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Chanel Tatum Jan 2018
Suicide- 1-800-273-8256
Bullying- 1-800-420-1479
Self Harm- 1-800-DONT-CUT
Teen Help- 1-877-332-7333
Domestic Violence- 1-800-799-7233
****/****** Assault- 1-800-656-4673
Lifeline- 1-800-784-8433
Grief Support- 1-650-321-3438
Depression- 1-630-482-9696
Drug/Alcohol- 1-877-235-4525
Eating Disorders- 1-630-577-1330
Homeless/Runaway- 1-800-RUNAWAY
Mental Health- 1-800-442-4673
Sexuality- 1-800-246-7743
You are not alone; get help if you need it. I love each and every one of you so so so so so much!
Dany The Girl Jun 2017
As long as there's a pulse,
I'll be your
SassyJ May 2016
Safe saved metaphors
All clear in third age
Forming tried foams
On the hallway of ties
The alleyways tiptoed
The only lifeline we hold
The ghost that loves me
It tickles my toes and glows
The massive shadowy face
The hanged erred earlobe
Yet it claimed me from birth
Dented in a cast ratted tribe
A reminder of evolvement
As I crawled to run away
It pulls in seductive destination
I shall never win this battle
I shall ever learn the meaning
A reevaluation of a patron
A tune of comfortness chaos
This ghost that claims me
It made me grieve and revealed
A long left pain of the lost
It made love to me on and on
The ghost that raised me
Shoot me from gravity to its era
It shall forever be the flavour
Lauren Leal Apr 2016
She is my lifeline; my tether to the living world.
Finding a reason to live in someone else other than you.
Lost Apr 2016
My lifeline is a boy who doesn't exist.
A made up dream thought up by a kid.
His dark hair the hills of soil for my flowers.
His gaze the river I could float in for hours.
His enchanting eyes the moon that shines in the dark.
His pink lips the shade of my Bleeding Hearts.
His freckles the ladybugs that land in the garden.
His smile the reflection of the sun on the pond.
His heart beat the rhythm of my feet as I run.
His voice the call of a summers day.
His back the tree I use to reach for the skies.
His hands the branches I use to climb.
His arms the fortress surrounding my fragility.
His chest the pillow where I weep.
His legs the wings that steer me home.
His mind the temple where I roam.
His heart the bed where I rest.
His "I love you" the one that knows me best.
My lifeline is a boy who doesn't exist.
A made up dream I thought up,*
*that's it.
madrid Oct 2015
...and in those darkest hours

you were my star...
It only takes one person, the right person, to make you see the light amid the cold darkness that is your universe.
euphoria Aug 2015
if you were to leave me in a storm,
i'd run after you because
no one runs away from me

i'd take a souvenir
i'd take your heart just like
you took mine and i'd hand you back the ashes after the flames
got a hold of your lifeline
Nicole Dawn Jun 2015
This site is my lifeline
You are the only ones
Who can watch
Me slowly dying
Falling apart
Before your eyes

You are the only ones who
Know about my nightly crying
And how
The pressure builds for trying

This site is my lifeline

You are all so encouraging
I have yet to hear
Someone say,
"We don't want you,
Just go die"

You say to keep living

And while that
May not be possible for me
You remind me to try

This site is my lifeline
And the great people on it
I may have lost my life
If it weren't for you

*So thank you
Thanks to everyone on this site, for your likes and kind words. They are not why I write, but they may be why I'm alive now
Brittle Bird May 2015
I see shapes in your sunken eyes,
pressing like last night's lifeline,
telling you to keep your heart safe,
but I have to look away.

Please don't cry,
I can't possibly turn tears to gold.
I'm not the type to indicate
what should fill these empty spaces
and I don't know what to say
when you don't say it first.

When the shivering starts you'll see,
I can't be your blankets and late-night radio,
or anything you used to believe.
When those eyes mean oceans in mine,
you'll see how nothing I can be.
Day 30 of NaPoWriMo. Last day!
Cecil Miller Apr 2015
Dancing on the lifeline,
Flying through the dirt,
Mixing into puddles,
Resembling the sky...

Everything is nothing.
Nothing is everything.
The truth is but a lie
Not looked in the eye.
The spoiled goods we buy!

Dancing on the lifeline,
Spinning dervish, spin.
Aquire all the knowledge you seek,
Find it is within.

Poets are the prophets
To the souls of those that read.
The magick that is in the verses
Always plants a seed
To enlightenment, the need.

We are all
Dancing on the lineline,
Connected by the threads,
That comprise the ribbons
Of the thoughts within our heads.

Everything for which we thirst
Is already in our chalice.
We only need to drink of it,
But need to keep the balance...
Beware the one called valiant.

Never fear that victor,
Who has never seen a challange,
Who has been given everything
On a silver platter.

Listen to the hope inside.
Follow it, as you lead.
As you cast your spells
And spin your webs, take heed.

Dancing on your lifeline,
Holding onto what is true.
Only when you care for others,
Will you know they care for you.
This Poem shares the title of a conceptual collection of poetry I wrote  back in 1997.
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