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Pdub Sep 2014
I long for the day we will meet again
On some beach somewhere-
       heaven sent.
Where time is only counted by
       moments spent with you.
And the entrancing summer breeze,
       keeps us anew.
The days and nights will melt to one.
And moments forever linger-
       they'll never be gone
Pdub Sep 2014
i stare at the moon
gallantly hovering amongst the stars
knowing, hoping, wishing
you aren't just as far.

the Moon smiles back
slowly, and all at once.
diminishing my fears--
inside, I blush.

for the stars, like me,
play hide and go seek.
but the Moon always knows
the solemn secrets i keep.
Pdub Jan 2015
I have a frostbitten heart
Piercing chills run through my veins
Nothing left to warm me
Nothing to take back the pain

I have a frostbitten heart
And I have an inkling as to why
The girl you used to know
Has died, all at once, inside.
Pdub Sep 2014
Sorrow is a beautiful emotion.
       From it therein lies heartache, loss,
       and longing.
But what if sorrow did not exist?
       Would we then not know the joys
       of life- and how transcending
       tears can be?
I catch myself uncontrollable at times;
        My emotions making a mess of
        my spirit.
But in times of sorrow I realize-
        How lucky I am to feel it.
Sadness and depression are real, and raw. The healing lies in the feeling, living, and loving. Love as many people and things as you are able.
Pdub Sep 2014
Drink up my words
      that fall from my mouth,
              and into your soul.

Melt my spirit with kisses
       that come from your heart
              and mend what's lost.

Place my heart on a shelf
       that only you can reach
              and only you can keep.

Touch my scars with sweetness
        that diminish my hurt
              and make me whole, once again.

Remember the love from sorrow
        that blossoms and shines
              and makes me realize,
                     how lucky you're mine.
Pdub Sep 2014
Caress my curves;
      speak softly; your lips
touch mine with grace.

Trace the knolls and shallows of flesh.

Speak nothing more,
       nothing less.

Feel my heart, as it beats with yours.
Once a lone soul,
        awakened to yours.
For one of the dearest souls I've met.
Pdub Oct 2014
You crept in my life
Like a sudden gust of wind
Caught in your web
I swore I'd never play in.
You saw my spirit
Through the shadows I cast
But now I'm left to wonder
Will the web you wove last?
Pdub Oct 2014
When the stars align
and the sunshine arrives
at the right place
at the right time
...I am alive.
Pdub Nov 2014
Aged, but not old.
Handsome, but not boyish.
Passionate, but confused with this.

Young, but wise.
Beautiful, but naïve.
Quiet, but not stupid.

Years between us.
Does it matter? Said my brain
Let me speak. Replied my heart

Months together.
No more.
No less.

Time has stopped.
And what do I see?
A happily puzzled face,
Looking back at me.
Welcome to my world.
Pdub Nov 2014
I wish I'd never met you
And opened up my soul
I wish I'd never wasted
My time because it's gold
I wish I'd never known you
Because of how hard it's going to be
I hate that I love you,
I'll never hate you—
Don't you see?
I have a love hate relationship with love
Pdub May 2015
I used to think I would never be the same, that my world and life would be forever in a deficit from our time together. But the truth in life is that the only happiness to be obtained is entirely up to you. I have found that what we shared was love, is love, and will always be love. Not because I want it to be, but because it simply is. We simply are. Just because I have not met someone that has reflected the same love back does not mean I never will again. But I know now that no matter what, I will always have you. You will always be on my side. And I will have no problems or worries in my life knowing our love will keep me alive, while we lead two lives apart. Not by choice, but because not all love is meant to be shared, but rather, realized.
Meditation does wonders to the heart, mind and soul!
Pdub Sep 2014
If there's always a battle,
deep within your heart,
how then do you know;
When it stops? When it starts?
love relationships ******* lovers
Pdub Nov 2014
The rhythm of my heart
Takes me around and around
To places never dreamed
To places profound.

The advice of my mind
Says "never again"
But the truest thing is—
My heart always wins.

The silent tug of war
Tucked under my flesh
I laugh and I smile—
You'd never guess;

That my heart and my mind
Love to play tug of war.
Who's the winner today?
Whoever I fancy more...
If only if only...
Pdub May 2015
You mustn't forget your home little bird (when you fly far, far, from your nest)
For when the wind picks up again
You'll have nowhere called home to rest

Pdub Sep 2014
don't forget about us, my dear.
the silence is too sullen for me to bear.

your stare, in silence, is what we had--
gazing deeply, falling sweetly.

you had the only key that could unlock
what others had sought.

but like time and time again,
Time always wins.

the key is lost,
my betrothed.

in the sea of despair,
...i rather fancy it there.
Pdub Jan 2015
The sky longed for the sun
The ocean longed for the moon
& the stars longed for no one
For they shine on, for you...
Pdub Feb 2015
You confuse me
In the most mysterious ways
You admire me
With the most consistent grace
You break me
With the most passionate lays
You love me
In lieu of your face
Pdub May 2015
I mustn't question the journey
I could never conceive a way
Until the day you entered my life
And all my worries went away
Pdub Mar 2015
Never force a forever
From something meant to be
Pdub Nov 2014
I'm not afraid of love
Or to love.
I'm not afraid of loneliness
Or being alone.
I'm only saddened by my happiness.
For it, it alone,
Is forever fleeting.
Pdub Mar 2015
I hope my whispers to the sky
Make their way to you
By way of love
In our faire of friendship
Touching the crevices of you
Only exposed
When the soul is weak
To remind you, that you and I,
Are not so different
But much more alike
Than the stars in the sky.
May the love we have
Not be troubled by torment
But rather,
Contently drift with the gusts,
To where they may lead.
Pdub Dec 2014
My heart is a sinkhole
You should've never been near
Pdub Nov 2014
The winter breeze is upon us
And I'm chilled to the bone,
You perceive the world as your oyster
A pearl only for your own.

I can only do so much
Without doing a thing
Yet what you need to realize
Is that life isn't always imminent.

What you want my dear,
I undoubtedly cannot provide.
The winter breeze is upon us,
I'm sure glad it made us collide.
People, places, timing. Never let anything stop you from what makes YOU happy.
Pdub Feb 2015
We could be happy
Living, like we did.
You could be cherished
For all, you give.
I could be at peace,
Being, your Queen.
You're the most real
Magic, I've seen.
We could be happy,
But not, like this.
The only thing real now,
Is—this wish.
Pdub May 2017
the leaves are rustling outside of my bedroom window, kissed half with sweet sunlight, and half with death.

the branches, broad, and bows dancing, twinkle the leaves; entrancing.

the roots are deep, steadfast, and true.
unlike the man I thought I knew.
Pdub Jun 2015
There comes a time
When your choice of words
(Is really all you own)
But even more powerful
Than words you choose,
Is the silence
(that chills you)
To the bone.
Pdub Oct 2014
How beautiful it is,
to see you gazing, ardently,
when you think I'm not watching...

— The End —