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2.4k · Jul 2017
a system of unhinged growth
nora Jul 2017
We ogle entertainment to forget reality
We write things down to understand history
We spell things out to maintain our dignity

But is that enough?
Sometimes we must
let go of reality,
relinquish dignity,
overcome history.

This is where the fear kicks in-
What drives you forward if not an oasis?
Who is in control if there is no escape?
Forget what you learned.

Grow by your own accord
Throw your hope off a balcony
And pray your mind will heal

**** your thoughts
and spare your fallacies
Starve your Ignorance
obsess over the unknown.

Accept your demise.
**** your pride.
Be unruly.
wrote this a while ago.
1.7k · Jul 2017
A Place Called Empty
nora Jul 2017
There is a place called empty
a claustrophobic room
Inside it tries to tempt me
my soul it will consume

It preys on broken people
whose hearts facile to break
their bones were made feeble
their brains made opaque

There's a depth beyond this place
it's relatively hard to find
your world you must embrace
for you to free your mind.
felt like rhyming
1.2k · Jul 2017
nora Jul 2017
they tell you it's a weakness to cry
advise you to keep your hurt inside
you foolishly believe their earnest claims
and fold in on yourself in vain
I've just been feeling some things :)
681 · Jun 2018
don't look up
nora Jun 2018
you don't know me,
but we've met before, countless
times I've sworn to see the light
behind those cold dark brown eyes
the most beautiful work of art
I can feel it, every time you ache
and try to hide it with a smile

somewhere beneath your facade,
lies your trepid, aching heart
I'm not trying to reach out
afraid to break you further

I'm afraid you won't like
my eyes to fall for you,
and please don't look up
for I am staring back at you.
wrote this angsty ******* a while ago
665 · Jul 2017
hope within
nora Jul 2017
Confidence is something we're allegedly taught
but somehow all of my teachings were naught

you see, I glazed over the part about self-compassion
the rest of my life spent in similar fashion

I try to re-learn all that my mind misconstrued
the hope I harbor within, I can't exclude

all I need is a bout of trust, courage, and medication
my aim is a newfound liberation
I just want to feel good, you know? I'm barely sticking my toe in this whole rhyming thing. Tell me what you think (I know it's choppy) anyway.
561 · Jul 2017
Wordy Goodbye
nora Jul 2017
You want me to know
It's okay to show
I'm hurting

But sometimes it can feel like
everything in my whole life
is broken

You try to fix me up
but sometimes loving isn't enough
and I'm sorry

I'd surrender, if you wanted to know
I can't stop you when you go

You'll be better off without me.
There's nothing worse than a lost-cause. I feel like this a lot when people leave me, and I know It's my fault, because I won't allow them to help me and it turns into a hopeless battle. I can't be helped if I don't want it, so I just let people go.
532 · Jul 2017
daily coffee intake
nora Jul 2017
I go about my mornings
covered in the fog of my paranoia
drenched in the rain of my worries
enveloped in the snow of my bitter cold thoughts.
(strained by the sun
aching for the moon)
Contemplating staying put and doing nothing at all
(That sounds good to me)
I pick up my morning coffee
(Old habits don't die without a fight, I’ve grown to know)
I’m fine for a few hours
The fog slowly dissipates
The putrid smell of rain still lingers on my skin
The snow melting into a warm dampness in my mind
(an uncomfortably familiar feeling)
sticking to the hard to reach surfaces.
My day drudges forward, with ease.
(not for long)
By noon time the fog circles back
I’m instantly freezing.
The sun is playing tricks on me
telling my body I’m in imminent danger.
She hides away beyond the fog, like a coward
taking no prisoners.
silently applauding herself for she, again, successfully,
burns me.
By mid-day she's on a rampage
forcing me back into the storm,
I’m drowned out by the rain
(I fear him most of all)
(he reminds me of nothing but my deepest fears)
They capture me and hold me tight.
I’m stuck.
By evening time
I try to level with her.
I’m choking on the thick fog. It’s taking over.
I’m shaking now.
(I can’t breath, I’m going to die)
I start to calm down, with no warning.
All of a sudden, the air enters my lungs again.
The sun, still kind, in her light, asks for forgiveness.
I grant her none.
The moon suddenly rears her beautiful head.
“Darling” she caresses my cheeks.
I instantly ease into the touch.
Able to breath, with the sun out of sight,
I take myself in.
I’m broken, tormented, tired, lost, but alive.
(by night fall I am at ease with my inconsolable world.)
I decide to sleep it off.
487 · Aug 2017
nora Aug 2017
Nobody sees it here, but
falling apart at it's made-up seams,
bringing life to an orifice
sits my heart, breaking from within,
tearing to shreds as
I go on about my day

It nauseates me, your happiness
I want to release my insides from their
hiding place, whenever I think of you
loving you makes me sick
what used to give my heart
warmth, now brings it nothing but
ice, releasing a cold frigid sensation,
numbing the world around me.

Your world keeps on turning,
as mine was frozen in your storm
the snow enveloping me
in a pit of empty glee
my patience is wearing thin, of
how I've grown too accustomed
to your form of love.
toxic relationships will be the death of me.
474 · Jul 2017
nora Jul 2017
I feel my memory slipping away
In and out
A phantom in my mind
Misinterpreted by my paranoia
Engulfed in my clouds of depression
Exaggerated by my anxiety
Repressed by the constant fear of never remembering anything
While making new memories each day
Knowing I may not remember it by next month
or next week
or tomorrow
But I make them anyway

I'm cognizant of my ability to be here
In a certain place and time. For a specific reason.
I'm aware it is happening, while I know it also may fade.
I reason with myself with what I need to try my hardest to remember or not.
They all seem dull in hindsight, with a few bright lights here and there.
It will get worse with time and medication.
I can't do much else but try. And write. And re-read the memories I either remember or forgot having in whatever mindset I was in at the time.
Euphoric, depressed, aware, irrational, whatever.
Needs more editing and it is choppy but it's my first on here so here goes nothing.
434 · Jul 2017
unanswered questions
nora Jul 2017
They still want me to smile after everything I do
but all I hope is that the end will add up to;
something they could be proud of
something they can see and hold and love

But if all I care about is their pride
and it devours, and eats me up inside
am I really happy?
why am I not good enough for me?
I can't seem to find the answer to this one.
I just want my family to be proud of me. If I am proud of myself of not, it doesn't seem to matter to me.
357 · Jul 2017
nora Jul 2017
I have these issues
I can't begin to explain
I try to fight them, but always lose
all the loss and heartache, burning a hole in my brain

I walk into the darkness
each step is a painful memory
no light bright enough to spark this
so each day I try to enter a new and exciting reverie

But to my hopeful eyes
I am blindly surprised that the hurt goes on
working beyond the fixtures of my medicated pain
winning the battle between me and my vengeful brain.
I have these issues

— The End —