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NeroameeAlucard Feb 2015
There's air here, but I cannot breathe in
for fear of strangling myself with something that helps humanity to live and thrive
further down I dive, this seems almost like an enchanted abyss, I can see beauty ask around me even though I cannot speak to it

the cold is starting to affect my circulation,
it's harder to move my hands
I'm hanging onto my lifeline by a strand,
I tug twice and to the surface I quickly rise
the bubbles in my chest begin to collapse
I breach and breathe in deeply,
allowing the outside world back into my senses
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
As days blur,
I see the pattern...
Grazing, sealing, purifying.
All that is hideous.
To make it seem beautiful.

I hide,
Behind a mask,
A shell..
A force field.

What seems beautiful,
Isn't true for the beast.

The Beast,
That is hideous.
When she's angry.

So as the pattern lays flat,
These days turn into weeks,
Weeks turn to months.
Months turn to years..

Not a lifeline goes by,
When a monster is involved.

And when it's involved,
It seems the sands of time,
Are frozen still.
Even in the wasteland,
Of Hell..
Just a thought that crossed my mind
I met you two years ago.
You liked one of my friends and she liked you back.
I was in love with you,
The moment I saw you I felt happy.

Happiness is not something I normally feel.
I needed someone to fix me.
You couldn't fix me while you were blinded by her beauty.
I was barely surviving.

Only weeks ago I saw you again.
You got over her.
You came up to me and asked how I was doing.
I told you I'm doing great when in reality, I'm dying inside.

You gave me a million dollar smile.
The hug you gave me lasted longer than it should.
You rubbed circles on my back with your thumb and whispered in my ear.

you are broken, I will fix you

I let you in at that moment.
I had to see you more often.
You kept me going when I wanted to give up.
You helped me up everytime I fell down.

In that moment I first saw you, I knew one thing was for sure.

you are my lifeline

lost girl May 2014
I quote people everyday.
I live by the words of a stranger.
I hold onto them like a lifeline.

Their words make me feel like I am not alone.
Like perhaps I can make it another day.


— The End —