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Man Jun 20
Ignorance quashed the feline,
Rashness foiled the canine,
Cowardice cost the equine,
Greed consumes each swine,
Slothfulness traps the bovine,
But me? I'm doin' just fine!
Nigdaw May 2023
if you can look at a cat
but not see a creature
that is both cute
and cunning
a hunter
and a scavenger
loyal yet with a pure sense
of it's own self importance
you're not ready
for people yet
J J Jan 2022
Legs astretched like venomous broomsticks
Fangs drooped lazily like a calm nosferatu,
Those eyes gold as sun on styx, treasures
  that spun flame between his every blink--
Sandpaper tongue dragged over black hair
Nibbling his own wrist momentarily, then
Locking sleepy eyes on you, ascending fleece--
Retractable moonbeams flex teasing attack
   then kneads, falling like a lullaby back into
       uncapturable dreams; purring in the spirit of poe.
Charles Vorpal Aug 2021
Oh hello there, my feline friend
Aren't you a silky black beauty?
I have never seen you around here
What brought you to my grass patch?
I afraid I have nothing but bread;
You dining habit does amuse me
As I watch you slap the piece a bit
And jumping around it before eating.
Taking your pictures, I could not help
But wonder, how you and your furry kin
How are you holding up in this pandemic?
I cannot even imagine your hardship
The things you risk to even survive
Or, perhaps, things were no different?
For a wild specimen such as yourself?
Part of me is jealous of you, envious
And it is not just for your good looks
Or how agile and carefree you appear to be.
No, you are blessed with far more
Despite hounded by stray dogs
You seem to be in satisfactory solitude
And most importantly, you have freedom
Free from the clutches of powerful idiots
We dumb humans have for "leaders"!
Inspired by a beautiful black cat who stopped by outside my residence one evening

A photo of said cat :
Abner Ros Dec 2020
At midnight I'd see a cat
Male or female I do not know
Though they're fluffy —
White as snow.

A pleasant approach with an embracing face
As the creatures eyes glow
Warmer than the ol' Moon up above
And shine so splendidly that I often forget
Both the time and place
In which we met.

How can a nameless feline like you
Make me ponder who I am?
bri Nov 2020
the sky is clear— i go on about my day
as i pass the crystal roads
i saw a feline; astray
i go up to the cat and ask them
“is there anything worth it, my friend?”
hoping for a response, but to no avail
i leave the feline alone and go on about my day
the moon has risen— i prepare to sleep
suddenly i remember the cat on the street
i walk outside and see fireflies
i hear them echo through my ear
looking for the cat, i cannot see but hear
“meow” it calls me, as i walk towards the direction
only could i have noticed i was lost in the dark alley
but the cat i finally found, he was black and round
and then it tells me “there is always something
worth it, even when it’s blurry”
i just wanted to post this :]]
Randy Johnson Sep 2020
It was very sad when your life came to an end.
You weren't just a cat, you were also my friend.
You became my cat after you were born in 2002.
You were good to me and I was good to you.
You were black, white and gray.
I miss you because you passed away.
You made me feel better whenever I got upset.
You were my big buddy and you were a great pet.
You were very pretty and friendly too.
It was a privilege to have owned you.
Brian Yule Aug 2020
The summer stretched out
A stray cat
Sunning itself
In possibilities
One little whisker
two little whiskers
make a wish
One cat fast asleep on the sofa
One cat looking out the window
Cat dreams of tasty friends
Oh Sammy sweet that hummingbird you shall not eat
Run fast little kitties run and dance for joy in the sunshine
Hide under the bushes
Walk on the mailboxes
The neighborhood is your playground
Badass alleycats you are
Respected you shall be
Royalty you are
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