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Fiona Campbell Jan 2015
Barefoot, blistered and bleeding
She wanders in from the street
People stare, flabbergasted
Very odd, unheard of in fact

She doesn’t know her size
So like Cinderella, she tries them on
Randomly selecting pretty colours

Silvery, glittery heels
She twirls for the mirror
Sales assistant sighs
Wellingtons for the garden
If she had one!

Satin ice skates
She would glide on the icy pond
Pretty sandals
To feel the sand between her toes

Boring, black brogues
With no pennies in her pocket
She wanders back to the street
Barefoot, blistered and bleeding
RH 78 Jan 2015
Box fresh protectors.
How can 2 items take such a pounding day in day out?
My feet are safe in their leather enclosures.
Bound up like 2 Egyptian mummies.
Nothing Much Jan 2015
I've always had itchy feet
Never can sit still
Or let the soles of my shoes fuse to the ground

I keep my home around my neck
Wear it in a golden heart shaped locket
I misplaced my compass but never lost myself

I crave the ground passing beneath my feet
Beneath wheels and airplane shadows
I measure my age in miles acquired

I've seen the Milky Way from every angle
And swam in every sea
I keep going, going, going
And I never stop to wonder what I'm running from
Wrote this on a train!
Emma Jan 2015
They say a dancer's feet are never pretty
but have they seen how they move on them?
Chrissaves Jan 2015
I don't need to fall at your feet,
I don't need to to meet your every standard.
I've got my own,
I know what I want,
I've shown that and I've own that;
I got my own.
I won't miss your kiss all the time.
I'll be fine,
I love you, but you got to know that I sometimes need me, myself, and I.
Why do you let your big ego get in the way?,
One of these days if you keep it up I won't stay.
Because I got my own.
I'm just fine alone so don't worry about me,
If you can see that then we can be just fine.
I got my own my mind and I want to make my own descions when it has to do with my life.
So don't you dare try to run my life for me.
I got my own,
I got my own,
I got my own,
I got my own.
Reposting new things because I dont write my own work
Nameless Jan 2015
Why do you show,
an interest in me?

I'm dumbfounded!
In a world not of my own,
will our minds work together?

You're in search of someone,
all to square...
Yet you've found me?

My perception of the world
is contorted and skewed.

Your words so sweet!
They bring me to my feet,
As I learn to walk.
Your message rose,
it made me take charge again...
Thank you,
now I'm no longer have writers block^^
The leaves of the last remaining sentries,
Continue their hopeless rebellion,
Buffeted by falling ice and gusts.
Bright green teardrops fight against the dominating grey and white,
A splash of colour lines the sides of the road.

A boy's feet slip, but he remains upright,
Continuing on along the treacherous path.
Where is he going?
He walks with purpose towards that which he knows will **** him,
His face gathers cuts from the winds serrated breath,
His hands start to bleed from every time fell.
But still he continues, unafraid, undeterred,
Certain in his undying thirst to walk,
He gathers pace, filled with strength,
His rebellion now begins to approach,
No question, his choice is foolhardy and pointless,
There is no chance of victory against such an opponent
Yet he fights through the crowds, running in the opposite direction,
And dives head first into his life's end.
But he survives.
Through some miracle of luck or chance,
He reaches the final shore,
Surrounded by green in a grey world,
Crushed but still breathing,
Though bleeding, still strong,
He takes the final step.
AMcQ Dec 2014
It seems so far from here and now,
Both in distance and in kind.
That place I found, through winding ways;
The time when I cared not for time.

When shadows stretched meant day was new
And as they shortened haste was made.
Butterflies played and danced and flew,
Distracting minds in need of shade.

Pain in toes and knees and hips
Dissolved all ailments of the head.
Stories poured from sun kissed lips.
Easing aches in time for bed.

I wandered back to times gone by
To grief, to love; so bittersweet.
I played them out, I laughed, I cried-
To the echoed fall of dusty feet.

In all the things I've so far learned,
Of all the 'me' I've yet to know
I've found that peace and calm is earned
Through open minds, on unknown roads.

And if the names, the talks, the places;
If they try to fade with time
I'll think of all the smiling faces;
Kindest hearts, now kept in mine.
In July of this year, I walked 350km of the Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain. A beautifully moving and life altering experience. This is a little memory of that journey.
Addison René Dec 2014
i just want my eyes to be
eternal waterfalls
that wash your feet
when you've been
lulu Dec 2014
i have hands but i don't see them.*  

i don't see them doing something different.
i don't see them creating magnificent pieces.
i don't see them writing for a greater cause.

all i see
is what they *destroy
i see *the hearts they break
the egos they shatter,
the minds they shake,
and the souls they crush.

i have feet, but it doesn't seem like it.

i don't feel my feet marching for a better world.
i don't feel my feet going to places it should.
i don't feel my feet running from the negativity of this place.

the times i do see them,
they're walking to the pits of fire
they're running in a maze
they're falling to the pavement.
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