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Sarah M Gillihan Dec 2014
I’m sorry world

For delivering a girl

Who is weak and naive

With her mind in a whirl

With her heart in a box

That may never be unlocked

I’m a broken


terrified girl

But what can I say?

As I hold the blade

This is a broken



Poetic T Nov 2014
The caterpillar was of many steps,
The millipede was of many more,
Both were
Did collectively tap dance on the floor,
They thought to have a race
Millipede said,
I have feet that move swift and fast"
"While you have many less"
"This is a Race that'll be over fast"  
The race would start around four,
So the millipede did wait,
And wait,
Waiting some more,
The race was to the top of the tree,
Milli as her friends called her,
Where, when will this race start anew
Then upon a stick,
Milli gave a funny look,
Cats friend said
"She was resting before the race began"
So Mille said to each and those around,
"Wake me when she comes around"
And so the day ended a new one began,
And as it approached four once again,
A yawn heard from inside,
As Milli did run as quick as she could
Ok start the race,
Shouted the frog
The race did begin,
And many feet did move, dust seen as
These many feet did move like the wind,
Cat did wake and stretched out wide
As her wings caught sunlight
Am I late, did it begin,
Was seen with each flap of her wings,
In to the air she did gently glide
As for Milli
She laughed
As she reached the roots of the tree,
"No one is faster on there feet but me"
Cat took her time
High with the wind, her delicate touched
Bark and leaf, crossing the finish line
Upon delicate Feet,
Moments later Mille appeared
Milli confused at what was seen,
"I am Cat its plain to see"
And Milli angrily said
"This isn't fair"
"Cheated am me"
"Never cheated, with feet i crossed"
"Its only because you saw on the outside|"
"Not what was truly me"
And Milli did speak quietly
"I judged you less"
"I judged you weak"
"All because I had more feet"
I will learn this lesson well,
"It is not always what is seen on the outside"
"It is what is on the inside that counts"
You had beauty where i saw none,
But now you stand before me and
"I am sorry"
For the way I treated you,
Can we still be friends
Cat did answer we were always Friends, silly milli,
So milli ran and cat flew off,
lessons now learned on how to treat me and for me to *treat you.
Tuesday Pixie Oct 2014
I lay amid dull breaths
- And loud snores,
Fake it til you make it they say
Mutters – the talk of Morpheus?
They make their way to the heavens
Maybe someone will understand them.

I’m trying to comprehend
Was it a purposeful touch?
Those many slight brushes
I reciprocated, ever so soft
Remembering my lovers face
Hoping this was okay

Things is.
She gave me this freedom.
There she was
Placing it in my arms
And here you are:
That ever so slight hint

I’d like to hold you
To give you love
To give a glimpse of my world
You’ve shown me yours
In many a way;
But you’ve left out soo much

That ever so slight touch

I’ve always had a thing about my feet
From the archives...
The rhythm hits me first,
Off-beat, syncopated, unpredictable,
Yet I find my foot tapping in perfect time,
My body synchronised with an ever-changing pulse.

Then the bass,
Driving, moving forward, eager,
I find my legs moving with it,
My body pulled by a promise of more.

Then the chords,
Dissonant, unresolved, uncertain,
Yet my ears enjoy every one,
My body desperate to understand the logic behind them.

Then the melody,
Haunting, minor, hesitant,
Yet my eyes are drawn to those that sing,
My body overwhelmed with bare emotion.

Then the lyrics,
Hopeful, free, safe,
And I find myself singing along,
To a song I didn't know, but that resonates in my heart.
chris m Dec 2013
I ran after you on the hard concrete
Tired, worn, and calloused bare feet
But nothing could stop me
Not the storm in the sky
Nor the look in your eye
Not today
Today I run until you stop
Until our looks finally lock
Tired, worn, and calloused eyes
Teary and bloodshot
Perhaps you’ll see
Something worthwhile in me
That could somehow keep your feet
Rooted to this gritty concrete
Olivia Frederick Oct 2014
The gentle lines of the coarsest neck
Where the vitals fall in line,
Where breath is held so restlessly,
The first sip of chilly wine.

The shaky fingertips that graze,
Calloused, but seeking gospel
Leaving me covered in the words of
Your author and your novel.

Knobby knees that knock when
Worry scurries through your blood.
That hallow place behind
Where no one thinks to touch.

The portion of your foot that feels
The extremity of the ground.
How fast you're going will always tell
How long you stick around.

(Our souls are where we find them.)
Aditya Shankar Sep 2014
Light fades away slow
And your feet move backwards
Underwater, underwater now
Shh shh shh, bubbles of time
Float by your eyes, glimmering
Black; in the dark every thing drowns
Back back back, you go now
Flow back, rewind to the start
Shh shh shh, it begins now
All interpretations are welcome :)
Hayley Cusick Sep 2014
Life sustains with a flicker,
but lives with a flame.

A noose slips when your feet do,
and a gun fires when there is nothing left
to claim.
Adia Heart Sep 2014
I like my bare feet
right in front of the fan.
It tickles,
the wind;
blowing kisses on my toes.
My toenails are red.
I'd just noticed; I'd forgotten
how I painted them shiny
as I hummed nonsense words.
It's chipping off now,
I'd have to repaint them.
No, I'll stick to red.
Red has many meanings
but I do not care much for them.
Some things are better left simple -
My toenails are just one of those things.
I was wiggling my feet and just felt like writing about them. The wind feels amazing and I really do need to repaint my toenails.
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