly moving west
toward Paris and the eighteenth  century ,
we would lay dreaming
of hermetic clockwork and love.

But it was back in Old Vienna ,
surrounded by pestilence and
death ,
you became a being of light ,
in the Hospice of the Brothers
of the Holy Trinity ,
A pulsating emerald aurora ,
and I remembered how much  I loved you .
260 · Oct 2024
Carl Jung in his Tower
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
Carl Jung in his tower
conversing with Dragon
and the Moon Goddess

" There are two trees
   that are one
   and they are the
   and the feminine .
   They are
   creating a
   new dimension
   using alchemy ,
   Temperance and
   emotion . "

Two pillars bring forth
the unexpected .
A new seeding of cycles
and transformation .

There will be two eclipse ,
first one solar , and next
lunar .
Then the warrior sweeps
all before him .
and the Goddess moves
her hand
across the Night .
255 · Nov 2024
The Day Before
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
The day before it
happens ,
everything feels the
same ,
everything looks the
same .

No other-worldly signs
will save memory
of those splintered realities .

The surface of
a mountain lake ,
now cold and
emotionless ,

Like a mind
untramelled by thought ,
not the slightest breath of wind

To move one tiny drop
transfixed on the surface
of that mirror for the sky .

But in backrooms of reality ,
misplaced moments
swell like maggots .

They feed on forgotten
dreams and dance on
tables like a dervish .

Now a second , then
a minute , finally
an hour disappeared by stealth .

When the King of
Chances ,
entering the great hall ,
with eighty cupids , all fall silent ,

As thunderous , the
chime of Destiny
brings all time screaming
            to meet

             Your present moment

                                  Now .
251 · Oct 2024
Soft Light of Autumn Day
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
Soft light of
Autumn day ,
in sun-shower and memory
and dreaming away .

While humming birds now
in her outstretched hands ,
tell of strange customs
in far away lands .

Where surrounded by every
beast , bird and faun ,
she sings sacred songs
and a new world is born .
246 · Nov 2024
The Radiant Golden Portal
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
Eternity shivered ,
trembling at heaven's
radiant golden portal .

Countless crystalline
moments of time
dance , vibrate ecstatic .

Physical objects ,
now less distinct ,
fade to grey simulation .

Gloriously only a
shining path remains ,
Surrender, Devotion and
Pneuma .
236 · Oct 2024
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
The angel whose name
is Ariel ,
arrives in purple smoke ,
with access to an elixir
of limitless age ,
opens a portal over our
world .

She controls all the
bringing energy to Earth ,
connects spirit to the
realm of Jehovah
enthroned .

Seven cups of water
on a white marble shelf ,
in a scented columned
that is open to the sky .

Flowing through an auric
field ,
an ocean of glowing gold
spheres ,
see all the kings and
queens of the world
thrown over the gates of
Infinity .
vision , dream
Matthew Bright Sep 2024
Tree of Life stood at the
of an intersection of
wheels .
He sat to one side in
blue light ,
while above him flew the
Spirit of the Shadow
and an enormous bird
made of fire .

The High Priestess was
there besides ,
and to her left , the Queen
of Swords
danced dervish , slicing
the air .
On the wall behind her ,
an array of knives
and she slept every night
covered in flowers .

Niaids moved swiftly
through swollen streams ,
past a luminescent green
magic grove .
Forest faeries in ceremonial
dress ,
watched as three devotees
of different psychic realms ,
communed with their
ancestors and Nature .

One was adorned with
hibiscus ,
another had come laden
with dreams ,
a third one was dancing in
a soft perfumed mist ,
while all around hundreds
of animals and birds ,
began to sing with one voice
on the wind .
vision , waking dream
Matthew Bright Sep 2024
And yes they were the best of times ,
of love and tears and
memory .
Where dreamt I slept black
granite slab deep ,
cold and sans regret .

Night-birds sang above my
head ,
dead lovers called my
name .
While in my lonely dreaming ,
perfect love became the grave .

So despised without good
cause ,
I determined to sleep on .
The rider on white stallion
showed me poetry and
song .

But when last came time to
leave that place ,
and journey beyond that
vale ,
I prayed for Him to keep me
fast ,
I prayed I would not fail .

Attila said where he had
passed ,
no grass would ever grow .
It grew instead upon his grave
where children seeds
had sown .

Now forging pathways to this
world ,
sacred numbers were my guides .
Moon rise over still water ,
where time holds back the
tide .
220 · Nov 2024
Mouth of Infinity
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
Everything is  conscious
and a moment lasts forever .

The sky is painted on
cardboard ,
stretched out by the hand
of God ,
while sawdust covered ground
moves on wheels to the Mouth of Infinity .

I can't remember my lines ,
but speak them anyway ,
A manuscript that has written itself .

Love , loneliness , ambition , pain ,
an **** of fireworks
on a dreamer's dark night .

While overhead , machinery
of the celestial stage begins
to shift .
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
Eleanor and Charlotte ,
drifting in sunlit reverie ,
see Marie Antoinette at her
and the beginning of her
sorrow .

How many cherubs , smiling ,
fixed scribes of shimmering
light ,
recline incumbent in vast marble halls .

When ,
frozen in Time ,
two maidens in a doorway ,
pass a ceramic jug
between one another
for eternity .

A man yells ,
seeing people back in time ,
that they were
too close to the chapel .

Look , over a bridge ,
past an aqueduct ,
lay an unkempt meadow ,
where the mood was unnatural
and unpleasant .

While behind dull meadow ,
the treeline was
as woodwork or tapestry .

Flat and lifeless ,
as a shadow without
light or dark .

No wind stirred the trees
and the two women
felt an unease of dreariness ,
as if walking in someone else's dream .

" Wherefor the Trianon ?! "
The gardener stopped his labour

" You will see a fine lady
   in summer gown
   and a large white hat . "

And suddenly he was gone .

Then , finally at the gate ,
a large man ,
in period costume
and born of a malevolent star .

Dark cloak and
smallpox scarred ,
he stared forebodingly
under brim of black hat .

Cronos , Father Time and
Death .

The Future was stalling .
concerning the historical story of Charlotte Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain ... their visit to Versailles in 1901 ... and theory of a  ' time slip '
215 · Oct 2024
This Island Earth
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
Ace of Pentacles ,
the macro and the micro .
Remember all the things
you have ever learned ,
then step onto the boat
with Skadi and her six swords .

The prophets all
are ascending to the sky .
Hope springs eternal in
children and the mad
and when frequency and vibration
become energy and light .

This island Earth
the turning of the years  ,
where the path always forward
is absolute devotion ,
while unseen on the Other Side  
a terrible storm approaches .
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
Twenty-four elders ,
seven chakra spirits ,
four beasts , now
the origins of carnal desire
and the Lake , of Glass .

The Key of David ,
controlled by spirit ,
is in the temple
of the pineal gland
and in union with holy
secret .

Subordinate to God's will ,
for thyne is the kingdom ,
thyroid and throat chakra --
the flaming sacred heart ,
triumphant in time and
tribulation .

The Witness and his
golden sword of fire ,
the Seat of the Soul
attacked and defended
from evil .
To Virtue , the final victory
is delivered ,
true love and the Seeds of
the Cosmos .
the body as  the Temple of Solomon
211 · Sep 2024
Star Child
Matthew Bright Sep 2024
And harm ye none , so mote it be ,
to this we do aspire .
Let the Shadow come out to play ,
A devil hides in the briar .

Black solitary dimension of
tumult and woe ,
she moved her vibration
higher .
A flaming chariot on which
she rode ,
the ******* of all liars .
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
Another time , another place ,
where fate , with our
unspoken dreams ,
in smoky dim lit bar
relates .

The chanteuse sings a lonely song
of love and memory ,
as one by one ,
a pearly raindrop tear
stains the window of the night .

For the ground you are on
is already harvest ground .

Your thornwood spear for
battle .

Pro Aeterna Veritate

And what each one seeks
he will surely find .
202 · Oct 2024
Wild Is Your Matted Hair
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
Wild is your matted hair ,
like red rose bush on
stark , desolate moor ,
you whisper my
name .

Dreams become
ghosts ,
a stream of conscious
crystal ,
they relinquish secrets
and we are everywhere
as one .

A thousand lives ,
radiant tapestry of
perfect in Geometry
and where Aphrodite is
enthroned .

The moor stretches to
Infinity ,
lone eagle glides high above .
We commune in silence
as love transmutes to light .
197 · Oct 2024
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
Caw , call , caul ,
the bird , mermaid birth ,
it reclined over the Childe's
face .
Striga and born with a shirt ,
carefully the child shifted it
to one side .

An earthly lord ,
transcending a hero's
archetype .
Fly wastrel to enchanted
faerie kingdom ,
and watch a whole world
pass away .
Byron was born with a caul ... the slang names for which are listed in the first stanza .
In times not very much before his , it was thought a child thus born was a
' faerie ' child or even the sign of a witch ( striga ) or vampire .
197 · Nov 2024
Sartori-Falcon and Hathor
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
Sartori-Falcon and Hathor
eternally dreaming
in clear mountain air ,
employ Lotus Flower
and Key of Life
in service of the Pneuma .

KA.       BA.       AKH.       RA.
All lives , translucent
films in space .
Like a waterfall
of magical numbers
and codes of the ancients .

Then , initiation to the
realm of the senses ,
through a rich fabric
of symbols , sound and light .

While souls of the
bright star children
cross the galaxies
to their new green home .

Blending their true selves
with the energy of animal spirits ,
they dance cosmic
telluric currents and solar winds .
194 · Sep 2024
My Starry Moonlit Bride
Matthew Bright Sep 2024
What if something is speaking to me ?
Something that cannot die ,
and all I have to do is listen ,
then function as a scribe .

In spaces between my thoughts
or in corners of my mind ,
or memories of dimlit past ,
now lately redefined  .

What is it then she force
convey ,
while pushing me aside ,
bending my will to her own design ,
my starry moonlit bride .

What of myself and all these dreams ,
Now frozen out of time ?
A traveller from the depths of space ,
with nothing that is mine .
193 · Oct 2024
Garden of Time
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
What sweet memories
of not forgotten ,
lost in an overgrown
garden of time .

Drifting down avenues
where displaced lovers
meet Hibiscus and Passion
Flower ,
who show them the way .

Where long marble hallways
have thousands of rooms ,
and in each scented room
a cherub guards a dream .

Because all dreams are real
and can live without us ,
though sometimes when
a truth is revealed .
193 · Nov 2024
Sunshine Could Be Beautiful
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
Sunshine could be beautiful
if it could hold more light .
And the dark of night
a velvet dream ,
when filled with sweet
delight .

But the universe without your smile
is an empty void where
angels cry .

Sacred love is outside of
Time ,
where heart and soul with Spirit align .
185 · Oct 2024
The Light in the Dark
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
The ****** Mary held a
bowl ,
blue radiant tongues of fire .
The light in the dark ,
the mother of all worlds ,
the ******* of all liars .

See now the Holy Infant's pain ,
stigmata's lovely flower .
The spiral staircase
where childhood was slain ,
the monster that dwells in the tower .

Small faces scream for justice ,
now enshrined in truth .
The light in the dark
will be merciless compleat ,
and far exceeding eye or tooth .
184 · Nov 2024
Who Rides on the Wind
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
Like drops of water ,
drops of Time ,
a swirling aurora ,
we gather the signs .

Closer and closer
to rainbow bridge .
Closer and closer
who rides on the wind .
183 · Oct 2024
The Imperfect Vessel
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
We have no vision of end
or defeat .
No flaw for arrow  to seek
in armour made from
radiance of a thousand stars .

Defiant and mercurial ,
when even bloodied and in strife .
Sweet shifting of the Blessed Worm
in the cold , cold ground .

So , the Imperfect Vessel ,
having stumbled , moves on ,
with all his piety and wit ,
unable to cancel out
a single memory of it .

Imploring to Heaven
for Her pure guiding light ,
while rounding to face the storm ,
now the enemy is in sight .
the third stanza references a verse from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khyayyam ... the first poetry book I ever read ... and possibly the first book I ever saw .
169 · Oct 2024
The Initiation of Neptune
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
The Pillar of Mercy on
one side ,
on the other , the Pillar
of Severity .
All along the Corridor
of Initiation
rang out the cry ,
Uriel , Auriel , Ariel !

Archangel , fire in left palm ,
in her right hand a flaming
sword .
Sun disc breast plate of
chain mail ,
the spirit of Poetry ,
Science and Divine
Judgement .

Then a glowing silver orb ,
floating on the cool night
air ,
and the angel's flaming
sword became
a scroll on which was

One , Five , One , Five , Five

This awakened the wild spirits of the grove ,
rainbows , waterfalls and
butterflies .
In the woods their sacred
tryst was made ,
And they rode the
Winged Horse ,
Magician , Priestess and
Spirit .
vision dream
159 · Sep 2024
The Glory of Jehovah
Matthew Bright Sep 2024
When all around became desolation
and one thing fed into
another ,
the transformation of the soul ,
and revelation of the Pneuma .

I witnessed three unholy princes ,
at once they devoured each other .
Then in flaming cauldron of light ,
were consumed by flaming
fire .

Saved thrice by a ghostly goddess ,
the Moon beneath her feet ,
I was delivered by codes and numbers ,
then reunited by her seat .

The distorted dragon who murders ,
makes charge innocence with crime .
Condemned itself to an endless night ,
this where it would endless lie  .

Then I saw The Hall of Vibration ,
a most melodious singing
choir .
Touched the hem of His sweet garment ,
the glory of Jehovah .
vision , waking dream
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